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S P E A K E R ’ S B I O G R A P H I E S

Introductory Speeches

Introductory Speeches

DAY ONE - Thursday 23 May 2013 - Hilton Molino Stucky

Giorgio Orsoni Mayor of Venice

Giorgio Orsoni is the mayor of Venice since 2010. He has been a lawyer specialised in Administrative Law since 1972. He is a Professor in Administrative Law at Ca Foscari University in Venice and Scientific Director of the Ca Foscari Masters in “Environment Law”.

Had has held various positions, amongst which Director of the Ca Foscari school for social workers from 1990 to 1992; Board Member of the cultural company “La Biennale” of Venice from 2000 to 2003; President of Save Engineering spa, the engineering company at Venice “Marco Polo” Airport from 1997 to 2003. He was also the Vice President of the Venice Giorgio Cini Foundation (he is now a member of the General Council as foreseen in the statute), Member of the La Fenice of Venice Board (he is now the President as foreseen in the statute).

Welcome Speech

11:00 - 11:10

Jean-Claude Depail GIE PresidentGDF SUEZ ExCom Member

Born in 1949, Jean-Claude Depail holds an engineering degree from ENSEM (Nancy), as well as master’s degrees in physics and economics.

Jean-Claude Depail joined Gaz de France in 1973. He started out in the Economic Research Department of the Economic and Commercial Division. In 1978, he transferred to the Transportation Production Division, where he became head of the Research Department in 1983. In 1986 he was appointed Regional Delegate in Angouleme with the Compagnie Française du Méthane, a subsidiary of Elf, Total and Gaz de France. In 1990, he returned to Gaz de France as Director of the Normandy Region of the Transportation Production Division. In 1993, he joined the Sales Division, in charge of relations with major industrial accounts. In that capacity, he was responsible for preparing the sales organization of Gaz de France for large accounts following the adoption of the first gas directive in 1998. In 1999 he became head of Key Accounts at Gaz de France. In 2000, Jean-Claude Depail was appointed Sales and Marketing Director for Gaz de France Négoce. In July 2003 he was appointed Director of the Trading Division in charge of gas supplies, natural gas management, optimization and sales to major clients.

Since July 2007, he had been Chief Operating Officer of the Global Gas & LNG Business Line. On March 4, 2010, he was appointed Executive Committee member in charge of the Infrastructures business line. Mr. Depail was elected as GIE President on 24 June 2010.

Welcome Speech

11:10 - 11:25

Introductory Speeches

Introductory Speeches

Carlo Malacarne CEOSNAM

Carlo Malacarne is the Chief Executive Officer of Snam S.p.A. since May 2006 and has been appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of Snam Rete Gas on November 26, 2012.

With a degree in Electronic Engineering and after a brief period in the company Selecontrol, Carlo Malacarne began his career in Snam S.p.A., in the gas transport technical service. In 1990, he took on a managerial position as operations manager of a natural gas transport district, ensuring the construction and operation of pipelines and promoting commercial initiatives to support the sale of natural gas.

Subsequently, as Director of Telecommunications and Process Systems,he contributed to the achievement of the reorganisation objectives for the telecommunications systems of the Eni Group and, in particular, he participated in the transfer of the Snam telecommunications branch, with the creation of a New Telecommunications Company, of which he was named Managing Director.

In March 1998, he was appointed Constructions Director, with the responsibility of ensuring the realisation of investments both in Italy as well as abroad. In July 1999, he was appointed Italian Network Director, with the job of overseeing the management of the gas transport network in Italy and of the GNL Italia regassification system.

In July 2001 he was appointed General Manager of Operations in Snam Rete Gas and President of the Board of GNL Italia S.p.A. (a role he held until June 2006).

From December 2005 to the beginning of May 2006 he was Chief Operating Officer of Snam Rete Gas with the task of supervising, together with management functions, commercial activities, planning, management of the transport network and the dispatching service.

DAY ONE - Thursday 23 May 2013 - Hilton Molino Stucky

Welcome Speech

11:25 - 11:40

Žygimantas VaičiūnasAdviser to the Minister of EnergyMinistry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania

Žygimantas Vaičiūnas is Adviser to the Minister of Energy at the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania. From 2005 he has been working on energy security issues in the Center for Strategic Studies; from 2009 – in the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania.

He is also a lecturer in the Institute of International Relations and Political Science at Vilnius University on Energy security issues in Central and Eastern Europe and European Union integration.

