spiritual musings - guided writings

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  • 8/14/2019 Spiritual Musings - Guided Writings



    My wife, Marie, came into this life with the facility to communicate, in full

    consciousness, with various discarnate entities.

    The writings consist of some 138 pages written between the years 1970 and 1987. A

    number of topics are covered such as, human development, health, the spiritual world,

    man's past, other worlds, the natural world, future trends, and a miscellaneous section.


    Communications by Cheame and others to Marie Ward, transmitted on the psychic

    level, and for use by all.



    1. Changing the Self

    2. Guides for Living

    3. Meditation and Prayer

    4. Re-incarnation

    5. Group Work


    1. Spiritual Healing

    2. General Health Topics

    3. Special Items Related to Health(in its broadest sense)


    1. Mediumship

    2. Communication

    3. General

    4. MAN'S PAST

    1. The Past

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    2. Atlantis


    1. U.F.O.s

    2. General Information


    1. The Environment

    2. The Life of the World


    1. The future



    1.1 Changing the Self

    We none of us can change events around ourselves, we cannot always even greatly

    influence them, which is often a cause of concern to us(you, that ,is, in the world).

    Here it is something we finally are able to understand and accept as we are privy to

    the broader implications of cause and effect and so forth. However, every action does

    have some effect, what, or on who, is not always within our control. Others' free

    choice, level of "being", and karmic fate dictates the reaction to our words and deeds.

    But, there is an effect, and if we could just realise that it is our duty only to do what

    we are(or feel, truly, what we are meant)to do and simply leave the rest to the spiritual

    hierarchy(God and His Angels and designates), to carry out ,any further intent.

    It would be so much easier on everyone if each tended to their own duties. One of the

    main duties is to learn to know one's self and to study, meditate, and attempt to further

    contact one's higher self through prayer(any form of prayer) so that one learns one's

    pathway through life. Know yourself clearly, free of fear and ego - which

    automatically dispels all other negative attitudes, and endeavour always to do what is

    right; that is, do not invade anothers rights and territory, emotional as well as


    Yes, I catch your thoughts, one must teach and discipline children, also one must

    resist interference and unfair treatment from others(that is a two-fold discipline, yours

    and theirs). But the majority of people recognise what we mean when we say not to

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    interfere in others' rights, these are actually those that apply to all so they should


    Of course, one needs to develop the sensitivity to discern when one's well- meant

    words or actions are misunderstood and then they can be discussed (hopefully), but

    one cannot go through life otherwise worrying whether we're "stepping on someoneelses toes", interfering, offending etc. We all have been given a reasonable degree of

    judgement, and with the previously mentioned application to learning and raising our

    consciousness etc., plus a complete faith(after that learning) that the spiritual

    hierarchy will tend to results; we can "do what we're meant to "do in peace, and get

    on with our work (14.7.85).

    Even our mistakes are valuable, it is really the only way to learn what not to do. If

    one reads and studies and follows slavishly what is printed, without trials and tests of

    one's own, then they are not really learning. All books and instructions should be

    treated only as guideposts, followed at first until the knowledge and practise melds

    with one's own knowledge and intuition, then the person should start "playing it byear", as every situation is not the same in full; each one of us has had so much

    diversity in life, beginning with a unique blend of genes, not even an identical twin is

    identical, then our environment etc., acts upon us. So the basic resemblances of

    experience and reaction to them are present, enough to allow us to recognise the

    pattern. After that recognition we must then treat the person and his/her problem as it

    has evolved to in the present time. (13.8.85)

    We should all pass on our ideas and abilities to others who are floundering and

    making far less than full use of their days and talents. Everyone has talent, many

    highly acclaimed artists, musicians 'etc., have that as their only talent simply because

    that is all they have ever desired or felt they had time to develop. They are wrong, of

    course, which is why there is so much unhappiness even amongst them. They have

    over-used their one capacity often because of a lust for fame, recognition, in proving

    that their gift is special and unique.

    In olden days an artist could often indulge himself that way, as eccentrics were more

    recognised and the system of support from a wealthy patron was quite common.

    Today is not quite that way and side indulgences, or neglect of other facets of one's

    life is not understood or tolerated the same way. Man has learned much and even the

    great talent needs to develop in a more balanced way. Constant touring, or exhibiting

    art or whatever, is not necessary, but then the artist would have a time of lesser or noadulation, within periodic normal living, and that, coupled with a lesser than large

    income would not appeal to their ego (or perhaps their spouse's ego). Between the

    people who would use these artists in their promotional work or to earn themselves

    money, the writer/singer, or whoever, often never has five quiet minutes alone to

    ponder what they want to do with their lives, all of their lives.

    The frenetic pace maintained by so many is not necessary and in fact is counter-

    productive and often very harmful. We look, and at times all seem mad, rushing

    everywhere, declaiming wildly, crushing or overturning any hopes for personal

    happiness, fulfilment and growth, in their insane activity.

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    Well, you cannot change them directly, but you can change yourself and gradually

    spread your experiences, knowledge and influence outwards in ever- widening circles.

    Who knows who or what results you will attain, who or how far you will reach. The

    doing is your job, the results are up to the others, the ones who see and hear. You can

    only benefit from attending to the right procedures, everyone else is responsible to use

    it or leave it, it is no loss or gain to you personally except inasmuch as the society andthe world is affected. If it is loss where peoples are concerned, then your inner

    strength will carry you through, their gain would either not be noticed by you or you

    would simply have your own inner growth boosted by the positive emanations. So

    you can be with, or amongst, but in the majority of life's situations, not "of" whatever

    evolves. (21.5.85)

    Q. a) What learning goes on while we are asleep and on what levels?

    b) Do we learn also at "inner levels" while we are awake and is this learning

    different from the sleep learning?

    A. When a body is asleep part of the brain is always awake; part of the mind is

    also in a waking state, but not fully, more of an awareness on a subconscious

    level. All of the bodies are using the sleeping state to co-ordinate and attune what

    has been learned (consciously or otherwise), and there is a balancing process

    whereby information is spread throughout the relevant areas.

    The higher levels are the final arbiters of what is to be dealt with, enlarged on or

    filed away until the lower levels are able to deal with them. Learning goes on at

    all levels, but the higher level assimilates, sorts, then instructs the lower levels as

    to procedure. To be more precise: -

    lowest level - basics/animal, non-civilised(?) emotions

    lower level - subconscious, subliminal(Naive)

    middle level - conscious (though not always consciously 'aware')

    higher level - mind, control, morality (right and wrong)

    highest level- spiritual, the overself

    As persons progress there are fewer levels to deal with as the lower levels have been

    sorted and contained; one's animal instincts cannot be suppressed, at some time they

    must be looked at, understood, then put away. This has usually been done through the

    growing period, conditioning as to what is acceptable, and moral standards formulated

    to deal with lower instincts as they occur throughout life.

    Lower, subconscious, subliminal we can say, as it absorbs much that we are not aware

    of, this is where emotions noted by sight or sound are stored away. This is quite a

    strong area as it is from here the "I have a feeling about him/her, this place, situations

    etc." comes from, made up of the stored sensations (information) we weren't aware of

    having received, or aware, perhaps only in passing. This area is in some ways anunsophisticated one, as it can produce images or feelings that have been triggered as

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    an echo, and thus can be unreliable in an unaware person. It can be very reliable

    depending on our maturity, accuracy of perception, and control and understanding of

    emotions, our own and others. It is on this level, with unaware or baser-thinking

    persons that, like the computer, there can be a case of "garbage in, garbage out.

    The conscious level is our workaday world and needs discipline and understanding. Insleep this level needs working on and this is usually, in progressed persons, where the

    learning begins. It is carried on through the mind as well, as there are perceptions here

    which need to be looked at. The cycle is: -


    to SUBCONSCIOUS (and often, when we are suppressing many



    When the mind bypasses the subconscious, problems will sooner or later crop up from

    the suppressed matter.

    The mind sorts into the subconscious what it is not ready to deal with, or not needing

    to deal with at that time. Then it is ready, in sleep, to commune and receive from the

    higher consciousness impressions and instructions as to what path to follow, the

    knowledge required for it, and so on.

