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Spiritual Boot Camp Student Manual Compiled by: Ethelene Brady Web: revivaltoolkit.org Contact: [email protected]

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Spiritual Boot Camp

Student Manual

Compiled by: Ethelene Brady

Web: revivaltoolkit.org

Contact: [email protected]

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Main Contributing Authors

Ethelene Brady ~

Annie Morgan ~

Alan Parker ~

Gary Gibbs ~ “Winsome Witnessing” Book and DVD available at ABC Bookstores DVD 12-30 minute programs on three DVD's. Can purchase at AdventSource #425662 800-732-7587

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Hearing God's Call

Spiritual boot camp is a course for those who have heard God calling them to join His army. Be a soldier of the cross and let God work through you.

Every soldier must be trained and equipped before going to battle. This course will provide the training you will need to become a successful soldier in the Lord's Army.

Whether we like it or not we are all involved in a “war.” It is a real war. It is not only spiritual but physical as well. We see the results of war every day in the lives of our friends and family inthe form of physical, mental, and spiritual pain, and death.

“If the curtain could be rolled back, and each one could discern the constant activities of the heavenly family to preserve the inhabitants of the earth from Satan's seductive wiles, lest in their careless attitude they should be led astray through satanic strategy, they would lose a large degree of their self-confidence and self-assurance. They would see that the armies of heaven are in continual warfare with satanic agencies, to obtain victories in behalf of those who do not sense their danger, and who are passing on in unconscious indifference.” (Manuscript 32-1900 (June 26, 1900) par. 16)

Before Going to War

We are in a spiritual war. In order to be prepared for war, we must have weapons and need to know how to use them. Paul, in Ephesians 6:11-18, gives us a list of weapons that we have available to us. These weapons are not only useful for our spiritual walk with Jesus, but they will help us as we share the Gospel with others. Through this course we will learn how to use these tools to give us the strength, courage, and faith to not only follow our Commander but alsoto share His Word with others.

“With faith in God as their armor, and with His word as their weapon of warfare, they would be supplied with an inner power that would enable them to turn aside the attacks of the enemy.” (Acts of the Apostles 307.1)

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Goals and Objectives

Many are thirsty for the “living water” that only Christ can supply. This course will teach you how to share God's word with your family and friends and the divine appointments that God is preparing for you. You will experience the joy of sharing God's word and seeing others come into a love relationship with Him. You will develop eternal friendships.

The goals and objectives of the Spiritual Boot Camp are to train and equip each student. You will be shown how to achieve victory over the enemy for your soul. You will experience the freedom that can only be obtained in Christ. You will achieve victory in assisting others to receive the same freedom in Christ. You will have hands on training in how to give a Bible study. When you finish this course you will have the confidence to go out and share God's Word with others.

Program Overview

The Spiritual Boot Camp will be conducted in eight sessions. It will cover the following topics:

1. Cycle of Evangelism/Christ's Method2. Personal Preparation3. Knowing God4. How to Give an Effective Bible Study5. Leading a Person to Christ /Personal Testimony6. Dealing with Objections/ Preparing for Public Evangelism7. Getting Decisions8. Nurturing and Follow Up

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Session 1

Cycle of Evangelism

WarAs we prepare for war we must look to our Chief Commander.• How did He fight the enemy?• How did He train his soldiers (disciples) to win the hearts of those they were working for?

There are two types of war:• Physical• Spiritual

Physical WarPhysical war is what we commonly identify as differing individuals or groups in conflict with one another. Many will be injured and die. There might be destruction and devastation all about with many families who have lost loved ones, their homes and their land. Often a change in the governing party results.

Spiritual WarThe spiritual war is just as real as the physical war. You can see the results of the spiritual war. Are you experiencing personally, on behalf of your family, friends, and neighbors, the pain, hurt,and spiritual death?

Constant Warfare of the Angels

“If the curtain could be rolled back, and each one could discern the constant activities of the heavenly family to preserve the inhabitants of the earth from Satan's seductive wiles, lest in their careless attitude they should be led astray through satanic strategy, they would lose a large degree of their self-confidence and self-assurance. They would see that the armies of heaven are in continual warfare with satanic agencies, to obtain victories in behalf of those who do not sense their danger, and who are passing on in unconscious indifference.” (Heavenly Places 98.2)

Preparation for warTo start our training we are going to look to our Chief Commander and see the plan that He has given for the rescue mission: “EVANGELISM.”

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You are included in God's great planIn God's Great Plan of Redemption, He desires for each of us to join Him in His work of saving souls. He has commissioned us to “Go” and sow the word of His great LOVE.

The Commission

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world Amen.” (Matthew 28:19, 20)

Jesus wants us to be on His rescue team. He wants us to partner with He and His Father, to be lead by the Holy Spirit and have all power to win the war.

The Gospel

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

John tells us in 1 John 4:8, 9, 16 that GOD IS LOVE

“The love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through Him.”

Life and victory is assured in, and through, JESUS.

Two CommandsWhat we must know, experience and share is Jesus – all that He is – all that He has done for youand me – and all that he is doing, and will do, for all that turn to Him. Our orders are to “GO” and “LOVE.”

The first command is for us to “GO.”Matthew 28:18-20, (NKJV) tells us:

“And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.'” Amen.

“The commission given to the disciples is given also to us. Today, as then, a crucified and risen Saviour is to be uplifted before those who are without God and without hope in the world.” (Gospel Workers, p29)

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The second command is to “LOVE.”

“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:12, NKJV)

“These things I command you, that you love one another.” (John 15:17, NKJV)

These are not suggestions. These are commands from our “Commander in Chief.”

“By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” (John 13:35, KJV)

“Our affection for one another springs from our common relation to God. We are onefamily, we love one another as He loved us.” (Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, pp1508-1509)

One with JesusIn John 17, Jesus' last prayer, He prays for you and me.

• He wants to be one with us just as He and His Father are one.• He wants us to have the same love for the lost – the perishing.• He wants us to be part of His team for saving souls.• He wants us to have His “Joy.”

Response to the Commission - The SowerIn Luke 8:4 – 15, Jesus gave us the agricultural parable of the sower to show us HOW to “Go” and share the GOSPEL. There are certain steps that a farmer must take in a particular order so that there is a successful harvest.

These are the steps that He has given us for EVANGELISM.

1. Prepare the soul2. Prepare the soil3. Plant the seed4. Cultivate the soil5. Harvest the fruit6. Preserve the Harvest7. Start over

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1. Prepare the soul: The soul of the sower must be prepared first. The sower must prepare him or herself to be able to plant the seed. They must have something to sow. The seed of God's Word must be growing in them. Session 2 will cover personal preparation.

2. Prepare the soil: The soil must be prepared before the seed can be planted. The rocks and other debris must be removed. The soil must be soft. The best place to sow the Gospel seed iswith those whose hearts have been softened through friendship. Session 1 will cover how to prepare people based on the method that Christ used.

3. Plant the seed: Just as some seeds grow faster than others, some people will respond sooner than others. We must be patient for the seed to sprout. Session 3 will focus on how to give Bible studies.

4. Cultivate the soil: The soil must be kept soft, weeds removed and water provided so that the young plants may grow. Session 5 will cover how to deal with the objections thatblock the ability of the seed of God's Word to grow.

5. Harvest the fruit: Harvesting takes place when the fruit is ripe. Session 6 will cover how to get decisions and Session 7 covers how to prepare for public evangelism.

6. Preserve the harvest: Remember the church is the body of Christ for our new believers. Generate a social fabric of love, acceptance and safety for them. Provide books, resources, and new member Sabbath School classes for their spiritual growth. Hold small group trainingsessions of which you can include topics such as discipleship, growing in Jesus, the Sabbath, worship, outreach, our modern day prophet, and church involvement.

7. Start over: The harvest also produces new seed for the next planting. The cycle is repeated for the next growing season. The same is true for evangelism. Once you have harvested the “fruit” it is time to start preparing for the next harvest. Session 8 covers how to follow up andnurture the new believer. The new believer has relationships with family and friends that are ready to “plant” the Word of God. It is time to start planning your next evangelistic series to harvest the seeds from the new fruit.

“As the seed sown produces a harvest, and this in turn is sown, the harvest is multiplied In our relation to others, this law holds true. Every act, every word, is a seed that will bear fruit. Every deed of thoughtful kindness, of obedience, or of self-denial, will reproduce itself in others, and through them in still others.” (Christ Object Lessons 85.1)

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Friendship Evangelism

Reaching the HeartThe cycle of evangelism is God's outline of evangelism to reach the heart. How do we reach out to others that may be different from us?

“Your success will not depend so much upon your knowledge and accomplishments, as upon your ability to find your way to the heart. By being social and coming close to the people, you may turn the current of their thoughts more readily than by the most able discourse.” (Gospel Workers 193.2)

When the heart is reached there is a desire to share His love with others. We want others to experience the joy that we have. When you share God's love with others you will experience great joy. Not only is there joy within us, but also in heaven.

“Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” (Luke 15:10)

● How did Jesus reach the lost?● How did Jesus reach the heart?● What methods did He use?


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Christ's Method

There are many ways to reach to the lost, but there's only one way that brings true success. It is the method that Christ used to reach people. What methods did Christ use?

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________

“Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior (1)mingled with men as one who desired their good. He (2)showed His sympathy for them, (3)ministered to their needs, and (4)won their confidence. Then He bade them, (5)'Follow Me'” (Ministry of Healing, page 143.3)

Christ's method reaches out to the whole person: Emotionally Mentally Physically

All through the ministry of Christ, we see Him involved in people's lives. We see Him preaching, teaching, healing and holding children in His hands. He was always interested in the people around Him. He looked to see what they were seeking, what were their longings, what were their needs. Throughout the book of John you see Jesus demonstrating His immense care for people by meeting their needs.

Event Felt NeedWedding Feast Social Embarrassment (John 2)Nicodemus Genuine Spirituality (John 3)Woman at Well Emotional Support (John 4)Man at Pool Physical Healing (John 5)Hungry Multitude Physical Nourishment (John 6)

Where Do You Start?

Your mission field is the people you come into contact each day. Work School Friends Neighbors

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“Go to your neighbors one by one, and come close to them till their hearts are warmed by your unselfish interest and love. Sympathize with them, pray with them, watch for opportunities to do them good, and as you can, gather a few together and open the Word of God to their darkened minds.” (Christian Service 116.1)

We develop friendships because Christ is living in us and working through us. We share the gospel with them as an expression of God's love. It is a way of life for us, a lifestyle of service and giving. We do it because we live for others, not for ourselves. Yet, true friendship and true love will compel us to share the gospel. Because of our godly compassion for people, we will want to rescue them from being prisoners of war in Satan's camp. It is only as we share the truth of God's love that they can be released from his lies and deception. Only the truth can set them free.

“It's important to remember Christ's method in all of our relationships. Our one purpose in relating to others should be to work unselfishly for their salvation. This includes times when we relate to our boss, our fellow church members, leaders, co-workers, our spouse, or our children. In order to be effective and have true success insharing God's word with them, we must first ask: “Do I have their confidence and trust?” If not, seek to gain their trust. Be trustworthy. Show love. Get close. Watch forthe time when their heart is soft, then share God's Word.” (Christ's Methods Alone, Philip G. Samaan)

One Soul per YearGod's plan for this world is clearly expressed in the great commission text in Mark 16:15.

“And He said unto them, Go ye (you) into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”

God's plan for the world is a person-to-person plan for sharing the gospel. No one person can reach the whole world with the gospel, but each individual Christian can share the gospel with another person, and that person can reach others that are close to them. The process goes on and on until the Gospel goes around the world.

“The commission given to the disciples is given also to us.” (Gospel Workers 29)

This seems like such a huge task, but look at this encouraging statement:

“When the members of the church of God do their appointed work... in fulfillment of the gospel commission, the whole world will soon be warned and the Lord Jesus will return to this earth with power and great glory.” (Acts of the Apostles 111)

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Imagine what would happen if each person who accepted Christ would share the gospel with just one other person each year and that person shared with another person each year, and on and on?

Year # of Believers

1 2

2 4

3 8

4 18

5 32

10 1,024

20 1,048,576

25 33,554,432

Where & How Do You Find People?There are many areas that you can find people to study with. Circle of Influence Friendships Creative Ministries Church Visitors Door to Door Surveys Mail Bible study request cards

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Circle of InfluenceWhat can you do to reach others? How do we apply Christ's method to our lives? Where do we start? Start with those around you. Every individual has his/her circle of influence or network of friends that they influence.

Your mission field is where you live, where you work, where you go to school, your friends, neighbors and families.

Look around you for people who need Jesus. Get to know your neighbors. How well do they know you? How often do you speak to them? Have you ever invited them to your house for a social visit?

Our lives are so busy with church, school and work that we don't seem to have time for others. We need to stop and make time to develop relationships with people around us. Relationships that will last forever!

“John (the Baptist) directed two of his disciples to Christ. Then one of these, Andrew, found his brother, and called him to the Savior. Philip was then called, and he went in search of Nathaniel. These examples should teach us the importance of personal effort,of making direct appeals to our kindred, friends, and neighbors.” (Desire of Ages, 141.2)

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Divine AppointmentsHow do we apply Christ's method in reaching others? Start with divine appointments. A divine appointment is when God brings two or more people together for His purpose. Pray that God will give you divine appointments with the ones that will be responsive to His love. You must bealert for them. When God identifies these people to you, put them on your prayer list and pray for them every day. Prayer is powerful.

Pray each day for opportunities to share God's love with them. By this I do not mean to share doctrine, but to share God's love through acts of kindness. Look for ways that you can cultivate relationships with those around you. You need to earn their confidence and trust before you can share God's Word with them.

Name two examples of divine appointments in scripture:

John 4 __________________________________________________________________

Acts 8:26-40 _____________________________________________________________

Be Prepared For Divine AppointmentsPray and watch for divine appointments. Be prepared, for God will amaze you with those whomHe brings in contact with you. The following are examples of some items you may want to haveon hand to share with others when a spiritual interest is awakened. Steps to Christ The Passion of Christ DVD Final Events Free Bible Study Cards (It's best if you can fill this out and send it in yourself.) Bible Universe Cards Small tracts that meet needs such as Women of Spirit, Signs of the Times, and others

Be Prepared – Carrysome of these

“Witnessing Tools” withyou at all times

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Appendix A ~ Friendship Evangelism – Kindness CampaignWhat is kindness? Some have said that kindness is the golden key that unlocks the human heart. It has also been stated that heaven's rich rewards will be given to those who have learned how tobe kind. Kindness is a universal language that everyone understands and appreciates. It will break down walls of prejudice, soothe jaded nerves, quench the fires of anger and secure close bonds of understanding.

Appendix A ~ Friendship Evangelism has a list of 75 ideas in the Kindness Campaign to show kindness to others.

“If we would humble ourselves before God, and be kind and courteous andtenderhearted and pitiful, there would be one hundred conversions to the truthwhere now there is only one.” (Testimonies Vol. 9, 189.4)

Appendix B ~ SurveysDoor to door surveys are the most steadfast approach to making personal contact with the community. It is an awesome way to experience divine appointments. God has special people in homes throughout the area that are waiting for someone to approach them for an opportunity to study the Bible.

God reaches people through people; it is His designed plan, and He uses different kinds of people to bring souls into the kingdom. There are people being prepared by the Holy Spirit right this minute that God can reach through your specific type of character, individual personality and influence. He wants and needs to work through you to bring these precious souls into the kingdom! Every person has a distinct personality and traits that God can use in a special and mighty way. He will personally bring you in contact with these people, but you must pray for it to happen! Your contact with them may be the best chance they will ever have of hearing these life changing truths about the mission of Christ, with hope and faith in Him to change their life for eternity!

Because God is a God of justice and offers every individual personal freedom, He is limited in what He can do through and for us based on our choices and decisions. This is why we must be in constant communion with Him in order to allow Him to fully manifest and reveal His power. Through prayer and total submission, this allows God to fully do what He wants to do because itgives Him permission to work through us to influence the lives of others.

The purpose of surveys is not only to find people to study with, but also to determine what issues are in the neighborhood so you can plan seminars to address those issues. Based on the responses that you receive from your surveys, you will have an idea of what type of seminars to offer and you will have a list of names and addresses of people to invite for the seminars they selected.

Appendix B ~ Surveys gives a number of different types of surveys and instruction that you can use for going door to door.

Appendix C ~ Creative MinistriesGod needs a variety of ministries within the church to reach all types of people and meet their needs. Following Christ's method in meeting needs is an excellent way to reach others through

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church outreach ministries. God has a plan for you to share the gospel. He has gifted you for ministry. Let Him speak and direct you to the ministry that He has for you. Outreach ministries that meet needs of the community will produce Bible studies for you and other members of the church throughout the year. Remember, our goal is at least one soul per year.

Appendix C – Creative Ministries has a list of examples for sowing “seed.”

Appendix D – Additional ResourcesThere are several books mentioned throughout the manual. They are all listed in Appendix D foryour convenience.

Other MethodsThere are many methods of finding those interested in the study of the Bible. Here are some additional ideas:

Media Interests➢ “Amazing Facts”➢ “It is Written”➢ “Faith for Today”

Previous interests from evangelistic or other meetings Previous members that are non attending Church visitors Vacation Bible School

Enter into God's Joy

“In order to enter into His joy,– the joy of seeing souls redeemed by His sacrifice,– we must participate in His labors for their redemption.” (The Desire of Ages, 142.2)

Jesus’ Joy was found in “saving the lost.” He greatly desires for you to be part of the rescue team so you, too, can have “JOY” – Divine Joy!

God has a plan for you to share the gospel. He has gifted you for the ministry that He has for you. These ministries will produce Bible studies for you and other members of the church throughout the year.

Remember, the Gospel has the greatest impact when it is presented by a friend. God uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways. He uses our relationships to bring people into a relationship with Him. Reach out and touch someone this week. Bring a friend to Jesus!

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The FORT MethodHow do you talk to someone you don't know? How do you bring the conversation around to talking about Jesus? The FORT method is a good tool to use. FORT stands for Family – Occupation – Religion – Testimony. People generally like to talk about themselves. The table below contains sample questions that can be used to break the ice with people and get them to talk about themselves. You don't have to ask all of the questions on each of the topics. Usually, family and occupation topics are the easiest to use.

Be a good listener and let them do most of the talking. Be sure and listen for their needs and desires. Pray for ways that you can help meet their needs. The FORT method can be used in anysetting on the train, bus, parties, business meetings, etc. Get to know the people at church. Get toknow the people who sit on your pew. Look for someone that looks lonely. Make members and guests alike feel that you care about them.


Are you originally from this area?How long have you lived in this area?In what area were you raised?Does your family live in this area?Do you have children or Grandchildren?


What kind of work do you do?How long have you worked there?How do you like your job?(If retired or unemployed) What type of work did you do?What activities do you do to fill your time?


How is your walk with God?Do you enjoy studying the Bible?Do you feel you understand what the Bible says?Do you feel a need to study more?What is your religious background?Have you been a (denomination) all of your life?Do you feel a part of the church by being involved?Which church do you attend?Do you attend as a family?


My life before I accepted Christ was... How I became a Christian...My life since becoming a Christian...I have recently been sharing with my friends some interesting Bible lessons that have meant much to me. May I share them with you?

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Spiritual Boot CampTraining Completion Requirements

The following items must be completed to qualify for graduation. Please check off each item as you complete them.

□ Write your Personal Testimony

□ Prepare at least the first four Bible studies

□ Chain reference the Gospel presentation in your Bible

□ If a session is missed, read the manual information for that session.

□ Currently giving at least one Bible study to a non-church member

□ Know the FORT method on how to initiate a conversation

□ Know Christ's Method for soul winning

I testify that I have completed each of the above items.

Name: ________________________________________________

Church: _______________________________________________

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Session 2

Personal PreparationGod's Plan Go - Be - Do

God's plan for each of us:

GO – In Matthew 28: 19, 20, Jesus gave us the command to “GO” and reach others.BE – In Galatians 5:22-26, God, through Paul, has told us what He wants us to “BE.”DO – In Matthew 28: 19,20, Jesus tells us what to “DO.”

As we look at the Two Tracks for Success, we can see that it is more than just “doing.” Jesus tells us that we must be connected to Him if we are to bear much fruit (have success) “for without Me ye (you) can do nothing.” (John 15:5) God has told us through Paul, in Galatians 5:22-26, what He wants us to “BE.” He wants us to have “the fruit of the Spirit.” Read Psalms 51 and see how David shows us how to be what God wants us to be.

Being what God wants me to beWe have talked about how we must “Go.” We have looked at what Jesus showed us to do using His methods and the evangelism cycle. In this section, we are going to look at what God wants us to “Be.” We are going to look at what we must do personally to allow God to prepare us for ministry so we can join Jesus in the great rescue mission.

