spirent education services education services scpe certi cation networks and applications an...

Spirent Education Services SCPE Certification Networks and Applications An established standard in network testing certification Spirent, the world leader in performance analysis solutions, was the first company to offer network testing certification programs in the 1990s. Today, Spirent’s certification programs still provide the most rigorous and comprehensive certifications in the industry. The Spirent Certified Performance Expert (SCPE) certification offers the highest benchmark qualification in network testing today; they have no equal. In addition, while the curriculum employs Spirent technology, its scope is industry-wide. Accordingly, it incorporates testing methodologies which deal with real-world testing scenarios that have valuable industry-wide applications. Spirent SCPE certification tracks Currently Spirent offers two SCPE Certifications: Testing Network Infrastructure with Spirent TestCenter™ Testing Security Infrastructure with Avalanche Certification curriculum components To be awarded an SCPE certification a candidate must: Complete the prerequisite self-paced on-line “Essentials of” Spirent Campus course Attend and complete an intensive three day hands-on instructor-led course Pass the online certification exam covering the topics of the selected certification track Who should get a Spirent certification? Candidates who will benefit most from the Spirent certification programs are engineers whose responsibilities include device and system performance analysis, as well as those who need to benchmark and verify network operations. Also, anyone interested in becoming more proficient at implementing networks, and/or having a better understanding of how devices and networks operate, will also benefit. Assure your teams testing qualifications efficiency, and quality continue to grow, assuring the qualifications of your network testing team has never been more crucial. To help satisfy these conditions, Spirent’s certification tracks provide your team with the necessary hands-on education and subsequent validation of their testing qualifications SCPE certification benefits Learning the best practices for proven and effective test methodology Obtaining up-to-date information on the latest developments in network testing Leveraging Spirent’s extensive pool of professional experience Quantifying expertise in specialized network testing Enhancing professional credentials

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Spirent Education ServicesSCPE CertificationNetworks and Applications

An established standard in network testing certification

Spirent, the world leader in performance analysis solutions, was the first company to offer network

testing certification programs in the 1990s. Today, Spirent’s certification programs still provide the

most rigorous and comprehensive certifications in the industry. The Spirent Certified Performance

Expert (SCPE) certification offers the highest benchmark qualification in network testing today;

they have no equal. In addition, while the curriculum employs Spirent technology, its scope is

industry-wide. Accordingly, it incorporates testing methodologies which deal with real-world testing

scenarios that have valuable industry-wide applications.

Spirent SCPE certification tracks

Currently Spirent offers two SCPE Certifications:

� Testing Network Infrastructure with Spirent TestCenter™

� Testing Security Infrastructure with Avalanche

Certification curriculum components

To be awarded an SCPE certification a candidate must:

� Complete the prerequisite self-paced on-line “Essentials of” Spirent Campus course

� Attend and complete an intensive three day hands-on instructor-led course

� Pass the online certification exam covering the topics of the selected certification track

Who should get a Spirent certification?

Candidates who will benefit most from the Spirent certification programs are engineers whose

responsibilities include device and system performance analysis, as well as those who need to

benchmark and verify network operations. Also, anyone interested in becoming more proficient

at implementing networks, and/or having a better understanding of how devices and networks

operate, will also benefit.

Assure your teams testing qualifications

efficiency, and quality continue to

grow, assuring the qualifications of

your network testing team has never

been more crucial. To help satisfy

these conditions, Spirent’s certification

tracks provide your team with the

necessary hands-on education and

subsequent validation of their testing


SCPE certification benefits

� Learning the best practices

for proven and effective test


� Obtaining up-to-date information on

the latest developments in network


� Leveraging Spirent’s extensive pool

of professional experience

� Quantifying expertise in specialized

network testing

� Enhancing professional credentials

Spirent Education ServicesSCPE Certification

2 | spirent.com

Testing network infrastructure with Spirent TestCenter™ SCPE


� Detailed Application Overview

� Manipulating and Customizing Views

� Options, Settings, and Preferences

� Tip and Tricks

New concepts in Spirent TestCenter

� Host Blocks

� Stream Blocks

� Routers

� Command Sequencer

� Results Framework

Host blocks

� What is a Host Block?

� Configuring Host Blocks

� Host Block Protocol Results

� Host Protocol Example: DHCP

Stream blocks

� What is a Stream Block?

