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Speak Bulgarian with condence

103410 TY SPEAKING BULGARIAN.indd Spread 1 of 48 - Pages(i)

31/03/2010 14:38

103410 TY SPEAKING BULGARIAN.indd Spread 2 of 48 - Pages(ii)

31/03/2010 14:38

Global scale of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR)Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very uently and precisely, differentiating ner shades of meaning even in more complex situations.

Procient User


Speak Bulgarian with condenceMira Kovatcheva & Michael Holman

TY Level 5 CEFR LEVEL C1 TY Level 4 CEFR LEVEL B2 (A Level) TY Level 3 CEFR LEVEL B1 (Higher GCSE) TY Level 2 CEFR LEVEL A2: (Foundation GCSE) TY Level 1 CEFR LEVEL A1

Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. Can express him/herself uently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language exibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices. Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her eld of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of uency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briey give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need. Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

Basic User

Independent User

Council of Europe. www.coe.int/lang. Extract reproduced with the permission of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg

103410 TY SPEAKING BULGARIAN.indd Spread 3 of 48 - Pages(86, iii)

31/03/2010 14:38

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103410 TY SPEAKING BULGARIAN.indd Spread 4 of 48 - Pages(iv, 85)

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Subject indexNumbers refer to the conversations on the CDs containing the material.address forms 8 agreement 2 announcements 3/9 (to) be 6 (to) be, past tense 8 comparison 3, 10 future tense 5 gender 2 greetings 1 have 6 introducing yourself 10 money 4 Mr, Mrs 1 must do 7 negation (adj.), (noun) 2 negation (verb) 5 negation (multiple) 3/2 permission 1 plural of nouns 4 polite plural 1 possession 9 pronouns 6 questions 4 requests 4, 3/1 saying how you feel 8 s/he is not in 8 telling the time 8 the 5 the with adjectives 9 there is 3 there isnt 3 this 3 verbs: personal endings 1, 5 word order 10

ContentsTrack listing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Only got a minute? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Only got ve minutes? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Only got ten minutes? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Cultural information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Pronunciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Conversation 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Part 1: Getting to know the locals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Part 2: More socializing with the locals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Conversation 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Part 1: Ordering drinks at the coffee-bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Part 2: Completing your order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Conversation 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Part 1: Booking a table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Part 2: Giving your order at a restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Conversation 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Part 1: Shopping for food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Part 2: Buying drinks to take home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Conversation 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Part 1: Getting a taxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Part 2: Renting a car. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Conversation 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Part 1: Catching a train . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Part 2: Taking a coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Conversation 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Part 1: Asking for directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Part 2: Finding your hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Conversation 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Part 1: Being unwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Part 2: Going to the doctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Conversation 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Part 1: Sorting out misunderstandings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Part 2: Correcting more mistakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38




103410 TY SPEAKING BULGARIAN.indd Spread 5 of 48 - Pages(84, v)

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underground metro

where; ~ from kuddeh; otkuddeh whichkoy whokoy why zashto wife: my ~zhenna mee will (future)shteh

Conversation 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Part 1: Making new friends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Part 2: Staying in touch and meeting up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Conversation 3/1: Paying a business visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Conversation 3/2: Ordering cold drinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Conversation 3/3: Ordering a quick lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Conversation 3/4: Shopping for gifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Conversation 3/5: Discussing time and distances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Conversation 3/6: Buying coach tickets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Conversation 3/7: Finding your way round a building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Conversation 3/8: Visiting a pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Conversation 3/9: Warnings and instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Conversation 3/10: Keeping in touch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Grammar reference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Listening skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Essential vocabulary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Glossaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 BulgarianEnglish glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 EnglishBulgarian glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Subject index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

(I) understandrazbeeram untildoh unwell: Im feeling ~losho mee eh up nagorreh

very; ~ soon mnogo; slet malko vitaminvitamin vodka votka

wineveeno (we) wish you success! zhella-em vee oospeh! (pl) withsuss/s

wait! chakaiteh! (pl) (I) want; do you ~ ?iskam; iskatteh lee? (pl) warmtoppul (he/she/it) wasbesheh watervoda we nee-eh weakslap (the) weather vremetto well; ~ dobreh; amee (you) were besheh (sg) what; ~ is the matter with you?; ~ is the time? ~ kind of?; whats up/ wrong? kakvo; kakvo tee eh?; kolko eh chassuh?; kakuf?; kakvo eema? when koga

withoutbess wonderful! choodesno! (is) working rabboti would you like?iskatteh lee? (pl) (I) write (down) napisha write! napishetteh! (pl) (I am) wrong eemam greshka

yesda yesterdayfcherra you tee (sg), vee-eh (pl) you maymozheh (sg) you werebyahteh (pl) your tvoya (sg), vashiya (pl)


EnglishBulgarian glossary


103410 TY SPEAKING BULGARIAN.indd Spread 6 of 48 - Pages(vi, 83)

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(I) show; Ill ~ youpokazha; shteh vee ~ side dish garnitoora signal signal sir!gospodinneh! (do) sit down! sednetteh! (pl) skiing ski slot (appointment)chass slowly bavno smallmaluk so znachee soda water gazirana voda somemalko somethingneshto soon: very ~ slet malko (Im) sorrysuzhalyavam; izvinnetteh! (pl) soupsoopa (I) speak; speak!govorya; govoretteh! (pl) sport sport square ploshtat stand! stoyteh! (pl) station: coach ~; (underground) ~; (railway) ~ aftogara; stantsiya; gara stomachkorem stopspirka stotinka stotinka straight aheadnapravo streetoolitsa subway (US) metro success oospeh sugar zahar supersooper switch off! isklyoochetteh! (pl)

teachai telephonetelefon (I) tell; tell me!kazha; kazhetteh! (pl) temperaturetemperatoora terribly oozhasno thanks! mersi! (I) thank youbluggodaryuh that cheh thats righttochno takka theirtehniya there; over ~ tam; etto ~ there is/ areeema there isnt/ arentnyama theres no neednyama noozhda there you go! zuppovyadaiteh! (pl) they teh thingneshto (I) think that misslya cheh thistozzi ticket; ~ officebillet; kassa time vremmeh to; ~ the stationdoh, za; za garata today dness toilet toh-alletna tomatodomat tonic tonik tonighttazzi vecher toosushto; ee totalfsichko touristtoorist track kolovoss traffic lights svetofar trainvlak

Track listingCD 1 Track 1: Introduction Tracks 27: Conversation 1 part 1 Getting to know the locals Tracks 811: Conversation 1 part 2 More socializing with the locals Tracks 1216: Conversation 2 part 1 Ordering drinks at the coffee-bar Tracks 1720: Conversation 2 part 2 Completing your order Tracks 2125: Conversation 3 part 1 Booking a table Tracks 2629: Conversation 3 part 2 Giving your order at a restaurant Tracks 3035: Conversation 4 part 1 Shopping for food Tracks 3640: Conversation 4 part 2 Buying drinks to take home Tracks 4145: Conversation 5 part 1 Getting a taxi Tracks 4648: Conversation 5 part 2 Renting a car (start) CD 2 Track 1: Conversation 5 part 2 Renting a car (end) Tracks 27: Conversation 6 part 1 Catching a train Tracks 811: Conversation 6 part 2 Taking a coach Tracks 1216: Conversation 7 part 1 Asking for directions Tracks 1720: Conversation 7 part 2 Finding your hotel Tracks 2125: Conversation 8 part 1 Being unwell Tracks 2629: Conversation 8 part 2 Going to the doctor Tracks 3034: Conversation 9 part 1 Sorting out misunderstandings Tracks 3538: Conversation 9 part 2 Correcting more mistakes Tracks 3943: Conversation 10 part 1 Making new friends Tracks 4447: Conversation 10 part 2 Staying in touch and meeting up CD 3 Track 1: Introduction Tracks 24: Conversation 1 Paying a business visit Tracks 57: Conversation 2 Ordering cold drinks Tracks 810: Conversation 3 Ordering a quick lunch Tracks 1113: Conversation 4 Shopping for gifts Tracks 1416: Conversation 5 Discussing time and distancesTrack listing

tablemassa tablecloth pokrifka za massa tablet tabletka (I) take; take! vzemma; vzemetteh! (pl) taxitaksi

tramtramvay translator prevodach (I) travelputtoovam typically tipichno



103410 TY SPEAKING BULGARIAN.indd Spread 7 of 48 - Pages(82, vii)

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Tracks 1719: Conversation 6 Buying coach tickets Tracks 2022: Conversation 7 Finding your way round a building Tracks 2325: Conversation 8 Visiting a pharmacy Tracks 26: Conversation 9 Warnings and instructions Tracks 2729: Conversation 10 Keeping in touch Track 30: Conclusion

need; (I) ~noozhda; eemam ~ ot never mind! nishto! next; ~ tosledvasht; doh nicehoobaf; priyaten no/ notneh noisy shoomno nothingnishto now segga numbernommer

phone telefon pill tabletka pizzapitsa placemyasto platform kolovoss pleasantpriyatno please; if you ~mollya; ako obeechatteh (pl) pleased to meet you priyatno mee eh pleasure: with ~ s oodovolstvee-eh plus ee

Recorded at Alchemy Studios, Londonoclockchassuh

policemanpolitsai (it is) possible mozheh present podaruk price tsenna problem; no ~ problem; nyama problemi