Abide in MeTo be successful in following God's plan we must abide in Jesus and follow His commands.

“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide inthe vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If yeabide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my

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Father's commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” (John 15:4-12)

You Will Become More Aware of Spiritual WarfareAs we “GO” as Jesus commands, Satan goes on the war path. As we “BECOME” like Jesus, Satan gets angry. As we obey Jesus and “DO” what He wants us to do, Satan gets very unhappy. When you join God's army, you will become more aware of the spiritual warfare. You become involved in the war as soon as you get involved in training and ministry. Satan is on the war path. He gets very angry when you go to war against him. Satan's efforts against you will increase as you begin to reduce the numbers in his kingdom.

“Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” (Revelation 12:12)

We pose no threat to Satan's kingdom until we join God's army. Now that you have enlisted to share the Gospel:

Be sober,

Be vigilant,

◦ because your adversary (opposes with animosity – enemy – hostile) the devil,

◦ as a roaring lion, (looking for prey)

◦ walketh about (on the move)

◦ seeking (searching)

◦ whom he may devour (destroy – eat up) (1 Peter 5:8)

Satan's PlanSatan has a plan for us: What does Satan want? What is his primary purpose of this war? What does he want to accomplish?

We must understand what he is up to. In war, we must have a plan. It is very helpful to know the plan of the enemy.

“Satan's aim had been to reproduce his own character in human beings. No sooner was man created than Satan resolved to efface in him the image of God, and to place his stamp where God's should be. And he has succeeded in instilling into the heart of man the spirit of envy, of hatred, of ambition. In this world he has set up a kingdom ofdarkness, of which he, the leader in guilt, is prince. He desired to usurp the throne of God. Failing in this, he has worked in darkness, in crookedness, in deception, to usurp his place in the hearts of men. He has set up his throne between God and man, to appropriate the adoration that belongs to God alone.” (Manuscript 31-1889 (June 29, 1889) par. 69)

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Put Off the Old ManPaul has made a broad list of characteristics of Satan – things that may apply to you as well.

• Fornication • Uncleanness

• Passion • Evil Desires

• Covetousness/Idolatry • Anger

• Wrath • Malice

• Blasphemy • Lying

• Filthy Language

“But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:” (Colossians 3:8-10)

Paul’s InstructionsIf we want to escape from Satan’s Kingdom we must have a change of character. We must take on Christ’s character. We must have a renewed spirit. We must remove Satan’s characteristics and put on love.

“That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another. Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil. Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemp-tion. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. Be ye therefore followers of God as dear children: And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor.” (Ephesians 4:22-5:2)

ForgivenessOften when people are having a difficult time walking the Christian walk it is usually because ofone of the following:

• Unforgiveness• Sexual sins• Occult

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Unforgiveness is usually the area that affects most people. When Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew 6:9-13, He says we are to forgive others so that we may be forgiven. Jesus then continues to tell how important it is to forgive. He states: “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, But, if you do not forgive men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Jesus is dealing with a very seriousissue, “Eternal life or death.” This has everything to do with what Jesus did on the cross. If we do not forgive, emotions begin a cycle that could take us into the cycle of rebellion.

Cycle of Rebellion

1 Samuel 15:23 tells us that “rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.” What prevents us from going into rebellion? Where does the rebellion start?

Sin – SufferingJesus made provisions on the cross for you: take your hurts to Jesus. You can give them to Him and let Him take it from you. Jesus was on the cross to suffer your pain so He could heal your broken heart. To be set free from bondage, we must forgive those that hurt us.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospelto the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,” (Luke 4:18)

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Jesus suffered every hurt and emotion that we have felt. He suffered the hurts and emotions for you. He suffered:

• Alone • Betrayal• Physical/Verbal/Mental Abuse • Humiliation/Shame/Embarrassment• Religious Leaders• Satan• Numbing Pain• Why• Rejection/Abandonment

He wants to take the pain away – to heal, deliver, and give you liberty and freedom.

The Armor of God

“Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of thedevil.” (Ephesians 6:11)

The apostle Paul was well aware of the spiritual warfare in his day. As a prisoner bounded to a roman guard in full armor, he wrote about the armor that God provides. Paul identifies six different items of Christian armor that we need to withstand Satan's attacks. What are they? (SeeEphesians 6: 11-17)

Helmet ______________________________________________________


Belt ______________________________________________________

Shield ______________________________________________________

Sword ______________________________________________________

Shoes ______________________________________________________

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Put on the whole armor. If there is ever one time above another when men need to preserve theirconnection with God, it is when they are called to bear special responsibility.

“It is not safe for us when going into battle, to cast away our weapons. It is then that we need to be equipped with the whole armor of God. Every piece of God's armor is essential.” (Testimonies Vol 7, 190.2)

Can't Put Armor over BaggageMany people find it difficult to put on God's armor over their ownbaggage. What do we mean by baggage?

• Hurt • Hate

• Pain • Anger

• Unforgiveness • Resentment

• Rebellion • Bitterness

The armor of God can not fit over the old baggage. We need to let God remove the old baggage before we can put on the armor of God.

Put on the New ManIn Colossians 3, Paul makes it very clear what we are to take off so we can “put on the new man.” Then we can be used mightily in God's kingdom. When he says we must “put on the new man,” he means that we must put on Christ. Christ will then remove the:

• Baggage• Bondage to sin

“Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender feelings, mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering, bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another, even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.” (Colossians 3:12-14) (NKJV)

When we put on Christ first He removes the baggage and bondage. He gives us freedom so we can put on the armor. We can then take on the character of Christ. God wants us to be in harmony with Him. He wants us to be like Him. These are the attributes of Jesus:

• Tender Mercies • Kindness

• Humbleness of Mind • Meekness

• Longsuffering • Peace of God

• Bear with one another • Love

• Thankfulness • One body

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Fruit of the Spirit“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25)

What are the fruits of the Spirit? (see Galatians 5:22-26)

1. _________________________________

6. _________________________________

2. _________________________________

7. _________________________________

3. _________________________________

8. _________________________________

4. _________________________________

9. _________________________________

5. _________________________________

David Knew How To Do ItWe all have things in our life that hinders our walk with the Lord. We have tried to remove the old baggage, but have failed. How do we remove the old man and put on the new man? King David knew how to do it. In Psalms 51, he tells us of his need for God's mercy and loving kindness. He felt the need to be forgiven of his sins. David acknowledged his transgressions andsins. He desired cleansing. He desired truth about himself. He desired truth about God, His love,power, and ownership. He wanted to know God.

David felt a need for:• God's mercy and loving kindness• Forgiveness of sin

David acknowledged:• His transgressions• His sins• God's desire for truth in his inward parts (cleansed)• Truth about himself (who and what he was)• Truth about God (His love, power and ownership x2)• Knowing God

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In Psalms 51, David cries out to God:

“Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me,

and I shall be whiter than snow.

Make me to hear joy and gladness;

that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.

Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.

Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.”

(Psalms 51:7-13) (NKJV)

David knew that this was a work that only God could do. He could not do it himself. David allowed God to do “His” work in and for him, then David's ministry became effective. David knew and understood what he must do in preparation to be mightily used by God for others.

“Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.”(Psalms 51:13)

We also need to have personal preparation before we can reach others.

Do you feel a need for:• Baggage to be removed to make room for the armor of God?• Help to remove the baggage?• God's mercy and loving kindness for healing of the hurt and pain you have?• Cleansing of the sins in your life?

Do you acknowledge:• That you have things in your life that are keeping you from becoming all that God wants

you to be?• That God desires to reveal truth to you so that he can heal you?• The truth about yourself (replacing the bad with the good)?• The truth about God and his love for you?

Do you desire:• God to purge you with hyssop, to wash you?• God to create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit in you?• To be filled with the Holy Spirit?• The joy of your salvation – that first love, to be restored?

If this is your great desire, take time right now and go to Him just like David did. Let God work in you so you can be all that God wants you to be, and so that you can teach sinners God's loving ways.

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How Can We be Sure of Victory in Our Lives?• Put on the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13:14)• I can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4: 13)• Know God and Jesus – Eternal life (John 17:3)• Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57)

We get to know Jesus by spending time with Him, talking to Him in prayer and listening to Him as He speaks through the word in Bible study. This will be our study next session.


Forgiveness does NOT mean that you must be a doormat. It is okay to forgive the past sins of another and, at the same time, take a stand against future sins. You may say, “I can't forgive this person because he hurt me so badly.” Yes, the pain is real. Nobody has really forgiven someone without acknowledging the hurt and the hatred which are involved. Forgiveness is necessary because repayment is impossible. Forgiveness is to set the captive free... and then to realize that you are the captive. Until you forgive that person, he will continue to hurt you because you havenot released yourself from the past. Forgiveness is the only way to stop the pain.

Here are 12 simple steps you can use to walk through the process of forgiving someone who hashurt you in the past. Following these steps will help you unchain yourself from the past and get on with your life:

1. Write on a sheet of paper the names of the persons who offended you. Describe in writing thespecific wrongs you suffered (eg., rejection, deprivation of love, injustice, unfairness, physical, verbal, sexual or emotional abuse, betrayal, neglect, etc.)

Of the hundreds of people who have completed this, 95% put father and mother as #1 and #2.Three out of the first four names on most lists are close relatives. The two most overlooked people for these lists are God and yourself. God doesn't need to be forgiven, but we sometimes hold false expectations of God that lead us to anger or bitterness toward Him. We need to release God from those expectations and feelings. And some of us need to forgive ourselves for weaknesses and sins which God has long since forgiven.

2. Face the hurt and the hate. Write down how you feel about these people and their offenses. Remember, it is not a sin to acknowledge the reality of your emotions. God knows exactly how you feel, whether you admit to it or not. If you bury your feelings, you will bypass the possibility of forgiveness. You must forgive from your heart (Matthew 18:35).


And this is eternal life,That they may know you,

The only true God, and Jesus ChristWhom You have sent

John 17:3

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3. Acknowledge the significance of the cross. It is the cross of Christ that makes forgiveness legally and morally right. Jesus took upon Himself all the sins of the world – including yours and those of the persons who have offended you – and He died “once for all” (Hebrews 10:10). The heart cries, “It isn't fair! Where's the justice?” Justice is in the Cross.

4. Decide that you will bear the burden of the person's sin (Galatians 6:1,2; Proverbs 17:9). All true forgiveness is substitutionary as Christ's forgiveness of us was.

5. Decide to forgive. Forgiveness is a crisis of the will, a conscious choice to let the other person off the hook and free yourself from the past. You may not feel like making the decision, but this is a crisis of the will. Since God tells you to, you can choose to do it. The other person may truly be in the wrong and subject to church discipline or even legal action. But that's not your primary concern. Your responsibility is to let him off your hook. Make that decision now, your feelings of forgiveness will follow in time.

6. Take your list to God and pray the following: “I've forgiven (name) for (list of offenses).” If you have felt bitter toward this person for some time, you may want to find a Christian counselor or trusted friend who will pray with you about it (James 5:16).

7. Destroy the list. You are now free. Do not tell the offenders what you have done. Your forgiveness is between you and God only! The person you may need to forgive could be dead.

8. Do not expect that your decision to forgive will result in major changes in the other person. Instead, pray for them (Matthew 5:44) so they too may find the freedom of forgiveness (Galatians 5:1, 13, 14).

9. Try to understand the people you have forgiven. They are victims, also.

10. Expect positive results of forgiveness in you. In time you will be able to think about the people who have offended you without feeling hurt, anger, or resentment. You will be able to be with them without reacting negatively.

11. Thank God for the lessons you have learned and the maturity you have gained as a result of the offenses and your decision to forgive the offenders (Romans 8:28, 29).

12. Be sure to accept your part of the blame for the offenses you suffered. Confess your failure toGod and to others (1 John 1:9) and realize that if someone has something against you, you must go to that person (Matthew 5:23-26).

*”Forgiveness” courtesy of Neil T. Anderson

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Facts About Forgiveness

1. We need to forgive others in order to be free from our pasts and to prevent Satan from taking advantage of us (2 Corinthians 2:10-11). We are to be merciful just as our Heavenly Father is merciful (Luke 5:36). We are to forgive as we have been forgiven (Ephesians 4:31-32).

2. Forgiveness is not forgetting. People who try to forget find they cannot. God says He will remember our sins “no more” (Hebrews 10:17), but God, being omniscient, cannot forget. Remember our sins “no more” means that God will never use the past against us (Psalms 103:12). Forgetting may be the result of forgiveness, but it is never the means of forgiveness. When we bring up the past against others, we are saying we haven't forgiven them.

3. Forgiveness is a choice, a crisis of the will. Since God requires us to forgive, it is something we can do. However, forgiveness is difficult for us because it pulls against our concept of justice. We want revenge for offenses suffered. However, we are told never to take our own revenge (Romans 12:19). You say, “Why should I let them off the hook?” That is precisely the problem. You are still hooked to them, still bound by your past. You will let them off yourhook, but they are never off God's. He will deal with them fairly, something we cannot do.

4. You may say, “You don't understand how much this person hurt me! But don't you see, they are still hurting you! HOW DO YOU STOP THE PAIN? You don't forgive someone for their sake: you do it for your own sake so you can be free. Your need to forgive isn't an issue between you and the offender, it's between you and God.

5. Forgiveness is agreeing to live with the consequences of another person's sin. Forgiveness is costly. You pay the price of the evil you forgive. You're going to live with those consequences whether you want to or not; your only choice is whether you will do so in the bitterness of unforgiveness or the freedom of forgiveness. Jesus took the consequences of your sin upon Himself. All true forgiveness is substitutionary, because no one really forgives without bearing the consequences of the other person's sin. God, the Father, “made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21.) Where is the justice? It's the cross that makes forgiveness legally and morally right. “For the death that he died, He died to sin, once for all.” (Romans 6:10.)

6. Decide that you will bear the burdens of their offenses by not using that information against them in the future. This doesn't mean that you tolerate sin. You must set up scriptural boundaries to prevent future abuse. Some may be required to testify for the sake of justice but not for the purpose of seeking revenge from a bitter heart.

7. How do you forgive from your heart? You acknowledge the hurt and the hate. If your forgiveness doesn't visit the emotional core of your life, it will be incomplete. Many feel the pain of interpersonal offenses, but they won't or don't know how to acknowledge it. Let God bring the pain to the surface so He can deal with it. This is where the healing takes place.

8. Don't wait to forgive until you feel like forgiving; you will never get there. Feelings take time to heal after the choice to forgive is made and Satan has lost his place (Ephesians 4:26, 27). Freedom is what will be gained, not a feeling.

* “Facts About Forgiveness” courtesy of Neil T. Anderson

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Who Am I?

1. I am the salt of the earth. (Matthew 5: 13)2. I am the light of the world. (Matthew 5: 1-4)3. I am a child of God. (John 1:12)4. I am part of the true vine, a channel of Christ's life. (John 15:1, 5)5. I am Christ's friend. (John 1:12)6. I am part of the true vine, a channel of Christ's life. (John 15:15)7. I am Christ's friend. (John 15:15)8. I am chosen and appointed by Christ to bear His fruit. (John 15:16)9. I am the light and not of darkness. (1 Thessalonians 5:5)10. I am a holy partaker of a heavenly calling. (Hebrews 3: 1)11. I am a partaker of Christ; I share in His life. (Hebrews 3: 14)12. I am one of God's living stones, being built up in Christ as a spiritual house. (1 Peter 2:5)13. I am a member of a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own

possession. (1 Peter 2:9, 10)14. I am an alien and stranger to this world in which I temporarily live. (1 Peter 2: 11)15. I am an enemy of the devil. (1 Peter 5:8)16. I am a child of God and I will resemble Christ when He returns. (1 John 3: 1,2)17. I am born of God, and the evil one, the devil, cannot touch me. (1 John 5:18)18. I am not the great “I am” (Exodus 3: 14; John 8:24, 28, 58), but by the grace of God, I am

what I am. (1 Corinthians 15:10)19. I am a slave of righteousness. (Romans 6:18)20. I am enslaved to God. (Romans 6:22)21. I am a son of God; God is spiritually my Father. (Romans 8:14,15; Galatians 3:26; 4:6)22. I am a joint heir with Christ, sharing His inheritance with Him. (Romans 8:17)23. I am a temple, a dwelling place, of God. His Spirit and His life dwells in me. (1 Corinthians

3:16; 6:19)24. I am united to the Lord and am one spirit with Him. (1 Corinthians 6: 17)25. I am a member of Christ's Body. (1 Corinthians 12:27; Ephesians 5:30)26. I am a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17)27. I am reconciled to God and am a minister of reconciliation. (2 Corinthians 5:18,19)28. I am a son of God and one in Christ. (Galatians 3:26,28)29. I am an heir of God since I am a son of God. (Galatians 4:6,7)30. I am a saint. (Ephesians 1:1; 1 Corinthians 1:2; Philippians 1:1; Colossians 1:2)31. I am God's workmanship – His handiwork – born anew in Christ to do His work (Ephesians

2:10)32. I am a fellow citizen with the rest of God's family. (Ephesians 2:19)33. I am a prisoner of Christ. (Ephesians 3:1; 4:1)34. I am righteous and holy. (Ephesians 4:24)35. I am a citizen of heaven, seated in heaven right now. (Philippians 3:20; Ephesians 2:6)36. I am hidden with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:3)37. I am an expression of the life of Christ because He is my life. (Colossians 3:4)38. I am chosen of God, holy and dearly loved. (Colossians 3: 12; 1 Thessalonians 1:4)

* “Who Am I?” courtesy of Neil T. Anderson

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Fallout from God's Grace

Since I am in Christ, by the grace of God…

1. I have been justified – completely forgiven and made righteous. (Romans 5:1)2. I died with Christ and died to the power of sin's rule over my life. (Romans 6: 1-6)3. I am free of condemnation as long as I am in Christ. (Romans 8: 1)4. I have been placed into Christ by God's doing. (1 Corinthians 1:30)5. I have received the Spirit of God into my life that I might know the things freely given to me

by God. (1 Corinthians 2: 12)6. I have been given the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2: 12)7. I have been bought with a price; I am not my own; I belong to God. (1 Corinthians 6: 19, 20)8. I have been established, anointed and sealed by God in Christ, and I have been given the

Holy Spirit as a pledge guaranteeing my inheritance to come. (2 Corinthians 1:21; Ephesians 1:13, 14)

9. Since I have died, I no longer live for myself, but for Christ. (2 Corinthians 5: 14, 15)10. I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. The

life I am now living is Christ's life. (Galatians 2:20)11. I have been blessed with every spiritual blessing. (Ephesians 1:4)12. I was chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and am without blame

before Him. (Ephesians 1:5)13. I was predestined – determined by God – to be adopted as God's son. (Ephesians 1:5)14. I have been raised up and seated with Christ in heaven. (Ephesians 2:6)15. I have direct access to God through the Spirit. (Ephesians 2: 18)16. I may approach God with boldness, freedom and confidence. (Ephesians 3: 12)17. I have been rescued from the domain of Satan's rule and transferred to the kingdom of Christ.

(Colossians 1:13)18. I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins. The debt against me has been canceled.

(Colossians 1:14) Christ is in me the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27)19. I am firmly rooted in Christ and am now being built in Him. (Colossians 2:7)20. I have been spiritually circumcised. My old unregenerate nature is being removed.

(Colossians 2: 11)21. I have been made complete in Christ. (Colossians 2: 11)22. I have been buried, raised and made alive with Christ. (Colossians 2: 12, 13)23. I died with Christ and I have been raised up with Christ. My life is now hidden with Christ in

God. Christ is now my life. (Colossians 3: 1-4)24. I have been given a spirit of power, love and self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7)25. I have been saved and set apart according to God's doing. (2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 3:5) Because

I am sanctified and am one with the Sanctifier, He is not ashamed to call me brother. (Hebrews 2:11)

26. I have the right to come boldly before the throne of God to find mercy and grace in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16)

27. I have been given exceedingly great and precious promises by God by which I am a partaker of God's divine nature. (2 Peter 1:4)

* “Fall From Grace” courtesy of Neil T. Anderson

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Session 3

Knowing God

Preparation for Sharing the WordRelationships take time. Just as it takes time to get to know someone, it also takes time to get to know God. There must be a two-way communication each day.

We hear God speak to us through His Word, the Bible. We speak to God through prayer.

God's word is not an option for the “Christian.” In the Christian life, everything depends upon the word of God. It is a person that we must know – Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who is “LOVE” and full of power.

Who Is Sitting On The Throne Of Your Heart?