    The higher consciousness has been away on its own journeys but must always remain

    aware of and attached to its bodies. Whatever dreams occur, whatever inspiration isfelt, is caused by the higher self dealing with the earthbound bodies. There is so much

    of complication here as each person is at different levels of awareness, maturity and

    development, so what is being done during sleep, or meditation, is intrinsic to each

    one, no two persons are alike!

    The question as to what learning goes on while we are asleep; the answer is -

    whatever you would direct your entities to teach. If they are in agreement you will

    know; if they do not agree (this does not happen often) you will dream, likely in

    symbols, a message to rethink your demands, perhaps even a pointer to the right


    More people become confused because they do not perceive(or will not accept) the

    difference between wants and needs.

    If you are progressing, just think on whatever areas you wish enlightenment in, or

    maturity in, and the higher self will work with what you provide by your thoughts,

    reading, meditation etc., and thus will provide a step further along your path. It's a

    very slow process in many cases, especially when you are not sure that it is genuinely

    occurring, or is correct. If it wasnt correct you would know as there would be conflict

    within you.

    The learning on inner levels while awake is as stated above. It is an ongoing thing,such as when you eat the food is digested and processed, dispersed throughout the

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    atoms and cells of your body. Everything we do is "wheels within wheels", constant

    motion and yet too subtle to be motion as we think of it.

    The thing is, you aim high, look for inspiration, and let your unknowable self (selves)

    get on with the work of teaching! (26.4.85)

    Q. Is it conscious work that produces psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, telepathy,

    telekinesis, healing etc., or are they the result of unselfish works done in a life(s), or a

    result of inner work such as meditation, or a combination of these and other methods?

    A. Some of these are latent in many persons, psychic ability, clairvoyance, telepathy

    mostly. Telekinesis and healing less so but still in many. Latent abilities can be set off

    by many catalysts whether stress, grief, deep anger, whatever, they will usually

    fluctuate with the recipients emotions and so on. Telekinesis even more than healing

    is a rather special ability, one which is not meant to be developed on your planet for

    quite some time yet. It can be a very powerful force for good or bad and in your

    Earth's situation that would likely be for the bad.

    Healing of one sort or another is in most persons, but generally of a psychological,

    physical basis. The actual "miracles" of healing are not yet used through any great

    numbers of people, that would be far too easy, too premature for your Earth's stage of

    development. Enough to show what can be 'done, that it can be done, but it must be

    earned by the recipient or the healer. Not always both, there are reasons.

    When a person lives as good (refined) a life as possible, with an awareness of the

    pathways and disciplines leading upwards (spiritually)then his very nature becomes

    purified and more able to receive the benefits of his talents. But if he is not meant in

    this life to use them to any great extent (karma, re-incarnation choice or whatever)

    then no amount of preparation will make one a healer or whatever. It is not being

    perverse as you can understand, we just cannot all do as we would wish. But one

    should not abandon one's purifying or refining studies or practises, for other benefits

    will accrue and one may find that a talent or ability has been activated that had not

    been foreseen. We are not supposed to strive so that we may reap rewards or develop

    gifts, we are supposed to strive to travel God's path and to do His works, that alone, if

    that is all that eventuates, should be our reward. (9.6.85)

    There are storms created by nature in the world's atmosphere and within ourselves.

    Nature is our hereditary, sociological, plus our personal (i.e, new in each incarnation)resolves as to what we shall do with our lives, and how we shall handle our

    circumstances, whatever they are and however they were caused.

    Nature does not hearken back to the past whenever a reaction is caused, she does not

    need to as the actions back then by man interfering with her performance are an

    ongoing thing. If we divert a stream then years from now that diversion will have

    created new circumstances in its new, and old pathways. She is adaptable as long as

    the interference is not constant, not poisonous, and not detrimental in the first place

    (such as removing all vegetation from an area, especially if the area is potentially

    unstable in the first place).

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    Removing vegetation in a stable area could be coped with unless it is one where

    heavy rains/prolonged droughts/strong winds etc., are generally present. Add grazing

    animals or moving vehicles and there are problems. But left to herself Nature copes,

    adapts and keeps order in the long run.

    We are in a more fortunate situation in many ways, in that we grow into adulthoodand very often move away from any disturbance or interference with our natures.

    Unfortunately, if our childhood and growing years have not been good ones,

    strength/ego building ones, then we often take all that interference with us as so much

    useless baggage. God had foreseen this and many other effects amongst human

    beings, and our minds/psyches were given the ability to deal with it. Some have more

    ability along this line than others and so they help the ones who cannot focus on their

    problems clearly enough to work out not just cause and effect, but also an equable

    solution. This is the nature of things along most lines of knowledge/ability, which is

    where the various talents come in. Today there is a mania for a) finding out why/how

    our emotional disabilities are caused and b) making radical movements to offset or

    change these effects.

    I say radical because many look to having a change immediately, or in short course, of

    a condition which has been often of a long-standing nature. Sometimes the radical

    seems to work but it is really because subterranean (sub- conscious) awareness and

    gradual change of thought or attitude has been taking place. So the catalyst was not

    something working a miracle it simply speeded up a healthy pre-process, an existent

    readiness for change.

    To shout outwardly that we must change, we want to change, while clinging to old

    unwholesome thoughts, emotions and habits of speech, living etc., is not enough.

    There is the awareness yes, which is needed, but much work needs doing, no one ever

    went from ABC directly to XYZ and remained stable and happy. It would be simply

    changing one set of habits and patterns for another, for ones which we are not

    prepared for.

    One can go from a meek martyr to a healthy extrovert but not in one go. Nature does

    not and cannot do so, and neither can the human psyche. When, in psychiatry, electric

    or insulin shock has been administered. it has not been as a cure, simply an endeavour

    to either jolt the patient from a rut of despondency or unawareness in a stable way to a

    state of awareness at least, of the situation as it is, or simply to break the old merry-

    go-round of aimless thought/behaviour.

    So no, where do we see an acceptance of instantaneous cure, even miracles happen to

    people who are desperate for cure and have made some efforts towards changing. And

    miracles last or "take" only as much as the psyche was prepared for this change. Heal

    a body that is not about to change to healthful ways and the healing soon lapses. If

    only humans could understand that all is order in nature and all is done at a steady,

    logical pace. Even if we never understand why we were harmed or hampered while

    trying to mature, we can accept then that it was God's will and had a purpose.

    Everything has a purpose! Accept, then dismiss what is past. If it would make you feel

    happier then accept that whoever harmed you acted from their own ignorance and

    pain; but if they do not change themselves, in due course (which really has nothing to

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    do with you) then they have a heavy karma coming up. And in this life there would be

    no real happiness for them no matter what they show on the surface.

    However, as you progress, change and heal within yourself, according to the plan

    which you laid down when we were all created the fates of those others will be of

    little emotional interest to you.

    So time brings many compensations to he who would aspire to grow, to really mature,

    and not remain a stunted version of the human condition that all should achieve or

    strive for. No matter the exterior, you know that as the interior purifies it will show

    itself, if not to all at least to like souls who are able to see clearly. To those who

    cannot or will not see good in others, that is their loss (i.e., not being with a healing

    influence) and it is certainly a sign of their lack of maturity. So like Nature, we must

    get on with our lives and let the past be just that, as well as leaving the future in God's

    hands. We can only strive to do the right thing and follow the proper pathways,

    wherever they lead may be where we plan them to lead, but nothing is ever positive,

    so we must be flexible, not weak, not wavering, flexible, and deal with whatevercomes.

    If we have been doing our "homework" we will have acquired the wisdom (even if

    only instinctive) and the strength to cope with whatever tests are in store for us.

    Throughout the school of life there are often "surprise tests", school is school, you

    know! So if you all would not make such heavy going of your lives, smile a little,

    play a little, study and work re God's plans, and you will all graduate quite nicely. (I

    don't need to say what are God's plans, they have been made plain enough over the

    centuries). (20.5.85)

    One should not do a thing because they "feel" they should (aside from such daily

    chores and duties necessary in one's life). In the first case there is a mixture of fear,

    self-coercion, running away from a decision or standpoint, all sorts of motives and

    emotions, and the result is confusion and resentment. It doesn't pay to involve oneself

    in such activities, no-one benefits. Persons could interpose here with their particular

    "But in my case, and in some instances their case would be karmic, but one would

    need to be very sure of that or nothing is really achieved.