Cast: Andrei Drenikov, Vladimir Karakashov, Mira Kovatcheva, Tsvetana Racheva, Sarah Sherborne

of; ~ course na; razbeera seh office aggentsiya okdobreh! onna once again/more oshteh vednush oneeddin only samo orillee open; the shop is ~ otvoren; magazina rabboti orange portokal; portokallof (made from oranges) order; out of ~ poruchka; neh rabboti other droogo ournashiya over thereetto tam (I) owe dulzhuh

railway stationgara ready gottof reception (desk) retseptsiya (I) reckon that misslya cheh (I) repeat poftorya reservationrezervatsiya restaurantrestorant right: to/ on the ~; ~!; thats ~! vdyasno; dobreh!; tochno takka! right away segga roomstaya

saladsalata packet kootiya painbolka parkgradina (I beg your) pardon mollya parking lot; in the ~parkink; na parkinga passportpasport peachpraskova perhapsmozheh bee pharmacy apteka sandwich sandvich (I) say; that is to ~ kazha; tova znachee season sezon seat; (wont you) take a ~!myasto; zuppovyadaiteh! (pl) (I) send pratya she tya shortly slet malko shouldtryabva da


EnglishBulgarian glossary


103410 TY SPEAKING BULGARIAN.indd Spread 8 of 48 - Pages(viii, 81)

31/03/2010 14:38

Im feeling unwelllosho mee eh in; ~ Bulgarian; ~ the car park; ~ fteen minutes; ~ Septembervuf/f; na bulgarski; na parkinga; slet petnaiset minooti; press septemvri information; at the ~ booth informatsiya; na informatsiyata interpreter prevodach is eh is that so? takka lee? (here) is/are etto; zuppovyadai (teh) (there) is/are eema isnt: there ~/ arent; ~ that so? nyama; nallee? it toh its notneh eh

lukewarm toppul lunch obyat

IntroductionWith the publication of Speak Bulgarian with condence it has got a whole lot easier to learn, understand and speak simple, correct Bulgarian. Especially if you wish to manage without having to learn the Cyrillic script and dont want to be involved in a great deal of writing. This audio course has been recorded by Bulgarian native speakers and is based on lots of listening and carefully guided repetition. Communication and conversation are at its heart. We have divided the course into two distinct but interrelated elements. Course element 1, on the rst two CDs, consists of twenty carefully graded conversations. Accompanied by plenty of straightforward explanations, these introduce you to key Bulgarian words and phrases that you will need in real-life situations. Like getting to know the locals, eating out, going shopping, using public transport, and, if things dont go quite according to plan, sorting out problems and misunderstandings. In Course element 2 on CD 3, we have chosen conversations to mirror these initial situations. We introduce further useful words and phrases, but give fewer explanations, encouraging you to listen carefully and work out the essential meaning yourself. You will nd all the conversations and their English translation in the accompanying booklet, which also contains English-Bulgarian and Bulgarian-English glossaries, subject word lists and just a few grammatical tables. We have worked in tandem as authors for over twenty years, initially teaching Bulgarian to students at Leeds University. Our Teach Yourself Bulgarian (1993) was widely acclaimed and is still going strong. We have much enjoyed working together on Speak Bulgarian with condence and hope you will nd it fun and useful. Do write and tell us how you like it also how you think it might be improved. Thank you! Mersi and bluggodaryuh! Mira Kovatcheva and Michael Holman

madam!gospozho! manymnogo marvellous! choodesno! (whats the) matter with you? kakvo tee/ vee eh? may I/ may we?; you maymozheh lee?; mozheh (that) means tova znachee meatmesso (dont) mention it! nyama nishto! menu menyu metre; 100 metres from here mettur; na sto metra ot took milkmlyako mineral watermineralna voda minuteminoota miss; miss!gospozhitsa; gospozhitse! (hes/ its) missing nyama goh mistakegreshka mobile (phone) mobillen (telefon) momentmomment money; exact ~ parri; tochni ~ month messets moreoshteh; po (in comparisons) (in the) morning sootrinta most nai (in comparisons) Mrgospodin Mrsgospozha muchmnogo musclemooskool musttryabva da mymoya my wifezhenna mee name; my ~ iseemeh; kazvam seh, eemetto mee eh near(by); its ~; its not ~bleezo; ~ eh; neh eh ~

juicesok just; ~ a momentsamo; eddin momment

kilokilo kilogramkilogram (I) know; do you ~?znam; zna-etteh lee?

largegolyam late kussno leaves /is leavingzaminava left: to/ on the ~vlyavo lemonlimon lets (do something) da levlef lift assansyor (I) likeharresvam, harresva mee likewise sushto litre litur little; a ~ maluk; malko (for how) long? za kolko vremmeh? lot: a ~ mnogo (I) loveobeecham luggagebagash




103410 TY SPEAKING BULGARIAN.indd Spread 9 of 48 - Pages(80, 1)

31/03/2010 14:38

English (language)angleeyski (ezik)

~ eveningdobur vecher ~ health! nazdravveh! ~ luck! na dobur chass! ~ morningdobrootro; dobur den goodbyedovizhdanneh gram; two hundred ~s gram;(dvesta) grama (I) guess that misslya cheh

Only got a minute?This course aims to help you learn to speak simple, correct Bulgarian without having to learn the Cyrillic script. With the aid of three CDs recorded by native speakers and an accompanying booklet with all the texts, you will quickly master the sounds of Bulgarian practising a variety of words and phrases essential in everyday discourse. Bulgarian belongs to the family of Slavic languages and is the official language of the Republic of Bulgaria. It is spoken by more than seven million people within Bulgaria and by several hundred thousand more in neighbouring countries. Most closely related to Macedonian and Serbian, with which it shares usage of the Cyrillic script, Bulgarian is the rst language using Cyrillic in the European Union. Bulgarian pronunciation is not difficult for English speakers. Bulgarian vowels are generally clear and straightforward. The consonants too do not usually present problems unless they come in combinations which may initially test the English-trained tongue. Try the place name

Englishmananglichanin English womananglichanka er amee espresso espresso euro evro evening; in the ~ vecher; vecherta everyone fsichki everything; ~ hurts (me)fsichko; ~ meh bollee exactly! tochno takka! excuse me!izvinnetteh! (pl); mozheh lee? expensive skup

half; ~ a kilopolovin; ~ kilo (a) half polovinna (I) have; I dont ~ eemam; nyamam have a nice day!lek priyaten hoobaf den! have to (should)tryabva

far (away) dallecheh (I) feelchoostvam seh (Im) feeling unwelllosho mee eh fetta cheese seerenneh ne; ne! hoobaf; dobreh! rm firma shribba oor; (the) fth ~etash; petiya ~ ugrip foodhrana for; ~ how many people?; ~ how long? ~ me; ~ you (pl)za; za kolko dooshi?; za kolko vremmeh?; za men; za vass freesvoboden fromot

he toy hellozdravey! (sg), zdraveyteh! (pl); allo (on the phone) (I) helppomogna herneyniya (adj) here; ~ you aretook; zuppovyadai (sg), zuppovyadaiteh (pl) hi! zdravey! (sg), zdraveyteh! (pl) hisnegoviya holiday pochifka hottoppul hotelhotel (the) hottest nai topliya hourchass housekushta how; ~ are you?; ~ are you feeling?; ~ many?; ~ much?; ~ much does it cost?kak; ~ see? (sg), ~ steh? (pl); ~ seh choostvatteh?; kolko?; kolko?; kolko stroova? (it) hurtsbollee

gardengradina (I) give; Ill give youdam; shteh vee ~ give me!daiteh mee! gladly s oodovolstvee-eh glass chasha (I) gootidda go ahead!mozheh! good; ~! hoobaf, dobur; dobreh! ~ afternoondobur den

Iass ice let iconeekonna if; ~ you please ako; ~ obeechatteh (pl) Im calledkazvam seh


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bravo! bravvo! British Embassypossolstvotto na Vellikobritanniya Bulgarian (language)bulgarski (ezik) Bulgarian man; ~ womanbulgarin; bulgarka bus; ~ stopaftoboos; spirka na aftoboossa busy za-et buta, noh caf kaffeh calendar kalendar (Im) called; what is it ~?kazvam seh; kak seh kazva? (you) came doydohteh (pl) can kootiya (I) canmoga can I help you?moga lee da vee pomogna? cappuccinokapoochino car; ~ park; ~ rental kola; parkink; rent-a-car card; business/ visiting ~ kartichka; vizitna ~ cash pointkassa centre tsentur change; small ~ resto; drebni cheap eftin cheers! nazdravveh! chemists apteka (fetta) cheese seerenneh chickenpilleh chocolateshokolat cigarette tsigara (are) closing seh zatvaryat coach; ~ stand; ~ station aftoboos; sektor; aftogara coffeekaffeh coke kola cold; (Im) coldstooden; stoodenno mee eh colleaguekollega (I) come; it will ~doyda; shteh doydeh

come!ella! (sg), ellatteh! (pl) (I) come from...ass sum ot... come in!/ wont you ~ vlesteh!; zuppovyadaiteh! (pl) conference konferentsiya corner uggul corridor korridor (it) costsstroova (of) course razbeera seh could you/ I...?mozheh lee...? cream krem credit card kreditna karta cucumberkrastavitsa cup chasha CV seevee

Koprivshtitsa, for example. But even here the trilled or rolled pronunciation of the letter r will come naturally enough to the Scots! Neither is the structure of Bulgarian difficult. In many important respects it is very similar to that of English. The order of words in sentences is much the same in both languages. Just as in English, nouns only change their endings from singular to plural. Another similarity is the use of an equivalent of the English denite article the. An interesting difference, though, is that in Bulgarian it is placed not before the word but attached to the end. So while the word for taxi, very conveniently, is taksi, the taxi is taksito. This is a particularly interesting time to be learning Bulgarian. The language has been changing fast in recent years, adapting to the unchallenged inuence of English in all spheres of life. Bulgarians have a lively interest in foreigners, and although they wont expect you to speak Bulgarian, theyll be attered and pleased that you are making the effort to do so.Only got a minute?

day; (have a nice) ~! den; priyaten/ lek den! delay zakusnennee-eh departszaminava deposit depozit dessert dessert direction; in which ~?possoka; vuf koya ~? director dirrektor doctordoktor (as term of address) dont mention it!(nyama) nishto! door vratta down nadolloo drink: something to ~ neshto za pee-enneh drop (me); where shall I ~ you?ostavvetteh (meh); kuddeh da vee ostavya? during press

early ranno elevator (US) assansyor e-mail eemeyl embassy; ~ of Great Britainpossolstvo; possolstvotto na Vellikobritanniya engaged za-etto (n)



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Only got ve minutes?