“Either the evil angels or the angels of God are controlling the minds of men. Our minds are given to the control of God or to the control of the powers of darkness. It will be well for us to inquire where we are standing today – whether under the blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel, or under the black banner of the powers of darkness.” (Manuscript l, 1890, 4)

“We must make every preparation in our power in order to resist the enemy of souls.Every provision has been made: everything in God's plan has been arranged so that man should not be left to his own impulses, to his own infinite powers to carry on the warfare against the powers of darkness in his own finite strength; because he would certainly fail if he were thus left to himself.” (Manuscript 1, 1890, 4)

John tells us what that preparation and provision is:

“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” (John 17:3)


The war can be won****

Victory can be ours****

In Jesus, throughprayer and Bible study

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THEN – spending time“WITH THE WORD”“IN HIS WORD”


If God primarily works through His Word, how can we expect God to do His work in us? How can God take off the “old man of sin”? How can we put on the armor of God? We get toknow God by spending time with Him.

Salvation depends on “knowing God.” Spending time with the Word is not an option. It is a must! It is a person that we must know, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, who is “LOVE” and full of power.

Hearing God's VoiceWe must individually hear Him voice speaking to the heart.

“Through study of the Scriptures, through earnest prayer, they may hear His message to them, 'Be still and know that I am God.' When every other voice is hushed, when every earthly interest is turned aside, the silence of the soul makes more distinct the voice of God. Here rest is found in Him. The peace,

the joy, the life of the soul, is God.” (Fundamentals of ChristianEducation 440.2)

What Voices Need To Be Silenced In Your Heart Or Mind?• Guilt• Events of the week• Cares and perplexities• Goals – pursuits• Other peoples voices• Doubt/Rebellion/Resistance

“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD:” (Isaiah 1:18)

Talk to God about the things on your heart – clear your thoughts and concerns and then you will be ready to hear His voice speaking to you.

How Is It With You?• Do you find it difficult to take time each day to study God's word?• What are some of the obstacles that hinder you?

To hear God's voice,we must turn down the

world's volume.

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What Must We Do To Have Victory And Win The Battle?We need to intentionally develop Bible study habits.Studying the Bible is important because:

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make usrealize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. It is God's way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do.” (2 Timothy 3: 16-17, NLT)

How Do You Get Started?• Find a quiet place• Set aside time each day• Set your clock early• Pray that God will wake you up• Bible reading plan/Study plan

How do you get started in developing a prayer life and consistent Bible study? Find a quiet spot where you can have uninterrupted time alone – Your garden of prayer. We must make a commitment to spend time each day with Jesus. Try setting your clock 15 minutes early. Keep increasing the time until you have an hour each day devoted to Bible study and prayer. You will find that your day will go much smoother when you start it with the Lord.

Look for a Bible reading plan that you can use. Some people read 1 to 5 chapters a day. Others like to follow a reading plan. When you finish reading the Bible through, try a different reading plan such as a reading plan that is in chronological order. Use a devotional book. Read the Desire of Ages starting with the Bible texts that the chapter is based on. There is no better way to start and end the day than in prayer and reading the Bible.

It takes six to eight weeks to develop a new habit so don't give up. Once you have developed thehabit of daily Bible study you won't understand why you didn't do it sooner. It will be life changing!

Bible Study – Types of studies – Ways to studyIdeas for Personal Bible Study

Materials Needed1. Bible on CD, phone, iPad, computer2. Bible

a) Wide margin Bible (helpful to write notes and references)b) Study Bible with E.G. White commentary (if desired)

3. Bible Highlightersa) Blue – Doctrineb) Green – Soul winningc) Yellow – Decisionsd) Pink – Promises

4. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance5. Other Commentaries/Study Aids

a) Bible maps

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b) Bible dictionaryc) Books about the customs of Bible timesd) Books that give the setting, dates, and circumstances surrounding Scripture

6. Spirit of Prophecy Booksa) Devotional favorites:

i. “Christ's Object Lessons”ii. “Steps to Christ”iii. “Sanctified Life” and “Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing”

b) Topical books: i. Evangelismii. Adventist Home

c) Conflict of Ages Series, read along with Biblei. Patriarchs and Prophetsii. Prophets and Kingsiii. The Desire of Agesiv. The Acts of the Apostlesv. The Great Controversy

d) Soul winning: i. Evangelismii. Christian Serviceiii. Gospel Workersiv. Ministry of Healingv. Testimonies 1-9

e) Indexes:i. Scripturalii. Topical

Methods for Bible Study:1. Whole Bible

a) Set aside 1-2 months at the beginning of each year to read nothing but the Bible (no magazines, no other books) or

b) Set aside 48 days at the beginning of each year to listen to the Bible on cassette (It comes on 48 90-minute tapes).

c) Plan to listen to the Bible again every 96 days (that's only 45 minutes per day)2. By Topic

a) Use concordanceb) Organize into logical format

3. By Booka) For the “big” pictureb) Tracing a particular theme (ie; God's power, God's compassion, God's forgiveness, Soul-

winning, Appeals, etc)c) Asking God for direction in your life

4. By Chaptera) Look for a themeb) Look for a unifying messagec) Look for recurring words (Genesis 1 ~ “Let”; Daniel 1 ~ “Gave”)

5. By Worda) Use concordance, look up original meaningb) Look up all pertinent verses on that one word.

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c) Look up other words that mean the same thing6. By Prayer

a) Remember the same God who wrote the Bible is the One you pray tob) There are certain times in your Christian Experience when you simply ask God what He

wants you to readc) Then read it andd) Ask God to show you what message He has for you

In Bible study, always remember to:1. Learn about God

a) What does this passage teach me about God's love?b) What does this passage teach me about God's power?c) What does this passage teach me about God's plan?d) Simply, what does this passage teach me about God?

2. “Experience” the Worda) “Feel” it. As you read, ask yourself “What did that feel like?”b) “See” it. As you read, visualize it.c) “Taste” it. As you read, image the tastes involved.d) “Smell” it. As you read, smell the odors in the story.e) “Hear” it. As you read, imagine the sounds involved.f) Ask yourself: Who? What? Where? When? Why?

3. Apply the Word to your personal lifea) Always pray that God will show you how He personally wants you to respondb) There may be a sin you need to confessc) There may be something to thank God ford) There may be something you need to make right with another person in your lifee) There may be a whole new career changef) There may be a call to serviceg) Ask God to show you what it is that you are to do with what you've read

4. Keep a journala) Write down what you especially learned from your time with God.b) If you feel especially inspired, write an article, sermon, or Bible study based on your

studiesc) Maybe even write a letter to God, as a response to what He has spoken to you.d) Record the changes you need to make in your lifee) Record the things you are thankful forf) Write anything you want

7. Memorizea) Choose one verse per dayb) Write the verse on a card that morning and take it with you through the day.

8. Share ita) Look for opportunities to share a verse or inspiring thought with someone during the dayb) Verbalizing the verse or thought will help you remember it

Be creative. God wants a personal relationship with you. Just as you are unique and special to God, your relationship can be unique and special. No set pattern of study must be followed by every person.

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“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalms 119:11)

How do you hide God's Word in your heart? Memorizing scripture is to the mind what jogging is to the body. You must exercise your mind to keep it in shape. Through memorizing His Word, you hide God's Word in your heart. Make it a daily habit. Habits are hard to learn, but slow and steady really does win the race. It is best to work at it a little each day so as to create a sustainable system of memorization and review. You will get much further if you move a tiny step forward each day compared with stopping and starting and going in spurts.

Suggestions for Memorizing• Set aside time each day ~ Schedule short periods during the day for scripture

memorization. Try and schedule three or more two minute sessions throughout the day where you can review a few verses.

• Record verses ~ Try making a recording of the verses you are memorizing. Leave spaceafter each phrase so you can repeat the phrase. Listen to your recordings in the car, whilewalking, jogging, and exercising.

• Repetition ~ Whenever possible, say the verses out loud. You will re-enforce what you have learned. Some people find it easier to put the verse to music. Set the verses you are memorizing to music. Make up a song. Use tunes that you already know or createyour own tune.

• Make Cards ~ Write the verses on 3”x5” index cards. Place the cards in spots around your house and office where you will see them. Have a set with you at all times to review while you are waiting at the doctor's office, on the bus, while eating lunch, etc.

Do not underestimate the power of a few minutes here and there!

Don't get discouraged if it seems to take days to memorize a verse. Keep at it. It will get easier. When you have one verse memorized, review it several times a week while you are working on a new verse. Don't forget to review verses that you have already memorized at least once a week. Review is important because if you don't use it, you will lose it. Try to share the verses you have learned with others throughout the week.

What Verses Should You Memorize?Pick passages which are meaningful to you:

• A verse which 'pops out' to you while reading the Bible.• A passage your pastor preached on.• Verses about a topic which is important in your life at the moment.• Verses to help in counseling.• Verses to help in evangelism.• Perhaps a Psalm or a chapter of a book.

You can also purchase a memory program that has verses printed on cards based on different themes. The “Sealing Touch” is an excellent program.

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Additional Resources for Bible StudyFree Bible software from www.e-sword.net ~ e-Sword is a fast and effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free software package. The fact that e-Sword is free is just one of the blessings and does not speak of the quality of the software. e-Sword provides many different Bible translations of which most are free as well as commentaries, maps, dictionaries, etc. You download the basic program then select the additional Bible translations, commentaries, etc.


Channels For Good Communication 1. Speaking2. Listening

We listen to God when we read His Word. We speak to God through prayer. It is good to let Himknow how we feel about what we read. Jesus is our example. He received the strength He needed to resist temptation through prayer. We also need the power of prayer for strength to meet the challenges and temptations we will have each day. Prayer is a powerful weapon againstSatan.

What Is Prayer?

“Prayer is heaven's ordained means for success in the conflict with sin and the development of Christian character.” (Acts of the Apostles 564.1)

“Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend.” (Steps to Christ p 93.2)

Each of us are given this invitation to pray.

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:” (Matthew 7:7)

The opportunity to pray is an amazing “invitation” from the One who loves us most!

Jesus was committed to a life of prayer. (Matthew 14:22, 23; Mark 1:35; Luke 5:15-16; Luke 6: 12; Luke 11:1)

“Jesus Himself, while He dwelt among men, was often in prayer... His humanity made prayer a necessity and a privilege. He found comfort and joy in communion with His Father. And if the Saviour of men, the Son of God, felt the need of prayer, how much more should feeble, sinful mortals feel the necessity of fervent, constant prayer.” (Steps to Christ 93.4)

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Strength For The Conflict

Prayer is the channel through which God transmits “His Power.”

“Satan is enraged at the sound of fervent prayer. for he knows that he will suffer loss.” (Testimonies Volume 1, 295.1)

“Satan knows better than God's people the power that they can have over him when their strength is in Christ. When they humbly entreat the mighty Conqueror for help, the weakest believer in the truth, relying firmly upon Christ, can successfully repulse Satan and all his host.” (Testimonies Volume 1, 341.1)

Time for PrayerWhy don't we pray more? We often give the excuse that we are too busy for prayer. It is Satan who is attempting to preoccupy our minds so we don 't have time to pray. We take time for what we think is important. Jesus took time for prayer.

“No other life was ever so crowded with labor and responsibility as was that of Jesus; yet how often He was found in prayer!” (Desire of Ages 362.3)

Praying ScriptureDo you ever feel that you pray the same prayer over and over? Are you at a loss of what to pray?There are many prayers in the Bible that meet your current situation. Praying scripture is the practice of using God's Word as the foundation for shaping our prayers for communion with Him and for intercession for others.

There are times when we do not have the words to express what we are feeling. God's Word allows us to express those feelings.

• David's prayer in Psalms 51 is a great prayer for expressing your cry for forgiveness and healing.

• 1 John 1:9 can be added as a thank you for a wonderful God that is faithful and just to forgiveus of our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness.

Look for prayers in the Bible and personalize them into your prayer. A good place to start is in Psalms, Ephesians, Colossians, and 1 Peter.

Prayer based on Psalms 63:1-3

Father,You are my God. I want to echo what the psalmist is saying, I want to seek after You. I want You to give me the desire to know You better. I have experienced Your presence in my life, I have experienced Your power. May everything I do today bring honor and glory to Your name.

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Prayer JournalA prayer Journal is a spiritual diary. It is a place to record God's responses to your requests, thoughts, feelings, and insights. It is a way of remembering God's activity in your life and a wayof holding yourself accountable to spiritual maturity. It will help to strengthen your faith and improve your relationship with the Lord. Through a journal you can monitor your own progress in your relationship with God. It can help you discern God's hand in your life, and better understand His will for you. Write out your prayers – it is helpful in clarifying your needs and desires. Express your thanksgiving and adoration for God.

A journal can be nothing more than a bound notebook, or it could be pre-printed with dates, devotionals, or scripture. Whatever it is, it should be constructed to endure daily use.

The journal is a place to write private thoughts. You are both the author and the intended audience. As you read the Bible, copy a verse or verses that stand out to you. Write a short statement about what this means to you at this time. Write a short statement of how this truth could be applied to your life, and what change you need to make. In the evening, or the next day, reflect on the preceding day; note how God was evident in your life that day. Make a note about how successful, or what problems you had applying the scripture to your life.

The Sanctuary PrayerWhen you pray the Sanctuary Prayer you mentally walk through the sanctuary and stop at each piece of furniture and pray. Praying the Sanctuary Prayer helps you keep your mind focused so It does not wander. Listed below are some verses – Meditate on them as you proceed.

You will enter through three different doors. You start at the first entrance that will take you intothe courtyard. As you stand at the entrance think about entering into His Presence with thanksgiving and praise.

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving And His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.” (Psalms 100:4)

Praise the Lord for what He has done for you recently.

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Each item in the sanctuary and all of the festivals and ordinances point us to Jesus. As you enter through the first entrance think of Jesus who said:

“I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” (John 10:9)

Jesus has provided the only way into God's presence. Thank you Jesus for providing a way for our salvation!

“But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.” (Isaiah 59:2)

Sin has separated us from God. We have all sinned and are worthy of death. God put a plan into place so there will be no separation between us.

In ancient Israel the repentant sinner would place their hands on the animal and confess their sins. The innocent animal would then be placed upon the altar to die in their place. Jesus is the lamb.

“... Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29)

Jesus died so we might have life eternal.

Altar of SacrificeAs you stand at the altar confess your sins. God is faithful. He will forgive us our sins. Not only will He forgive our sins but He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. What a wonderful God!

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse usfrom all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

LaverYou are now walking over to the Laver. This is where the priests washed their feet and hands before entering the Holy Place. The Laver was made from mirrors. The priest could look into the water and see their image as they washed. Just as we look at the law of God we see the sin that is in our lives. Pray for God to create a clean heart in you.

“Create in me a clean heart, 0 God; and renew a right spirit within me.” (Psalms 51:10)

“Lord, take my heart; for I cannot give it. It is Thy property. Keep it pure, for I cannot keep it for Thee. Save me in spite of myself, my weak, unchristlike self. Mold me, fashion me, raise me into a pure and holy atmosphere, where the rich current of Thy love can flow through my soul.” (Christ Object Lessons 159.3)

The water in the Laver represents Jesus, the Living Water. Pray for a thirst for the Living Water. Fill your heart with the Words of God that will quench your thirst.

“Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water thatI will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” (John 4: 14)

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You are now ready to enter into the Holy Place. Jesus is the door, the way to truth and life. He makes it possible for us to go to the Father. He is the only way.

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)

There are three pieces of furniture in the Holy Place: the candlesticks, the table of showbread, and the altar of incense.

Golden CandlesticksNow go to the golden candlesticks. Pray that you will be filled with the Holy Spirit. The infilling of the Holy Spirit is not automatic, even for a born-again Christian. The Holy Spirit is given without measure only to those who ask in sincerity of heart, who are willing to serve in God's appointed way. Pray for the oil of the Holy Spirit to work within you. Pray for wisdom as you read His Word to guide you each day. Pray that His light will be reflected in your life so thatyou may bring others to Him.

“I am the Light of the world; he who follows M e will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” (John 8:12)

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” (John 14:26)

Table of ShewbreadThe fifth step in sanctuary prayer is the table of shewbread. The bread represents the body and blood of Jesus, which was not only offered on the cross, but which is given to mankind for all eternity. When we eat at His table we become partakers of divinity- that is His attributes becomeours.

“I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.” (John 6:35)

Altar of IncenseYou are standing before the Altar of Incense. Smell the sweet incense. The container that held the incense could be moved from the Holy Place to the Most Holy Place. The incense representsthe sweet aroma of our prayers going to heaven.

“May my prayer be counted as incense before You; The lifting up of my hands as the evening offering.” (Psalms 141:2)

Jesus is our intercessor. We are also intercessors for others. At the altar of incense pray for those that the Lord brings to your mind. Pray for those that are on your prayer list.

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men...For there is one God, and one mediator between Godand men, the man Christ Jesus;” (1 Timothy 2: 1, 5)

My prayer may not be elegant, but it is a sweet fragrance to God.

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“Every sincere prayer is heard in heaven. It may not be fluently expressed; but if the heart is in it, it will ascend to the sanctuary where Jesus ministers, and He will present it to the Father without one awkward, stammering word, beautiful and fragrant with the incense of His own perfection.” (Desire of Ages 667.3)

You are now ready to enter through the last door, the door to God's throne room. You are now kneeling at the Throne of God. You may want to address God by some of His wonderful names that describe His character.

• Almighty God (Genesis 17:1; Ezekiel 10:5; Revelation 19:15)• The Lord, our Shepherd (Psalms 23)• Redeemer (John 19:25)• Everlasting God (Genesis 21:33; Psalms 90:1-3; Isaiah 26:4)

Almighty God – El Shaddai. With God on your side who can be against you?Praise God for the mighty things that He has done for His people.Praise Him for His mercy to us sinners.Praise Him for His everlasting Love.

The Most Holy PlaceIn the Most Holy Place there is only one piece of furniture, the Ark of the Covenant of God. Inside the Ark are the Ten Commandments of God. Pray for God to write His law of love on your heart. Pray that you can show your love for Him by loving others.

“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalms 119:11)

“And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.” (1 John 4:21)

On Top of the Ark are two angels on each side of the Mercy Seat. Though we deserve death for breaking God's law, He gives us mercy when we confess our sins to Him. At the mercy seat praise God for His mercy to you. Thank Him for allowing His son to die for your sins. Thank Him for His everlasting love for you.

“Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)

Leave God's throne rejoicing. Feel refreshed. Your sins are forgiven. He has washed you white as snow. His banner over you is love. You are renewed!Prayer is important. No matter how you choose to pray, you just need to do it. Start your prayerswith praises. It gets you into an attitude of prayer. Prayer changes us. It does not change God. Prayer makes us ready to accept God's will for us. Prayer is a way to love. Love others by praying for them. Love God by praying to Him. Jesus told us to pray, so we should pray. The best way to pray is just do it.

Sharpen Your AxDo you sometimes find yourself trying to do more and more for the Lord butwith fewer results? Remember to keep your ax sharp through:

• Prayer• Bible study

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Our Lord Jesus set the example and prayed constantly, He exhorted us to pray. The apostle Paul wrote,

“Pray at all times and on every occasion in the power of the Holy Spirit. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all Christians everywhere.” (Ephesians 6:18, NLT)

If prayer and God's Word were important and needed by the Son of God and for the great apostle Paul, how much more do we need it?

“Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

How can we keep our commitment to pray?• Set a goal to pray a specific amount of time each day.• Have a prayer partner to hold you accountable.• Select an area in your home that is quiet and where you won't be disturbed.• Pray while you work or drive.• Cooperate with God in keeping your commitment

Prayer of CommitmentFather, today I realize my need for a closer walk with You. I feel the need of “taking off” some things in my life so I can “put on the whole armor of God.” Please do the work that is needed in me so that I can experience Your power in my life. Right now, I want to commit myself to spending time with you every day in prayer and in Your word for my spiritual growth. I'm committed to your personal call to “GO” – to go and share Your love with Your people. I'm trusting in your strength to help me be consistent in keeping this commitment. In Jesus' name, Amen

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BIBLE STUDY PREPARATIONWho Should Give Bible Studies?

God's plan for this world is clearly expressed in the great commission text,

“And He said unto them, Go ye (you) into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)

This is not a suggestion, it is a command! If God commands us to do something He will providewhat is needed for us to do it. God's plan for the world is a person-to-person sharing of the gospel. No one person can reach the whole world with the gospel, but each individual Christian can share the gospel with another person.

“The commission given to the disciples is given also to us.” (Gospel Workers 29.1)

Who Should Receive Bible Studies?All who show a desire and interest should be given the opportunity to study God's word, however, you must know and understand the “sad reality” that not everyone is going to accept the truth.

