special educational needs and disabilities (send) - strategic leadership in uk schools - the role of...

SEND Webinar 2 Strategic Leadership in Schools The Role of the SENCO in Implementing Change Monday, 23 rd June 2014 – 6pm Presented by Lorraine Petersen OBE http://www.axcis.co.uk/webinar_send

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Page 1: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) - Strategic Leadership in UK Schools - The Role of the SENCO in Implementing Change

SEND Webinar 2Strategic Leadership in Schools

The Role of the SENCO in Implementing Change

Monday, 23rd June 2014 – 6pm

Presented by Lorraine Petersen OBE


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Where are we now?

March 2014 – Children and Families Act 2014

June 2014 – SEND Code of Practice

June 2014 – SEND Regulations

September 2014 – Implementation of Act

September 2014 – Transitional arrangements


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SEND Code of Practice

Final document

281 pages

11 chapters plus Introduction

Statutory Guidance on duties, policies and procedures relating to Part 3 of Children and Families Act

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014

Transitional and Saving Provisions


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Transitional Arrangements

1st September 2014 - No new assessments for statements

September 2014 – Local Offer must be published

Spring 2015 – All SA and SA+ children transferred to SEN Support (census data – January)

September 2014 – September 2016 – All LDAs must be transferred to EHC plans

September 14 – April 2018 – All statements must be transferred to EHC plans


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SEND – Whole School Issue

6.2 Every school is required to meet the SEN of the children or young people that they support. Mainstream schools must:

Use their best endeavours to make sure that a child with SEN gets the support they need

Ensure that children and young people with SEN engage in the activities of the school alongside pupils who do not have SEN

Designate a teacher to be responsible for co-ordinating SEN provision

Inform parents when they are making special educational provision for a child

Prepare a report on the implementation of their SEND policy


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SEND Leadership

Leadership Team

Governing Body or equivalent


Teaching Staff

Support Staff


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Governing Body (or equivalent)

There should be a member of the governing body or sub-committee with specific oversight of the school arrangements for SEN and disability

Must ensure that there is a qualified teacher designated as SENCO for the school.

Understand how the school identifies children with SEN and what happens once a pupil has been identified.

Understand how SEN funding is allocated and spent including who is responsible for the spending

Must publish information on their websites about the implementation of their policy for pupils with SEN - updated annually or when information changes

Develop good relationships in the school especially with the head and the SEN coordinator (SENCO)


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The SENCO has an important role to play with the headteacher and governing body, in determining the strategic development of SEN policy and provision in the school

The SENCO has day-to-day responsibility for the operation of SEN Policy and co-ordination of specific provision made to support individual pupils with SEN

The SENCO provides professional guidance to colleagues

The SENCO, headteacher and governing body should establish a clear picture of the resources that are available to the school

The school should ensure the SENCO has sufficient time and resources to carry out their functions


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SENCO: Key Responsibilities

Overseeing the day-to-day operation of the school’s SEN policy

Coordinating provision for children with SEN

Liaising with the relevant Designated Teacher where a looked after pupil has SEN

Advising a on graduated approach to providing SEN Support

Advising on the deployment of the school’s delegated budget and other resources to meet pupils’ needs effectively

Liaising with parents of children with SEN

Liaising with early years providers, other schools, educational psychologists health and social care professionals, and independent or voluntary bodies


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SENCO: Key Responsibilities

Being a key point of contact with external agencies, especially the LA and LA support services

Liaising with potential next providers of education to ensure a young person and their parents are informed about options and a smooth transition is planned

Working with the headteacher and school governors so that the school meets its responsibilities under the Equality Act (2010) with regard to reasonable adjustments and access arrangements

Ensuring that the school keeps the records of all pupils with SEN up to date


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Role of 21st Century SENCO

Strategic direction and development

Supporting Teaching and Learning

Line Management – Effective use of additional support

Financial Management

Whole School Professional Development


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Strategic Direction & Development

Ensuring that all pupils with special or additional needs receive their full educational entitlement and have access to the whole curriculum.

Managing staff – other teaching staff and non teaching staff - this includes timetabling, delegation of tasks, advising, supporting and monitoring.

Managing interventions and developing of alternative teaching strategies and individual programmes where necessary.

Strategic overview of SEN and Inclusion throughout the school including planning, policy writing, advising and supporting other staff. Where used this would also include writing of provision maps.

Preparing and managing statutory assessment paperwork.

Organising, attending, chairing and the administration of annual reviews (including writing the school’s advice and the recommendation report).

Meeting with parents and carers.


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Strategic Direction & Development

Preparing referrals and attending meetings with other outside agencies.

Teaching – in some cases whole classes but in many cases small groups or one-to-one.

Managing the transition process.

Tracking pupil progress using all available data and evidence.

Initiating and carrying out assessments.

Managing budget and resources including where appropriate – Pupil Premium.

Special arrangements for end of key stage tests and external examinations.

Leading CPD for all staff, governors and parents. In some instances also providing training for other SENCOs within cluster or local authority.

Contributing to and writing Personalised Plans where necessary.


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Supporting Teaching & Learning

Acting as a role model for quality first teaching for all pupils.

Supporting staff in the differentiation of curriculum to ensure full access for all pupils - this includes working with colleagues on curriculum policies to ensure differentiation for each year group.

Implementing a variety of teaching styles to support the learning styles of individual pupils.

Providing support and training for all staff.

Monitoring class teachers, advising on and supporting their teaching and curriculum delivery for those pupils with special educational needs.

Supporting a positive school ethos and celebrating achievement for all.