So you want to understand and speak Bulgarian excellent, super! Or as we say in Bulgarian, sooper! There couldnt be a better time to start. Bulgaria is now a full member of the EU and is open to the world. Moreover, more and more people are learning Bulgarian, so you wont be alone in your undertaking. If you want to get by for the time being without using the Bulgarian alphabet, Cyrillic as it is called, thats okey, dobreh! ne! Welcome to Speak Bulgarian with condence*. This is the course for you! It will show you that learning to speak Bulgarian is fun and not that difcult either. Even now, without making any great effort, in this paragraph you have already met and probably remembered, three important Bulgarian words: sooper, okey and dobreh. You see, it really is quite easy! And the sounds of Bulgarian are not difcult either. There are no difcult vowels or consonants for the English speaker, and the Scots will nd the rolled Bulgarian letter r a positive delight! Before we tell you about the course and, although it may sound presumptuous, why we think we are well prepared and ideally matched as authors to help you to learn Bulgarian, wed like to tell you a little more about Bulgarian as a language. Bulgarian is a Slavic language and like Serbian, Croatian and Macedonian it belongs to the South Slavic sub-grouping. Like Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian and Macedonian it uses the Cyrillic alphabet. Cyrillic traces its origin way back to the ninth century. It is an original combination of Roman and Greek letters with a few extra ones added to cope with the sounds of Bulgarian. In Bulgaria at present, Cyrillic is under siege from the English alphabet. For the non-Cyrillic user this is not such a bad thing, for as you walk* If, on the other hand, you want to have a go at Cyrillic right away, go straight to Teach Yourself Bulgarian.

Individual Bulgarian words are generally given in their standard forms, so adjectives are in the masculine singular, verbs in the I-form and nouns in the singular non-denite form.a/aneddin (I am) able tomoga about okolo absolutely! apsolyootno! (in) addition osven tova address adress after slet (in the) afternoon sledobet again; once ~ pak; oshteh vednush agency aggentsiya ahead: straight ~ napravo a littlemalko all (together)fsichko all the best! fsichko hoobavo! allergy allergiya alongpo a lot mnogo alsosushto (I) amsum and; ~ (what about) you?ee; a vee-eh? another one oshteh edno (n) anything else?neshto droogo?, oshteh neshto? apartment apartament appointmentchass (we) are; (you) ~; (they) ~; smeh; see (sg), steh (pl); sa (he/ she/ it) arrives; will arrive pristigga; shteh pristigneh (I) askpittam aspirin aspirin bad losho baggage bagash banana banan bank banka bathroom (US) toh-alletna baysektor (to) besum (see Grammar reference) be ablemoga beachplash beautifulhoobaf because zashtoto beerbeera besides that osven tova best; (all the) ~! nai hoobavo; fsichko hoobavo! better po dobreh biggolyam (the) biggest nai golyamata (f) bill smetka bookingrezervatsiya bottlebootilka boulevard boolevart box kootiya (Bulgarian) brandy rakiya at vuf/f; na ~ sevenvuf seddem ~ the traffic lightsna svetofarra ~ what time?vuf kolko chassuh? ~ workna rabbota attention (please)! vnimanee-eh!


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uggul 7; (na) uggulla; (zat) uggulla corner; on the ~; round the ~

~ seddem 3 at seven (shteh) vzemma 3:3 Ill take vzemmetteh! 3:5 take!

vashiya 9 (m), vashta (f), vashto (n), vashteh (pl) your (pl) (za) vass? 3 for you? vdyasno 6 on/ to the right vecher 3; vecherta 3:8 evening; (in) the ~ (oshteh) vednush 3:6 once again vee-eh 1 you (pl) veeno 4 wine vitamini 8 vitamins vizitna kartichka 3:10 visiting/business card vlak 6; vlaka train; the ~ vlesteh! 3:1 (do) come in! vlyavo 7 on/ to the left vnimanee-eh! 3:9 attention (please)! voda 1 water votka 1 vodka vratta 3:7; vratteetteh 3:9 door; the ~s vremmeh 3:1 (za kolko) ~ ? time; for how long? vremmetto 3:2 the weather vuf/ f 8 in; 3 at ~ mommenta 3:0 at the moment ~ nedellya 10 on Sunday

za 3; 6; ~ men; ~ vass for; to; for me; for you ~ koga? 3:6 for when? za-et (m) 3:10; za-etto (n) 3:7 busy; engaged zahar 3 sugar zakusnennee-eh 3:9; vlaka eema ~ delay; the train is late zaminava 6 leaves, departs zashto 8 why zashtoto 3:2 because zat uggulla 3:7 round the corner (seh) zatvaryat 3:9 are closing zdravey! 2 (sg), zdraveyteh! (pl) hello, hi zellennata 3:4 the green one zhella-em vee oospeh! 3:10 we wish you success! zhenna mee 10 my wife znachee 3:0 so; that means/ is to say zna-etteh lee? 5 do you know? znam 5; neh znam I know; I dont ~ zuppovyadai 1 (sg), zuppovyadaiteh (pl) (wont you) please come in/ get in/ take a seat; here you are, there you go

round the streets in the large cities you will nd a great number of shop signs and notices in English. Many street signs too are posted both in English and Cyrillic letters. So you will have a good start in getting what you want and knowing where you are. In addition, the huge number of English words in use in contemporary Bulgarian will help you decipher a fair number of words you come across when learning the language. Over the centuries Bulgarian has borrowed thousands of words from other languages from Turkish, Russian, Greek, French, German and, especially in the last twenty years, from English. (We say borrowed or loaned, but they are never actually given back!) A few of these permanent loans, words such as cha-oo! (ciao!) bye! or mersi one of the Bulgarian words for thank you remain much as in the original language. Most, however, take on some Bulgarian characteristics to help them go native. Nouns will have to adopt one of Bulgarians three genders: masculine, feminine or neuter, depending on the nal sound. So the Bulgarian for e-mail eemeyl is masculine and the Bulgarian plural is eemeyli. Verbs (doing words) will need to t into an accepted verb pattern, usually one of the more common ones, slightly changing the ending of the English verb. So I am printing is printeeram. The borrowed words will also be slightly camouaged by the way they are pronounced in Bulgarian, but listen carefully and youll soon learn to recognize them. The disguise is only skin-deep! Two further related characteristics of Bulgarian make it one of the easiest Slavic languages for the English-speaker to learn. Firstly, along with Macedonian, and just like English, it has lost almost all those complicated inectional endings still found in nouns and adjectives in Polish, Russian and Serbian, for example. Secondly, the order of words in the sentence is very similar to English. It has to be said, however, that it is often the ways in which one language differs from another that make it interesting and also a challenge for the learner. Bulgarian has plenty to offer you here, particularly in the verb. Firstly, it has a system of verbal aspects, which allow any action to be seen either as completed (perfective) or as continuing (a process rather than an event imperfective). Also, it lacks an innitive and often omits the personal pronouns. So, I love to


Only got a minute? got ve minutes? Only


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travel is obeecham da puttoovam, literally (I) love that (I) travel. Most interesting of all, however, is the parallel verb system which allows the speaker or writer to show whether s/he was a witness to the events being recounted. But enough technicalities about the language, what about the course and its authors? As Speak Bulgarian with condence does not use Cyrillic, we have designed our own transcription, using English letters to convey the authentic sound of Bulgarian. English is not ideally suited to this technique, and sometimes the letter combinations may seem a little strange, but try and read the words as if they were English, and you should get pretty near to the right Bulgarian pronunciation. This is a practical course for non-linguists, people who want to listen, learn and speak without having to endure a great deal of theory. It has been written, though, by two specialists whose selection and presentation of the carefully graded material combine not only knowledge of the theory, but also many years teaching Bulgarian to English speakers. Michael, who is English, is Emeritus Professor of Russian and Slavonic Studies at the University of Leeds. Mira, who is Bulgarian, is Associate Professor of English Historical Linguistics at the University of Soa. They both know Bulgarian culture and speech habits from the inside Michael is married to a Bulgarian and they write in clear, simple, informal English with a ne sense of humour. Michael and Mira have been working in tandem for more than twenty years and well know the difculties and delights of the English-speaker determined to communicate in Bulgarian.

shoomno 3:6 noisy shteh 5 (future marker) ~ doydeh it will come ~ napisha 3:10 I will write (down) ~ otidda Ill go ~ pristigneh 3:9 will arrive ~ vee dam Ill give you ~ vee pratya 3:10 Ill send you ~ vzemma 3:3 Ill take signal 3:0 signal ski 3:6; ~ sporta 3:6 skiing; skiing as a sport skuppa (f) 3:4, skup (m), skuppo (n) expensive slap (m) 8, slabba (f) weak sledobet 3:10 (in the) afternoon sledvashta (f) 3:9 next slet 5; ~ desset minooti after; in ten minutes ~ malko 3:3 shortly, very soon smeh 6 we are smetkata 3:3 the bill sok 8; sokoveh; juice; ~ s soopa 3; soopi soup; ~ s sooper 2 super sootrinta 3:8 (in the) morning spirka 7; spirki; spirkata na ... (bus) stop; ~ s; the ~ of... stantsiya 3:9 station staya 9; sta-ee room; ~ s steh 6 you are (pl) stooden 2 (m), stoodenna (f) cold stoodenno mee eh 10 Im cold stotinka 4 stotinka stoyteh! 3:9 stand! stroova 4; stroovat it costs; they cost sum 6 I am sushto 10 too, likewise suss/ s 3 with; ~ kakvo (moga) da vee pomogna? 4 how can I help you?