Watch for signs of ripe fruit or you may spend a lot of time with those who are green fruit and aren't ready to commit their lives to God. The devil dances for joy when this happens because heis keeping you from studying with those who long for truth and are ready to join God's kingdom.

“Ye shall know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16)

Never judge whether people will be saved or lost, however, we are to be fruit inspectors and determine which fruit is ripe for harvest. We should spend quality time with those who are ripe for the truth. Those who are green or nearly ripe should still get our attention, but it should be proportionate to their interest level. If we spend the bulk of our time with the green fruit, we will find the ripe fruit will pass beyond the point of interest. Some people are ripe to study, others are a little green but nearly ripe. Then there are those who haven't even blossomed. How can we identify those who are ripe for Bible studies?

Let's look at some characteristics of “Ripe Fruit”:• Manifest an earnest desire to seek and find Bible truth.• Accept Bible studies and complete the lessons weekly• Lonely, unhappy and dissatisfied with their lives.• Feel a need for change.• Dissatisfied with their church.• Don't belong to a church or a backslider. (even SDA)• Accept major doctrines and make positive decisions.• Display signs they are under conviction.• Have evidenced a change in lifestyle as they've learned truth.• Demonstrate a desire to share with others what they've learned.

This is the category that you want to spend the major part of your time.

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A look at the “Green Fruit”:◦ Green fruit usually will refuse Bible studies.◦ If they accept studies, they do not have them completed on time.◦ Make excuses over and over for not completing the study.◦ They don't accept the clear teachings of Scripture.◦ Deeply involved and committed to their church.◦ Talk badly about the lesson, your church or doctrines.◦ Friendly, but won't make any commitments.

You want to continue to help the green fruit ripen, but you must determine how to accomplish it without taking up a lot of your time.

If they are not completing their studies, there are three options you can use. If the first option does not work, move to the next option.

1. If their studies are not done before you come, you may say to them, “I have scheduled some time to spend with you. Since you don't have your study completed, why don't we spend the next 15 minutes working on the study and then you can work on it this week and have it ready for my next visit.”

2. If that didn't work, then you can say to them, “This study plan just doesn't seem to be working for you. Would you like to try another plan where I will drop off a study for very busy people? You can read this in about 20 minutes and you will learn so much. Each week I will check with you to see how you are enjoying it and if you have any questions. If you're not home, I will leave it in the door.”

3. If this plan doesn't work, ask if they would like the mail-in bible studies that they can do at their leisure. You fill out and mail the card in for them.

Never, never, desert them without giving them an opportunity to study God's word!

Why Should Bible Studies Be Given?

We should always ask ourselves,• “Why do I want to give Bible studies?”• “What is the primary purpose?”• “What is the motive and attitude?”• “What is my goal?”

If your goal is to make Seventh-day Adventists out of your Bible students, you may want to reconsider. Our main goal should be to lead and introduce people to Jesus Christ.

John 17:3 says,

“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”

We should greatly desire that the Holy Spirit will guide them into all truth about the love of God and Jesus.

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Structural Outline of the Bible StudyUnless the interest looks right at the prayer partner or calls them by name and asks them about the topic, they should not speak except during the social time at the beginning of the study. The exception to the rule is when the presenter “is in trouble” and needs some help. If the presenter draws a blank or doesn't know just how to handle a situation he can call upon the prayer partner to assist.

Five Parts to the Lesson:1. Social Time: Time to get to know each other2. Study Time: Study the lesson. Review the question and answers. Add personal

testimonies, love & Christ centered texts.3. Life Application: Apply the lesson to their life to prepare them to make a decision.4. Decision: Make a decision on what they have learned. Seal the decision in prayer5. Prayer: Seal the decision with prayer. Asking God to accomplish your decisions.

Bible Study Outline

8 – 10 minutes Social Time: Get to know them. Discover their felt needs.

Prayer: Always open with prayer. Invite the Holy Spirit to join you in your study.

30-40 minutes Study time: Review the lesson with your student.

5 minutes Life Application: Apply what was learned to life. How can “what was learned” be applied to my life and what difference will it make?

2-4 minutes Decision: Use desire to create commitment to create submission to God.

Prayer: Seal the decision with prayer


It is best to keep the study time less than an hour. Even if they want you to stay longer, it is wisenot to take too much of their time. It's far better for them to be anxious for you to come than to dread your visit because you stay so long.

What to Include in the Study• Use additional comments and texts to supplement your lesson. You don't have to use each

additional comment or text, however, if you don't have them written down you may not remember them when you are giving the study. You can find wonderful texts in a Promise book or using a concordance.

• A promise book and a concordance are wonderful reference books for finding texts.• Divide the lesson into sections. This will help you with organizing your illustrations and

applications.• Deal with the felt needs. During the social time, you should be asking questions that will help

you discover what some of their felt needs are.a) Maybe they are fearful of the final events just before Jesus will come, or His coming.

You would then want to weave in the study some promises that would take away the fearand give comfort, trust and faith that Jesus will be there and will see us through just as He was there and went through the fire with Daniel's friends.

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b) They could question their salvation – they are not good enough, too sinful to ever go to heaven.

c) It could be fear of death. Use texts that will address these fears. Write the promises on cards so they can carry them with them or have them handy to refer to. Go through information leading a person to Christ. This would override the current lesson because if they are weighted down with some of these issues it will be difficult for them to focus onother subjects.

d) If they share a personal problem that you have experienced, let them know that you understand because you have experienced something similar. Don't spend a lot of time on your experience; remember it is very important to find out about them, so you can provide scriptures that provide hope and encouragement. Remember: There is power in the word!

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3: 16)

Be sure that you include some texts to make it more love focused and Christ centered.

Personal testimonies are very important• Think of a personal experience or a Bible story that you can share for each section.• Show how God has worked in your life.• Show how God has cared for you and protected you.• Show the joy and peace you have since you made Jesus the center of your life.

Personal testimonies make it real – shows how the verse does make a difference. It will help youconnect with your student. If they can know that the Christian life is working for you, this can give courage that it can work for them. Share texts and experiences but keep them very short and to the point.

Application• Draw out the main thought in each section.• Ask the question – What has God been saying to you through these verses? Turn it into a

personal application for yourself and for your study interest.• What should our response be, to be obedient to God's instructions?

Have a goal• Have in mind what you need to cover to give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to work and

convict. • If you are aware of a felt need, you will want to give enough scripture that will address the

topic and fulfill the need or work toward that goal.• If the Sabbath would be the topic of the lesson, be sure they have a good understanding of

what scripture reveals regarding God's holy day.• Help them remember that this is God speaking to them directly through the scriptures.• Personal application – How does this apply to me? What do I do with this information?• Help them make a decision. If they are not ready to fully accept, then the decision could be to

continue to study the subject further. (A decision is very important!)

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If they do not understand a lesson – • Do not go to the next lesson until there is a good understanding of the current lesson. This

may mean that you present it again at your next study.• You may have to create a new study using additional texts.• If there are questions in their mind that have not been answered, they will not be able to

make a decision on that subject.• If you go to the next study without answering all of their concerns, then they will not fully

understand the next subject.• If their concerns will be answered in a future lesson, then tell them that you have another

lesson that will answer their questions in a few more lessons.

Summary• Write out a review at the end of the study based on the applications from each section.• Write a decision statement using the thoughts from your application.• Write out a prayer based on the decision statement. Don't read the prayer, but if you have it

written out, it will make it easier to know what to pray for.• Have extra texts available on difficult subjects such as death, Sabbath, etc. The best tools are

cards with texts on them or to chain reference your Bible by topic.

How to Prepare the Study• Your goal is to make each study CHRIST centered and LOVE-focused. Each lesson should

show how our trust and faith in a love relationship with Jesus will give us peace and joy, even in a time of trouble. Just as Jesus wins in the end – if we make Him the Lord of our life,we will win with Him.

• Complete a set of lessons for yourself.• Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you as you prepare your lesson.• Look up each text. If you are unsure about a word or phrase in the text, check a commentary

or dictionary. You can be sure that if you don't understand a word or phrase your student will not either and they will ask what it means.

• Underline key thoughts.

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Session 4

Bible Study Preparation

In this session we will continue to cover how to interact in many different situations with our Bible study interest.

When they ask questions

➢ If an interest asks a question which is completely unrelated to the subject you're discussing or about a doctrine that would be better presented at a later time, try saying one of the following:• “That's a very good question. Why don't we finish the lesson we're studying and then, at

the close, I'll be happy to discuss your question?”• “You know, we are going to have a whole lesson on that subject a little later on. If you

don't mind, can we discuss it more thoroughly at that time?”

You may tell them that it would be good for them to do some research on what the Bible has to say. Show them how to use a concordance and give the key words to look up. (For example, if they ask about baptism have them look up all the New Testament texts with the words or their equivalents: “buried,” “baptize,” and “water.”) Have them write the texts down that they find and ask themselves, “What does this text say about this subject?” Then they are to write this point down. After assembling all these key points they should have a good idea about the answerto their question. Have them share with you next time what they found. This is an excellent way to help people find answers.

➢ If an interest asks you a question for which you don't know the answer, say• “That's a very good question. I know the scripture does speak about that topic. Why don't

both of us do some research then we could share next week what we have learned.” (Youmay need to share how to do research, show them how to use a concordance. Take the key word and look up all the texts, write them down and then see what the scriptures are saying about the subject) This is helpful in helping them to learn how to search for answers.

• “That's a very good question. What have you found on the subject?”• “That's a good question, but I think it is one of those that we perhaps may not know the

answer to until we get to heaven.” You may follow this up with, “What do you think?”

➢ An interest brings up an observation that you aren't familiar with or an argument againsttruth that you don't know the Bible answer to, realize that it isn't necessary for you to have something to say in response to every thought a person shares. This is true even if what they share is something you know to be erroneous. It might be best to just nod your head and say, “That's an interesting point” or, “I've not thought of it that way before.”

If their point is one that you must answer because it means the difference between them obeying truth or not, you can say, “I can see that you have a serious question you want answered before you go any further on this topic. Would you like for me to prepare some material for your research on this topic for our next study?” If they are repeating what

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someone else told them (like their pastor), don't necessarily think that you have to defend the truth. Be quiet and listen to what they have to say. Ask them how they answered the person or what they thought about the person's comments. You will often find that they will answer their own question and have already thought it through or defended the truth.

➢ If they do not understand the lesson, do not go to the next lesson until there is a good understanding of the current lesson. This may mean that you present it again at your next study. You may want to use a different study on the same subject, or collect and share additional Bible verses, expanding what the Bible has to say. If there are questions in their mind that have not been answered it makes it very difficult to make a decision. If you go to the next study without answering all of their concerns confusion could build – If their concerns will be answered in a future lesson, then tell them that will be another lesson soon that will cover their questions in a more complete way.

➢ When they bring up personal problems, if it is a problem that you have experienced, let them know that you understand because you have experienced something similar. Remember,don't spend a lot of time on your experience; remember it is very important to find out about them. Learn about their needs so you can provide scriptures that will give hope and encouragement.


➢ When children interrupt the study, suggest a time to study when the children would be taking a nap, at school, or in bed. Bring someone with you to entertain the children while youdo the study. Bring bible story books, color books with you for the children to use only while you are there. Bible games can be nice as well. Be sure that it is appropriate for the age of thechild. Be sure that the person working with the children stays close where the parent can know what is going on. Don't give opportunity for them to question inappropriate behavior.

➢ Television is left on during your study, ask, “Is this your favorite program?” They will usually say “No,” and tum it off. You could also say “Would it be okay to turn the television off while we study?”

➢ Neighbor is at the interest's house when you arrive, or they come during your study. After graciously meeting the neighbor, invite them to join your study. Explain what you are doing and briefly review what you've discussed. If absolutely necessary, you might ask the student, “Would you like to continue with the study now or would it be better for me to come back later?”

➢ You are offered coffee, tea, or snacks because your student seeks to be hospitable. If you have eaten recently say, “Thank you, but I just finished a meal and I don't think I have room.”or “This is surely thoughtful of you, but since I am going to be here regularly every week, I would feel badly if you felt that you had to prepare something for me.” If you are asked, “May I get you something?”Respond appreciatively, “Thank you very much. A glass of waterwould be just fine.” Try to avoid the issue of vegetarianism, clean and unclean foods, and unhealthful habits by using the above statements.

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➢ An interest seems to be argumentative, remember that Jesus never entered into an argument. No argument will convert a heart. Be careful of your personal feelings for combativeness, unsanctified desires to “pin this person against the wall”, unholy, sharp answers with an increasing rise in the pitch and volume of your voice. Use the following to relieve a tense situation. Say these with much expression and genuine sincerity and concern. As a Christian, be a “light producer” and not a “heat generator.”• “I know how you feel. I have felt that way too.”• “I was brought up to believe that way too, so I can certainly sympathize with what you're

expressing.”• “I want you to know that I respect your opinions. If you desire, I'll be happy to share

with you why I believe as I do.” (This is always the attitude – “I know that I can't changeyou, but I am always happy to share from the Bible – why I believe what I do.”)

➢ The interest says, “I just can't see this;” “I can't agree with this;” or, “This is certainly different than what I believe.”• “You know, I came up against the same thing myself. I had to say to myself, this is

certainly different than what I've believed, but if it is what the Bible teaches, and if it is what Jesus said, then it is what I want.”

• “As we endeavor to find the Lord's will, I think the most important test for any teaching is, is this what the Bible really teaches? Is there a 'thus said the Lord' for what I now believe?”

• “I understand that this subject may be new and different to you. May I leave these texts with you to consider?” (or, “May I share a pamphlet with you on this subject that you might find helpful?”)

➢ Felt NeedsDuring the social time you are asking questions that will help you discover what some of their felt needs are. Maybe they are fearful of the final events just before Jesus will come, or His coming. You would then want to weave in the study some promises that would take awaythe fear and give comfort, trust and faith. Faith that Jesus will be there and will see us through just as He was there and went through the fire with Daniels friends. They could question their salvation – they are not good enough, too sinful to ever go to heaven. It could be fear of death. Use texts that will address these fears.

Write the promises on cards so they can carry them with them or have them handy to refer to.Go through information leading a person to Christ. This would override the current lesson because if they are weighted down with some of these issues it will be difficult for them to focus on other subjects. If they share a personal problem that you have experienced, let them know that you understand because you have experienced something similar. Don't spend a lotof time on your experience; remember it is very important to find out about them, so you can provide scriptures that provide hope and encouragement. Remember there is power in the Word.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

Be sure that you include some texts to make it more love focused and Christ centered.

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Don't over-prove your subject. Ten texts are usually far more effective than 20. Don't prove with Bible texts every statement you make. There are many things that people will accept at face value.

“It is not the best policy to be so very explicit, and say all upon a point that can be said, when a few arguments will cover the ground and be sufficient for all practical purposes to convince or silence opponents.” (Gospel Workers 1915, 376.1)

➢ DO NOT mention as fact things that can only be proven from the Spirit of Prophecy such as:• The Garden of Eden was taken to heaven before the flood• Mary Magdalene was the woman caught in adultery.• Adam was 12 foot tall.

After they have completed the Bible study on the Spirit of Prophecy, we recommend you give them “Steps to Christ” or “Desire of Ages” to read if they have not already received it.

➢ If you are doing a drop-off Bible study (This is a study that you leave at the door) You try to contact the person but if they are not there, you leave the study at the door. If you can contact the person, you ask them how they enjoyed the lesson and if they have any questions.If not, leave a note – mention an interesting thought from the new lesson and leave the lessonwith them. Wish them a great week and you will look forward to seeing them next week. Drop off studies can be very productive. Try to become involved with them at the door or through notes you leave if they are not home.

➢ If the interest doesn't allow you to enter the home to visit, pray for ideas on how to get close to them. Take them a gift of a loaf of bread, something from your garden, etc. Make friends with them. Your hope is that you can turn this into a sit down, in home study. Don't rush it.

*This takes very little time.

➢ Don't allow your studies to become merely social visitsDon't get sidetracked from your mission to befriend a person for Christ and study His Word together. Some people, especially the elderly, allow you to visit just for the company. Others don't want to tell you they're not interested. Watch for signs of green fruit.

➢ Make sure that you are consistent with your Bible studies. Do at least one study a week. If the topics are “light” then you can do two if they can complete two a week. Do not miss a week. Make this study top priority. If for some reason you absolutely have to miss a study, reschedule it to make it up within the same week or have your partner give the study. Inconsistency and irregularity usually means the interest will not make a decision in favor of Christ and His truth.

➢ Avoid controversial subjects early in the study series

“Do not at the outset press before the people the most objectionable features of our faith, lest you close their ears to those things which come as a new revelation.” (General Conference Bulletin, February 25, 1895, Art. B, par. 1)

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If you are asked about the Sabbath, speaking in tongues, the secret rapture and tribulation, jewelry, or diet early in your studies, say, “That is a good question. Would you like to study this topic?” (Wait for their answer) “Let's cover it as one of our lessons then, but I think it would fit better later in the series after we have covered some of the more important things first. Would this be okay with you?” Keep to the order of your Bible studies. Truth must be progressive. Don't get ahead of the lessons. This is very important.

➢ Spend much time in prayer for your students

“In times past there were those who fastened their minds upon one soul after another,saying, 'Lord, help me to save this soul' but now such instances are rare. How many act as if they realize the peril of sinners?” (Gospel Workers 65.2)

“Through much prayer you must labor for souls, for this is the only method by which you can reach hearts. It is...the work of Christ who is by your side that impresses hearts.” (Evangelism 341.3)

“Begin to pray for souls; come near to Christ...and let your earnest, broken, humble petitions ascend to Him for wisdom that you may have success in saving not only your own soul but the soul of others.” (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, 513.1)

As you approach the time when you will present a testing truth, pray that God will prepare their hearts to receive it. Ask Him for wisdom on just how to present it. Ask God if there is anything else you can do to build your relationship with the interest. Ask God for insight into the student's life and what really motivates them to make right decisions. Use this motivation to inspire your interest to follow Christ.

➢ Pay special attention to those who appear to be irreligious.The best prospects for God's kingdom are often those who aren't tied to a church. These persons often aren't full of erroneous doctrines that need to be corrected. Irreligious people are usually this way because they've not encountered true Christianity in the formof loving, accepting Christians. Love these people to Christ. Their greatest need, next to being loved by you, is to learn the gospel and be brought to Christ.

Do not spend too much time with a very zealous believer of another faith whose goal is toconvert you.

“The perception and appreciation of truth...depends less upon the mind than upon theheart… Man's advantages for obtaining a knowledge of the truth...will prove of no benefit to him unless the heart is open to receive the truth, and there is a conscientious surrender of every habit and practice that is opposed to its principles. To those who... (have) an honest desire to know and to do His will the truth is revealed as the power of God for their salvation.” (Desire of Ages 455.3)

Conversion is the main goal and not convincing a person of doctrine. A converted person's attitude is, “Teach me Thy will, O God.” Help people come to this decision.

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➢ Avoid being overzealous; yet maintain a vibrant enthusiasm. Be positive and not pushy. Winfriendship and confidence first, then you will have earned the right to persuasively encouragepeople to do the right thing.

➢ Be careful not to stay to longAn hour study is the longest you should be in a home. Even if a person reveals great interest, you should not stay longer. There are other evenings to study. Keep your interests longing formore. If you tire them they will not be enthusiastic about your return.

➢ The interest gives the wrong answerDon't say “that is WRONG!” Say “We seem to have different thoughts on that question. Let'sread that Bible text again to be sure what the Bible says.”

➢ Don't pose as an authority on the Bible. Let the Bible speak – God's words have much more power than yours. Our role is to help the Interest to hear “God Speak” directly to them through His word.

➢ Give the lessons in the correct orderException to the rule may be – If a critical subject comes to soon – before you are able to wintheir confidence you may want to skip and then come back to it.Example: If the interest is a Baptist and you are doing Storacle lessons. The Second Coming is the third lesson. Most Baptists are strong believers in the rapture, so you would want to wait until after the 5th lesson and then present #3.

➢ Have extra studies on hand for attending friends and family. Always be prepared for others who may want to be part of the study.

➢ Try not to let the study become too complicated or involved.It is better to have short simple studies on the subject.

“Jesus did not use long and difficult words in His discourses. He used plain language, adapted to the minds of the common people. He went not farther into the subject He was expounding than they were able to follow Him.” (Gospel Workers 169)

Give your interest honest compliments during and at the end of the study.

Types of Bible Studies In Home – sit down Drop Off Small Group (Neighborhood)

• Daniel Studies (Finley)• DVD Millennium of Prophecy• Prophecy Code (Doug Batchelor) DVD • John Study (Serendipity Bible)

Enjoy the study and make a new friend!

