special feature world congress of neurology may june 2001.pdf · parkinson’s disease dr roger...

ACNR Review Articles: Contemporary treatment of Multiple Sclerosis Neural transplantation for Parkinson’s Disease Surgery for Carotid Artery Disease Rehabilitation: Wanted: Employees with excellent communication skills Management Topic: Initial treatment of Epilepsy Advances in Clinical Neuroscience & Rehabilitation journal reviews • events • management topic • industry news • rehabilitation topic • ISSN 1473-9348 Volume 1 Issue 2 May/June 2001 SPECIAL FEATURE World Congress of Neurology

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Review Articles: Contemporary treatment of Multiple SclerosisNeural transplantation for Parkinson’s DiseaseSurgery for Carotid Artery DiseaseRehabilitation: Wanted: Employees with excellent communication skillsManagement Topic: Initial treatment of Epilepsy

Advances in Clinical Neuroscience & Rehabilitation

journal reviews • events • management topic • industry news • rehabilitation topic •

ISSN 1473-9348 Volume 1 Issue 2 May/June 2001

SPECIAL FEATUREWorld Congress of


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Abbreviated Prescribing InformationPresentation: Vials containing 185 MBq ioflupane (123I) at reference time.Uses: Detecting loss of functional dopaminergic neuron terminals in the striatum ofpatients with clinically uncertain Parkinsonian Syndromes in order to helpdifferentiate Essential Tremor from Parkinsonian Syndromes related to idiopathicParkinson’s Disease (PD), Multiple System Atrophy (MSA), ProgressiveSupranuclear Palsy (PSP). DaTSCAN is unable to discriminate between PD, MSAand PSP.Dosage and Administration: DaTSCAN is a 5% (v/v) ethanolic solution forintravenous injection and should be used without dilution. Clinical efficiency hasbeen demonstrated across the range of 111-185 MBq; do not use outside this range.Appropriate thyroid blocking treatment must be given prior to and post injection ofDaTSCAN. SPECT imaging should take place 3-6 hours after injection of DaTSCAN.DaTSCAN is not recommended for use in children or adolescents. For use inpatients referred by physicians experienced in the management of movementdisorders. See SPC.Contraindications: Pregnancy and in patients with hypersensitivity to iodide or

any of the excipients.Precautions: Radiopharmaceuticals should only be used by qualified personnelwith appropriate government authorisation and should be prepared using asepticand radiological precautions. DaTSCAN is not recommended in moderate to severerenal or hepatic impairment.Interactions: Consider current medication. Medicines that bind to the dopaminetransporter may interfere with diagnosis; these include amphetamine, benzotropine,buproprion, cocaine, mazindol, methylphenidate, phentermine and sertraline. Drugsshown during clinical trials not to interfere with DaTSCAN imaging includeamantadine, benzhexol, budipine, levodopa, metoprolol, primidone, propranolol andselegiline. Dopamine agonists and antagonists acting on the postsynaptic dopaminereceptors are not expected to interfere with DaTSCAN imaging and can thereforebe continued if desired.Pregnancy and Lactation: Contraindicated in pregnancy. Information should besought about pregnancy from women of child bearing potential. A woman who hasmissed her period should be assumed to be pregnant. If administration to a breastfeeding woman is necessary, substitute formula feeding for breast feeding.

Side Effects: No serious adverse effects have been reported. Common side effectsinclude headache, vertigo and increased appetite. Exposure to ionising radiation islinked with cancer induction and a potential for hereditary defects and must bekept as low as reasonably achievable.Dosimetry: Effective dose from 185 MBq is 4.35 mSv.Overdose: Encourage frequent micturition and defaecation.Legal category: Subject to medical prescription (POM). Consult full SPC beforeprescribing. Further information available on request.Marketing Authorisation number: EU/1/00/135/001Basic NHS price: £420Date of Preparation: July 2000Nycomed Amersham plc., Amersham Place, Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire, England HP7 9NA. www.na-imaging.com

† Benamer H et al. Accurate differentiation of Parkinsonism and Essential Tremor using visualassessment of 123I-FP-CIT SPECT imaging: the 123I-FP-CIT Study Group. Movement Disorders2000;15:503-510


contentsmay/june 2001



7 Review ArticleContemporary treatment of multiple sclerosisProfessor Neil Scolding

1 0 Rehabilitation ArticleWanted: Employees withexcellent communication skills ...Fiona Ritchie

1 1 Topical FeatureNeural transplantation for Parkinson’s DiseaseDr Roger Barker

1 3 Review ArticleSurgery for Carotid Artery DiseaseDr Peter Martin

ACNR is published by Whitehouse Publishing,7 Alderbank Terrace, Edinburgh EH11 1SX.Tel. 0131 477 2335/0131 313 1110, Fax. 0131 313 1110,E-Mail. [email protected]: Rachael HansfordDesign & Production: Barbara NewtonPrinted by: Stephens & George Magazines, Tel. 01685 388888.

1 5 Management TopicInitial treatment of epilepsyDr Mark Manford

1 8 Congress FeatureWorld Congress of NeurologyJames Toole

2 2 Conference NewsCurrent advances in Parkinson’s Disease:Challenges and DevelopmentsProfessor Tony Schapira

2 4 Anatomy PrimerThe Brachial PlexusDr Alasdair Coles

editor’s note 5 reader enquiry 9 events 20useful addresses 23 journal reviews 26 news review 30

Copyright: All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, record-ing or otherwise without either the prior written permission of the publisher or a license permit-ting restricted photocopying issued in the UK by the Copyright Licensing Authority. Disclaimer: The publisher, the authors and editors accept no responsibility for loss incurred byany person acting or refraining from action as a result of material in or omitted from this maga-zine. Any new methods and techniques described involving drug usage should be followed onlyin conjunction with drug manufacturers' own published literature.This is an independent publication - none of those contributing are in any way supported or remu-nerated by any of the companies advertising in it, unless otherwise clearly stated.Comments expressed in editorial are those of the author(s) and are not necessarily endorsed bythe editor, editorial board or publisher. The editor's decision is final and no correspondence willbe entered into.

Roger Barker is editor of Advances in Clinical Neuroscience & Rehabilitation (ACNR), and isHonorary Consultant in Neurology at The Cambridge Centre for Brain Repair. He trained in neurolo-gy at Cambridge and at the National Hospital in London. His main area of research is into neurodegen-erative and movement disorders, in particular parkinson's and Huntington's disease. He is also the uni-versity lecturer in Neurology at Cambridge where he continues to develop his clinicalresearch into these diseases along with his basic research into brain repair using neur-al transplants.

➨Stephen Kirker is editor of the Rehabilitation section of ACNR and Consultant inRehabilitation Medicine in Addenbrooke's NHS Trust, Cambridge. He graduated from Trinity College,Dublin in 1985 and trained in neurology in Dublin, London and Edinburgh before moving to rehabilita-tion in Cambridge and Norwich. His main research has been into postural responses after stroke. His

particular interests are in prosthetics, orthotics, gait training and neurorehabilitation.

Mark Manford contributes our Epilepsy Management Feature. He has been Consultant atAddenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge and at Bedford Hospital for 3 years. He was an undergraduate atUniversity College London and trained in Neurology in London at The NationalHospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Charing Cross Hospital and atSouthampton. His special interest is epilepsy and he is closely involved with undergrad-uate training in neurology. He has co-authored an undergraduate textbook of neurolo-gy and is currently working on a guide to epilepsy.

➨Alasdair Coles contributes our Anatomy Primer. He is a Wellcome Advanced Fellow working onexperimental immunological therapies in multiple sclerosis, based at the Dunn School of Pathology inOxford and Department of Neurology in Cambridge.

Editorial Board and regular contributors

1 2

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Trileptal® Prescribing Information. Indication: Monotherapy or adjunctive therapy in adults andchildren (6 years and above) for partial seizures with or without generalised tonic-clonic seizures.Presentation: Film coated tablets containing 150mg, 300mg or 600mg oxcarbazepine. Dosageand Administration: Monotherapy and Adjunctive therapy - Adults: Initiate with a therapeutic dose of300mg bd. If indicated, increase dose by a maximum of 600mg/day increments at weekly inter-vals, up to a maximum of 2400mg/day. If Trileptal replaces another anti-epileptic drug (AED), ini-tiate Trileptal as above, and gradually reduce concomitant AED(s). In adjunctive therapy, the doseof concomitant AED(s) may need to be reduced, and/or Trileptal dose increased more slowly.Elderly: Dose will depend on renal function and risk of hyponatraemia. Children: Mono and adjunc-tive therapy: initiate with a therapeutic 8-10mg/kg/day in two doses. If indicated, increase dose bya maximum of 10mg/kg/day increments at weekly intervals. Maximum dose 46mg/kg/day. Lowerinitiation doses than those above may be considered where appropriate. Hepatic impairment: Inpatients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment no dosage adjustment needed. Trileptal has notbeen studied in patients with severe hepatic impairment. Renal impairment: creatinine clearance<30mL/min, initiate at 300mg/day, increase in at least weekly intervals, with close patient obser-vation. Contraindications: Known hypersensitivity to oxcarbazepine or excipients. Special Warning& Precautions: Hypersensitivity reactions: Withdraw Trileptal immediately. (25-30% of patientswho have previously experienced a hypersensitivity reaction (e.g. severe skin reaction) to carbamazepine may also experience one with Trileptal). Hyponatraemia: Asymptomatic serum sodi-um levels below 125mmol/L have been observed in up to 2.7% of Trileptal patients. Sodium lev-els improved on dosage reduction, discontinuation or restricting the patients’ fluid intake. In patientswith pre-existing renal conditions associated with low sodium, or those treated with sodium loweringdrugs (e.g. diuretics) or NSAIDs, measure serum sodium levels before starting Trileptal, after twoweeks of therapy, then monthly for the first three months of therapy, or according to clinical need.Similarly monitor patients on Trileptal who start sodium lowering drugs. If clinical symptoms sug-gestive of hyponatraemia occur, measure serum sodium. Cardiac insufficiency and secondary heartfailure. Monitor weight regularly to determine occurrence of fluid retention. Check serum sodium if car-diac condition worsens, or patient shows fluid retention. Treat hyponatraemia with water restriction.Monitor closely patients with pre-existing conduction disorders (e.g. AV block, arrhythmia). Hepaticevents: Evaluate liver function, consider discontinuation of Trileptal. Withdrawal: Withdraw graduallyto minimise potential of increased seizure frequency. Alcohol: Advise caution due to possible addi-tive sedative effect. Ability to drive and operate machinery: Dizziness and somnolence may impairphysical or mental abilities. Pregnancy and Lactation: Trileptal crosses the placenta. A limited num-ber of pregnancies have shown Trileptal is not free from risk of serious birth defects (e.g. cleftpalate), particularly in the first trimester. The benefits of taking Trileptal or any other AED duringpregnancy must be weighed against the potential risk of foetal malformations. Give minimum effec-tive dose. Administer as monotherapy whenever possible. Advise Folic acid supplementation beforeand during pregnancy. Administer vitamin K1 in the last few weeks of pregnancy and to the new-born. Trileptal should not be used whilst breastfeeding. Interactions: Plasma levels of MHD (activemetabolite of Trileptal) may be decreased by strong inducers of cytochrome P450 enzymes.Autoinduction has not been observed with Trileptal. Antiepileptic drugs: Trileptal causes a 0-22%decrease in carbamazepine concentrations, (30% increase of carbamazepine epoxide), 14-15%increase in phenobarbitone concentrations, 0-40% increase in phenytoin concentrations, and has noinfluence on valproic acid concentrations. The effect of AEDs on MHD concentrations: carbamazepinecauses a 40% decrease, clobazam and felbamate have no effect, phenobarbitone causes a 30-31%decrease in MHD concentrations, phenytoin a 29-35% decrease and valproic acid a 0-18% decrease.At Trileptal levels above 1200mg/day, concomitant phenytoin doses may need to be decreased.Hormonal contraceptives: Trileptal may make hormonal contraceptives ineffective. Additional non-hormonal forms of contraception are recommended. Calcium antagonists: Repeated co-administra-tion of Trileptal caused a lowering of AUC values of felodipine by 28%, though plasma levels remained in the recommended therapeutic range. Verapamil decreased plasma levels of MHDby 20%, though this is not considered of clinical relevance. Other drug interactions: No effect onMHD with cimetidine, erythromycin, dextropropoxyphene and warfarin. No clinically relevant inter-actions with tricyclic antidepressants. Risk of neurotoxicity with concomitant lithium. Viloxazineincreased MHD plasma levels by about 10%. Do not use with MAOIs. Undesirable Effects: Verycommon (≥10%) fatigue, dizziness, headache, somnolence, nausea, vomiting, diplopia. Common(≥1% - <10%) asthenia, agitation, amnesia, apathy, ataxia, impaired concentration, confusion,depression, emotional lability, nystagmus, tremor, constipation, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, hypona-traemia, acne, alopecia, rash, vertigo, vision disorders. Uncommon (= ≥0.1% - <1%) leucopenia,increases in transaminases and/or alkaline phosphatase, urticaria. Very rare (<0.01%) angioede-ma, multi-organ hypersensitivity disorders, arrhythmia, thrombocytopenia, hepatitis, hyponatraemiaassociated with signs and symptoms, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus.Basic NHS Prices: 150mg X 50 tablets £10.00 (PL 00101/0581); 300mg X 50 tablets £20.00(PL 00101/0582); 600mg X 50 tablets £40.00 (PL 00101/0583). Legal Classification: POM.Date of preparation: March 2001. Full prescribing information including Summary of ProductCharacteristics is available from: Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd, Frimley Business Park, Frimley,Camberley, Surrey, GU16 7SR. References: 1. Dam M et al. Epileps Res 1989; 3:70-76. 2.Shorvon S. Handbook of Epilepsy Treatment, Blackwell Science 2000. 3. Data on file TRI 04. 4.Trileptal Summary of Product Characteristics. Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd.

TRI/01/08 April 2001

From the Editor...

I hope you enjoyed the firstissue of ACNR, which wefeel adopts a uniqueapproach by virtue of its sci-entific and topical insights toclinical neuroscience andneurology.The second issuecontinues with the topicaland practical themes thatcharacterised the first issue.Thus there are reviewson stroke and surgery, which is currently entering aperiod of redefinition, as well as a review on the newand most effective therapies in MS.

However, a major new development that hasarisen since the last issue is the role for neural graft-ing in Parkinson’s disease, which has implications fora range of other neurodegenerative conditions.Thistopic arose following the publication of a contro-versial US study lead by the neurosurgeon CurtFreed, in which new disabling side effects werereported - a side effect that made it to the frontpage of the New York Times and Guardian. Thisstudy therefore is reviewed in a special feature inwhich I try to highlight the different approach adopt-ed by this study, and the dangers of taking experi-mental techniques into the clinic before fully evalu-ating them in the laboratory - a lesson that needsreiterating in an age of burgeoning cell therapies fora range of conditions including Parkinson’s andHuntington’s disease as well as stroke.This is furtherdeveloped in the summary of a meeting chaired byProfessor Tony Schapira on Parkinson’s disease.

In this issue we have also continued our series onneuroanatomy and epilepsy as well as a review ofthe journals.This latter aspect has been changed inits presentation as it seemed to make more sense todo it by topic than by journal.

Finally, we have a rehabilitation article on speechtherapy along with a list of conferences, includingthe forthcoming world congress of Neurology to beheld in London. We are therefore fortunate to beable to include an article by James Toole, the currentPresident of the World Federation of Neurology,outlining his vision for neurology and the way this isto be fulfilled in the forthcoming congress meeting.

We hope you enjoy this issue and as I stated in mylast editorial, do contact us if you have any ideas orsuggestions to improve and modify this publication.

Roger BarkerEditor

[email protected]

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P R E S C R I B I N G I N F O R M A T I O NPresentation: Neurontin is supplied in capsules containing 100mg, 300mg or400mg of gabapentin and in tablets containing 600mg or 800mg gabapentin.Indications: Neurontin is indicated for the treatment of neuropathic pain. Dosage:Adults (over the age of 18): Neurontin is titrated to a maximum dose of 1800mg perday according to the following schedule; 300mg once a day on day 1, 300mg twicea day on day 2 and 300mg three times a day on day 3. Thereafter, the dose can beincreased using increments of 300mg per day given in three divided doses.Elderly/compromised renal function/those undergoing haemodialysis: Dosageadjustment may be necessary (see Summary of Product Characteristics). Contra-indications: Hypersensitivity. Warnings and precautions: Patients can bethe subjects of mood and behavioural disturbances. Caution is recommended in

patients with a history of psychotic illness. Neurontin may affect ability to drive or operate machinery. Pregnancy and lactation: Neurontin is not recommended inpregnancy or breast feeding. Interactions: It is recommended that Neurontin istaken about two hours following administration of aluminium and magnesium containing antacids. Side effects: Side effects most frequently reported in placebo-controlled, double-blind studies are somnolence, dizziness, ataxia,fatigue. Less frequently reported are nystagmus, tremor, diplopia, amblyopia, dysarthria, amnesia, asthenia, paraesthesia, arthralgia, purpura, leucopenia, dyspepsia, anxiety, weight increase, urinary tract infection and pharyngitis. Other rare side effects have been reported. See Summary of ProductCharacteristics. Legal category: POM. Date of revision: November 2000. Package quantities, marketing authorisation numbers and basic NHS price: Neurontin

100mg (100 capsules), PL0019/0172 £22.86; Neurontin 300mg (100 capsules),PL0019/0173 £53.00; Neurontin 400mg (100 capsules), PL0019/0174 £61.33;Neurontin 600mg (100 tablets) PL0019/0192 £106.00; Neurontin 800mg (100 tablets)PL0019/0193 £122.66. Marketing Authorisation Holder: Parke Davis, LambertCourt, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO53 3ZQ. Neurontin is a registered trade mark. Further information is available on request from: Medical Information Department, Pfizer Limited, Sandwich, Kent CT13 9NJ. References 1. Rowbotham M et al. JAMA 1998; 280: 1837-1842. 2. Backonja M et al. JAMA 1998; 280: 1831-1836.

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Notwithstanding its long history and high profile, and despiteenormous sums of money expended in research, and the

countless therapies which suppress the often rather unfaithfulanimal models of this disease, multiple sclerosis continues to defysuccessful treatment: interventions which dramatically influencethe course remain evasive1. Partly this reflects the complexity ofthe disease process and the inaccessibility of the tissue involved,and an important reason for attempting to understand mecha-nisms of myelin injury is to predict and design logical strategiesfor treatment. In the meantime, the potential impact of sympto-matic treatment in patients with chronic multiple sclerosis can-not be exaggerated. In this brief review, therapies which com-pensate for or suppress symptoms, those currently availablewhich are intended to influence the course of the disease, andexperimental and future options, will be surveyed.

Symptomatic treatmentsWhilst neither prevention nor cure appear remotely imminent,symptomatic therapies can offer an impact on many patients'quality of life enormously superior to any of the currently avail-able disease-modifying agents2,3.

Urinary frequency, urgency and urge incontinence areamong the most troublesome and distressing complaints, andoften respond well to anticholinergic treatment4,5. These drugsdo, however, carry the risk of inducing retention either acutely,in patients whose symptoms paradoxically reflect a flaccid paret-ic bladder, or chronically, where a small volume of residual urineis no less attractive to microbes than any other pool of nutri-ent-rich, heated, stagnant water.At the very least, catheterisationto measure residual volume is mandatory before exhibiting anti-cholinergic drugs. Nocturnal doses can help allow a decentnight's sleep, as can nocturnal nasal anti-diuretic hormone ana-logues (DDAVP)6.