~ neggo 9 with him ~ vashto eemeh 9 in your name suzhalyavam 3 Im sorry svetofar 5; na svetofarra traffic lights; at the ~ svoboden 3 (m), svobodna (f), svobodno (n), svobodni (pl) free

tabletki 3:8 tablets, pills takka 9; ~ lee? so; is that ~? taksi 5 taxi tam 7 there tazzi 3 (f); ~ vecher this; ~ evening, tonight tee 6 you (sg) teh 6 they tehniya (m), tyahnata (f), tyahnoto (n), tehnitteh (pl) their telefon 10 telephone temperatoora 8 temperature tipichno 3:4 typically tochni parri 3:8 the exact money tochno takka! 9 exactly!; exactly, thats right! toh-alletna 3:7; toh-alletnata toilet (bathroom); the ~ tonik 2 tonic took 8 here tooristi 10 tourists toppul 2 (m); topla (f); ~ shokolat warm (not cold), hot, lukewarm; hot chocolate tova 3 (n) this toy 6 he tozzi 3 (m), tazzi (f), tova (n) this tramvay 7 tram tryabva da 7 must, should tsennata 3:4 the price tsentur 3: 9 centre tsigari cigarettes tvoya 9 (m) tvoyta (f), tvoyto (n), tvoyteh (pl) your (sg) tya 6 she


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pak 10 again parkink 5; na parkinga car park; in the ~ parri 5; parritteh mee money; my ~ pasport 9; pasporta mee passport; my ~ (za) pee-enneh 3:2 to drink, for drinking pilleh 3 chicken pitsa 3 pizza pittam 7; shteh goh ~ I ask; Ill ask him plash 7; plazha beach; the ~ ploshtat 3:5 square po 7; along po 3; ~ dobreh more (comparison); better ~ bavno 3:2 more slowly ~ ranno 3:6 earlier ~ skuppi (pl) 3:6; ~ skuppiya (m) 3:6 more expensive; the ~ pochifka 10 holiday podaruk 3:4 present, gift (da) poftoritteh 3:2 (you (pl)) repeat pokazha 9; shteh vee ~ I show; Ill show you pokrifka za massa 3:4 tablecloth politsai 7 policeman polovin 4; ~ kilo half; ~ a kilo polovinna 3:5 a half pomogna 6 I help portokalli 3:2 oranges portokallof 3:2 (made from) orange(s) poruchkata 3:3 the order possoka 7; vuf koya ~? direction; in which ~? possolstvoto na Vellikobritanniya 7 the British Embassy praskovi 4 peaches (shteh vee) pratya 3:10 Ill send you press/ prez 10; press septemvri during; in September prevodach 3:1, prevodachka (f) translator, interpreter pristigga 6 arrives (shteh) pristigneh 3:9 will arrive

priyaten den! 7 have a nice day! priyatno 10; besheh mee ~ 3:10 pleasant; it was a pleasure for me ~ mee eh 10; mnogo mee eh priyatno Im pleased (to meet you); Im very ~ problem 5; nyama problemi problem; no ~ (na) purviya etash 9 (on) the rst oor puttoovam 5; puttoovatteh I travel; you travel

10 Only got ten minutes?In Speak Bulgarian with condence you will nd the colloquial idiom of Bulgarian as spoken today. However, it is only by looking to the past and following how Bulgarian has developed through the ages that you can properly understand the structure and vocabulary of the contemporary language.

rabboti 3:8; neh ~ is working, is open (of shop); (isnt) working; is out of order (of things) rakiya 2; dveh raki-ee Bulgarian brandy; two brandies ranno 3:6 early razbeera seh 1 of course razbeeram 9; neh ~ I understand; I dont ~ razbeeratteh 9; ~ lee? you understand; do ~? rent-a-car 5 car rental resto 3:8 change restorant 3; restoranta; tee besheh na ~ restaurant; the ~; you were at a retseptsiya 3:0 reception (desk) rezervatsiya 9 reservation, booking ribba 3 sh

Preserving the languageThe language spoken in Bulgaria today acquired its name from the socalled Proto- or Old- Bulgarians descendants of a Central Asian people who in the seventh century AD crossed the river Danube to found the Bulgarian state in alliance with the local Slav population. Only very few Proto-Bulgarian place names have survived into the modern period. Bulgarian has the distinction of possessing the oldest written records of any Slavic language. These date back as far as the 9th century and are translations, commissioned by the Bulgarians rst Christian ruler Boris 1, of Greek liturgical books. The medieval tsars grand undertaking was a clever political move. He realized that only by wholeheartedly adopting Christianity could he become his own man among equals rather than a vassal constantly under threat from the neighbouring Byzantine Empire. And only by creating for his people a liturgy conducted in their native language and not in Greek, could he forge a genuine sense of national identity, thereby avoiding assimilation by the Greeks. The language of these texts is known among specialists as Old Bulgarian or more commonly, on account of the texts religious nature, Old Church Slavonic. Tsar Boris created a further rallying point for national identity, and an additional barrier to assimilation, when, in 893, he proclaimed the Cyrillic alphabet as the ofcial script of his newly Christian state. Between the 14th and 19th centuries, the Bulgarian state was swallowed up by the Ottoman Empire and vanished from the map of Europe.Only got ten minutes?

s (see suss) 3:5 with s oodovolstvee-eh 3:10 with pleasure, gladly sa 6 they are salata 3; salati salad; ~ s samo 2 just, only sandvich 2; dva sandvicha sandwich; two ~ es sednetteh! 3:1 (do) sit down! see 6 you are (sg) segga 9 now, right away seerenneh 3:3 (fetta) cheese seevee 3:10 C(urriculum)V(itae) sektor 6 coach stand/ bay sezon 10 season shokolat 2 chocolate



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mnogo 1 very; much; many; a lot

nee-eh we negoviya (m), negovata (f), negovoto (n), negovitteh (pl) his neh 1; ~ eh bleezo; no, not; its not near neshto 2; ~ droogo? ~ za pee-enneh 3:3 something, anything, a thing; anything else?; something to drink neyniya (m), neynata (f), neynoto (n), neynitteh (pl) her nishto 9; ~! nothing; never mind! noh 3:2 but nommer 5; nommera 3:10 number; the ~ noozhda 9 need nyama 3; ~ mee bagazha there isnt, there arent; my luggage is missing ~ nishto! dont mention it! ~ ya/goh 8 s/he is not here; its missing

During this dark age of Ottoman domination, it was the national language, the Cyrillic script, and the collective memory of great past achievements in art, literature and culture that helped Bulgarians preserve their sense of ethnic identity.

mobillen (telefon) 3:0; mobilnitteh telefoni mobile (phone); the (your) ~ s moga 6; ~ lee da vee pomogna? I can/ am/ be able; can I help you? mollya 1 please; I beg your pardon momment 2; eddin ~ moment; wont be a ~, one ~ , just a ~

Nineteenth century national revivalIn the 19th century, as Ottoman power declined, so Bulgarian national awareness grew, centred on the language and the Eastern Orthodox religion. Links with other Slav peoples beyond the reach of the Ottoman Empire in particular the Russians, Serbs and Czechs were strengthened. Increasing numbers of young Bulgarians travelled abroad for education and enlightenment, rst predominantly to Russia and later to other European countries. Books, newspapers and magazines began to be published in Bulgarian by Bulgarian emigrants. By the time the long-awaited liberation by the Russian armies of Tsar Alexander II came in 1878, Bulgarian belief in the power of learning and education was already much in evidence. There existed both a developed system of schools and what would today be called centres for continuing education. On both the Bulgarians subsequently built with great success.

mooskooli 8; mooskoolitteh muscles; the ~ moya 9 (m), moyta (f), moyto (n), moyteh (pl) my mozheh 1 it is possible; go ahead!; you may ~ bee 8 perhaps ~ lee? 1 may I/ we?; is it possible?; 2 excuse me, could I?; could you?; can I have...? myasto 3; mesta seat, place; ~ s

na 7 on; of; at ~ bulgarski 9 in Bulgarian ~ dobur chass! 3:10 good luck! ~ men sushto 10 to me likewise, (for) me too ~ nass sushto 10 to us likewise; (for) us too ~ pochifka 10 on holiday ~ sto metra ot 7 one hundred metres from ~ svetofarra 5 to/ at the traffic lights

nyamam 6; ~ noozhda ot nishto I dont have; I dont need anything

o-azis 7 oasis obeecham (da) 10 I love (doing something) (ako) obeechatteh 3:3 if you please obyat 3:3 lunch okolo 3:5 about (s) oodovolstvee-eh 3:10 gladly, with pleasure oolitsa 5 street oospeh 3:10 success oozhasno 3:2 terribly oshteh 3; ~ edna (f) 3:5 more; another one ~ neshto? anything else? ~ vednush 3:6 once again/ more ostavvetteh meh 5 drop me osven tova 3:3 in addition, besides that ot 6; (sok) ~ portokali from; orange juice otidda 5; (shteh) ~ I go; Ill go otkuddeh steh? 3:1 where are you from? otvorenna (f) 3:8 open

The evolution of a national standardPhonetic shapeHistorically, Bulgarian is divided into eastern and western accents which make use of differing descendants of a single vowel: e or ya. In the standard and eastern varieties of modern Bulgarian e and ya alternate in different forms of the same word depending on stress and the environment, so you nd byal for the masculine singular of the word for white but beli for the plural. Similarly, you will hear the e/ya split in doublet pronunciations such as mlyako or mleko for milk. In the west all forms have e: bel, beli, mleko. In the period immediately after the liberation, the majority of politicians, writers and other public gures came from the central and

nadolloo 3:7 down nagorreh 3:7 up nai most (comparison) ~ golyamata (f) 3:4 the biggest ~ hoobavo 10 the best ~ topliya sezon 10 the hottest season nallee? 6 isnt that so? (shteh) napisha 3:10 I will write (down) napishetteh! 3:4 write! napravo 7 straight ahead nashiya (m), nashta (f), nashto (n), nashteh (pl) our nazdravveh! 2 cheers!; good health!


