
Actor : Niko Alvian as Niko and tuyul M. Aly F as Aly and tuyul Virna Irda P as Virna and waiters Hanifah Puspita as mrs Hanifah Vivi Yuliana as vivi and Hanifah’s daughter Septya as septya and tuyul Scene 1 On the afternoon in the restaurant, 1 man and 2 woman Vivi :”How if you are ready to call Aly for coming, I’m afraid if he has another promise. You know he is a human resort development on his office. Sure he will be so busy. Niko :”I think that is a good idea. Hallo Aly, can you meet us in the restaurant ? I’m sorry if I haven’t call you. But I hope your participation is now. because our friends have come”. Aly :”Okey okey, no problem. I'll come there soon. wait for me.” (come Hanifah and Aly) Hanifah:”Hello guys, sorry we were late.” Septya :”No no, no problem just sit hanifa. Lets start our reunion guys (clap hand)”

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Actor :

Niko Alvian as Niko and tuyul M. Aly F as Aly and tuyul Virna Irda P as Virna and waiters Hanifah Puspita as mrs Hanifah Vivi Yuliana as vivi and Hanifah’s daughter Septya as septya and tuyul

Scene 1

On the afternoon in the restaurant, 1 man and 2 woman

Vivi :”How if you are ready to call Aly for coming, I’m afraid if he has another promise. You

know he is a human resort development on his office. Sure he will be so busy.

Niko :”I think that is a good idea. Hallo Aly, can you meet us in the restaurant ? I’m sorry if I

haven’t call you. But I hope your participation is now. because our friends have come”.

Aly :”Okey okey, no problem. I'll come there soon. wait for me.”

(come Hanifah and Aly)

Hanifah:”Hello guys, sorry we were late.”

Septya :”No no, no problem just sit hanifa. Lets start our reunion guys (clap hand)”

Niko :”Alhamdulillah we are fine. You succeed with your goals. Look at Hanifah

,she has bought luxury cars.

Hanifah:”Just an ordinary car, from birthday gifts.

Aly :“Now you are successful one.

Niko :”Hi how are you Aly ? I heard you are success in your carrier. Can you tell us about

that ?

Aly :”I just simple effort, and I have never given up to achieve our dream. Be a success


Niko :” You are more successful than before. Do you remember when we were young? Do you

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have unforgetable memories ?

Septya :”I rode a buffalo with my grandmother

Vivi :”Hey I've played in a river with my friends, but instead I fell”

Hanifah:”Hahaha, I used to be late to school. Every day I met the security guard, maybe he fell

in love with me, because he used to see me every morning”

Niko :”How about you Aly ? tell us you’re best moment when you was young ?”

Aly :”I never young …… “ (innocent)

Look at this !!!”

All :”Hahaha “

Septya :”Don’t be sad Aly. Lets order some food. Waiters ,come!

(Waiters come)

Waiters:”May I help you mam ?”

Septya :”I want a cupcake ,dlll

Waiters:”Ok wait for a moment

(after he came back)

Septya :“MY FOOT!!!!


Septya :“My foot, my foot, my foot!!!

Waiters:“Yes this is your food maaaam

Septya :“No my foot ……

Waiters:“Yes there is Chees cake, banana cake, cup cake, and pan cake in this restaurant.

Septya :“Huuuuhuuuu” (crying)

Vivi :“What wrong septya?”

Septya :”Not that foot, but the foot down here, look huuuhuuuhuu (crying)

(all laughing)

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Scene 2

During the day in front of the Playgroup , there was a woman who picked up her daughter. She sat pensive lament her fate. She was so tears and sad with her life which so underprivileged. Moreover the school expenses of her child. Suddenly Mrs. Virna came with the glamour fashion.

Ibu Hanifah : “ One child is so difficult to finance her life , how if I have many children ? How unfortune this is my fate, how about the future of my child ?

Ibu Virna : “ Excuse me Mrs, why your face looks so sad ? Do you have a problem ?

Ibu Hanifah : “ I so confused with my economic situation in my family which so poor , moreover with the school expenses of my child which is so expensive”.

Mrs. Virna : “ Oh , How many children do you have Mrs ?

Mrs. Hanifah: “ I only have one child, but I feel , I can’t fund my child”.

Mrs. Virna : “ Be patient Mrs. Hanifah, you must continue your life with best effort and happiness. You know me ? I have three children but Ido not feel poor”.

Mrs. Hanifah: “ Wow it’s amazing, may I know the way to be same with you ?”.

Mrs. Virna : “ This is the way, listen to me, you must have many children, because you know the proverb like that “ Many children, much money””.

Mrs. Hanifah: “ What Mrs , many children, one child is so heavy for me , no no no mrs”.

Mrs. Virna : “ But not just any childern, you must choose the quality and benefit children”.

Suddenly the bell was ringing. Vivi the daughter of Mrs. Hanifah met her Mother who were still waiting for her in front of the school gate.

Vivi : “ ( Craying ) Mom mom mom, my money lost, my book is too. All of the thing which I have lost huhuhuh”.

Mrs. Hanifah: “ Why my daughter, don’t be cry, tell me !

Vivi : “ When I bought some snack in the canteen suddenly my money on my pocket lost, and then when I was doing my task my pencil lost and now when I wanna back home my shoes only one.

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Mrs. Hanifah: “ Oh my God it is so heavy my suffering, Mrs. Virna I wanna have children like your children, may I meet your children ?”.

Mrs. Virna : “ Ok, never mind, wait a minute Mrs, I will call them”.

My Children come in ……

Aly : “Mom I get much money . . . . .

Niko : “Me too mom, I get a shoes . . . . .

Aly : “I get a bag and wallet . . . .

Septy : “It is the money for you mom “.

Aly : “Are you happy mom, we love you mom “.

Mrs.Virna : “ Thank you my honey . . .

Vivi : “(Cry) Mom mom this is my shoes . . . this my shoes

Mrs. Hanifah : Mrs Virna your child is tuyul oh no . . . .

Vivi lets go on leave them . . . .