From 2009 to 2011 he was Head of the Strategic Planning and European Union Affairs Division. From 2011 to 2012 he has been Vice-Minister of Energy. Since the end of 2012 he has been active as Adviser to the Minister of Energy.

Mr. Vaičiūnas has an education on European studies in the Institute of International Relations and Political Science at Vilnius University.

12:00 - 13:30 Lunch

11:40 - 12:00

Introductory Speech

Emily WaterfieldChief Energy CorrespondentMLex

Emily Waterfield is a Chief Correspondent at MLex, the global news organization that specializes in analysis of laws affecting business, commerce and trade. She has spent several years working as an expert writer and commentator on the regulation of emissions trading, environmental policy, and energy markets for EU and national publications. Emily moved to Brussels in 2002 with degrees from Cambridge and New York University.

Session 1 Towards a truly integrated European energy market

Chairwoman : Emily Waterfield, Chief Energy Correspondent, MLex

6 presentations / 12 Minutes max. per presentation 45 min. Q&A / discussion 13:30 - 15:30

Chairwoman Session 1

Fethi ArabiPGC-B Strategy Chairman, IGUDirecteur Stratégie & Prospective, Sonatrach

Fethi Arabi is currently Chairman of the Program Committee B (PGC-B) in the International Gas Union (IGU) for the triennium 2012-2015. During this three-year period, the IGU PGC-B will be looking at various scenarios for economic growth, taking into account gas supply and demand on a regional and global level, its impact on pricing, the development of alternative or renewable energies and new environmental regulations. These scenarios will be including the dramatic increase in the use of unconventional gases. Gas price formation methods (oil indexation, market prices, etc.), long term pressure on contracts and changes in the regulatory framework will be analysed, along with the short and long term strategies (2050 roadmap) that are being developed by the gas industry to face these challenges.

Fethi Arabi has been working in Sonatrach for more than 10 years where he has been acting in different positions. He is currently the Strategy and Prospective Director at Sonatrach.

European energy policy and market developments: the Algerian perspective and


Markus BeckerSenior Director, Global Government Affairs & PolicyGE Oil & Gas

Markus Becker leads the global government affairs & policy team at GE Oil & Gas. Prior to this role he has been responsible for GE Energy’s EU energy policy program for 5 years. He joined GE in 2007 after having worked for Germany-based utility company RWE for 8 years.

Before coming to Brussels in early 2004, Markus worked for three years in U.S. government affairs at RWE’s newly established Washington D.C. office. Previously he headed an economic development pilot project for RWE’s sales and distribution company, RWE Energy, in Atlanta, GA. Prior to joining RWE in 1999, he was a legislative aide to the Honorable Juergen Ruettgers, Federal Minister of Science, Technology and Research in Germany.

He holds a degree in Economics from the University of Bonn, Germany.

EU Energy Policy for 2030: setting the right framework

for an integrated market?

Session 1 DAY ONE - Thursday 23 May 2013 - Hilton Molino Stucky

Catharina Sikow-MagnyHead of Unit,Security of Supply and NetworksEuropean Commission, DG ENER

Catharina Sikow-Magny joined the European Commission in 1997 and is Deputy Head of Unit in charge of “Security of supply and networks” in the Directorate General for Energy since 2009. Her particular tasks include the coordination of the Energy Infrastructure Package and the European Energy Recovery Programme.

Ms Sikow’s previous positions in the Commission have included international transport relations, trans-European network policy, internalisation of external costs and financing; as well as research management.

Before joining the Commission, Ms Sikow was team leader and chief economist in LT consultants and Viatek, in Finland, in total for about 10 years. She has also worked for the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti for 2 years. She started her career in 1986 in the Finnish Road & WaterwayAdministration.

Ms Sikow holds a MSc in Economics from the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration.

