spartan sports ftttr trillrgr - sjsu scholarworks

11111w- VOL. 21 La Torre Dance Bids On Sale Owl 31ant ftttr Trillrgr attrg San Jose. Cal. Subs. Rate. 81.00 Per Quarter S.\ N .10SE. T[LS1).11’..1ANCAllY 10, 19:3:3 Prominent Speaker Lectures on Price of Social Progress hood Lecturer \Vitt Delis et Second Topic in Little Theater Today a 1 3 This morning al eleven o’enok. W. Kirby Page, hrturer. traveler, and editor., sac lo an appreciative It Morris Dailey auditorituiti ooti Se ’abject of "The Price oif Soo WI Progress." W. Page has traveled :11.111,l OCelitiS eighteen times. It.,tiir to audiences in Coq-mans. and, China. !Russia. .1 apa 11. oil other important ta.1111i!’le, the world. Ile has Collie int.. nal contact with such of prominence as Mahatma hi, President Vim General Sun ’Vat Sen nf . Lloyd George, Bernard ges, anti practically every for - Sir minister in Europe. This famous lecturer is editor tell’, Ttatiorross" and he %always on internationiai, .g. ions. or more or his %\ 1,1 ks 11.1su translated into Frei. 1,, o Dutch. Swedish. Danish. Bulgarian, climes, and sr. Ile has spoken all.11 in some of the largest es and organizations Ilic I. and beta reetIstal with ion boisterous enthusiasm. lea some tot Ihe students were "14’ t hear Nir Page in the Petal asseadds, Ile xs ill speak litt, in the Loth. itit,iitt t \II,. Dorothy Burroughs. a 1N o’clock this afternoon. Ilt. stale student. has been awarded in this interestnig tall, first prize its a history. examina- No. -17 "Green Cockatoo" Tryouts Scheduled for 4 P. M. Thursday and Friday I for -Elie Co eel, Cool, Moo.- been select...1 loy Laurence \loodeilliall. memlfer of the Speech Arts ,I, partment. as one of the three oil. act 1.1.0% \Silk!’ are 10 be pre- sented Ille 113111 1111.1 1111. 1711. ill I...A.111:W%. Will lie 11011 11.1... TIllirs.1.1 afternoon al .11311, :Ilia 1’1’1.1.0 afternoon al .11 1.11111. Theatre. All1olle ill ill. college is eligible I., Ir. mit. TM. one act play., are ttrysttitutl ;t Num’ ttittivt. the iltruction 111 Sir. Slendetileill, and illis sear NIr. Slendenhall is endtasoring f,, plays I,s foreign milloors "I he old Laol. Shoo, Der NIt.1 As," 11 att Itas alruatly Itetql Itreett slot, of the lerenclt revolution. was lot..- . od la ) Sri tit in tt ritual Nrthur Schhitzler. anti Sir. NIen dented! saw Fva I proditetion of it ift her lieperltirs Hie:tire in Ness. York. ’Die east needed for the play must be a large title. 111111 anytme win) is at all interested irt play tertitittetitm urged t,- appearunt t at try outs. State Student Wins Frst Prize in Exam ronducted in California high sehools last Slay. Competing with more than 5fitt students. Nits. Burroughs partici- Youthful Songsters Offer Conccrt The Internationally Famous Boy’s Choir That Will l’erform This Evening in the Morris Dailey Auditorium. Spartan Gridders To , Play Cardinal Varsity In First Game of ’33 Game Marks First Big ’rime La T San Jose State will play Stan- orre Will Sponsor Contest for San Jose Football Tea iit Annual Sport Dance on January 20 ford in football next fall! This startling announcement was made by Coach Duo’ Delirool yesterday morning. The game, which wid lw the opening contest of the sea- son for both lemns, will be held in the Stanford stadium on Sat owility. September 23. This dote was originally scheduled for the West Coast Army, but %viten the Jarhealls decided to abandon foot- ball for 1933 the game was offered In San Jose Slate. Negotiations were promptly begun and have nougli ni secure. - - -a----- paled in the examination while a been under way for several e 0 e . ...... 1 . ,..... .... ....... mg Picures Ar T B " .1 .. . Dud Detir000t by telephone early shot.," tit the Arittot High weeks, the final word came to 111’’’n- . lin. roiliest marks the don’t or ...sterility’ morning. !the United SlaleS. S.111 .11,W ’,Lit,. 111111 1111 .11114 E:11M111n1;ritini be Living treati.el.." ..- . , vont fail too bear Slr. Page in, of the most interesting and ail lectures that we of Son State have ever been (orlon- Shown Wednesday By Farquhar :b ,oi,7tSir’niymeitn:Yr;g1:1,1 jorn:yr44ku5ush(in!tr,iiiri: Jiro:No Thiiirellt the talk bY Mr. F". 11 and a short lectini :4tS111 Junior Class Meets prize for California. I ommy Johnson, won second (nun ;fish. fsiiisr lowly posi.. tli) of consideration by a team Iin the Pacific Coast Conference. and is a tribute to the ability a hoti It, one where they are wor- I loaned in bringing Ilse Spartans will be on the value and The aniat ulo Bulletin. Dose of the Sierrtt Club. The were Rotten from Los An. T is the editor of the Sierra recall hikers. The showing of atte.r heaker it from San Francisco, ts,., and promise lo be of inter- eur movie reels to be ; Is Will take up one hour of which the short talk \\ids’. and staalsored bb’ th, League of Nat ions Association ,,f \list; Burroughs’ classmate. To Plan for Dance Low Russell, newly eleeled pres- ident of Me Junior class called his