special class - pickup lines

Pickup Lines How to be successful in the art of conquering

Upload: italimarco

Post on 26-Jun-2015




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Pickup Lines


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Pickup Lines

How to be successfulin the art of conquering

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Some important tips...• "A woman's job is to always try to take control of the man, and a man's job

is to never let that happen.“• Women want a man who understands how to be dominant in the

relationship.• This does not mean that you have to be a jackass, or become a violent or

controlling person.• The key to conveying dominance is simple: Never let things get to you, and

never let a woman see you sweat.• Women are constantly testing men to determine if they are dominant (or

as I prefer to put it, "higher status").• And most of the time, women aren't even aware that they're doing it!• Remember: A woman can't just ask a man if he is the kind of guy who can

stand up to the world on her behalf, but she can test you to see if you are the kind of guy who can at least stand up to her.

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How important is eye contact?- Eye contact is a very powerful, instinctual form of communication.And it plays a vital role in building attraction, especially when you first meet a girl.- So here's the scoop: If a girl makes eye contact with you, keep making eye contact back until she breaks it.- If she keeps on looking at you, or smiles just a bit,immediately start walking over to her. Don't hesitate;just get up and go.- She's just used her eye contact to say to you:"I'm interested." So go for it.- Decisiveness like this is a behavior womenfind very attractive, and you'll be pleasantlysurprised by the responses you get when you behavein such a strong, masculine way.

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What you should NOT do!

• Asking her if she likes you• Giving everything up too easily• Pestering her constantly – you are not her mother!• Being indecisive• Criticize her guy friends• Objectifying her (she is more than beautiful)• Be too fast!• Asking for a kiss• Talking constantly – listen to her!• Trying too hard to impress her

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ATTENTION! What women think about getting picked up at

the gym…

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• Headphones = Hell, no!if she’s got the music playing, it might be less about love of a rockin’ playlist and more about creating an invisible shield that says, “Don’t talk to me.”• She’s not in the mood“I’m wearing ponytail and I’m sweating. I don't exactly feel attractive at this point. Even if a guy thinks I'm attractive or cute, I don't. And that goes a long way toward affecting my confidence, so any advance is suspect.”• You’re ruining her concentration (and wasting her time)Lack of time is the main reason people give for not exercising, and in the modern world, we need to squeeze in workouts where we can. If she has to spend time fending off your advances, that’s less time she has for exercise. Not cool.• You might be creeping her outOk, you’ve noticed attractive women at the gym, but at least try to be casual about it: a quick glance using the mirror and back to work.

In few words… You don’t have to pretend women don’t exist at the gym, but don’t pretend like they’re there for your amusement either.

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Top 10 Effective Pickup Lines

A pickup line is a conversation opener or “icebreaker”

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10. Excuse me, is this seat taken?

• Innocent, charming and polite. It's not always safe to assume that a woman sitting next to an empty chair is alone. Your consideration of the fact that she may be saving a seat for someone shows that you have class. What makes this an effective pickup line is the fact that it's unobtrusive and gives her the opportunity to signal her non-interest politely, and the opportunity to invite you to join her if she's alone and wouldn't mind chatting.

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9. Would you like to dance?

• Warning: This probably won't work unless you actually have enough rhythm in your pants to dance. If you impress her with your skills, you might just find yourself at the bar talking about music, the DJ or even the venue. This is among the most effective pickup lines, because women in a place where there is dancing often like to dance (that's typically why they're there), and if you shuffle your feet right, who knows? You might be “extremely successful” at some point in the future.

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8. Can I interest you in a glass of...?

• Insert the type of beverage for which the occasion calls. In most cases, we are speaking of an event or gathering that calls for a glass of wine or a piña colada, and if you’re in college, a beer. If it’s a toned-down occasion, you might offer a soda or lemonade. No matter where you are, this is one of our favorite pickup lines because it affords us the opportunity to be polite and simultaneously display our skills as an expert without being obvious about it.

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7. Do you come here often? I could use your opinion about something...

• Before that gulp of beer comes out your nose, hold on. We know that this one sounds like a cheesy pickup line, but you can make it work for you. If you're having a hard time choosing a dish, a beverage or even an article of clothing that best suits you, it might be time to solicit the help of a woman who may happen to frequent the place in question. If you utilize her choice and opinion as a topic of conversation, you'll see that this is among the most effective pickup lines on the planet.

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6. Excuse me, can you help me with...?

• Here’s where you can come up with a light task for her to help you with, such as winning a bet among friends, naming a song that is playing or even ordering a drink. This will make her see that you're interested in her and appreciative of her feedback, opinion or selection. Requesting her assistance gives her a non-verbal indication that you’re impressed with her appearance and ultimately states that her answer is valued.

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5. Don’t you find this place...?

• This one could go one of two ways, depending on her behavior. If she looks like she's enjoying herself, insert a word that best describes the venue, such as "classy," "cool," or "chic“. If she seems kind of uninterested and bored by the whole affair, it might be time for the two of you to bond through your mutual dislike of the situation. Hopefully, she'll share your opinion, whichever it is, which will ultimately lead to further conversation about the crowd, decor and ambiance -- or lack thereof. Once you're on the same page, you've gone a long way toward establishing an enjoyable conversation.

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4. You look like you might be interested in some great conversation.

• If you say this with the right tone and with enough attitude, it’ll put a smile on her face. While this effective pickup line helps you break the ice, it also spontaneously creates a topic to discuss. This could be anything from food to wine or from a current event to the venue. Be sure that you’re as willing to listen as you are to talk, and remember to keep it light and great, which is exactly what you offered.

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3. Would you like an escort to your...?

• When you notice a woman walking alone - perhaps to her table, an elevator or even the bar - it is always a nice gesture to politely offer her a sense of security. At the same time, it is highly likely that she won’t be walking very far, so exhibiting your charm will be essential to your attempt to break the ice once you’ve delivered your effective pickup line.

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2. Wow! I really like that (item of clothing or fragrance) you're wearing.

• Most women put great effort into preparing an ensemble that best reflects who they are and how they want to be perceived by admirers. As such, your compliment tells her that her efforts did not go unnoticed. This small gesture will boost her confidence and earn you all access to front-row conversation. While it might be cool to already know that her bag's Balenciaga or that her shoes are Jimmy Choo, it doesn't hurt to inquire as to what they are. Giving her an opportunity to talk about her fashion choices shows that you're interested in what she has to say, and that you're a modern man with a certain sophistication.

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1. I just thought you should know that you have a really nice...

• Complimenting something specific and unique about a woman's features such as her smile, eyes or nose can go a long way in making a her open up enough to chat with you. Who says flattery gets you nowhere? The key is to make sure that you're genuine about your observation - women can tell when a guy is trying to praise excessively just to get close.

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