Energy Infrastructure Package: implementation

progress and expected outcome

François-Régis MoutonChairmanGasNaturally

Prior to his current position in Brussels as Delegate for European Affairs at TOTAL and elected GasNaturally Chairman, François-Régis Mouton, 47, held various positions in the Exploration & Production Branch of Elf Aquitaine S.A. from 1988 to 1996, including participation in operated and non-operated Joint Ventures in Gabon, and in gas storage projects in France. He then joined the Gas & Power Division in 1996 as Vice President Elf Aquitaine Gas UK Ltd, and in 2001 became Commercial & Business Development Director at TOTAL Gas & Power North Europe, based in Brussels. He was then appointed Senior Advisor at the World Bank Group in the Oil, Gas & Mining Policy Division from 2005 to 2007, where he successfully launched the Public-Private “Global Gas Flaring Reduction” Partnership in the Middle East (zero flaring policy in countries like Qatar), promoted regional cooperation on gas flaring reduction in the Gulf of Guinea (Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Nigeria) and also convinced France and the European Union to join the Partnership as donor countries. Finally from 2007 to 2010, he held the position of Joint Venture Manager & Communication/Sustainable Development Manager for “Pazflor”, the largest project currently operated by TOTAL.

François-Régis holds a “Diplôme d’ingénieur” from the Grande École des ‘Hautes Études d’Ingénieur’ (HEI) in Lille, France, a Masters Degree in Reservoir Engineering from the French Institute of Petroleum in Paris (IFP School), and a Training in Finance for Non Finance Managers, ‘Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales’ (HEC) in Paris, France.

Is the EU Energy Policy coherent about gas?

Session 1 DAY ONE - Thursday 23 May 2013 - Hilton Molino Stucky

Stephan KamphuesENTSOG President GTE PresidentGIE Vice PresidentOpen Grid EuropeChairman of the Management Board²

Stephan Kamphues has held various positions at E.ON Ruhrgas AG, which he joined as Head of the Business Law/East European Law Section in 1992 after practicing as a lawyer. In 1996, he took over as Head of the Legal Department at E.ON Ruhrgas International AG (formerly Ruhrgas Energie Beteiligungs-AG) before becoming a member of the Management Board in May 2004. While at E.ON Ruhrgas International, his main focus was on the acquisition and development of the company’s foreign shareholdings in Western and Central Europe. During this period, he also served on several supervisory and management boards.

Stephan Kamphues has been Chairman of the Management Board of Open Grid Europe, formerly E.ON Gastransport GmbH since March 1, 2008. He was elected the first ENTSOG President in December 2009 and he is also President of GTE - Gas Transport Europe.

Building a real European gas market

45 min. Q&A 8 discussion 14:35 - 15:30

15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break

Session 1 DAY ONE - Thursday 23 May 2013 - Hilton Molino Stucky

Alberto Pototschnig DirectorACER

Alberto Pototschnig, an economist and econometrician by training, is the first Director of the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, established pursuant to Regulation (EC) no. 713/2009. Before joining the Agency, he was a Partner in Mercados EMI, an international consultancy specialising in the energy sector, where he served as CEO and Deputy Chairman. He previously served as Director of Electricity Regulation in the Italian Energy Regulatory Authority (AEEG), as the first CEO of the Italian Electricity Market Operator and as adviser to the Italian Government. Since 2004, he has been an adviser at the Florence School of Regulation, where he regularly teaches on energy regulation.

Policy and regulatory framework: what are the next

challenges to tackle?

Session 2 DAY ONE - Thursday 23 May 2013 - Hilton Molino Stucky

Session 2 Investing and financing gas infrastructure: a business with a brilliant future?

Chairman : Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, Chairman, SNAM

5 presentations / 12 Minutes max. per presentation 35 min. Q&A / discussion 16:00 - 17:50

Lorenzo Bini SmaghiChairmanSNAM

Lorenzo Bini Smaghi has been appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of Snam on October 15, 2012. From January 1st 2012 to 26 November 2012 he was Chairman of Snam Rete Gas S.p.A.

Lorenzo Bini Smaghi is currently member of the A-List of Commentators for the Financial Times and Chairman of the Palazzo Strozzi Foundation in Florence. He also chairs the Italian Chapter of the Alumni of the University of Chicago.

From 1983 to 1988 he was an economist in the international sector of the Research Department of the Bank of Italy, where he was then appointed, from 1988 until 1994, Head of the foreign exchange and international trade.In 1998 he was appointed head of the Analysis and Planning Division at the European Monetary Institute in Frankfurt. From 1998 to 2005 he served as director general of the Directorate international financial relations of Italy’s Ministry of Economy and Finance.He has also been Chairman of SACE S.p.A. and Board Member of the European Investment Bank, Finmecccanica and MTS S.p.A.From June 2005 to November 2011 he has been a member of the Executive Committee of the European Central Bank.He is currently Visiting Scholar at Harvard’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs.

