sponsor pledge sheet


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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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DSPAM DSP Awards Sponsorship Pledge Sheet


Page 1: Sponsor Pledge Sheet

FRIENDS LEVEL $100 to $499 Contribution Your organization will be listed as a Sponsor for the event in:

2011 Fall Edition of the Direct Support Professional Association of Minnesota Newsletter: I am


Free marketing! We will create a customized sign with your name/logo to be on display

during the event.

In addition, you will receive:

10 Memberships to DSPAM ($200 value!).

EMERALD LEVEL $500 to $999 Contribution

Your organization will receive all benefits of the FRIENDS LEVEL.

You will also be listed as a Sponsor for the event in:

Future event marketing letterhead.

Future membership brochure.

The DSPAM website.

In addition, you will receive:

20 DSPAM memberships ($400 value!).

Receive a 25% discount on registration fees for DSPAM-sponsored training events,

conferences or provider fairs.

SAPPHIRE LEVEL $1,000 to $1,999 Contribution

Your organization will receive all benefits of the EMERALD LEVEL.

In addition you will receive:

Featured Provider Link on DSPAMs website.

Your name in Large Bold Print on future event marketing letterhead.

One free training (i.e. Leadership, Code of Ethics) by DSPAM.

50 DSPAM memberships ($1,000 value!).

DDIIAAMMOONNDD LLEEVVEELL $$22,,000000 oorr mmoorree iinn CCoonnttrriibbuuttiioonn Your organization will receive all benefits of the SAPPHIRE LEVEL.

In addition, you will receive:

Your name and logo in LARGE BOLD PRINT on future event marketing materials!

Receive a free booth space at a future DSPAM event!

$250 Grant to apply towards the registration of the 2012 Voices Institute Leadership


75 DSPAM Memberships ($1,500 value)!

DSPAM Sponsorship Pledge Sheet