sport evolution business plan

Business Plan Presented by: Natalie Banach Shanica Sampton

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Post on 14-Jan-2015




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A business plan I created for a class presentation


  • 1. Business Plan Presented by:Natalie BanachShanica Sampton

2. Executive Summary Qs & As MissionStatement Financial Marketing DescriptionDocumentations Sales & MarketingDevelopment &PlanProductionManagement & Organization Structure 3. Lake County, IllinoisCook County, IllinoisDuPage County, IllinoisKane County, IllinoisMcHenry County, IllinoisDeKalb County, IllinoisRacine County, WisconsinKenosha County, WisconsinWalworth County, WisconsinMilwaukee County, WisconsinWaukesha County, Wisconsin50.2% 24.9% Of total Of these females arepopulation are female under the age of 18 (State and County Quick Facts, 2009) 4. Percentage of Household Incomes Over $75,000Lake County, Illinois52.20%Cook County, Illinois34.20%McHenry County, Illinois 43.90%Kane County, Illinois29.70%DeKalb County, Illinois33.40%Dupage County, Illinois51.60%Kenosha County, Wisconsin24.10%Racine County, Wisconsin 30.00%Milwaukee County, Wisconsin17.40%Waukesha County, Wisconsin 38.70%Walworth County, Wisconsin 21.60% 5. ValuesAttitudes LifestylesPersonalitiesSmall communities vs. large cities: the abovecharacteristics vary just as much as population size. 6. Sport and recreation market YMCA Community Recreation New Vision Athletics 7. Sport Evolution Academy will have a positive economic impact.EmploymentRenting localpositionsfacilitycreatedSupplies andBrings equipmentadditional purchased traffic to from localLibertyville,vendors thereforeadditionaldollars 8. 24.9% of females in Population target age Household income 52.2% in Lake County; 34.25 % Ave. Industry GROWING! Sport and Recreation programs/businesses No offerings like Sport Evolution Academy 9. For the first three years of operation, the followingcompanies have committed to sponsorship dealswith Sport Evolution Academy: 10. As a subsidiary of the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), SportEvolution Academy also receives financial support from AAUsponsors to include: Eastbay McDavid Tachikara Florida Funwear Inc. ESPN Champion People to People MTM Motel 6 WNBA Rawlings Lead America Crazy About Fundraising 11. Income2012 2013 2014Sponsorships$50,000$50,000$50,000Donations $10,000$10,000$10,000Sales Income $333,800 $403,580 $505,930 12. Expense Sheet 2012 2013 2014Rent$24,000$24,000$24,000InsuranceRenter $1,600 $1,600 $1,600Liability$2,000 $2,000 $2,000UtilitiesWater$1,560 $1,560 $1,560Electricity$9,600 $9,600 $9,600Garbage$1,200 $1,200 $1,200SalariesDirector$50,000$51,000$52,500Office Manager$25,000$25,500$26,000Facility Manager$25,000$25,500$26,000Instructors and Trainers$54,000$67,500$84,375Program Leaders $84,000$86,000$88,000Equipment$2,705 $750 $750Marketing$3,000 $3,000 $3,000Supplies $3,600 $3,600 $3,600Total Expenses $287,265 $302,810 $324,185 13. Facility ManagerAAU Board of Directors Program Leaders Trainers Governors Office Manager Volunteers 14. Director The Program Director has overall accountabilityfor the growth, quality and success of theacademy operation, its staff and members.Office Manager The Office Manager is responsible for organizingand coordinating office operations andprocedures in order to ensure organizationaleffectiveness and efficiency.Facility Manager The Facility Manager is responsible for coveringthe broad areas of marketing the facility,managing staff and dealing with the technicalaspects of fitness provision and health and safety.Program Leaders The Program Leaders oversee all sportTrainersprograms; coordinating sports clinics and The Trainers instruct and work with themembers participation.athletes to prepare them for competition.They are responsible for helping athletes toplay their best individually or as a teammember in their sport(s) of interest. 15. Females, ages 12 to 18TheReside within a 65 have an young women to 75interest in further developing mile radius of SporttheirEvolutionability and skills inathletic Academya specific sport. The Users Parents/guardians typically have professional/white collar occupations with household income of $75,000 or greater Parents/guardians understandthe dedication required and arewilling and able to make theThe Buyersfinancial commitment. 16. Referrals AAU coachesMaintain high level of Non-AAU Coaches activity on social Participating networksmembers/families 17. Our message: Young women CAN meet their physical and athleticgoals through training completed with the Sport Evolution Academy. Core branding elements: logoSport Evolution AcademyShape. Score. Succeed. tagline organization colors images of program in action Shape. Score. Succeed. 