    Ideally, in some future world, all of these ideas will be taught to children along with

    the reading skills and whatever other skills and talents that will be needing

    development. We, today, send the children through schooling which is inadequate tohandle a growing, learning emotion (the entity) and then send those persons forth to

    live in a confused world with one hand tethered behind the back so to speak; in other

    words, semi-handicapped, ill-equipped (the lucky ones - the unlucky are crippled or

    totally disoriented by the system). After all, if parents are confused, plus the teachers,

    ministers of the church, and so on, how can you possibly produce a whole person!

    Well all of you must do your best with the end products, the ill "graduate from

    confusion, the refugee from a world he cannot cope easily with (or which cannot

    comprehend him). Things change bit by bit as you all work at them, you've only to

    look back into your own life, let alone previous history, to see the changes that

    evolved. One thing is certain, nothing ever just happens, it has been working towardsthat point for a long, long time (in most cases). (11.8.85)

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    There are always times when persons veer from their everyday lives and duties, it is

    almost a relief or break from routine. People generally dream a little of what was or

    might have been as well as what could happen (or wish it could). When not taken to

    extremes it is a good thing, a respite and a bit of nostalgia perhaps. Hope is always a

    good thing in moderation, yes, hope is pointless if it is inappropriate or not really

    possible. To say that one can have whatever one wishes for in life or be whatever isdesired is to tell half the story; as you know there is far more to it than that. However,

    a lot of the organisations you are thinking of are not all that bad in some ways as they

    generally do try to help. That a lot of money may be charged is really incidental to the

    joiner, it's not his karma incurring that debt.

    Most people gravitate to where they wish to go, they have generally tried and failed to

    stay at or profit from different organisations because they were not ready to admit a

    need, or didn't like what was offered. Then they find some wonderful "place", or body

    of people, and find the money to join. Now whether they benefit or fail is part of their

    own choice, even if it has a very bad effect on them, as opposed to a group that could

    have helped; they really instinctively chose that, or reaped that result from constantlyrunning from problem solving, or refusing to face problems.

    A person who drags a sick or wounded body from every kind of inappropriate healer,

    or quack (what a word) because they are afraid to admit the illness is a serious one, or

    are afraid of/refuse the treatment, perhaps an operation, well they do choose the

    eventual deterioration, perhaps death that results, do they not? This is not to lay blame

    at someone's bad luck, no one consciously and deliberately does such foolish things,

    what they are doing is either working through earned karmic retribution by choice or

    by necessity. Either way it is not your concern to worry about it at all.

    Certainly one can pass a remark of concern if it seems appropriate, or warn gently

    where there seems genuine fraud, but most persons will go their chosen path and one

    can only hope to mitigate any harm by support and positive comment. As was said

    before, things don't just happen, in some way or other it was chosen, pre-ordained.


    Preparation for any part of our life is an essential quality. Those who talk of

    spontaneous reactions" etc., are missing the point, such reactions are the exception

    rather than the norm, and they are not necessarily desirable reactions if they have been

    predicated on wrong or insufficient knowledge. This does not mean that one needs to

    be a scholar, not everyone is predisposed in that direction and that is as it should be.But there is no reason not to endeavour to glean the pertinent facts from lighter forms

    of reading, from reputable sources of course, from knowledgeable speakers, and from

    sitting and meditating on the particular subject after cogitation and discussion

    amongst one's peers. That certainly is plentiful for gaining insight into any subject, as

    deeply certainly as is needed, then "spontaneous re- action" can occur, "playing it by

    ear as some would call it, and the results would be as they should.

    Any other course could end up with wrong results, perhaps even harmful ones for the

    subject or the reactor, one could precipitate a quite nasty backlash that way. So make

    one's useful moments per day a time for boning-up on the subjects with which you

    wish to be conversant. Remember, it only needs a short time of application each day,with some thinking/meditation added in and you would soon feel the fruits of your

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    diligence. But remember always not to stray too far to right or left of what you are

    applying yourself to so as not to scatter the energies. Not that we are saying to have

    closed minds or rigid limits, it is good indeed to listen on other subjects and be

    conversant with other peoples interests, one would be very boring indeed if unable to

    mix and speak of anything but one's specialities.

    We all learn from one another, which means of course, we teach, you teach etc., so

    there you have another reason for knowing that which you are speaking of: not

    statistics as such, though it wouldn't hurt to train one's mind to remember vital points.


    Whatever the future has in store you are quite correct not to anticipate anything. It

    does teach one though never to say never. Perhaps people will learn to keep their lives

    fluid so that they will be able to take advantage of opportunities that do come up

    "from the blue" at various moments in life. These are natural opportunities which

    were allowed for in pre-planning, yet when their time comes so many persons are too

    fearful or too rigid to seize their chance. It is a lack of faith in one's abilities and alack of trust in God's love and guidance. Your society more or less guarantees that

    schools will teach caution, and churches preach fear, so what hope does the general

    public have to learn self reliance and courageous living. That is why the lack of

    formal employment today has thrown panic into public thinking.

    Parents won't or don't think to encourage their children to develop manual skills. In

    spite of automation and computers there is a great demand for individual services. The

    handy person anywhere about a home or yard is a scarcity, a truly handy person that

    is. There are ways to earn one's living but you are not geared to look beyond the usual

    lines, and today, with government assistance, many are opting out through drink,

    drugs, sickness, or just plain apathy. What I say is not as a judgement but a statement,

    when the populace thinks this way, then everyone reacts that way and the results are

    thus. Someone, many someones, somewhere, need to break this rigid thinking, there

    are persons doing so now, but generally finding themselves voices in the wilderness.

    Today you need to get people to re-think priorities, strangely enough though money is

    scarce on so many levels, the drumbeat of advertising is becoming louder and more

    insistent, buy and buy, bigger, better, and newer. No wonder there is so much

    bitterness amongst the poor, and such strenuous efforts amongst the middle class to

    keep up, keep "in" with it all. Only the very wealthy are immune, they can pick and

    choose at will, but they are becoming more dissatisfied and disaffected because it isall wrong, and somehow they know it. But it is not the answer for them to give money

    away holus bolus, it would be lost in the uproar as society is not geared to handle

    issues that way. The whole thread of living needs to be re-spun and re-woven into an

    orderly pattern and that is a different story altogether. You will, you must, all do your

    bit, as we do, but the overall weft will be spun and fashioned by something far beyond

    us. So don't despair, it will get done eventually. (3.9.85)

    In the final light of day, our day, to give is the only constant gift, you give because it

    is your wish, in God's name/memory, to give. Given completely, freely, it is an act of

    love - threefold; to yourself, to God, to the recipient(s) (or the world at large). That is

    the complete, the desirable, but any other way is still a gift, especially when thereceiver is not very lovable in his/her present form. It is difficult to look beyond the

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    facade and see the seed of God in each morsel of humanity. Some, such as a well-

    known like Mother Theresa have been able to do this and so their task is not as

    onerous, emotionally/spiritually, as one would think.

    There are many unknowns in the world who have reached the same stage of

    acknowledgement (not just acceptance, that is not complete). To reverse this thought,you are all, we are all, the seed of Jesus, and that is the whole love. God does not

    require any of us to change, He loves us unconditionally, but we cannot approach Him

    unless our vibrations are so high, and so purified. That is our choice. So if you wish to

    become nearer and yet nearer, to God, then you must change; only remember that near

    or far you are loved equally by the Godhead, the Fountain of Pure Light, that never


    It is only that like Adam, after eating of the apple, the fruit of self-knowledge, you

    know or see within yourself the distance between the you and the whole and that is

    what drives us to change, so that we may be part of that spiritual whole in our entirety.

    Our true happiness does not depend on anyone there, support and love or empathysmooths the path perhaps, or gives a lift when the mortal soul and body tire, but even

    without such help, over ,and above any love on earth, there is all of the love radiating

    from the entities, in God's name, and from the vibrations of the healing, purifying

    fountain of God's love, the most complete acceptance of all. (God's acceptance is truly

    that, He receives all that emanates from you without thought of good or evil because

    of His love, not in spite of it. There is a difference, human acceptance is in spite of

    one's faults, God's "receiving" does not even see faults). (23.8.85)

    The body deteriorates with age and neglect, so one must make every effort to lead a

    healthy life. See the doctors when necessary, without procrastination. Every

    experience today has been experienced in the past, the world events repeat themselves

    in an endless variety of the same theme. Only the names change, of the people, the

    locality and so forth. There is indeed nothing new under the sun. Yes, it is like that

    poor singer you think of, he (we) must do it again and again until we get it right.