Graduated in Economics at the University of Louvain in 1978, two years later he obtained a Master of Arts in Economics from the University of Southern California and a BA in political science at the University of Bologna.In 1988 he also obtained a PhD from the University of Chicago.

Chairman Session 2

Jiří ZrůstManaging DirectorMacquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets, Europe

Jiri Zrust commenced his career in TNT Express Czech Republic in 1994, from 1997 worked as Country Finance Manager for the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In 2000 relocated to the TNT global headquarters in Amsterdam as Senior Audit Manager, responsible for internal audit assignments and acquisition due diligence. In 2001 was appointed CFO for TNT Australia and South Pacific in Sydney, where he managed a complex restructuring of the struggling TNT businesses in the region. After a very successful mission, in 2003 returned to Europe (Milano), where he assumed the position of CFO for the logistics division in South Europe, Middle East and Africa, the largest business unit of TNT, with revenue of over 1.4bn Euro. In 2007, following acquisition of TNT Logistics by Apollo Management, worked as Global Integration Director leading the largest merger in the logistic sector in 2007 between TNT Logistics and EGL, forming Ceva Logistics. In 2009 he left Ceva and joined CS Cargo as Group CEO, managing turnaround and restructuring of the struggling CEE logistics and transportation group. In 2011, after successful completion of the restructuring and arrival of the new investor he left CS Cargo to join Macquarie in London, heading the CEE Infrastructure team.

Is Gas Infrastructure an attractive long-term business

for investors?

Session 2 DAY ONE - Thursday 23 May 2013 - Hilton Molino Stucky

Vittoria FerrarisDirector - Infrastructure RatingsStandard & Poor’s

Vittoria Ferraris joined the EMEA Utilities team in November 2010 after a previous experience with S&P within the International Public Finance practice.Vittoria is responsible for a variety of regulated and non regulated utilities in Europe with a particular focus on Italy and Spain. She is based in S&P Milan.

She is a CFA Charterholder and holds a Master Degree in Economics from Milan based Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi

Policy and Regulatory risk in Europe: how to deal with it?

How to mitigate it?

Alberto PontiManaging DirectorHead European UtilitiesSociété Générale

Alberto Ponti is Head of Pan-European Utilities since 2010. Before joining Société Générale, during the last nine years, Alberto was a Pan-European Utilities Analyst at Citigroup in London. He ranked individually #1 in Italy between 2003 and 2008 and his team was ranked 1st from 2000 to 2009 by Extel and also #1 from 2000 to 2008 by Institutional Investors. He covered Italian, German and Nordic stocks and was responsible for a quarterly product dedicated to Pan-European Utilities investment strategy. Before that, he worked for two years for Flemings in London as Pan-European Utilities. He specializes in stock analyses, electricity and gas price formation mechanisms and modeling. Alberto holds a Degree in Economics from L. Bocconi University (Milan).

Consolidation of the gas infrastructure companies and

investment climate

Jean-Pascal AssemanHead of Infrastructure Project FinanceBNP Paribas

Jean-Pascal Asseman has more than 17 years of experience in Project Finance. He joined BNP Paribas in 2005 as a Managing Director and has been heading Project Finance in Italy since 2011. Before that, he was responsible for Infrastructure Project Finance for the EMEA region, based in Paris.

Prior to joining BNP Paribas, he held various positions in Project Finance at Bouygues Construction and Veolia Water.

Financing Gas Infrastructures: challenges and opportunities

Session 2 DAY ONE - Thursday 23 May 2013 - Hilton Molino Stucky

Closing Speech - Day 1

Guido Bortoni PresidentItalian Regulatory Authority for Electricity and GasAEEG

Guido Pier Paolo Bortoni is President of the Italian Electricity and Gas Regulatory Authority since February 2011.

Member of the Administrative Board of the Agency for the Cooperation of National Energy Regulators- A.C.E.R. (since 2009). Member of several national and international bodies and workgroups (ERGEG, CIGRE, CEI, AEE), 2012-2013 vice-president of CEER.

From January 2009 to January 2011: Chief Executive at the Energy Department of the ItalianMinistry for Economic Development; Member of the Board of Directors of RSE S.p.A. – a company active in the research on the energy system, President of the Committee for the emergency in the natural gas sector; Member of the Technical Committee on Greenhouse Gas Emissions (CTE). Member of the Italian-French workgroup on the development of the civil nuclear industry; Member of the Italian-US workgroup on the Clean Energy Ministerial.