18. Tactics to be used: 1. Webpage 2. Social Media 19. 3. Brochures, fliers and posters4. Commercial 20. Sales ForecastYear One Year TwoYear ThreeUnit SalesJoining Fee66 1721One-on-One Training30 3848Small Group Training 36 4556Annual Membership Feen/a6683Unit PricesJoining Fee $400 $400 $400One-on-One Training (annual total)$5,760 $5,760 $5,760Small Group Training (annual total) $3,600 $3,600 $3,600Annual Membership Feen/a $150 $150SalesJoining Fee$26,400 $6,800 $8,400One-on-One Training (annual total)$172,800 $218,880 $276,480Small Group Training (annual total) $129,600 $162,000 $201,600Annual Membership Feen/a $9,900$12,450Merchandise $5,000 $6,000 $7,000Total Sales $333,800 $403,580 $505,930 21. Sport Evolution Budgeted Income StatementFor the Year Ended December 31, 2012Sales $ 328,800.00Cost of goods sold$0-Gross margin$ 328,800.00Selling andadministrative expenses $ (307,968.00)Net operating Income$20,832.00Interest expense$0-Net Income$20,832.00 22. Sport EvolutionSales Budget For the Year Ended December 31, 2012QuarterJoining Fees 1st2nd3rd 4th YearBudgeted Sales in unit12 1520 1966Selling price per unit $400.00 $ 400.00$ 400.00$400.00 $ 400.00Total sales$4,800.00 $ 6,000.00$ 8,000.00$7,600.00 $26,400.00 One-on-one trainingBudgeted Sales in unit45 91230Selling price per unit $5,760.00 $ 5,760.00$ 5,760.00$5,760.00 $ 5,760.00Total sales$ 23,040.00 $28,800.00$ 51,840.00 $ 69,120.00 $ 172,800.00 Small Group TrainingBudgeted Sales in unit71199 36Selling price per unit $3,600.00 $ 3,600.00$ 3,600.00$3,600.00 $ 3,600.00Total sales$ 25,200.00 $39,600.00$ 32,400.00 $ 32,400.00 $ 129,600.00Merchandise sales$1,250.00 $ 1,250.00$ 1,250.00$1,250.00 $ 5,000.00Percentage of sales collected in the period ofthe sale100%Percentage of sales collected in the periodafter the sale0% Schedule of Expected Cash CollectionsAccount Receivable,beginning balance$ -First Quarter sales$ 54,290.00 $54,290.00Second-quarter sales $75,650.00$75,650.00Third-quarter sales$ 93,490.00 $93,490.00Fourth-quarter sales $ - $-$ - $ 110,370.00$ 110,370.00Total cash collections $ 54,290.00 $75,650.00$ 93,490.00 $ 110,370.00$ 333,800.00 23. Sport Evolution Selling and Administrative Expense Budget For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 Quarter 1st 2nd 3rd 4th YearBudgeted sales inunits 23313840 132Variable Sellingand administrativeexpense Coaches andtrainers salaries$ 12,802.00 $ 12,802.00 $ 12,802.00 $ 12,802.00 $ 51,208.00Fixed selling andadministractiveexpensesAdvertising$4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $16,000.00Executive salaries $ 46,000.00 $ 46,000.00 $ 46,000.00 $ 46,000.00 $ 184,000.00Insurance$3,600.00 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 $14,400.00Rent $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $30,000.00Utilities$3,090.00 $3,090.00 $3,090.00 $3,090.00 $12,360.00Total selling andadministrativeexpenses $ 76,992.00 $ 76,992.00 $ 76,992.00 $ 76,992.00 $ 307,968.00Cashdisbursements forselling and adm.Expenses $ 76,992.00 $ 76,992.00 $ 76,992.00 $ 76,992.00 $ 307,968.00 24. Sport Evolution Cash Budget For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 Quarter 1st2nd3rd4thYearCash balance,beginning$ - $ 19,540.00$ 72,425.00$ 148,890.00Sponsorship$ 12,500.00 $ 12,500.00$ 12,500.00$ 12,500.00$ 50,000.00Donations$ 2,500.00$ 2,500.00 $2,500.00$ 2,500.00 $ 10,000.00Add receipts: Collections fromcustomers$ 53,040.00 $ 80,160.00$ 103,760.00 $ 91,840.00$ 328,800.00Total cash available $ 68,040.00 $ 114,700.00 $ 191,185.00 $ 255,730.00 $ 629,655.00Less Disbursements: Selling andadministrative $ 76,992.00 $ 76,992.00$ 76,992.00$ 76,992.00$ 307,968.00 Equipmentpurchases$ 6,205.00$ -$ -$ -$ 6,205.00 Dividends $-$ -$ -$- $-Total dibursements $ 83,197.00 $ 76,992.00$ 76,992.00$ 76,992.00$ 314,173.00Excess (deficiency) ofcash available overdisbursements$ (15,157.00) $ 37,708.00$ 114,193.00 $ 178,738.00 $ 315,482.00Financing:$-Borrowings (at thebeginning of qrts.)$ - $ -$- $ -$ - Repayments (at endof year) $-$ -$- $- $- Interest$-$ -$- $- $-Total financing$-$ -$- $- $-Cash balance, ending $ (15,157.00) $ 37,708.00$ 114,193.00 $ 178,738.00 $ 315,482.00 25. Reference List AAU, l. o. (n.d.). Sponsors .The Real AAU > Home . Retrieved September 13, 2011,from, D. (2005). Squeezing Fitness Facilities into Small Markets. CBS BusinessNetwork. Retrieved August 26, 2011, from is_3_40/ai_n13787654/Census Bureau. Retrieved July 9, 2011, from, B. (2011). International Youth Conditioning Association. Retrieved July 9,2011, from, L. (2011). Good Sports: Helping Young Athletes Keep Fun in the Game.Disney Family. Retrieved July 9, 2011, from and County Quick Facts. (2009). U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved August 23,2011, from Sports Performance. (n.d.). Retrieved July 9, 2011, fromhttp://