first meeting to order last Thin stlas, the 5th of January, in root’, 1 of the Home -Slaking ImildIng. There was a large at- tendance for the first meeting of the class. After a short business meeting, in which Joel Carter and Pearl Bohm-0 were made the heads of the committees to run the Junior Depression Formal, the business meeting was closed. The latter part of the hour was given over to dancing. From the looks on most of the Junior’s faces. ethe dancing was enjoyed by all present. Although the Spartans will in all probability go down to defeat at the bands or the Indians, the advantages they will derive from the game will more than offset !his aspect. In the first place, the game will be the opening contest fur Stanford under their new mentor, "Tiny" Thornhill. Quite naturally, there will be great in- terest manifested up and down Ilse coast as to the strength of the Cards. This will insure a larger than average crowd. Con- sequently’ the Sartan’s cut on the gate will be proportionately lar- ger. This financial reimbursement will be of great aid to the local institution. In the second place, the widespread interest in the Stanford team will help put the name of San Jose State before the public eye. This publicity cannot La Torre, annual year book of the college, will open the sale of its lints m a sport dance to ge given Fridas evening, January 20, in the Mcit’s Comilasittin, under the cti-tliairmanship ,,r cart Pat- merand Dario Sinioni. Since it has become necessary, through the new depression cuts in budgets, to abandon the previ- ous custom or appropriating a sinall sum from each student body fee for the La Torre fund, this essential surplus money must be obtained in another manner. l’his Boy’s Choir to Perform Here This Evening Boy Conte Direct From V; dean at Bottle To Sill.; In Sufi Jose One inolicataon of the high level of musical training received by the Vienna Stiengerknaben, who will make their first appearance at San Jose State Teachers Col- lege on January at 8:15 p. in., is the fact that Schubert, Haydn and Slozart studied during their boyhood with this venerable organization. This institution has continued generation after generation, growing from eight !Heys to eighty many of them chosen from poor families for their exceptional tal- ent. The boys have always occu- pied the ancient imperial palace, where they pursued academic and musical studies and veere MUM- lained by the state. During July and August of each year the entire body of boy sing- ers migrate to a mountain resort in the Tyrol with their spiritual guide and director, where a mag- nificent Alpine home, the Saenger- knaben Hotel, has been erected for them. Here they enjoy sports and fresh air, preparing their bodies for the rigors of what often is a strenuous winter. Their concertizing tours take them to most of the European capitals, where they are 111WilYS hailed by the musically elite. Es- pecially festive occasios for the boys are Sundays and high church holidays. when they sing with the entire.’ ensemble of the Vienna Slate Opera and the Phil- harmonic orchestra. The reper- dance will be the first of several toire of the Saegerknaben includes to he given for the purpose of songs. many church and national choral raising the necessary money. works. as well as arias and Dick Sanders. Carl Palmer, and Dario Sitmini, two former and one present Student Affairs chair- men, are handling the arrange- ments for the dance which charge an admission price of 25 veins a person. An orchestra has not been selected as yet, but there is assurance that an excellent one -will be procured. The gym will be decorated in a novel manner, and further plans are being form- tiliSittel:Itt. students who attend the dance vYill lie unanimous in their agreement that the chairmen suc- ceeded in setting a new standard for originality and tmiqueness presentat ion. help but be of great aid to the locals in future campaigns. II is also undershoot that nego- tiations were opened for a game with U. C. L. A. These were shelved, however, due to the ina- bility of officials to agree upon a date. That this game may be scheduled for 1934 remains as a possibility. (Continued on Page Three) Eligibility to membership in lContInued on Pato Three) George Sloe Donates Two Paintings To State College library Two more pictures have been placed in the library of San Jose State. This wits made possible through the courtesy of Mr. George E. Sloe of Carmel, Califor- nia, who is the owner of both pictures. A well-known California artist, Sir. Henry J. Breurer, was the painter. The picture depicting sunset has been hung in the Collateral Reading Room. The other picture, a view of Nit. Shasta. is in the main library. The artist, who died lost year. won gold medal for his work at the exposition in 1915. Recent- ly there was memorial exhibit of his paintings at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor in San Francisco. 1;’?", I" tit

