spiritual direction - franciscan spirituality center


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Page 1: Spiritual Direction - Franciscan Spirituality Center
Page 2: Spiritual Direction - Franciscan Spirituality Center

Feature ArticlesWhy hasn’t anyone told me that? Page 3From our youth, it seems we’ve missed out on some of the best, most provocative information about God and Jesus. Marcus Borg helps us to recover those stories.

meet our Volunteers Page 5Madalene Buelow and Gayda Hollnagel tell about their volunteer experiences.

groWing toWards Wholeness through Wellness Page 7With so many offerings directed to our physical wellness, Barb Kruse helps us sort out the options.

Franciscan Fest returns! Page 9We’ve got the full report on the upcoming Franciscan Fest.

Coming in May and June Page 4Celtic Spirituality Weekend Workshop and Week-long Retreat, Discovering the Essence of Christianity with Marcus Borg, Directed Retreat with others in Solitude.

Coming in July Page 6Green Spirituality Retreat, Group Spiritual Direction.

Coming This Fall Page 8 Men’s Group, NIA, Yoga, Drummaking, The Secret Widows Club, Women Disciples, Free the Mind through Free Writing, Enneagram, Releasing your Creative Energy, Discovering Your Sacred Story, Reclaim Your Intuition, and Wholistic Living Retreat.

Servant Leadership Page 10The annual Foundations for Servant Leadership begins in October.

ETC. Page 11Iowa Service Trip and pre-owned book sale.

Our Donors Page 12Thanks to all who donated in 2008!

The Last Word Page 14 Vince Hatt has two people on his mind.

at The CenterA newsletter published by the Franciscan Spirituality CenterSpring/Summer 2009

Where To Find UsFranciscan Spirituality Center is at 920 Market Street, one block west of Franciscan Skemp Healthcare and one block north of Viterbo University. FSC shares the building with St. Rose Convent.

Solitude Ridge HermitagesThree individual hermitages have been built on the edge of a woodland and provide the peace and quiet of a rural setting. These small buildings were designed to provide a space for the silence and solitude necessary for a deeper experience with God. Hermitages are $33 per night. Write or call the Center for a hermitage brochure.

at the center 2

Ongoing Programs and Groups

To find out more about our programs, meeting rooms, hermitages and spiritual direction, call (608) 791-5295 e-mail [email protected] or www.franciscanspiritualitycenter.org

For Your Information

At the Center is published three times a year by: Franciscan Spirituality Center920 Market StreetLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 791-5295 [email protected]

IdentityFranciscan Spirituality Center is a Gospel-driven, interfaith community founded and sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.

MissionThe Franciscan Spirituality Center is dedicated to anyone seeking wholeness.We live this mission because we believe:

h In each of us lives the Sacred. h We need each other to recognize and honor that part of ourselves.

h Responding to spiritual hunger is necessary for growth, healing and peace.

h As we grow in wholeness, we contribute to the healing of all creation.

Core ValuesIn keeping with the tradition of our Franciscan founders, we hold these core values:SacrednessBelieve that in every person and all creation lives the Sacred.RespectAcknowledge the dignity, diversity and worth of each person as a unique image of God.CommunityThrough prayer, empathy, and sharing, create a safe, peaceful place.HospitalityWelcome all with compassion, acceptance and celebration.ProfessionalismCommit to competence, quality, trust and personal spiritual development.

What We DoThe staff at the Center offers spiritual direction, individually directed and group retreats, and day-long programs. Some staff members are available for off-site workshops, presentations, and programs that fit anyone seeking wholeness. Topics include those listed in each publication of “At the Center.”

DepresseD Anonymous

Every Monday evening throughout the year (5:30 – 6:30 pm)

A 12-step group where people dealing with depression can generate positive energies, form networks of friendship and support, and give each other strength to live each day with hope. For more information, call Vince at 791-5298. Newcomers always welcome!

sAturDAy morning men’s group

Saturday morning May 30 and June 27 (9:00 – 11:00 am)

Enjoy coffee, muffins, and discussion on a current book related to spirituality. Call Vince Hatt at 791-5298 for information about the book.Investment: $7/session. Registration required.

enneAgrAm stuDy group

Every Wednesday evening throughout the year (5:15 – 7:00 pm)

This is a chance to share experiences and learn how the Enneagram can enhance your spiritual journey as well as improve your relationships with family, friends and co-workers.For more information, call Eric Wheeler 785-7383 or John Hempstead 784-8763.

pAx Christi (peACe of Christ)The second Wednesday of the month: May 13, June 10, July 8, August 12, September 9(5:15–5:45 pm) Soup and sandwich available(5:45–7:00 pm) MeetingNo fee, donations acceptedNewcomers welcome!

Pax Christi is an international organization of local groups promoting peacemaking based on the pastoral cycle of Christian prayer, study and action. From their discernment of the signs of the times, Pax Christi groups initiate action—as a community—in a concrete effort to effect change.

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Coming in may and JuneWhy Hasn’t Anyone Told Me That?By Theresa Washburn

I am Sunday School teacher to a dozen fifth graders, and I have a plot to rouse excitement for the Christian tradition, God, Jesus, and yes, even the Holy Spirit. My methods? I make it real, make it something they can taste, feel, hear, touch and live today, right now.