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illee 2 or informatsiya 7; na informatsiyata information; at the ~ booth/ desk iskam 4 I want iskatteh 4; ~ lee? you want; do ~?, would you like? isklyoochetteh! 3:9 switch off! izvinnetteh! 5 excuse me!; Im sorry kaffeh 1 coffee; caf kak 7; ~ seh choostvatteh? how; ~ do you feel? kak seh kazva? 3:8 what is it called? kakuf? (m), kakva? (f), kakvo? (n), kakvi? (pl) 3:2 what kind of? kakvo 7 what ~ eema? 3:7 whats up/ wrong? ~ tee/vee eh? 8 what is the matter with you? kalendar 3:10 calendar kapoochino 2 cappuccino kartichka 3:10 card kassa 6; kassitteh ticket office, cash point; the ~s kazha 7 say kazhetteh! 7 say, tell (me); what is it?; yes, can I help you? (kak seh) kazva? what is it called? kazvam seh 9 Im called, my name is kilo 4 kilo kilogram 4 kilogram koga 10 when kola 1 coke kola 5; kolata car; the ~ kolko? 4; ~ stroovat ? how much? how many?; how much are? ~ dooshi? 3 how many people? ~ eh chassuh? 8 whats the time? ~ limona? how many lemons? ~ vee dulzhuh? 3:8 how much do I owe you? kolleggiteh 8 the/ your colleagues kolovoss 3:9 platform, track

konferentsiya 3:10 conference kootiya 4; kooti-ee; ~ beera; ~ tsigari box, can; boxes; can of beer; packet of cigarettes koremma 8 the stomach (po) korridora 3:7 (along) the corridor koy 6 (m), koya (f), ko-eh (n), ko-ee (pl) who; which krastavitsi 4 cucumbers kreditna karta 3:0 credit card krem 3:8 cream kuddeh 5; ~ da vee ostavya?; ~ sa kassitteh? where; ~ shall I drop you?; ~ are the ticket offices? kushta 10 house kussno 3:6 late

eastern part of the country. This geographical concentration of literary and political talent determined the dialectal basis for the newly evolving literary standard. The superior status of the East Bulgarian accents was boosted further by the fact that Veliko Turnovo, the rst capital of the independent state, was to the east of the dialectal divide.

Enrichment through literature and educationFor nearly ve hundred years of foreign domination, the Bulgarian language had been used primarily for everyday oral communication. When liberation came, it lacked the terminology for government, army and court and could not meet the liberated nations need of a national standard. Also lacking adequate literary samples, the language required a major overhaul. This came in a tremendous rush in the latter decades of the nineteenth century when the world opened up for Bulgarians, and Bulgarian borrowed a great number of words from the major European languages. From their Russian liberators came terms for the civil and military administration. Russian too provided a familiar Slavic pattern for the creation of many abstract and literary words. Bulgarians kept abreast of the times by adopting from French many words used in the arts, sciences, fashion and in polite society throughout Europe. Mersi and pardon are still in common usage. Many of the countrys most accomplished writers and poets translated into Bulgarian the leading works of world literature, thereby enriching Bulgarian culture and expanding the reach of the rapidly developing Bulgarian language.

lee 1 (question word) lef 4; dva levva lev; two ~ s lek den! 3:8 (have a) nice day! let 3:2 ice limon 4; dva limona lemon; two ~ s litur 4 litre losho 3:0; ~ mee eh 8 bad; Im feeling unwell

malko 1; slet ~ a little, some; shortly, very soon maluk 2 (m), malka (f), malko (n), malki (pl) little, small massa 3 table menyu 3:0; menyuto 3:3 menu; the ~ mersi! 1 thanks! messets 3:1 month messo 3 meat mesta 3 seats, places metro; metroto underground, subway; the ~ mettur 7; sto metra metre; one hundred metres mineralna voda 2 mineral water minoota 5; minooti minute; ~ s misslya cheh 3:5 I guess/ reckon/ think that mlyako 3; suss ~ milk; with ~

Contact with other Balkan languagesDuring the Ottoman period, the territory where Bulgarian was spoken continued to be the meeting place of the different cultures and languages in the region: Turkish, Greek, Serbian, Romanian and Albanian. Much Turkish vocabulary entered the language, especially words designating objects from everyday life such as chorap sock, tendzhera saucepan, dzham glass, and komsheeya neighbour. Greek words such as ella! come!, hora people and daskal teacher also took their place. In the decades immediately after the liberation of 1878, there were attempts to rid the language of Turkish and Greek words and replaceOnly got ten minutes?



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da doyda lee? 5 shall I come?

espresso 2 espresso etash 9; na purviya ~ oor; on the rst ~ etto 7; ~ tam; ~ (ey) segga; here is; over there; Ill be right back evro 5 euro

them with words of Slavic origin. Daskal, for example, had been one of the most respected titles throughout the nineteenth century, but being of Greek origin it was replaced with oochitel, a word combining two Slavic elements oochi- (teach-) and -tel, the equivalent of -er in teach-er. In many cases, however, both the foreign and the native words remained in use, the Turkish or Greek word acquiring a pejorative or jocular colloquial nuance. Daskal has now been relegated to teenage slang, expressing disdain for teachers and what they represent. The resulting stylistic diversity sets Bulgarian apart from Macedonian and Serbian, where many of the Turkish words remain as the only option. Along with vocabulary, Modern Bulgarian has also borrowed from neighbouring Balkan languages a number of structural features, thereby bearing witness to the unication process so typical of the extended and intensive language contact that is a feature of the Balkan linguistic melting pot. The fact that the equivalent of the, for example, is added to the end of the noun in Greek, Romanian and Bulgarian, is often attributed to this process. So is the fact that, uniquely among the Slavic languages, only Bulgarian and Macedonian have lost their case endings. (A lucky break, indeed, for the English-language speaker!) Bulgarian also shares with Modern Greek and Romanian and with Albanian too the loss of the innitive. Its place in Bulgarian is taken by a clause, so I want to know is rendered by iskam da znam, literally, (I) want that (I) know.

daiteh mee! 4 give me! dallecheh 3:5 far (away) dam 8; shteh vee dam I give; Ill give you den 1; kolko denna? day; how many ~s? depozit 5 deposit dessert 3:0 dessert dirrektor 3:0; dirrektorra director; the ~ dness 3:2 today dobreh 8; ~! well; 2 good!, ne!, ok, right! dobrootro 1 good morning dobur 1 good dobur den 1 good morning/ afternoon dobur vecher 1 good evening (na) dobur chass! 3:10 good luck! doh 5 (next) to, until doktor (as term of address) 8 doctor domati 4 tomatoes dovizhdanneh 4 goodbye doyda 5; (shteh) doydeh (I) come; itll ~/ will be here doydohteh 3:10 you came drebni small change droogo 2: (neshto) ~? other; anything else? dulzhuh 3:8 I owe

f 3:6 at (time); in (see vuf) fcherra 8 yesterday firmata 3:1 the rm fsichki 3:2 everyone fsichko 4; ~ hoobavo!; ~ meh bollee all, all together, total, everything; all the best!; everything hurts (me)

gara 5; garata; garata na Soffiya railway station; the ~; Soas ~ garnitoora 3; eema lee ~? side dish; does a ~ go with it? gazirana voda 4 soda water golyam 2 (m), golyama (f), golemi (pl) big, large gospodin 1; gospodinneh! 1 Mr; sir! gospozha 1; gospozho! Mrs; madam! gospozhitsa 8; gospozhitse! Miss; Miss! gottof, gottovi (pl) 3:3 ready govorya 9; govoritteh; govoretteh! I speak; you ~ ; speak! gradina 1 garden, park

Into the twentieth centuryWith the advance of industrial capitalism in Bulgaria in the rst decades of the twentieth century, hopes for the development of the country turned to Western Europe, especially to Germany, France and England. This was accompanied, particularly in science and technology, by an inux of German, French and English words. Interestingly, when the rst railway crossed the country, French gave the language peron platform and gara station both terms social rather than technical while English gave Bulgarian the more technical boofer buffer, toonell tunnel and relsa the rail.

eddin 1 (m), edna (f), edno (n) one; a/ an ee 2; ee 4 and; plus, too eekonna 10; eekonni icon; icons eema 3 there is/ are eemam 6; ~ greshka; ~ noozhda ot I have; Im wrong; I need eematteh lee noozhda ot neshto? do you need anything? eemeh 9; eemetto mee name; my ~ eemeyl 3:10 e-mail eftin 9 cheap eh 5 is

gram 4; dvesta grama gram; two hundred grams greshka 9; greshkata eh moya mistake; my ~ grip 8 u harresvam 10 I like hoobaf 1 (m), hoobava (f) nice, beautiful, ne, good hoobavata gradina 9 the beautiful garden hoobaviya plash 9 the nice beach (fsichko) hoobavo! 10 all the best! hottel 5 hotel hranata 8 the food


ella! (sg) 9, ellatteh! (pl) 9 come!