Where hesitancy or retention is the principalproblem, intermittent self-catheterisation (bypatient or carer) is often successful. Indwellingcatheters are less satisfactory - encumbering,prone to infection, and rarely guaranteed not toleak - though superior to nothing at all when cir-cumstances dictate. Suprapubic catheterisation maybe better. Faecal incontinence7, fortunately notcommon, is as dispiriting to the patient as it is dif-ficult to treat. After excluding constipatedimpaction with overflow incontinence, most wouldadvocate anti-cholinergics, but these are infre-quently of great value.

Sexual difficulties are not at all rare5.Commonly, psychological factors relating to self-image, depression, and confidence are paramount,and libido is rarely improved by sphincter ineffi-ciencies. Professional counselling and good nursingcare go far, but neurological deficits must be morespecifically addressed. Loss of perineal sensationcannot be treated; lubricants may improve dyspare-unia. Erectile failure often responds to the phos-phodiesterase inhibitor sildenafil8.

Spasticity and painful spasms commonlyrespond to tizanidine9; baclofen, dantrolene, anddiazepam are also used. Pulsed intravenous methylprednisolone can help10, and gabapentin has anincreasing role11. Clearly, excluding or treating pre-cipitating factors, including bladder infections andpressure areas, precedes pharmacological treat-ment. In difficult cases, intrathecal baclofen has not(at least yet) gained widespread use; destructive

surgery, usually with phenol, is as attractive as destructivesurgery ever can be, but has a role (after a trial of blockade bya reversible local anaesthetic). Finally, botulinum toxin has con-siderable promise12. Sodium channel blockers have an increasingrole in positive paroxysmal symptoms in MS13.

Fatigue is common, and whilst amantidine and pemoline havebeen advocated, neither is overwhelmingly valuable. Serotoninuptake inhibitors have their advocates - on which point theimportance of seeking and treating depression is often over-looked - and the narcolepsy drug modafinil has been subject tosmall but promising trials.

The profoundly disabling, violent ataxic tremor of chronicsevere multiple sclerosis is enormously difficult to treat; drugs(primidone, propranolol, isoniazid) almost invariably fail.Thalamic stimulation has a limited role14,15.

Acute relapseThe use of high dose intravenous corticosteroids steroids in mul-tiple sclerosis has a significant evidence base, trials suggestingaccelerated (but not quantitatively superior) recovery fromacute relapses, and no overall influence on the subsequentcourse of the disease - hence their inclusion as a symptomatic,rather than disease modifying therapy10,16. Oral methyl pred-nisolone may have an equal effect17. (Initially, retrospective analy-sis of data from the Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial suggested thatsteroid treatment might delay the development of multiple scle-rosis18, but careful longer term analysis failed to confirm this19.)

Treatments intended to modify the course of multiplesclerosis Conventional wisdom holds that adverse effects outweigh themodest benefits variably reported for non-specific immune sup-pressants such as azathioprine and cyclophosphamide20.

Azathioprine in particular, however, may offer bene-fits comparable to the newer and much vauntedimmunotherapeutic agents, and perhaps should bemore widely used21.

Interferon (IFN)-ß The role of IFN-ß in treating multiple sclerosis con-tinues to provoke controversy, and a settled posi-tion has yet to emerge in the UK. Large scale trialshave shown a common 30-35% reduction in exacer-bation rate using either alternate daily sub-cuta-neous IFN-ß1b (Betaferon; Schering22, weekly intra-muscular IFN-ß1a(Avonex, Biogen)23, or thrice week-ly sub-cutaneous IFN-ß1a (Rebif, Serono)24. None ofthese trials is methodologically faultless25 - for exam-ple, in the first, one third of randomised patientsdropped out before completion, and were notincluded in the analysis, and relapses were self-reported (80% of patients correctly guessing theywere taking active drug), raising serious difficultiesconcerning blinding25. Nevertheless, the consistencyof this reduction has convinced most neurologists.Relatively few side effects are seen - 'flu-like symp-toms, depression and injection site skin reactions,including more serious skin necrosis in 5% ofpatients26. Neutralising anti-IFN-ß antibodies devel-op in many treated patients, apparently compromis-ing efficacy.

Not surprisingly, this relapse rate reduction isalso seen in patients treated after a single episodeof inflammatory demyelination in whom MRI showsevidence of disseminated lesions: the reductionhere translates into delayed second clinical (diag-

Review Article

Contemporary treatment of multiple sclerosis


Neil Scolding is theBurden Professor of ClinicalNeurosciences at FrenchayHospital, University ofBristol. He trained in medi-cine at Cardiff, and in neu-rology and clinical neuro-science in Cardiff,Cambridge and QueenSquare, London. He wasUniversity Lecturer andConsultant Neurologist inCambridge before movingto Bristol in 1999. Hisresearch interests centre onthe problem of multiplesclerosis, and in particularon the development oftreatments designed to pro-mote myelin repair in thebrain and spinal cord ofpatients with MS, onimmunological treatmentsto prevent inflammatorydamage, and on mechanismsof demyelination.


for which there is some evidence of efficacy in patients withaggressive disease40,41. Plasma exchange may also have a role inaggressive MS42. Bone marrow transplantation has its advocates43,44,but many neurologists are reluctant to recommend a procedurecarrying an established short-term mortality for a non-life-threatening disease.

Experimental therapiesAs mentioned above, the humanised monoclonal Campath-1H,directed against the pan-T cell marker CD52, has been studiedin small numbers of patients, in whom a near-cessation of inflam-matory activity has been seen30,45. A proportion develop thyroiddisease46; further studies are planned.

On the (dubious) assumption that TNF might be involved intissue damage in MS (see Ref. 47 for review) , anti-TNF anti-bodies have been studied. Informatively but disappointingly,increased MRI lesion formation and clinical relapses after treat-ment were found48,49. Inducing immune tolerance, aiming toexploit linked or bystander suppression, might offer theprospect of safe, effective and specific immune control.Thus far,attempts have not been promising, one Phase II trial rather sug-gesting a pro-inflammatory tendency, another being suspendedbecause of (non-neurological) hypersensitivity reactions50,51.Inhaled or intranasal antigen administration might offer certainadvantages52.

Finally, in addition to these attempts to halt inflammatorydamage, experimental strategies for repairing myelin damageare being pursued53. The complexity of the timing and deliveryof multiple growth factors mitigates against the rapid applicabil-ity of this approach, but the first clinical experiments implantat-ing remyelinating glia - oligodendrocyte progenitors, Schwanncells, or glia from adult or fetal stem cells - are imminent.

References1. Coles,A. Contemporary Treatment in Neurology. Scolding,N.J. (ed.), pp. 271-300

(Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford,2001).2. Thompson,A.J. Multiple sclerosis: symptomatic treatment. J. Neurol. 243, 559-565

(1996).3. Kidd,D. & Thompson,A.J. Prospective study of neurorehabilitation in multiple scle-

rosis. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 62, 423-424 (1997).4. Fowler,C.J. Neurological disorders of micturition and their treatment. Brain 122,

1213-1231 (1999).5. Fowler,C.J. The cause and management of bladder, sexual and bowel symptoms in

multiple sclerosis. Baillieres Clin. Neurol. 6, 447-466 (1997).6. Hilton,P., Hertogs,K. & Stanton,S.L. The use of desmopressin (DDAVP) for nocturia

in women with multiple sclerosis. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 46, 854-855(1983).

7. Fowler,C.J. & Henry,M.M. Gastrointestinal dysfunction in multiple sclerosis.Seminars in Neurology 16, 277-279 (1996).

8. Boolell,M., Gepi-Attee S., Gingell,J.C. & Allen,M.J. Sildenafil,a novel effective oraltherapy for male erectile dysfunction. Br. J. Urol. 78, 257-261 (1996).

9. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of tizanidine in the treatment of spasticitycaused by multiple sclerosis. United Kingdom Tizanidine Trial Group. Neurology44, S70-S78 (1994).

10. Milligan,N.M., Newcombe,R. & Compston,D.A. A double-blind controlled trial ofhigh dose methylprednisolone in patients with multiple sclerosis: 1. Clinical effects. J.Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 50, 511-516 (1987).

11. Cutter,N.C., Scott,D.D., Johnson,J.C. & Whiteneck,G. Gabapentin effect on spas-ticity in multiple sclerosis: a placebo-controlled, randomized trial. Arch. Phys. Med.Rehabil. 81, 164-169 (2000).

12. Hyman,N. et al. Botulinum toxin (Dysport) treatment of hip adductor spasticity inmultiple sclerosis: a prospective, randomised, double blind, placebo controlled, doseranging study. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 68 , 707-712 (2000).

13. Sakurai,M. & Kanazawa,I. Positive symptoms in multiple sclerosis: their treatmentwith sodium channel blockers, lidocaine and mexiletine. J. Neurol. Sci. 162, 162-168(1999).

14. Schuurman,P.R. et al. A comparison of continuous thalamic stimulation and thala-motomy for suppression of severe tremor. N. Engl. J. Med. 342, 461-468 (2000).

15. Whittle,I.R., Hooper,J. & Pentland,B. Thalamic deep-brain stimulation for move-ment disorders due to multiple sclerosis. Lancet 351, 109-110 (1998).

16. Durelli,L. et al. High-dose intravenous methylprednisolone in the treatment of mul-tiple sclerosis: clinical-immunologic correlations. Neurology 36, 238-243 (1986).


nostic) episode27. Unfortunately, there appears not to be a com-parable reduction in progression of disability. Initially, enthusiasmwas generated by the first trial designed primarily to explore aneffect on progression, which suggested a significant delay in theaccumulation of disability in 718 patients with secondary pro-gressive multiple sclerosis26. 16.7% of IFN-ß1b-treated patientswere wheelchair bound at the end of the two-year treatmentperiod (compared with 24.6% in the placebo group; p=0.0277).The mean EDSS (disability score) in the treated group did not,however, significantly differ from the placebo group after (orbefore) the treatment period.

A positive effect on disability progression as the primary out-come measure in a trial of intramuscular IFN-ß1a(Avonex,Biogen) in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis was also report-ed23. This study was prematurely terminated - only 172/301patients completed two years, and of these, 18/85 of the treat-ed group progressed, compared to 29/87 in the placebo group(p=0.07).The interpretation of this study was also complicatedby unusually rapid progression of disability in the placebo group.Two other trials looking at disability in patients with secondaryprogressive multiple sclerosis, one with IFN-ß1a, one with IFNß-1b, have been reported (respectively at the Ninth Meeting of theENS, Milan 1999, and the American Academy of Neurology, SanDiego 2000) but not formally published in a peer-reviewed jour-nal. In neither were significant differences between placebo andtreated groups found in the primary outcome measure.

It is disappointing, but seems inescapable, that any majorimpact of IFN-ß on disability in secondary progressive multiplesclerosis - by which patients might mean reversing disability, orproperly halting or even perhaps halving the rate of progression- has been excluded.

On a more positive (if perplexing) note, most trials haveshown a clear impact on MR parameters of disease activity.Thisdiscrepancy between reduced inflammatory activity and contin-ued progression is yet to be wholly resolved, but may relate tothe presumed disease mechanisms - increasing evidence sug-gests that inflammation and demyelination underlie relapse,while accumulating axon loss provides the substrate for irre-versible progressive disability28,29.The striking dissection of pro-gression from inflammation achieved by the anti-leukocyte mon-oclonal antibody Campath-1H helps substantiate these clinico-pathological correlations30: late axon degeneration may bedetermined by early, frequently repeated inflammatory episodes- also the most likely cause of persistent, unrepaired demyelina-tion.

Cost-benefit analyses of IFN-ß in multiple sclerosis providescant health economic support31,32. However to infer from theseand the recent disappointing secondary progressive data thatIFN-ß should be rejected, would be a mistake no less defensiblethan the understandable but often uncritical excitement stimu-lated in many (or most) quarters by the earlier relapsing remit-ting trial findings. Patients treated well into the course of sec-ondary progression, when a long history of relapses and remis-sions may already have set the course for sustained, non-inflam-matory axon degeneration, may stand to gain little from IFN-ßTreatment earlier in relapsing disease may better delay progres-sion.

Other treatment approachesGlatirimer acetate appears comparably to reduce relapse rate, andan effect on disability has been reported, though the number ofpatients treated in trials is far less than is the case for IFN-ß33.The same might be said of intravenous immunoglobulin34,35, thoughso far, still fewer patients have been studied. Several larger trialsare underway, and good evidence for its safety is emerging36. Apro-remyelination effect of IVIg, predicted from careful experi-mental studies37, has not as yet been shown in patients38,39.Mitoxantrone is a cytotoxic agent, with significant cardiotoxicity,

Correspondence Address

Professor Neil ScoldingBurden Professor of Clinical NeurosciencesUniversity of Bristol Institute of Clinical NeurosciencesDepartment of Neurology, Frenchay HospitalBristol BS16 1LE

Review Article


Review Article

17. Barnes,D. et al. Randomised trial of oral and intravenous methylprednisolone inacute relapses of multiple sclerosis. Lancet 349, 902-906 (1997).

18. Beck,R.W. et al. The effect of corticosteroids for acute optic neuritis on the subse-quent development of multiple sclerosis. The Optic Neuritis Study Group [seecomments]. N. Engl. J. Med. 329, 1764-1769 (1993).

19. Beck,R.W. The optic neuritis treatment trial: three-year follow-up results [letter].Arch. Ophthalmol. 113, 136-137 (1995).

20. Hughes,R.A. Immunotherapy for multiple sclerosis [editorial]. J. Neurol. Neurosurg.Psychiatry 57, 3-6 (1994).

21. Palace,J. & Rothwell,P. New treatments and azathioprine in multiple sclerosis.Lancet 350, 261-261 (1997).

22. The IFNB Multiple Sclerosis Study Group. Interferon beta-1b is effective in relaps-ing-remitting multiple sclerosis. I. Clinical results of a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Neurology 43, 655-661 (1993).

23. Jacobs,L.D. et al. Intramuscular interferon beta-1a for disease progression in relaps-ing multiple sclerosis.The Multiple Sclerosis Collaborative Research Group (MSCRG)[see comments]. Ann. Neurol. 39, 285-294 (1996).

24. PRISMS (Prevention of Relapses and Disability by Interferon beta-1aSubcutaneously in Multiple Sclerosis) Study Group. Randomised double-blindplacebo-controlled study of interferon beta-1a in relapsing/remitting multiple sclero-sis. Lancet 352, 1498-1504 (1998).

25. Sibley,W.A., Ebers,G.C., Panitch,H.S. & Reder,A.T. Interferon beta treatment ofmultiple sclerosis. Reply. Neurology 44, 188-190 (1994).

26. European Study Group on interferon beta-1b in secondary progressive MS.Placebo-controlled multicentre randomised trial of interferon beta-1b in treatment ofsecondary progressive multiple sclerosis. Lancet 352, 1491-1497 (1998).

27. Jacobs,L.D. et al. Intramuscular interferon beta-1a therapy initiated during a firstdemyelinating event in multiple sclerosis. CHAMPS Study Group. N. Engl. J. Med.343, 898-904 (2000).

28. Scolding,N. & Franklin,R. Axon loss in multiple sclerosis. Lancet 352, 340-341(1998).

29. Smith,K.J. & McDonald,W.I. The pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis: the mecha-nisms underlying the production of symptoms and the natural history of the disease.Philos.Trans. R. Soc. Lond B Biol. Sci. 354, 1649-1673 (1999).

30. Coles,A.J. et al. Monoclonal antibody treatment exposes three mechanisms under-lying the clinical course of multiple sclerosis. Ann. Neurol. 46, 296-304 (1999).

31. Forbes,R.B., Lees,A.,Waugh,N. & Swingler,R.J. Population based cost utility studyof interferon beta-1b in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. BMJ 319, 1529-1533 (1999).

32. Parkin,D. et al. Treatment of multiple sclerosis with interferon beta: an appraisal ofcost-effectiveness and quality of life. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 68, 144-149(2000).

33. Johnson,K.P. et al. Copolymer 1 reduces relapse rate and improves disability inrelapsing- remitting multiple sclerosis: Results of a phase III multicenter, double- blind,placebo-controlled trial. Neurology 45, 1268-1276 (1995).

34. Fazekas,F., Deisenhammer,F., Strasser,F.S., Nahler,G. & Mamoli,B. Randomisedplacebo-controlled trial of monthly intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Austrian Immunoglobulin in Multiple Sclerosis StudyGroup [see comments]. Lancet 349, 589-593 (1997).

35. Strasser-Fuchs,S., Fazekas,F., Deisenhammer,F., Nahler,G. & Mamoli,B. TheAustrian Immunoglobulin in MS (AIMS) study: final analysis. Mult. Scler. 6 Suppl2:S9-13., S9-13 (2000).

36. Poehlau,D. Treatment of chronic progressive multiple sclerosis with intravenousimmunoglobulins--interim results on drug safety of an ongoing study. IVIG studygroup. Mult. Scler. 6 Suppl 2:S21-3., S21-S23 (2000).

37. Rodriguez,M. & Miller,D.J. Immune promotion of CNS remyelination. Progress inBrain research 103, 343-355 (1994).

38. Noseworthy,J.H. et al. Intravenous immunoglobulin does not reverse recentlyacquired, apparently permanent weakness in multiple sclerosis. Annals ofNeurology 42, M115-M115 (1997).

39. Stangel,M., Boegner,F., Klatt,C.H., Hofmeister,C. & Seyfert,S. Placebo controlledpilot trial to study the remyelinating potential of intravenous immunoglobulins in mul-tiple sclerosis. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 68, 89-92 (2000).

40. Millefiorini,E. et al. Randomized placebo-controlled trial of mitoxantrone in relaps-ing-remitting multiple sclerosis: 24-month clinical and MRI outcome. J. Neurol. 244,153-159 (1997).

41. Edan,G. et al. Therapeutic effect of mitoxantrone combined with methylprednisolonein multiple sclerosis: a randomised multicentre study of active disease using MRI andclinical criteria. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 62, 112-118 (1997).

42. Weinshenker,B.G. et al. A randomized trial of plasma exchange in acute centralnervous system inflammatory demyelinating disease. Ann. Neurol. 46, 878-886(1999).

43. Kozak,T. et al. High-dose immunosuppressive therapy with PBPC support in thetreatment of poor risk multiple sclerosis. Bone Marrow Transplant. 25, 525-531(2000).

44. Fassas,A. et al. Autologous stem cell transplantation in progressive multiple sclerosis--an interim analysis of efficacy. J. Clin. Immunol. 20, 24-30 (2000).

45. Moreau,T. et al. Preliminary evidence from magnetic resonance imaging for reduc-tion in disease activity after lymphocyte depletion in multiple sclerosis. Lancet 344,298-301 (1994).

46. Coles,A.J. et al. Pulsed monoclonal antibody treatment and autoimmune thyroid dis-ease in multiple sclerosis. Lancet 354, 1691-1695 (1999).

47. Merrill,J.E. & Scolding,N.J. Mechanisms of damage to myelin and oligodendrocytesand their relevance to disease. Neuropathol.Appl. Neurobiol. 25, 435-458 (1999).

48. van Oosten,B.W. et al. Increased MRI activity and immune activation in two multi-ple sclerosis patients treated with the monoclonal anti-tumor necrosis factor antibodycA2. Neurology 47, 1531-1534 (1996).

49. TNF neutralization in MS: results of a randomized, placebo-controlled multicenterstudy. The Lenercept Multiple Sclerosis Study Group and The University ofBritish Columbia MS/MRI Analysis Group. Neurology 53, 457-465 (1999).

50. Bielekova,B. et al. Encephalitogenic potential of the myelin basic protein peptide(amino acids 83-99) in multiple sclerosis: results of a phase II clinical trial with analtered peptide ligand. Nat. Med. 6, 1167-1175 (2000).