Last week, I greeted the children in Spanish. They stared, crinkled their faces at me and rocked back and forth in their wooden desk-chairs.

“We don’t speak Spanish,” a few of them exclaimed and a couple of them laughed, as a way to support their fellow classmates.

I stopped and looked at them intently. “I know, but what if you were filled with the Holy Spirit and you could understand me?”

“That couldn’t happen!” They barked back, happy to be right.“Well, it did in our story today. People were filled with the Holy Spirit and they understood each other even though

they were speaking in multiple languages.”The class continued as we shared stories about little miracles in our lives, did a rhythmic meditation, calling the name

of the Holy Spirit, and talked about the enormous power of God, manifest in Jesus. By the end of the class one girl asked me, “Why hasn’t anybody ever told me about the Holy Spirit?”

I don’t know the answer. I don’t know why many Christian churches struggle to make the stories of the New Testament real and relevant. I knew I grew away from a faith in which God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are untouchable. The burning bush is for Moses, speaking in tongues for disciples and Jesus, well He had a grip on life I would never attain.

So, thank God for Marcus Borg. His first book, Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time, broke

open the Gospel Jesus and made us feel as if we had an ancient brother. He put real skin on Jesus so that we could touch him, smell him and know more of his mind.

Borg’s honest and personal account of his journey filled with questions, faith-shattering realizations, and new understandings makes him accessible and real to so many of us.

But don’t take my word for it. Check out the reviews on Amazon. Here’s one by B. Marshal of Madison, WI, which is succinct and descriptive.

“A very interesting view of Jesus. I highly recommend it if the old paradigm is not working for you. Who was Jesus really? What was the core of his message? Now what? This book answers those questions, and goes beyond. A great book on the historical, and spiritual, Jesus.”

Over the years Borg has tackled controversial topics of God, Jesus, Christianity, and even Paul, taking the stories out of the hands of theologians, preachers and scholars, and putting them in our laps. In effect, Marcus gives Christianity right back to us, the people, and asks us to live it in a new way. He tells us the things missed in Sunday service, his books have us wondering, “Why hasn’t anyone ever told me that?”

I admit, I cannot wait to hear him speak. I’m busily reading his works and anticipating the hum of excitement found in our summer gatherings of like-minded, spiritually focused people. I want that right now; I need it to bolster my waning commitment to haul myself to church on Sundays. I want to be thrilled about Jesus again, and I want to pass that excitement on to the wide-eyed, wiggly class of fifth graders.

Marcus Borg speaks on Friday evening, June 19, and Saturday, June 20. For a detailed brochure call (608) 791-5295 or e-mail [email protected].

LA historiA De nuestrAs ViDAs (The Story of Our Lives)Thursday, May 21, two offerings at (6:00 pm ) and (8:00 pm)No fee, donations accepted.

The presentation of an original play detailing personal accounts of U.S. immigration, the raid in Postville, IA, and federal detention. The play is presented in Spanish by seven people who experienced these events with an English translation provided to those who attend.Sponsored by our local Pax Christi group, the approximately one-hour play is repeated twice because of the limited seating available in Grace Hall.

Journey progrAm: goD unDer our feet: A Workshop on CeLtiC spirituALity

Friday, May 29 (7:30 – 9:00 pm) and Saturday, May 30 (9:00 am – 4:00 pm) Presenter: Therese Elias, osbInvestment: $95 Limited bedrooms at $33/night.

No matter our ancestral origins, Celtic Spirituality is a tradition written on our hearts. This workshop will offer reflection and experience of this ancient spiritual legacy that finds God everywhere and in everything. Bring your Bible, journal, and creative imagination!

eVeryWhere A BLessing: A CeLtiC spirituALity retreAt

Sunday, May 31 (7:00 pm) to Friday, June 5 (noon)Director: Therese Elias, osbInvestment: $355 includes retreat, bedroom and meals.Commuters: $195 includes retreat and meals.

Not just for the Irish, Welsh, Scottish, and Breton, but a retreat for anyone who has searched for God in the ordinary and in the everyday. In true Celtic fashion, we will celebrate the goodness of creation, the nearness of the saints and the power of the Trinity in our midst, using ancient poetry, art, song, storytelling and Celtic Christianity’s beautiful legacy of prayers and blessings. Bring your Bible and journal.Retreat Director and Journey Program Presenter: Therese Elias, osb, is a Benedictine Sister from Mount St. Scholastica in Atchison, KS. She has been at the Franciscan Spirituality Center many times. We welcome her back to share her many gifts in the ministry of spiritual direction and retreat work. A former college religious studies instructor, she has bachelors and masters degrees in theology and extensive graduate education in spirituality and spiritual direction. She leads retreats and workshops on Benedictine spirituality, the teachings of the mystics, contemplative prayer, Enneagram, dreamwork, and Celtic spirituality. She coordinates Celtic pilgrimages to Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

DisCoVering the essenCe of ChristiAnity

Friday, June, 19 (6:30 – 9:00 pm)Saturday, June 20 (9:30 am – 3:30 pm)With Marcus BorgBoth presentations will be held at the La Crosse Center in downtown La Crosse.

