speech tsi pras

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  • 8/13/2019 Speech Tsi Pras



    Comrades and Friends,

    I am not here to give you a conventional speech.

    Because we dont live at conventional times.

    I am here, among you, to make a case for change.

    I am here, along with you, to remind the peoples

    of Europe.

    That Europe is at a critical crossroads.

    And there are two ways to go.

    The alternatives are clear:

    Either we stand still.

    Or we move forward.

    Either we consent to the neoliberal status quo.

    And pretend that the crisis can be resolved with

    the policies that have recycled it.

    Or we march into the future with the European


    Because peoples of Europe are in danger ,

    democracy itself is in danger.

  • 8/13/2019 Speech Tsi Pras



    Neoliberalism is a threat to the peoples of Europe.

    The extreme right is a danger to democracy.

    And the only alternative is the resistance of the

    peoples and the strengthening of the European Left

    Dear comrades in the years of the crisis

    unfortunately we have been vindicated.

    It was us the European Left that even before

    Eurozone actually came into life we were pointing out

    the flaws, the deficiencies, and the destabilizing

    asymmetries of the project.

    We have been saying and proven right,that there

    can be no monetary union divided by a wall of money.

    We have been saying and proven right, that a

    monetary union, indifferent to society and responsive

    only to the needs of finance capital, is a Eurozone prone

    to uncertainty, instability and crisis a Eurozone with a

    short deadline.

  • 8/13/2019 Speech Tsi Pras



    We have been saying and proven right, that no

    monetary union can function without a central bank,

    acting as such.

    That is, acting as lender of last resort for member-

    states and not only for member-banks.

    We have been saying and proven right, that

    Europe needs its own Glass-Steagall Act, to separate

    commercial and investment banking activities and

    prevent such a dangerous merge of risks into one

    uncontrolled entity.

    We have been saying and proven right, that

    Europe needs effective European legislation to tax

    offshore economic and entrepreneurial activities.

    We have been saying and proven right that the

    European political establishment saw the debt crisis as

    an opportunity to rewrite Europes postwar political


  • 8/13/2019 Speech Tsi Pras



    It is for that reason that they reject our proposal

    for a European Debt Conference, modelled on the

    London Debt Conference in 1953, to give a definite and

    viable collective solution to the problem.

    It is for that reason that the European political

    establishment a voluntary hostage to Ms Merkel

    insists to impose on the entire Eurozone South policies

    that have deteriorated the initial problem.

    We have been saying and proven right, that

    Europe needs a New Deal to fight unemployment and

    to finance its future.

    We have been saying and proven right, that if

    Europe is to survive it needs redistribution and


    Those are the foundations of the totally new

    Europe that we are fighting for.

    In the place of a Europe that redistributes income

    to the rich and fear to the poor.

  • 8/13/2019 Speech Tsi Pras



    Day by day, the so-called Memoranda are proven

    to be detailed guides to poverty and economic control

    by the lenders.

    In Greece, the Memorandum has caused a

    humanitarian crisis unprecedented in the postwar


    It is a stain to European civilization that:

    Two million Greeks cannot cover their basicneeds, such as meal with meat and adequate heating.

    A little girl died, recently in Thessaloniki,because her family couldnt afford electricity and were

    using a brazier for heating.

    It is an everyday picture in Athens and themain cities of Greece, well-dressed men and women,

    looking for food in the garbage cans.

    Comrades and Friends,

  • 8/13/2019 Speech Tsi Pras



    A monetary union which divides its member-

    states, divides the societies of its member-states,

    increases unemployment, poverty and social

    polarization would either be reconstructed or collapse.

    Reconstruction means change.

    And change for Europe is now more than a mature


    It is an existential question.

    The process of change has started in Greece.

    SYRIZA is a step away from coming to power.

    But 2014 is an election year.

    And change will come.

    The SYRIZA government will inspire change in


    We count on each and everyone of you.

    We count on the solidarity of the peoples of

    Europe in the first difficult steps of our government.

    This is why, we need the Left to grow stronger and

    become a decisive force for the future of Europe.

  • 8/13/2019 Speech Tsi Pras



    Because with the SYRIZA government, Greece will

    abandon austerity and put on the table a viable plan for

    the Greek economy, but most of all, a viable plan for

    Europe as a whole.

    With the active solidarity of a broad European

    anti-austerity movement, we shall win that fight.

    Because, for the European Left to grow and

    influence in a decisive way the everyday lives of ordinary

    people, it needs the broadest possible social and

    political alliances.

    Dear Comrades and Friends,

    I heard yesterday Pierres warm words for my

    candidacy on behalf of each and all of youon behalf of

    the European Left for the Presidency of the European


    I thank him from my heart.

    But, more than a candidacy, it is mandate for hope

    and change in Europe.

  • 8/13/2019 Speech Tsi Pras



    It is a roll call for Democracy, in which every

    generation deserves to participate, which every

    generation is entitled to live.

    The European election next May provides a

    historic opportunity for the peoples of Europe to make

    change possible.

    To reject those who are recycling a world crisis in


    And, against common logic, insist that a recipe that

    has failed is a recipe to be continued.

    And, allow me to repeat:

    The European Left is the alternative to


    Comrades and Friends.

    This is our time.

    When the wheel of History turns back, it is the

    Lefts moment to move Europe forward.

  • 8/13/2019 Speech Tsi Pras



    Thank you all so much.