spca west pakistan inspectors service rules 1965

S.P.C.A. WEST PAKISTAN INSPECTORS SERVICE RULES, 1965. (1) Short Title. (i) (ii) These rules may be called the S.P.G.A. West Pakistan Inspectors Service Rules, 1965. They shall come into force with immediate effect. (2) Definitions. In these rules. unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the meaning hereby respectively assigned, that is to say ;- (a) (b) "Society" means the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals West Pakistan. "Secretary" means the Honorary Secretary of the SPCA ''''est Pakistan. (c) "Executive Committee" means the Executive Committee of the SPCA West Pakistan. (d) "Inspector" means the Inspectors of the S.p.a.A. West Pakistan. (3) General Conditions of Service. The appointment of the members of S.P.C.A. West Pakistan Inspectors' Service shall be under the following terms and conditions :- (ii) (a) (b) The members of the Service shall be appointed to such type of work and in such pay scale as the Executive Committee may determine from time to time. (i) All posts in the Service shall be temporary, terminable on one month's notice in writing on either side, or by payment of one· month's pay in lieu of notice by the Secretary .. One month's notice shall not be admissible to a member of the Service if his services have been terminated as a result of action taken under rule 12.

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Post on 12-Nov-2014




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