Friday Evening - Emerging Christianity The emerging form of Christian life deviates from the past in three areas: concerns center around transformation in this life more than the afterlife, it is intentional rather than conventional, and it is progressive theologically and politically. Thus, we live in a time of Christian conflict—of change and resistance to change. This evening we focus on the dynamics of this change and possibilities it holds.Saturday - Thinking about the Big Questions Again: God, Jesus and Christian LifeAdult theological re-education is a crucial need today. How do we think and talk about God, Jesus, and what it means to be Christian in a faithful, persuasive, and compelling way?Investment: Before June 1 After June 1Entire Program: $60 $75Friday Evening Only: $16 $20Saturday Only: $48 $60

DireCteD retreAt With others in soLituDe

Communal Prayer Theme: The Questions of JesusSunday, June 28 (1:00 pm) to Friday, July 3 (1:00 pm)Investment: Five days: $395 or three days: $200 includes retreat, bedroom, and meals.Spiritual directors include: Linda Kerrigan, Barb Kruse, and Joan Weisenbeck, fspa.

This retreat is a privately directed retreat that is made within a group experience. Each person will have time for deep prayer, listening, rest and renewal and will move through the days of retreat with an experienced spiritual director. The director meets with the retreatant daily to listen to his/her prayer and life experiences. Scripture or other resources will be used as a basis for prayer, reflection and meditation. Daily liturgy is available as well as the opportunity to pray in the beautiful Mary of the Angels Chapel in St. Rose Convent. An optional communal prayer experience will be offered once a day on the theme of “The Questions of Jesus,” led by the retreat directors. Retreatants can choose the entire five-day experience or any three days during June 28 – July 3. Registration is limited to 20 persons.

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To find out more about our programs, meeting rooms, hermitages and spiritual direction, call (608) 791-5295, e-mail [email protected] or www.franciscanspiritualitycenter.org

Coming in JulyVolunteer Profiles

Madalene BuelowVolunteering at the FSC is just a natural for me. I really enjoy meeting new people, making

visitors feel comfortable and offering hospitality. People who know me, know I have the gift of gab as well as being a good listener. It doesn’t hurt that I love to cook and entertain. Hospitality is a strength and it is one that I am happy to share with the visitors at the Center. The FSC is such a holistic place; I can truly say I have learned how to be more hospitable because of the people I encounter there every day. And hey, the coffee is good and the conversation is insightful.

I’m Director of Development for the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, an affiliate and prayer partner. I’ve been married for 29 years to Kevin and have two beautiful adult “girls.” No dogs unless you count my daughter’s!

Gayda HollnagelI’ve been impressed by the programs and spirit of hospitality of the Franciscan Spirituality

Center since its founding more than 20 years ago. As a longtime La Crosse Tribune reporter (now retired), I wrote numerous stories about FSC activities and always treasured the time I spent with staff and visitors to the Center.

I began volunteering at the Center in November 2007, and continue to find that same spirit of hospitality present each time I serve there. FSC is a wonderful outreach that embodies all that the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration have come to mean in the wider La Crosse area community. It is a joy to be a small part of that.

My husband, Ray, and I have been married 48 years and have two wonderful sons, two lovely daughters-in-law and four beautiful grandchildren. Since retirement, I’ve become a freelance writer and I am co-author with Susan T. Hessel of two books: A History of La Crosse, Wisconsin in the Twentieth Century: Reinventing La Crosse Again and Again, and Justice: Not Just Us: June Kjome: the Making of an Old Lady Activist

General Information

No one should stay away because of inability to pay. The Center will accept a donation within

your means should you be unable to make the suggested fee. Others may wish to give

beyond the suggested fee. In both cases, we gratefully accept whatever is given.

To register, call the Center (608)791-5295 or e-mail [email protected] or online


A $20.00 non-refundable deposit on all weekend programs and program series is required.

green spirituALity

Sunday, July 5 (7:00 pm) to Friday, July 10 (noon)Investment: $355 includes retreat, bedroom and meals.Commuters: $195 includes retreat and meals.St. Rose Convent Residents: $85Director: Fr. Charlie Smiech, ofm

