spiritual growth isn’t automatic - amazon s3 · spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help....


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Post on 19-Jun-2020




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Page 1: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials
Page 2: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


Page 3: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


Page 4: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials



Page 5: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials

“AndIwillasktheFather,andhewillgiveyouanotherHelper,tobewithyouforever,17eventheSpirit oftruth…(theHolySpirit.)



Page 6: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials

Growthhappensinourlifethroughcombinationof:1.Spirit ofGod

Page 7: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


TheSpiritofGodistheBreath ofGodbreathingnewlifeintous.

Page 8: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials



“TheLordGodformedtheman fromthedustofthegroundandbreathed intohisnostrilsthebreath oflife,andthemanbecamealivingbeing.”


Page 9: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials



“TheSpirit ofGodhasmademe;thebreath oftheAlmightygivesmelife.”


Page 10: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials





Page 11: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials




Page 12: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials





Page 13: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


Spiritualbreathingistheprocess ofreceivingthepresenceandpoweroftheHolySpiritintoourlifeandrespondinginprayer.

Page 14: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


Spiritualbreathingistheprocess ofreceivingthepresenceandpoweroftheHolySpiritintoourlifeandrespondinginprayer.


Page 15: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


Spiritualbreathingistheprocess ofreceivingthepresenceandpoweroftheHolySpiritintoourlifeandrespondinginprayer.



Page 16: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials




Page 17: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials

“Consideritpurejoy,mybrothersandsisters,wheneveryoufacetrialsofmanykinds,3 becauseyouknowthatthetestingofyourfaithproducesperseverance.4 Letperseverancefinishitsworksothatyoumaybematureandcomplete,notlackinganything.”


Page 18: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials

“Consideritpurejoy,mybrothersandsisters,wheneveryoufacetrialsofmanykinds,3 becauseyouknowthatthetestingofyourfaithproducesperseverance.4 Letperseverancefinishitsworksothatyoumaybematureandcomplete,notlackinganything.”


Page 19: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


Page 20: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


� Trials

Page 21: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


� Trialslikeirritations,temptations,frustrations,disappointments

Page 22: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


� Trialslikeirritations,temptations,frustrations,disappointments�Crises

Page 23: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


� Trialslikeirritations,temptations,frustrations,disappointments�Criseslikephysicalandemotionalsuffering,

Page 24: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


� Trialslikeirritations,temptations,frustrations,disappointments�Criseslikephysicalandemotionalsuffering,bigdecisions

Page 25: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


� Trialslikeirritations,temptations,frustrations,disappointments�Criseslikephysicalandemotionalsuffering,bigdecisions,fear

Page 26: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


� Trialslikeirritations,temptations,frustrations,disappointments�Criseslikephysicalandemotionalsuffering,bigdecisions,fear


Page 27: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials

“Consideritpurejoy,mybrothersandsisters,wheneveryoufacetrialsofmanykinds,3 becauseyouknowthatthetestingofyourfaithproducesperseverance.4 Letperseverancefinishitsworksothatyoumaybematureandcomplete,notlackinganything.”


Page 28: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


Page 29: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials



Page 30: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


Meditate,memorize,hearpreachingof,discuss,andapplytheWord ofGod.

Page 31: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


Page 32: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials

“AllScriptureisGod-breathedandisusefulforteaching,rebuking,correctingandtraininginrighteousness,17 sothattheservantofGodmaybethoroughlyequippedforeverygoodwork.”


Page 33: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials

“AllScriptureisGod-breathedandisusefulforteaching,rebuking,correctingandtraininginrighteousness,17 sothattheservantofGodmaybethoroughlyequippedforeverygoodwork.”



Page 34: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials

“Butasforyou,continueinwhatyouhavelearnedandhavebecomeconvincedof,becauseyouknowthosefromwhomyoulearnedit,15 andhowfrominfancyyouhaveknowntheHolyScriptures,whichareabletomakeyouwiseforsalvationthroughfaithinChristJesus.16 AllScriptureisGod-breathed…”


Page 35: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials

“Butasforyou,continueinwhatyouhavelearnedandhavebecomeconvincedof,becauseyouknowthosefromwhomyoulearnedit,15 andhowfrominfancyyouhaveknowntheHolyScriptures,whichareabletomakeyouwiseforsalvationthroughfaithinChristJesus.16 AllScriptureisGod-breathed…”


Page 36: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


Page 37: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


�Thosethatlove us

Page 38: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


�Thosethatloveus� Family,friends,neighbors,work,LifeGroup

Page 39: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


�Thosethatloveusandthosethatirritate us� Family,friends,neighbors,work,LifeGroup

Page 40: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


�Thosethatloveusandthosethatirritateus� Family,friends,neighbors,work,LifeGroup


Page 41: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials



Page 42: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials



Page 43: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


Page 44: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials



Page 45: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials



Page 46: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials



Page 47: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials



Page 48: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials



Page 49: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


Page 50: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials

Growthhappensinourlifethroughcombinationof:1.SpiritofGod2.SpiritualBreathing3.Stress4.Scripture5.SignificantPeople6.SpiritualDisciplines7.SurrenderedTrust- Actively trustingGodasyou


Page 51: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


Page 52: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials

Whenwerecognizegrowthopportunitiesandpractice spiritualbreathing,theHolySpiritwillusethesetohelpusgrowtobemoreandmorelikeJesus.

Page 53: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


1.SpiritofGod 5.SignificantPeople2.SpiritualBreathing 6.SpiritualDisciplines3.Stress 7.SurrenderedTrust4.Scripture

Page 54: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials


Page 55: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials



Page 56: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials



Page 57: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials



Page 58: Spiritual growth isn’t automatic - Amazon S3 · Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we need help. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ... whenever you face trials



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