spontaneous sims--chapter two

Spontaneous Sims Chapter Two An Officially Wacky BoolProp Challenge by clarinetplayer15

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Spontaneous SimsOWBCChapter Two


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Spontaneous SimsChapter Two

An Officially Wacky BoolProp Challenge by clarinetplayer15

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Welcome back! Thanks for attending. I wasn’t intending to have an update this fast, but I have a beast of a cold and I black out when I stand up so it gives me an excuse to sit and play Sims for a good number of hours.

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This update starts at my brand-spanking-new simself’s house, since I finally got around to making her. She’s a pretty good representation of myself, besides the blue hair. I’ll dye it someday.

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The welcome wagon was a great opportunity for me to meet my challenge founders, including Janna. But this strapping guy is founder of my newly-started Differences in the Family Tree challenge. I hope to get that out sometime in the next month. I hope he doesn’t hate me too much for the crap shack he’s living in right now.

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“Listen, you can’t tell Carl you and G are staring the OWBC with an actual house.”

Like I said, I did meet Janna.

Now for, the actual updating of this update….

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I moved Delano and Stella into an apartment just like the rules said….

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And I didn’t waste any time in getting them married.

Janna, you are dang lucky we aren’t on the main lot, otherwise I’d be resisting the urge to Death-of-Flies you.

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Let me tell you, having a wedding in an apartment is not much fun. Everyone stands in the same room and tries to interact with each other around the chairs and other objects.

Approach with caution.

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Then Janna somehow got struck by lightning through the roof.I… I really don’t know. I swear, my game knows this is an OWBC.

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The happy couple didn’t waste any time starting on bringing in the first generation. I do need someone to carry on this line as well as the main.

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Father-rubbing-Mother’s-tummy-shot we’ve all seen a million times but feel I obligated to show anyways….

Wait, are those Pokémon on Stella’s pajamas? That’d be awesome.

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“Will Stella like the black, or green shirt more?”

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Baby time! (And finally, something to take a picture of…. Childless couples can be boring.)

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It’s a boy! Unfortunately, I seem to have forgotten his name at this point in time. It obviously isn’t something very exciting, otherwise I’d remember it…. Yeah, I’ll get back to you on that.

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This little guy looks a lot like his dad.

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Over at the main lot, Janna’s still fried.

I suppose this counts as “wacky”….

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So, this isn’t so much as a crap shack as it could be. And there’s the telescope for G to start using ASAP to get us a little green nooboo. The gnome and nine flamingoes are on the lawn as well, just not in the shot.

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After a shower, Janna activates the Servo. That’s why there were nine flamingoes, see?

This is Nuts, because for some reason, this was the only name I could think of for him.

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I didn’t waste any time getting these two married as well.

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People were a bit more successful at finding their seats at this ceremony.

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Aww, married at last. The way college went, I’m just glad they made it this far!

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And the slap dancing ceremony commences. I see you’re learning it, Nuts. That’s good, it’s all the rage around here. The PlantSim in the pink dress is Janna’s spore sister Lily. I mention her because her daughter, Ann, will be going to college with Janna and G’s kids.Oh, and Stella’s pregnant here because she hadn’t had the baby at this point in the sim world.

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The Grilled Cheese was served up all-so-willingly by Janna. *+2,500*

The party ended as a Roof Raiser thanks to the mad slap dancing party outside.

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Generation one, take one.

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Lullaby first try. G gets even more awesome with each passing day.

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“Wow, baby question mark already?”

Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can, G. It’ll never be this way again.

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I know you guys just want to see another one.

Also, I love the rubber duckies on Janna’s PJs.

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Albino (I’m so good a naming, let me tell you) traveled from college in Janna’s inventory. She’s still as obsessed with him as ever. I’ll try not to take too many pictures of it.

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G began stargazing immediately the next night. You know, aliens, I’m totally okay with two pregnant sims at the same time….

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You might want to change your opinion pretty quickly, Nuts.

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It’s a girl! Following with the spontaneity of this challenge, I’ll be naming the kids off the top of my head with any name or anything.Also following the BoolProp Naming Scheme, this little girl is named Boomerang.

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Boom is also going to be the Bad Apple this generation. She’s the one I’m not allowed to click on at all until college, and even then I can’t look at her panel. Then she’s only allowed eight commands a day.

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“I feel funny.”

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*pop*I forgot to mention that Janna and G started on the next baby straight away, but I think it’s obvious now. It was another lullaby first try. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they’re using the combustible bed from college.