51. Kappos,L. et al. Induction of a non-encephalitogenic type 2 T helper-cell autoimmuneresponse in multiple sclerosis after administration of an altered peptide ligand in aplacebo-controlled, randomized phase II trial.The Altered Peptide Ligand in relaps-ing MS Study Group. Nat. Med. 6, 1176-1182 (2000).

52. Anderton,S.M., Burkhart,C., Liu,G.Y., Metzler,B. & Wraith,D.C. Antigen-specifictolerance induction and the immunotherapy of experimental autoimmune disease.

53. Scolding,N.J. & Franklin,R.J. Remyelination in demyelinating disease [In ProcessCitation]. Baillieres. Clin. Neurol. 6, 525-548 (1997) ✄

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Speakability, the national charity working on behalfof people who have aphasia, estimate that

250,000 people in the UK have aphasia, and 20,000people each year become aphasic.Thirty percent ofstrokes occur in people of working age, suggesting 6-7000 people under 65 become aphasic due to strokeeach year. For many, their rehabilitation and accessto speech and language therapy services will endwithin one year of their brain injury, never havinghad the opportunity to focus on strengthening thecommunication skills required for a work environ-ment. But are people with aphasia capable of eco-nomic work, given appropriate therapy and support,or are services correctly given too low a priority tobe funded from statutory services?

Early literature regarding the subject gaveencouraging results. Hatfield & Zangwill (1975),described occupational resettlements for four peo-ple with severe dysphasia following strokes.The dys-phasia was predominantly expressive in two casesand predominantly receptive in the other two.Three people were resettled in “gainful” employ-ment and the fourth in sheltered occupation. Allfour patients attained a “very adequate” level ofworking efficiency, far greater than had been antici-pated on clinical and psychometric grounds.Twentysix years later, although the return to work afterstroke has been acknowledged as a critical measureof social restoration for people who have had astroke, there has been little progress in the provi-sion or evaluation of vocational rehabilitation forpeople with aphasia. Predictive models have found anegative association between return to work andaphasia following stroke(Black-Schaffer & Osberg1990), but the prognosis for return to work aftersevere traumatic brain injury was not affected by presence orabsence of aphasia (Gil et al 1996). So given that the literature isunconclusive regarding the potential people with aphasia havefor returning to work, why are speech and language therapy ser-vices restricted in providing community services which willfocus on peoples’ communication skills for returning to work ata later stage?

It has been acknowledged that the treatment and researchapproaches for aphasia have arisen from a medical model whichaddresses only the affected individual and aims to reduce theirlanguage impairments. But in the past few years there has beena trend away from the medical model, towards the social model.Byng has described the social model as focusing not only on theindividual with aphasia, but also on the ripple effect on the fam-ily, friends and wider society, anddemonstrated the need for all inter-vention with people with aphasia topromote, directly or indirectly,healthy living with aphasia(Cameron 2000). The social modelencourages the identification of bar-riers to aphasia, and the explorationof ways to lessen their effects sothat the person with aphasia isenabled to adopt a lifestyle as partof the community. Since employ-ment is one of the major communi-ty roles, perhaps the increasing useof a social model of aphasia will

allow the development of vocational schemes toidentify the specific communication barriers pre-venting people with aphasia from accessing work.

In July, 2000, the Bridge Project undertook sucha scheme at Sudbury with a European Social Fund“Contact” grant (Ritchie, 2000). The course wasdesigned and conducted by a speech and languagetherapist (SLT), and aimed to provide functionalcommunication strategies which would allow peo-ple with aphasia to access the work environmentsuccessfully.This included strategies for reading jobadverts and writing a CV, application and otherwork style letters and documents, using softwareto assist spelling and word finding. Strategies forinterview skills and social conversation as well asdiscussion on the public perception of people withaphasia were aso covered. The participants wereindividually assessed by the SLT and then all weretreated in a group for 21/2 days a week for 10weeks. In addition to linguistic assessments, theywere rated by the therapist for impairment, dis-ability, handicap and well being. Participants alsoself rated their communicative and some physicalabilities on a 1-5 pictorial scale, at the beginningand end of the course. All participants’ scores forimpairment, disability and handicap improved, aswell as those with lower initial well-being scores.Almost all the skills addressed on the course wereself rated as improved, in contrast to the skillswhich were not addressed, which were unchanged.

This brief project has suggested that providingfunctional therapy for aphasia to young adults canimprove the communication skills and confidencerequired for them to succeed in a vocational envi-ronment. This project did not have the scope to

continue into job trials, but several members of the group arenow ready for the sort of vocational schemes operated byorganisations such as Leonard Cheshire Workability or theShaw Trust.

From the comments received from participants, it is unlikelythat a shorter programme would have achieved the sameresults, but it would be worthwhile investigating courses con-ducted by a therapy assistant or basic skills tutor working inconjunction with a qualified SLT.As the social model for aphasiatreatment brings the focus of our services further into the com-munity, and broadens the scope of SLT treatment programmes,there must be increased involvement of SLTs in the vocationalrehabilitation of people with aphasia. Hopefully this can be facil-itated through partnership between the voluntary sector, healthand social services providers.

ReferencesBlack-Schaffer R.M. & Osberg J.S, Return to work after stroke: development of a predic-tive model, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1990;71: 285-90Cameron A., The advent of change, 2000, www.speechmag.com/archivesHadfield F.M. & Zangwill O.L., Occupational resettlement in aphasia, ScandinavianJournal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 1975;7:57-60.Ritchie F. Initial report on the Courtyard Communications Pilot project. 2000.The BridgeProject, 20 Gainsborough Street, Sudbury, Suffolk.Saeki S., Disability management after stroke: its medical aspects for workplace accom-modation, Disability Rehabilitation, 2000, 22:578-82Speakability; www.speakability.org.uk

Rehabilitation Article

Participant in the communicationsgroup at the Bridge Project

Fiona Ritchie B.Med.Sci., MRCSLT, Clinical Services Manager, OliverZangwill Centre, Princess of Wales Hospital, Lynn Road, Ely CB6 1DN

Correspondence details


Fiona Ritchie qualified in1995 from SheffieldUniversity, B.Med.Sci (Hons)as a speech & language ther-apist, followed by 3 years asa speech and language ther-apist at Medway Hospital,Kent, in the acute and com-munity neurorehabilitationof young adults. She thenmoved to the Lewin rehabil-itation Unit, Addenbrooke'sHospital, Cambridge in July1999 to provide inpatientneurorehabiitation foryoung adults with acquiredbrain injuries. In Sept 2000Fiona became the ClinicalService Manager and alsostill practicing as a speech &language therapist at theOliver ZangwillNeurorehabilitation Unit,Ely. Her current researchinterest is the evaluation ofSLT treatments in the reha-bilitation of acquireddysarthria.

Wanted: Employees with excellentcommunication skills....




Parkinson’s Disease is a common neurodegenerative disorderof the central nervous system, commonly affecting people in

the fifth to seventh decades of life.The disease is characterisedas a motor disorder, and whilst there are effective drug therapiesearly on, the disease is progressive and patients run into a num-ber of problems not least motor fluctuations in response to thistherapy. Therefore several different strategies have been devel-oped for the treatment of these latter stages of the disease,including the possibility of deep brain stimulation and the use ofneural transplants of embryonic dopamine cells.

The use of embryonic dopamine cells was first pioneeredsome twenty years ago in a number of animal studies. Thesestudies clearly showed that if the embryonic dopamine cellswere harvested at the time of their normal development, thenthey could survive transplantation into animal models ofParkinson’s Disease, and extend axons into the host brain andreceive appropriate connections from that same brain. Theycould also release dopamine and have a number of functionalbenefits to the animal on a variety of behavioural tests1. It wason this background that the first clinical trials of neural trans-plantation took place in the late 1980’s most notably in Lund,Sweden. These transplants have continued over the last elevenyears, and a total of seventeen patients have now been trans-planted with good clinical benefits in the majority of patients2.This clinical improvement whilst not being seen in all areas ofdisease symptomatology has nevertheless correlated well withincreased fluorodopa signal on PET scanning. Furthermore, oneof these patients has recently been the subject of a detailedfunctional imaging study, 11 years after being transplanted3.Thispaper reveals that first of all the graft survives in the face of pro-gressive disease as evidenced by the loss of signal of the patientsown dopaminergic system and secondly that the release ofdopamine from the graft occurs in a regulated fashion. A num-ber of other centres have now replicated these studies, mostnotably those in Creteil in France and in Tampa in the US4,5.

It therefore seemed that neural transplantation forParkinson’s Disease was a safe and effective therapy although

still experimental, or at least that was the case until the recentpaper by Freed and colleagues6.This study from Freed et al hasraised new concerns about the use of this approach because ofthe adverse effects they reported including the development ofrunaway dyskinesia and dystonia. This aspect of the trial hascaused much excitement in the media, although in the originalpaper the comments relating to this were much more measuredin their content. Nevertheless the development of these sideeffects raises fundamental questions as to the use of thisapproach in Parkinson’s Disease. However, the fact that theseside-effects have only been seen in this study raises questions asto whether they are more related to the approach adopted byFreed et al than transplantation per se.

The trial design adopted by Freed et al involved recruitingforty patients with advanced Parkinson’s Disease and randomis-ing them to either receive a fetal dopamine transplant or a shamoperation (see figure 1).The sham operation involved taking thepatient to theatre, drilling burr holes in the frontal part of theskull and then pretending to implant the tissue.The procedurewas so effective, that the patients themselves were unaware ofwhether they had had a transplant or not, as assessed by ques-tionnaires immediately after the operation. The patients werethen followed clinically, and using fluorodopa PET scans althoughthe primary end point was a subjective one, 12 months posttransplantation.After a year, those patients in the sham operat-ed group were offered a transplant and fourteen of the twentyin this group were transplanted, whilst the other six did not asa result of the side effects that had developed in 5 of the graft-ed patients.

One of main conclusions of the study was that there is a sig-nificant placebo effect of the procedure and furthermore thebenefits of grafting seemed more successful in younger patients(those <60 years of age). Indeed of the thirty-four patients thatcompleted the trial, nine noted improvement and five developeddyskinesias and dystonia off medication.Two patients died dur-ing the trial, neither of which was related to the transplant pro-cedure itself, and at post mortem these patients were found to

Topical Feature

Table 1.

Neural transplantation for Parkinson’s Disease - Where next after the American Study Roger Barker


Dr Roger BarkerCambridge Centre for Brain RepairED Adrian BuildingForvie SiteRobinson WayCambridge CB2 2PY

Correspondence Address


have low numbers of surviving dopamine cells as compared toother post mortem studies from patients reporting significantclinical and imaging improvement7 . The development of thesedyskinesias and dystonias has not been seen in other studies,although some of the Swedish patients have developed a degreeof dyskinesias off medication several years after grafting.

This trial adopted by Freed et al has though used a radicallydifferent techniques to other studies much of which have neverbeen validated experimentally. In particular, this trial has:

� Used less tissue than other transplant trials in that they usetwo embryos per side of the brain, whereas in the more suc-cessful Swedish study up to three to five fetuses have beenused per striatum.

� The tissue was stored up to a month prior to implantation,which is much longer than any other centre.

� The tissue was prepared in a unique “noodle” fashion, unlikethe cell suspension/tissue pieces technique that has beenused and experimentally validated by other centres.

� The transplant was done using a frontal trajectory which isdifferent to that used in other centres.

� None of the patients received immunosuppression.

Whilst it is impossible to know whether the side effects seenin this trial relate to any or all of the above factors, it is proba-ble that the transplants have led to great imbalances in dopamin-ergic innervation within the striatal complex, which in turn hasled to the development of these major side effects. It is there-fore clear that whilst the trial has produced adverse effects, thisis more a consequence of the technique used than transplanta-tion of embryonic dopamine cells for Parkinson’s Disease.Thereis certainly no evidence for dopamine overgrowth as was sug-gested in some media reports, as the number of transplantedcells at post mortem in those that have died was much less thanthose seen in other studies.

So what does this study tell us and where does it leave thisfield of experimental therapeutics? First of all it highlights thedangers of going into clinical trials, without first validating thesafety of the technique being developed, and also argues forextensive experimental studies before any clinical trials areundertaken. Furthermore whilst this trial has certainly put adent in the use of neural tissue to repair the brain in Parkinson’sDisease, it by no means derails the procedure as further studies

Topical Feature

have failed to show such adverse side-effects. Indeed this studylike many others has shown that a significant number of patientsbenefit from the procedure. However, for those seeking a quickfix with either neural stem cells or other forms of cell replace-ment therapy, this study is a warning that until one has reliableand robust scientific and experimental data, the move to theclinical domain is not to be recommended.

References1. Barker RA, Dunnett SB (1999) Neural repair, transplantation

and rehabilitation. Psychology Press, Hove.2. Widner H (1998). The Lund transplant program for Parkinson’s

disease and patients with MPTP-induced parkinsonism. In: CellTransplantation for Neurological disorders: Toward reconstructionof the human central nervous system. Freeman TB, Widner H(Eds), Humana Press,Totowa, NJ.Pp 1-17.

3. Piccini P et al (1999) Dopamine release from nigral transplantsvisualized in vivo in a Parkinson’s patient. Nat. Neurosci. 2:1137-1140.

4. Rémy P et al (1995) Clinical correlates of [18F]fluorodopa uptakein five grafted Parkinsonian patients. Annals of Neurology 38:580-588.

5. Hauser RA (1998) Fetal nigral transplantation in Parkinson’s dis-ease: the USF pilot program (12 to 24 month evaluation). In: CellTransplantation for Neurological disorders: Toward reconstructionof the human central nervous system. Freeman TB, Widner H(Eds), Humana Press,Totowa, NJ. Pp19-30.

6. Freed CR et al (2001) Transplantation of Embryonic DopamineNeurons for Severe Parkinson’s Disease: New Engl. J. Med.344:710-719.

7. Kordower JH, Freeman TB, Olanow CW (1998)Neuropathology of fetal nigral grafts in patients with Parkinson’sdisease. Mov.Disorders 13: 88-95.

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Review Article


The surgical procedure of carotid endarterectomy (CEA) - theremoval of atheromatous plaque from the internal carotid

artery origin via arterotomy - approaches its fiftieth anniversary.During this time the number of procedures has risen, fallen andrisen again paralleling concerns about the validity and safety ofthe technique1.

The large numbers of procedures being undertaken, oftenwith reported complication rates of up to 20% during the 1970’sand early 1980’s prompted the European and North Americansymptomatic carotid endarterectomy trials2,3. A decade sincetheir initial results were reported the salient findings are wellknown:

patients with mild (<30%) stenosis of the recently symp-tomatic ICA are harmed by surgery

patients with severe (>70%) stenosis of the recently symp-tomatic ICA in general benefit from surgery (absolute riskreduction for stroke of 9.6% [ECST] and 17% [NASCET]).

In addition, it has recently been suggested that:some patients with 50-70% stenosis may benefit from surgery.

In applying these basic principles to routine clinical practice someimportant factors exist:

“Recently symptomatic” indicates a non-disablingcarotid territory ischaemic stroke, carotid territory TIA(eye or brain) or retinal infarct within the past sixmonths.

Clinical assessment should be undertaken by a medical practi-tioner with an interest and expertise in the selection of patientsfor carotid surgery, ideally operating within the setting of a fast-track cerebrovascular clinic. The greatest benefit of surgery isseen early after symptoms, borne out by the 20% stroke risk ofa patient with a 90-99% ICA stenosis in the first year after a TIAor non-disabling stroke which falls to less than 5% after 3 years4.Many patients referred to such a clinic will have neurological dis-orders other than cerebrovascular disease and a neurologist isoften best-placed to manage these5,6.Although patients were onlyrandomised in NASCET and ECST if they had suffered symptomswithin the previous 6 months it is reasonable to offer surgery upto a year later for patients with cerebral events.

Patients should be both fit for surgery, and willing toundergo surgery before expensive, time consuming andpotentially hazardous (ie intra-arterial angiography)investigations are performed.

Screening for carotid artery diseaseshould be performed using ultrasound, and ifnon-invasive imaging (ultrasound+/- MRA) isto suffice for the operative decision it musthave been validated in that centre againstthe existing gold standard (intra-arterialangiography).

Magnetic resonance angiography is not an appro-priate screening investigation. In ECST andNASCET percentage stenoses were estimatedfrom angiograms. Failure to validate noninvasivetechniques against angiography may deny somepatients the benefit of surgery and expose somepatients to the risks of surgery when thay may notbenefit anyway. Since the methods of measurementof stensosis in ECST and NASCET were different

(for a given stensosis the former giving a “tighter” estimate), itis neceassary for any centre to standardise its measurementsaccording to either ECST, NASCET, or the “common carotid”method7.

Carotid endarterectomy should be performed by a sur-geon with a sufficiently large practice to enable continu-ing technical proficiency in the procedure, and operativecomplications must be open to prospective audit.

Once complication rates exceed those of ECST (7.5%) andNASCET (5.8%) all benefit is rapidly lost and harm results.

“Best medical therapy” must persist throughout theassessment period and after surgery.

Lifelong antiplatelet therapy, anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation,control of hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia and diabetes, andadvice regarding smoking is crucial.

Since the publication of the final results of ECST4 and NASCET8

there have been many further analyses of either subgroups fromthe individual trials or using data pooled from these and otherstudies:

30-70% diseasePatients with symptomatic ICA stenosis of 30-50% do not bene-fit from surgery. Males with 50-69% stensosis and ipsilateral cor-tical cerebral ischaemic probably do benefit from surgery(absolute risk reduction of any stroke or death 9%).Women with50-69% stensosis or males with 50-69% stenosis who have suf-fered lacunar or retinal ischaemic events do not benefit9.

GenderThe risk of surgery is higher in women than men. In order totrade off the higher operative risk the stroke risk withoutsurgery must be greater (presence of tighter stenosis, cerebralsymptoms).

Cerebral versus retinal symptomsThe risk of stroke is higher after cerebral than retinal ischaemia10.When analysed according to severity of stenosis patients withsevere (>70%) ICA disease and recent symptoms (cerebraland/or retinal) clearly benefit from surgery. However whenanalysed according to symptom type, subgroup and pooled dataanalysis of ECST and NASCET suggest that patients with ocularsymptoms only (particularly females) may not benefit overall,despite the presence of a high grade stenosis9.

Lacunar versus presumed embolic strokeAlthough the mechanism of lacunar infarction doesnot directly relate to the existence of ipsilateral ICAstensosis, small vessel and large artery disease shareexactly the same risk factors and therefore com-monly coexist. Initial subgroup analysis of ECST dataraised the possibility that patients with lacunar syn-dromes may not benefit from surgery11 howeversubsequent analysis of ECST and NASCET confirmsbenefit in the presence of ipsilateral high grade dis-ease9.

Pseudo-occlusionPatients with pre-occlusive or pseudo-occlusivelesions of the ICA with significant reduction in diam-eter of the distal ICA are probably at lower risk of

Surgery for Carotid Artery Disease


Dr Peter Martinis a consultant Neurologistwith a particular interest in cerebrovascular disease,particularly stroke in theyoung.



stroke than previously believed (as low as 8% over 5 years12. Insome of these patients technically adequate surgery is prohibit-ed due to the inability of the surgeon to gain a satisfactory distalendpoint to the endarterectomy. Given the low stroke risk withmedical therapy it seems reasonable not to offer surgery to thisgroup if the procedure would be technically difficult or the endresult unsatisfactory.

In basing one’s practice it is important not to lose sight of thequestions ECST and NASCET set out to answer, ie within thegroups of randomised patients what was the surgical risk, whatwas the long term risk of stroke following surgery, and whateffect does endaraterectomy have on long term non-disabledsurvival? These questions were posed for each category ofstenosis (mild, moderate and severe).