As People of God, we are “thinking green” so to save Good Mother Earth for the next generation. St. Francis of Assisi had a special reverence for all of creation. This retreat will invite us to have a deeper appreciation of what God has created. We will evaluate the Creation account found in the Book of Genesis and study the Canticle of Brother Sun composed by St. Francis himself. As we look for new ways to improve our environment and share our resources, why not take this opportunity to enhance our spiritual relationship with our Mother Earth. After all, this is God’s gift to us to care for; it is Gods’ Cathedral where we worship.Retreat Director: Fr. Charlie Smiech, ofmIn Fr. Charlie’s words: “I was ordained in 1981, and have had more than 10 years experience in retreat ministry. I am well versed in Catholic tradition and Franciscan spirituality, offering deep spiritual guidance to assist groups and individuals mature in their faith. As a world-wide traveler, I honor world religions as well as a multitude of cultures. I am “contemplative by nature.” However, my message is full of life and joy.”From Fr. Charlie Smiech“I received my Masters of Divinity from Christ the King Seminary in East Aurora, NY. I continued my studies in spirituality and preaching at St. Michael’s College, Toronto, Ontario, and Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, IL. Most recently, I studied at the Oblate School of Theology San Antonio, TX, and St. Bonaventure University, NY. From 1999-2006, I served as spiritual director and guardian at St. Francis Retreat House in Easton, PA. Presently, I am a resident of Chicago, IL. As a Franciscan Friar, I have had the privilege over many years to preach and teach religious congregations, parish missions, retreatants, and interfaith conferences in Canada, Germany, India, Italy, Jamaica, Mexico, Pakistan and throughout the United States.”

group spirituAL DireCtion: is it for me?Wednesday, July 8 and Thursday, August 6 (6:30 - 7:30 pm)

While spiritual direction often occurs one-on-one, it can also be facilitated within a group setting, where people seek God together and explore work, relationships, prayer and life experiences. Come to ONE of these informational sessions to learn about the process and to determine whether this might be a possibility for you, or call S. Joan Weisenbeck (791-5297) or Linda Kerrigan (791-5276) for information. A group of six to eight persons will begin in the fall of 2009.

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FSC Wellness Offerings Help Balance Our Body, Mind and SoulBy Barb Kruse

Everyone is a house with four rooms,

a physical, a mental, an emotional and a spiritual.

Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time,

but unless we go into every room, every day,

even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.

~Indian Proverb~

Balance is a popular word these days. I use it frequently—as many of us do—while juggling seven balls called marriage, family life, time with friends, work, community, church, and social commitments. In the midst of that balancing act, a subtle movement towards inner balance of body, mind, emotion and spirit rises within me. I am called to it, and I pause from the frenetic movement.

As I grow older, I realize the importance of paying attention to this inner call to balance. When I answer the call, I feel happier, healthier, and more connected to life. I find I’m better equipped to make the right choices which in turn, lead to more balance.

Often I need help though, a reminder to take time to visit the four rooms of myself, as the proverb suggests. I look to others who lead balanced lives and I mimic a few of their techniques.

As you look through this issue of At The Center, you will find many programs which provide opportunities to enter into and air out your inner rooms as you continue on your journey toward balance and wholeness. Coming to FSC this fall and winter are:

H The NIA Technique Class H Yoga, Vinyasa and Chakra H Wholistic Living Retreat:

Integration of Mind, Body and Spirit for Optimal Health H Beginning Yoga Retreat H Holistic Stress Management H Free Writing to Free the Mind H Drummaking: A Reflection of Self

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starting this fall

In Septembermen’s group resumes

Check the next newsletter for schedule.

the niA teChnique CLAss

Eight Tuesdays and Thursdays Beginning September 15 and 17(5:30 – 6:30 pm)Presenter: Lisa Radtke

yogA, VinyAsA AnD ChAkrA

Six Mondays and WednesdaysBeginning September 14 and 16 (5:30 – 6:30 pm) Presenter: Bernice Olson-Pollack

Drum mAking: A refLeCtion of the seLf, CeLeBrAting your story

Friday, September 25 (7:00 pm) to Sunday, September 27 (noon)Directors: Wayne Manthey and Rosalie Hooper ThomasMaximum enrollment is 15 persons.Investment: Materials (choose one): 16” drum - $115; 13” drum - $90; rattle - $20.Commuters: $165 plus materials. Others: $225 plus materials, includes bedroom and meals.

Wayne Manthey returns to us to share his journey of becoming a drummaker. As Wayne tells his story and guides us through the process of making our drums, we may also recall our own stories of healing and celebration. In honoring the give-away of the animal for the hide, we celebrate our unique relationship with all of creation.

Wayne begins the workshop with an introduction of how he got started making drums and his personal journey with the drum. Next the frames for the drums are chosen and the group begins to familiarize themselves with the rawhide. The hide is cut and stained and we start to sew a rattle.

On Saturday, we will create the drums and complete the rattles, allowing them to dry overnight. There will be time to talk about the care of the drums on Sunday, to do some drumming and to begin to develop a relationship with the new drums.

Throughout the workshop, we will have the opportunity to gather and drum as we listen to the heartbeat of the community.

