spells and magick

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  • 7/30/2019 Spells and Magick


    Spells and Magick

    How to Devise a Spiritual Plan

    Identify your issue or problem- Magick should not be performed just for the sake of

    magick. There should be a real need or a powerful drive behind a spell. Without these,

    you are simply wasting your energy and resources, and in all likelihood, your spell

    will fail.

    Set your goal- Once you have identified it, you need to decide how you want to

    address your issue or problem. For example, if you require a new car it would be best

    to work to draw the best car for you rather than work for a financial windfall that will

    allow you to purchase a car.

    Consider Mundane Actions- Once you have determined your goal, consider what

    mundane actions you can take that will help you achieve your goal. As in the example

    above, you need a car, you may be able to ask for a raise at work, for additional hours,

    or take a part-time job to augment your income.

    Determine your mode of magick- Magick is a powerful tool and it can bring about

    amazing changes, but you need to be realistic. The mode, or form, of your magick

    should match the severity of consistency of your problem. Magick takes time and the

    bigger or more severe the issue of problem, the longer it may take to accomplish your

    goal. If you are attempting to address an issue that has been a consistent problem in

    your life, a resolution may require a series of workings performed over a longerperiod of time. Alternately, if you are dealing with an issue that is relatively new, or

    minor, the amount of magick you use to address it may be far less.

    Major Magicks are defined as those modes of magick which are much more

    complicated than Minor Magicks and often require a great deal of study, practice, and

    experimentation in order to accomplish satisfactory results. These include Herbs,

    Potions, Runes, Sympathetic, Talismans, Mojo Bags, and Tarot magick.

    Minor Magicks are those modes of magick which are simple and do not require a

    great deal of study or skill to accomplish. Minor Magicks include Amulets, Candle

    Magick, the use of Cords, the Elements, Petitions, and the use of Gems, Stones, andMetals.

    Consider that spells are not always hit-or-miss, there are degrees of success. A spell

    may not bring about your goal, but it may bring you closer to your goal.

    Choose or write an appropriate spell- Once you have chosen the appropriate

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    magickal application for your need, you need to determine the natural

    correspondences that you will want to utilize. Natural correspondences are defined as

    those things occurring in nature which relate to our goals in a direct manner. These

    correspondences include color, shape, sound, numbers, herbs, incense, gems,

    elements, animal energies, deity energy, the energy of the cardinal points, the winds,


    For example, if you are doing a spell to attract a lover into you life you will have to

    determine the color of the candle, its shape, the oils that you will use, the herbs that

    you will use (if any), whether you will set the candle to burn for one day, or over a

    period of days. If you are new to the craft, spells written by others are a good way to

    start practicing magick. However, once you learn the basics of spell casting, you

    should write and perform your own spells as they will be more powerful and better

    attuned to your goal.

    Check your Astrological Correspondences- Now that you have either chosen or

    written your spell, you must now determine when you will perform the working. The

    term astrological correspondences refer to the exact window of time one should cast a

    spell or perform a working ritual in order to reap maximum benefits and ensure a

    more successful result. The correspondences work on the principle that certain

    energies of the Sun, Moon, and Planets are in sympathy with ones goal.

    For example, the New Moon is for fresh starts and new beginnings and Friday is

    associated with Venus, the planet of love; therefore, a spell to draw a new unknown

    lover to yourself would best be performed on a New Moon on a Friday, in the hour of

    Venus (see Planetary Hours)

    Other considerations include the sign of the zodiac the moon occupies at any given

    time. As in the example above, Leo rules the area of love, but Libra rules marriage

    and partnerships, so you would have to determine which correspondence is more in

    alignment with your goal. One cannot always perform a spell during the correct moon

    phase, day, and hour, so we try to get at least the proper Phase and Day.

    It is also best to plan ahead and determine alternative times to cast your spell if

    something occurs that will prevent you from performing your working.

    Perform a Divination-Now that you have determined when you will cast your spell,

    it is best to stop and re-asses your plans. Spells can often have unforeseen

    consequences and so witches often consult a divination tool such as the Tarot, Runes,

    or Astrology to ensure that they are on the right path. A good reading can pinpoint

    flaws in your plans, and suggest ways in which to improve your chances of success.

    Another thing to consider is if the spell or working is in accordance with your will,that is, is it correct for you. Sometimes Spirit will allow us to fail in order to teach us

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    a lesson, other times Spirit will intervene on our behalf because we dont really need

    what we are asking for, even though we thinkwe do. We dont always see the big

    picture but Spirit knows what we are capable of and can guide us to more appropriate

    activities through our divinations.