From 1998 to 2008, served at the Italian Electricity and Gas Regulatory Authority. In 2007 he was appointed Central Manager, Head of the Markets Department (Electricity and Natural Gas).

From 1987 to 1998 he served at CESI (the Italian Electrotechnical Centre) of the Enel group and offered his counselling service and collaboration abroad, and especially in the USA and France for a two-year period.

He is the author of numerous scientific international and Italian publications and has held lectures in postgraduate courses on energy and regulatory issues.

He took a degree with honours in electrical engineering at the Pavia University and a postgraduate Master’s Degree in Business Management at the MIP-Milan Polytechnic.

Closing Speech

17:50 - 18:00

Julian MylchreestCo-head of Global Energy & Power Investment BankingBank of America Merrill Lynch

Julian Mylchreest is global co-head, Energy and Power, at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, jointly responsible for development of the firm’s business in this sector globally.

Julian joined Bank of America Merrill Lynch in September 2011. He was previously at Citigroup for 19 years, most recently as global sector head of energy and power, in addition to holding a senior client coverage role in Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa (CEEMEA), as Chairman of CEEMEA Investment Banking.

Julian holds a double first honours degree in Literae Humaniores (Classics) from Oxford University.

Investing in European Gas Markets: a view from outside

35 min. Q&A 8 discussion 17:15 - 17:50

Session 2 DAY ONE - Thursday 23 May 2013 - Hilton Molino Stucky

Evening ProgramGala Dinner in Venice

The GIE Annual Conference Gala Event will take place at the prestigious Palazzo Ducale in Venice. Please make your reservation early as places are limited.

4 boats will pick up guests for the Gala Dinner in front of the Hilton 19:15

Evening Program at Palazzo Ducale 20:00 - 22:30

Session 3 DAY TWO - Friday 24 May 2013 - Hilton Molino Stucky

Jean-Arnold VinoisHonorary DirectorUnit BDG ENER

Jean-Arnold Vinois practiced as lawyer before joining the European Commission in 1987. Since 1992, he occupied, within the Directorate General for Energy and Transport, several management posts dealing successively with human and financial resources, trans-European networks, transport research, railway transport and interoperability. In April 2006, he became Head of the Unit responsible for Energy policy, security of supply and networks. Since July 2011, he is acting as Director of the internal energy market within the Directorate General for Energy, covering in particular the wholesale and retail electricity and gas markets, security of energy supply and energy networks.

He retired on January 1st 2013 and is now Honorary Director. However, he continues to act occasionnally for DG Energy to promote the internal market for energy and related initiatives. Since 1st April 2013 and for one year, he may also act as Special Adviser to Günther Oettinger, the Commissioner responsible for energy.

Session 3 An Outlook into the Future Energy Market

Chairman : Jean-Arnold Vinois, Honorary Director - Unit B, DG ENER

5 presentations / 12 Minutes max. per presentation 30 min. Q&A / discussion 09:00 - 10:30

Chairman Session 3

Andrew MorrisDirectorHead of Midstream PracticePöyry

Andrew Morris has been with Pöyry since 1997 after 13 years working for British Gas in gas marketing and sales.

His expertise includes gas contracting, wholesale gas markets across Europe, gas transportation rules and tariffs, interconnector arrangements, supply / demand modelling, gas price forecasting, asset valuation and market studies in various countries across Europe, plus unbundling and compliance issues. He is responsible for Pöyry’s gas modelling and scenario analysis for asset valuations and security of supply projects and has been involved in gas contract negotiations and contract price re-opener disputes in a number of European countries.

Jean-Marc LeroyCEO Storengy

Jean-Marc Leroy is the CEO of Storengy, a new company of GDF SUEZ, dedicated to underground storage of natural gas in France and abroad.

Since 2005, Jean-Marc Leroy has been in charge of storage infrastructures and LNG terminals of GDF SUEZ. From 1997 to 2004, he has been active at Gaz de France head office in several key positions: Manager of the President’s Office, secretary of the Board, Deputy Vice president of the Strategy Division, Vice President in charge of Exterior Relations and Internal Communication. Jean-Marc Leroy started his career in Electricité de France (EDF). In 1994, he moved to Gaz de France as Deputy Vice President of Gaz de France Transmission Division.Jean-Marc Leroy is also President of GSE – Gas storage Europe, representing gas storage operators in Europe.