BulgarianEnglish glossary


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BulgarianEnglish glossaryBulgarian words and phrases are listed here in the forms found in the dialogues and explanations on CDs 1, 2 and 3. The numbers indicate the unit in which the word or phrase rst occurs.a 3:5 but; and ~ vee-eh? 1 and (what about) you? adress 5; adressa vee? address; your ~? aftoboos 6; aftoboossa; bus, coach; the ~ aftogara 7 coach station aggentsiya 5 agency, office ako 3:3 if ako obeechatteh 3:3 if you please, if you would (be so kind) allergiya 3:8 allergy allo 8 hello (on the phone) amee 3:0 well, er angleeyski 9; na ~ English (adj), English language; in English anglichanin 10 Englishman anglichanka 6 English woman apartament 3:0 apartment apsolyootno! 3:0 absolutely! aptekata 3:8 the chemists, the pharmacy aspirin 3:8 aspirin ass 4; ~ sushto I; me too assansyor 3:7; assansyora lift, elevator; the ~ chai 8 tea chakaiteh! 3:10 wait! chasha 3:3; chashi cup, glass; ~s chass 8; chassoveh; (pet) chassa hour, slot, appointment; hours, slots; ve hours (pet) chassuh (ve) oclock (f seddem) chassuh 3:6 (at seven) oclock bagash 6; bagazha; ~ mee luggage, baggage; the/ my ~ banani 10 bananas banka 5; bankata bank; the ~ bavno 9 slowly beera 4; beerata beer; the ~ besheh 8 you were; s/he/it was bess 3; devvet ~ dvaiset without; twenty to nine da 1 yes da (+ verb) 5 to (do smth), shall we (do smth), lets (do smth) cheh 3:5 that chervenno 4; chervennoto red; the ~ one choodesno! 3:2 marvellous!, wonderful! choostvam seh 8 I feel billet 6; billetta; billetti ticket; the ~ ; tickets bleezo 7 near(by) bluggodaryuh (vee) 1; bluggodarim (I) thank you; we ~ bolki 8 pains bollee (meh) 8 it hurts (me) boolevart 5 boulevard bootilka 2; bootilki bottle; ~s bravvo! 4 bravo! bulgarin 10 Bulgarian man bulgarka 5 Bulgarian woman bulgarski 9; na ~ Bulgarian (adj), ~ language; in ~ bulgarskitteh (adj) 10 the Bulgarian (pl) byalo 4 white

In the second half of the twentieth century, Bulgarian played host to a second wave of Russian words which ooded the country following its transformation into a Soviet satellite. Russian sociopolitical terminology dominated all walks of life, and in everyday interaction comrade in the shape of male and female terms of address soon replaced Mr and Mrs. Swiftly as these terms were adopted, however, just as swiftly were they abandoned after the fall of communism in 1989 in favour of the traditional gospodin and gospozha.

Another period of rapid changeThe breathtaking transformation of Bulgarian political and economic life since 1989 was accompanied by similarly breathtaking changes in the language. Held rmly for over forty years in the stultifying embrace of socialist conformity, its innate creativity was suddenly released. A veritable ood of colloquial, slang and foreign words invaded the media, shocking the purists, but demonstrating once more the ability of Bulgarian to adopt and adapt. The literary standard was suddenly expanded, and long-established boundaries between styles blurred. Huge numbers of words made their way into Bulgarian from British and American English, even when perfectly good native words existed. But fashion is fashion, and you have to go with the ow. So menidzhurri managers have taken over in industry, politicians need bodigardi bodyguards, old grannies have to put up with a tokshow talkshow at praimtaim primetime whether they understand or not, meat is grilled on a barbekyoo barbecue and everything that is in is kool. Mostly, words of English origin are transcribed into Cyrillic, but sometimes, when the Cyrillic forms would be particularly outlandish, as with change, rent-a-car and wi-, they are left in their original English spelling. Initial fears that this sudden inux of English would lead to a demise of vast numbers of Slavic words and also pazzee Bozheh! God forbid! radically change Bulgarian grammar, have proved largely unfounded. Many terms have been cleverly translated using traditional patterns of word formation. Just one such example is tursachka search engine which sounds very homely by echoing an old pattern of forming names that end in -ka for tools and machines. Moreover, statisticalOnly got ten minutes?



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Glossariesresearch has shown that it is primarily the high frequency of only a very small number of English words that has created the impression of a contemporary language totally dominated by English. So, although it might seem that both Cyrillic and Bulgarian are mortally threatened by the latest foreign invasion, history is merely repeating itself. This time English, the favoured communication medium in the global village rather than Turkish, Russian or French is spearheading the process of language enrichment. In Speak Bulgarian with condence we have focused on the most basic structures of modern Bulgarian, many of which also have parallels in English. We have also made use of many words adopted from English. This not only brings the two languages and cultures closer in a global world, but also makes language learning easier. It is always good in a strange environment to meet old friends and familiar faces! Words for numbers, months, days of the week and colours youll nd not in the glossaries themselves, but in separate lists on the immediately preceding pages. The following abbreviations are used: (adj) (f) (m) (n) (pl) (sg) (smth) (US) adjective, feminine masculine neuter plural singular something American




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MONTHSJanuary February March April May June yanoo-ari July fevroo-ari August mart april mai yuni Sepember October November December yuli avgoost septemvri oktomvri noh-emvri dekemvri

COLOURSblack blue cherno sinyo orange oranzhevo purple red white yellow lillavo chervenno byalo zhulto

Cultural informationIn this course, you will encounter a number of situations in which Bulgarian practice differs confusingly from English. We have drawn attention to them in passing, but feel that the following additional observations might further contribute to your fun with Bulgarians and their language. SAYING YES AND NO

brown kafyavo green grey zellenno seevo

TIME EXPRESSIONSat 5 oclock at what time? early ve hours vuf pet chassuh vuf kolko chassuh? rano pet chassa


how much, kolko how many what what kind when where where to which who to whom whose why kakvo kakuf, kakva, kakvo, kakvee koga kuddeh zakuddeh koy, koya, ko-eh, ko-ee koy na kogo na kogo zashto

ve minutes ago predee pet minooti how long? how long for? in ve minutes last week late next week today tomorrow kolko vremmeh? za kolko vremmeh? slet pet minooti minalata sedmitsa kussno sledvashtata sedmitsa dness ootreh

Be careful with head movements when you use da yes and neh no. In Bulgaria, da is sometimes accompanied by a sideways rocking of the head and neh by a single, swift upwards movement. You will often hear neh, neh! or da, da! repeated in quick succession and accompanied by the appropriate repeated movements of the head. This is considered less abrupt and more polite than a single neh or da. But beware: although the polite double neh, neh! may be accompanied by what looks like a repeated English nod, whatever it looks like, it still means no! BULGARIAN SURNAMES You can tell by the ending of most Bulgarian surnames whether a person is male or female. Surnames of men usually end in -ov or -ev, for instance, Antonov and Zlatev, pronounced Antonof and Zlatef. Surnames of women usually end in -ova or -eva. So, the wife of Mr Antonov is Mrs Antonova and the wife of Mr Zlatev is Mrs Zlateva. But listen carefully as you learn: as in these two surnames, the stress is not necessarily on the o or e before the v. LAW AND ORDER Bulgarians are Balkan Slavs and, as a people, are generally relaxed and easy-going. They live in a beautiful country blessed with mountains, sun and sea and they like to appear laid-back. At the same time, they respect efciency and, in principle, readily accept the need for rules and regulations. In practice, however, as individuals, they like to think of rules and regulations as applying more to others than to themselves. A long history of subservience within alien empires has led them to

whats the time? kolko eh chassuh? yesterday fcherra


Cultural information


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become masters of improvisation and ingenuity. One of their folk heroes is Wily Peter, who loves to take short cuts and, with a mixture of guile, inventiveness and good humour, quietly nds ways around obstacles placed in his way by authority. SOFIA THE CAPITAL CITY Soa pronounced Sofya, not Sophia takes its name from the Greek for wisdom and has been Bulgarias capital since 1879. With a population of over 1.5 million, almost one-fth of Bulgarias total, it dominates the countrys social, cultural and economic life. The city centre is compact, easily explorable on foot and has many ne buildings dating from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. MONEY MATTERS Bulgaria joined the European Union in January 2007, but has not yet introduced the euro. The ofcial currency continues to be the traditional lev pronounced lef and meaning lion. The smaller unit, one hundred to one lev, is the stotinka. Both units were introduced in the late nineteenth century, immediately after Bulgarias liberation from the Ottoman Empire. The plural of lev in English, following the practice of English, should logically be levs and the plural of stotinka, stotinkas. In Bulgarian, however, the more common plural form of lev is levva and the plural of stotinka is stotinki. These are the forms you will hear used in Bulgaria, both in Bulgarian and in the English spoken by Bulgarians. So, when in Soa, do as Soa does! Finally, a word of warning to help you hold on to your levs. Usually, in Bulgaria, please and thank you are trusty companions, except when settling your bill in restaurants and taxis. Unless you have the right change, best avoid saying thank you when handing over your levs. It will be interpreted as keep the change and you will soon be out of pocket.