In OctoberCirCLes of Women series

First Tuesday of the month, October – December(6:30 – 8:00 pm)Presenter: Marci Madary

the seCret WiDoWs’ CLuB: honest refLeCtions on Life After DeAth

Friday, October 9 (7:00 pm) – Saturday, October 10 (8:00 am – noon)Presenter: Marci Madary

Women DisCipLes series

Three Wednesday evenings October 14 – 28(6:30 – 8:00 pm)Presenter: Joan Weisenbeck, fspa(Continuing the series begun in the fall of 2008).

free the minD through free Writing

Three Tuesdays, October 13 – 27(6:30 – 8:00 pm)Presenter: Theresa Washburn

Journey progrAm Begins With the enneAgrAm Friday, October 23 (7:00 pm) – Saturday, October 24 (9:00 am – 4:00 pm)Presenter: Vince Hatt

reLeAsing your CreAtiVe energy

Saturday, October 24 (9:00 am – noon)Presenter: Laurice Heybl, fspa

Coming in NovemberDisCoVering your sACreD story: the Journey into gooDness

Friday, November 6 (7:00 pm) – Saturday, November 7 (9:00 am – 4:00 pm)Presenter: Theresa Washburn

free the minD through free Writing

Three Tuesdays, November 10 – 24 (6:30 – 8:00 pm)Presenter: Theresa Washburn

reCLAim your intuition

Saturday, November 14 (9:00 am – 3:00 pm) Presenter: Jean Kasparbauer, fspa

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Meeting RoomsThe Franciscan Spirituality Center offers a wide variety of rooms to fit the needs of your meetings, retreats, and training sessions. We offer five meeting rooms to accommodate groups from 2 to 72 participants. Each room is bright, attractive, comfortable, quiet, and can be tailored to meet the needs of your group. In addition, we provide a wide range of audio/visual equipment for no additional charge. Refreshments and catering are also available.To enhance your visit, your group will be provided personal care by FSC staff that exceeds expectations of professionalism, flexibility, courtesy, and hospitality. This service includes assisting you with everything right down to welcoming your group upon arrival to helping with last minute details that will insure your visit is pleasant and enjoyable.

Please call (608) 791-5295 or e-mail [email protected] for pricing, availability, or additional information.

For more inFormation

call rosalie (608) 791-5268 or e-mail [email protected]

or Visit


Celebrate the Joy, Beauty, and Spirit of Francis and Clare at the 2009 Franciscan FestSaturday, September 19, 200910:30 am Music10:45 am Presentation12:00–3:00 Pm Medieval Village is open

The Franciscan Spirituality Center begins its 25th-year anniversary celebration with our second Franciscan Fest, Saturday, September 19. The Fest celebrates our Franciscan heritage and the spirit of life during the time of Saints Francis and Clare.

The day begins at 10:30 am in the Maria Angelorum Chapel at St. Rose Convent with harp music by Sister Malinda Gerke and music by the St. Rose Schola singers, followed by a presentation. Kathy Warren, OSF, author of Daring to Cross the Threshold: Francis of Assisi Encounters Sultan Malek al-Kamil, will share her insights into the meeting of Francis of Assisi and the Sultan of Egypt. These Christian and Muslim individuals offer a model of interfaith and intercultural dialogue of respect and a way of peace.

At 12:00 pm, the medieval village opens to the fanfare of trumpets and song in the Assisi Courtyard of Viterbo University. The village features a town square with craft vendors with items for sale, and demonstrations of crafts reflecting the time of Francis and Clare.

Local bands, Viterbo choirs, strolling minstrels and singers, and characters from Francis’ time dressed in the clothing of that era will provide music and entertainment.

Italian food provided by Franciscan Skemp Healthcare’s Marketplace, Viterbo University and Grounded Speciality Coffee will be for sale.

The Fest ends at 3:00 pm with a final trumpet call.

Everyone is invited to attend, children are welcome. Cost for the entire day is 3,000 medieval lira or three US dollars.

Tickets can be purchased at the Franciscan Spirituality Center by e-mailing [email protected] or on the day of the festival. Call (608) 791-5295 or [email protected] for more details. More information about the Franciscan Fest will be available in August.

foundations for serVant leadershiPIn today’s society, we have a crucial need for the development of spiritually motivated leaders who will help shape a

life-giving organizational culture and society for the challenges ahead. Foundations for Servant Leadership is designed for those who seek a deeper spiritual foundation for their lives and work in the company of other like-minded leaders. It promises to bring both life to the leader and effectiveness and profitability to the workplace.

Foundations is a four-session residential program which builds on the principles of servant leadership. It is not a quick fix, but a long-term approach to becoming a servant leader who listens well, builds community, stewards organizational resources and has a vision of the common good.

All sessions run from Friday (6:30 Pm) to Saturday (8:00 am - 4:00 Pm)Investment: $775 for series, $195 individual session, includes meals and bedroom.

An inVitAtion to serVAnt LeADership

October 30 – 31, 2009Carl Koch and Rosalie Hooper Thomas

What is servant leadership and who is a servant leader? This weekend explores the history of Servant Leadership and gives examples of people and organizations practicing many of the basic principles of this new leadership style. Participants will be given an opportunity to review the characteristics of their own leadership styles. They will be able to determine areas of growth and potential practical applications of approaches and skills of servant leadership.

the refLeCtiVe Life of A LeADer

January 15 – 16, 2010Vince Hatt and Mary Kathryn Fogarty, fspa

A cornerstone for servant leadership is a regular reflective practice which enables self-awareness, creativity and integration. We will explore various methods of reflection and prayer, and discover how a reflective practice can contribute to improved communication and decision making. We will also introduce the personal mentor option as a support in developing the habit of regular reflection.