European Gas Market in a global context - supply/prices

2020 outlooks

The changing role of storage in the European energy


30 min. Q&A / discussion 09:50 - 10:30

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break

Session 3 DAY TWO - Friday 24 May 2013 - Hilton Molino Stucky

Volkmar PflugVice President Strategies, Sector EnergyMarket and Competitive IntelligenceSiemens Energy AG, Germany

Volkmar Pflug is currently Vice President Market and Competitive Intelligence of Siemens Sector Energy. Besides the annual market evaluation as a basis for strategic and investment decision making, he is responsible for developing long-term energy concepts for individual countries and advised on energy policies to reach targets of availability, affordability and sustainability of national energy systems.Before 2010, Volkmar Pflug was Vice President Corporate Strategies, Region Asia/Australia, Siemens AG, overseeing strategic development in Asia-Pacific region. From 2002 to 2005 he was head of Product Management of Siemens Power Generation Instrumentation and Controls division. Before, Volkmar Pflug held various strategic and operative management positions in corporate and IT.Volkmar Pflug received a Master in Physics and in Business Administration and a PhD in Computer Sciences.

Going all electric? Finding the best way to bring energy to

end users

Frédéric BauchotCTO Global Energy & Utitilies Solution CenterIBM Distinguished Engineer, S&D Master Inventor IBM La Gaude, France

Dr. Frédéric Bauchot is an IBM Distinguished Engineer, Chief Technical Officer of the E&U Solutions Center and of the Center of Excellence for Nuclear Power, Client Technical Advisor of the GDF Suez and Areva groups.

Frédéric received his Engineering Diploma from ENST, Paris in 1981, and then spent two years at the CNRS and received a PhD degree in telecommunications and signal processing. He joined IBM La Gaude in 1984 and has held various development and architecture positions in the NHD and IGS organisations, before his current assignment. Frédéric is a senior member of the IEEE, of the IBM France Technical Expert Council, of the IBM Academy of Technology, and an IBM Master Inventor with a portfolio of 174 patents. Frédéric received many IBM and non IBM distinctions, including the “French Engineer of the Year” recognition, awarded in 1996 by the French Minister of Industry and Research.

Graeme SteeleEuropean Policy and Interconnectors ManagerNational Grid

Graeme Steele has over 20 years experience in the energy industry with National Grid in the UK. Currently, he manages a team in National Grid’s transmission business which is responsible for National Grid’s interface with EU energy policy development and the operation of the GB/France electricity interconnector.Graeme is the Chairman of the Board of ENTSO-E, the new European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity which the EU TSOs established in July 2009 ahead of the full implementation of the 3rd Euroean Union Energy Package. He sits on the board of Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) and is a Vice President of Gas Transmission Europe (GTE).Prior to his current role, Graeme held a variety of positions in National Grid’s commercial and regulatory departments, and was National Grid’s Regulation Manager in the 2000 Transmission Price Control Review. He also led National Grid’s telecoms infrastructure business in its start up phase.

How new IT technologies can serve Energy Infrastructures

CCS and CO2 transport : do

we see options for positive business cases in the EU?

Session 4 DAY TWO - Friday 24 May 2013 - Hilton Molino Stucky

Session 4 Gas infrastructure adapting to the evolving market needs

Chairman : Henning Gloystein, Senior Correspondent, Head of European Power, Gas & Coal, Reuters News

5 presentations / 12 Minutes max. per presentation 20 min. Q&A / discussion 11:00 - 12:20

Henning GloysteinSenior Correspondent,Head of European Power, Gas & CoalReuters News

Henning Gloystein is Community Editor for European power, gas and coal in London.

Before joining Thomson Reuters, he was Deputy Director for Markets and Strategy at the London-based environmental market consultancy IDEAcarbon, and Team Leader for European Power Markets at Platts. Before moving to London in 2007, Henning worked as a freelance reporter and photographer for German and Latin American broadsheets and magazines, with assignments in Colombia, East Timor and Turkey.

Henning has a Master’s degree in History and Politics from Humboldt University in Berlin.

Chairman Session 4

Leonardo SenniHead of Energy DepartmentMiSE (Ministry of Economic Development)

Leonardo Senni is, since February 2012, Head of the Department of Energy at Italy’s Ministry of Economic Development. The Department of Energy include the whole sector value chain: from electricity to gas, renewables and oil; from upstream to generation, transmission and distribution, consumption and energy efficiency.

