specific competencies for coaching beginner adults

Key competencies for working with adult beginners Mark Tennant inspire2coach ltd

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This presentation was given by Mark Tennant at the Tennis Europe Coaches Conference in Valencia in October 2013. The conference theme was COACHES’ EDUCATION IN EUROPE – MOVING FORWARD and included presentations and contributions from many of the leading experts in coaching and coaching methodology


  • 1. Key competencies for working with adult beginners Mark Tennant inspire2coach ltd

2. 2(C) www.inspire2coach.co.uk 2013 3. ITF TENNIS XPRESS Tennis Xpress is the new ITF programme for beginner adults It launched in late 2012 and is part of the TennisPlay and Stay campaign 3(C) www.inspire2coach.co.uk 2013 4. THE TENNIS XPRESS MARKET Primarily for complete beginners but could also suit: adults returning to tennis after a long absence parents of young tennis players older adults who may be less mobile and who may enjoy playing on a smaller court 4(C) www.inspire2coach.co.uk 2013 5. TENNIS XPRESS WITHIN COACHES EDUCATION Tennis Xpress is being included within ITF Coaches Education courses and resources: the 4-day Play Tennis course which is part of the CBI course some nations are now developing resources and including Tennis Xpress in their qualifications or CPD programmes (GBR, DEN, IRE) 5(C) www.inspire2coach.co.uk 2013 6. TENNIS XPRESS A course which: is 6 weeks (9 hours) long which helps beginner adults to serve, rally and score from the first lesson has flexible delivery formats determined by the federation, organisation, club or coach ends with participants able to play a tennis match or fun competition using an orange or green ball teaches the rules and scoring, and how to play singles and doubles signposts participants to follow-on tennis activities and allows them to integrate into a programme 6(C) www.inspire2coach.co.uk 2013 7. COACHING COMPETENCIES FOR WORKING WITH ADULT BEGINNERS Coaching capability involves competency-demonstrated capability in a given context and underpinning knowledge Some coaches have great capability for coaching adults Some coaches have great capability for coaching beginners Whether they want to coach adults is largely determined by their values 7(C) www.inspire2coach.co.uk 2013 8. COACHES WHO ARE GREAT WITH ADULTS.. engage professionally and socially with adults are professional, approachable, organised and show respect include everyone, regardless of ability give individual attention recognise and encourage use of transferrable skills where appropriate allow and encourage self-correction see varied solutions to challenges, limitations and the way the game is played usually enjoy it and want to do it 8(C) www.inspire2coach.co.uk 2013 9. THE COACH MAINTAINS A POSITIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT PERFORMANCE STANDARD: APPLICATION TO BEGINNER ADULTS Coach creates eye contact, smiles, moves around the court in a dynamic way, has open gestures The coach builds amicable and effective relationships with beginner adults The coach balances instructions to individuals and the group with allowing players to play without constant interruption Coach interacts with the whole group equally and is encouraging players verbally and non-verbally The coach uses language, terminology and tone appropriate to adults The coach encourages adults by providing appropriate and constructive feedback and encouragement 9(C) www.inspire2coach.co.uk 2013 10. THE COACH FACILITATES GROUP DYNAMICS TO MAINTAIN ENGAGEMENT OF ALL PARTICIPANTS AND ENSURES INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP ENJOYMENT PERFORMANCE STANDARD: APPLICATION TO BEGINNER ADULTS Level of activity difficulty matches players ability to ensure continual success of all players The coach uses balls and other equipment effectively to progress or regress activities The coach balances instruction with opportunities to play and interact with others in the group Coach ensures that all players play with one another, and if necessary with the coach. The coach ensures that all adults are introduced to each other, and that they are encouraged to mix during and after the lesson 10(C) www.inspire2coach.co.uk 2013 11. THE COACH APPLIES ENGAGING COMMUNICATION AND PRESENTATION SKILLS SUITED TO THE LEARNING NEEDS OF BEGINNERS PERFORMANCE STANDARD: APPLICATION TO BEGINNER ADULTS The coach communicates in a caring manner, with positive body language The coach is able to talk socially as well as professionally with all group members during the lesson The coach recognises differing abilities and physical, physiological and social needs within the group and organises activity accordingly 11(C) www.inspire2coach.co.uk 2013