    However, once all becomes perfect the world, any world, loses its reason for being:

    Utopia can exist for a while, but such is the nature of humankind, they would

    eventually phase themselves out, go on to lives elsewhere, where there is a need (or in

    many cases, opportunities, for whatever purpose).

    However, your earth has much time to go before anything approaching utopia,

    appears. You are a particularly warlike lot and a lot of karma is being built up, on theone hand, but on the other even more karma is being worked off. Your earth is a

    beacon to "those who would serve". It has also been a happy hunting ground for they

    who would rule and for all those kinds of personalities in between. Yes, you have

    them all, again, but this time around I think that right will finally prevail, and for the

    correct reasons, not because it is expedient (expediency is too subject to change), but

    because it is the good, the happy thing to do. But it won't be easy. The one thing, the

    one important thing that all crusaders, all "putters-to rights" must accomplish is co-


    Divide and fall is what is happening everywhere now, one cannot send away, or

    subjugate strong leaders, but the majority must prevail, by dividing causes into theirlogical parts, then carry on the battle as one united front. Only then can anyone

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    succeed. Why is it that so often it is only the bad, the evildoers, who can keep a closed

    defence? They don't share the same wrongs, the gambling or whatever, they share the

    same cause, and are aware that it is a case of one in, all in together (don't I wish I had

    been so wise when I was on earth, the skirmishes I was in, by myself - "give no help,

    ask no help". Oh well, we learn). (14.8.85)

    Whatever happens around you in the years to come, as long as you maintain correct

    thoughts and mode of living, the worst shall go around you. That is just one purpose

    for meditation, visualisation and outreach, as well as a healthful diet and outlook.

    Those who have a negative view, a basically selfish, even lazy, or better to say,

    apathetic nature, and such gloomy vibrations attract all nature of poor experiences,

    low vitality and indifferent health. True, a happy, healthy, caring person can draw

    jealousy or envy to him, but there is no predisposition to accept it, and that bass, that

    grumble deep within one, of the cynic and carper, simply affects the host bodies.

    Many a victory of such persons is very hollow indeed.

    You cannot know as yet what your next steps are to be, but they are taking shape nowthat other events have or are ready to occur. There are no worries for you as long as

    you all remain steadfast to your beliefs in the spiritual works needing doing. It will

    not be easy, with or without your faith, but immeasurably better if you retain a firm

    belief in God's plans and support. All life is trial and error, that is a human growth, for

    there is not that instinct in you as in the plant world, although, like the plants, many of

    you are forced to grow where you have been sown. At least you were not sown on

    barren ground or under a great boulder. That is my doctor colleague who thinks of

    such amusing examples. You are really floating within yourself, better to eat anything

    but such manufactured rubbish, your system will not always tolerate those things

    when it is engaged in adjusting to a more natural intake. (17.4.86)

    There is an entity here whom you may communicate with. His name is for him reveal,

    also his circumstances.

    My time upon your earth was many hundreds of years ago and it will be a long while

    yet before I return to an earthly form; but my concern is with your peoples and with

    such a lovely place as your earth. So many places upon your earth, were it not for the

    human inhabitants, would be a veritable paradise. And other places, from the very

    cold to the very hot and arid could be a wondrous challenge to those inclined towards

    science, agronomy and natural phenomenon. Well, perhaps the next time around, after

    much has been damaged and decimated unfortunately, Mankind will look at his homewith new eyes (and heart and spirit) and this time apply the correct principles. It may

    seem a forlorn hope to some but such has happened in the past, elsewhere, so surely

    Man - Earth's Man - has reached the stage where a suitable nudge will call forth

    construction and adherence to the Laws of God and nature. Even the animals do not

    foul their living quarters so there must be hope for Man. For each one of the right

    aspiring persons on earth, there can be dozens, then hundreds and thousands of minds

    enlightened by actions and words presented to them. As one learns one practises and

    one teaches, these are inseparable unless you were in complete isolation. So guard

    your actions in the remembrance that people learn best of all by that which they see

    about them. Those who blind themselves to the right actions are not your

    responsibility, no; but be comforted if such is the emotion, by the fact that we cannotdeny consistent example; it lodges in the sub-conscious, if nowhere else. Then denial

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    by the conscious puts up a struggle which changes the person towards improving,

    however slowly and reluctantly. Even a negative reaction, wherein that person

    attempts to counteract the seeds by worse behaviour, is positive in a sense, for sooner

    or later that unfortunate soul will be forced to face the rebellion in himself, and

    though he be at the very lowest level, he will have the urge to rise upwards. Whether

    that is accomplished in this lifetime or not is not our or your concern - if it must becontinued after death, and/or rebirth, at least he will have become that much finer in

    vibration and ready to rise to a spirit level according to the karmic role he chooses (as

    to approach and length of time, that is).

    Well, yes, I am aware that you have heard all this before, perhaps often, but perhaps

    this may show certain matters in a different light, so that when some scoff at your

    ideas or behaviour, there is no need to feel anger or even sorrow, as they have been in

    that place at that time for the very indoctrination they are so actively resisting.

    Remember yourselves over these past years, how you now embrace the very beliefs

    that were objects of scorn in your eyes not too many years ago. So there is always

    hope for everyone, do you your calling with serenity and that is all God requires, aslong, yes, as you take the time to commune with God - not to Him - so that you may

    keep aware of your path and do not stray into ego delights, or misguided messages

    and actions. God did not use violence towards those whom He was showing the way.

    He did not drive them towards a belief or away from a practise - He showed them by

    personal example, and when bloodshed and violence was imminent it was towards

    Himself that it occurred first. He would have preferred not to have been martyred in

    such a brutal way but otherwise His message was that I will die or suffer, if necessary,

    to show the way. Not, that you will suffer or die in order for ME to show you the way,

    or because you will not follow My way!

    So that is your answer to the "hard-line" evangelists of your world, we do not

    approve, yet the message does get through to many in that way. It is when justice for

    all becomes circumvented by those people that others must rise up and say, "enough,

    that is not God's way". Not that that has been successful upon your earth, usually

    peoples have not been aware in time, or the message and messengers have become

    perverted, in which case it has taken intervention on a scale of country versus country,

    and so far indeed that has only served to postpone the situation, not solve it. (9.6.86)

    Everyone must be aware of their actions, everyone should be aware of their motives.

    This last is important, and those who blind themselves to their inner intent and

    emotions cannot change themselves. It is not for the purpose of affixing blame or guiltthat we advocate one getting to know ones-self, it is for the purpose of enlightenment.

    One either knows and acknowledges certain thoughts or prejudices and then traces

    that source, or vice versa; so that they may understand the why, then they can set

    straight the relationships, and finally effect any needed changes. When one finds

    spillages or soilings occurring constantly it is of little use to cleanse the area without

    finding the cause, the source of the markings. Then one does not berate the source,

    much more effective to repair it and see that reoccurrence does not happen. Simple,

    indeed, but not to those engrossed in hiding away the marks, the bruises, and the

    general misimprinting that was put upon one in one's past days. (26.8.86)

    Getting one's act together is not an easy task, as so often we don't rightly knowexactly what we should be doing. It is only by trial and error (if error is the correct

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    word) that one finds the correct path. Unfortunately paths tend to branch out, then it is

    not certain whether to carry on or diverge a little, or change pathways. There is no

    harm in any of those as long as one does not become flighty, or dogmatic. It is all a

    matter of looking within, and without above, then doing that which feels right.

    When one is used to reading the signs, the inner urges and promptings then the time isreached where actions seen to be natural, spontaneous. And still one must monitor and

    meditate so that internal balance and honesty prevails. It is no different really from

    everyday life and work in an office or a schoolroom - we all need to be honest as to

    our motivations and true feelings towards people and events. Now you will find

    yourselves automatically looking at what you are doing, saying and thinking - being

    aware of your surroundings and that which happens. Such as blessing the garden fruit

    and thanking the Devas - actually "seeing" the sand, water and sky when you are

    walking. Awareness within and without is important because God is in all things,

    whether through His little people or your own pulsing, breathing organism, He is, we

    are, it is all real to us.