Prior to this role, Leonardo Senni has worked for 18 years at McKinsey & Company, an international management consultancy, where for 9 years he has been a Partner. Before he has worked at Procter & Gamble, a consumer good company, as production engineer.

Leonardo has graduated in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Genoa, holds a Master of Science in Manufacturing Technology from the University of Sussex (U.K.) and a Master in Business Administration from INSEAD Business School in France.

The integration of European gas market: the Italian


Gerald LinkeSenior Vice President Global EngineeringMedium Size ProjectsE.ON New Build & Technology

Dr. rer. nat. Gerald Linke is Senior Vice President Global Engineering – Medium Size Projects at E.ON New Build & Technology since October 2012, responsible for the analysis, standardization and optimization of the Group’s engineering functions and for global engineering development. He is also Managing Director of Kokereigasnetz Ruhr GmbH.

Previously he has held the following positions:

2010-2012: Head of Gas Technology & Energy Systems Competence Center, responsible for gas-related research, inter alia, applications development (condensing technology, µCHP, fuel cells, gas heat pump), evaluation of energy systems, innovative gases (biogas, power to gas), gas quality, thermodynamics, gas measurement, smart grids, optical fiber communications, LNG, international cooperation projects; moreover, head of Accident & Crisis Management at E.ON Ruhrgas.

Energy Technologies and Innovation in a future

European Energy Policy

Session 4 DAY TWO - Friday 24 May 2013 - Hilton Molino Stucky

Piet KagerBusiness Development ManagerSenior LNG ManagerGasunie

Dr. Piet Kager studied Geology at the University of Amsterdam and graduated in 1973. Worked as scientific officer at this University UvA and received a Ph D in 1980 on a thesis on Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Ore deposits in Southeast Spain. During this period he also studied Environmental Sciences.

In 1982 he joined Mobil Oil Corporation and held several positions, both technical and managerial, in Exploration and Production in Europe and the US.In 1995 he joined the newly founded Mobil Europe Gas (MEGAS) organization in The Hague responsible for gas transportation in Netherlands, Belgium and Interconnector. These activities resulted in the first real TPA contract in the Netherlands, where Mobil was serving customers and transit of gas between various European Mobil affiliates. In this position he was also involved in one of the early plans to bring LNG to Rotterdam. In 2000, after the Exxon – Mobil merger, he joined Gasunie to become commercial manager transportation, responsible for all TPA in the Gasunie grid in The Netherlands, start up of GTS. In 2004 he took the position of Manager Business Development in Gasunie Technology and Assets.After the unbundling of Gasunie in 2005 he was appointed senior project manager in the division of business development and participations of the infrastructure company N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie. Since mid 2005 he was responsible for the commercial negotiations in the Gate LNG receiving terminal project. After FID of this project in December 2007 he is mainly engaged with other Gasunie LNG activities. One is the potential of developing Small Scale LNG and Breaking Bulk in the harbour of Rotterdam. This will open opportunities for alternative use of LNG as fuel for ships and trucks, as well as, distribution centre for LNG to be transported to smaller regional receiving terminals. At the same time he is working in a team to investigate the introduction of LNG in Aruba to replace fuel oil for refinery and electricity generation.

Small Scale LNG: current state of play in Europe and outlook

for the next decade

Dr. rer. nat. Gerald Linke (continued)

2008 – 2010: Head of Technology Profit Center (360 FTE) including all technical network units (construction of pipelines and facilities; telecommunications) and central operations units (workshops, congestion management, stoppling teams)

2006 – 2008: Head of Northern Region, responsible for the operation of approx. 6,000 km transmission pipeline network, several storage facilities (2.5 billion m³), 500 MW installed compressor capacity and approx. 2,000 gas delivery stations (380 FTE)

2004 – 2006: Head of Pipeline Technology Competence Center at E.ON Ruhrgas, responsible for the planning and construction of pipelines, plant integrity, operational support, permit engineering

Since 1995: employed in the gas industry; from 1995 – 2004, held several positions at E.ON Ruhrgas, inter alia, head of Plant Safety, Numerical Simulation, Dispatching Projects

Dr. rer. nat. Linke has a doctorate in theoretical physics at the Institute for Mathematical Physics. He studied physics at Braunschweig Technical University.