Essential vocabularyNUMBERS0 noola 1 edno 2 dveh 3 tree 4 chetiri 5 pet 6 shess 7 seddem 8 ossem 9 devvet 10 desset 11 eddinaiset 12 dvanaiset 13 treenaiset 14 chet(i)rinaiset 15 petnaiset 16 shesnaiset 17 sedemnaiset 18 ossemnaiset 19 devvetnaiset 20 dvaiset 21 dvaiset ee edno 30 treeyset 40 chetirset 50 peddesset 60 sheyset 70 seddemdesset 80 ossemdesset 90 devvedesset 100 sto 200 dvesta 300 treesta 400 chetiristotin 500 petstotin 600 shestotin 700 seddemstotin 800 ossemstotin 900 devvetstotin 1000 hillyada

ORDINAL NUMBERS (without the)(m) and (pl) 1st purvi (f) purva ftora treta chetvurta peta shesta sedma osma devveta desseta (n) purvo ftoro treto chetvurto peto shesto sedmo osmo devveto desseto

DAYS OF THE WEEKMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday ponnedelnik ftornik sryada chetvurtuk pettuk subbota nedellya

2nd ftori 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th treti chetvurti peti shesti sedmi osmi devveti

10th desseti


Essential vocabulary


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Listening skillsSURVIVAL PHRASES can I pay by credit card? can you repeat please? do you have a map? do you speak English? I dont know I dont understand (Bulgarian) I speak a little French more slowly, please once again, please what is in Bulgarian? what is ? write down the price, please write it (with English letters) mozheh lee da platyuh suss kreditna karta? mozheh lee da poftoritteh, mollya?/ poftoretteh, ako obichatteh eematteh lee karta? govoritteh lee angleeyski? neh znam neh razbeeram (bulgarski) govorya malko frenski po bavno, mollya oshteh vednush, mollya kak seh kazva na bulgarski? kakvo znachee ? napishetteh tsennata, mollya napishetteh goh (na latinitsa)

PronunciationBulgarians normally write using the Cyrillic alphabet.* In this course, however, we have used English letters to render the approximate sounds of Bulgarian. This results in some letter combinations that are unusual for the English eye. So, when following the written dialogues in the booklet, concentrate on listening to and imitating the authentic sound of spoken Bulgarian on the recordings. Pronounce the combination zh like the sound of the s in measure or the g in genre. Pronounce double oo as in foot and double ee as in feet. The letter h when not bolded is silent in nal position in the combinations -eh, -oh, -uh to represent the sound e in pet, o in pot and u in but. The bold h is pronounced as ch in loch. Pronounce the letter u like the a in asleep. The hyphen (-) divides two sounds that have their own individual value and are not run together, as in nave. Otherwise, pronounce the letters as you would in English.

REQUESTS AND WARNINGS (In the polite plural) come! come in! give! go! help! pay! repeat! show! sit down! stop! tell/say! watch out! write! ellatteh! vlesteh! zuppovyadaiteh! daiteh! otiddetteh! pomognetteh! plattetteh! poftoretteh! pokazhetteh! sednetteh! spretteh! kazhetteh! vnimavaiteh! napishetteh!

All Bulgarian words of more than a single syllable have one syllable pronounced with greater emphasis and more clearly than the rest. We have indicated this stressed syllable by showing it in bold type. Some single-syllable words are stressed and some longer words have two stresses. We have shown these too in bold type.

* If you would like to learn Bulgarian using Cyrillic, try Teach Yourself Bulgarian, also by Michael Holman and Mira Kovatcheva, published by Hodder & Stoughton, 2008.




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PRONOUNS AND VERBS IN THE PRESENT to have eemam eemash eema eemammeh eematteh eemat to not have nyamam nyamash nyama nyamammeh nyamatteh nyamat to be able to moga mozhesh mozheh mozhem mozhetteh mogat

Victoria Collins Dobur den, Maria. Maria Dobur den, gospozha Collins. Dobur den, Victoria Collins Maria Victoria Collins George Collins Maria Victoria Collins George Collinsgospodin Collins. Mozheh lee? Mozheh, razbeera seh. Mollya, zuppovyadaiteh. Hoobava gradina. Mnogo hoobava gradina. Bluggodaryuh. Mollya, zuppovyadaiteh. Bluggodaryuh. Mersi.

ass tee toy tya toh nee-eh vee-eh teh

I you he she it we you they

PRESENT AND PAST TENSE OF THE VERB to be WITH PERSONAL PRONOUNS I am/was you are/were he is/was she is/was it is/was ass sum/byah tee see/besheh toy eh/besheh tya eh/besheh to eh/besheh we are/were you are/were they are/were nee-eh smeh/byahmeh vee-eh steh/byahteh teh sa/byaha


Maria Victoria Collins Maria George Collins Maria George Collins Maria

Kaffeh, gospozha Collins? Neh, bluggodaryuh. A vee-eh, gospodin Collins? Neh, neh kaffeh. Mozheh lee malko voda, mollya? Mozheh, razbeera seh. Zuppovyadaiteh. Mnogo bluggodaryuh. Mmm, hoobava voda. Da, mnogo hoobava voda.

HOW TO VARY PRONOUNS I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they ass tee toy tya toh I you he she it meh me teh you mee to me tee to you na/za/suss men to/for/with me na/za/suss tep to/for/with you na/za/suss neggo to/for/with him na/za/suss neya to/for/with her na/za/suss neggo to/for/with it na/za/suss nass to/for/with us na/za/suss vass to/for/with you na/za/suss tyah to/for/with themGrammar reference

InsightWhen malko is used to say a little, it doesnt change. It is then the opposite of mnogo a lot. If you want to say that something is small or little, you have to change the word for gender (masculine, feminine and neuter), e.g. malka gradina a small garden.

goh him ya her

moo to him ee to her

goh it nee us vee you gee them

moo to it nee to us vee to you im to them

nee-eh we vee-eh you teh they



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Grammar referenceHOW TO SAY one/many AND the (underlined)

oneMasculine Feminine Neuter eddin vlak edna massa edno taksi a train a table a taxi vlaka massata taksito the train the table the taxi

Victoria Collins Good morning, Maria. Maria Good morning, Mrs Collins. Good morning, Mr Victoria Collins Maria Victoria Collins George Collins Maria Victoria Collins George CollinsCollins. May I? You may, of course. Please, come in. A nice garden. A very nice garden. Thank you. Please, do sit down. Thank you. Thank you.

manyMasculine Feminine Neuter vlakoveh massi taksita trains tables taxis vlakovetteh massitteh taksitata the trains the tables the taxis


oneMasculine Feminine Neuter hoobaf hottel (a) nice hotel hoobava gradina (a) nice garden hoobavo pilleh (a) nice chicken hoobaviya hottel the nice hotel hoobavata gradina the nice garden hoobavoto pilleh the nice chicken

Maria Victoria Collins Maria George Collins Maria George Collins Maria

Coffee, Mrs Collins? No, thank you. And you, Mr Collins? No, not coffee. May I (have) a little water, please? You may, of course. Here you are. Thank you very much. Mmm, nice water. Yes, very nice water.

manyMasculine Feminine Neuter hoobavi hotteli nice hotels hoobavi gradini nice gardens hoobavi pilletta nice chickens hoobavitteh hotteli the nice hotels hoobavitteh gradini the nice gardens hoobavitteh pilletta the nice chickens


Conversation 1


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Nikolai Waitress Nikolai Waitress Nikolai Waitress Nikolai Waitress

Mozheh lee? Da, eddin momment. Dobur den. Zdraveyteh! Edno kapoochino ee eddin toppul shokolat, mollya. Neshto droogo? Ee edna bootilka mineralna voda. Malka illee golyama? Malka. Dobreh, eddin momment.

Boyan Victoria Boyan Victoria Boyan Victoria Boyan Victoria Boyan Victoria Boyan Victoria Boyan Victoria Boyan Victoria Boyan Victoria*** ***

InsightThe words zdraveyteh! and zuppovyadaiteh! are plural and formal, addressing more than one person or showing deference. They have singular, intimate forms, too: zdravey! hello (to a friend) zuppovyadai! come in, here you are (to someone you know well). Spot the difference the plural forms are always longer!


Its nice that you came. It was a pleasure for me. For me too. Well be needing you. Come again! Gladly. Ill be coming again in October. Good, only not on the third of October. Im at a conference. Me too. Are you busy on the twenty-rst of October? Wait a moment. Ill tell you right away. Have you a calendar? Yes, here you are. On the twenty-rst I am free. In the morning or afternoon? In the morning. Do you have a mobile phone in Bulgaria? Yes, Ill write the number down right away. Thank you. My number is zero, eight eight ve, fourteen, twenty-nine, ninety. Please give me your e-mail address. My e-mail address is on my business card. Ill send you my CV. Marvellous! Have a nice day! All the best! Good luck!

Waitress Milena Waitress Milena Waitress Milena Waitress Nikolai Waitress Milena

Za vass? Eddin sandvich. Neshto droogo? Ee edna malka bootilka mineralna voda. Stoodenna lee? Neh, neh stoodenna, mollya. Dobreh, eddin momment... Zuppovyadaiteh! Za vass toppul shokolat ee mineralna voda. Bluggodaryuh. Za vass edno kapoochino ee eddin sandvich. Da, mersi.

All the best! We wish you success cheers and good health!


Conversation 3/10: KEEPING IN TOUCH


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Conversation 3/10: KEEPING IN TOUCHLI CD3, TR27

Boyan Victoria Boyan Victoria Boyan Victoria Boyan Victoria Boyan Victoria Boyan Victoria Boyan Victoria Boyan Victoria Boyan Victoria*** ***

Hoobavo eh, cheh doydohteh. Besheh mee priyatno. Na men sushto. Shteh eemammeh noozhda ot vass. Ellatteh pak. S oodovolstvee-eh. Shteh doyda pak press messets oktomvri. Dobreh, samo neh na treti oktomvri. Na konferentsiya sum. Ass sushto. Za-et lee steh na dvaiset ee purvi oktomvri? Chakaiteh malko, segga shteh vee kazha. Eematteh lee kalendar? Da, etto, zuppovyadaiteh. Na dvaiset ee purvi sum svoboden. Sootrinta illee sledobet? Sootrinta. Eemmatteh lee mobillen telefon vuf Bulgaria? Da, segga shteh napisha nommera. Bluggodaryuh. Moya nommer eh noola, ossem ossem pet, chetirinaiset, dvaiset ee devvet, devveddesset. Mollya, daiteh mee vashiya eemeyl adress. Eemeyl adressa mee eh na vizitnata kartichka. Shteh vee pratya moyto seevee. Choodesno! Lek den! Fsichko hoobavo!

Nikolai Waitress Nikolai Waitress Nikolai Waitress Nikolai Waitress

Could you? Yes, one moment. Good morning. Hi. One cappuccino and one hot chocolate, please. Anything else? And a bottle of mineral water. Small or large? Small. Ok, wont be a moment.

Na dobur chass! Fsichko hoobavo! Zhella-em vee oospeh ee nazdravveh!

