spatiotemporal variations of severe haze episodes...

Spatiotemporal variations of severe haze episodes in China Jiandong Li 1,2 , Hong Liao 3 1 IAP, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing2 UCAS, Beijing3 School of Environmental Science and Engineering, NUIST, Nanjing Exploring the most efficient emission reduction strategies under different weather in severe haze episodes

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Post on 26-Jul-2020




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Page 1: Spatiotemporal variations of severe haze episodes … variations of severe haze episodes in China Jiandong Li

Spatiotemporal variations of severe haze episodes in ChinaJiandong Li1,2, Hong Liao 3

1 IAP, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,2UCAS, Beijing,3 School of Environmental Science and Engineering, NUIST, Nanjing

Exploring the most efficient emission reduction strategies under different weather in severe haze episodes