The subsequent analyses have been usful in identifying higher(males, cerebral events) and lower risk groups (ocular symp-toms) within each category of stenosis and aid the clinician inpresenting the evidence for (or against) endarterectomy.Thus afemale with a single ocular event and other comorbidity maynow be presented slightly different advice as may a male withseverel recent cerebral events and a 60% stenosis.

ECST and NASCET have demonstrated the importance ofpatient related factors (age, sex, type of symptoms) and theirinterplay with the severity of ICA stenosis.The behaviour of anatheromatous plaque and its influence on the brain and eye isunlikely to be related to how much it narrows an artery alone;factors such as plaque morphology, ulceration, overlying throm-bus etc may be just as important. These may help explain thevariation in clinical features and natural history of differentpatient groups.

Complications of CEAStroke, myocardial infarction and vascular death are the fearedcomplications of CEA. Higher risk groups are13:

Cerebral versus retinal symptomsWomenAge >75yrsSystolic BP >180Presence of peripheral vascular diseaseIpsilateral siphon and/or external carotid stenosisContralateral ICA occlusion

Asymptomatic diseaseWhen the American Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Study waspublished14 there was an immediate paradox. Patients withasymptomatic disease of only 60% appeared to benefit from CEAwhereas symptomatic patients with 60% stenosis did not.

The demonstration that some symptomatic patients with 50-69% stenosis (males, cortical ischaemia) benefit alleviates part ofthe paradox, together with the fact that the surgical complica-tion rate in ACAS was only 2.3%.

The risk of stroke ipsilateral to severe asymptomatic diseaseis only 2% per annum and any modest benefit of surgery is notevident until 2-3 years post-operatively (having traded the oper-ative risk versus the natural history). Approximately 50-80patients with asymptomatic disease require surgery to preventone stroke (versus 5-8 with symptomatic severe disease).

A European study continues to provide further evidence foror against surgery for asymptomatic disease. In the meantimeendarterectomy for asymptomatic disease is not recommendedroutinely15. Some patients however do wish to be considered forsurgery (usually the younger ones) and here a bald descriptionof the current data usually enables them to decide if they stillwish to proceed.The identification of higher risk asymptomaticgroups (possibly according to sex, age, presence of “silent”infarcts on neuroimaging, plaque morphology, collateral flowpathways and cerebrovascular reserve etc) will enable betterinformed decisions to be taken.

Carotid endarterectomy and coronary artery bypass surgeryFor patients with symptomatic carotid and coronary artery dis-ease the options are either a combined or a staged procedure.All reports of combined procedures are observational and opento the usual criticisms (reporting and selection bias etc).Coronary artery surgery in general should not precede carotidsurgery for symptomatic disease because of an unexpectedlyhigh risk of stroke during the former16.Whether carotid surgeryprecedes coronary surgery or whether a combined procedure isperformed will depend on local expertise and experience.

When asymptomatic carotid disease coexists with sympto-matic coronary disease it seems reasonable to advise treatingthe patient’s problem rather than performing a prophylacticendarterectomy and thus exposing the patient to the higherrisks of either a staged or two separate procedures.

Refererences1. Tu JV, Hannan EL, Anderson GM et al. The fall and rise of carotid

endaraterectomy in the United States and Canada. N Engl J Med1998;339:1441-1447.

2. European Carotid Surgery Trialists Collaborative Group. MRCEuropean Carotid Surgery Trial: interim results for symptomatic patientswith severe (70-99%) and with mild (0-29%) carotid stenosis. Lancet1991;337:1235-1243.

3. North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy TrialCollaborators. Beneficial effects of carotid endarterectomy in sympto-matic patients with high-grade carotid stensosis. N Engl J Med1991;325;445-453.

4. European Carotid Surgery Traialists Collaborative Group.Randomised trial of endarterectomy for recently symptomatic carotidstensosis: final results of the MRC European Carotid Surgery Trial (ECST).Lancet 1998;351:1379-1387.

5. Chaturvedi S, Hachinski V. Does the neurologist add value to the carotidendarterectomy patient? Neurology 1998;50:610-613.

6. Martin PJ,Young G, Enevoldson TP, Humphrey PRD. Overdiagnosis ofTIA and minor stroke: experience at a regional neurovascular clinic. Q JMed 1997;90:759-763.

7. Rothwell PM, Gibson RJ, Slattery J et al for the European CarotidSurgery Trialists collaborative group. Equivalence of measurements ofcarotid stenosis. A comparison of three methods on 1001 angiograms.Stroke 1994;25:2435-2439.

8. Barnett HJM, Taylor DW, Eliasziw M, et al for the North AmericanSymptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial Collaborators. Benefit ofcarotid endarterectomy in patients with symptomatic moderate or severestenosis. N Engl J Med 1998339:1415-1425.

9. Rothwell PM, Gutnikov SA, Mayberg MR et al. Meta-analysis of indi-vidual patient data from randomised controlled trials of carotidendarterectomy for symptomatic stenosis: preliminary findings.

10. Hankey GJ, Slattery JM,Warlow CP. Transient ischaemic attacks: whichpatients are at high (and low) risk of serious vascular events? J NeurolNeurosurg Psychiatry 1992;55:640-652..

11. Boiten J, Rothwell PM, Slattery J,Warlow CP. Ischaemic lacunar strokein the European Carotid Surgery Trial. Cerebrovasc Dis 1996;6:281-287.

12. Rothwell PM, Warlow CP on behalf of the European CarotidSurgery Trialists collaborative group. Low risk of ischaemic stroke inpatients with reduced internal carotid artery lumen diameter distal tosevere symptomatic carotid stenosis. Cerebral protection due to low post-stenotic flow? Stroke 2000;31:622-630.

13. Rothwell PM, Slattery J,Warlow CP. A systematic comparison of therisks of stroke and death due to carotid endarterectomy for symptomaticand asymptomatic stensosis. Stroke 1996;27:266-269.

14. Executive Committee for the Asymptomatic CarotidAtherosclerosis Study. Endarterectomy for asymptomatic carotid arterystenosis. JAMA 1995;273:1421-1428.

15. Benavente O, Moher D, Pham B. Carotid endarterectomy forasymptomatic carotidstensosis: a meta analysis. Br Med J1998;317:1477-1480.

16. Moore WS, Barnett HJM, Beebe HG et al. Guidelines for carotidendarterectomy. Stroke 1995;26:188-201.

Review Article

Correspondence Address

Dr Peter MartinConsultant NeurologistBox 165Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Hills Road,Cambridge CB2 2QQTel 01223 217554 Fax 01223 336941

Initial treatment of epilepsy Mark Manford

� The patient must be involved in any decisions and needs tobe committed to treatment in order for it to be effective.Once anti-epileptic drug treatment is started, it is likely to becontinued for a number of years.

� Most clinicians in the UK do not treat a single unprovokedseizure.

� The patient’s age influences the diagnosis, the recurrence riskand the hazards of seizures. A child with a benign, self-limit-ing benign focal epilepsy syndrome may suffer more fromantiepileptic drugs (AED) than from occasional seizures. Focalepilepsy in the elderly usually recurs and the morbidity offalls due to seizures is likely to be much higher than inyounger patients, as is the morbidity of medication.

� Lifestyle modification may be considered rather than AED inselected cases (table 1)

Factors weighing against medication� Very mild seizures such as auras with no evidence of func-

tional impairment may be left untreated.� Very infrequent seizures pose a difficult problem. It is often

unclear whether treatment is having any impact.� The teratogenicity of many anti-epileptic drugs may make

some women decline treatment if they are planning a family,when they would otherwise wish to be treated.

� Adverse effects or concern over potential adverse effectsmay cause some patients to decline treatment, especially astreatment is long-term.

� Acute symptomatic seizures due to a non-recurring causeeg. acute renal failure, have the lowest risk of recurrence.Medication may be required to stop seizures in the acutephase but may be withdrawn early with a low risk of seizurerecurrence.

Factors in favour of medication� Severe seizures, prolonged seizures, seizures with severe

injury or a history of status epilepticus, weigh heavily in favourof treatment.

� Frequent seizures usually require treatment unless they arevery mild.

� Sudden death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is most commonlyassociated with young patients with severe epilepsy, butapparently well-controlled patients may be found dead in bed.

� Occupation involving public performance or driving is often infavour of treatment.

Which medication to treat the epilepsy?General Principles� Seizure-freedom can be achieved for 60-70% of patients with

the first medication tried. Selection of AED is currently basedon incomplete evidence.A multicentre study in the UK is cur-rently comparing different drugs in newly diagnosed epilepsy.

� Syndromic diagnosis gives the best chance of finding aneffective medication.The first stage is to distinguish betweenfocal and generalised epilepsy.

� Rarer syndromes, usually arising in childhood may needspecific AED.

� Within epilepsy syndromes, some drugs are effective onlyfor specific seizure types, and these need to be categorisedfor each patient.

� Adverse effect profile may be the key factor in the choiceof AED in situations where there is no clear evidence of dif-ferences in efficacy between drugs.

� Gender influences drug choice: interactions with oral con-traception and teratogenicity are specific to women.

� Medical conditions such as renal or hepatic disease mayaffect choice of medication.

Spectrum of AED efficacy (table 2) � Broad spectrum drugs have some efficacy across a broad

range of focal and generalised epilepsy syndromes. Theyinclude valproate, lamotrigine, topiramate and felbamate (notavailable in the UK).

� Focal epilepsy drugs are primarily useful in focal epilepsyand may be helpful for tonic clonic seizures of IGE but oftenmake IGE absences or myoclonus worse.These drugs includecarbamazepine, phenytoin, oxcarbazepine, gabapentin, vigaba-trin and tiagabine.

� Drugs for specific seizure types in IGE include ethosux-imide for absences and piracetam for myoclonus. Clonazepamis also most useful for myoclonus but is often used morewidely.They are rarely used as monotherapy.

AED for idiopathic generalised epilepsy� Valproate is active against all IGE seizure types probably

rendering 80% of patients seizure-free. Doses are commonlyof 600-1500mg.

Management Topic

Table 1: Lifestyle factors in the treatment of epilepsy

AED Indication

Acetazolamide -

Carbamazepine Focal epilepsy

Clobazam -

Clonazepam -

Ethosuximide IGE absences

Felbamate -

Gabapentin Focal epilepsy

Lamotrigine Broad spectrum

Levetiracetam -

Oxcarbazepine Focal epilepsy

Phenobarbital Broad spectrum

Phenytoin Focal epilepsy

Piracetam -

Tiagabine -

Topiramate Broad spectrum1

Valproate Broad spectrum

Vigabatrin -

Zonisamide -

Table 2. Anti-epileptic drugs (AED) currently used as first line therapy

(1 Use as first line treatment is under investigation)

Factor CommentSleep deprivation Common trigger in IGEAlcohol withdrawal Common trigger in IGEIllicit drugs Cocaine and amphetamines are

main culpritsDietary factors Rarely relevantHerbal remedies May be anticonvulsant or

proconvulsive in aromatherapy dosesPhotosensitivity Common in IGE. Specific avoidance

may be needed as not always respon-sive to AED

Psychological stress May affect epilepsy but if a strong association consider non-epileptic seizures


Management Topic

Table 3. Drugs in focal epilepsy

Issue Advice

Nature of epilepsy Discuss consequences and realistic appraisal of risks, including SUDEP

Medication Explain purpose, duration, nature and adverse effects

Driving Banned from time of diagnosis; advise DVLA and insurance

Contraception High dose pill with enzyme-inducing drugs (efficacy still reduced)

Pregnancy Seek medical advice prior to conception. Preconception folic acid 5mg daily

Social Limit alcohol. Review work environment for safety, review hobbies.

Carers Advice on emergency seizure management

Table 4. Checklist of advice for patients newly diagnosed with epilepsy

SANAD is a multicentre trial of stan-dard verus new anti-epileptic drugsfunded by NHS R&D. It is co-ordi-nated by Professor David Chadwickat the Walton Centre, Liverpool. Tel. 0151 529 5461,E-Mail. [email protected]

Useful Web Site

Further information� Lamotrigine is useful for treating IGE.Absences and tonic clonic seizures are oftenwell controlled but in my experience,myoclonusresponds less well.The dose required for adultsmay be as little as 100mg per day but is some-times 150-400mg. It is easy to use in monother-apy.

� Valproate versus lamotrigine.Valproate maycause weight increase and possibly menstrualirregularity. This has led some clinicians tofavour lamotrigine as first line.Valproate is ter-atogenic but whether lamotrigine is less terato-genic in humans is not yet established.

� Topiramate may have a role treating in IGEbut is not yet considered first line.

� Phenobarbital is an effective drug in IGE buthas more sedative adverse effects than mostnewer drugs.

AED for focal epilepsiesThere is even less information to guide choice ofmedication in the treatment of focal epilepsies.Theoverall success of treatment of focal epilepsy is lessthan for generalised epilepsy. The de novo patientprobably has a no better than 50% chance ofachieving seizure-freedom, excluding children withthe benign partial epilepsies of childhood.

First line drugs in the treatment of focalepilepsy� No consistent differences in efficacy as

monotherapy have been proven between carba-mazepine, valproate, phenytoin, phenobarbitaland lamotrigine.

� Carbamazepine is standard medication fortreating focal epilepsy in the UK. This is bestintroduced gradually (100mg per week) andgiven as the slow-release preparation, to min-imise adverse effects.

� Oxcarbazepine is closely related to carba-mazepine but has much less enzyme-inducingtendency. It is favoured to carbamazepine insome parts of Europe but has only recentlybecome available in the UK.

� Lamotrigine is gaining in popularity as a broadspectrum first line treatment.

� Lamotrigine versus carbamazepine.Lamotrigine was comparable to carbamazepinein a monotherapy study. Dropouts in the lamot-rigine arm were more commonly due to lack ofefficacy, those in the carbamazepine arm weredue to adverse effects. Carbamazepine is anenzyme inducer, affecting the oral contraceptivepill and other medications. It has a definite butprobably fairly low rate of teratogenicity; theeffect of lamotrigine remains uncertain.

American Epilepsy Society atwww.aesnet.org/

Drug Advantages Disadvantages

Carbamazepine Long-established and effective Adverse effects in dose

titration period, enzyme induction

Oxcarbazepine Established in Europe, less enzyme Hyponatraemia is common in at

induction and possibly less adverse risk patients eg. those on

effects than CBZ diuretics

Lamotrigine Lower adverse effects than CBZ May be slightly less efficaceous

than carbamazepine

Phenytoin Widely used in USA More adverse effects than other

first line drugs. Difficult kinetics

Valproate Similar efficacy in trials. Many clinicians feel less effective in

Teratogenicity worries clinical practice

Phenobarbitone Efficaceous and cheap More cognitive adverse effects

Mark ManfordConsultant NeurologistAddenbrooke's Hospital Hills RdCambridge CB2 2QQTel 01223-216759Fax [email protected]

Correspondence Address


UCB-K-01-16A © 2001, UCB Pharma Ltd.



KEPPRA™ Prescribing Information:Presentation: Keppra 250 mg, 500 mg and 1,000 mg film-coated tablets containing 250 mg, 500 mg and 1,000 mg levetiracetam respectively. Uses: Adjunctive therapy in thetreatment of partial onset seizures with or without secondary generalisation in patientswith epilepsy. Dosage and administration: Adults and adolescents older than 16 years:The initial therapeutic dose is 500 mg twice daily which can be started on the first day oftreatment. Depending upon clinical response and tolerance the dose can be increased upto 1,500 mg twice daily. Dose changes can be made in 500 mg twice daily increments ordecrements every two to four weeks. Elderly: Adjustment of the dose is recommended inelderly patients with compromised renal function. Children (under 16 years): Not recom-mended. Patients with renal impairment: Adjust dose according to creatinine clearance asadvised in SPC. Patients with hepatic impairment: No dose adjustment with mild to mod-erate hepatic impairment. In patients with severe hepatic impairment and creatinine clear-ance <70 ml/min a 50% reduction of the daily maintenance dose is recommended.Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to levetiracetam, other pyrrolidone derivatives or excip-ients. Warnings and special precautions for use: If discontinuing treatment reduce dosegradually as advised in SPC. Interactions: Keppra did not affect serum concentrations ofphenytoin, carbamazepine, valproic acid, phenobarbital, lamotrigine, gabapentin or prim-idone. Drugs excreted by active tubular secretion could reduce the renal clearance of themetabolite. Levetiracetam 1,000 mg daily did not affect the pharmacokinetics of oral con-traceptives (ethinyl-estradiol and levonorgestrel) or levels of luteinizing hormone or prog-esterone. Levetiracetam 2,000 mg daily did not affect the pharmacokinetics of digoxin andwarfarin and prothrombin times were not modified. Pregnancy and lactation: Should notbe used during pregnancy unless clearly necessary. Breast-feeding not recommended.Driving, etc: Caution recommended when performing skilled tasks, e.g. driving vehicles oroperating machinery. Undesirable effects: The most commonly reported undesirableeffects are somnolence, asthenia and dizziness. In the pooled safety analysis there was no

clear dose-response relationship but incidence and severity of the central nervous systemrelated undesirable effects decreased over time. Incidence of undesirable effects consid-ered to be at least possibly related in controlled clinical studies: Very common (>10%):asthenia and somnolence. Common (between 1%–10%): accidental injury, headache,anorexia, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, nausea, amnesia, ataxia, convulsion, depression, dizzi-ness, emotional lability, hostility, insomnia, nervousness, tremor, vertigo, rash and diplop-ia. Legal category: POM. Marketing Authorisation numbers: 250 mg x 60 tablets:EU/1/00/146/004. 500 mg x 60 tablets: EU/1/00/146/010. 1,000 mg x 60 tablets:EU/1/00/146/024. Basic NHS cost: 250 mg x 60 tablets: £27.00. 500 mg x 60 tablets: £49.50. 1,000 mg x 60 tablets: £94.50.Further information is available from: UCB Pharma Ltd., 3 George Street, Watford, HertsWD18 0UH. Tel: 01923 – 211811.Date of Preparation: October 2000.References:1. Shorvon S et al. Pooled efficacy and safety data of levetiracetam (LEV) used as adjunctive

therapy in patients with partial onset seizures. Epilepsia 1999;40,S7:76,abstract B.01. 2. Cereghino J et al. Levetiracetam for partial seizures. Results of a double-blind, randomized

clinical trial. Neurology 2000;55:236-242. 3. Ben-Menachem E et al. Efficacy and tolerability of levetiracetam 3000 mg in patients with

refractory partial seizures: a multicenter, double-blind, responder-selected study evaluat-ing monotherapy. Epilepsia 2000;41,10, 1276-1283.

4. Shorvon S et al. Multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of leve-tiracetam as add-on therapy in patients with refractory partial seizures. Epilepsia2000;41,9,1179 -1186.

5. Data on file, UCB Pharma Ltd. 6. Patsalos P. Pharmacokinetic profile of levetiracetam: towards ideal characteristics.

Pharmacol Ther 2000;85(2):77-85.



CONTROL• Highly effective: up to 4 out of 10

refractory patients had ≥50% partialseizure reduction1,2,3

• Excellent tolerability, discontinuationrates not significantly different fromplacebo4,5

• No known drug/drug interactions6

• Therapeutic starting dose (500mg bd)



Progress in neurology and neuroscience over thelast decade has moved at an astonishing pace,

yet most disorders of the brain and neuromuscularsystem continue to confound us. The WorldCongress of Neurology, organised by theAssociation of British Neurologists, will bringtogether more than 5,000 health professionals andrepresentatives of interest groups from around theglobe - a unique opportunity to share and exchangeour knowledge in what remains one of the mostimportant topics in medicine today - how the ner-vous system functions normally and how to preventand treat its dysfunction.