� Configuring Stream Blocks

� Transmitting and Analyzing Stream Blocks


� Routing Emulation Features

� Configuring Routing Emulation

� Routing Emulation Results

� Routing Protocol Example: BGP

Command sequencer

� NoCode Automation Overview

� Creating a Command Sequence

� Manipulating Commands

� Using the Test Wizards

� Sequencer Loops

� Status Commands

� Conditional Processing

� Running an External Process

Results framework

� Real-time Results

� Database Results

� End-of-test Results

� Control Plane Results

� Results Modes

� Results Reporter Overview

� Histograms

� Analyzer Filters

� Packet Capture

� How Latency is Measured

Performance test methodology

� How to Stress-test a Switch/Router

� Layer 2 Performance Testing

� Layer 3 Performance Testing

� QoS Performance Testing

� Applications of Multi-Layer, Multi-Stream


� Router Performance Testing

� Performing Throughput Testing

� Performing Latency Testing

� How to Interpret Test Results

This is a full three-day hands-on instructor-led


Spirent TestCenter 9U chassis

spirent.com | 3

Testing security infrastructure with Avalanche SCPE


Layer 4-7 test environment and Avalanche

� How Avalanche is used to Test in a L4-7 Environment

Avalanche test administration

� Provisioning Appliance Hardware

� Provisioning Spirent TestCenter Hardware

Avalanche GUI application

� Creating Tests

� Client and Server Profiles

� Virtual Routing

� Packet Capture

� Capture/Replay

� Managing Avalanche Test and Projects Configurations

� Setting Avalanche GUI Preferences

Test configuration

� Configuring Realistic Tests

� Managing the TCP/IP Test Environment

� HTTP Test Configuration

� Managing Avalanche Load Control

� Application Test Setup Overview

DUT testing methodology

� Key Elements of Test Methodologies

� Concurrent (Open) TCP Connections

� Maximum TCP Connection Rate

� Maximum Transaction Rate

� Maximum Bandwidth

� Differences between TCP Connections, HTTP Transactions and

� SimUsers


� Real Time Results

� Avalanche Analyzer

� Managing Avalanche Results

� Analyzing Avalanche Test Results

WorkSuite manager

� Using WorkSuite Manager to Manage the Test Environment

� Validation Criteria

� Post Run Validation Criteria

� Control Scripts

� Iterative Tests

� WorkSuite Functions

This is a full three-day hands-on instructor-led course

Avalanche 3100 chassis

© 2015 Spirent Communications, Inc. All of the company names and/or brand names and/or product names and/or logos referred to in this

document, in particular the name “Spirent” and its logo device, are either registered trademarks or trademarks pending registration in accordance

with relevant national laws. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. C | 05/15

Spirent Education ServicesSCPE Certification


AMERICAS 1-800-SPIRENT +1-818-676-2683 | [email protected]

EUROPE AND THE MIDDLE EAST +44 (0) 1293 767979 | [email protected]

ASIA AND THE PACIFIC +86-10-8518-2539 | [email protected]


On-line courses provide the foundation for all certification tracks. These Web-based “Essentials

of” courses offer introductory product training. They are prerequisites for the instructor-led courses

and the SCPE curriculums.

Instructor-led courses involve hands-on instructor-led classroom instruction and provide product,

technology, and methodology training. Each Instructor-led course encompasses a different

technology and incorporates the Spirent product(s) which tests that technology. This can include

multiple Spirent products in a single classroom environment. Instructor-led courses range from one

to multiple day classes based on customer requirements. Custom training is also available.

Certification Programs offer a student the opportunity to learn and demonstrate proficiency in a

technology segment or group. The SCPE certification is the highest industry certification and is

attained only after completing the prerequisite on-line course, attending the intensive three day

instructor-led course, and passing the master exam covering the curriculum content. Each SCPE

certification is valid for 3 years.

Expertise of Spirent Education Services

Spirent’s training staff is an accomplished team of certified networking professionals. They

have years of experience training all levels of audiences, performing hands-on testing, and

troubleshooting diverse device and networking conditions. This has enriched their instructional

capabilities, on multiple Spirent platforms, for audiences all around the world.

Spirent campus

Visit www.spirentcampus.com and enroll today. There you will find free, on-line beginning level

training, accessible 24x7 from anywhere in the world. These include one or more online “Essentials

of” courses. There are “Essentials of” courses covering Spirent’s ‘core’ products: Abacus,

Avalanche, AX/4000, SmartBits, and Spirent TestCenter

Spirent services

Spirent Global Services provides

a variety of professional services,

support services and education

services—all focused on helping

customers meet their complex testing

and service assurance requirements.

For more information, visit the

Global Services website at

www.spirent.com or contact your

Spirent sales representative.