DisCoVering your LeADership styLe

March 12 – 13, 2010Vince Hatt

Servant leadership involves moving from ego-based to soul-based leadership which is good for the leaders, good for employees and good for business. Using the insights from the Enneagram, a system of personality typology that combines psychology and spirituality to achieve self-awareness, we can learn specifically our own leadership style as it relates to communication with and understanding of another.

ACting for the Common gooD

April 16 – 17, 2010Carl Koch and Rosalie Hooper Thomas

The servant leader must not only intend to do good, but she or he must also have the skills to do the good intended. A key skill is discerning what actions need to be taken. During this session, we will examine and work with tools of discernment and decision making, which will actually contribute to common good. Participants will be encouraged to develop a plan of practical steps in becoming the servant leader they are called to be.

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Franciscan Spirituality Center StaffKaren Donaldson - HospitalityJenny Ehlke-Walter - Office ManagerMary Kathryn Fogarty, FsPa- Spiritual DirectorVince Hatt - DirectorRosalie Hooper Thomas - Program Coordinator and FacilitationLinda Kerrigan, FsPa aFFiliate - Hospitality and Spiritual DirectorBarb Kruse - Hospitality and Spiritual DirectorJoe Orso - Jail and Environmental OutreachJudy Thesing - Receptionist and HospitalityJoan Weisenbeck, FsPa - Retreats and Spiritual DirectorDarlene Wozney, FsPa aFFiliate-Receptionist and HospitalityDesign, layout, writing and editing of At The Center by Theresa Washburn

Service Trip to IowaBy the time you receive this newsletter, the Franciscan Spirituality Center will have taken 17 individuals on a service

trip to Cedar Rapids to assist the residents in recovery efforts from flooding that hit their downtown and residential areas in June, 2008. From May 10–15, the service trip provided these individuals with another way to live out their spirituality and also help others in need.

The mission for the Center’s service trips is “To offer adults the opportunity to live out gospel values through service projects directly impacting those whose quality of life has been compromised by socio-economic factors, environmental impact, or poverty.” The Spirituality Center will hold another service trip, with location and details yet to be determined, next spring. Keep this in mind if this sounds like something that would appeal to you.

We want to thank the Prairiewoods Franciscan Spirituality Center for housing our group for the week. They also are living out their faith, and are providing assistance to those who have been impacted by the flooding.

Pre-owned Book Sale beginning July 20 Stop by to browse our selection of pre-owned books.

seraPhim $1,500 or more Anonymous

cherubim $350 - $1,499 Scott Baker Candice Corrigan and Johanna Leuchter Vince and Janice Hatt Hospital Sisters of St. Francis Thomas S. Kelly Joan and John Mueller Dee Paque Servants of Mary In Memory of Elaine Lee* Stephanie and Robin Swartz

Tim Wick

archangels $200 - $349 Anonymous In Honor of those in need * Kathleen Berg

Vana Bowen In Honor of Val Langlois* Barbara and Jim Dunn

In Honor of FSC’s good work* Elaine and Jeff George

Jane and Michael Jacobi In Honor of Dave Johnson and Patrick Verse* Mary B. Johnson

Doug and Bonnie Moquin In Honor of Staff at FSC* Lucille Pedretti

Beverly Phelan In Honor of Paul Witmer, Lisa Beckwith and Ann Mertes* Kathy Reardon

Steve and Suzanne Tanke Anne and Jont Tyson Ken and Jane Washburn

angels $100 - $199 Ardel Barta In Honor of Blanche Klein, fspa* Julie and Terry Bartels

Cynthia Bomber In Memory of Candy Marie Wilson and Carole Bauer* Carol and Jim Brickson

Karen and Martin Bukoll Catholic Residential Services, Inc Coulee Bank Bernie and Marilyn Dansart Beth and Kevin Erickson Gloria and Richard Faivre In Memory of Robert Floyd* Sibyl Floyd

Jim Fowler Roberta and Dan Gelatt In Memory of Sara K.Guentner and Virginia Kukolsky* Wendelin Guentner

Carol A. Hagen In Honor of all who serve our Catholic schools* Phillip and Jean Hahn

Barbara and Herb Heili John and Marilyn Hempstead Rosalie Hooper Thomas and Stan Thomas Shirley Huhn In Memory of Joanne and Mark* Vernon D. Hunstad

In Memory of Margaret Picha, ssnd* Maria Iannuccillo, ssnd

In Memory of Theodore and Mary Reichwein and Roman and Angeline Kampa* David Kampa and Donna Reichwein-

Kampa Carl Koch and Joyce Heil Denis Kuennen and Bernice Lansing In Memory of Mary Larkin* Tom Larkin

Roger and Sondra LeGrand In Honor of the affiliates* Mary Ann and Melvin Lipska

In Honor of Blanche Klein, fspa* Dr. Patricia Lund

Lundahl, Hatt and Austad In Memory of my Family* Fran Morrissey, FsPa

Mary Murphy In Memory of Joseph A. Nelson* Rachel Nelson

In Memory of John Carlsen* Rebecca Nesse

Charlotte Nesseth Bryan A. Olson Gloria and Earl Patterson Ray Pavelko In Memory of Sr. Leora Foegen* Lori Lu Rebhan