    Do not regret anything one does or befalls, all is a learning process and there is some

    reason for everything, something to fit into the pattern, theirs or ours, what does it

    matter, we are all one in God's plan. (4.2.87)

    Compelling urges affect us all, but we do not have to give in to them. They are created

    from habit, from environment and from social influences beyond our immediate

    environment. How can one resist such powerful impulses; well one cannot unless one

    is conscious of them. It is good, usually, to have an idea of the sources of such drives

    if only to realise that one is not weak or irrational or whatever we often label

    ourselves as. Often too, knowing or guessing at a source provides sidelights as to

    other's behaviours and beliefs. This can highlight that person in a new way for us and

    often aid us to come to grips with events or influences we thought immovable. We can

    see ourselves differently as well and then we should be able to handle our emotions

    with a new ease. Not that it is very easy at first, but if one remembers that

    perseverance with the technique of research will enable us to do so more and more

    easily until it becomes natural to us, for and we delve more and more into our

    subconscious, then of course more memories will begin to surface. Eventually one can

    place themselves in quite a satisfied and balanced state whereby one is looking inward

    and forward and finding and developing new emotions and new knowledge. All this

    should be done as a natural process, not as a hunting, probing, session; let that which

    will, float to the consciousness to be read and processed. That way there are nocompulsions, just sightings of former desires or proddings.

    None of us can really tell another what he must do about his life, we can only listen

    and suggest ways for further enlightenment. Like those ahead of us we interpret the

    signs as we see them and suggest which paths they may care to follow. Sometimes we

    can only hold up the lantern as we go, not even able to point the way and the other

    may follow or not, diverging when needing too. So do not concern yourself overmuch

    with others, pass on your thoughts and knowledge where there is a desire for them,

    but do not tie strings to anything as others should be allowed to do what they wish

    with what we pass along. Within reason of course, one does not continue if ones work

    or words are misconstrued or misused. You need only to use your own sense of

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    rightness there. It is a long but interesting road. the road to enlightenment, to self-

    development, but what other path would one wish to travel? (5.2.87)

    Everything has a place in life, and a purpose, and if all humans i.e., sentient, thinking

    beings took the trouble to realise and to study on that, how quickly earth would

    become the Eden-like place it was meant to be. So many profess to ever be lookinginwards, yet they see nothing. And looking outwards interpret however they choose,

    without seeing correctly in the first instance. So wherever a sad, bad or trying time

    comes look at circumstances and see what the message is. I am feeling like this, or

    these things are happening/not happening because _ _ _ _ . Perhaps one truly does

    not know why, but an impartial scrutiny may provide a few clues. Oh, everyone has

    their moments, but when those moments become too frequent then it is time to assess

    the situation. To be aware of possibilities, a few or many, that is how problems are

    solved or mitigated. (7.5.87)

    Perhaps one day we shall all have our higher consciousnesses on tap automatically

    when needed - as in 'conscience'. And no, it is not your conscience, that is actually thesub-conscious. Which is why so many people like to keep themselves pre-occupied

    and in a state of numbness where self- direction or correction can't get through. It is

    certainly not the sub- conscious that sends one off drinking, over-eating, drugging etc.

    That is the material, the baser self, the actual physical body. I see that that body is

    usually spoken of as an inanimate object, unable to influence us, because there is no

    spark, no guiding spirit. But anything alive has a voice, a directing nature, and our

    bodies, our baser selves, will set up a great clamour for self-gratification. Depending

    on your own nature, your inherited genes, and often a karmic choice - the self-

    gratification is not always for food, drink and delicacies of every nature, it may crave

    deprivation, pain, discipline. Whatever you end up with you collaborated for. A fully

    disciplined, healthy and comfortable body is finally arrived at by imposition on your

    part. Once it has been achieved, often through good old blood, sweat, and tears, the

    basic physical spark will accept and be happy, It will reach the stage of rejecting or

    being unable to accept any unhealthy habits. For a while. But if you continue to back

    slide it will happily join you, set up its old demands, and break down in health while

    its at it. You humans have, really, the equivalent of an animal pet in your physical

    body. Not a pleasing picture to be sure, but yours cannot even aspire very high, the

    capacity is not there for it, only for you. So if you want to let your personal Rover or

    Spot rule your lives don't bark at everyone in protest. (15.5.87)

    What else is life for if not to develop oneself to the fullest degree possible. Thedevelopment must be one of balance, of course, within one's circle of experience.

    Certainly your balances wouldn't be the same as someone elses. For a person

    developing to a greater degree in one area, such as dance, art, music, and commerce,

    the required areas of balancing would not be the same as for those who lead fairly

    normal lives. It couldn't be, as their talent would take up so much of their time. But it

    is a pity that the realisation isn't there for so many geniuses or great talents. Actually

    many so-called geniuses do not operate by normal earth-growth standards if they

    have returned mainly to develop particular sciences and discoveries. Their karma is

    usually 'something else', so we do not refer to them. But, yea, balance is the great

    goal, and it is a difficult one for so much must be adjusted: ego, fear, greed, hostility,

    and the basic personality structures (sometimes strictures)of flamboyance, timidity,dominance and so on. Flamboyant persons aren't necessarily seeking or needing an

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    productive, simple, but caring way of life. Give away everything you don't really

    need, keep only your needs and a few wants. Simplify but enjoy. BE joyous, share,

    welcome, spread not just the words, share the spirit; show by example, you can't

    really have luxury and preach the Word, it doesn't compute!

    It isn't sincere or even truthful - Jesus didn't say "do as I say, not as I do. Rise early,commune with nature, conduct your day on proper lines, then to bed earlier rather

    than late. Don't spend time with people who don't really need it, if you are not

    available they will find someone else. (18.1.85)

    Everyday living should be of a fairly simple nature in spite of the world about you. In

    your lives you need a clean, attractive, and welcoming home, the same cleanliness for

    yourselves and your family members, and anything else you are amidst and work

    with. In other words a discipline of tidiness and orderliness is called for, as it radiates

    both inwardly and outwardly.

    Wholesome food in lesser than more quantities depending on the rate of motion/exercise; fresh air, preferably with the exercise of walking at least; meditation times

    each day; interchange on a pleasant basis with like persons, or time for one's chosen

    work, whether studies, healing of any sort, writing, whatever. Add to this some leisure

    time, days when outings of some nature are included, or friends over, and you can see

    that one's days can be filled pleasurably, busily and usefully, and that there really is

    not spare time for useless activity.

    There is also a safeguard there against doing too much in each day, as if one examines

    the necessary items (including the leisure/fresh air, etc) and sees what one would have

    to relinquish in order to squeeze in the "extra, well, is the trade-off proper, is it worth

    it? Once in a while yes, it could be, but on a regular basis if any of the proper daily

    allotments is consistently missed for the sake of outside extras, then you are not

    functioning in a balanced nature.

    Each day is meant to be a balance of attention to and upkeep of your environment,

    your family members, yourself and your growth, a balance of duty, work, health and

    pleasure/leisure. It is necessary, it is harmonious. When your daily rhythm starts

    speeding up ever faster and notes get missed or slurred over, your inner self becomes

    neglected physically and in other ways, illness of some sort occurs, everything slows

    down, beats and chords are missed which must be made up (home duties or whatever)

    and gradually the balancing rhythm found once more. How foolish. Maintain the beatat all times and your routine and health will be able to accommodate a few emergency

    departures, a few missed beats, without the whole of the structure being disturbed. It

    may not seem like it would be so, but in the long run you would accomplish far more,

    as you would not be required from time to time to compensate for lost times due to

    illness or boredom or panic.

    Look at nature, all in it go about their daily activities according to the timeclock of

    steady and sure, day by day. Even someone with children or ill dependants or suchlike

    can set a daily rhythm including time for themselves, and not allowing panic or

    rushing about, we must all look to ourselves as well, as we are a legitimate part of the

    structure and must be maintained just as scrupulously as anything else. If that requiressome solution by way of help from others or some adjustment of home duties then do

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    so, burdens should be spread evenly, it will be for the benefit of all. So no martyrs are

    encouraged, it is of no use to anyone.