    Gather you equipment and materials- If you have performed your divination and

    have gotten the go ahead, then it is time to gather your materials, such as candles,

    herbs, oils, etc... If you cannot obtain the materials needed before it is time to cast

    your spell, consider substitutions, or write a new spell. If you write a new spell, be

    sure to perform a divination again. Make adjustments as necessary.

    Rehearse your working - Once you have gathered all your materials, it is best to do a

    dry run, that is, take some time to relax and go-through-the-motions so that you knowexactly what to expect when it comes time to actually perform the ritual. Sometimes

    things that work in our minds, dont exactly work the way we expected it to in

    practice. Make adjustments if necessary.

    Perform your working- At least an hour before the pre-determined time, set up your

    working space, and double check that you have everything that you will need. At least

    30 minutes before the pre-determined time, go over your notes one more time.

    Finally, perform your working at the pre-determined time.

    Dispose of ritual remains- At the conclusion of your spell it is customary to dispose

    of your ritual remains in a respectful manner. Different traditions prescribe different

    methods of disposal, but they are generally dependant upon the objective of your

    spell. A good rule of thumb is that if you are working to draw something towards

    yourself bury the ritual remains (candle wax, herbs, etc) near your front door, or

    alternately wrap them up in a special cloth and keep them in a safe place until your

    goal manifests at which time they are burned. If you are attempting to move

    something away from yourself, bury the ritual remains off of your property, at thecenter of a crossroads, or in running water.

    Watching and waiting for signs- Witches are often told to do your work, then

    forget about it, what this mean is that what you dwell on inwardly, you manifest

    outwardly. If you are overly concerned with your spells outcome, you can actually

    block its success. Instead it is suggested that you program your mind with

    affirmations and visualizations which reinforce your goal. However, dont focus on

    the how of the spell, that is how it will manifest, just have faith that it will manifest.

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    That being said, it should be understood that the Universe is communicating with us

    at all times. Spirit will send us signs and omens about our work and usually within

    three days of completing your spell or working. It may come in a dream, it may come

    by something random you read, or even something someone says to you or near you.

    This information will let you know if your work will succeed of fail.

    For example, you perform a spell for a new car and later you see a billboard with a

    picture of a new car on it and a headline that reads Your car is ready when you are.

    That would be a good sign. Now lets say that you turn on your radio and the song

    Just What I Needed by The Cars is playingthat would be another good sign.

    Now lets say youre shopping for groceries and someone near you is talking on thephone. They say that someone who has the same first name as you got their car

    repossessed, or totaled their car in an accident. That would be a bad sign.

    Essentials for Successful Magick

    1. Knowledge is power- Know yourself and you own limitations. Never stop learning

    and growing. There is so much in the craft, that you can study for a lifetime and stillnever learn all there is to now. However, knowledge must work hand in hand with

    belief. Belief is a knowing, a certainty, that what you desire will occur. That instantof being secure in the knowledge that you shall have that which you desire, that

    feeling of perfect peace is belief and your connection to the divine, and that is whatyou want to capture each time you perform magick.

    2. What you dwell on inwardly, you manifest outwardly- The human mind is a

    fountainhead of untold power. It has the ability to manifest anything that you desire,and it will manifest that which your thoughts dwell on. The statement I think,

    therefore, I am first used by Renee Descartes and subsequently became afoundational element of Western philosophy states this truth both simply and

    beautifully. If you tell yourself that you are sick, then you will not be healed. If you

    believe that you are not loved, then you will never have love. That is why the Wiccanreligion teaches you to release negative thoughts on a daily basis, and learn to think

    positively---so that you can manifest all the good in your life that you deserve.

    3. What is sent comes back- This is not a moral law, but a scientific one. You may

    have heard this one before in science class, only it went Every action has an equalbut opposite reaction. This holds not only true for actions, but for words, and

    thoughts as well. A witch should think long and hard before he or she does any

    magick, in order to determine what it is that they really want and how to achieve thatgoal in such a way as to harm non in the process. In order to help them choose the

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    best course of actions to take, often Witches will consult a divinatory tool beforehand.

    4. You get out of magick what you put into it- This basically means that people often

    think that by using magick they are taking a shortcut, when in reality magick is veryhard work. Magick requires study, practice, experimentation, and patience to name a

    few. To practice successful magick, you have to be willing to expend an effort on not

    only the physical plane, but also on the mental and astral planes as well. Witches whohave been successful in the practice of magick have also learned to match the level of

    their magick to the severity or consistency of the problem or issue.

    5. You are the magick- Magick does not come from a tool, it is channeled through the

    tool from yourself. Al you need in order to perform successful magick is aconnection to the divine, a firm belief in yourself and the belief that you can have

    that which you desire, reaffirm that with positive thoughts, words, and deeds, and theknowledge that what you send out will come back to you.

