special war edition

Reaching out to Israelis with the Good News of the Messiah Article On Page. 3 OPERATION Protective Edge OUTREACH in SOUTHERN ISRAEL Heading to the Southern city of Ashkelon to work with children who are stuck inside the bomb shelters due to constant rocket attack from Hamas in Gaza. Article On Page. 5-6 STAY CONNECTED Sign Up For Our Newsletter WWW.DUGIT.ORG Photo Credit:Property of IDF taken from Flickr.com SUMMER 2014 SPECIAL WAR EDITION

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Page 1: Special War Edition

Reaching out to Israelis with the Good News of the Messiah

Article On Page. 3

OPERATIONProtective Edge


Heading to the Southern city of Ashkelon to work with children who are stuck inside the bomb shelters due to constant rocket attack from Hamas in Gaza. Article On Page. 5-6

STAY CONNECTEDSign Up For Our NewsletterW W W . D U G I T . O R G

Photo Credit:Property of ID

F taken from Flickr.com

S U M M E R 2 0 1 4


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Page 3: Special War Edition

Dear Prayer Partners and Faithful Supporters,

War - the thought of it can strike fear and anxiety into the hearts of some. It is amazing how war has changed over the past few decades. War has become more and more psychological and less physical. This has become very apparent at this time when Israel is fighting the Hamas terrorists. Hamas and the Islamic Jihad have tried very hard to scare us and strike terror into our hearts. However, Our God is an Awesome God. He has taken what the Enemy meant for evil and has turned it again into something beautiful. ‘Unity’.

Unity - Here in Israel, the people have come together to serve the country in amazing ways. Israeli flags are being flown in all places. People hand in hand serving our soldiers and the wounded. Thousands have come together to grieve with families of lost loved ones at funerals remembering the fight against terrorism. Others took initiative to visit countless children in sunless bomb shelters. And, in the midst of this unity God has opened yet another door. ‘Love’.

Love - Showing the love of our Messiah Yeshua to others. That is our purpose on this earth. Praise the Lord for opening doors for us to show His love to others in more ways than we ever imagined. At this time of war and fear, Israelis are so open to hear about the love of God and the hope that we have in Him. It is His love which gives each one of us the boldness to go in the face of danger and share with others this Hope.

We are so proud of the people who have given of themselves over and beyond in the past few weeks. We are especially proud of our daughters who have given of themselves despite the threat of rockets and riots. Sarah has poured herself into the planning and organization of visits to children in bomb shelters and hospitals in the south of Israel. Orel has helped as a counselor in a messianic youth camp while under rocket fire from Lebanon. All this and more they have done to serve their country and show God’s Love for His glory.

We are also proud of our family at Dugit. We are so honored to have such an amazing and fearless staff here at Dugit. Even while rockets flew overhead and air raid sirens sounding all around the nation; Dugit continued in the mission to reach the lost here in Tel Aviv. This they did while also expanding the outreach to children and soldiers under heavy rocket fire in the south of Israel. Each one of the staff members did more than what was required and carried out each project with joy. Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord, for His continual protection on each one of us no matter where we are. Everyone in our congregation and close family has come under rocket fire and has found him or herself in a bomb shelter or lying flat on the ground during rocket attacks. Our daughter Devorah had to dive into a ditch while driving in the south of Israel during a rocket attack. While there in the ditch with her hands on her head, she heard the tremendous explosion of the rocket being intercepted in the air by the Iron Dome. This was followed by shrapnel falling so near to her, yet not one piece hitting her or the vehicle. This is just one of many examples of God’s faithful protection every day on each one of us who trusts in Him.

I cannot complete this article without thanking each of you; our readers, faithful supporters, and steadfast prayer partners. We are so grateful to you all for everything you have done and given at this crucial time. We here at Dugit could not continue forward without your prayers, support, and encouragement.

I pray that the Lord will bless each one of you bountifully, and Shine His face upon you. Stand with me in prayer for the Peace and Salvation of our God to be shown to our people Israel.