    Persons who are trying to find themselves, their true selves, should by all means find

    suitable reading matter, and if they are attracted to any particular course or training -

    whether it be re-birthing or self-transformation, etc., then it is very good. But oncethat course has been completed then it is necessary to use what one has learned - to

    meditate and to incorporate the learnings also from whatever literature they read. Too

    many are inclined to say "done that", "read that", "tried that, and they are still

    seeking for themselves, for healing, for a solution or for happiness.

    But these courses will not produce these things, simply point you in a direction

    wherein you can look at some truths. When blockages are eased or removed then one

    must be still and work with what has been/is being released. Time on reading should

    not be over-extensive. Read one book on a regular daily basis, in doses, in other

    words as you would take medication. Think on what has been read, let it percolate.

    You cannot cure an infection by taking in the whole prescription of drugs the first day,yet you will dump buckets of sensations from courses, books and lectures and expect

    your whole system to absorb, sort, trial and regurgitate a solution to health and


    On top of this you never stay still long enough, in mind or body, to allow of a proper

    absorption of all those things. Have you ever really stopped and thought what you are

    doing to yourself? Then when depression comes or a sense of the latest efforts not

    succeeding, you promptly drop it all in disgust or frantically dash into another round

    of courses, cure-alls, enlightenments.

    One course a year would be enough, with some relevant reading, some discussions

    with like-minded people, then a liberal application of your daily rhythms (which is a

    nice name I think for the balanced routine I listed earlier) and all of you would find

    that you were solving your problems and becoming happier. We need also to learn to

    live within the structures of what we cannot change, whether it is a personal state of

    physical disablement or a dependant disabled, elderly, or whatever (a budding artist

    forced to serve in a shop).

    Whatever your restrictions there are always those moments for yourself if you can

    learn to enjoy less than you had hoped for as long as you have made it more than was

    dumped on you; in other words there are compromises you could be happy with if youwere willing. So slow down and enjoy your life once it has been sorted out by your

    study, meditation and daily activity - which must be done with good humour (it takes

    practise) but one can learn to cope on a harmonious level. (16.5.85)

    More than anything, people need to sit down again and again and look at their lives.

    What they are doing, what they want to do. Where do they want to go. More than at

    any time, you humans are all being forced to look again at what life is about, what

    purpose is there in so many lives being purposeless? The answers won't come from

    one or two people or agencies, or governments, because it is not that kind of a

    solution. It is a sort of groundswell of awareness that takes place in such situations,

    and the change-about will happen over a period of time, in many different ways.Nothing is certain now, and nothing is more uncertain than the lives and futures of all

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    the jobless, the homeless, the hopeless, and what could truthfully be termed, the

    useless. Where could you find one answer for them all? So, individuals who are

    advanced enough are stirring, and questioning, and joining together to establish mores

    and lifestyles for themselves. Others are taking people in from the byways for

    informal education and for support and affirmation. I needn't go on, you see it all

    around you. If you are content with your lot and getting on with self-growth plus areaching out to the needy, then that is good. If that is not enough then realistically it is

    time to look further. How or where is for you all to decide, but now more than ever

    there is a need for 'Man to fulfil his own calling while at the same time benefiting

    others. Most of God's realm has the trine symbol, the threefold benefit: You - They-

    God (in whichever order you choose). Three is one-half of the symbol of eternity,

    close the circles - 8 -so; or each three reversed and joining, flowing through and

    together - do you see? But this is not a treatise on symbols, although I did begin this

    didn't I?

    Well, never mind, just work at living your life, and enjoying life; poor God,

    surrounded with solemn faces.(29.8.85)

    Whatever comes into our lives we must accept as a natural consequence of our own

    actions, or lack thereof. Persons complain of having no control over their lives and yet

    they have the control of whatever they are doing when they do it. Do not return in

    time for a healthful rest; do not rise to give sufficient to get one's daily duties attended

    to; don't do what one can because one cannot do what one likes; not very conducive to


    When life is given to us we must do our best with it and if that is not very good then

    improve our best or settle for whatever we reap. Never expect others to just do as we

    wish them to do if it is not what they want to do, life needs to be a series of trades if

    peace and progress are to be made. Even with children one can work, slowly, on a

    "fairs fair" basis. One cannot expect much but they do need to realise that one must

    be aware of another's rights, and as they grow up, bit by bit, they need to learn that

    earning ones way in the house, in school, and in life in general is the fairest, most

    growthful, and actually a pleasurable way to proceed.

    We always appreciate more that for which we have worked for. To work at a job or

    profession that earns money, or a salary, is automatically a case of exchange of a "fair

    days'/weeks" etc., work for monies paid to us. So we should realise and accept that we

    can control our lives to a very great extent, but first it must be done within our ownlimitations, then likely the limitations can be expanded but it is for us to do it, look for

    the opportunities, and gain our self-respect by living life to our fullest extent,

    regardless of those who would gainsay us by criticism etc.

    Give love, liking, cheerfulness, respect, and so on whatever you do and to whomever

    you are in contact with, but expect, or assume, the same privileges for yourself.

    Asking is futile, but to expect and assume it as a foregone conclusion really works,

    whether it is forthcoming or not (think about that if it puzzles you).

    As a doctor I have seen much wastage of human resources, and excepting those

    extreme cases of abuse, people do it to themselves (i.e. waste) by passivity or outrightperversity. Humans have so much to learn!

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    TV in its present stage won't teach much of use re human behaviour, so they who are

    aware need to be examples, showing as well as teaching. It takes tremendous restraint

    as well as perseverance because people can be so trying. Perhaps that is a good task to

    set for yourselves, to restrain reactions towards the perverse (except those that are

    needed, when they are needed) but even those need to be dealt out with great heaps of

    love or affirmation. After all, there but for the Grace of God (and some good genes)goes thou! (20.8.85)

    Everyone needs to consider what their goals are in life, what their beliefs, are, and

    what they can do to help others in this world. Most of the restlessness is caused by a

    lack of purpose and even more by a lack of knowledge of one's true self. We are all so

    deeply influenced throughout our lives by external stimuli - from family members and

    so on (I needn't list them all). As we mature, our wants and likes vary and get dropped

    as some thing new comes on the horizon. With the technical society we have now,

    something new is being flashed at us every day from every media and we become

    completely confused and at the mercy of suggestions and sensations aroused in us,

    unless we all take the time each day to sort out these messages and discard the onesthat don't really apply to us (attractive as they may seem). The remainder needs then

    to be checked over as to necessity and to effect on our particular situation, emotions

    and psyche. When we find that we are responding willy-nilly to hordes of "beguilers"

    it is time to take ourselves in hand, for we are really being manipulated by the hard


    Subliminal is not in it, as the habit of leaving record and cassette players on as

    background noise is a form of subliminal message receiving. We don't even

    discriminate, among all the noises penetrating, as to what our subconscious is picking

    up and storing away. To buy or make tapings of music, beautiful music, soothing or

    stirring, would do such wonderful things for ones nerves and the subliminal message

    would be of great benefit to the atoms of our make-up. Even the spoken word on

    tapes, of moving and uplifting poetry or prose, spoken beautifully would give us

    painlessly the messages of hope and love that Mankind needs; also an awareness of

    the inner worlds of the people around us. Mankind is slowly sinking under a barrage

    of noises - useless, harmful, noises, and your sensibilities are being coarsened by the

    exposures. It is also very difficult to prevent the effects, as well as hard to throw them

    off, because we are not aware of absorbing them in the first place. Talk about going to

    hell on a toboggan.

    The peoples today are sliding to oblivion on a waterfall of noisy music, noisy buy,buy, noisy arguments po1itically, by any party, and worst of all by noisy smut

    merchants lowering our moral standards and increasing our indifference to the dirt

    and violence that is being portrayed where everyone can see and hear it. The not very

    intelligent are becoming sick entities and the intelligent are indifferent to it all, in

    them a sickness as well. So we must wake up and see, actually see and hear what is

    entering our space, and what effect it is likely having. We must take control of our

    lives and especially we must strive to find out within us what we really are. Yes,

    Know Thyself, indeed!