    Spells and How to Craft Them

    The subject of spells is probably the most popular area of interest, or study, sought out by both the

    casual seeker as well as the seasoned witch. They are surrounded by a mystique which has only beenfurthered by magickal practitioners down through the ages even as they have forgotten the science

    behind the magick. Spells require four things without which they may fail, they are: a Powerful Will,Clear Intent, Strong Visualization and a Genuine Need.

    In addition, there are three questions that you must ask yourself before casting a spell, they are:

    Have I done all that I can to resolve this situation without magick?

    Is this spell in accordance with my will?

    Am I prepared to accept the consequences of this spell?

    If you can honestly answer yes to these questions, then cast your spell and FORGET ABOUT IT. It isa common belief among magickal practitioners that what you dwell on inwardly, you manifest

    outwardly. If you are overly concerned with your spells outcome, you can actually block its success.

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    Spells that you craft yourself will be more powerful and better attuned to your goal. As with life, sowith magick, the key to obtaining ones desires lies in clearly defining ones goal. The first thing to

    consider before casting a spell is the reason you want to cast a spell in the first place. Magick shouldnever be done simply for the sake of magick. There must be a real need or a powerful drive behind a

    spell, or it may fail. While considering your reasons you may wish to eliminate all distractions and sitquietly with a pen and paper in order to write down your thoughts. If you desire, you may also light a

    candle and ask for wisdom and inspiration.

    Once the problem or situation has been defined, you must then consider how you wish to address the

    issue. What is it that you really want? However, keep in mind that tale of The Monkeys Paw, whereinthe farmer wished for a large sum of money only to have his wish come true by collecting on his only

    sons life insurance policy after he dies in a horrible accident. It is important that you be as specific aspossible, so as not to bring forth any unforeseen, or perhaps negative, consequences.

    Finally, looking over your notes, you will now attempt to write a spell consisting of two pairs ofrhyming lines. The first two lines should describe the situation or problem, while the last two lines

    should state what is needed or wanted to resolve the issue. Take this spell to draw an appropriate loverto oneself for example:

    Here I am all alone,

    With no one to call my own;

    With this spell I manifest,

    They type of man that suits me best.

    In order that your spell flow more freely, pay attention to the number of syllables in each line. Each

    line should contain the same number of syllables, or within one or two syllables of being the same

    number. In this way, your spell has both structure and order, and it contains a clear definition of bothyour problem as well as your desire to resolve the issue which it represents.

    Once you have clearly written the verbal aspect of your spell, the next step is to research the

    correspondences that relate to your goal. Correspondences are the relationships that can be used for

    magickal workings. They make use of the connectedness of things. It is helpful to think ofcorrespondences as a list of possible ingredients from which you can make selections. There are three

    types of correspondences, they are:

    Astrological Correspondences- This term refers to the energies of the Moon Phases, Days of

    the Week, Hours of the Day, and the position of the Moon in the Zodiac, as they pertain to thetiming of casting your spells. (c.f. Astrological Correspondences)

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    Natural Correspondences- This term refers to those things occurring in nature which relate

    to our goals in a direct manner. These correspondences include color, shape, sound, numbers,

    herbs, incense, gems, elements, animal energies, deity energy, the energy of the cardinalpoints, the winds, etc. (c.f. Symbols and their Meaning)

    Personal Correspondences- This term refers to those correspondences which resonate with

    us on a deeply personal level, and which empowers us more than any other correspondence.

    The next step in crafting your spell is to decide how you will use the correspondences that you havechosen. There are several applications available to you they include, but are not limited to, the


    Amulet Magick

    Candle Magick Cord Magick

    Element Magick

    Gem & Crystal Magick

    Petition Magick

    Herb Magick

    Magickal Alphabets


    Ritual Magick

    Sympathetic Magick

    Sex Magick

    Talismans and Mojo Bags

    Tarot Magick

    These applications can be used alone or in conjunction with others. To use these applications, you will

    have to learn for yourself how each application works. Finally, before casting your spell there are twothings that you should keep in mind, they are:

    Perform a divination before any magickal working to ensure that it wont backfire. Make

    changes if necessary. Keep in mind that sometimes no matter how much magick you throw at

    a problem it will remain with you until you learn to deal with it in a positive manner.

    Always match the level of your magick to the severity or consistency of the problem or issue.

    From the time you put pen to paper to the moment you store away your tools, every act issacred. The wise witch should be ever mindful that a spell begins the moment you consider

    casting a spell.

  • 7/30/2019 Spells and Magick


    Workbook of Shadows


    1. Choose one goal that you would like to achieve and write this in your journal.

    2. Using the steps outlined in this chapter, devise a spiritual plan to achieve your

    goal. Write your plan in your journal.

    3. Carry out your spiritual plan and record your progress in your journal.