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Session 5

Leading a Person to Christ & Personal Testimony

This session discusses: What is the world looking for and how can we help them find it. How to share the gospel presentation.

“The great mass of mankind are engrossed in the things of this life, and divine truth can find no abiding-place in their hearts. And yet all the blessings which the world can give fail to satisfy the wants of the soul.

“His gracious invitation reaches down even to our time. From the Fountain of life thecry still goes forth to a lost world, 'Come unto me and drink.' " (Review & Herald, February 28, 1882, par. 10)

The Nameless LongingGod is behind the scenes doing something in people's lives.People often have an “Inexpressible craving.” This craving is a:

• Drive• Passion• Desperate need

It is something that you can't put your finger on. God is creating an inexpressible craving for something that they don't have. A craving that will bring them to Him.

A VacuumHave you ever noticed what happens to your water bottle when:You come down from a mountain or when you land in an airplane?It's all crumpled and bent and twisted.That's because a vacuum exists.The same thing is true of people.

We all have a vacuum in our hearts created by God that can only be filled by Him. As human beings we are always trying to find substitutes to fill the vacuum, but they never quite work out!

Why don't people respond to the “Truth of the Word”?They have a longing, but it is a nameless longing;A longing which they don't know how to identify.They want something, but they don't know what it is...

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Adam & Eve - Genesis 3As we look at what happened to Adam and Eve, the stages of their journey, we notice the same categories in people that we see today.

a) Adam & Eve are euphoric in their sin. They feel okay. They are satisfied, “happy”. (Wrappedup in the substitutes & deceptions)

b) They hear God's voice, they look at themselves. They feel shame, guilt, and condemnation. (Creating a sense of being: worthless, helpless and hopeless)

c) They run and hide from God's presence. (Denial)d) They try to fix it. (Their works, Religion.)e) Blame others. (Criticism, Pride.)f) Finally man stops running and comes face to face with God. (Conviction, Repentance)g) Now salvation can begin. They surrender and admit their need at the deepest level. (Heart)

How People CopeWe see this same problem at the beginning with Adam and Eve. They tried to fill their hearts with something other than God. Pretty soon they were sowing fig leaves together to try and cover their nakedness.

Addictions are an illustration of trying to fill a need.We often replace one addiction with another because there is not freedom from our need for Goduntil we surrender to Him. Our hearts are restless until we find our rest in Him.

How Does God Reach The HeartSince God is in the business of reaching the heart, how does He help people who don't understand their “vacuum” and who do not want God in their lives?

A Crisis Awakens Our Need For GodSometimes people lose physical comforts, relationships, or something that is important in fillingthe void.

When The Heart Is Full Of Self-Sufficiency - They struggle with surrender

“But before there can be an intense desire for the wealth contained in Christ, which is available to all who feel their poverty, there must be a sense of need. When the heart is full of self-sufficiency and preoccupied with the superficial things of earth, the Lord Jesus rebukes and chastens in order that men may awake to a realization of their true condition.” (Signs of the Times, August 1, 1895 par. 13)

As a result, they feel a “nameless” longing:They feel a need for a connection with God.• Often they will experience anger.• The heart wakes up when life starts going to pieces.• There is a change from “I don't need God” to “I need someone bigger than me.”• It is often only through crisis, that people come to realize their need.• When none of our substitutes work• When we can no longer depend on ourselves• We are awakened to our real need• Even when they have physical comforts, yet the void is still there! They feel the

“nameless” emptiness for a connection with God.

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Magnet Principles - Three Groups Of PeopleWe generally have three different groups of people and we have tolearn to present the truth to them in different ways.

1. Inactive (apathetic)2. Repelling (hostile)3. Attracting (searching)

1. Apathetic Characteristics• Attend seminars – no decisions• Float from church to church• If that's what you believe, then I see no harm in that.• Bumper Sticker - “Who cares about apathy”

Why are they apathetic?“The Word of God cannot be understood by the inattentive. They need a plain 'Thus saiththe Lord' to arrest their attention. Let them see that their cases are tried and condemned by the Bible, not by the lips of man; that they are arraigned at the bar of infinite justice, not before an earthly tribunal. When the plain, cutting truth of the Bible is presented before them, it comes directly across long-cherished desires and confirmed habits. They are convicted, and then it is that they specially need your counsel, encouragement, and prayer.” (Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists 148.2)

• The apathetic need truth.• The apathetic usually are loving, kind, gentle people. Live and let live.• The best way to deal with the apathetic is to present the claims of Scripture. The

apathetic need truth! How might these truths come?Crisis – Truth in the Word – Prophecy – Warnings

Love – Truth = Apathy

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2. Hostile Characteristics• Been hurt in the past• Scared• Doesn’t want to let go of harbored sins• Feels alienated• Believes all Christians are hypocrites

Where does hostility come from?

“Wherever the power of intellect, of authority, or of force is employed, and love is not manifestly present the affections and will of those whom we seek to reach assume a defensive, repelling position, and their strength of resistance is increased. Jesus was the Prince of Peace. He came into the world to bring resistance and authority into subjectionto Himself.

“Wisdom and strength He could command, but the means He employed with which to overcome evil were the wisdom and strength of love. " (Testimonies Vol 2 136)

What need does the hostile have?

Love – the love of God and Jesus Christ

“If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me.” (John 14:6)

“And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.” (1 John 4:16)

“He who does not love does not know God -for God is love.” (1 John 4:8)

“By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us...” (1 John 3:16)

“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” (John 14:6)

Truth – Love = Hostility

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3. Searching Characteristics• Finding the Inner Need.• The strength of our need for God, the bigness of the vacuum and our ability to be drawn

to Him, all reminds us of our creation.

Our Aim Is The HeartSpeak to the people at a deeper level of conversation – below the surface of cliches & facts: opinions, feelings, and needs. Go deeper!

What is going on in their lives? Is there a crisis, where they have realized that they simply cannot do it on their own any more? Are there signs that they have recognized their vacuum and are reaching out to God? Ask penetrating questions and then really listen. God will help you to reach the heart.

• Make it safe for them to share about their pains, losses, fears, successes, joys and dreams.

• Listen with acceptance.• Listen for clues of spiritual needs

Identifying NeedsWhat has to happen before a person responds to truth?

Feel a need – A longing, a need, an awaking with a name attached.

“But the wants of the souls are not to be supplied unless we feel our need, and ask forthe things we lack.” (Review and Herald, December 22, 1885)

Finding the Inner NeedThe strength of our need for God, the bigness of the vacuum and our ability to be drawn to Him all reminds us of our creation.

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over thecattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” (Genesis 1:26)

Truth + Love = Attraction

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➢ God created the light/dark parts of the day and filled them with the sun, moon and stars.

➢ He formed the water above and the water below and filled them with birds and fish.

➢ He formed the dry land and vegetation and filled it with animals and humans.➢ The Sabbath is the final touch of creation.➢ Everything has been formed and filled with love from God.

Re-Creation -- The Need To Be FilledQ: When Adam and Eve sinned, what did they lose?A: Oneness with God.Q: What must we be filled with?A: Jesus – through the Holy Spirit indwelling us.

Command From Jesus – How To Fill

“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)

Sharing The GospelThe book “Steps to Christ” lists the essentials to becoming a Christian

• Awareness of God’s Love• Acknowledging our need for Jesus (our sinful condition)• Accepting the gift of Salvation.• Advancing in the faith and beginning a new life in Jesus

Helping a Person to Grow in their Christian ExperienceDo not depend upon feelings. No matter how you feel, God always remains committed to you. The promises in God's Word, the Bible, are your authority. This illustration shows the relationship between fact (God and his Word), faith (our trust in God and his Word) and our feelings.

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Your faith in the fact that a chair will support you causes you to act by sitting in the chair. The result is that you feel the comfort of the chair’s strength. Even when you don’t feel relaxed in the chair, it continues to support you. In the same way, you must rely on the factual promises of God’s Word, rather than your feelings. Good feelings may come and go, but the fact of God’s love for you and his forgiveness remain consistent.

To keep growing in your relationship with God...G o to God daily in prayer. (Philippians 4:6-7)R ead the Bible every day. (2 Timothy 3:14-17)O bey God moment by moment. (Luke 6:46-48)W orship in a local church regularly. (Hebrew 10:24-25)T ell others about Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 3:15-16)H oly Spirit – let him direct your life. (John 14:26)

* “GROWTH” courtesy of Bill Bright

Four Spiritual Laws1. God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life

• God is love. (John 3:16)• God has a plan. (John 10:10)

2. Man is sinful and separated from God.• All have sinned. (Romans 3:23)• Sin separates us from God. (Romans 6:23)

3. Jesus is God’s only provision for sin.• Jesus died in our place. (Romans 5:8)• He rose from the dead. (1 Corinthians 15:3-6)• He is the only way to God. (John 14:6)

4. We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.• We must receive Christ. (John 1:12)• We receive Christ through faith. (Ephesians 2:8, 9)• When we receive Christ, we experience a new birth. (John 3:1-8)• We receive Christ through personal invitation. (Revelation 3:20)

* “Four Spiritual Laws” courtesy of Bill Bright

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Results:• God gives new life to those who believe in Him• Those who believe in God become His sons and daughters. (John 1:12)• Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation. 2 Corinthians (5:17)

PrayerLord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me tobe.

Sharing Your Personal Testimony“That which will be most effectual is the testimony of our own experience.” (Desire of Ages, 347)

What should we share? John 3:33 says,

“He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal that God is true.”

People can argue with your theology. They can contradict your interpretation of the Bible. They can ridicule your faith. But they cannot challenge the power of a testimony. God's transforming work in the lives of individuals is the most compelling evidence of His existence. A life that is melted and molded under the influence of the Holy Spirit is an evangelistic sermon all on its own.

“Our confession of His faithfulness is Heaven's chosen agency for revealing Christ tothe world. We are to acknowledge His grace as made known through the holy men of old, but that which will be most effectual is the testimony of our own experience. We are witnesses for God as we reveal in ourselves the working of a power that is divine.Every individual has a life distinct from all others, and an experience differing essentially from theirs. God desires that our praise shall ascend to Him, marked by our own individuality. These precious acknowledgments to the praise of the glory of His grace, when supported by a Christ-like life, have an irresistible power that works/or the salvation of souls.” (Desire of Ages, 347.3)

Who Should We Tell?

“Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, ‘Go home to thy friends, and tellthem how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.’” (Mark 5:19)

Your Past• What things were most important to you?• What did your life revolve around?• Why were they so important?• What basic need were you attempting to fulfill?• How did you try to satisfy that need?

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How You Found Jesus• When did you first hear the message of Christ?• What was your reaction?• When did you first begin to feel positive toward the gospel? Why?

Your Life Now• How has Christ specifically satisfied your basic needs since you found Jesus?• What changes have occurred in your life as a result?

Be Genuine• It is important to be genuine.• People will sense when you are trying to sermonize or “sell” them on the gospel.• Let your love for Christ show in your quiet enthusiasm and your authentic relationship with


Many people mistakenly speak of a “silent witness” as the way to convince others about Jesus. While our characters are, indeed, a silent testimony to our conversion, we are not to give God a backseat in our lives. God is not content to have us silently acknowledge Him. No, Jesus said,

“Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 10:32, 33)

Our conversations should be opportunities to lift up Jesus. As we begin to tell others of His wonderful grace at work in our lives, we are transformed into messengers of mercy. People will see the light of His love in our eyes and they will long for the experience of which we speak. God has promised to give us the words with which to speak.

Your Conversion StoryOne of the most effective tools you have for sharing your faith is your personal story of how Jesus has changed your life and met your deepest needs. People enjoy stories, especially when told to them by one to whom the story happened. Your personal conversion, when shared effectively, will often awaken deep spiritual needs in your listeners and naturally lead them to want to know more of the power of the gospel.

The Bible gives us many examples of those who shared their personal witness in a convincing and compelling manner. One of the most powerful of these is recorded in Acts 26. When the Apostle Paul stood before King Agrippa, he spoke simply, logically, and clearly about his life before salvation, how he met Christ, and what his life was like after conversion.

By following these same simple steps, you will learn how to tell others in the same manner about how you came to know Christ.

The purpose of preparing your testimony is to help you put into words some of the important and interesting details of your conversion and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. A testimony serves primarily as a “door opener,” not a “convincing tool.”

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Use the handout at the send of this section as a guide for preparing your testimony of your conversion story.

Testimony Do’s & Don’ts1. Learn to tell what God has done, not what you have done. Be humble.2. Use terms people can understand. Avoid “Adventese.” I learned the “truth.” “Justification.”

“I'm saved by grace.” “I've been washed by the blood.” Instead, use phrases like, “My life is so much more peaceful now,” “I'm much more confident now that I'm not carrying all this guilt with me,” “Life is so much easier when I remember that God has a plan for me.”

3. Be real and sincere, not gushy. Be realistic. Share how Christ enables you to walk through your problems, rather than removing them from your life.

4. Don't be critical of other people or churches. Examples: Guard the reputation of family and friends, even if they are part of a painful past. Your former church persuasion may not have been doctrinally correct, but we must remember that we were once a part of them.

5. Never glamorize sin. Be very careful in giving details of the evils of your past. Instead, give details about your NEW life. Exception: certain times when it's important to let someone know that you can relate to them.

6. Avoid dogmatic or mystical statements that skeptics can question” such as “I prayed and Godgave me a job,” or “God said to me...”

7. Instead of dwelling on the trials and sacrifices, dwell on the blessings and rewards. Help people see that you believe “heaven is cheap enough.”

8. Don't be religious or preachy! Rather, sound conversational and use informal language.9. Share the blessings of new friendships with church members.10. Build your testimony around a theme. Choose something characteristic of your experience

that is of general interest to non-Christians, e.g. success, search for meaning and purpose, dealing with tragedy, etc.

What Is Your Testimony?Write out your testimony using the form provided on the next page. Use word-pictures.

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What is Your Testimony?

1. YOUR PAST. Briefly describe your life before you met Jesus.

2. HOW YOU FOUND JESUS. How you found Jesus or how He found you.

3. YOUR LIFE NOW. How blessed you have been since you gave your life to Jesus.

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Session 6

Objections and Preparing for Public EvangelismIn this session we will discuss how to handle objections and how toprepare for public evangelism.

The Shield

“Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.” (Ephesians 6:16)

A shield is a protective device, meant to intercept attacks. It was something that every good warrior brought when going to battle. The shield is the fourth article mentioned here in Ephesians 6. But what makes the shield different than the other pieces of armor is that it is a defensive weapon rather than an offensive one.

The concept of the scuta shield can also be used when dealing with objections. When we engagein evangelism we are going to be constantly bombarded with Satan's fiery darts.

“Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the rewardof the wicked Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;” (Psalms 91:5-9)

Those darts can come in any number of ways, but typically they come in by how individuals respond to us. Darts in the form of objections are what you and I are up against. How do we deal with these darts of objections? Do we stand there and absorb the full force or do we get trained in how to use the shield of faith and watch those fiery darts glance off?

How to Handle Objections

What is an objection? An objection is an obstacle that people face as they encounter ideas contrary to their own way of thinking.

Jesus was the master at answering objections, when Lucifer tempted Him in the wilderness regarding obedience to God. Three times Jesus gave a most clever answer, “It is Written.” Jesus used scripture to deflect the fiery darts that were thrown at Him by Satan. In the same way all successful soul winners must know how to deal with objections using a patient Christ centered method. Remember, very few people make up their minds to accept truth and unite with God's last day Church without a struggle. If there is one thing that new Bible instructors fear more then anything else it is objections. Often we look at objections as barriers or obstacles, when we should view them as opportunities to lead precious souls to Jesus and His truth.

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Our natural tendency is to meet objections head-on and beat them down. Objections typically come in the form of questions. When dealing with objections there are six factors to keep in mind.

1. Respond with a loving attitudeNo matter what type of questions or how it is phrased always respond in a Christ centered method. You always want to affirm in your students mind that you care about him/her by using positive phrases.

▪ “That's a very good question.”▪ “I'm glad you expressed yourself.”

2. Discover what the obstacle is.

“Your success will not depend so much upon your knowledge and accomplishments, as upon your ability to find your way to the heart” (Gospel Workers 193.2)

“The sacred responsibility rests upon the minister to watch for souls as one that must give an account. He must interest himself in the souls for whom he labors, finding out all that perplexes and troubles them and hinders them from walking in the light of truth.” (Review and Herald, Aug. 30,1892)

Before you try to diagnose the problem, allow your interest to fully explain their side. Your goal while you listen to the objection is to discover what really hinders them from making a positive decision. You could give Bible studies endlessly with little to no progress if you don't first discover what their true obstacle is.

While listening to your interest maintain eye and body language that lets them know your listening and that you care. Never interrupt or argue and always maintain a soft tone in your voice. You may win the argument, but lose an interest. Always dwell on the affirmative and not the negative points. Share a personal testimony of your experience.

You need to know what is holding a person back from keeping the• Sabbath• Attending church• Receiving baptism

You can visit endlessly and never get a decision from the person to take his stand and unite with the family of God. You must find the obstacle. You must find a way to help the interest solve the problem.

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“Many a laborer fails in his work because he does not come close to those who most need his help.” (Gospel Workers 190)

“Often as you seek to present the truth, opposition will be aroused; but if you seek to meet the opposition with an argument you will only multiply it, and that you can not afford to do. Hold to the affirmative. Angels of God are watching you, and they know how to impress those whose opposition you refuse to meet with argument.” (Testimonies For the Church Vol. 9, 147.3)

The goal is to instill a feeling of confidence in your interest that they can come to you with real questions and real concerns. Always encourage them to express their ideas, even if their ideas seem a bit preposterous at times.

The Three “F's”The most effective way to handle objections is to use the three F's (FFF). Use the three F's frequently when objections begin to surface.

• Feel -“I understand how you feel.”'By letting your interest know how you feel you will win their confidence.

• Felt -“Many others in your present situation have felt exactly the same way.”No one likes to feel all alone in their situation. Share a story of someone you know who went through a similar situation.

• Found - “But they have found…” This leads us to step three

3. Seek the Lord for Wisdom.

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5)

Understand that you may not have all the answers, but God does. Some examples of great responses are.• “I am glad that you have shared this with me. I can see that this means a lot to you and

believe that the Lord has the answer. Let's look in God's Word together for the answer.”• “You know, we are going to have a whole lesson on that subject a little later on. If you don't

mind, can we discuss it more thoroughly at that time?”• You may tell them that you would like for them to find the answer to their own question by

researching what the Bible has to say. Show them how to use a concordance and give the keywords to look up.

• “That's a very good question. Why don't we finish the lesson we're studying and then at the close we will look at what the Bible says on this subject.”

• If at all possible, let your student know that you will find the answer together. This puts you in a new light; it isn't you on the one side and him/her on the other. You are now on their side asking God for the right answer together.

• Show the person that you understand the objection by repeating it in your own words.➢ “Do I understand that the issue holding you back is opposition that you may receive

from your ____________?”➢ “Do I have it correctly that what is really concerning you is __________?”

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• “If the worker keeps his heart uplifted in prayer, God will help him to speak the right words at the right time.” (Gospel Workers 120.1)

An effective soul winner learns to separate genuine questions from common excuses. You can do this by asking specific questions.

Below is a list of questions that you should ask. “Is this your only reason for not deciding?” “Is this the only thing holding you back?” “If this issue were cleared up could you see yourself making a decision for the (Bible,

Sabbath, baptism, health, etc...)”

The goal is to get a commitment that if the objections were cleared up then he/she would make a decision right away.

4. Answer their Questions from the Bible.When responding to an objection you want your answer to be short and concise. An effective way to accomplish this is by using Bible texts as the basis for all your answers.

A good example of what to say would be:“John, I am so glad that you asked about the Sabbath. Let's turn to the Word of God and see what it has to say.” People will argue over personal opinions, but will generally listen to the words of scripture.

After you give your answer ask if the answer cleared up the question. If so you can move onto the next task. If the questions have not been answered you will then need to spend more time clarifying what you said by sharing more Bible promises. It is possible you may want to study the subject again next week instead of going to a new subject.

Dealing with different scenarios:• Keep you heart and mind in tuned to God through prayer.

“If the worker keeps his heart uplifted in prayer, God will help him to speak the right word at the right time.” (Gospel Workers 120.1)

• It is of the utmost importance that you lift your contact up in prayer on a daily basis.• Ask God to give you the right words to say at the right time.• You are God's instrument, let Him use you and watch the miracles take place.• Remember God has spoken through a bush and a donkey. He can also speak through you.• If you are not able to clear up the objection when it is first asked, always leave the door

open for a follow-up study. End the visit by saying, “Before I go, can I have a prayer withyou that the Lord will help us answer this obstacle and give us wisdom to do the right thing?”