Supporting colleagues with behaviour issues through training, in class support and strategies for classroom management.


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Line Management

All teachers are teachers of pupils with special educational needs. Teaching such students is therefore a whole school responsibility, requiring a whole school response.

It is the SENCO’s responsibility to ensure that resources and support are allocated and maintained to all those individual pupils who may need additional provision. Staff need to feel part of a team, be given the opportunity to communicate with each other and feel that their contributions are worthwhile.

The work of other adults needs to be reviewed regularly. In reviewing pupil progress and tracking achievement, SENCOs should review targeted support on a regular basis.


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Line Management

All staff should have very clear job descriptions and an annual review process of their work and role within the school.

All staff should be trained and supported to ensure that they are providing the best quality support for all pupils. This may mean allowing planning and preparation time for all staff to discuss the best ways of working together within a classroom.

It is very important that parents are kept informed of any provision that is being made for their child. This can be effectively managed by ensuring that all staff who will be supporting the individual pupil meets with the parents and discusses the support they will be giving to their son/daughter.


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Financial Management

Notional SEN Budget

Pupil Premium

“Top-up” funding

Full cost provision management

Human resources

Classroom resources



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Effective use of SEN Funding

Quality First Teaching

Whole school provision map of interventions

High Quality Professional Development

Equality Duty

LA support and guidance

Commissioning external support

Thinking outside the box!


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Audit the skills and expertise of the current school workforce.

Audit the whole school professional development needs for SEN based on the current cohorts of children and young people.

Using the information from the two audits develop a CPD programme using internal staff to deliver wherever possible.

Offer opportunities for teachers to observe each other, teach alongside each other, visit other classrooms and visit other schools.

Make opportunities for you to meet with other SENCOs to share good practice across a number of schools.

Offer opportunities for staff to reflect on their practice and feel comfortable in sharing both the positive and the negative moments.

Organise at least one training day per year to support SEN and Inclusion – One-in-five for One-in-five!

Establish an ethos that values everyone’s expertise including how children and young people might be able to contribute to training sessions.

Use free on-line resources that are readily available to support workforce development - http://www.nasen.org.uk/onlinesendcpd/

Offer every member of staff access to high quality professional development that meets their needs and enables them to deliver outstanding teaching to every pupil every day.


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Key Message …

Every teacher is responsible and accountable for all pupils in their class

wherever or with whoever the pupils are working


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What Next?

Produce your SEN Information Report - Review of SEND Policy

Decide how you will manage SEN Support in your school

Review of SEN register and record keeping

Review of school funding for SEN

How effectively is your Pupil Premium being used?

Are your parents aware of the new SEN legislation?

Professional Development Audit and programme of CPD

Review of interventions

Are the governing body aware of the new SEN legislation?


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SEN Information Report

Schools have additional duties under the SEND Regulations 2014. Schools must publish more detailed information about their arrangements for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils with SEN – CoP 6.79

The governing bodies (or equivalent) must publish information on their websites about the implementation of their policy for pupils with SEN

Information updated annually and any changes updated as soon as possible

Schools will also need to review and revise SEND Policy in light of the reforms


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SEN Support

Single category bringing together School Action and School Action Plus

Needs to be finalised by January census 2015

What will SEN Support look like in your school?

Quality First Teaching

Differentiation and personalisation

Involve children and young people and their parents

Assess, Plan, Do and Review – graduated approach

Evidenced interventions

Record keeping – register? IEPs?


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Funding for SEN Support

All mainstream schools are provided with resources that they can use to support those with additional needs, including children and young people with SEN and disabilities

Schools have an amount identified within their overall budget, called the notional SEN budget. This is not a ring-fenced amount, and it is for the school to provide, high quality appropriate support from the whole of its budget

Schools, as part of their normal budget planning should determine their approach to using their resources to support the progress of pupils with SEN

Schools are not expected to meet the costs of the more expensive support from their core funding. They are expected to provide additional support which costs up to a nationally prescribed threshold per pupil/student per year


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Education, Health and Care Plans

Each local authority may have a different format

Outcomes focused – evidenced based

Set out how services will work together to meet the C&YP needs

Based on co-ordinated assessment and planning process – child or young person at centre of decision making

Describe positively what child or young person can do and has achieved

Indicate how education, health and care provision will be integrated

Forward looking


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Transfer of Statements to Plans

Local authority duty

LA transitional arrangements

Parents need to be kept informed

Dual system up to April 2018

No child or young person should “miss out”

Current legislation in place until August 2014

Personal budgets

Young people post 16


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Please feel free to contact Lorraine should you have any questions.

o Twitter: @lorrainep1957

o Email: http://lpec.org/contact-2/ - use ‘Axcis Webinar 2’ as the reference in the subject title.

Alternatively; you can also email [email protected] and your email will be forwarded to Lorraine.


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Other Axcis EventsWe are looking forward to a number of other events throughout the year, including

More Axcis SEND Webinars

A series of ‘Ask an Expert’ Education Webchats with Network Autism which Axcis has sponsored. Every month until Dec 2014, you get the opportunity to question an expert directly on any education related topics free of charge. To join the Axcis Group – visit out webpage: http://www.axcis.co.uk/axciswebchat

Visit our Client Events page for the latest SEND conferences: http://www.axcis.co.uk/clientevents

Visit our Candidate Events page for the latest CPD short-courses, seminars etc. E.g. Team Teach, Behaviour Managements, Autism Awareness, Makaton, PECs etc.: http://www.axcis.co.uk/candidatetraining

Visit our social media handles for the latest SEND news, events, jobs (@axcisjobs) etc.