Blessings in Our Messiah,

Avi and Chaya Mizrachi



...”Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem: May those who Love you Be Secure.” Psalms-122

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We began our quiet summer season here in Israel in a normal fashion enjoying visits to the beaches, hikes in the mountains, and even camping. Unfortunately, our sweet summer pace was drastically altered as we were awakened by the chilling sound of air raid sirens heard around the country. Tensions began to rise as now all of Israel was threatened by rockets of short and long range from Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. After almost a week of a constant barrage of rockets on Israeli soil by the Hamas and Islamic Jihad, a cease fire was brokered by the Egyptians. Our government gladly accepted and carried out the cease fire while Hamas refused to partner with peace. As a result, the Israeli government unanimously agreed to enter Gaza by means of air and sea. This new operation was given a name: ‘Operation Protective Edge’. Operation Protective Edge began as we conducted a ground invasion into Gaza on Thursday the 18th of July.

At this very moment as I am writing this article, ground troops are conducting house to house searches throughout Gaza. Often, these “houses” are filled with explosive traps and mines designed to prevent troops from advancing. One of the primary goals of these searches has been to locate and destroy of as many Hamas made tunnels (which run from Gaza into Israel) as possible. Many of these tunnels were built with the intention of carrying out large scale attacks on Israeli citizens. It is estimated that each tunnel costs an average of one million dollars to construct. Presently, the IDF has found about 32 of these tunnels including 60 different shafts, or entry points.

To escalate the danger even further, we are discovering that many of the tunnels also lead to other destinations such as schools and day care centers inside Gaza. As the world is discovering, many of these schools and day care centers are being used by Hamas to camouflage what is really going on inside. It has been discovered time and time again that these schools, day care centers, and “civilian homes” are in reality Hamas command centers and rocket launching sites.

Through it all, God has had His hand of protection on the Israeli soldiers as they have slowly but steadily made their way through these dangerous neighborhoods. As you read this special war edition of the Dugit newsletter, we ask that you would please be in prayer for both the soldier’s safety and salvation. Please pray for the innocent Palestinians who are being used by Hamas and the Islamic Jihadists as human shields against their will. As of yet we have been hit here in Israel with over 2,800 rockets and the number of rocket attacks is still growing. We ask that you pray for the safety of the citizens of Israel who have yet to see a day without rockets threatening their everyday lives

OPERATIONP r o t e c t i v e E d g e

Page Images taken from IDF flickr.com and are public domain

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

Psalm 91:1-2


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As many of you know, our beloved Dugit Outreach Center has had to temporarily close the Coffee Outreach Center and put our belongings in storage. This unfortunate action was due to the unwillingness of our landlord to continue our lease because he did not approve our “activities” (sharing the Gospel). For many, this dilemma could have been understood as a hopeless situation. However, The Lord opened a new door for us to purchase a permanent place for our outreach center in downtown Tel Aviv (please see update below for Dugit Outreach Center)!

For us here at Dugit we see our current dilemma as an opportunity from God to strengthen and increase our street outreaches. Dan, our outreach director, took initiative and began to give food to those who are homeless and spend their daily lives on the streets in the south of Tel Aviv. With the help of some faithful volunteers, fifty sandwiches were lovingly made and prepared for distribution. Afterwards, Dan took these sandwiches out to people who were drunk, high on drugs, or sleeping on the curbside. The sandwiches were well received along with the message that God is love, and Yeshua is the Saviour of Israel! Here is what Dan had to say: “It was so good to see some familiar faces, some of them even remember us from the Dugit Outreach Center and were very happy to see us. There were also several refugees from Sudan and Eritrea who live in the park and it was a good opportunity to give them food and to share the love of God with them. One man specifically from Eritrea was interested in hearing the Gospel and a few members from the visiting group were able to share with him the Good News. We are praying that every seed that was planted will bring much fruit into the Kingdom of God!”