Fr. Arnold Reuter In Memory of Grace McDonald, fspa* Marikaye and Charles Robers

Beth Saner, FsPa Joanne and William Shackelford Nancy Sieger Sue Sievertson Mark Stahlhut Marge Stansfield John and Katherine Storlie Bradley and Lynn SturmIn Memory of Paul R. Neman* Colleen Walsh

Elaine Young

Friends uP to $99 Violeta Abitia Karen Acker In Memory of Bob Adams* Betty Adams

In Memory of Arnold Weiss* Terry and Ron Amel

In Memory of Matthew and Scott Allen* Mary Angelis

In Honor of Joan Weisenbeck, fspa* Mark Avery

Terry Baker Joan G. Bartell Marie Barth, PbVm

Ruth and Gerry Berns In Memory of Grace McDonald, fspa* Bill and Elizabeth Brendel

Donations January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008We offer our heartfelt appreciation to all those who donated to our endowment this past year. These contributions

insure the lasting viability of the Franciscan Spirituality Center. All donations to the endowment continue to be matched by a donor. We are DOUBLY BLESSED by your gifts! Listing the names of donors is one way we show appreciation to the many friends that support our work. We try hard to be accurate, but do make mistakes. If you notice one, please call us at (608) 791-5295. *Indicates a gift given in memory or honor of someone.

Page 8: Spiritual Direction - Franciscan Spirituality Center

at the center 14

The Last Word

13 at the center

Please Remember the Franciscan Spirituality Center in Your Will

FSC is part of the FSPA, a 501c(3) non-profit organization. Our tax ID# 39-0806386

Susan Boyle and Sister Janet MallakAs I write this today (April 17), I have both Susan Boyle and Janet Mallak on my mind.

They are on my mind because they both touch my heart.

Today I watched Susan Boyle, along with 35 million others, sing “I Dreamed a Dream” on YouTube. Tears came to my eyes. How wonderful! This unassuming, plain, woman with learning disabilities has a tremendous gift that has been hidden from the world for her 48 years of life.

Today I also realized that in exactly four weeks, Janet will leave FSC. Janet has been elected to leadership in her School Sisters of Notre Dame religious community. Her last day here is May 15.

What is the connection between Janet and Susan Boyle? Janet believes there is a Susan Boyle in everyone. There is a wonderful gift in the most unassuming, ordinary person. That everyone, no matter how wounded, broken or self-depreciating, has a gift for the world.

Many people believe this. What is unique about Janet is that she has the ability to enable people to believe it about themselves. Somehow those who sit in the same room with Janet begin to own their own giftedness.

I don’t know exactly how this happens. Some name it as her deep empathy or her unconditional love and acceptance, some use only one word: presence.

Whatever it is, I noticed it seven years ago when I intensely recruited her to join the FSC staff.

Now I say good-bye. Thanks Janet, for being “God with skin on” to so many. Thanks for enabling others to find their own giftedness, especially the giftedness of the God who dwells within. Thanks for your healing presence.

But this is not my last word to her.

My last word to Janet is, if I am still director when your term of leadership ends, I would like to say, “Welcome back! Your presence has never left us!”

La Historia de Nuestras Vidas(The Story of Our Lives)

Our local Pax Christi (Peace of Christ) group is sponsoring this presentation by immigrants from Postville, IA, on May 21 at both 6:00 and 8:00 pm at FSC. See the May schedule elsewhere in this newsletter for details.

About 20 of our Pax Christi group began studying the spirituality of nonviolence weekly during Lent. If you would like to join us, also see the May schedule for details about our monthly meetings.

Thanks to all of you who contributed so generously to our Lenten appeal for the food pantry and the immigrants in Postville. We will be presenting checks to both groups in your names in the next few weeks.

Mona L. Brown In Memory of William and Catherine Buffton* Deborah Buffton

John and Barb Burgess Georgia Christensen, FsPa Joan Costello Naomi Craft Marv Davis Karen Dosemagen In Memory of Ella Drecktrah* Anne Drecktrah

Maryann L. Dunn In Honor of Mary Kathryn Fogarty* Luanne Durst, FsPa

In Honor of Elaine Ellis* Frederick P. Ellis

In Honor of Carol Kaiser* Donna M. Elsen

Mary Ann Falbe, osF In Honor of Kristin Peters* Mary Farrell

In Memory of Raymond Feeney* Alise Feeney

In Memory of John and Mary Duellman* Suzanne and Stan Ferguson

In Honor of the Washburn family* Cyndi Fleming

In Memory of Sr. Leora Foegen* Pam and Roger Foegen

Cheryl Folstad In Memory of Mary Forer * Charles Forer

Ann Fox Rogene Fox, osF

In Memory of Mildred Petersen* Vycki Frentz

Norbert Gaier Ann Gerding Donna Glowcheski In Honor of Marquerite Meyer and Darryl Graf* Jeanette and Al Graf