    We are not speaking to you to censor your world - censor it as it applies to yourself

    and family. And remember that people learn from actions and deeds, not fromanyone's words. If they like what they see they will adopt it, if they're not ready that is

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    not your responsibility. Many many people are collecting adverse karma by

    manipulating the people; don't join them, they feel they're doing the right thing, so

    you can see how easy it is to confuse your interference as "just doing good". (16.4.85)

    Whatever you persons in your earthly existence believe or wish to believe, there are

    certain irrefutable truths. One is that there is a God, an overall universal Being Whobrought all of life into existence. Everything brought into life was intended to be part

    of the whole, each part serving the others in harmony and common purpose. Where

    that rule is broken is where troubles begin. When any "made" article fails in some

    quarter, some part gets out of true, interfering with other parts and not doing its own

    work properly as well, then you know what soon happens. The article either breaks

    down and refuses to work, or it runs badly and eventually breaks down. It is the same

    for any article, animate or inanimate. Now that is an irrefutable truth. I could go on

    and on but you are all aware now, after the number of times I have discussed these

    things. These truths I have emphasised because there have been times when the words

    "variable", or "free choice" and so on have been used, but not about God, and not

    about the orderliness of the creation. (5.9.85)

    Each of us is responsible for our own health and well being. Anyone can offer help

    (support) to others if they wish but not otherwise. Likewise anyone may ask or accept

    proffered support and advice but in the end it is their responsibility to decide what

    they should do and carry it out. Never hinder others or allow them to hinder you

    (using judgement as to your way of life, obligations and so forth). We here assist in

    every way we can with this contact, - answers (within reason) to questions, and some

    advice, but our work is preferably limited to that and to your spirit contacts plus

    protection. We cannot get involved in a number of areas, such as spiritualism,

    extraterrestrial matters and so forth or our work would be totally disjointed. We, at

    least the more advanced contacts here are aware of the other areas, we co-operate with

    them in every way, especially when our contacts on your side have several facets of

    contact operating, but it is done without interfering with the writing times. We pass on

    queries etc., and then it is for the other area guides to make contact. I'm sure you can

    understand this when you apply the same sense of it to your earthly relationships,

    businesses, etc. When our contacts (earthly) do not carry out their share of needed

    activities we cannot help - this is not really a schoolroom but so many peoples get the

    wrong impression and try to lean on us, use us as an authority, as gurus, we are not.

    We are contacts, in many cases guides, but that only in the spirit of co-operation - we

    can see and sense what you cannot, so we guard and guide but as equals really and not

    omnipresent beings.

    You must be mature, self-determining, and aware of your goals, behaviour and

    attitudes if we are to progress together in these matters. I am using "you" and "we in

    the plural as this is intended for any interested in contact and with spirit writing,

    nothing "automatic" about it despite the label. Most of our contacts re writing are to

    try to educate correct attitudes to life; ethical behaviour if widespread would defuse so

    much of your troubles. So we don't wish to use these areas to predict calamities or any

    other future happenings except a sense of warning, i.e., do this, or such and such will

    occur. We are educators, even prognosticians if you like, but not given to psychic

    pronouncements - your psychics pick those up themselves because of open centres in

    that area. So bear with us and use what we have to teach.

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    This is no small thing we are co-operating in. Every movement begins with one or

    two persons and then escalates. So don't put down your efforts or place in the world's

    plans, you will all be effective in your own sphere, else why would we bother? But

    you must discipline yourselves; admit and deal with problem areas in your lives; and

    above all never let your ego become enlarged and demanding. When you go about

    things in the correct way, with yourselves and with our teachings you will findyourselves satisfied without the need for "fame" or attention. Do your work

    patiently, results will eventuate whether you think so or not. (10.3.85)

    Calamities will keep taking place mainly because this is an in between, a weighing-up

    stage for so many peoples. It is not as difficult for middle class peoples to choose

    sides, they can ignore detractors and make their friends amongst like thinking peoples.

    They can even do what they would like to do, but in secret, so as not to cause

    unpleasantness at home with families and neighbours, work-mates and so on. But

    people in higher positions whether with money, politically, or professionally, face the

    added problem of their efforts and choices being made public, criticised, analysed,

    misrepresented, all the negative reactions of course. So when they wish to dosomething eccentric i.e., contrary to common beliefs, or altruistic, which is often

    considered eccentric these days, well what courage it takes, and even more, what

    stability of reasoning. One can stand firm in one's beliefs while surrounded with

    highly vocal dissenters, and bombarded with anger and even hatred and contempt.

    Then one indeed begins wondering whether they are right in their stance.

    Most insidious of all is when the soft voices start in preaching compromise - "do this

    just for now and gradually work around to the way you want it to go give a little,

    save face, yours and theirs, an understanding will be reached quietly, privately, then

    no-one will lose". Oh yes, and how does one compromise with atomic/nuclear power,

    or soft voice chemicals away from the polluted air and water. Nature doe not

    compromise, she changes. It is slow, and it is insidious, and we think she is

    compromising until an act is performed once too often, then the change, upheaval,

    floods, and drought. No-one can compromise with evil; if it is wrong it cannot be

    accommodated, either you change or it changes, there are no grey areas where good

    and bad are concerned. Compromise is each party concerned yielding a little, need I

    say more? Yes, you don't see my point. If harmful chemicals are released in lesser

    degrees and nature non-rejects them in lesser degrees what comes about? It is still

    pollution, it accumulates, where can nature dissipate it all to? From the air to the

    vegetation, trees and soil, from the streams to rivers to oceans, then where? It's still


    We cannot swear just a little, or cheat just a little, lie (besides social kindnesses) just a

    little, why should we want to? What is wrong with being well-spoken and honest, as

    long as it is in a non-judgemental pious way. One just does the clever, happier thing

    because it is more pleasant for everyone. We can't be worried about "changing"

    others, change us and by example others will change or keep a distance. When enough

    change for the good then those others will become the silent minority, the wowsers,

    for they are the disrupters.

    Don't spread yourselves out trying to belong everywhere, learn everything, practise a

    little of this and that; choose that (one or two at most) in which your talents anddeepest interests lie and develop them, practise them, pass them along to any who

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    would listen or wish to learn. Listen yourself to others on other interests, we need to

    be open minded, to receive their thoughts, to feed back to them our thoughts; but

    leave their specialty to them. Hop here and there and nothing will be in depth, you

    need to learn and work with us in depth until it's a part of your being, automatic and

    unconscious as breathing. We will need all skills, some from each of you, but they

    must be deep and answerable to the psychic summons, what is only on the surfacewouldn't even hear the call. Am I being harsh? Well, these are not games and it would

    be useless to become involved unless you are all deeply serious and committed.


    Whenever there is a reason to turn away from what one should be doing that reason

    should be looked at from all sides. Perhaps we are pledging to carry on some form of

    work or study for the wrong reasons and are unable to apply the needed energy to

    carrying out that cause. When something is what we wholeheartedly wish to do we

    will find reasons to do it, even at the expense of other commitments, so it is best to

    stop and examine one's mode of approaching or performing those daily occurrences,

    duties and so forth as soon as some problem is detected.

    If the project is not what we really wish to do, barring always the sense of duty, (that

    lies with tedious, necessary functions re household and the workplace) it is the

    incorrect path as our chosen path should be one of joy in dedication and

    determination. That is not a tragedy if recognised and dealt with, the wrong path for

    you is the correct path for some others. Our natures have been "constructed" so that

    like nature's flora and fauna, we should be in a state of balance. Should be, but in the

    human other influences can tend to divert us from our true calling, whether it is

    society's or family's prejudice, more income, or power. None of those reasons, in the

    long run, will produce happiness for us, and proper conduct of our work which would

    and should have been of benefit to the whole. According to what is new, popular,

    materially rewarding, becomes the path for the shallow-thinking, easily-led, a

    stampede of enthusiasts overflowing one path to leave other needed works sparsely


    Talents, gifts, and dedication are the true successes in each profession - whether

    disposing of human or atomic wastes: the studier and dispenser of knowledge learned

    from any book cannot apply that needed spark that turns our work from rote

    application to inspired intuition and invention.