It is only by the grace of God that in the midst of both our building dilemma and political crisis we have been able to continue our mission to preach the Gospel to the people of Tel Aviv! We have had to get creative, but some amazing new opportunities and partnerships have presented themselves. One of which has included partnering with another

local ministry to reach out to the central bus station. Like many bus stations around the world, it is an area of heavy drug activity and prostitution. We have also scheduled regular witnessing outreaches along the beach area and the shopping district.

Another interesting development is that our outreach team has been invited to join with and train a youth camp to do outreach in the city of Tel Aviv. What is so amazing about this outreach and camp is that the youth will consist of Jewish, Arab, and other international children. Imagine, all of these nations witnessing to the youth of Tel Aviv together! What an awesome testimony at this time of war to have both Jews and Arabs showing and sharing the love of Messiah with their peers! Please be in prayer about this special event that hearts would

be opened to the Gospel, and the seeds planted. The Harvest is ready in Tel Aviv!

OUTREACHmidst of


Psalm 91:7-8“A thousand may fall at your

side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not

come near you. You will only look with your eyes and see

the recompense of the wicked.”


Page 6: Special War Edition

In times of war, we know that it is often the children who are most affected. War trauma can scar a young child, leaving them with a lifetime of painful memories. And, it has been the children of Southern Israel that have experienced the brunt of the rocket attacks, forcing them to live their daily lives in a bomb shelter. And so, while in the midst of the proposed cease fire, Chaya Mizrachi took initiative and brought a team of young people to visit the children in the south of Israel. The quality team that Chaya put together consisted of Dan (Dugit outreach director), Sarah (Chaya’s daughter), various Dugit volunteers, and others from around Israel even as far as Jerusalem and Tiberias. The team drove in a couple vehicles to the south of Israel. While we were in the city of Ashdod, we made some purchases for the children in the south. We intentionally made the purchases in Ashdod in a simple effort to support the local businesses which were seeing less customers due of the constant rocket fire. While shopping, we had to run to the nearest bomb shelter because of a siren and explosion above the city.

From Ashdod, the team continued on to the city of Ashkelon where we were greeted at the entrance of the hospital with a siren and two giant explosions. Thank God for His continuous protection and for your faithful prayers for each one of us and all Israel. Once inside the hospital we had the experience of seeing a child’s face go from sadness and trauma to one of peace and joy. Dressed up with funny hats or red noses, we went to each child and gave our time individually to each of them. Whether it was telling them a joke, listening to their story, giving gifts, or simply reading a book, each child was loved as each team member did his or her part. Chaya even had an opportunity to pray for one of the parents of the children in the children’s ward. We are so excited about the results and the impact which we had on each little life.

From the hospital we drove to a children’s day care. This makeshift daycare was held in a hotel in the South. The reason for this was because they had 12 secure bomb shelters.

Upon arriving at the hotel, we were greeted by about 120 kids from the ages of 3 to 12. Many of the children were



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still in their pajamas, some even carrying their pillow or teddy bear by their side. At the daycare, the children were divided into separate age groups and placed on separate floors of the hotel. We spent about three hours with them doing arts and crafts, playing games, doing their hair (for the girls), writing notes to the soldiers, and even just spending some ‘one on one’ time with them.

Try to imagine this; every day, early in the morning, you are dropped off by your parents to a room packed with other children who you may or may not know and you spend your entire day in this room without sunlight or room to run. Some of the children were so happy with the team that they begged us to return again the following day. If you would like to see more about this outreach, we have put together a short video blog that can be viewed on our website at www.dugit.

org . Please continue to be in prayer for these children who need so much to feel the peace of the Lord and see His protection and salvation in their daily lives. We are looking forward to many more of these outreaches to the children.

If you would like to join us in these outreaches financially, please designate your donation “Special Projects”.

Operation Protective Edge has thus far been a success for the country. However, with every success comes a price. We have lost 56 soldiers in the past three weeks of fighting with over 200 injured.

Currently, there are 5 soldiers from our congregation fighting. Each one of them is serving in a different unit, some with wives and children at home. During the trip to Southern Israel, we visited with one of our soldiers. We were able to bring him a care package filled with some goodies from home as well as some necessary toiletries (packages like these have been prepared for all of the soldiers in our congregation). In addition to bringing the package, we each took time to pray with him and over his unit.