In Memory of Earl Madary* Todd Graff

In Honor of my daughter Kathleen* Carol J. Hawley

In Memory of Greg Hebert and Agnes Flott-meier* Patricia Kellum

Rita Heires, FsPa Janet Helgren In Honor of Vince Hatt* Cary Heyer

Carole and Walter Hodgins

In Memory of Frank and Monica Kleczewski* Barbara Hoffman

Shirley Hogan In Memory of Donny Wright* Kathryn M. Houge

Meredith Houge Jeffrey N. Houser In Memory of Rev. Stephen Gross* Tom and Margaret Jablonski

Lin Jennewine Amy Johnson In Honor of Vince Hatt* Peggy Johnson

Donna Kamann Vickie Kendle In Memory of my deceased parents and in Honor of Sr. Kathleen* Fr. Ben Kenkel

In Honor of the FSPA’s, Vince Hatt and all who prayed for us during Sara’s long battle with cancer* Mary Kerrigan

In Memory of Aunt Lorraine* Mike and Jeanne Kinney

Peggy and Brian Kober Phyllis Koschmeder John B. Kreuser Kathy Krueger Dennis and Sharon Krumenauer Rose Krumenauer In Memory of Patrick* Jim and Carmen LaSater

Adriana Laurel Dan Leach In Memory of Mary Funke Welch* Mary Welch Lee

In Honor of Robert Rondorf* Rita A. Lee

Francis Lukowski Marian Massman, FsPa Alice McMullin, FsPa

John and Dee Medinger LuAnn I. Miller Bert Mohs In Memory of Ray Monsebroten* Carol and Lyle Monsebroten

Genny Morrissey, FsPa

In Memory of Dale Painter* Dawn Nelson

In Honor of Helen Munson* Helen and John Perlich

In Memory of Myrt and Wendell* Judy Perry

In Memory of my husband Vern* Mary C. Peters

In Memory of Downtown Marios* J. Peter Petersilie

In Honor of Paula Stephens and Tammy Barthels* Carol Peterson

Lois Pouzar Kenneth Puchalski Dan and Carol Pulsfus Sandy and Jerry Putman Therese and Mike Regner Everett and Maureen Rice Deborah Rice-Viner Silvana Richardson Mary Beth Ripp Thomas S. Rislow Mary Lou Ryan Randy Schenkat and Martha Greenwald In Memory of Eric Schermerhorn* Nancy Schermerhorn

Terri Sersch In Memory of Eileen Sheridan Eberhardt* Pat Sheridan, FsPa

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shilkett, Jr. In Honor of Blanche Klein, fspa* Susan Sieger

In Honor of Vince Hatt* James A. Sill

Irene Simpson Jean and Sam Skemp Edna and Wenzel Smetana Mary Ann Snapp Mary and John Snider Jane and Paul Steingraeber Paula Stephens Bernadette Teff Nancy Thacker In Memory of Paul Tralmer* Geraldine Tralmer

In Memory of Margaret Picha, ssnd* Bridget Waldorf, ssnd

Eric J. Wheeler Lucille Wilcox In Memory of Margaret Redig* John Williams and Jane Redig

Julia Wingert, PbVm

In Memory of Lucille and Dan Witzke and June Ehlke* Cathy Witzke

Darlene Wozney William Younglove Mary C. Zapf

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Spiritual Direction

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Spiritual guidance is a means of growing in relationship with God and all creation. Spiritual guides are available through the Center. The following are available for on-going spiritual guidance. Please call the Center to make arrangements.

m Mary Kathryn Fogarty, FsPa

m Vince Hattm Linda Kerrigan, FsPa aFFiliate

m Barb Krusem Rosalie Hooper Thomasm Joan Weisenbeck, FsPa

In Our Sophia BookstoreGreat Fathers Day GiftAnd God Said, “Play Ball!” By Gary GrafThis amusing, thought-provoking book makes the Bible more approachable by relating it to a game loved by both children and adults. It shows baseball not only as a game, but a never-ending series of lessons about life.

Getting to know BorgMeeting Jesus Again for the First Time: The Historical Jesus and the Heart of Contemporary Faith

By Marcus J. BorgNew Testament scholar Borg considers scholarly and popular religious understanding of Jesus’ public image. He investigates, with special care, the effects of historical Jesus research on contemporary images of Jesus. Borg’s description of his own faith particularly exemplifies these qualities, and gives the reader a simultaneously safe and unsettling new perspective on the peasant from Galilee.The First Paul: Reclaiming the Radical Visionary Behind the Church’s Conservative Icon

By Marcus J. Borg and John Dominic CrossanPaul is second only to Jesus as the most important person in the birth of Christianity, and yet he continues to be controversial, even among Christians. How could the letters of Paul be used both to inspire radical grace and to endorse systems of oppression. Borg and Crossan use the best of biblical and historical scholarship to explain the reasons for Paul’s mixed reputation and reveal to us what scholars have known for decades. Jesus: Uncovering the Life, Teachings, and Relevance of a Religious Revolutionary

By Marcus J. BorgFrom top Jesus expert Marcus Borg, a completely updated and revised version of his vision of Jesus—as charismatic healer, sage, and prophet, a man living in the power of the spirit and dedicated to radical social change.