This major event, initiated in 1931 and since1957 held under the auspices of the WorldFederation of Neurology, takes place every fouryears. In 2001, it is being co-sponsored by the Association ofBritish Neurologists, in association with the EuropeanFederation of Neurological Societies and the World Federationof Neurology. The World Federation alone has over 22,000members from 86 countries, including 12,000 members of theEFNS from 38 countries.

Neurological disorders place an enormous burden onpatients, their families, and society. Because people are livinglonger, the number of people likely to fall victim to stroke,dementia, and other diseases of the brain will increase, resultingin enormous new health care costs around the world. In addi-tion, childhood developmental disorders, such as schizophrenia,brain injury, mental retardation, and consequences of malnutri-tion take their toll, not just on patients, but on their families andcarers. However, there is gathering evidence that senility andcognitive decline can be delayed or prevented. It is a miscon-ception to consider the brain “to wear out.” Research onlongevity is vital to pursue with life expectancy also on the rise.By the middle of this new century, the number of people overthe age of 90 will have tripled1,2. Already in some countries, theeconomic burden of neurologic disorders of the elderly threat-ens to overwhelm health care facilities. Furthermore, there isincreasing recognition that abnormal brain function in nationaland international leaders is one of the greatest threats to worldpeace and, therefore, public health.

The task we face in prevention, early recognition, and controlof brain disease is monumental. But we should be encouraged bythe remarkable advances made in just the last decade. For exam-ple, our understanding of normal brain development and func-tion has increased significantly. Imaging technology has revolu-tionised diagnostic accuracy and the rapid testing of therapeuticcompounds has enabled novel treatments, including methods tostimulate neuron regeneration. Most importantly, we are begin-ning to understand the neural basis of behaviour and to recog-nise “mental abnormalities” as brain and not mental disorders3.Meningitis, Creuzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD), and multiple sclero-sis are recognised as ‘brain disorders’ and as serious as AIDS orcancer. However, depression, eating disorders, and alcohol andother drug abuse are usually perceived by the public to be socialproblems and problems in living, rather than brain disorders3.

It is hard to choose among the highlights of the exciting pro-gramme that the organisers have put together for the Congressbut surely neuro-transplantation, prion disease and neurodegen-erative diseases stand out, as do interventions for control ofmultiple sclerosis and epilepsy. Of course, neurological disordersand treatments differ around the world and to this end a seriesof symposia will take place where delegates can find out moreabout issues in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Oceania, and theArab world, with a special emphasis upon vulnerable popula-tions in developing countries.

Each day, between Monday 18 and Friday 22 June,the scientific programme will focus on a theme thatwill inform delegates of mechanisms for diseaseprevention, treatment, and practical managementissues. These daily themes are: stroke, dementia,epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and neuromuscular dis-ease. Parallel sessions will cover cognition, genetics,critical care and coma, neuro-oncology, spinocere-bellar degeneration and a host of other subjects.The programme provides insights into clinicalassessment and care of people with neurologicaldisorders, including sleep disorders, communicationabnormalities, and coma, among many others. Weare particularly pleased that behavioural neurology,tropical diseases, and rehabilitation are integral inour scientific and education programmes.

Furthermore, brain experts can put their own brains to theultimate test in the Neurological Tournament! Starting with mul-tiple-choice questions on the first day, successful competitorswill work their way towards the grand-finale on the final day ofthe Congress.

But the added value of the Congress must lie in continuousinternational networking for the future.Those of us dealing withthe nervous system, either through clinical care or basicresearch, must take leadership roles in communicating aroundthe world. No longer can we consider ourselves to be solelyacademics who educate fellow health professionals. We mustalso have outreach programmes for the public, in order to teachthem about brain and nervous system health. People need tounderstand what the brain really does - that its billions of neu-rones, with their uncountable connections, control ourthoughts, actions and bodily functions, and, through the brains ofour leaders, the fate of our world. We know that malfunctionleads to social disorder. We are witnessing in this newMillennium the changes in the structure of family life, the con-sequences of stress in work and the damage caused to societyby mental illness4.

Those concerned with the nervous system must collaboratecontinually with colleagues in other disciplines. For example,stroke affects the nervous system but is the result of vascularsystem disorders.Therefore, we should network more with vas-cular specialists. I take this opportunity to urge every one ofyou to become involved in outreach programmes. Let’s helpeducate school children in the miracles of the brain and its func-tioning mind, so that we can work with the public to preventmental illness.

Work and play hard while you are in London, one of theworld’s most vibrant cities.And when the Congress comes to anend, you will return home inspired and exhilarated by all youhave discovered during this unique Congress.

References1. The Global Burden of Disease: A comprehensive assessment of mortali-

ty, injuries and risk factors in 1990 and projected to 2020. World HealthOrganization and Harvard School of Public Health.

2. Office of National Statistics, UK, 1999.3. The Public Perception of Brain Disorders. European Dana Alliance for

the Brain (Gallup1998) 4. Menken M, Munsat TL,Toole JF. The global burden of disease study. Arch

Neurol 2000;57:418-420

Congress Feature


James ToolePresident,World Federationof Neurology

World Congress of Neurology



PROGRAMME AT A GLANCEDate Main Theme of the Day Other TopicsMon 18 June Stroke Cognitive neurology

NeurogeneticsPainNeuropsychiatryGenetic neuropathyNeurodegenerationPan African symposiumNeurotoxicologyBotulinum toxinNeuro-urology and sexual dysfunction

Tues 19 June Dementia Stroke treatmentHeadacheInflammatory neuropathyMyastheniaCSFHistory of clinical diagnosisEpilepsy geneticsPan American symposiumInfectious diseases and tropical neurology Motor neuron disease

Weds 20 June Epilepsy NeurotransplantationPrion diseasesInterventional neuroradiologyPan Arab symposiumNeurorehabilitiationEMGCochrane Neurological NetworkNeuro-otologyAutonomic disorders

Thurs 21 June Multiple sclerosis Movement disordersParkinson’s diseaseMuscle disease: genes and proteinsPan Asian & Oceanic symposiumSpinocerebellar degenerationSwallowing and gastro functionAdolescent neurologyNeuro-epidemiologyAlzheimer’s disease: neuro-imagingGenetics of mitochondrial disorders

Fri 22 June Neuromuscular disease Critical care and comaNeuro-oncologyAdvances in neuroimagingEFGNeuro-ophthalmologyNeurological disease in womenNeurosonologySleep disorders

Title: PROGRESS Study Results and ImplicationsCo-Chairs: Charles Warlow (UK) & Marie-Germaine Bousser (FRANCE)Programme PART 1 PROGRESS rationale, results and clinical implications 35 minutesIntroduction Charles Warlow (UK) Background to PROGRESS Bruce Neal (AUSTRALIA)PROGRESS results Stephen MacMahon (AUSTRALIA) Clinical Implications of PROGRESS John Chalmers (AUSTRALIA) PART 2 Panel Discussion Moderator John Chalmers (AUSTRALIA)Panel participants Charles Warlow (UK) Kennedy Lees (UK) Philip Bath (UK)

Geoff Donnan (AUSTRALIA) Marie-Germaine Bousser (FRANCE)Stephen MacMahon (AUSTRALIA) Bruce Neal (AUSTRALIA)Christophe Tzourio (FRANCE)

Conclusion John Chalmers (AUSTRALIA) For information contact Servier Laboratories, Fulmer Hlal, Windmill Road, Fulmer, Slough, SL3 6HH.

Tel. 01753 662744, Fax. 01753 666262

Servier Satellite SymposiumMonday 18th June, 12.00-1.30 pm, Hall 1, Earls Court 2



24th International EpilepsyCongress13-18 May, 2001; Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFax. 0054 11 4382 6703,E-Mail. [email protected]

Innovative Treatment Strategieswith Trileptal14 May, 2001; Buenos Aires, ArgentinaSam Barnes, Novartis Pharmaceuticals,Tel. 01276 692255.

10th European Stroke Conference16-19 May, 2001; Lisbon, PortugalEurocongressos, R. Francisco andrade, 4P-1700-198 Lisboa,Tel. 00351 21 8472577, Fax. 00351 21 847 37 46,E-Mail. [email protected]

15th European Congress ofClinical Neurophysiology 16-20 May, 2001; Buenos Aires, ArgentinaAna Juan Congressos, Sarmiento 1562 4ºF, 1042 - Buenos Aires, Argentina.Tel.0054 11 4381 1777, Fax. 54 11 43826703, E-Mail. [email protected]

UK Radiological Congress 200121-23 May, 2001; London, UKUKRC Secretariat, PO Box 2895, LondonW1A 5RS.Tel. 020 7307 1410/1420, Fax.020 7307 1414, [email protected]

JuneECNR Seventh Cycle: First CourseBrain1-5 June, 2001; Cambridge, UKDr Wendy J.Taylor/Dr H. Rolf Jäger,National Hospital for Neurology &Neurosurgery, Lysholm RadiologicalDepartment, Queen Square, LondonWC1N 3BG.Tel. 0207 837 7660, Fax.0207 278 5122, [email protected],[email protected]

RCN & JEC 4th Joint EpilepsyCongress8 June, 2001; Newcastle, UKInfo: Joint Epilepsy Council,Tel. 0131 4667155.

Organisation for Human BrainMapping 7th Annual Meeting10-14 June; 2001; Brighton, UKTerry Morris, HBM WellcomeDepartment of Cognitive Neurology, 12Queen's Square, London WC1N 3BG.

Fifth European Skull Base SocietyCongress15-17 June, 2001; Copenhagen, Denmark5th ESB Congress, CopenhagenSecretariat, ENT Dept, GentofteUniversity Hospital.Tel. 0045 397 73833,Fax. 0045 39777634,E-Mail. [email protected]

17th World Congress ofNeurology17-22 June, 2001; London, UKConcorde Services Ltd, 42 CanhamRoad, London W3 7SR.Tel. 020 87433106, Fax. 020 8743 1010.

Association of British Neurologists17-22 June, 2001; London, UKABN, Ormond House, 27 BoswellStreet, London.Tel. 020 7405 4060,Fax. 020 7405 4070,E-Mail. [email protected]

Trileptal, Rationale & PotentialRole for its use beyond Epilepsy18 June, 2001; London, UKSam Barnes, Novartis Pharmaceuticals,Tel. 01276 692255.

International Society for theStudy of the Lumbar Spine(ISSLS)19-23 June, 2001; Edinburgh, UKMedicongress,Waalpoel 28-34, B-9960,Assenede, Belgium.Tel. 0032 9 344 3959, Fax. 0032 9 344 40 10,E-Mail. [email protected]

The Role of Levetiracetam inEpilepsy Treatment20 June, 2001; London, UKInfo: UCB Pharma on Tel. 01923 211811or E-Mail. [email protected]

July17th Congress of the InternationalAssociation of Gerontology1-6 July, 2001;Vancouver, CanadaCongress Secretariat, GerontologyResearch Centre, Simon Fraser Unversityat Harbour Centre, 515 West HastingsStreet,Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 5K3.Fax. +1 (604) 291 5066, E-Mail. [email protected], www.harbour.sfu.ca/iag/

National Society of EpilepsyAdvanced Lecture Series5 July, 2001; London, UK. Tel. 01494601300, Fax. 01494 871977.

1st World Congress of theInternational Society of Physical &Rehabilitation Medicine7-13 July, 2001; Amsterdam, NLEurocongres Conference Management,Jan van Goyenkade 11, 1075 HPAmsterdam,The Netherlands.Tel. 003120 679 34 11, Fax. 0031 20 673 73 06,e-mail. [email protected]

International Congress onParkinsons Disease28-31 July, 2001; Helsinki, FinlandCongress Secretariat, CongCreator CCLtd, PO Box 762, FIN-00101, Helsinki,Finland.Tel. 001 358 9 4542 190,Fax. 00358 9 4542 1930,E-Mail. [email protected]

August11th Nordic Meeting onCerebrovascular Diseases &Second Biennial Symposium onIschaemic Stroke11-14 August, 2001; Kuopio, FinlandJukka Jolkkonen, Dept of Neuroscience &Neurology, University of Kuopio, PO Box1627, FIN 70211, Kuopio, Finland.Tel.+358-17-162519, Fax. 358-17-162048,E-Mail. [email protected]

World Federation ofNeuroradiological Societies18-23 August, 2001; Paris, FranceT Moses, 2210 Midwest Road, Suite 207,Oak Brook, IL 60523-8205, US.Tel 001630 574 0220, Fax. 001 630 574 1740,E-Mail. [email protected]

ISNIP 2001 - A Brain SpaceOdyssey.VIth WorldCongress/International Society forNeuroimaging in Psychiatry29 August - 2 September, 2001; Bern,Switzerland, ISNIP 2001, UniversityHospital of Clinical Psychiatry,Bolligenstrasse 111, CH-3000 Bern 60.Tel. 0041 31 930 9798, Fax. 0041 31 9309977, E-Mail. [email protected],www.unibe.ch/isnip2001

SeptemberEHF Summer School onHeadache & Related Disorders1-5 September, 2001; Cambridge, UKBritish Association for the Study ofHeadache,The Princess MargaretMigraine Clinic, Charing Cross Hospital,Fulham Palace Road, London W6 8RF.Tel. 0208 846 1191, Fax. 0208 741 7808,E-Mail. [email protected]

6th International Congress ofNeuroimmunology, &Introductory Course3-7 September, 2001; Edinburgh, UKCongress Secretariat,Triangle 3 Ltd,Triangle House, Broomhill Road, LondonSW18 4HX.Tel. 020 8875 2440,Fax. 020 8875 2421,[email protected]

4th Advanced RehabilitationCourse4-7 September, 2001; Nottingham, UKAnne Warner, University of Nottingham,Tel. 01332 625680,E-Mail. [email protected]

International PsychogeriatricAssociation9-14 September, 2001; Nice, FranceNice Acropolis, 1 Esplanade Kennedy, BP4803, Nice Cedex 4, FRANCE.Tel. 00334 93 92 83 00, Fax. 0033 4 93 92 82 55,E-Mail. [email protected]

Foundation Studies in Neuro-dis-ability nursing10 September-30 November, 2001;London, UKLisa Reis,Tel. 020 8780 4500 ext 5236,E-Mail. [email protected]

Association of British Neurologists12-14 September, 2001; Durham, UKABN, Ormond House, 27 BoswellStreet, London.Tel. 020 7405 4060,Fax. 020 7405 4070,E-Mail. [email protected]

International Brain InjuryAssociation12-15 September, 2001; Edinburgh, UK1150 South Washington Street, Suite210, Alexandria,VA 22314, USA.Tel. 001703 683 8400, fax. 001 703 683 8996,E-Mail. [email protected]

ECTRIMS 200112-15 September, 2001; Dublin, IrelandInternational Conference Consultants, 3Kingram Place, Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2,Ireland. Fax. 00353 1 676 9088,E-Mail. [email protected]

XXVII Congress of the EuropeanSociety of Neuroradiology, 11thAdvanced Course & ESHNR 14thAnnual Meeting13-16 September, 2001; Ancona, ItalyMs Mara Carletti, c/o MGR - CongressDivision,Via Ripamonti, 129, I - 20141Milan, Italy.Tel. 0039 02 56601212,Fax. 0039 02 56609045, [email protected], [email protected]

XII International Congress of theWorld Federation ofNeurosurgical Societies15-21 September, 2001; Sydney, AustraliaICMS Australasia Pty Ltd, GPO Box2609, Sydney 2001, Australia.Tel. 0061 2 9241 1478,Fax. 0061 2 9251 3552.

126th Annual Meeting of theAmerican NeurologicalAssociation30 September-3 October, 2001; Chicago,USANA, 5841 Cedar Lake Road, Suite#204, Minneapolis, MN 55416, US.Tel. 001 612 545 6284,Fax. 001 612 545 6073, [email protected]

October2nd International Congress onVascular Dementia4-7 October, 2001; Cyprus, GreeceVascular Dementia, PO Box 50006,TelAviv 61500, Israel.Tel. 00972 3 514 0014,Fax. 00972 3 514 0077,E-Mail. [email protected],www.kenes.com/vascular

British Geriatric Society18-19 October, 2001; London, UKBHM Ltd, 1 Arun House, River Way,Uckfield, East Sussex,TN22 1SL.Tel. 01825 768902,E-Mail: [email protected]

NovemberAlzheimer's Society (UK)5-8 November, 2001; London, UKTel. 020 7306 0606, Fax. 020 7306 0808,E-Mail. [email protected]

Rehab & Care14-15 November, 2001; Birmingham, UKTel. 020 7874 0200

National Society of EpilepsyAdvanced Lecture Series22 November, 2001; London, UKNSE.Tel. 01494 601300,Fax. 01494 871977.

55th Annual Meeting of theAmerican Epilepsy Society30 November - 5 December, 2001;Philadelphia, USAMaria Rivera,Tel. 001 860 586 7505,Fax. 001 860 586 7550

December12th Course in Otology &Otoneurosurgery4-7 December, 2001;Toulouse, FranceSecretariat ORL, Hospital Purpan,Toulouse.Tel. 0033 5 61772401,Fax. 0033 5 61493644,E-Mail. [email protected]

20013rd World Congress inNeurological Rehabilitation3-6 April, 2002;Venice, ItalyDr Paolo Tonin, Instituto de Crua SanCamillo, 30011 Alberoni,Venezia-Lido,Venice, Italy

13th European Congress ofPhysical Medicine & Rehabilitation28-31 May, 2002Medicongress,Waalpoel 28/34 - B9960Assenede, Belgium.Tel. 0032 9 344 3959,Fax. 0032 9 344 40 10,[email protected]

6th European Headache Congress17-22 June, 2002; Istanbul,TurkeyFlap Tourism & Organisation, CinnahCad. No: 42, 06690 cankaya, Ankara-Turkey.Tel. 0090 312 4420700,E-Mail. [email protected]

Events Diary

We would like to thank Novartis for sponsoring this page. If you would like your event listed in the next issue, send details to: Rachael Hansford on Fax: 0131 3131110 or E-Mail: [email protected] by June 4th, 2001.

Novartis PharmaceuticalsFrimley Business Park, Frimley, Camberley, Surrey GU16 5SG

Tel. 01276 692255, Fax. 01276 692508


One of the great strengths of the British NeuroscienceAssociation is its membership of young people - the

rising stars of British neuroscience. The nationalmeeting in Harrogate proved the point.

Over 600 people attended the meetingwhere delegates enjoyed a varied and excit-ing scientific programme. Topics ranged fromsynaptic plasticity to genomics and cognition,from neurogenesis to maternal bonding to neu-ronal ageing.. The BNA welcomed a number ofwell-known international speakers. "It was greatto see some of the 'big names' speaking at thesame symposia as our younger members," saidBNA President, Nancy Rothwell.

This year the BNA joined forces with the newly re-named British Society for Neuroendocrinology.Neuroendocrinologists are driven to understand whole

body systems such as body clocks, hormone cycles andappetite, and the symposia generated discussion on integra-tive approaches to neurosciences. "Perhaps this meetingreminded the more traditional neuroscientists that there issomething below the neck," said Michael Harbuz fromBristol University.

Looking beyond laboratory and clinical sciences, somespecial events were organised. 'Teaching ofNeuroscience', 'Careers in the PharmaceuticalIndustry' and 'Public Awareness of Science' - all had afull house.

"Networking, of course, is the added bonus of asuccessful conference, bringing together peoplefrom different fields of neuroscience, whether

they are established experts or students just beginningtheir careers," said Professor Rothwell.

For further information see www.bna.org.uk/harrogate2001


The PDNSA conference hoped to enable delegates to recog-nise some of the pieces of the puzzle of Parkinson's Disease

and also to keep abreast of professional issues in specialist prac-tice.