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Let’s review what we have learned so far.1. Always deal kindly with your interest.2. Listen carefully to the objection.3. Show the person that you understand the objection by repeating it in your own words.4. Get a commitment that if the objections were cleared up then he/she would make a decision

right away.5. Use the Bible and prayer as the basis when dealing with any objection.6. Always leave the door open for a follow up study if you are not able to clear up the objection

when it is first asked. End the visit by saying “Before I go may I have a prayer with you that the Lord will help us with answering this obstacle and give us wisdom to do the right thing?”

Listed below are some common objections/and sample responses to questions that some people have.

If God is such a God of love then why is there so much evil in the world today?I am glad that you asked this question because it is something that everybody has askedthemselves, including me. Yet I am thrilled to know that the answer to this question canbe found right in the Bible. May I share a few passages with you? (read Matthew 13:24-30) When the disciples heard this they were perplexed and confused. So in verses 36-39, Jesus gives them the answer. So who sowed the tares, God or the enemy (Satan)? So God does not sow evil seeds in the field. He is not responsible for the tares.He is not responsible for sickness, sorrow, and death, but Satan is. You see, while God is trying to be fair and just to all, there is another power working against Him and that power is Satan spreading the tares. The good news is when we experience one of these tares we can turn to God for comfort and safety. (Additional verses: Philippians 4:13, Hebrews 13:5, Romans 8:28)

How do I know the Bible can really be trusted?What a good question! May I share with you briefly how I know that we can trust the Bible?The Bible deals with three major areas that give us confidence:

1. The Bible is filled with thousands of prophecies of which more then half have been fulfilled (2 Peter 1:21).

2. The Bible also deals a lot with history. For example, back in 1948 the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in caves near the Dead Sea. These scrolls were written 125 years before Christ was born and they contain great portions of the same Old Testament that we have today. When compared they show that the Bible was copied accurately (Isaiah 40:8). It is amazing to see how God has preserved His word through time.

3. We can see lives that experience change when they are introduced to the Bible. People who were filled with anger begin to experience joy when they read about the love of God. Marriages have been saved when the Bible is brought into the relationship. Addicts and criminals experience victory as they are introduced to the God of the Bible. You see the Bible is a love letter written from God to humanity and its central theme is the love of Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 3:16).

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Can God really forgive all sins? What about the worst sins one can imagine?I am glad that you have asked me this question. Often people wonder if God can truly forgive all sins. Can God really forgive murders? What about adultery? What about cursing God's name? Or what about abortion?

You know when I think of some of the people that God used in the Bible to accomplish some of the greatest feats. They were some of the biggest sinners. Moses committed murder, David committed adultery and murder, Paul committed heinous crimes against the church, and Peter cussed out Jesus to His face. Yet each one of these individuals will be saved. The Bible tells us in Romans 3:23 and Romans 6:23.

The Bible also gives us a beautiful promise in 1 John 1:9 (When reading this verse addthe phrase “except murder, cursing, lustful thoughts, stealing” after you read the verse).They will see what you are doing and it will help to reinforce the promise in that passage. Remember expression deepens impression. The key to experiencing forgiveness is repenting from that sin and allowing Christ to forgive and cleanse us. Additional verses: 2 Peter 3:9, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 3:16, John 8:1-11

My pastor said Adventists get all their teachings from Ellen White.Before you answer the question, first find out if your contact agreed with their pastor.

Start out saying: That is an interesting point. How did you respond when you heard himsay this to you. Often people will defend the truth that they have been hearing. When this happens, simply smile and nod your head in agreement. It is so much more effective if they can defend the truth that they are hearing then if you do. Remember expression deepens impression.

If they are in the valley of decision and just are not sure, ask them a few questions (hopefully by this time you have done several studies).

John, we have been studying together for several weeks now. We have covered ____ topics. How many times have you heard me bring up the name Ellen White? (Their answer will have to be "0 times”.) Each of our studies have all been based on the (hold up your Bible.) As you can see everything that the Seventh-day Adventist Church believes in is based on the Word of God. You see when someone makes this type of statement it is usually because they don't know much about our church, or they are simply repeating what they heard someone else say. Can I share a Bible passage with you?

(2 Timothy 3:16) Ellen White was one of the founders of our church and throughout her ministry she was always pointing people to Jesus and the Bible. Can I share a book with you called Steps to Christ? This way you don't have to take my word or the word of anyone else, but you can see it for yourself. Does this sound good?

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Do you think the rapture will come before or after the tribulation?I am glad that you have asked me this question. It tells me that you are really thinking ahead. You have probably noticed an increase of interest lately in regards to how and when Christ will return. Because this is such a popular question I have prepared an entire lesson that deals with this subject. I would love to share it with you sometime. I can tell you that Matthew 24:36 says…'

People have been predicting the return of Christ for years. How do we know that now is the time that we should be ready?

What a great question. It seems that throughout time each generation has believed that they were the ones that would see the fulfillment of the coming of Christ. This sense of anticipation I believe is a part of God's plan. This feeling of urgency helps keep the church from growing complacent. May I share some passages with you?

(read Luke 17:26-27) Noah preached for 120 years that the end was coming. Howeveronly eight individuals stepped into the ark of safety. Those on the outside didn't sense the urgency because for the past 120 years nothing had happened. In Vs 28-30, a similar scenario takes place with Lot and his family leaving Sodom. Again people in those cities lived life like there would be a 1,000 tomorrows when there were none.

Another way that we know Christ is coming soon is by an increase in the signs that He gave us in Matthew 24:4-8. Keep in mind that it isn't a single sign that tells us Jesus is coming soon. Rather it is when all the signs are taking place at the same time in great proportion. We can see this happening today like never before in history.

Practice answering these objections and use them often when asked questions during your Bible studies.

Preparation for the Seminar➢ Evangelistic Calendar

Every church needs to have at least one evangelistic series each year. Evangelistic series are important. They are the best way to “harvest” the seed that you have been sowing with Bible studies, literature, etc.

Developing a calendar is very important for the success of the evangelistic series. The calendar should be flexible. Usually the calendar is created by the church pastor and board.

Bridge EventsThe term “bridge event” has been coined to describe a non-threatening way to invite people toan evangelistic seminar. Churches can put on a variety of free seminars as a way to build friendships as well as help their community.

In today’s restless world, many who are thirsting for the gospel don't even know it. In their search for satisfaction they are troubled about health, finances, marriage, and parenting. Programs on such topics provide a great way to break down prejudice, and awaken interest in the biblical and prophetic topics that will be presented in the evangelistic seminar.

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Short bridge events are best. Long programs wear people out and overload them, sapping theirenergy for attending the next program you offer. Short programs leave them hungry for more -that’s what you want! Offer the bridge events close to the opening night of the evangelist seminar (within 30 days) and be sure to include and “advertisement” for the upcoming prophecy seminar. Promote and give out preregistration cards for evangelistic seminar.

Some of the more popular Bridge Events include Marriage Enrichment Seminar Communication Seminar Parenting Skills Seminar Anger Management Seminar Stress Management Seminar Health, Cooking Seminar Breathe Free, Stop Smoking Program Weight Management Program Exercise Program Archeology Seminar Auto Maintenance Finance Musical Concerts

Refer to segments on Bridge Events and Ministries for more information on seminars that canbe used for Bridge Events.

Remember the sky is the limit when it comes to ideas. Here are some key points that you must keep in mind. Keep the bridge events short and relevant Each seminar should go for one night a week or one weekend a month. Utilize talents in your local church Offer seminars that meet the needs of your community

Always provide an opportunity to fill out a card to reserve a seat at the Bible prophecy seminar, or offer in home Bible studies. This bridge event not only meets the needs of your community, but it also serves as a spiritual opportunity to invite men and women to know Christ personally. You will want to enter the names of all who attended your seminar into a data base, which can be used to invite people to future events that your church is promoting.

Whether you're holding a bridge event or in home Bible studies, the question that always seems to surface is “How can I invite my circle of influence to attend an evangelistic seminar?” Below you will find a six point invitation plan. Use this six point plan as a framework to invite your interest.

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The Transition

“If, after three months, your Bible-study interests have not attended a public meeting (or services at the church), they start becoming stagnant in their growth. So you can study with people for six months, nine months, a year, twoyears -but when you get them to attend public meetings, they will then take another giant step in their growth.” ~ Mark Finley

How do you transition your Bible study to the evangelistic meeting?How did John do it? John the Baptist did a work of preparation for Jesus' public ministry. We also must do a work of preparation for the evangelistic meeting to be successful.How did John do it? The key is in the following verses:

“The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me: for he was before me.” (John 1:29, 30)

“And there went out unto him all the land of Judea, and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins. And John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loins; and he did eat locusts and wild honey; And preached, saying, There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose. I indeed have baptized you with water: be he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.” (Mark 1:5-8)

John’s MethodsJohn always pointed forward to the “greater” One, the “greater” event. He saved the best for later. He did not reveal everything that Jesus would teach in His public ministry. John's method did the following: Win confidence Study topics to build faith in God Focus on points of agreement Save controversial subjects for the meetings Build interest in the upcoming meetings

How can we follow this model when working with people (giving Bible studies, small groups, community programs) before an evangelistic series to win their confidence?

Develop strong relationships. Study topics with them that will give them a solid faith in God and His word. Focus on points of agreement, common beliefs, and reveal truth gradually. Save more controversial, complicated doctrines for the public seminar. Build interest in the up-coming seminar. Invite them to the seminar!

Six Point Invitation Plan to Invite People to the Prophecy Seminar1. 4-5 weeks before the meeting, begin to casually invite people to the meeting without

giving a lot of details about time and place. The goal is to build their excitement.

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2. 2 weeks before the meeting begins give official personal invitation, including details, butwithout brochure in hand. Promise to come back and bring a brochure.

3. 1 week before the meeting begins personally deliver a brochure, show it to them, and leave it with them. Give them a reserved seat form and get them to fill it out (reserved seats are held until 15 minutes prior to the start of the seminar). If they don't know if theycan attend, encourage them to fill it out anyway, in case they can make it.

4. 1 week before the meeting begins mail a letter of invitation to everyone in your database of interest. Make sure you include a brochure. See sample letter below.

5. Call 1-2 days before opening night to remind them of the meeting. Make sure you ask if they have any questions or other needs, such as if they will need a ride.

6. Visit those who don't make it to opening night. Bring them a handout from the meeting. Don't say “we missed you,” because that makes them feel bad. Instead say, “I know you wanted to come, so I brought you an outline from the meeting. You'll be caughtup for the next meeting. Tonight's topic is _______. Hope you can make it.” If you don't have time to visit everyone, call them and let them know what the next topic is and that you will save some material for them to pick up.

Sample Letter:

Dear Friend,

I want to share with you information regarding an event that we will be sponsoring soon. A Bible Prophecy Seminar – “Unlocking Revelation’s Mysteries” beginning Saturday, October 14 at 7:15 p.m. Location: Adventist Auditorium, 12889 Osborne Hill Road, Grass Valley, CA.

There will be a nursery for the children up to age 4 and fun instructive learning activities for the children ages 5-13.

Aren't we living in exciting times? I'm encouraged as I see God's hand working, even in the situation in the Middle East, tsunamis, and hurricanes, knowing Bible prophecies are being fulfilled. I'd like to invite you to come and hear these prophecies explained more clearly than you've ever heard them before. Your questions will be answered.

I've had the opportunity of meeting the presenter, __________. He is a wonderful speaker and teacher who is known and loved by millions for his engaging style and clear teaching of Bible prophecy. Pastor _________ has helped countless people around the world understand the Bible for themselves.

Please join us for this special life-changing seminar. You won't want to miss the opening night on (add day of week, month, day and year.)

I look forward to seeing you there.


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Continue this process until it becomes obvious that the person is not going to come. At this point, if they are a good interest but simply can't come to the meeting, make arrangements to re-establish Bible studies or let them listen to the seminar by video or audio loaner tapes at home.

Do not feel that you are pressuring people by your continual and persistent reminders. Instead notice these two Biblical principles.

Repeat and Enlarge – The Bible writers often repeated things, giving more detail each time. Think of the book of Daniel.

Remind -There is one commandment about our time for spiritual things. It is the Sabbath commandment. It begins with the word “remember”. God knows that we need to be reminded totake time for religious activities.

Remember to work in harmony with the Holy Spirit who is urging them to come. If they don’t come don’t get discouraged. Remember the story in Luke 14:16-13 of the banquet? When his guests did not show up, he went out and found others. For those who make excuses, kindly and persistently urge them to come anyways.

Reserved Seating Survey – Another way to invite your circle of influence as well as increase the opening nights attendance is by using reserved seating tickets. Reserved seating tickets are a must to any church that is holding evangelistic seminars. These tickets allow the interest to make a stronger commitment to attend the seminar. Listed below are steps to follow and a canvas that must be used to maximize the results that these tickets willproduce.

Canvas: “Hi, I’m __________ and this is my friend __________. We are representing (name of seminar.) The reason that we are contacting you is to tell you about a free Bible prophecy seminar that is coming to the city of __________. We would like to personally invite you to attend these exciting presentations on Bible prophecy.”

At this point you will want to show them the brochure. It works well if you can get the brochure into their hands. Once they take the brochure you will want to point out a few key components to the brochure.

Point out the topics that will be covered Dates and times without telling them that the seminar goes for 4-5 weeks. Free childcare Free parking Nightly giveaways Introduce the speaker Show location

Follow up in your canvas by saying, “As you can tell this type of seminar is going to be very popular in (name your city). For your benefit we have some reserved seating tickets that will guarantee you a great seat for opening night. Hand the reserved seating tickets to your interest and explain how it works.

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These ticket’s guarantee them a great seat opening night. Have them fill out their name and address on the lower stub.

You will tear off the lower stub and keep it. They will need to bring their ticket with them opening night. Have them mark down how many adults will be in their party. Have them mark down how many children they will have. The seats will be held up until 15 minutes before the seminar begins on opening


In closing you will ask them if you can have a short prayer with them and tell them that you willsee them opening night.

Responsibilities of a Row HostRespond to all who sit in the rows assigned to you! Learn their first names. If they are comfortable, they will usually sit in the same seat night after night. Get to know them. Win their hearts! Help them to feel important – loved and accepted.

1. Come early – even if you are picking up an interest. (Explain to your guest that you have duties that require you to be there 10-15 minutes early.

2. Bring and wear your name tags that will be provided.3. Dress – dressy casual (You want those who come to feel comfortable)4. Join the class for group prayer before the meeting unless you are picking up a contact or

have other responsibilities.5. Take care of your personal needs before the meeting starts so you can remain in you seat

until the meeting is over. (It’s distracting -when you leave and come back in. Satan can use this at a very critical time)

6. No whispering or chatting during the meeting. If they ask a question, discuss it later.7. Do not congregate and visit in the hall or outside.8. Be in your area early to pray for your contacts and those who will come and sit in your

area.9. Greet the people warmly.10. Make them feel welcome.11. Use FORT for conversation.12. Be a good listener.13. Learn their names.14. Give them needed information

• Where rest rooms are• Where the child care is located

15. Bring your Bibles and look up every text.16. Show a great interest in all that is being presented.17. When a decision card is passed out, fill it out.18. Go forward with your contact if they respond to a call.19. When questions are asked, never go ahead of the evangelist. State there will be a whole

evening’s presentation that should answer their question.20. Provide additional information on the subject if subject is not clear.21. If we are running out of room for guests you will need to give up your seat.

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22. Introduce your contacts or those sitting in your rows to the evangelist.23. If there is a serious problem or question, let the evangelist know – or ask if they would

like to speak with the speaker. Help make these arrangements.

Things to pray about:1. Pray for the evangelist and all the staff that will be working with him.2. Pray for the sound system and equipment.3. Pray that all who have been contacted – will sense a need and have a desire to come.4. That their pastors, family or friends will not be able to discourage them from coming.5. Safety while coming to the meeting.6. That they will not be distracted while they are there.7. Pray that Satan will be bound and the Holy Spirit will be able to give them understanding

of the scriptures. (Luke 24:45)8. Pray all during the meeting, watch their reactions, pray for each person in your area all

through the meeting.

Be sure you let the pastor and the evangelist know who your contacts are and those sitting in your row so you can be the one to contact them if they miss a night or if they have questions. You also want to be involved when visiting for decisions. Write these names down and give the written list to the pastor and evangelist. This information is very important!

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Session 7Getting Decisions

What is a Decision? A decision is the intention to perform a specified action.Actions are the results of decision making. When a person makes a decision to keep the Sabbath, regardless of the consequences, they are taking action to believe what the scriptures say about the Sabbath.

“In order to lead souls to Jesus, there must be a knowledge of human nature and a study of the human mind. Much careful thought and fervent prayer are required to know how to approach men and women upon the great subject of truth.” (Gospel Workers 1892, 321.2)

Where Do We Make Decisions?The frontal lobe is the part of the brain that is in the very front; it is where our reasoning and decisions are made. The Bible tells us in Revelation 7:3 and Revelation 13:16 that those who receive the seal of God and the mark of the beast receive it in their foreheads. That is because decisions are made in the front part of the brain, the place the forehead protects. In order to lead individuals to make the right decisions in regards to truth which will lead them to salvation, we must follow the council of the Bible and Ellen White in studying how the human mind works.As a result we will learn how to instruct others to wear their helmet and make right decisions so that they might experience the joy of salvation.

How are decisions formed?How do you lead an individual to make the right decision for Christ and His truth?When giving a Bible study we should always believe and anticipate a decision for Christ and His truth. If you give a Bible study in such a way that you don't believe your interest will make the right decision, then they more than likely won't.

What if they say “no?”No one likes feeling like they have been rejected, especially when it comes to things as important as Bible truth.

What if they say “yes?”“Oh-no, they have said yes and now I am responsible.” Often we think the job of leading souls to Jesus is only for the minister and evangelist, but this couldn't be any further from the truth.Leading souls to Jesus is a job for anyone who professes the name of Christ.

Four Levels of Decision MakingEvery decision that is made has four levels:

1. Information2. Conviction3. Desire4. Action

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A right decision is made based on the right information.

“One sentence of scripture is of more value than ten thousand of man's ideas orarguments.” (Testimonies Vol 7, 71.1)

There are three components that affect and determine the outcome of a decision.

A) Information received is processed against previous exposure to the new information.B) The information must be clear and understood before the right decision can be made. C) Once the information has been processed in the mind and is understood a

commitment to follow the new information is made.

All intelligent decisions are based on adequate information. Before an individual can make a decision for truth, they need to be convinced from the pages of scripture that it is truth.

It is at the information level that the facts are presented. The right decision can not be made unless the individual has heard the right information. Before you ask a Bible study contact to make a decision for truth, we must ask ourselves, “Have I given them adequate information tomake an intelligent decision?”

There are seven major areas of truth that require decisions.

Key Points To Be Considered:• Let the Bible do most of the speaking:• All that is shared must be from the Bible and the Bible alone.• If you call for a decision before there is adequate information the individual will make a

negative decisions.• Be careful of information overload and present heavy subjects gradually (Sabbath, Death,

Standards, Antichrist, etc.).• Another factor to keep in mind is program non-response. This is where you preach for a

decision but don't call for one. In this scenario, your interest will end up making a negative decision.

2. Conviction

The most significant element necessary for a person to make a true spiritual decision is the element of conviction.

A. Previous ExposureB. UnderstandingC. Commitment

Conviction is the voice of God speakingto the conscience

✔ Provide clear information✔ Ask if the information is clear✔ Allow the Holy Spirit to convict

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The information must be clear before conviction can take place. As you move from information to conviction it is good to start with the words “Is it clear to you that______? Example: “John, is it clear to you that the seventh day is the Sabbath? Do you see that God asks us to honor Him by remembering His seventh-day Sabbath?”

Signs Of ConvictionThere are many different ways that people respond to conviction. Most of the time people assume that there are only positive responses to the Spirit. The outcome may be positive butthere can be negative indicators as well.

Positive Indicators Negative Indicators

1. Joy 1. Sorrow

2. Sharing 2. Rejection

3. Application 3. Argument

4. Peace 4. Restlessness

5. Praying 5. Irritability

6. Questions 6. Objections

7. Studying 7. Not Studying

8. Good Attitude 8. Negative Attitude

There are physical and emotional conviction indicators as well:

• Squirming • Fear

• Nervousness • Anger

• Silence • Crying

• Effort to stop sinning

• Putting into action things learned

Attitude is the single best indicator of conviction. They may know truth but if their attitude is not positive toward change they MAY NOT be under conviction. Some attitude evaluation questions that you can ask to determine their conviction are:

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Attitude Evaluation Questions:

If the answer to the questions are positive, invite them to church!

