speaker one

Good morning every one, my name is………………………………………………… and I am the first speaker of this group that agree with the issue that rap music is a bad influence on Young people. we agree that rap music is a lifestyle but we disagree with their negative influence that nowadays we can see in rap music. We know that it is important to talk about the trouble times in people`s life, but also it is important to talk about a hope that they can have. Most of the lyrics about rap are about drugs, violence, fights, women, and so on. At the beginning, the lyrics in rap was about pain, miseries and frustration that African or American African people have suffered during the times. We know that their life has not been easy. We can find that information in books, articles, even in history. We know that Black people used that kind of music to show their sadness that they could not express in the society. Young people use to imitate their favourite artists and memorize the lyrics, also they copy the way of dressing and even their way of thinking, and most of the time Rap music is very negative as well.They use to glorifying criminal activities and degrade women. This issue is very important, because it has been cited as the cause of increasing of violence, especially among black youth. I do not know if you have seen in the newspapers or on the tv that rappers all the time are involved in different problems, even in crimes. So I wonder if you want that for the society, if you want violence in the school for this kind of people that think that everything is against them. Would you like that???? Or would you like a better world where people can interact each other without problem and accept different kind of thinking. In my case, I want that. For these reasons we are convinced that rap music is a bad influence on young people.

Upload: paula-abarza

Post on 04-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Speaker one

Good morning every one, my name is………………………………………………… and I am the first

speaker of this group that agree with the issue that rap music is a bad influence on Young


we agree that rap music is a lifestyle but we disagree with their negative influence that

nowadays we can see in rap music. We know that it is important to talk about the trouble

times in people`s life, but also it is important to talk about a hope that they can have. Most of

the lyrics about rap are about drugs, violence, fights, women, and so on.

At the beginning, the lyrics in rap was about pain, miseries and frustration that African or

American African people have suffered during the times. We know that their life has not been

easy. We can find that information in books, articles, even in history. We know that Black

people used that kind of music to show their sadness that they could not express in the


Young people use to imitate their favourite artists and memorize the lyrics, also they copy the

way of dressing and even their way of thinking, and most of the time Rap music is very

negative as well.They use to glorifying criminal activities and degrade women. This issue is very

important, because it has been cited as the cause of increasing of violence, especially among

black youth.

I do not know if you have seen in the newspapers or on the tv that rappers all the time are

involved in different problems, even in crimes. So I wonder if you want that for the society, if

you want violence in the school for this kind of people that think that everything is against

them. Would you like that???? Or would you like a better world where people can interact

each other without problem and accept different kind of thinking. In my case, I want that.

For these reasons we are convinced that rap music is a bad influence on young people.