The key note speaker was Jacki Handley, the first PD NurseConsultant in England, who explained how the role of NurseConsultant is the next step in providing further effective ser-vices to this patient group. Dr David Burn, ConsultantNeurologist, then gave a very informative presentation on dif-ferential diagnosis of PD from a clinical perspective andreviewed other conditions that may masquerade as PD.

The next two speakers described how to recognise the con-ditions of Multiple System Atrophy and PSP with managementstrategies for the problems for those who face these diseasesand their carers. The last speaker, Dr Tim Harrower,WellcomeClinical Research Fellow & Hon Neurology Registrar, gave aninsight into stem cells as replacement therapy for Parkinson'sDisease. He discussed the recently published trials undertakenin the USA and commented that stem cells could represent oneof the biggest steps in refining the procedures involved in trans-forming neural transplantation into a safe and accessible treat-ment.

The afternoon was given over to workshops giving a platformto share good practice with members of the Multi Disciplinary

Team with topics as varied asNeuropsychiatry, Physiotherapy,SAL T, Bladder Management,Nutrition & Occupational Therapy.

The second day opened with apresentation by Mary Baker, ChiefExecutive of the PDS of the UK andPresident of the European PDAssociation who focused on theneeds of the patient and the impor-tance of this. She emphasised thatpopulations are living longer, andthat with old age comes frailty andmore evidence of long-term neuro-logical disorders. There is theurgent need to focus on familiesaffected by neurological disorders so that needs can be metappropriately.

Dr Doug McMahon, Consultant Physician, demonstrated in histalk how modern technology in the form of a PD IntegratedCare Template can produce useful evidence around the coreclinical information on PD in a clinical database. This can bemodified according to local needs and resources thereforehopefully improving patient care. The following two sessionswere of importance to the predominantly nurse audience, dis-cussing professional regulation and Nurse Prescribing.

The remaining presentations were the results of two very dif-ferent projects, the first a Complementary Therapy project car-ried out by a group in Cumbria.The final presentation informedthe delegates of the results of the Association's Survey onNurse Prescribing, the resultsof which are to be published andhave been forwarded to the Department of Health.

Delegates commented that the conference was well organ-ised, presentations were excellent with interesting, relevant andinformative content.

The PDNSA would like to thank DuPont Pharma the mainsponsor, and every one who supported this conference.

Conference News

S J Christou, Parkinson's Disease Nurse Specialist,Leeds General Infirmary, for further informationE-Mail. [email protected]

Parkinson's Disease Nurse Specialist AssociationAnnual Conference Leeds, 29-31 March, 2001

The committee of PDNSA, looking from left to right: Liz Scott, Oxford; Lynn Osborne,London; Sarah Morgan, Kingston; Carolyn Noble, Peterborough; Alison Dick,Belfast; Audrey stainton, Cumbria; Sandra Christou, Leeds.

Mary Baker focused on theneeds of the patient during herpresentation


SectionConference News

Current advances in Parkinson’s Disease: challenges and developments York, March 11-12, 2001

The last few years have seen important advances in the under-standing and treatment of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and the

insights gained may also have a useful spillover into the understandingof other neurological conditions.

Throughout the course of this meeting it became clear that PD isprobably more accurately described as Parkinson’s Syndrome asthere is certainly more than one cause, often several, and clear bio-chemical differences in each manifestation of the condition althoughthe clinical features are usually similar.

AetiologyIn his round up of recent advances in the genetic understanding of PD,Professor Tony Schapira concluded that the most common cause islikely to be a genetic susceptibility to certain environmental agents.Those with younger onset PD are much more likely to have a signifi-cant genetic component, but this factor does not reduce the occur-rence of a genetic susceptibility to environmental factors in lateronset PD.

Recently established agents with a causative influence on PDinclude rotonene, a complex I mitochondrial inhibitor, which in ratmodels was also linked with the production of lewy bodies.

Rare causes of PD are purely genetic (mutations of the alpha-synu-clein gene, mutant Parkin gene) all of which produce selectivedopamine cell death in the substantia nigra by different mechanisms.Cellular studies on these proteins suggest that idiopathic PD mayrepresent an abnormality in protein handling which leads to the mis-folding of proteins or the wrong disposal of them (as in Huntington’sor Alzheimer’s Disease).

ImagingOne of the biggest problems with PD is in diagnosis and ProfessorDavid Brooks presented evidence of recent advances in imaging tech-niques using SPECT and PET scanning that could make accurate invivo diagnosis a real possibility.

SurgerySurgical therapy for PD is a rapidly expanding area in the managementof severe PD and Professor Warren Olanow pointed out that it is stillonly recommended when other treatments have no benefit.Pallidotomy and thalamotomy are well documented techniques, theyare extreme in traumatic effect and are currently being overtaken bydeep brain stimulation (DBS) as the treatment of choice.The benefitsof DBS include the fact that it is not necessary to make a disruptivelesion, the stimulation can be adjusted, and it does not preclude theuse of neuroprotective drugs if some should be developed whichrequire the pallidus or thalamus to be intact. However, there is a needto replace the battery under anaesthetic, it is extremely expensive tocarry out, and there are only a limited number of sites with the nec-essary expertise to perform it. On foetal nigral transplantation henoted that despite the recent reports of failure in US trials, trials inSweden demonstrate that the procedure can successfully re-inner-vate the striatum (see review on page 11).

LevodopaThe mainstay of treatment for the symptoms of PD remains drugtherapy and levodopa has been used in this context for over 30 years.Professor William Koller, in assessing the strengths and weaknesses ofthis ‘gold standard’ drug noted that after the ‘honeymoon period’ ofeffective response to levodopa, the well documented long-term side-effects of levodopa use would affect 50% of patients within five yearsof therapy.These effects include dyskinesias,mental status changes andmotor fluctuations. He speculated that the complications were likelyto be caused by the following toxic aspects of levodopa: that it impairsthe mitochondrial respiratory chain; increases lipid peroxidation; istoxic to cultured dopamine neurones; and is converted to dopamineoxidation products. Professor Koller concluded that, as one of the

goals of therapy is to prevent these long-term problems, the use ofdopamine agonists is now the most widely recommended first-linetreatment, pointing out that biological rather than chronological ageshould be the reason for choice of treatment.

Beyond levodopaThe short half-life of levodopa (1.5 hours) is implicated in theincreased risk of developing disabling dyskinesias. Dopamine agonistsdirectly stimulate dopamine receptors and have a much longer half-life (ropinirole 6-8 hours, pramipexole 8-12 hours and pergolide 7-16and cabergoline 63-68 hours). Professor Schapira, in his assessment ofpost-levodopa therapy, commented that they can be used as mono oradjunct therapy, they may delay or reduce motor fluctuations and mayeven have a neuroprotective and possibly antidepressant effect.Professor Schapira challenged the current assumption that whenpatients presented with the first non-disabling symptoms of PD it wasbest not to treat with medication. He assessed the potential neuro-protective action of the agonists, and of selegiline, a potent MAOI.From laboratory studies, the potential neuroprotective effects ofdopamine agonists could be caused by the fact that they increasedopamine turnover (which can decrease free radical toxicity), haveanti-oxidant effects and are levodopa sparing.

Emerging use of dopamine agonistsProfessor Jean Hubble concurred that the greatest challenges in thetreatment of PD are ‘how to treat those with no definable disability?’,and ‘what to use as a first-line treatment as the disease progresses andan intervention is needed?’, concluding that dopamine agonists cur-rently appear to be the most useful. She illustrated the facts thatdopamine agonists are rarely, if ever, associated with dyskinesias andthat agonists may delay or postpone motor complications.

Assessing studies on a third dopamine agonist, cabergoline, Dr RayChaudhuri, was at pains to point out that the treatment of PD shouldbe holistic, taking into account quality of life issues, particularly thoseconnected with the nocturnal problems associated with the condi-tion. Between 75 and 90% of PD patients have sleep dysfunction,including insomnia, sleep fragmentation and sleep akinesia. Such noc-turnal symptoms are a major cause of morbidity in PD and havesevere ramifications for daytime quality of life. Dr Chaudhuri foundthat cabergoline’s long half-life (63-68 hours) meant that up to 90%of patients in trials at his centre found it improved their night-timesymptoms and morning dyskinesia.

Non-dopaminergic complicationsThe non-dopaminergic complications in PD reflect a widespreaddegeneration in brainstem nuclei. Depression is a major complicationthat does not respond to dopaminergic therapy in a satisfactory wayand Dr David Burn commented that whilst markedly different preva-lence figures are reported the mean figure is likely to be around 46%.This is much higher than in age-matched controls and there is alsosome suggestion that depression may actually precede the physicalsymptoms and diagnosis of PD in 25 to 30% of patients.

Dr Burn said it was likely that the development of depression inPD relates to changes in mesencephalic monoamine neurones;remote changes in basotemporal limbic regions; and secondaryinvolvement of serotonergic neurones. Thus SSRIs and the NARIreboxetine have shown significant benefits in treating the depressionin PD patients, and in addition the dopamine agonist pramipexolemay have some antidepressant effects.

Finally Dr Burn also discussed the pedunculopontine nucleus(PPN), which has important reciprocal link with the subthalamus andis involved with locomotion and linked with the initiation of pro-grammed movement, plus maintenance of gait.

Professor Tony Schapira,Chairman


Alzheimer's SocietyGordon House10 Greencoat PlaceLondon SW1P 1PH

Tel: 020 7306 0606Fax: 020 7306 [email protected]

Association of BritishNeurologistsOrmond House27 Boswell StreetLondon WC1N 3JZTel: 020 7405 4060Fax:020 7405 [email protected]

Blood Pressure Association60 Cranmer TerraceLondon SW17 0QSTel: 020 8772 4994Fax: 020 8772 4999www.bpassoc.org.uk

Brain & Spinal InjuryCharityHope HospitalStott LaneSalfordManchester M6 8HDTel: 0161 439 0551

Brain Injury RehabilitationTrust (BIRT)"First Floor, 32 Market Place"Burgess HillWest Sussex RH15 9NPTel: 01444 258377Fax: 01444 [email protected]

Brain Research TrustBloomsbury House74-77 Great Russell StreetLondon WC1B 3DATel: 020 7636 3440Fax: 020 7636 [email protected]

Brainwave,The IrishEpilepsy Association249 Crumlin Road, DublinTel: 00353 1 4557500

British Association for theStudy of HeadacheThe Princess Margaret MigraineClinic, Charing Cross HospitalFulham Palace Road,London W6 8RFTel: 0208 846 1191Fax: 0208 741 [email protected]

British Brain & SpineFoundation7 Winchester House, KenningtonPark, Cranmer RoadLondon SW9 6EJTel: 0207 793 5900Fax: 0207 793 [email protected]

British Brain TumourAssociation2 Oakfield DriveHightownMerseyside L38 9GQTel: 0151 929 3229

British Epilepsy AssocationNew Anstey House, Gate WayDrive,YeadonBeds LS19 7XYwww.epilepsy.org.uk

British NeurologicalResearch TrustThe Norman & Sadie LeeResearch CentreDivision of Neurobiology, NationalInstitute for Medical ResearchThe Ridgeway, Mill HillLondon NW7 1AATel: 0208 913 8555Fax: 0208 913 [email protected]

British NeuropsychiatryAssociationLandbreach Boatyard, ChelmerTerrace, Maldon, Essex CM9 5HT Tel: 01621 843334Fax: 01621 [email protected]

British NeuropsychologicalSociety Human Communication &Deafness GroupFaculty of Education, University ofManchester, Oxford Road,Manchester M13 9PL Tel: 0161 275 3401 Fax: 0161 275 [email protected]

British Society ofRehabilitation Medicinec/o Royal College of Physicians11 St Andrews Place,London NW1 4LETel: 01992 [email protected]/

Chartered Society ofPhysiotherapy14 Bedford Row,London WC1 4EDTel: 0207 306 6623

Chest Heart & StrokeScotland65 North Castle StreetEdinburgh EH2 3LTTel: 0131 225 6963Fax: 0131 220 6313www.chss.org.uk

Children's Head InjuryTrust (CHIT)c/o Neurosurgery,The RadcliffeInfirmary,Woodstock Road, OxfordOX2 6HETel: 01865 224786www.glaxocentre.merseyside.org/chit.html

The European DanaAlliance for the BrainVicarage House58-60 Kensington Church Street,LondonW8 4DRTel: 020 7937 7713Fax: 020 7937 4314

Enlighten,Action forEpilepsy5 Coates Place,Edinburgh EH3 7AATel: 0131 226 5458

Epilepsy Association ofScotland48 Govan RoadGlasgow G51 1LJTel: 0141 427 4911

Epilepsy ResearchFoundationPO Box 3004, London W4 1XTTel: 020 8995 4781Fax: 020 8995 [email protected]

Epilepsy Research GroupInstitute of Neurology, QueenSquare, London WC1N 3BG

Epilepsy Wales15 Chester Street, St AsaphDenbighshire LL17 0RETel: 0845 741774

European Federation ofNeurological SocietiesKH RosenhugelRiedelgasse 5, A-1130Vienna, AustriaTel: 0043 1 8800 0270Fax: 0043 1 8892 [email protected]

Fund for EpilepsyTel: 01422 823508

Head Injuries Trust forScotland (HITS)Grangemouth CentreDundas Resource CentreOxgang RoadGrangemouth FK3 9ETTel: 01324 471311

Head Inury Re-EducationMr John SmallwoodPortland CollegeNottingham RoadMansfield NG18 4TJTel: 01623 499111

Headway National HeadInjuries Association7 King Edward CourtKing Edward StreetNottingham NG1 1EWTel: 01159 240800Fax: 01159 121011www.headway.org.uk

Joint Epilepsy Council71 Craighouse GardensEdinburgh EH10Tel: 0131 466 7155

Little Foundationc/o Mac Keith PressHigh Holborn House52-54 High HolbornLondon WC1V 6RLTel: 020 7831 4918Fax: 020 7405 5365

Migraine Trust45 Great Ormond StreetLondon WC1N 3HZTel: 0207 831 4818Fax: 0207 831 [email protected]

Motor Neurone DiseaseAssociationPO Box 246Northampton NN1 2PRTel: 01604 250505Fax: 01604 [email protected]

MS Society of Great Britain& Northern Ireland25 Effie Road, London SW6 1EETel: 0207 610 7171Fax: 0207 736 9861www.mssociety.org.uk

National Meningitis TrustFern House, Bath RoadStroud, Gloucestershire GL5 3TJTel: 01453 751 738

National Society forEpilepsyChalfont Centre, Chalfont St Peter,Gerrards CrossBuckinghamshire SL9 0RJTel: 01494 601300Fax: 01494 871927www.erg.ion.uci.ac.uk/NSE.home/

Neuro-Disability ResearchTrustRoyal Hospital for Neuro-disability,West Hill PutneyLondon SW15 3SWTel: 020 8780 6052Fax: 020 8780 4555

Neurological Alliance41 Frewin RoadLondon SW18 3LRTel: 0208 875 0282

Parkinsons Disease SocietyUnited Scientific House215 Vauxhall Bridge RoadLondon SW1V 1EJTel: 020 7931 8080Fax: 020 723 [email protected]://glaxocentre.merseyside.org/pds.html

Rehabilitation Studies UnitCharles Bell PavilionAstley Ainslie Hospital133 Grange LoanEdinburgh EH9 2HLTel: 0131 537 9073

Royal Association forDisability & Rehabilitation(RADAR)12 City Forum, 250 City RoadLondon EC1V 8AFTel: 0207 250 3222www..radar.org.uk

Royal College of Speech &Language Therapists7 Bath PlaceRivington StreetLondon EC2A 3DRTel: 0207 613 3855

Society for Research inRehabilitation c/o Ann HughesDivision of Stroke MedicineClinical Science BuildingNottingham City Hospital,Hucknall RoadNottingham NG5 1PBTel: 0115 840 4798Fax: 0115 840 [email protected]/

The Stroke AssociationCHSA HouseWhite Cross StreetLondon EC1Y 8JJTel: 0207 490 7999Fax: 0207 490 2686

Tourette Syndrome (UK)AssocationFirst Floor OfficesOld Bank ChambersLondon RoadCrowborough, East SussexTN6 2TTTel: 01892 669151Fax: 01892 663649

Useful Addresses



The Brachial Plexus Alasdair Coles

Anatomy Primer

The roots of the brachial plexus emerge anterior to scalenusmedius and posterior to scalenus anterior, both of which are deepto sternocleidomastoid.They form trunks which lie in the posteri-or triangle of the neck.These divide to make anterior and posteri-or divisions which squeeze through the small space behind theclavicle and the first rib, close to the axillary artery. The divisionsreassemble to form cords which lie alongside the axillary artery,and are close to the glenohumeral joint and the axillary lymphnodes.

The basics. The brachial plexus is the mesh of nerves in the neckthat is formed by interconnections of the C5-T1 roots. From itemerge all the nerves to the arm including the median, radial andulnar. The plexus innervates all arm muscles, except for trapeziusand levator scapula, and all the skin of the arm except the axilla(intercostobrachial nerve), the area just above the shoulder tip(supraclavicular nerve) and dorsal scapular area (dorsal rami).Themost common lesions of the brachial plexus are of its trunks,which cause deficits that appear as multiple root lesions.

The roots of the plexus are quite different from the spinal roots.The plexus roots are formed by the ventral rami of the mixedspinal nerves; the dorsal rami go on to supply muscles and skin ofthe posterior neck. Each ventral ramus receives a branch from thecorresponding sympathetic trunk ganglion; in addition the T1 ven-tral ramus contributes preganglionic sympathetic fibres to theinferior cervical ganglion.

Usually the brachial plexus is supplied by C5-T1, but a pre-fixed plexusmay arise from C4-8, and a post-fixed from C6-T2. Rarely is a brachialplexus made up of more than five root segments.

Trunks & Divisions. The roots of the plexus jointogether to form three trunks. Each of these trunkssplits into an anterior and a posterior division thatsupply flexor and extensor muscles respectively.

The Cords are the longest partof the brachial plexus and arenamed in relation to the axillaryartery. The anterior divisions ofthe upper and middle trunksunite to form the lateral cord andthe anterior division of the lowertrunk becomes the medial cord.The posterior cord is formedfrom all three posterior divisions.


dorsal spinal root &ganglion

scalenus anterior

pectoralis minor

scalenus medius

axillary artery


mixed spinalnerve ventral

spinal root


SectionAnatomy Primer

Statistically, most brachial plexus lesions (and certainly thenon-traumatic causes) affect the supraclavicular portion ofthe plexus and cause multiple root syndromes. Partialupper plexus syndromes are described here, althoughlesions of all three trunks are common.The cords are lessoften damaged and the divisions even less so, being wellprotected under the clavicle.

This is the most common single brachial plexus lesion and is due to� partial traction injuries,� traumatic delivery, ‘obstetric paralysis’,� neuralgic amyotrophy (Parsonage-Turner syndrome)� rucksack palsyThe clinical signs are:� flaccid shoulder girdle (except some extension from deltoid) � elbow hangs extended and pronated,� thus the arm assumes the “waiter’s tip” position� absent biceps and brachioradialis tendon reflexes� sensory deficit from the postero-lateral upper arm down the

radial side of the forearm.The exact position of the lesion may be extrapolated by examiningfor sparing of the long thoracic, dorsal scapular or supraspinatusnerves.