3. Desire Should do vs. Want to do Mini-max

• Minimize the risk• Maximize the benefits

It is at this stage that individuals begin to sort out their own feelings. They don't always base their action on what they ought to do, but on what they want to do. By showing the benefits ofright doing and the consequences of wrong doing an individuals decision will be influenced.

There is a term that has been coined called “mini-max”. Students of human behavior have concluded that people will make the right decision when the benefits are “maximized” and therisk “minimized”.

It is wise to focus on the benefits of right action rather than focusing on the negative consequences.

For example: “John, I understand that keeping the Sabbath may mean some changes inyour life. However, imagine the joy that it will bring to the heart of God that you want to spend time with Him. Think of the benefits of having one day a week to set aside thecares and distractions of this world and to spend that 24 hour period with Jesus and your family. Picture yourself at the park Sabbath afternoon going for a walk with your son, or sitting in your favorite easy chair reading a Bible story to your daughter. What about going to church with your wife?”

You have heard that old expression, “You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.” But, if you place a block of salt next to the water, the horse will end up licking the salt and become so thirsty that he has to drink. Didn't Jesus say in Matthew 5:13 that we were “the salt of the earth?” The job of a soul winner is to make people so thirsty that they will drink of the water of life freely and be saved. It works well to paint a mental picture so your interest can see the benefits of right doing.• Make them thirsty• The job of the soul winner is to make people thirsty for the water of life.

✔ “Do you pretty much agree with what we studied today about the Sabbath?”

✔ If the answer is “no,” ask, “Is it that you don’t see it or that you don’t know how you can keep it?

✔ “Have you thought about keeping it, yet?”✔ If the answer is “no,” ask, “Is there anything that would prevent you

from keeping it?

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Strength Of The Desire• Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-39)• Rich Young Ruler (Luke 18:18-26)• Paul -King Agrippa (Acts 26)

4. Action

“Christ crucified – talk it, pray it, sing it, and it will break and win hearts.” (Testimonies to the Church Vol. 6, 67.1)

When an individual has adequate information and their conviction and desire are heightened, they will act. When leading an individual to act on a decision, always appeal on the basis o f the Cross o f Christ. Why is the cruci fixion necessary? There is one Word that describes what it takes for them to make a decision -LOVE .

For action to take place it takes more then just Bible texts to motivate the heart, it takes the individual verbally agreeing with questions (Is it clear to you that...) regarding obeying the truth in the Word of God. It takes the convicting power of the Holy Spirit as well as the individual seeing the benefits of making the right decision.

The major motivational factor enabling men and women to make decisions is the fact that:


“And I, if l be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” (John 12:32)

Action –- DecisionThere are four categories of interests as it relates to decision making:

1. Willing and able are the people who are “ripe fruit” and will make an immediate decision.2. Willing, but not able need to be helped to arrange matters so they are able to obey God.3. To reach those who are able, but not willing use texts for “Hesitating Souls”.4. For those not willing and not able also use texts for “Hesitating Souls”.

• Left heaven• Tabernacled in human flesh• Lived a perfect life• Was nailed to the cross in an act of supreme love• A supreme act of love

1. Willing and able2. Willing, but not able3. Able, but not willing4. Not willing and not able

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Making AppealsThere should be a small appeal after each study. This will prepare your study to make the big life-changing decisions. Here are some of the important decisions that your Bible study interest needs to make:

1. Personal Salvation2. Law3. Sabbath4. Second Coming5. Healthful Living6. Baptism

“Pray with these souls, by faith bringing them to the foot of the cross. Carry their minds with your mind, and fix the eye of faith where you look upon Jesus, the sin bearer. Get them to look away from their poor, sinful selves to the savior, and the victory is won.” (Testimonies Vol 6, 66.4)

Below you will find six decisions with appeal texts. Put them on a card. Memorize them and use them often in your Bible studies when calling for decisions.

1. Personal Salvation - “John, the Bible says in Romans 3:23 that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Peter tells us in Acts 4: 12 there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. You see salvation only comes through Jesus Christ. Without Jesus Christ all humanity would be lost. Is it clear to you that salvation only comes through Jesus? Would you like to receive Christ into your heart and life today?”

2. Law—As we have studied the subject of God's law we have seen that God's law is a transcript of His character. The glorious words in Scripture that describes God, also describesHis law. Jesus wants us to be like Him in character and to show our love for Him by keeping the law.

Mathew 19:17 Jesus says, “If you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”John 14:15 Jesus says “If you love Me, keep My commandments.

What do you hear Jesus saying to you through His word? Would you like to show your love for Jesus by being a joyful obedient child of God entering into life – keeping all of His commandments?

3. Sabbath - “Since we have studied the subject of the Sabbath we have learned that it is a sacred piece of time that Jesus gave to us before sin had entered this world. John, I know thatyou have a real love and desire to follow Jesus. The Bible tells us in John 14:15...The Sabbath is a time that Jesus wants to spend with us, a time that we spend with family. John, isit clear to you that the seventh day is the Bible Sabbath? Have you yet begun to feel that this is something God would have you to keep. Is there anything preventing you from keeping theSabbath? Would you like to show your love to Jesus by keeping the Sabbath day?”

4. Second Coming - “John, the Bible teaches that Jesus coming is going to be an audible, visual, climatic event. The Bible pictures Jesus coming in the clouds of heavens with all of the holy angels and this day is going to come much sooner then we think. I know that when

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that day comes I want to be absolutely ready, don't you? Yet in order to be ready we must allow Jesus to rule on the throne of our hearts. The Bible tells us in 1 John 3:1- 3... Notice that it points out that those who meet Jesus will have had a change in their hearts and lives. Would you like to ask God to take anything out of your life that may cause you to not be ready for His soon return?”

5. Healthful Living - “John, the Bible gives us a wonderful promise in 3 John 2... Not only is God concerned with our salvation, but, He is also concerned with our health. In fact, He is so concerned with our health that He tells us in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 that it is serious business when we don't treat our bodies the way He wants us to. John, do you desire to show your love for Christ by following these biblical health principles?”

6. Baptism - “John, we have learned in John 3:5 that unless a man is born again he can not see the kingdom of God. Jesus illustrated this point again in Mark 16:16 when He says 'He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.' Would you like to show Jesus that you have surrendered your life to Him by being baptized by immersion?” Using Texts as Direct Personal Appeals

This section is taken from “You Are My Witness – Sharing Jesus in the 21st Century” by Don and Marjorie Gray, published by Seminars Unlimited, pages 81 – 85.

“We should use those texts that are best designed for securing the desired results. We are to become scientific workers in the matter of reaching people with the truth of God.” (Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 93)

“General invitations are given; but not enough definite and personal invitations. If more personal calls were made, more decided movements would be made to follow Christ.” (Ellen G. White, Review and Herald, Aug. 15, 1899)

Examples of how certain texts can be used in direct personal appeals:1. For a decision to become a Christian.See white cards – Salvation

2. For the decision to keep the Sabbath.See white cards – Sabbath

3. For the decision to unite with God's remnant.See white card – Join Church

4. Miscellaneous texts for certain situationsSee white card – Miscellaneous

Build on their responsesWatch for the opportunity to build on the responses and admissions of your student as you studyfrom the Bible. We should endeavor to turn their admissions and acknowledgments into steps which will lead them into a decision. This is a case of utilizing the principle of bringing a person's mind to the desired conclusion, by building successively on his own responses and admissions, as he hears God speaking to him/her through the scriptures. Often as he reads God’sword, he will of his own accord state that the teaching is true – and right.

Example: He may say, “You folks have certainly got the Bible on your side for keeping the seventh day.” This is your opportunity to reply, “I am glad you see the truth right from the Word

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of God about the right day to keep. It’s fine to know the real truth. Let’s look at what the Lord wants you to do next?” Then turn to Luke 11:28: “But he said, ‘Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the Word of God, and keep it.’” Then say, “Notice that Jesus pronounces His blessing on those who hear His Word and keep it, or obey it. So now that you see that the seventh day is Christ’s day, the next thing is to keep it for Jesus.”

Using illustrationsThe Bible contains many illustrations, incidents, and narratives which can be made the basis for powerful direct appeals to interested people whose cases or situations are parallel to the experiences set forth in the Bible.

• The Israelites crossing the Jordan (Joshua 3.) Use this in relation to the person who is willing to begin to keep the Sabbath if God will open the way in his home or work.

• The two builders (Luke 6:46-49.) Use those in relation to those who admit that the Sabbath is right but make no move to keep it.

• The prodigal (Luke 15.) Use this in relation to the backslider who feels he has gone too far for the Lord to receive him back.

*Highly recommended additional resource: “You are My Witness” by Don and Marjorie GreySee Appendix D for purchasing information

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Session 8

NURTURING AND FOLLOW UPWhat can we do to help new members feel a part of the church and desire to stay long term?

Why People leave the church?➢ Why don't people stay in the church after they are baptized?

➔ Lack of friends➔ Lack of growing in their walk with God -Not knowing Him➔ Being hurt➔ Seldom is it because of doctrine

➢ “The interest awakened should be followed up by personal labor,-visiting, holding Bible readings, teaching how to search the Scriptures, praying with families and interested ones,seeking to deepen the impression made upon hearts and consciences.” (Testimonies for the Church Vol. 5, 255.1)

➢ “After the first efforts have been made in a place by giving a course of lectures, there is really greater necessity for a second course than for the first. The truth is new and startling, and the people need to have the same presented the second time, to get the points distinct andthe ideas faced in the mind.” (Evangelism 334.2)

During an evangelistic seminar, the church is on fire as they see God’s Spirit being poured out into the lives of those attending. Members rejoice in seeing souls committed to Jesus Christ through the watery grave of baptism. Yet, as soon as the seminar is over a spirit of lethargy develops in the hearts and minds of those once faithful saints. As a result, those who were baptized are left on their own to fend off those fiery darts of the wicked one. Pretty soon those who were baptized slip through the cracks and go out the back door.

It does not have to be this way. First, Paul tells us to pray always; second he tells us to watch (stay awake); and thirdly he tells us to have perseverance and supplication for all saints. You see, baptism is not the finish line, as some would like you to believe, but rather it is the starting line. It takes perseverance through prayer and friendship to keep someone in the church. Even if that means we have to come out of our comfort zone, so that they will be comfortable. This is a job that we must do.

Follow-up is as equally important as the preparation work and the reaping meetings. The true purpose of follow-up is much broader than just keeping new members in the church. It involves teaching new members how to fulfill the Great Commission to “go therefore and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19, NKJV). A disciple does more than assent to the correctness of truth. For our purpose, a disciple is a productive and useful member who is advancing the cause of God through his/her life.

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➢ Activities for Spiritual Friends● Make weekly visits and/or phone calls.● Invite new members home for Sabbath dinners once a month. Include other members

who may have things in common with the new members. This will help the new member become acquainted with more people in the church.

● During the week, invite the new member to meet you for lunch at a local restaurant.● Do social activities together. If you are planning a day of recreation, include your

new member friends. Train yourself to think in terms of including new members in all of these activities.

● Sit with your new member friends in church, at fellowship meals and church functions.

● When making friends with new members there are some areas where you will need to exercise caution:▪ Be careful not to take new members too fast, too soon in areas of diet, reforms,

etc. Ellen White cautioned that it is better to err on the side of the people and to be one step behind them than to be one step ahead of them.

▪ It is never appropriate to give a new member material from groups that have an ax to grind. You may think this is grand material, but it will only suffice to destroy their confidence in the church and message.

▪ Don't be found doing the work of the enemy.▪ There is a need to be patient with new members. Conviction regarding lifestyle

issues often develops over time as the new member grows in knowledge and experience. During this time of growth we need to be patient, loving, and kind. The power of love and example is more effective in changing lives than are declarations of truth.

** Use F-O-R-T Making conversations – learn their needs and take action. **

Be An IntroducerA simple, yet vital part of your ministry as a Spiritual Friend is to introduce new members to other church members whom they have not already met. Just say, “I want you to meet__________.” Then go to the member and say, “John, have you met (the new member)?” Turning to the new member, say, “John runs a contracting company in town.” Make certain you then steer the conversation through one of the acronyms above. At different times it may be appropriate to suggest to a member to go over and visit with a new member or attendee. Take the initiative and make these things happen. This is your ministry.

Ten “DON’TS” For A Spiritual Friend1. DON’T let two weeks pass without contacting your new friend.2. DON’T preach at your new friend or criticize them for their views or things they do.3. DON’T answer their questions with “Ellen White says...” We are to be people of the Bible. If

you don't know a Bible answer, suggest that you both do some research and then share what you found. Before answering questions, ask the person how they view the topic or why they ask. Listen. Answering questions is two-thirds listening. DON'T be shocked at new members who make suggestions or remarks not in harmony with the faith. They will grow in time as you give them love and understanding coupled with sound Biblical teaching.

4. DON’T act superior or condescending because you've been a member longer.

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5. DON’T give extra reading material above that which is provided for in the program. If you feel they need a particular book, contact your pastor or outreach coordinator and talk to them about it first.

6. DON’T overload.7. DON’T push your own peculiar brand of theology.8. DON’T share church problems or gossip with the new member.9. DON’T downgrade other denominations. If they mention another church, say, “There are

many wonderful people there.”10. DON’T be negative!

Ten “DO’S” For A Spiritual Friend1. DO love this soul for whom Jesus died. Let God love them through you.2. DO make it your week's goal to be in touch with your new friend weekly.3. DO give frequent reports to your pastor concerning the progress of your friendship.4. DO greet the new member at all church services and programs. Invite them to stay for

fellowship dinners and to sit with you.5. DO look for ways to involve the new members in church programs and activities.6. DO introduce the new members to other members at every activity.7. DO verbally express your love and appreciation to the new member often.8. DO speak in only positive terms regarding the church, the pastor, the Conference, etc. Report

to the pastor if negative persons from within the church are trying to influence your friend.9. DO leave each visit on a happy note. Keep visits short and sweet to begin with.10. DO encourage the new member to study God's word daily. Share idea's that would enhance

and make their time with God exciting, and experiencing God and His love.

“And the new converts will need to be instructed by faithful teachers of God's Word, that they may increase in a knowledge and love of the truth, and may grow to the full stature of men and women in Christ Jesus.” (Evangelism 337.1)

Personal Devotional Life➢ Share how to study God's word through:

• Inductive study• Chain reference their Bibles• How to use the concordance• How to do topical studies

➢ Teach them how to pray:• The privilege of Prayer (Steps to Christ 93)• How to pray the scriptures• Sanctuary prayers• The Lord's prayer

➢ Share how to have family worship:• Skits• Family worship books• Invite them to join you• Music – read or sing hymns

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➢ Train to be a good witness:• Spiritual gifts testing• Offer personal evangelism training• Share how Christ reached people• Follow Christ's methods• Share friendship evangelism

➢ Faithful in membership:• Share in church-related responsibilities• Provide a Daniel Seminar• Church History and how it functions

➢ Involve them in small groups:• Bible study• Make new friends• Belonging

Sample Schedule for a Spiritual FriendThe following activities are suggestions for how one can build a friendship that has the spiritual goal of making disciples for Christ. You can keep rotating through these activities until your friendship is well established and your spiritual friends are well grounded in the faith.

➢ Week One: Invite your new friend to your home or to go out for a meal.You may invite another member to join you in this activity. Please do not let vegetarianism become an issue.

➢ Week Two: Share a spiritual book or set of Bible studies.Examples of good books to share include Bible Readings for the Home, Desire of Ages, Steps to Christ, etc. It might be a good idea to encourage them to start a Bible study course such as the Storacles of Prophecy Bible studies (Amazing Facts).

➢ Week Three: Plan a recreational activity together.Plan to do something recreational together that suits both the age and interest of the new attendee.

➢ Week Four: Deliver a church periodical.You can use one of the church magazines (Review, Signs, etc.), Amazing Facts' Inside Report, the local Union paper, The Record, etc...!”

➢ Week Five: Involve the person in a ministry or spiritual activity.Have them attend a family worship with you. Invite them to come on a Bible study or to join a small group that you attend. Other good activities include visiting “shut ins,” helping with asoup kitchen, etc.

We want to minister to our new friends in the most effective way possible. In order to do this weneed to be kept informed of areas of special need. Remember, your purpose is not to be a “holy spy” or judge. Keep in mind that people need time to grow. Don’t expect perfection, or for people to look at things in exactly the same manner you do. Respect people for who they are. Let God lead in their lives.

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Spiritual Boot Camp Training Manual Appendix

Appendix A ~ Friendship EvangelismAppendix B ~ SurveysAppendix C ~ Creative MinistriesAppendix D ~ Additional Resources

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Appendix A ~ Friendship Evangelism

Kindness CampaignEphesians 4:32 says, “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.”

What is kindness? Some has said that kindness is the golden key that unlocks the human heart. It has also been stated that heaven 's rich rewards will be given to those who have learned how to be kind.

We find that kindness is a Christian quality which should be displayed by God's people at all times. It is love in action. It is love in working clothing. Since kindness is one of the ingredients of love, then every true Christian who has the love of God in his heart will be a kind person.

In the book Gospel Workers (Page 122), we find this striking statement, “A kind, courteous Christian is the most powerful argument that can be produced in favor of Christianity.”

Kindness is a universal language that everyone understands and appreciates. It will break down walls of prejudice, soothe jaded nerves, quench the fires of anger and secure close bonds of understanding.

Mrs. Ellen G. White writes in her book, Testimonies Volume 9, page 189, that, “If we would be kind, courteous, tenderhearted, and pitiful, there would be 100 conversions to the truth where now there is only one.”

“While driving between Washington D.C. and Richmond, Virginia, my wife and I were talking about the value of kindness. We decided to make a list of various ways of being kind. By the time we reached Richmond, we had enumerated 75 different ways of being kind.

“Inasmuch as we were launching a Kindness Campaign as part of the pre-effort preparation for an evangelistic meeting, the following list was compiled and distributed among the church members. These suggestions have helped to motivate church members to demonstrate a spirit of kindness and love to relatives, neighbors, and friends.

“We believe that a Kindness Campaign in every church will be extremely fruitful. Individuals should be given an opportunity to share their kindness experiences. As class members, it will pave the way for a larger attendance at our Sabbath School, Church, and Evangelistic Meetings, which provide a method for reaching many persons with the gospel.

“Let us remember that kindness is the golden key that unlocks human hearts.”

(W.C. Scales, Jr.)

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SEVENTY-FIVE WAYS OF BEING KIND1. Smile and speak kindly to everyone.2. Share fruit.3. Give a bag of groceries to someone in need.4. Bake a loaf of bread and give it to a neighbor.5. Prepare a meal and take to a sick person or an elderly person6. Visit a person in the hospital, nursing home, or one who is shut-in.7. Send a card of encouragement to one who is ill or discouraged.8. Offer to pay a bill for someone who has been unable to work due to illness.9. Clean house for the sick and shut-in10. Offer to do laundry for someone who has been sick.11. Drive neighbors to pay their bills12. Speak an encouraging work in person or on the phone.13. Write an encouraging letter and send to someone who is lonely.14. Go on an errand for a neighbor.15. Help someone fix a flat tire.16. Cut the lawn for your elderly neighbor.17. Give someone a ride even if it means going out of your way.18. Take a sick person to the hospital.19. Visit person in prison.20. Offer to baby sit for a neighbor.21. Send a neighbor a card when you are on vacation.22. Call your neighbors and inquire how they are doing.23. Make friendly visits and get acquainted with all of your neighbors.24. Be sympathetic and helpful to your neighbors in time of bereavement.25. Take time to listen to problems.26. Visit non-Christian relatives more often.27. Welcome newcomers to the neighborhood with tokens of friendship.28. Invite neighbors to family outings.29. Offer neighbors the use of your phone.30. Compliment your neighbor on his yard, garden, etc.31. Develop the habit of praising the good qualities of your neighbors.32. Lend according to the need using discretion and tack.33. Assist the blind.34. Share clothing with the needy.35. Assist a handicapped person.36. Offer emergency lodging to those in need.37. Be sensitive to the needs of relatives and friends.38. Invite neighbors and relatives in for dinner.39. Invite neighbors and relatives to your home for social gatherings.40. Assist neighbors in various projects.41. Look for ways to help in little things.42. Be especially kind to the lonely and elderly43. Take a gift for a new baby.44. Show appreciation for the kindness of others towards you.45. Share veggies from your garden.46. Help your neighbor wash his car.47. Offer to repair a broken object if you are capable of doing so.48. Sew a garment or repair one for a neighbor.