    Unless we can see our chosen work in all its ramifications with our own eyes,including our third eye, there is no way we can really correct any flaws occurring, or

    more important, improve on what we have learned. This is important for us to

    understand, it applies to every walk of life, and should .be imparted to our children

    who should be presented with a wide range of views of life, and where interest is

    expressed one could help guide that fledgling doer to choices within that field. Not

    forced, and a change of mind is allowed so that mind and psyche develops and

    recognises other choices. Eventually, after, in some cases, a lot of trial and error, the

    final choice will be made. We are not giving in" to a child but recognising the gifts or

    bent that it was born with, completely impersonal as we are all children of nature, a

    higher nature, but the rules are more or less the same. (Unfortunately we higher

    beings at the moment copy literally the lower nature rule of killing for survival,

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    generally for food. With us it should be a subtler form with no killing, literal or

    otherwise). (8.3.85)

    Whenever our spirits falter at the work which must be done on ourselves as well as on

    surrounding peoples, in groups, or wherever, we need to turn inwards to reach the

    fount of strength and understanding of purpose. It is not enough to say that you willtake all on blind faith, faith yea, blind no. When we realise the freedom of choice, of

    discrimination, which is the natural part of our nature we are no longer able to be

    blind towards occurrences.

    It is necessary to take our wondering to that within which is a part of the group

    consciousness, be prepared to state your questions, resentments, and rebellions and

    then be still within and allow the knowledge to imbue you. You may not learn the

    actual "reasons" for things in depth, but a form of understanding will emerge and you

    will be able to reconcile yourself to the working and waiting (for results) that is asked

    of all of us.

    The wanting to know is good, and communing for the answer is growthful, for we

    receive the peace and strength from joining with our fount of spiritual strength. To

    have faith is not a case of not asking, rather it is a case of not asking too much, of

    trying to go deeper and deeper, for the whole "blueprint, so to speak. Many times our

    answers, when in deep communication, have the effect of cooling water being washed

    over fevered skin, we not only know, but we feel, in our every fibre. Can you

    understand what I am saying? You hear (you know) with your whole being. (7.3.85)

    It is important for people to realise that we here, on this side, are, by and large,

    friendly entities who only want to communicate to help whoever is in need of

    enlightenment or guidance. We ask only that the contactee tries to provide right

    thinking and right endeavour in their own lives as this lifts their thought and emotion

    vibrations and makes it easier for us to make and maintain a contact. To become

    so1ely concerned with monetary and material possessions beyond ones needs and to

    take too much of a part in the emotional upsets and poor kinds of moral displays,

    whether it is at home, work, among friends, at your theatres, or on your TVs, this

    coarsens the watcher, the listener, so it is no good to say "well, I don't get involved". If

    you watch and listen you get involved, and do it often enough and your vibrations will

    be too earthbound to allow of much contact. Or you will become a prey to contacts

    from low spirits on this side who know no better yet than to create mischief, and

    worse, if encouraged.

    So we are not looking for the saintly person but one who endeavours to do good to

    themselves and all around them on a highly moral and spiritual plane. If there is a

    great deal of fear or anger in your life we could help as long as there is an effort on

    your part to understand and correct it. We were not perfect beings on earth, we are not

    perfect spiritual entities here, but we always strove towards the Light, towards the

    Godhead and Fount of all good. We still do and always will, what more can one say,

    as only good can flow from he who tries to improve and uplift, for this of necessity

    involves helping others as well.

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    Whenever we contact with persons they are improved, as these are energising

    vibrations, no others could be applied and if these are used by you then your health

    will improve and your outlook on life.

    Whatever happens to anything you apply yourself to that is beyond your

    responsibility, in other words, if you haven't caused problems by inertia oroverstressing your ideas, then the outcome of that group's future is not for you to

    decide. There is a group spirit who decides these things. Spirits attend and lend energy

    where they can, which sometimes can sway an issue to the correct course, but they are

    limited and if there are other members imposing their needs or wants regardless, then

    the spirits must allow it to happen. One needs to remain detached emotionally and do

    what one can without harming anyone, as whatever happens to a group or project or

    organisation happens in a way that your pathway is not harmed. You are directed to

    another course as are the others involved.

    The difference would be that anyone influencing events for their own ends does not

    attain what they wish, or not for long, as an incorrect action cannot be rewarded.Many are seemingly rewarded for wrong-doing but if you could but see into their

    inner self, or their family, or even to see their karma, you would not be envious or

    indignant. Each reaps according to his own, so do your part with as much loving

    wisdom and understanding as you can and accept what ensues, for you of course

    another way would open up. (2.4.85)

    May all of us reach the destination we set out for with the proper spirit, free from

    diversionary notions and ideas. All of life is to be lived, enjoyed, and coped with, we

    cannot dismiss what we are given as unimportant, it may be of importance to others,

    and above all we must learn that brotherhood is the essential requisite for peace. You

    must all be prepared to shoulder many burdens not essentially your responsibility, but

    he who can does, as a contribution to the common good.

    When man learns to say we without discrimination or reserves then a beginning will

    have been made and we will be able to go on from there. There is no "I" in the

    supreme consciousness.

    Man will go on, there is still hope as long as there are some to question and to look

    askance. Just knowing a thing is not right is a good beginning. Maturity and thought

    in study brings answers and methods, helps combat in some way the things that are

    wrong. The tide can yet turn so there is still hope, we will never say otherwise, evenunto the end. (25.2.71)


    After a distressing day at work, I woke up during the night worrying about the people

    involved. I tried to send love and light to the situation but fell back to sleep half-way

    through. This morning I woke up headachy and out of sorts, which lasted all day. Is

    this because I did not finish the meditation properly, and what is the correct procedure

    for sending peace and healing thoughts to a difficult situation?

    Answer When distressful times directly involve ourselves there is one thought on thesituation. When those situations involve others then other thoughts take precedence.

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    We cannot influence others in their quarrels beyond staying away from that quarrel

    and carrying on any relationship as normally as possible. The thought is that we each

    cause our own problems either by provoking them or reacting incorrectly to them.

    Beyond our interfering where violence occurs, the participants must be left to their

    own solutions; if it is important enough then karma, or further decline/growth is

    involved and we cannot deprive persons of their moments to serve or come to terms.One may certainly listen if conversation occurs from the participants, and hopefully

    one can give insight into a probable cause for the upset; one may even subtly indicate

    disapproval if certain persons are being grossly unfair because of age or position, that

    is up to the onlookers discretion. To send love and healing? Touch on the participants

    in your thoughts for a few moments during meditation, seeing them healed and happy,

    send God's blessings. That is all. Distress, or prolonged dwelling on them only

    emphasises the negative. Otherwise, take the inner healing and peace with you as a

    positive influence surrounding yourself. "Love all persons".

    If one is directly involved in the quarrels the answer is almost identical. You must

    look to yourself and see what you need to do about it, not want to do, as often oursolutions can be aggressive, aggrieved, or conciliatory, and none of these, are correct

    or growthful solutions for any of the parties. 'So look to the correct solution for all,

    but not in long, agonising soul-searchings. Then, just for a few moments in

    meditation, giving to yourself, then sending love and peace. Finally, clothe yourself in

    that armour and go about your days, with whatever solutions you have decided on, no

    matter how drastic you think they may have to be, be at peace, it will work out for the

    better for all. (I need not stress that some solutions may not seem that way but it is so

    in the overall pattern of life).

    The overall answer to "headachy and out of sorts" - you copped some of the negatives

    that the persons and situation have been emanating. That's why a quick love and

    healing thought through God or whatever source you choose, then let that do the

    work. You on earth should not otherwise actively interfere in others' growing

    situations. (11.9.85)

    In every meaning there is a perfect answer to men's troubles and although they do not

    always listen when they find this answer, there are always grains of truth falling, to be

    picked up and stored away by impressionable minds. Like a plant they germinate and

    at the right time, when the right conditions occur, these truths will blossom in the

    mind into full knowledge.

    We have been scattering truths and seeding answers to the coming problems; seeding

    answers to all of the problems that have occurred. Often the people who perceived the

    truth were shouted down, ignored or silenced in some way so that the truths were not

    used. But even then the seeding continued as more minds took in the clues, and so on

    until now the time to be silenced is growing shorter. More and more are realising that

    these men speak the tr