I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’   And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ Matthew 25:36,40

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We ask that you continue to join us in prayer for the following:

• Families of the soldiers who gave their lives for the country. That God would be their comforter in this time of grief and that they will come themselves to know the true Redeemer of Israel.

• Speedy recovery of the injured soldiers, some in critical condition

• Soldiers from our own congregation Adonai Roi: A, L, R, D, C

• The safety of our team as we make trips to places not far from where the fighting is going on.

• For every soldier as they serve their country with joy and bravery in the face of danger. For their safety, peace, and wisdom in all aspects of their service

Soldiers In Time Of War Continued...

“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

We have organized a large scale trip to the Gaza border in coalition with a local college to give out care packages to full battalions of fighting soldiers.

Praying in Unity in Time of War A couple days ago on Friday morning, a group of local Israeli pastors, met together to pray with our friend Tom Hess (House of Prayer in Jerusalem). Pastor Tony Sperandeo from the city of Kfar Saba (North-East of Tel Aviv) hosted this prayer meeting. As the pastors were praying in the meeting place, the air raid siren began to sound. Pastor Tony ran, and opened the bomb shelter where the pastors all walked in together. There they continued to pray and worship as the rockets fell in the city.

It was amazing to see, both Jewish, Arab, and new immigrant leaders lifting prayers to the Lord and worshiping in a bomb shelter. They were in total unity, praying, worshipping, and embracing one another in the love of God in the shadow of His wings.

Uplifting TesTimonies

A Boy and his DreamGod has such amazing ways to keep His people safe at all times. When the rockets started to fall in the southern cities of Ashdod, Ashkelon, and Sderot, many began to ask themselves where they should go and what they should do. Daily life became very difficult to live under these circumstances. One family as reported by the local news here, was debating as to whether or not to take their children somewhere or to keep them in the day-cares in the south. The same night that they were debating, their eight year old son had a dream that a rocket fell on their house. Immediately the decision was made to take the whole family to the north that same day. Later on reports were received that a rocket had fallen in their neighborhood. It was soon after that the father got a phone call telling him that his house had received a direct hit from a rocket. Praise the Lord for His mercy and protection to this family!

Love your Enemies even in Time of WarWe are commanded in the Bible to Love our enemies. This includes times of war. One Jewish lady was interviewed by a local news station for a “heroic” and loving act which she performed. This is her story: As the Air raid sirens began to sound in Ashkelon this lady heard some loud knocks at her door. To her surprise she saw that they were two Palestinian workers who had been caught outside in the middle of the rocket fire. These Palestinian workers were working on a building project next door to the lady. Without thinking twice, she invited the workers into her home and showed them to the bomb shelter where they remained together until the end of the sirens. After the danger was over, they thanked her and went on their way. What a testimony from an Israeli lady from Ashkelon, a city under fire!


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As the summer began to heat up and youth were released from school, a few things began to happen simultaneously. The first thing which happened was three Jewish boys were brutally kidnapped and killed by Palestinian Arab terrorist. This was followed by an Arab boy who was also brutally kidnapped and killed in revenge by Jewish extremists. The nation was in turmoil over these two very severe incidents and hate and fear presented itself in riots between both races. Following these two incidents however, without connection, Hamas and Islamic Jihad escalated their attacks on Israel by means of rocket and terror attacks. The Israeli Government’s response to all these things happening almost in the same week became known as: ‘Operation Protective Edge’. The next testimony also occurred at this same time. This shows us that God really never slumbers nor sleeps as He both protects His children and is constantly reaching out to draw them closer to Him every day no matter what.

KATZIR - Just as the Israeli Air force began to carry out its first missions of Operation Protective Edge, something spiritually powerful began between the Messianic youth in Israel. In Hebrew it is called Katzir. Translated, it means ‘The Harvest’. Katzir is the leading National Messianic Youth movement camp in Israel for children of all ages. This time, the camp was held in the Achziv area in the northern border city of Nahariya (bordering Lebanon). Many of the youth counselors came from our own congregation (Adonai Roi) in Tel Aviv including OrEl Mizrachi (the youngest Mizrachi daughter).