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Then again, maybe it’s just G.

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Now here’s something you don’t see everyday. The pregnant mother in her underwear cheering on her husband who is aging up their baby in his boxers. The wants these two roll, I swear….

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Thankfully, Boomerang is too young to be scarred by this.

Boom appears to have inherited most of her features from her dad. What a cutie. :)

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Haha, very funny, Janna.

*cancels “eat” interaction*

*sends Nuts to clean up cake*

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I have no idea what Boom’s stats are, since I can’t click on her, but I do know she’s dang cute!

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*sigh* Great. The mail box glitched and now no one can pay the bills. Hello, Repo Man. I hope no one has a fear of it.

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Even being unable to view her needs, Boomerang is not proving to be much of a problem.

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She even keeps herself entertained. G taught her a nursery rhyme and she sings it to herself all the time.

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Here comes baby number two. G, you’re being a great help, I can tell.

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In the middle of the birth, the Repo Man waltzed in and started zapping the bed in the kid’s room….

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Or not. I guess he took the light instead.

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It was around here that I realized that in all the excitement, I didn’t snag a picture of the new baby….

(Oh, and Janna’s expecting the last baby now. I think that’s why I originally took this picture.)

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Here she is! Another girl. This one is named Orchid.

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Oh, no, Boom, don’t---

NUTS! You’re supposed to be keeping this house clean!

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A few more days roll around and Janna’s showing and we have a double birthday for the girls.

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Um, nice pink tux, Orchid. Eh, she’ll be in pajamas the next three days anyways. Orchid looks like she got most of her mom’s facial features, minus the hair color. Orchid is an Aquarius—1/5/5/7/9

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Then it was Boom’s turn to shine (literally, it appears).

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As adorable as before. Her chosen PJs make me hopeful that there’s an abduction in the works for her dad.

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As crazy as the “It’s Raining/Snowing/Hailing!” interactions drive me, they do give chance for some cool pictures.

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The next thing Boom did was climb into bed next to her mother. She must’ve been exhausted.

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Nuts: One, I didn’t realize there was ABSOLUTELY NO SPACE to go around him. Two, try going around the front of the telescope, then.

I had to manually move him myself in the end.

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He looks rather cold, doesn’t he, aliens? Why don’t you take him up in your nice, warm space ship?

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The first thing Boom does in the morning is give her mom a hug. I’m guessing she has a good amount of nice points.

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I appreciate you picking something that won’t break the Beyond Cheesy bonus for me, Boom, but I don’t want you to get used to taking snacks from the fridge.

*sends Nuts to “friendly hug” Boom*

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Much better. And I’m glad you like grilled cheese so much.

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Here’s a closer shot of this generation’s Bad Apple. It appears the only thing she got from her mom is her eye color.

Oh, and ignore the floating candle flame. It’s from the cake last night.

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I’m not sure what’s wrong with Orchid. G was making her Smart Milk and she started crying. The only thing in her queue is a picture of herself that says “cry”. Maybe it’s because her aspiration is low right now because she hasn’t learned a toddler skill yet.

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Boom’s favorite thing to do is play with the Modlar Synth. She’s spamming creativity, so that probably means she’s playful.

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Aww! Boom isn’t much of a Bad Apple. She interacts with her little sister all the time.

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*Gesture…/Chest Pound*

You are your father’s daughter.

G’s blue because he was out stargazing in the cold all night again. The aliens still haven’t felt the need to take him for a ride.

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It never fails—the first day of school and it’s a Snow Day.

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Since she was up so early this morning, Boom crawled into bed around nine AM. I’m going to have to wake her up in a few hours if I want her on a sleeping schedule that’s anything near normal.

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That night, while painting grilled cheese, Janna goes into labor for the last time….

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Twins! They’re both boys. The one on the floor is named October, after the tenth month.The one Janna’s holding is Ohme, because whenever I thought of something that started with “O” the first thing that came to mind was “Oh my.” I changed it to “me” to make it a little more masculine.

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Wow. Subtle way to steal Grilled.

(This gnome is Grilled, and the gnome for college will be named Cheese.)

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Orchid grew up later that night. Good, now someone can do Boom’s homework for her.

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G left the festivities early to go steal back Grilled. Go ahead, I’m sure your daughter will understand. Just come back ASAP so you can start stargazing again.

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The next evening and it’s time for the twins to sparkle up.

