s.p.i.e.s. we are constantly changing…. …thank goodness!

s.p.i.e. s

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Post on 30-Dec-2015




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We are constantly changing….


…thank goodness!


The Development of a Christian Life and Religious Faith:  

O As individuals, we develop through our experiences, our families, our faith, our personalities and our culture.

O There are five aspects that make us complete people.

O S – SocialO P – PhysicalO I – IntellectualO E – EmotionalO S – Spiritual

SPIES: SocialO We are called to be inclusive (that is, include

others) as Jesus did. This helps us to see the past the differences and feel strong connections with others.

 O We have freedom and responsibility to shape our

own relationships; God has not told us exactly how.

O All God has told us is that our relationships should be shaped in love.

O Who are the PEOPLE who are important to you right now? Who has been important to you in the past?

SPIES: Physical O Our bodies are part of the body of Christ. They deserve respect

and have value.

O Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and God is present in our bodies. We must treat our bodies with the same respect that we would treat God. (Is it fair to say, “It’s my body and I can do what I want with it?”)

 O Our bodies are a gift from God, created to do good works.

O The fact that Jesus, the Son of God, became a human being while remaining fully God (“The Incarnation”) shows us how special our bodies are in God’s eyes.

O The fifth commandment, You shall not kill teaches us that all human life is sacred, from conception to natural death

SPIES: Intellectual O We are called to know God, which is the whole point of human


O Every person, no matter what their intellectual ability, is capable of knowing God. When we know God, we hear his call and understand how to serve him.

O We form a relationship with God through reading from scripture and having an open heart and mind.

O Learning about the person of Jesus Christ (the historical person from the Bible) is part of learning to follow His example.

 O Knowing and understanding the difference between right and

wrong is part of intellectual development as a social person.

SPIES: Emotional

O Our emotions are a gift from God that help us to make connections between the outside world and ourselves.

O Emotions encourage us to act or not to act. Without emotions, we might be indifferent to both good and evil. What would our world be like if we didn’t react emotionally to violence, for example?

SPIES: Spiritual O The Christian call is not only to believe in God, but also to

enter into a personal, loving and faithful relationship with him.

O We can get to know Jesus through studying him as a historical person and feeling his presence in our lives.

 O Jesus said that whenever two or three were gathered in his

name, he would be with them. Therefore, worship is a very good way of getting to know God.

O Jesus is present physically in the community in the Eucharist. We can act in Jesus’ name (in love and friendship) and see him in the people around us. Jesus is present in our relationships when we act justly, kindly and compassionately.


here is how s.p.i.e.s affects you…

SOCIAL:O How I spend my timeO Friends, family, activity, relationshipsO SocializingO Places to go and things to do

PHYSICAL:O HeightO Body typeO Eye and hair colourO Distinctive characteristics

INTELLECTUAL:O Thinking and developing ideasO Interests and hobbiesO Goals O Reading habitsO Learning styles

EMOTIONAL:O How I feelO How I act, How I reactO Temperament, Attitude

SPIRITUAL:O Prayer, faithO Church participationO Reflection, contemplationO Inner PeaceO Values, morals

In this unit we will learn more about all the changes affecting us…


..and how NOT to be like Kevin!

Journal Write the heading for each of the 5 areas of growth in your life:O SocialO PhysicalO IntellectualO EmotionalO Spiritual

Now write 1 sentence for each one that describes a change that you have had in your life in the past year(s) in this area. Here is an example:

Intellectual-I have had to adjust to being more organized in my academic work in high-school and learn to use time management to get my course work done.

Reflect on the following questions:

1. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?2. What 2 things do you value most about

your life?3. What are your goals in school this year?4. Do you have any physical goals?5. What makes you happy?6. What makes you sad? 7. What stresses you out?8. What do you look for in a friend?9. How religious are you on a scale of 1 to

10?10. Do you like yourself? Explain.