A few days into the camp several youth came forward at an altar call to give their lives to Yeshua. Just as this precious moment was going on, an air raid siren suddenly blasted, giving the youth and counselors 15 seconds to take cover in a bomb shelter. While some of the youth were still running to the bomb shelter a loud explosion was heard which shook the ground. It was later understood that a rocket shot by the Hezbollah Terrorists from Lebanon had hit just a half a mile away from the camp in the north of Israel. This was only the first of three such incidents which the youth needed to sprint to the nearest bomb shelter.

The spiritual leadership of the camp, including Avi Mizrachi, after much prayer and discussion voted unanimously to continue the camp in the face of this possible danger. As a camp counselor, Orel Mizrachi saw first-hand the reaction of the frightened youth and the power of God which shined through the darkness of fear. Here is what she had to say: “During this past week, we have needed to run to the bomb shelters here in Nahariya due to the persistent barrage of rockets and mortars both on Friday and Sunday (night). This was totally unexpected and forced us to remember here even in the very north of Israel what type of situation we were in with enemies on all sides. We were told that we had 15 seconds to take cover in a bomb shelter. Sometimes,

YouthTime Of WARin

Article Continued On Next Page 8

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even while we were still rushing and running ourselves and all the kids to the shelters we would feel the boom very close to where we were. Praise God no one has been hurt and no direct hits! God is great! He has given us strength to encourage, and build each one of the youth here in different ways. We as youth leaders have needed to deal with the different situations of fear, crying, trauma, and stress sometimes all at once. But with prayer nothing is impossible through Yeshua. And God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1)

It is incredible to see how over 100 youth crammed together in a bomb shelter break from their fears, start to pray, and end up having a powerful worship session focusing on the true Savior of Israel. We truly see how in all this, God has turned a situation of fear and despair into one of encouragement, peace, and unity.”

By the end of the ten day spiritual camp, countless youth rededicated their lives to Yeshua, and many received groundbreaking prayer over their lives. Praise the Lord that in spite of what Satan meant for evil, God used it to turn it into something beautiful for His Glory! Halleluiah!

Although this is a time of war and rockets, we want to remind you all to continue to be in prayer for the purchase of a new home for Dugit Outreach Center in Tel Aviv. We know God has a plan and a place for us. We also know that He is the Great Provider and will continue to provide funds for this project and many more to come. We thank each one of you who have contributed over and beyond to help make this vision a reality for the people here in Tel Aviv. We Praise God that we have been able to raise thus far $300,000 in such a short time! We are trusting in Him to provide the total amount ($1.5 million) in the coming two months. If you feel led to partner with us in this project financially, please designate your donation “Dugit Building Fund”.


Youth In Time Of War Continued...

“And God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”Psalm 46:1

Photo Credit: Burner Design & Multimedia9

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The location we have found to purchase is on one of the busiest and most lively streets in Tel Aviv and is not far from the sea and its bustling promenade. What an amazing opportunity to reach the hundreds of Israelis who will be walking past daily with a free coffee and the love of Yeshua! Its size is roughly 1000ft² (100m²) and will allow us to host events with up to 100 people.

The desired location will cost an estimated $1.5 million including all taxes and fees. We have already raised $100,000 but need your help in order to raise the rest in the next six months.

Assist us with a financial donation of $250, $500, or even $1,000 where each would go a long way in building a center for evangelism in the heart of Tel Aviv. Prayerfully consider investing now in Israel to be an active part of building the Kingdom of God here in the land of Israel.


as we are seeking topurchase a new home!

We invite YOU to partner with us

Visit: www.dugit.org• For further details on the project • To see an update on progress • To check out the gifts we are giving each donation amount

“Go up to the hills and bring wood and build the house, that I may take pleasure in it and that I may be glorified, says the Lord.”

Haggai 1:8



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