Erb-Duchenne Palsy (Upper Trunk, C5/6)

Cord lesions appear as complex multiple nerve palsies.They are caused by trauma: road accidents, falls and gun-shot wounds. Usually all three cords are involved; if onlyone is involved, it is often the posterior cord.The clinical signs of a posterior cord palsy are:� weak shoulder abduction, extension, internal and exter-

nal rotation.� weak forearm, hand and finger extension� absent triceps reflex� sensory deficit small: over deltoid and base of thumb

Posterior Cord Palsy

These lesions occur characteristically in the � neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome,� metastatic plexopathy,� Pancoast syndrome,� following a median sternotomyThe signs are:� wasted medial forearm and claw hand� weakness of all ulnar muscles � weakness all intrinsic hand muscles� Horner’s syndrome� All reflexes present (except finger jerks)� Sensory deficit along medial aspect of the arm

and 4th and 5th fingers

Klumpke-Dejerine Palsy (Lower Trunk, C8/T1)

REFERENCES:Dyck, Thomas, Griffin, Low, Poduslo. Peripheral Neuropathy 3rd Ed (1992)WB Saunders, pp 911-947http://www.eatonhand.com/ner/ner006.htm

With thanks to Simon Shields and especially to Andrew Larner.

The Neurogenic Thoracic OutletSyndrome occurs with cervical ribs.A complete cervical rib may fusewith the first thoracic rib, or a fibrousband will join a rudimentary cervicalrib to the first thoracic rib.

The effect of this is to put trac-tion on the lower trunk as itcomes over the first thoracicrib behind scalenus anterior(SA): (➛).

rudimentarycervical rib

fibrous band


Journal Reviews

MULTIPLE SCLEROSISVaccinations do not cause Multiple sclerosis(MS) relapsesThis study, and its companion article in the same issueof NEJM, brings to an end decades of concern aboutthe risks of vaccination in multiple sclerosis. Using theEuropean Database for Multiple Sclerosis (EDMUS)patients who had a neurologist confirmed relapsebetween 1993 and 1997 after being relapse free for 1year at least were studied. Vaccination details weregathered telephonically and confirmed by medicalrecords. 643 patients met the inclusion criteria and 15%had had a vaccination in the 12 months immediatelyprior to the relapse. The overall relative risk of develop-ing a relapse in the 2 months following a vaccinationwas 0.71. There was no significant difference betweenpatients with relapses vaccinated in the 2 months imme-diately prior to the relapse as compared to 4 other pre-vious two month periods. Tetanus, hepatitis B, andinfluenza vaccination did not produce any increase inthe specific risk of a relapse. Vaccinations should not beavoided in patients with MS because of an unjustifiedfear of precipitating a relapse. -THVaccinations and the risk of relapse in multiple sclerosis.Confavreux C, Suissa S, Saddier P, Boudres V, VukusicS for the Vaccines in Multiple Sclerosis Study Group.NEJM 2001:344:319-26

Axons die early in multiple sclerosisMultiple sclerosis lesion burden as measured on conven-tional T2-weighted MRI of the brain correlates poorly withdisability. MRI is nevertheless being increasingly used as asurrogate marker of disease activity in the context of treat-ment trials and carries increasing weight with the druglicensing authorities. There is a need therefore to find MRtechniques that reflect the different pathological processesunderlying the MS lesion and hence improve the correla-tion between MR and disability. MR spectroscopy allowsthe measurement of N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) concentra-tions within the brain. NAA is located almost exclusivelywithin the neurons and axons of the adult brain; reducedconcentrations have been found by MR spectroscopy inboth acute and chronic MS lesions, most likely reflectingaxonal dysfunction and loss. Axonal loss is probably themain determinant of irreversible disability in MS. Di Stefanoperformed MR spectroscopy on 88 patients with clinicallydefinite MS. They used a large voxel incorporating a highproportion of the supratentorial white matter. They demon-strated significantly lower NAA/creatine ratios in patientscompared with controls, even in those with short diseaseduration or minimal disability. The result supports the find-ings of pathological studies suggesting axonal loss occursearly in the course of the disease, not only within MSlesions but also more diffusely within the normal appearingwhite matter. The correlation with disability was muchweaker for patients with more advanced disease. Theauthors argue that the appearance of axonal loss at anearly stage supports early treatment with disease modify-ing agents. This remains to be established. MR assess-ment of axonal loss, be it by MR spectroscopy or especial-ly by measurement of atrophy, will however play an increas-ingly important role in treatment trials in the future. -JTEvidence of axonal damage in the early stages of mul-tiple sclerosis and its relevance to disability.Di Stefano N, Narayanan S, Francis GS, Arnaoutelis,Tartaglia MC, Antel JP, Matthews PM, Arnold DL.ARCHIVES OF NEUROLOGY2001: 58: 65-70

STROKEIs thrombolysis safe and feasible outside of aclinical trial? Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rTPA) islicensed in the USA and Canada for use within three hoursof acute ischaemic stroke. It may soon gain a Europeanlicence and lead to a huge shift in the culture of acutestroke care this side of the Atlantic, although initially fewerthan 10% of stroke patients will be eligible. Can rTPA beused safely and effectively within stringent regulations out-side of a trial? Prospective series from the USA (eg STARSStudy, JAMA 2000: 283: 1145-1150) suggest that resultssimilar to the NINDS trial can be achieved in experiencedcentres. Here the median time from onset to treatment was2 hrs 44 mins amongst 389 patients, and the rate of symp-

Panel of Reviewers

Alasdair Coles, Wellcome Advanced Fellow, Dunn Schoolof Pathology, Oxford and Dept of Neurology, Cambridge

Tom Foltynie, Neurology Research Registrar, Cambridge

Tim Harrower, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge

Andrew Larner, Consultant Neurologist, Walton Centrefor Neurology & Neurosurgery, Liverpool

Simon J G Lewis, Honorary Clinical Research Fellow,Cambridge Centre for Brain Repair

Mark Manford, Consultant Neurologist, Addenbrooke'sHospital, Cambridge, and Bedford Hospital

Peter Martin, Consultant Neurologist, Addenbrooke'sHospital, Cambridge

Brian McNamara, SpR in Clinical Neurophysiology,Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge

Jane Mickelborough, Research Fellow, University ofSalford

Fiona Ritchie, Speech & Language Therapist, OliverZangwill Neurorehabilitation Unit, Ely

John Thorpe, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, andPeterborough

Ailie Turton, Research Fellow, Burden NeurologicalInstitute, Bristol

For more information on joining our panel of reviewers,E-Mail [email protected]. or Tel. RachaelHansford on 0131 477 2335.





Section Journal Reviews

tomatic intracranial haemorrhage was only 3% (versus 6%in NINDS). However, there were protocol violations in 127patients (33%), mainly treatment beyond the three hourtime window, treatment with anticoagulants within 24 hoursof rTPA and treatment despite a systolic blood pressuregreater than 185. Conversely other studies have suggestedthat rTPA use outside of a clinical trial increases the num-ber of complications and poor outcomes. In the Clevelandstudy (JAMA 2000: 283: 1151-1158) the rate of sympto-matic haemorrhage was 16% and half the patients violatedagreed protocols. However, fewer patients were treatedthan in the STARS experience (n=70) and it is likely thereexists a significant learning curve in selecting, triaging andinvestigating patients. Thus as more patients are treated,the better the results might become.

In this study, a group from Indianapolis describe theirexperience of 50 patients treated in 10 major hospitals inIndiana. These patients were accrued over an 18 monthperiod, thus each hospital treated only a handful ofpatients. 70% of patients were treated by a general neurol-ogist (mean delay in starting rTPA from stroke onset was 44mins), 25% by a stroke neurologist (mean delay 86 mins)and 6% by emergency physicians (mean delay 141 mins).Protocol violations were seen in 8 patients (16%); none ofthese were due to delay in treatment, instead they were useof anticoagulants, coexisting clotting abnormalities, recentprior stroke or head trauma, and uncontrolled hypertension.The risk of all types of haemorrhage was significantlygreater amongst protocol violators (75%) than non violators(12%). Among those patients treated according to NINDScriteria, cerebral haemorrhage rate (5%) was similar to thatseen in the NINDS study.

The authors emphasise that most patients were treatedby general rather than stroke neurologists and that the for-mer were mainly based in private practice. They do notmention what proportion of all strokes seen were eligible fortreatment (no doubt very small). Besides attention to thethree hour time window, they highlight the importance ofavoiding uncontrolled hypertension and concomitant anti-coagulants when treating acute ischaemic stroke with tPA.They could not determine which protocol violation carriedthe highest risk of adverse events but suggested that, whenstrict protocols are closely followed, thrombolysis can be asafe and effective treatment for acute cerebral infarction. -PM Protocol violations in community-based rTPA stroketreatment are associated with symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage.Lopez-Yunez AM, Bruno A, Williams LS et al.STROKE2001: 32; 12-16

COGNITIVE NEUROLOGYIdentifying early Alzheimer's diseaseEvidence from clinical, neuroimaging and histopathologicalstudies has indicated that Alzheimer's disease (AD) has apreclinical phase which may extend for many years.Identifying this preclinical phase not only elucidates the nat-ural history of AD, but may also provide opportunities fortherapeutic intervention. Bäckman et al report a Swedish

study that aimed to determine the course of the preclinicalepisodic memory deficit in AD. As part of the Kungsholmenproject, a longitudinal population-based study in aStockholm parish, measures of episodic memory (freerecall of word lists and recognition of words) and short termmemory (forward and backward digit span) were made in120 subjects on three occasions, three years apart, over aperiod of six years. Fifteen individuals developed AD aftersix years of follow-up. Compared to the non-dementedgroup, the incident AD cases showed poorer global cogni-tive function (on the Mini-Mental State Examination) andtheir performance was worse on both free recall and recog-nition, differences that were evident at both 6 and 3 yearsbefore diagnosis. There were no group differences on for-ward or backward digit span. There was no evidence of aselective decline in the AD group between the six and threeyear time points, suggesting relative stability of preclinicaldeficits. These findings are consistent with a long anddetectable preclinical phase in AD. The difficulties in trans-ferring information from temporary to permanent represen-tations are consistent with early hippocampal pathology, asalso demonstrated by histopathological and neuroimagingstudies. The relative stability of the preclinical phase, atleast until its later stages, may have therapeutic implica-tions, suggesting that early interventions are the most like-ly to be helpful. - AJLStability of the preclinical episodic memory deficit inAlzheimer's disease.Bäckman L, Small BJ, Fratiglioni LBRAIN2001:124(1):96-102

MOVEMENT DISORDERSInvoluntary movement disorders followingthalamic strokeDelayed onset of involuntary movements following thalam-ic stroke was first reported by Dejerine and Roussy in 1906("Dejerine-Roussy syndrome"). Although many other caseshave been reported, large study groups with control popu-lations have not. This observational follow-up study fromSouth Korea reports on 93 patients with thalamic strokeseen by one neurologist over a period of 57 months, 35 ofwhom developed involuntary movements, 58 of whom didnot. Demographic factors, risk factors and site of lesion(posterolateral thalamus) were similar in the two groups.Patients developing involuntary movements were more like-ly to have haemorrhagic lesions (all due to hypertension),and more severe initial hemiparesis and sensory loss com-pared to the control group. The involuntary movementsobserved were complex, involving arm and fingers morethan leg and feet, and encompassing dystonia, athetosis,chorea, with or without action tremor and jerky myoclonus;isolated tremor was not seen. Dystonia/athetosis/choreawas closely associated with position sensory loss (henceappropriately designated "pseudochoreoathetosis");tremor/myoclonus was associated with cerebellar ataxia.Thus, it seems that damage to the lemniscal sensory path-way, the cerebello-rubrothalamic tract and the pyramidaltract are required for the development of post-thalamic


SectionJournal Reviews

stroke involuntary movements. Unbalanced but successfulrecovery of motor function, with development of pathologi-cal neuronal circuitry, may account for the delayed onset ofthe movements. -AJLDelayed onset mixed involuntary movements after thalamic stroke. Clinical, radiological and pathophysio-logical findings.Kim JSBRAIN2001:124(2):299-309

MUSCLEAnother sad episode in attempts to treatinclusion body myositisThe histology of muscles affected by inclusion body myosi-tis (IBM) shows, as the name suggests, inflammatory cellsyet it is unresponsive to immunosuppessants. Nonetheless,this team from the NIH have persisted with immunothera-pies of IBM. They had previously shown minor improve-ments in muscle strength following treatment with intra-venous immunoglobulin (IVIG). They now report theirattempt to accentuate this positive effect by adding corti-costeroids. They performed a double-blind trial of pred-nisolone with or without IVIG treatment over three monthsin 36 patients.There was no difference between the groups.Given that previous experience had shown steroids to beineffective in this condition, this not only proved thatsteroids do not add to IVIG's effect, but brought into ques-tion the previous positive result with IVIG alone. Perhapsthe inflammation in IBM is in response to the muscle injuryrather than its primary cause. All rather disappointing real-ly. -AJC A controlled study of intravenous immunoglobulincombined with prednisolone in the treatment of IBM.Dalakas MC, Koffman B, Fujii M, Spector S, SivakumarK and Cupler E.NEUROLOGY 2001: 56: 323-327

EPILEPSYCauses of epilepsies: Insights from discordantmonozygous twinsGenetic studies of epilepsy from Berkovic's group have pro-vided a rich seam of data on inherited aspects of epilepsy.Here they studed 12 pairs of monozygous twins, where onlyone of the pair had epilepsy. They made a syndromic diag-nosis in each, investigated them with MRI and EEG, andlooked for aetiological factors. Eight pairs had epileptogenicMRI lesions. In four of these, there was a history of majoracquired insults such as prolonged febrile convulsionsassociated with mesial temporal sclerosis. In four others,the lesions were not associated with any clear history; onehad bilateral subependymal heterotopia, which may be dueto an inherited mutation (usually X-linked dominant), but, asher mother and her twin had normal MRIs, it was probablydue in her case to a somatic mutation. The final four twinshad normal MRIs and no relevant antecedent history. Ofthese, two had classical childhood epilepsy and one wasthought to have familial temporal lobe epilepsy. This study

shows that the majority of discordance in the expression ofepilepsy between monozygotic twins is due to the exposureof only one twin to an acquired aetiological factor. Of equalinterest however, is the discordance between identicaltwins of epilepsy syndromes that are thought to be geneti-cally determined. The authors consider environmental fac-tors and somatic mutations as potential explanations forthis observation. -MMCauses of epilepsies: Insights from discordantmonozygous twins.Briellmann RS, Jackson GD, Torn Broers Y,Berkovic SF.ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY2001;49:45-52

NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGYAcute ophthalmoparesis: "Miller Fisher minus"Neurologists are all familiar with the triad of ophthalmople-gia, ataxia and arreflexia that constitute the Miller Fishersyndrome, in which IgG antibodies to the ganglioside GQ1bare found with high sensitivity. These antibodies have alsobeen found in Bickerstaff's brain stem encephalitis sug-gesting that there may be a spectrum of associated dis-ease. Yuki and colleagues draw attention to the oppositeend of the clinical spectrum. They reviewed the clinical find-ings of 340 consecutive patients whose serum containedsignificant titres of anti-GQ1b antibodies. They identified 21patients in whom there was ophthalmoparesis without atax-ia. Seventeen had some preceding illness (sore throat,upper respiratory tract infection, fever or gastroinestinal ill-ness). The commonest pattern was of limitation of abduc-tion. Vertical gaze palsy was less common. Five patientshad unilateral involvement. Internal ophthalmoplegia wasnot found. Some patients had limb paraesthesiae. Four hadbilateral facial weakness, two mild bulbar involvement.Tendon reflexes were variable. Cerebrospinal fluid was nor-mal in most cases. The authors state that anti-GQ1b anti-bodies are a more useful test in acute ophthalmoparesisthan CSF analysis. However, a diagnosis based on anti-bodies is usually made long after therapy has been initiat-ed. This is probably reflected in the various treatments used(plasmaphoresis, intravenous immunoglobulin andsteroids). Prognosis was not discussed (but was presum-ably favourable).-JTAcute ophthalmoparesis (without ataxia) associatedwith anti-GQ1b antibody. Clinical features.Yuki N, Odaka M, Hirata K.OPHTHALMOLOGY2001: 108: 196-200

INTENSIVE CARETuning in whilst in comaRelatives are often encouraged to talk to patients in acoma, on the basis that personally meaningful stimuli aremore likely to arouse them than background noise or neu-tral conversation. This study provides evidence to supportthis practice. Mazzini et al report on the effects of differentstimuli on long-latency auditory evoked potentials in 21comatous patients after traumatic brain injury. These long-latency responses are recorded at between 70 and 500 msafter the presentation of a sound stimulus and are thought



to be generated by cortical auditory processing. Thepatients heard three stimuli: tones, an insignificant wordand their name spoken by a relative. The evoked respons-es were compared with outcomes at 6 and 12 months. Thelatency of the negative potential at around 100 ms wasassociated with recovery measured by various ratingscales. The patients with response latencies that were sim-ilar to normal recovered better than those with longer laten-cy responses. The correlations were highest with theresponses to the patient's name. These results suggest thatpatients are more likely to register hearing their name spo-ken by a relative than less meaningful stimuli. Perhaps thiswill be of comfort to those who are maintaining a one sidedconversation. -AJTLong-latency auditory-evoked potentials in severe trau-matic brain injury.Mazzini L, Zaccala M, Gareri F, Giordano A, Angelino E.ARCHIVES PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION2001: 82 (1): 57-65

REHABILITATIONRehabilitation for people who do not know theyneed itAfter head injury patients are often unrealistic about theirabilities. It is difficult to rehabilitate patients with such lack ofself-awareness.They are unlikely to be motivated to changeand may put themselves and others at risk by their behav-iour. Abreu et al report an Occupational Therapy project inwhich self-awareness regarding performance on daily livingtasks was examined and a model of self-awareness wastested. They compared the level of confidence that 55 headinjury patients had in their ability to perform dressing, mealplanning and money management tasks, with their actualperformance as judged by two experienced therapists. Notsurprisingly the head injury patients anticipated their abili-ties to be higher than the clinician's ratings of actual perfor-mance. However when it came to predicting how task per-formance might affect ability to live life, patients who report-ed being aware of changes in behaviour that might affecttask performance showed no more agreement with thetherapists than those who were unaware. Therefore itshould not be assumed that patients who have an aware-ness of impairments that might affect task performance willbe able to foresee the type of difficulties that they willencounter in everyday life. Maybe those who had aware-ness of deficits after brain injury were still hopeful of recov-ery to normal or perhaps the awareness of a deficit and

experiencing problems does not readily translate to makingrealistic predictions about functioning in everyday life. Theauthors are cautious about rejecting the hierarchical natureof developing self-awareness after head injury and wouldlike to verify the validity of their questions to patients and tryadditional means to test the hierarchy. This line of enquiry isimportant for therapists who are currently struggling to workwith people who do not recognise the need for rehabilitationand will ultimately help them to develop new and effectiveapproaches to treatment. -AJTLevels of self-awareness after acute brain injury: howpatients' and rehabilitation specialists' perceptionscompare.Abreu B C, Seale G, Scheibel R S, Huddleston N, ZhangL, Ottenbacher K J.ARCHIVES PHYSICAL MEDICINE ANDREHABILITATION

PRION DISEASEA new marker for transmissible spongiformencephalopathy (TSE) Now that BSE has reached Europe, there is even moredemand for a rapid easy test of prion infection.Neuropathological examination is not straightforward andwaiting for laboratory animals to succumb to an inoculationof nervous tissue is time-consuming. Gino Miele and col-leagues at the Roslin Institute in Scotland have come upwith a novel technique for diagnosing transmissible spongi-form encephalopathies. It is based on a comparison of10,000 mRNA transcripts in the spleens of healthy animalsand those infected with TSE. They identified one transcriptthat was significantly reduced in spleen from scrapie-infect-ed mice and showed this to have sequence homology witha novel molecule named "erythroid differentiation-relatedfactor" (EDRF). Surprisingly, in humans EDRF is not foundin the brain but only in blood and bone marrow, where prioninfectivity has never been found. The link between prionsand erythroid precursors is intriguing; for the moment, theimportant point is there is now a straightforward diagnostictest of TSE: a Northern Blot using cloned EDRF as a probe-AJCA novel erythroid-specific marker of transmissiblespongiform encephalopathies.Mile G, Manson J, Clinton M.NATURE MEDICINE2001: 7: 361-364

Journal Reviews


We would like to thank the following publishers who have provided us with complimentary review subscriptions to their journals. Forsubscription details please contact the relevant publisher direct.