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49. Share information that may be beneficial.50. Offer to watch your neighbor's house while he is on vacation.51. Offer to check on your neighbor's mail during his absence.52. Offer to watch your neighbor's children while he/she goes shopping.53. Help your neighbor with a stalled car.54. Shovel snow for your neighbor, or elderly person.55. Attend neighborhood meetings.56. Aid in neighborhood projects.57. Offer to stay with a handicapped or sick person while the neighbor takes care of

business.58. Always give preference to neighbors.59. Offer to help neighbor when they move by babysitting for them.60. Give neighbors refreshments on the day they are moving.61. Fix your neighbor's meals while they are moving into a new home.62. Maintain friendly relations by keeping up your property and yard.63. Offer to take in packages from the postal carrier for your neighbors.64. Offer to take your neighbor to and from the airport or bus depot.65. Bring a souvenir from a trip to your neighbor.66. Visit neighbors and relatives who are in the hospital.67. Prepare a dish of food for a bereaved family.68. Offer to write letters or read for an elderly person.69. Help a neighbor plant a garden.70. Help persons carry groceries.71. Give up your seat on the bus to an elderly or handicapped person.72. Offer to make phone calls or receive phone calls for bereaved persons.73. Offer to keep children during a funeral.74. Remember birthdays, anniversaries, and special events.75. Help your neighbor rake his leaves.


I will endeavor, with guidance from the Holy Spirit, to reach out and spread kindness to those inmy neighborhood, work place, or any area in which I come in contact with others. My intention is to use this opportunity to invite others to our evangelistic outreach. My prayer is for courage and wisdom prompted by the Holy Spirit.

Date Signature

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Appendix B ~ Surveys

In this section, you'll find lists of different survey scripts and forms that can be used for doing door-to-door surveys such as the Neighborhood Survey, and surveys to use when following up on media interests. There is a section on how to respond to objections. script. Modify the forms as needed.

These survey scripts will help you make the initial contact. The script that you are using should be studied until you become familiar and comfortable with presenting it.All surveys should answer three basic questions:

1. Who you are2. Why you are there3. How long you will take

Tips for Outreach Door-to-Door

1. Practice the script you will be using until you can say it from memory. Practice with your partner responding with objections. The more you practice the easier it will be when you go door to door.

2. Dress appropriately – Casual wear seems to be the best.

3. If going out in teams of two, decide who will be the spokesperson. The other person is a prayer partner. The prayer partner is a silent partner who prays and observes.

Things to Pray for: Holy Spirit speaking through the speaker Be willing to do the survey Desire Bible studies Bind Satan and any distractions

4. Pray together before your visits.

5. If knocking on doors, drive around the area you will be working and claim the souls for God. Pray that God will cause the walls of prejudice to fall as the walls of Jericho did.

6. Take turns so both get the experience of praying and speaking.

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Neighborhood Survey

The purpose of the Neighborhood Survey is not only to find people to study with but also to determine what events the neighborhood is interested in. You would not want to conduct a marriage seminar if the neighborhood was more interested in healthy cooking. Based on the responses that you receive from your surveys, you now have an idea of what type of seminars tooffer and you have a list of names and addresses of people to invite for the seminars they selected.

Before you start your survey make sure you determine what days and times you are available to do a Bible study. Use a clipboard for your survey forms.

Start the survey with:Hi, I am __________. This is my friend ____________. We are conducting a Neighborhood survey. There are just three short sections that will take only two or three minutes of your time. We work with a radio and television program that would like to know what you think would be helpful for you and your community. You may select as many items as you would like.

Hand them the survey form and a pen.Try to stand where you can see the card as they fill it out. This isn't always possible. (You can comment on the ones checked and watch to see if they check the Bible study section.)

When they return the form to you say:“Thank you for taking the survey. I see you checked (Read off the seminars they checked; Parenting, Breathe Free, etc). As we finish our surveys and find others interested in the same seminars, we will let you know when these will be offered in your area.”

If they selected “I see you also checked 'Individual Bible Studies by mail' (or 'in-home'). I have the first lesson for this program, and would like to leave it with you (hand it to them.) Our most popular option is where we find a convenient time each week to go over the lesson together. That way we can answer questions you may have and learn from the Bible together. It only takes about 30 minutes, and although my schedule is quite full, I am available on ______ and _______, What day would be best for you? Would ____ pm work?”If they feel they are to busy, encourage them to “take 10 minutes a day and by the end of the week you will be ready for review and the next study. You will learn so much I can assure you that you will not regret the time spent.”

If they decline to schedule a time, then say...“I understand life can be busy and it's hard to fit things in. I do have another study option that is great for busy people. (Hand them the first Amazing Facts Study Guide.) (Open another study guide to show them the back page). These study guides are great because they answer questions like: 'What happens one minute after you die?' 'What will heaven really be like?' 'What about therapture'?' 'How can you be free from guilt?' “I'd be glad to leave this first study guide with you and stop by next week to see how you liked it and leave another one with you. These are free with no cost or obligation. Have a great day. I will look forward to seeing you next week.”

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If they did NOT check Bible studies, you can offer:“Before I go, I'd like to briefly show you a great Bible study program we're offering. I have the first lesson and would like to leave it with you (hand it to them). Our most popular option is where we find a convenient time each week to go over the lesson together. That way we can answer questions you may have and learn from the Bible together. It only takes about 30 minutes, and although my schedule is quite full, I am available on ______ and _______. What day would be most convenient for you? Would ____ pm work? (If they hedge, say, “let's go ahead and make a tentative appointment so we can get started. We can always reschedule later ifwe need to.”)

If they decline to schedule a time, then say...“I understand life can be busy and it's hard to fit things in. Here's what I can do for you. I have another study option that is great for busy people, (Hand them the first Amazing Facts Study Guide,) (Open another study guide to show them the back page). These study guides are great because they answer questions like: 'What happens one minute after you die? What will heaven really be like? What about the rapture? How can you be free from guilt?' I'd be glad to leave this first study guide with you and stop by next week to see how you liked it and leave another one with you. These are free with no cost or obligation. Have a great day!”

Ending the surveyFor all who do the survey but refuse the in-home Bible study, try to leave the Amazing Facts Study Guide as a special gift and, if they accept it, plan to return to the same home and bring another one the next week. “Thank you for taking time to do this survey. I have a special gift I'd like to leave with you.” (Hand them the Amazing Facts Study Guide.)

Close with prayer“It was really good to meet you! I'd like to have a short prayer together before I go. Is there anything special you'd like me to pray for?” (There are rare times when people won't be comfortable with prayer, but many will accept and it will melt their hearts and prepare the way for your visit the next week).

Tips for Neighborhood Survey1. Pray that God will lead you to those wanting to better understand His Word.2. Walk on sidewalks, not across yards3. Knock several times.4. When the door opens, take a step back.5. SMILE! Be positive, show enthusiasm remember Jesus stands beside you and is

speaking to their heart!

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Survey Questions and Statements That You May Hear

These questions and answers can be used for any survey.

Q – What church do you represent? What church is sponsoring this?A – We are working with a radio and television program and people from many different denominations help sponsor this program.

Q – If persistent what church do you attend?A – I attend a local Christian church and we don't like to focus on denomination. We are interested in the needs of the community.

Q – What church do you attend?A – I personally attend the Adventist church and I enjoy working with the community.

Q – How much do these studies cost? A – They are free – No cost to you!

Q – How much time do the studies take?A – If you study the lesson and fill in the blanks between now and our next session, we can correct and review it in about 30-40 minutes or so. Of course if there are questions it could take a little longer. I can assure you that if you want to know more about the scriptures and what the Bible has to say about the future, the time you spend with the studies will be well worth it.

Q – When do you think Jesus will come or end of the world or anti Christ will come, or about the Sabbath?A – That is a very good question; it shows that you are thinking about the future. We will be having a whole study on that subject soon and we will see what the scriptures have to say on the subject.

Q – Do you really think this is going to help the community?A – Yes I do. In other communities where we have been involved many have changed their life style habits and praised us for our help.

Q – I'll do the survey, but do I have to sign my name and put my address here?A – No, however if we don't have your address it will make it impossible for us to notify you of the seminars of interest. We are very careful to use the names we get only for our use for notifying them of events of interest.

Q – How many Bible Studies are there?A – We try to cover the main teaching of scriptures, which could take several weeks if you do one study a week. I can assure you that the more you study the more you will want to learn.

Q – I study at my own church!A – That's great! Its always good news when you hear of people studying God's word. Have you studied the prophecies lately? Have you learned what the Bible teaches about the end times? We are finding that few are studying the books of Daniel and Revelation. These two books are the main prophetic books that tell the future events of end times, just before the end of the world. Since 9-11 attacks and the war many are asking: What does the Bible say about future events before the end of the world. God always gives warning and information in His word about major events: the flood, Jesus coming as the messiah, and thesecond corning of Jesus or the end of the world. God wants to give us peace and assurance through His word during these final events.

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Bible Study Request Cards – Something Wonderful Cards

When you have received or chosen one of the cards requesting Bible studies one of the first thing you want to do is pray for each card that you received. These cards are like gold. About 50% will be interested in doing a Bible study. If they refuse a sit down study try to get a drop of study, if they aren't interested in a drop-off study then attempt to sign them up for studies by mail. You send in the card.

It is recommended that in most cases you don't phone before you make the first visit. It is easier to say no over the phone than in person. As you go to the door, ask God to go before you preparing hearts, then trust God to use you, giving you the words and wisdom. He has promised that as we “GO:” as He has commanded that He will be with us always.

Follow the “Something Wonderful for You” Card Canvass.“Something Wonderful for You” Card Canvass:“Hello, are you (name on the card)? I'm (your name and name of prayer partner) I am calling in response to the card you sent in for the free Bible Study guides.” (Show them their card – You keep the card.)

“I came by to give you your free Bible study lessons.”(Go in the house or at the door. They may invite you in.)

About the study guides(Show the Lesson – You can hand them #1 Prophecy Seminar – Introduction to the Book of Daniel) “You are going to love these studies. These studies will help you understand God's love and Bible Prophecy. It's an exciting study. You will be amazed how easy it is to understand God's Word and the prophecies for the end times (end of the world) by letting scripture interpret itself. You will receive hope and confidence for the future.”

The Bible and the Bible alone are used in these studies. Of course, history shows if the prophecies predicted have come true.

How the program works“This is how it works: I will leave the first lesson with you to read and this study to fill in the blanks. They are both on the same subject. Complete the study and then next week I will stop back by and we can review this lesson and then together. This usually takes about 30-45 minutes. If you have any question we can find the answers in the scripture together.”

Set the appointment“This time next week would be good for me. Would that fit into your schedule?” (Confirm time and day. Write it on the lesson – Remind them to put it on their calendar.) “I'm really looking forward to studying together! I would like to say a prayer before I go, would that be okay?”


Remind them of the time and date of next study. (Don't forget to mark it on your calendar)

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THE REASON YOU ARE PERSONALLY DELIVERING THE STUDIESSome may say, “I expected to get these studies through the mail” – Response: “In some areas we do mail them, but in this area you are fortunate that we have several representatives that can deliver the studies.”

“The reason for my bringing them is that when many people get the studies they don't know how to do them, so we deliver them so we can explain how they work and each week we can review the lesson and find answers to your questions. Most prefer this method to receiving themin the mail. This method is much faster and more personable.”

*Work hard at getting a sit down study. If this study doesn’t work for them, try to find some study that will. Go through the three options, or opportunities. Remember, a Drop-in Study is better than mailing it. They have sent in a card, showing an interest in Bible Study so give the Holy Spirit every opportunity to work finding something that will help you be able to develop a relationship with them.

Media Interest ScriptYou have just received a list of names from one of the media ministries such as Voice of Prophecy, It is Written, Amazing Facts, etc. Now what do you do with them? Listed below is a sample script you can use to make contact with the names on your list. If you have dates and if the people graduated from the mail-in Bible course, go to the ones that have graduated first then the ones who have done the study over the past year.

Sample script:My name is __________. I am a local representative of Amazing Facts. It is a world- wide Christian ministry that has helped thousands of people come to a deeper understanding of the Bible. Amazing Facts also works closely with other Christian ministries such as The Voice of Prophecy, It is Written, Signs of the Times, and others.

Our records indicate that you were either enrolled in one of our Bible courses, or received literature from us or one of these ministries. I would like to personally thank you for your support.

To show our appreciation, we would like to offer you a series of FREE Bible study guides that have helped change the lives of many people around the world. They cover Bible prophecy and many other interesting topics. (Show them the study guide and how it is done.)

Say:“Let me explain to you how we do these studies. Each week I will check the lessons you've done and then give you a brief study of the next lesson you will do. People really appreciate this method and learn a lot from it.”

Compare the advantages of this method with the correspondence course method.

Set the appointment for next week

“Would (time and day) be a good time for me to stop by?”

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Church Visitors Canvass

Everyone who visits your church can be visited using the following approach. Many of these visits will result in Bible studies.

• Have a way to get complete addresses from all visitors on Sabbath morning.• These addresses need to be given immediately to those who will make the visits. It is best

to visit the people Monday or Tuesday after they have worshiped with you.• Bring copies of the Bible study guides on your visit.• When you go to the door, smile and say, “Hi, John, my name is ________________. I

worship at the local Seventh-day Adventist Church. I am out making brief visits with those who worshiped with us this past Saturday. I have a special gift I'd like to leave with you. Do you have a moment? I can't stay long.”

• Bring the prospect a gift wrapped copy of a book like Happiness Digest or Your Friends the Adventists or some other short helpful book on a neutral topic. Do not use full message books like The Great Controversy, and avoid very thick books. Do not give anything with a summary of all our beliefs.

• Visit briefly with the people. Be very gracious and genuinely friendly. Give them your gift. Express how you appreciated them attending. Ask them how they found everything. Were they comfortable? Were they able to become acquainted with anyone? The FORT conversation is a good outline to use for your visit.

• Find a point to offer the free Bible study guides. Here is a sample script:• Has anyone offered you our free Bible study guides, yet? I have a copy of them if you'd

like to see it. They are on (study guide topic.) If you like them I will be happy to leave it with you. (The script in the Something Wonderful for You Card canvass on “About the Study Guides, How The Program Works, and Set the Appointment” is perfect to use at this stage.)

• You usually don't want to stay longer than 15-30 minutes. Have prayer and say you look forward to seeing them again.

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Final Events SurveyIn this ministry, Final Events is loaned to interested people to preview for one week. When the DVD is picked up, a follow-up survey is done to get feedback and determine further interest in studying prophecy. Bible studies are also offered to those interested. The two survey forms are on the following two pages.

Visit 1:1. Choose a street in the community to survey.2. When a person comes to the door, you'll fill out the Final Events Prophecy Survey with them.3. If they answer “Yes” to the last question, lend them a DVD to preview for one week. Tell

them it was recently released and you are really interested in getting their feedback.4. Schedule an appointment to pick up the DVD for the following week. (Be sure to request

their phone number in case you happen to miss them the next week. People usually give it.)5. Keep track of the homes on your street, including name, address, and phone. If no one is

home, try that house again another time. But also be sure to indicate those simply not interested in the survey or DVD.

Visit 2:1. When you return for your pickup appointment, tell them you would love to get their feedback

on the DVD. Fill out the Final Events Prophecy Follow-Up Survey.2. Offer a follow-up. The survey is designed to lead into personal or drop off Bible studies.

However, you can use it to lead into other offers: a Daniel and Revelation home small group, a prophecy seminar, a satellite series, etc.

3. Schedule time and date for personal Bible studies, if interested.4. Drop-off lessons are best for those who seem hesitant about other study options but want to

learn more. Try to offer drop-off lessons only when they seem reluctant about personal studies.

6. If inviting them to an event or study group; provide a brochure and map.7. Mark on your Survey Record Sheet the day and time of the scheduled study and any further


NOTE: Give every opportunity for them to do a sit-down study. If they do not want a sit-down, try a drop off. If they are not interested in a drop off, you can offer studies by mail. Be sure and mail in the request card yourself, do not leave the card with them.

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Final EventsProphecy Follow-up Survey

Hello, My name is __________ and this is my friend __________. We are representing AmazingFacts and doing a short community opinion survey of seven questions. We are not selling anything and this will only take a few minutes.

Wonderful! Let me tell you about something I am sure you will be interested in! For a limited amount of time, we are offering an exciting multimedia DVD called The FINAL EVENTS of Bible Prophecy. It is packed full of scripture references and amazing facts about Bible prophecies for our time. We cannot give this DVD away, but we are leaving it on loan for ONE WEEK. There is absolutely NO FEE involved!

Here is the DVD. Would next week about this same time be good for picking it up? (Agree on a time)

Great! I will see you next week. At that time, I would like to get your opinion on the Final Events of Prophecy DVD.

Name: _____________________________________

Address: ______________________________________

Phone: ______________________________________

Accepted DVD: O Yes O No

Appointment for pick-up:


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Final EventsProphecy Follow-Up Survey

1. Did you have the opportunity to watch The FINAL EVENTS of Bible Prophecy DVD?

O Yes O No (If the answer is “No,” ask if they would like to keep it one more week.)

2. I am interested in getting your opinion on the prophecy DVD. Overall, what did you think about it?

3. What part of the documentary interested you the most?

4. Was there something that was new to you?

5. Did it help you better understand some of the events to take place before the return of Christ?

O Yes O No

I would like to share with you our free offer. (Show them a Storacles of Prophecy sample lesson.) This is one of our Bible studies on prophecy that go along with the Final Events DVD. You may have noticed that this documentary only gives a quick overview of prophecy. There was not enough time to answer questions like:These questions and many more are answered in these lessons. They are fascinating! They are easy to complete. Let me leave this first lesson with you. It looks at a prophecy in Daniel, chapter 2 that shows us why we can trust the Bible and how near we are to Jesus' return. This is one of the most fascinating prophecies in the whole Bible! Fill in the blanks this week. (Explain how to look up the texts.)

When I return next week to drop off your next lesson we can spend some time together looking at this fascinating prophecy. It will only take about 30-45 minutes and it is so exciting. I know you will love it and learn so much. Will this time next week work for you? (Work out a time)

(If they are not sure about personal studies, give them the option of doing it on their own and receiving the next one as they complete each one [drop off]. Use the mail-in option only if they are unable to do a sit down or drop off study.)

Name:_____________________________ Studies: O Yes O No


Address: ___________________________ Phone: _________________ Day_______ Time_____

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Appendix C – Creative MinistriesHow do you find people to share the Gospel with? God has a plan for each of us. He has gifted you for ministry. Let Him speak and direct you to the ministry that He has for you. These ministries will produce bible studies for you and other members of the church throughoutthe year. Remember our goal is at least one soul per year.

Listed below are some of the ministries that your church can hold when reaching the communityand members of your own church. Please see the Ministry Segment in the overall program for more information on how to hold these seminars.

✔ Blind Ministry✔ Business Ministry✔ Children's Ministry✔ Deaf Ministry✔ Depression Recovery Seminar✔ Faith and Finance✔ Flea Market✔ Grief Seminars✔ Health Ministry✔ Hospice Ministry✔ Literature Distribution✔ New Baby Ministry✔ Newcomers Ministry✔ Marriage Seminar✔ Parenting Seminar✔ Prison Ministry✔ Widow Ministry✔ Women’s Ministry✔ Wedding Ministry

There are many ministries that a church can do, other than those listed. Spend time in prayer, asking the Lord to guide you to the ministry that would help your church and community to see Jesus in a clear and practical way.

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Appendix D ~ Additional ResourcesThis appendix has the titles, authors and purchasing information for all of the recommended additional resources mentioned throughout this manual.

“Christ's Methods Alone” by Philip G. SamaanPurchase at Adventist Book Center: (916)486-7730

“Forgive to Live – God's Way” by Dick TibbitsPurchase at Florida Hospital Publishing: (407)303-1929Email: Health [email protected]: https://www.floridahospitalpublishing.com/

“I forgive you, but…” by Lourdes E. Morales-Gudmundsson, Ph. DPurchase: (800)765-6955 Website: http://www.adventistbookcenter.com

“The Healing Power of Forgiveness” by Sharon Platt-McDonaldPurchase at ABC store: (916)486-7730

“You are My Witness: by Don and Marjorie GreyPurchase at Seminars Unlimited: (817)641-3643

“Winsome Witnessing” by Gary Gibbs Book and DVD available at ABC Bookstores DVD 12-30 minute programs on three DVD's. Purchase at AdventSource #425662: (800)732-7587

Free Bible software Website: www.e-sword.nete-Sword is a fast and effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free software package. The fact that e-Sword is free is just one of the blessings and does not speak of the quality of the software. e-Sword provides many different Bible translations of which most are free as well as commentaries, maps, dictionaries, etc. You download the basic program then select the additional Bible translations, commentaries, etc.

Ellen G. White writings can be found onlineWebsite: https://egwwritings.org/#