20 min. Q&A / discussion 12:00 - 12:20

Session 4 DAY TWO - Friday 24 May 2013 - Hilton Molino Stucky

Reinhard OttenStrategy and Communication e-fuelsAudi AG

Reinhard Otten studied vehicle engineering at the University of Technology in Berlin before joining the Audi Marketing Division in 1996 where he was involved in the brand management of the Audi A6. In 1999 he moved to the Marketing Division in Spain where he was Product Manager for Audi A6, A8 and allroad quattro. Since 2002 he has been in charge of different strategic responsibilities within the Audi R&D department (Technical Project Management, Environment and Transport Concepts, Innovation Management, Manager of the Audi e-gas project) and is now responsible for strategy and communication of the Audi e-fuels activities.

Gas industry moving towards a low-carbon economy: pilot

project on Power-to-Gas + mobility

Lemlem Said IssaINOGATE Program Team LeaderINOGATE

Dr Lemlem Said Issa is currently INOGATE Program’s Team Leader; having just completed implementing, in Partnership with the Ukrainian National Regulatory Commission (NERC) and several EU Regulators, the third EU - ENPI project related to legal and regulatory reforms in the energy sector and adapting EU electricity & gas Directives as set out in the membership to the South East Europe Energy Community (Athens Treaty).

Has over nineteen years experience as Energy Economist and Regulation Expert; is skilled management consultant and project manager; has been advising governments on technical assistance co-operation, institutional building, policy development; as well as large industry in the private sector to apply new regulation, investment strategy and business policy.

Has worked in the private sector with major energy companies and utilities in Western Europe, Middle-East and North Africa, addressing the challenges of the energy liberalised markets; regulatory commitments and their impact on businesses.

In the public sector, has led several projects financed by the EBRD, World Bank as well as EU funds such as CARDS, TACIS, PHARE, ENP all over Eastern and Central Europe.

Holds Bachelor and Masters Degrees in Business Administration and International Affairs, as well as completing a PhD program in Development Economics

EU gas infrastructure operators cooperation

beyond EU borders

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch

Closing Panel

Video Invitation to next GIE Annual Conference 2014 in Berlin

Closing Panel DAY TWO - Friday 24 May 2013 - Hilton Molino Stucky

Jean-Claude Depail GIE PresidentGDF SUEZ ExCom Member

Born in 1949, Jean-Claude Depail holds an engineering degree from ENSEM (Nancy), as well as master’s degrees in physics and economics.

Jean-Claude Depail joined Gaz de France in 1973. He started out in the Economic Research Department of the Economic and Commercial Division. In 1978, he transferred to the Transportation Production Division, where he became head of the Research Department in 1983. In 1986 he was appointed Regional Delegate in Angouleme with the Compagnie Française du Méthane, a subsidiary of Elf, Total and Gaz de France. In 1990, he returned to Gaz de France as Director of the Normandy Region of the Transportation Production Division. In 1993, he joined the Sales Division, in charge of relations with major industrial accounts. In that capacity, he was responsible for preparing the sales organization of Gaz de France for large accounts following the adoption of the first gas directive in 1998. In 1999 he became head of Key Accounts at Gaz de France. In 2000, Jean-Claude Depail was appointed Sales and Marketing Director for Gaz de France Négoce. In July 2003 he was appointed Director of the Trading Division in charge of gas supplies, natural gas management, optimization and sales to major clients.

Since July 2007, he had been Chief Operating Officer of the Global Gas & LNG Business Line. On March 4, 2010, he was appointed Executive Committee member in charge of the Infrastructures business line. Mr. Depail was elected as GIE President on 24 June 2010.

GIE Annual Conference 2014Invitation video

Closing Speech


12:40 - 12:50

12:50 - 13:00

Keynote Speech

Günther H. Oettinger Commissioner for Energy European Commission

Günther H. Oettinger is Member of the European Commission responsible for energy since 10 February 2010. From 2005 to 2010, he was Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg (Germany) and, since 1984, member of the State Parliament. He was Chairman of the CDU Baden-Württemberg parliamentary group in the State Parliament from January 1991 to April 2005.

A lawyer by training and CEO of a firm of auditors and tax consultancy (1988-2005), Gunther H. Oettinger has got actively involved in politics during his adolescence. He is Member of the Governing Board and the Federal Executive Committee of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU Deutschland) since 2005.

Keynote Speech

12:20 - 12:40

Gas Transmission EuropeGas Storage Europe

sGas LNG Europe


Gas Infrastructure Europe

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