Cerebrovascular Diseases, Neuroepidemiology S. Karger AG - Medical and Scientific Publishers,Allschwilerstrasse 10, CH - 4009 Basel, SWITZERLAND.Tel. 0041 61 306 11 11, Fax. 0041 61 306 12 34, E-Mail. [email protected] www.karger.com

Cerebral Cortex Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP. Tel. 01865 267154, Fax. 01865 267985.

Clinical Rehabilitation, Multiple Sclerosis Arnold, 338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BH. Tel. 020 7873 6339, Fax. 020 7873 6325,[email protected],www.arnoldpublishers.com/journals

Complimentary Journals Reviewed



Siemens has commissioned a new generation of PET scan-ner based on the new scintillator crystal LSO. The newdetector allows for much higher count rates than tradi-tional BGO- or NaI based detectors, which in turnenhances image quality and increases patient throughput.With this scanner, a typical time for a whole body scan isreduced to 20 minutes, representing savings of 20-40 min-utes over previous generations of PET tomographs.

This new tomograph also incorporates a number of fea-tures to enhance simultaneous image acquisition, process-ing and reconstruction. Innovative software facilitates moreaccurate image processing and faster data analysis.

Designated the ECAT ACCEL, this tomograph is the firstcommercially available PET scanner to use LSO detection.It is a whole body positron emission tomography scannerthat provides volume measurements of both metabolic andphysiological processes. In the performance spectrum, itwill enable routine clinical applications as well as advancedclinical or research projects, meeting the demands of mostof today’s clinical PET users.

For further information contact Siemens MedicalEngineering on Tel. 01344 396317, Fax. 01344 396337.

New Generation of PET Scanner

News Review

NeuroBloc® (5000 U/ml Botulinum Toxin Type B) issaid to be the first treatment for cervical dystoniato contain the type B form ofbotulinum toxin.

NeuroBloc offers patientswith cervical dystonia effective,long lasting relief from painfulmuscle spasms in their neck andshoulders, whether or not theyare resistant to the type A bot-ulinum toxin widely used totreat this condition. In a recentsurvey carried out by theDystonia Society, 8 out of 10respondents had used botu-linum toxin as part of theirtreatment. But 1 in 3 reporteddecreasing effectiveness orlack of benefit with repeatedinjections, and 1 in 12 had stopped treat-ment because of side effects.

By blocking release of a neurotransmit-

ter in affected muscles at a different site from bot-ulinum toxin A, NeuroBloc provides Britain’s esti-mated 18,000 cervical dystonia patients with a

much needed alternative treat-ment. Professor Andrew Lees,Consultant Neurologist at TheNational Hospital for Neurologyand Neurosurgery, explained that

the new type B form of botulinumtoxin provides a valuable newoption for the treatment ofcervical dystonia. “Botulinumtoxin has made a major differ-ence to the way people withthis debilitating disease livetheir lives, and the arrival of along acting, easy to use type Btoxin is an important advancefor current and futurepatients,” he said.For further information contact

Elan Pharma on Tel. 01462 707200.

Novel botulinum toxin for cervical dystonia

The new Siemens’ ECAT ACCEL positron emissiontomograph that uses LSO crystal technology to improveboth imaging quality and patient throughput.

Experts in epilepsy calledupon members of theEuropean Parliament, thepublic and the medicalcommunity to share theirknowledge and unite inaction to improve the livesof the six million peoplewith epilepsy in Europe,with the launch of theEuropean White Paper onEpilepsy on March 22.

The White Paper on Epilepsy, supported byEUCARE (EUropean Concerted Action andResearch in Epilepsy), an educational initiativefrom UCB Pharma aimed at raising the profileof epilepsy across Europe, has been produced ina timely manner to take advantage of theEuropean Parliament’s new remit for PublicHealth.

Mr John Bowis, MEP for London and host of

the White Paper launchmeeting in parliament, stat-ed, ‘I am demonstrating mypersonal commitment bysetting up ‘ParliamentaryAdvocates for Epilepsy’ agroup of key MEPs specifi-cally dedicated to bringingepilepsy to the forefront ofparliamentary health issues,campaigning to improveexisting legislation - partic-

ularly within the workplace’.Eradication of Stigma, Discrimination in the

Workplace, and Inadequate Research Fundingwere cited as three key focus areas requiringrapid improvement across Europe. The WhitePaper on Epilepsy is intended to be a platformon which local epilepsy programmes can bebuilt.

For further information: www.EUCARE.be

European Parliament calls for action in epilepsy

What is the function of themammillary body?; Whichinformation is passedthrough the cuneate fasci-culus or the internal arcu-ate fibers?; Which hor-mones are produced by theparaventricular hypothala-mic nucleus?;Which nervesand vessels run through thejugular foramen?; Whichparts of the body are inner-vated by the accessorynerve?; Which corticalregions are affected by adysfunction of the centralsulcus artery?

These are questions towhich a short, preciseanswer is seldom found intextbooks or other scien-tific works. According toSpringer, these questionsare answered in theDictionary of HumanNeuroanatomy. This is anatlas for anyone looking forprecise and functional defi-nitions of terms in the fieldof neuroanatomy, and issaid to be absolutely essen-tial for those studying neu-roanatomy, and for quickreference.The stereo glass-es for 3D effect enable youto see the brain in wholenew dimensions using a 3Dcomputer model.

The use of a complex,stereoscopic visualisationprocedure presents thereader with a completelynew insight into the humanbrain. In combination withthe CD-ROM, which con-tains all 173 illustrations asrotatable 3D models, thisbook introduces an innova-tive quality into the con-ception of spatial struc-tures.

For further information,please contact Sally Ticknerat Springer-Verlag on Tel:01483 414113 or E-Mail:[email protected]

3D StereoscopicAtlas of theHuman Brain


SectionNews Review

Dr Adolfo Bronstein is proposing tocreate a forum where clinicians andscientists from a variety of back-grounds can meet to discussresearch into neuro-otology. Thegroup will first meet on Friday 15thof June, with a view to forming aBritish Society of Neuro-otology.This date has been chosen to tie inwith the World Congress ofNeurology, where there are two sep-arate sessions on neuro-otology aswell as related topics on EyeMovement Disorders and AutonomicFunction disorders.

Dr Bronstein says, “This should be

a valuable meeting for all of us engagedin clinical or scientific research inneuro-otology and balance control.

I should be grateful to know whowould be prepared to attend and whowould like to present a research paper(15-20 minutes).

As there will be many eminent inter-national neuro-otologists in London atthis time, I am planning a guest lecturefor this neuro-otology meeting.”

For further information contact DrAdolfo Bronstein, Hon. ConsultantNeurologist. Tel: 0207 837 3611 x 4112,Fax. 0207 837 7281, E-Mail:[email protected]

A British Society of Neuro-otology

Seeking Solutions - Parkinson’s Awareness Week 2001

A new NSF -implicationsfor stroke care

BalanceandMobility.com is aninformation resource forpatients with balance andmobility disorders. The site,designed to increase publicawareness, assists individualssuffering from imbalance ordizziness in understandingtheir problems and the avail-able treatments.The site wasdeveloped with input fromleading clinical specialists, andalso contains educational infor-mation for medical professionals.

At least half of the US popula-tion will experience balanceproblems at some point duringtheir lives, especially as they getolder. Poor balance and fall relat-ed injuries account for a signifi-

cant percentage of emergencyroom visits and medical expendi-tures per year. Unfortunately,many people suffering from bal-ance problems find it difficult toreceive an accurate clinicalassessment of their problem andeven more never receive ade-

quate follow up and treatment.Ba l anceandMob i l i t y. com

explains the body’s balance con-trol system for patients andspecifically addresses the riskfactors associated with falling, aswell as tips on how to minimisefall risk. The site reviews com-mon balance disorders alongwith the different tests availablethat can help document a bal-ance problem.BalanceandMobility.com was

developed by NeuroComInternational, Inc. with input fromleading clinical specialists. For fur-ther information visitwww.BalanceandMobility.com andwww.onbalance.com or call 001503 653-2144.

Web Site for Patients with Balance Disorders

Chartered physiotherapists with a special inter-est in vestibular rehabilitation (VR) are meetingin May with the intention of forming aspecialised clinical interest group.

The day bas been initiated by four physiother-apists who have been working together over thepast 18 months to promote VR within the phys-iotherapy profession. They have produced anassessment and therapy handbook, due to bepublished shortly.

This book is designed for physiotherapistsworking, or interested, in vestibular rehabilita-tion, but who only have a basic knowledge of thesubject.

The meeting, to be held in Birmingham, will behost to Professor Neil Shepard of the Universityof Pennsylvania, author of Practical Managementof the Balance Disorder Patient. He will talk on VRwith particular reference to physiotherapyassessment and management. It is hoped thatthis specially directed meeting will attract manyof the physiotherapists nationwide, who havemade contact with the working party, expressingan interest in VR and asking for support in thisspecialised area of work.

The meeting will be sponsored by SLE Diagnosticsand details can be obtained from Fran Williams on0208 681 1414.

New Working Party to promote Vestibular Rehabilitation

Dr Adolfo Bronstein

New national standards of NHScare for patients over 65 havebeen published by theDepartment of Health.The NSFfor Older People aims to ensurehigh quality care regardless ofage and fair resources for condi-tions affecting the elderly. Strokeis one of just eight standards setby the document.The NSF high-lights the need for specialiststroke units - latest figures showthat around 75% of patients arenot treated in such a facility.

The document lays down aplan of immediate stroke man-agement including a brain scanwithin 48 hours and givingaspirin if haemorrhage is unlike-ly. It also highlights requirementsfor early and continuing rehabil-itation. The NSF adds that sec-ondary prevention measuresshould be initiated in hospitaland refers to recent recommen-dations from the RCP. Theseinclude advice that all patientsnot on anticoagulation shouldbe taking aspirin daily or a com-bination of low-dose aspirin anddipyridamole modified release. Ifaspirin intolerant an alternativeanti-platelet agent should beused. The framework says thatstroke teams should be led by aclinician with relevant expertiseand should include a clinical spe-cialist nurse, speech and lan-guage therapist, physiotherapistand occupational therapist,dietitian, clinical psychologist,pharmacist, social worker,stroke care co-ordinator andothers. It recommends thatstroke teams meet weekly andlists 13 fundamental trainingtopics. By April 2003, every hos-pital is expected to deliverstroke care according to theRCP guidelines, with all strokepatients cared for in a spe-cialised unit by April 2004.

The NSF for Older Peopleis at www.doh.gov.uk/nsf/pdfs/nsfolderpeople.pdf

Print copies are available fromDoH, PO Box 777, London SE1 6XH.

Parkinson’s Awareness Week (21-29 April) focused on Parkinson’sDisease Society funded research.The PDS funds over £1.5 millionannually towards research into the cause and cure of Parkinson’s.Afurther £100,000 is additionally spent on welfare research affectingall aspects of living with Parkinson’s - PDS is one of the largestorganisations responsible for research into Parkinson’s in the UK.

Seeking Solutions mainly concentrated on Gene Therapy, a newapproach to treating medical conditions, which can be described asthe use of genes as drugs. It works by introducing normal genesinto people with certain disorders to overcome the effects ofdefective genes that may cause or have a part to play in the devel-

opment of the condition. Genetherapy can also be used to treatdisorders where the genetic cause isnot known, or may not be caused exclusively by genetic defects,such as Parkinson’s. Gene therapy is still in the early stages ofresearch - it will be at least five years before it can be used inhumans. Results on PDS funded research on Gene Therapy atManchester University were published during Parkinson’sAwareness Week.

For more information call 0800 378 378 or e-mail [email protected]

Prescribing informationLamictal (lamotrigine)Brief Prescribing Information. Presentation: Pale yellow tablets containing 25mg, 50mg, 100mgand 200mg lamotrigine, and white dispersible/chewable tablets containing 5mg, 25mg and 100mglamotrigine.Uses: Monotherapy: Not recommended in children under 12 years. Adults and children over 12years for partial epilepsy with or without secondarily generalised tonic-clonic seizures and inprimary generalised tonic-clonic seizures. Add-on therapy: Adults and children over 2 years forpartial epilepsy with or without secondary generalised tonic-clonic seizures and in primarygeneralised tonic-clonic seizures. Seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.Dosage and Administration: Initial dose and subsequent dose escalation should not be exceededto minimise the risk of rash. Monotherapy: Initial dose is 25mg daily for two weeks, followed by 50mgdaily for two weeks. Dose should be increased by a maximum of 50-100mg every 1-2 weeks untiloptimal response. Maintenance dose is 100-200mg/day in one dose, or two divided doses. Add-ontherapy: Adults and Children over 12 years: To sodium valproate with or without ANY otherantiepileptic drug (AED), initial dose 25mg every alternate day for two weeks, followed by25mg/day for two weeks. Dose should be increased by 25-50mg every 1-2 weeks until optimalresponse. Usual maintenance dose 100 to 200mg/day in one dose, or two divided doses. To enzymeinducing AEDs with or without other AEDs (but NOT valproate), initial dose is 50mg daily for twoweeks, followed by 100mg/day in two divided doses for two weeks. Dose should be increased by100mg every 1-2 weeks until optimal response. The usual maintenance dose is 200 to 400mg/daygiven in two divided doses. Children aged 2-12 years: To be dosed on a mg/kg basis until the adultrecommended titration dose is reached. Add-on to sodium valproate with or without ANY otherAED, initial dose is 0.15mg/kg bodyweight/day given once a day for two weeks, followed by0.3mg/kg/day given once a day for two weeks. Dose should then be increased by a maximum of0.3mg/kg every 1-2 weeks until optimal response. Maintenance dose is 1 to 5mg/kg/day given inone dose, or two divided doses. Add-on to enzyme-inducing AEDs with or without other AEDs (butNOT valproate) is 0.6mg/kg bodyweight/day given in two divided doses for two weeks, followed by1.2mg/kg/day for two weeks given in two divided doses. Dose should then be increased by amaximum of 1.2mg/kg every 1-2 weeks until optimal response. The usual maintenance dose is 5-15mg/kg/day given in two divided doses. The weight of the child should be monitored and the doseadjusted as appropriate. If the calculated dose is 2.5-5mg/day then 5mg may be taken on alternatedays for the first two weeks. With the currently available 5mg tablet strength it is not possible toaccurately initiate Lamictal therapy in paediatric patients weighing less than 17kg. Elderly patients:Treat cautiously. Dose Escalation: Starter packs covering the first four weeks treatment are available.When the pharmacokinetic interaction of any AED with Lamictal is unknown the dose escalationfor Lamictal and concurrent sodium valproate should be used.Contra-indications: Hypersensitivity to lamotrigine.Precautions: Adverse skin reactions, mostly mild and self-limiting, may occur generally during thefirst 8 weeks of treatment. Rarely, serious, potentially life threatening rashes including Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) have been reported. Patients shouldbe promptly evaluated and lamotrigine withdrawn unless the rash is clearly not drug related.High initial dose, exceeding the initial recommended dose, and concomitant use ofsodium valproate have been associated with an increased risk of rash. Patients whoacutely develop symptoms suggestive of hypersensitivity such as rash, fever,lymphadenopathy, facial oedema, blood and liver abnormalities, flu-likesymptoms, drowsiness or worsening seizure control, should be evaluatedimmediately and Lamictal discontinued if an alternative aetiology cannot beestablished. Dose reductions recommended in hepatic impairment.Concomitant AED therapy: Avoid abrupt withdrawal except for safety reasons.Pregnancy and Lactation. Lamictal was not carcinogenic, mutagenic orshown to impair fertility in animal studies. There are insufficient dataavailable on the use of lamotrigine in human pregnancy to evaluate its safety.Lamotrigine should not be used during pregnancy unless, in the opinion of the physician, thepotential benefits of treatment to the mother outweigh any possible risk to the developing foetus.Driving: The individual response to AEDs should be considered.Interactions: Antiepileptic drugs which alter certain metabolising enzymes in the liver affect thepharmacokinetics of Lamictal (see Dosage and Administration). This is also important during AEDwithdrawal.Side and Adverse Effects: With monotherapy: headache, tiredness, rash, nausea, dizziness,drowsiness, and insomnia. In addition with add-on therapy: diplopia, blurred vision, conjunctivitis,unsteadiness, GI disturbances, irritability/aggression, tremor, ataxia, agitation, confusion,halucinations and haematological abnormalities. Severe skin reactions including angioedema,Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis have occurred rarely, with or withoutsigns of hypersensitivity syndrome (including hepatic failure – see Precautions).Legal category: POM.Basic NHS costs: £14.97 for Monotherapy Starter Pack of 42 x 25mg tablets (PL0003/0272);£25.46 for Non-Valproate Starter Pack of 42 x 50mg tablets (PL0003/0273); £7.49 for ValproateStarter Pack of 21 x 25mg tablets (PL0003/0272). £58.57 for pack of 56 x 100mg tablets(PL0003/0274); £99.56 for Calendar Pack of 56 x 200mg tablets (PL0003/0297). £7.96 for pack of28 x 5mg dispersible tablets (PL0003/0346). £19.97 for pack of 56 x 25mg dispersible tablets(PL0003/0347). £58.57 for pack of 56 x 100mg dispersible tablets (PL0003/0348). Product Licence Holder: The Wellcome Foundation Ltd, Middlesex UB6 0NN. Lamictal is aTrade mark of the Glaxo Wellcome Group of Companies.Further information is available from Glaxo Wellcome UK Limited, Stockley Park West, Uxbridge,Middlesex UB11 1BT.

Note: If changes in AED medication are to be made they should be completed beforeconception.9 The UK Pregnancy Register (0800 389 1248) is collecting prospective data on theeffects of all AEDs in pregnancy. Please phone for information or to register a patient.

© Glaxo Wellcome UK Limited, 2000.

[email protected] Services Freephone 0800 221441

References:1. Holdich T et al. Epilepsia 1991; 32 (Suppl. 1): 96.2. Morrell MJ. Neurology 1998; 51 (Suppl. 4): S21-S27.3. Fitton A, Goa KL. Drugs 1995; 50 (4): 691-713.4. Patsalos PN, Sander JWAS. Drug Safety 1994; 11 (1): 37-67.5. Messenheimer J et al. Drug Safety 1998; 18 (4): 281-296.6. Brodie MJ et al. The Lancet 1995; 345: 476-479.7. Reunanen M et al. Epilepsy Research 1996; 23: 149-155.8. Steiner TJ et al. Epilepsia 1999; 40 (5): 601-607.9. Crawford P et al. Seizure 1999; 8: 201-217.

Imagine you’re a teenage girl diagnosed with epilepsy. There are certain

things you need to be assured of before starting monotherapy. Will I get spots?

Will I put on weight? Will it affect my periods? Unlike some other therapies,

Lamictal can offer the reassurance a girl seeks. Lamictal is not associated with

cosmetic side effects or menstrual disorders.1-3 It does not interact with the

contraceptive pill.4,5 Lamictal causes significantly less sedation than

carbamazepine6,7 and phenytoin.8 In addition to these benefits – vital to a

girl’s future – it still provides the effective seizure control you expect.6-8

What other AED can offer a girl so much?

GEN 26713-ALP/September 2000Epilepsy treatment with women in mind



Before youtreat her epilepsy,

put yourself in these.