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On the left is Ohme. Both twins have a good mix of their parents, and he got Janna’s chubby cheeks. He was also the only one to get G’s light blue eyes. Ohme is a Virgo—10/3/5/7/6On the right is October. He looks mostly like his mom with his dad’s full lips. He’s an Aries—6/9/8/7/5

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Boom’s other favorite thing to do besides play the synth is to practice on the ballet barre. I just have to make sure someone interacts with her every so often so she’ll take care of herself.

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I thought that having a Servo would be a lot of help, but frankly, Nuts is driving me up the wall….

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So he’s moving to the Sim Bin for now. I’ll bring him back if I decide I need him. Plus, now there’s two extra spots for a green nooboo.

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Okay, am I the only one who thinks October looks like a greek or roman god?

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That stupid “It’s Raining!” interaction just woke Boom up at 3 AM. And she was on a somewhat normal schedule. *growls*

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Logic---maxed. Look at that, aliens, a nice, smart incubator for you to use. It’s alright with me, I promise.

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Wow, good job, Boom! Good thing, too, I was worried about her growing up well. I haven’t seen very many aspiration points flying for her.

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Unfortunately, this means I was distracted from having Orchid say good-bye to any kids that walked off the bus with them, and Tessa here stole Grilled.

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But I shouldn’t have worried. My sims are pretty prompt gnome-stealer-backers.

(And there’s G in the background, still stargazing.)

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Really, it’s perfectly fine with me if you impregnate G, I promise.

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Apologies for the walls-down picture. I was too distracted by Marsha Brueing wandering into the house to watch the birthdays. What kid goes for a stroll after dark?

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Ohme went next. He seems like the more excitable of the two.

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Want: Make a Friend—fulfilled. Twins can be very easy to manage at times.

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“I do so like grilled cheese sandwiches!”

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BJ the Headmaster came over the next day now that the kids are all old enough for private school. I was surprised when we got full food points for the grilled cheese. Seems like BJ is our kind of man!

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The kids got in easy. After the Headmaster left, Boomerang decided to do the sparkle-spin….

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Boom rolled Family. She takes after her mother in the Womrat obsession, and in that she’s gorgeous!

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I wasn’t able to snap a picture when it happened a few days ago, but Boom maxed creativity before she turned teen. Bad Apple? Not really.

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Oh, and she’s an underwear sleeper. I’m guessing this means she’s outgoing, although I haven’t seen any finger-guns.

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I still stick by my guess that she’s nice. She tucks her siblings into bed every night. <3 She’s more like a Sweet Apple.

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The Chest Pound interaction still reigns strong in the house.

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October made friends with this townie with little effort. They’d have adorable babies if they bred….

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“C’mon, Dad, why’d you and mom have to give me a brother?”

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I think that was because Boom was going to sleep in the double bed but Ohme was in it and she was disgusted at the thought of sleeping next to him.

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Since no one else is up (besides G, who’s stargazing), I was following Boom around the house. She didn’t flush the toilet, so she probably doesn’t have many neat points.

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“Of course I like grilled cheese, Mom—it’s pretty much the best thing in the world!”

Boom, I love you. <3

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“Tickle? Dance Together? Swing Around? Red Hands?”

G just stood there and watched Orchid bounce on her bed all morning. His head was following her every movement. It was amusing to watch.

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It was Orchid’s growing-up day, so I guess she was getting in some last bed-bouncing while she could.

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Cute outfit, but not really her style.

Orchid rolled Popularity.

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Aha! I knew she didn’t have many neat points.

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Alright, I’m weak! I had to bring out the Orb! G and Janna are only a few days away from non-fertility, and I really need the alien baby. I could use elixir, but I don’t want to throw off their ages.

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Abduction ahoy! Finally!

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Of course, now the whole family is up for the day. *rolls eyes*

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It looks like Janna is the only one actually phased by the fact that G was abducted. And Boom, why are you laughing?!

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Lullaby! Hooray, alien nooboo!

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October may be adorable, but he doesn’t act very nice to his sisters. He rejects almost everything they try to do with him!

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Good thing a pop-up telling me Boom had earned a cooking skill point brought me over here. I forgot she could cook now!

*sends Janna to “friendly hug”*

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Oh, ha ha, G.

*cancels interaction*

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There you go, Boom, isn’t that much better than a baloney sandwich?

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And with Orchid’s nine-nice-points animations, I’ll leave you.

Next time: G’s alien spawn, cousins, and the twin’s teen birthday.

Thanks for reading!

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“You know, I don’t understand you sims’ obsession with the chest pound interaction.”

Hope to see you next time! :)