Waitress Milena Waitress Milena Waitress Milena Waitress Nikolai Waitress Milena

For you? A sandwich. Anything else? And a small bottle of mineral water. Cold? No, not cold, please. Ok. Wont be a moment Here you are! For you, hot chocolate and mineral water. Thank you. For you, a cappuccino and a sandwich. Yes, thank you.Conversation 2



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Waitress Milena Waitress Milena

A da, ee edna bootilka topla mineralna voda. Topla lee? Eh, neh topla, razbeera seh! Samo neh stoodenna. Sooper. Bluggodaryuh mnogo. 1. Attention please! The train in the Lyulin direction will be arriving at Serdika Station in one minute. Next stop Tsentur Station. 2. Doors closing. Stand away from the train! 3. Attention please! Train number one hundred and sixteen for Vidin leaves from platform three at fteen thirty. Train number two hundred and seventy-four for Bourgas leaves from platform two at seventeen thirty-ve. Train number three hundred and forty-ve for Rouss leaves from platform six at twenty eighteen. 4. Attention please! The train for Istanbul has a delay of one hour and thirteen minutes and will arrive at eleven ten.

InsightSee how useful the little word lee is in Bulgarian put it after a word or phrase and it becomes a question. So, when youve ordered a coffee, the waitress might ask you a variety of questions, all formed just by adding lee: Espresso lee? Espresso? Golyamo lee? A large one? Suss mlyako lee? With milk?

Conversation 3PART 1: BOOKING A TABLE LI CD1, TR21

5. Please switch off your mobile phones.

Waitress Restorant Tino. Dobur den. Boyan Antonov Zdraveyteh. Edna massa za tazzi vecher vufseddem, mollya.

Waitress Za kolko dooshi? Boyan Antonov Za chetiri dooshi. Waitress Suzhalyavam. Nyama svobodna massa za chetiridooshi. Eema lee golyama massa? Da, eema massa za shess dooshi. Dobreh, mollya edna massa za shess dooshi. Za tazzi vecher lee? Da, za tazzi vecher. Edna massa za shess dooshi za tazzi vecher vuf seddem. Boyan Antonov Neh, neh. Po dobreh vuf ossem. Waitress Dobreh, vuf ossem.

Boyan Antonov Waitress Boyan Antonov Waitress Boyan Antonov Waitress




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Conversation 3/9: WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONSLI CD3, TR26 1. Vnimanee-eh! Vlaka f possoka Lyoolin pristigga na stantsiya Serdika slet edna minoota. Sledvashta spirka stantsiya Tsentur. 2. Vratteeteh seh zatvaryat. Stoyteh dallecheh ot vlaka. 3. Vnimanee-eh! Vlak nommer sto ee shessnaiset za Viddin zaminava ot treti kolovoss f petnaiset chassuh ee treeyset minooti. Vlak nommer dvesta seddemdesset ee chetiri za Boorgas zaminava ot ftori kolovoss f seddemnaiset chassuh ee treeyset ee pet minooti. Vlak nommer treesta chetirset ee pet za Roosseh zaminava ot shesti kolovoss f dvaiset chassuh ee ossemnaiset minooti. 4. Vnimanee-eh! Vlaka za Istanbool eema zakusnennee-eh eddin chass ee trnayset minooti ee shteh pristigneh vuf eddinaiset chassuh ee desset minooti. 5. Mollya, isklyoochetteh mobilnitteh telefoni!

Waitress Milena Waitress Milena

Oh, yes, and a bottle of warm mineral water. Warm? Well, not warm, of course! Just not cold. Super. Thank you very much.

InsightBulgarians are rightly proud they can now cross their capital city Soa from north-west to south-east by the underground/ subway: s metroto. The word metro without the denite article is neuter, of course, and just as in French has the stress on the nal syllable.

Waitress Tino Restaurant. Good afternoon. Boyan Antonov Hello. A table for this evening at seven,please.

Waitress For how many people? Boyan Antonov For four. Waitress Im sorry. There isnt a free table forfour. Is there a big table? Yes, there is a table for six. All right, a table for six people, please. For this evening? Yes, for this evening. A table for six people for this evening at seven. Boyan Antonov No, no. Better at eight. Waitress Fine, at eight.

Boyan Antonov Waitress Boyan Antonov Waitress Boyan Antonov Waitress


Conversation 3


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InsightThe equivalent of this has a masculine form (tozzi), a feminine form (tazzi) and a neuter form (tova). You use tova in the statement Tova eh This is and in the question Kakvo eh tova? What is this?.

George Maria George Maria George Maria***


Waiter Boyan Antonov Waiter Boyan Antonov Waiter Milena Boyan Antonov Waiter Nadya Boyan Antonov Waiter Boyan Antonov

Dobur vecher, gospodin Antonof, zuppovyadaiteh. Za vass eema massa za shess dooshi. Bluggodaryuh. Eema lee topla soopa tazzi vecher? Da, eema. Kolko soopi? Edno, dveh, tree tree soopi. Tazzi vecher eema hoobavo pilleh ee mnogo hoobava ribba. Za men pilleh ee salata. Za men ribba suss garnitoora. Za vass, gospozha? Za men neshto bess messo edna pitsa ee edna salata, mollya. Oshteh dveh pitsi, mollya. Kolko salati? Edno, dveh, tree, chetiri, pet pet salati, mollya.

Maria, when is the pharmacy open? From eight in the morning to eight in the evening. What do you need? Some aspirin. Ill give you some aspirin. Thank you, but I also need something for an allergy. Fine, the pharmacy is open now. Good morning. Some aspirin, please. Here you are. Anything else? And something for an allergy. I dont know how to say it in Bulgarian. Cream or tablets? Yes, yes, cream. Here you are. This cream is very good. Marvellous! Thats all. How much do I owe you? Eight seventy. Do you have the exact money? No, Ill give you ten levs. No problem. Heres one lev thirty change. Have a nice day!

George Pharmacist George Pharmacist George Pharmacist George Pharmacist George Pharmacist

Conversation 4PART 1: SHOPPING FOR FOOD LI CD1, TR30

Maria Shop assistant Maria Shop assistant Maria

Eddin kilogram domati ee tree krastavitsi, mollya. Golemi illee malki krastavitsi? Neh mnogo golemi. Tree krastavitsi polovin kilo. Kolko stroova edno kilo krastavitsi?Conversation 3/8: VISITING A PHARMACY



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Conversation 3/8: VISITING A PHARMACYLI CD3, TR23

George Maria George Maria George Maria***

Maria, koga rabboti aptekata? Ot ossem sootrinta doh ossem vecherta. Ot kakvo eemash noozhda? Ot aspirin. Ass shteh tee dam aspirin. Bluggodaryuh, noh eemam noozhda ee ot neshto za allergiya. Dobreh, segga aptekata eh otvorenna. Dobrootro. Eddin aspirin, mollya. Zuppovyadaiteh. Neshto droogo? Ee neshto za allergiya. Neh znam kak seh kazva na bulgarski. Krem illee tabletki? Da, da, krem. Zuppovyadaiteh. Tozzi krem eh mnogo hoobaf. Choodesno! Tova eh fsichko. Kolko vee dulzhuh? Ossem ee seddemdesset. Eematteh lee tochni parri? Neh, shteh vee dam desset levva. Nyama problemi. Etto leff ee treeyset resto. Lek den!

Waiter Boyan Antonov Waiter Boyan Antonov Waiter Milena Boyan Antonov Waiter Nadya Boyan Antonov Waiter Boyan Antonov

George Pharmacist George Pharmacist George Pharmacist George Pharmacist George Pharmacist

Good evening, Mr Antonov, welcome. There is a table for six for you. Thank you. Is there any hot soup this evening? Yes, there is. How many soups? One, two, three three soups. Tonight there is some nice chicken and very ne sh. For me, chicken and salad. For me, sh with a side dish. For you, madam? For me, something without meat a pizza and a salad, please. Two more pizzas, please. How many salads? One, two, three, four, ve ve salads, please.

InsightWhen accepting payment for small purchases at checkout desks, the assistants are usually keen to take your small coins. They will often ask Eematteh lee tochni parri? Have you the exact money? or Eematteh lee drebni? Have you any change?. So when out shopping, have your stotinkas at the ready!

Maria Shop assistant Maria Shop assistant Maria

A kilogram of tomatoes and three cucumbers, please. Big or small cucumbers? Not very big. Three cucumbers half a kilo. How much is a kilo of cucumbers?Conversation 4



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31/03/2010 14:38

Shop assistant Maria Shop assistant Maria Shop assistant Maria Shop assistant Maria Shop assistant

Dva ee dvaiset. Eema lee limoni? Da, kolko limona iskatteh? Dva limona. Dva limona treesta grama. Oshteh neshto? Da, eema hoobavi praskovi. Daiteh mee polovin kilo praskovi. Zuppovyadaiteh. Kolko stroova fsichko? Fsichko seddem levva ee sheyset ee pet stotinki.

George Bell-boy George Bell-boy***

Excuse me, where is the toilet? Straight ahead along the corridor and after that to the right. The rst door? No, not the rst. I think its the third one. A white door.

InsightThe Bulgarian equivalents of a bottle of, a kilo(gram) of and a packet of need no linking word like of: kilogram domati a kilogram of tomatoes bootilka veeno a bottle of wine kootiya beera a can of beer kootiya tsigari a packet of cigarettes.

George Excuse me, is there a toilet here? Chamber- maid 1 Oh, there is. But its out of order. You can go George*** to the second oor. Thank you. Good morning. Is that the toilet? Yes, but its engaged. Youd better go to the restaurant on the ninth oor. The lift is round the corner. I dont understand assansyor. What is assansyor? It travels up and down. Yes, yes, now I understand. Thank you. Come with me, sir, this way! Whats the matter? Is the lift out of order too? It is wor