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Stennis Editor

Steve Murdock


Spartan Sports SNN JOST., (AL11 . 1111 \ .1.\ .111Y 5. 1933

Spartan Cagers Favored To Defeat Menlo Jaysee Here

Saturday Night, January SAN JoSE �1%.1 SP1 it?! NE..

ONIBIN %I tors C. 1. %Nil.; WITH Nil...\111

By Adam Vast. -- �

Students of San Jose Slate Col’ , lege become basketball minded here once inure Sutural:, night. when Coach II. C. Mo�lbonalol sends his Spartans into action vgainsl a fast Slenlo Junior Col-lege aggregation.

In this game the Spartan will have the final opportunity. of seeing his charges work nut against competition ;is they bid for permanent berths on the first five which will open the Far Western Conference January Ifith at Pacific.

Early season results show the San Joseans to be a fast improv-ing team, featuring passwork and a quick break. The game with Davis-Elkins proved the Spartans to be a "second half team," as they calla! up fast from utter de-feat to vvithin a step of victory.

The first five men for San Jose at present consists of Country-Man and Hague at forwards; Slathiesen, center; and George and Leibrzinolt, at guards; but the work of Downs, ’rueller, and Ilea in pre-season g; m has shown the so-called second string to be dangerous contenders for starting positions. Concannon and Gilson also add a goodly share of compe� tition.

This will be Meffin’s first game of the season and the up-penin-sula lads always present a strung lineup. A veteran squad with An -1 derma’ and Captain Lindsay lead-ing the attack. will featury.

Probable starting line-ups: S. J. State .1( n . Countrynnin Anderson Hague Wilson Mathiesvn Larson George Lindsas Liebrandt Clark

Baseball Practice To Start Next Week

All men students interested in playing baseball should attend a nteeting to be held Thursday al 4 o’clock in room 17, according to Coach Hill Hubbard.

Al present only 10 men have signed up and there is plenty of opportunity for making a varsity letter in this sport. Regular prac� tiee shirts Monday. January 101h, from four to six. at the Snarler’ Field.


Coach II. AlcDonald, hoo... �

.arsity eager* will tangle with Menlo J. e. Saturday night. "Mac’s" men have won two and lost one so far this season. They are favored to defeat the Junior

011ege men.

Blesh’s Frosh Face Difficult Schedule

With three g under !licit tells, the Frosh basketball com Moment are faced with at least nine more tough games. The game I lllll °reify,. night with the Sham lain View Eagles. who already hold one victory over the Babes, will be the first a nine games with the timgliest high school team in this section.

The schedule is as follows:

Jan. 7-Mt. View al San Jose.

Jan. 13-Alanietla Ili at San Jose.

Jan. 17-Santa Clara Hi at San Chess Club Holds Meeting chrt.. at Home of Dr. Newby ’

A sinalll remnant of the Chess Club, lolled away a few hours over the checkered boards at the home of Professor Newby last Friday evening.

Mr. Stiller of the music depart-ment was among those present. Professor Newby held most of the honors by winning most of the

Frosh Basketeers Play Return Game

With Mt. View Sat. Co sail ilLESICS NIEs. %GER

To AVENGE E.%111.1. SI.: %SON DEE E.V1’

�ttl bb fin’ 1)111 ’hell 1..111, ll.,1,1111 11141,1 ;11 11111,� 11.1111,

Itte M.,1111tallt Vie.) Plagics, Ilt. Elkins quitilt�ts. S1.111. F1.11�11 \NW 1111.1�1 1111’ 1111-11111

111\111.1 11..1111 S.1111111.1\ 111011 III 1111 "her NV1’111.11 "11111.1.1.11...’

111.1.1"1"."’� 14."1".. g.1111V �"11 h.""’ r"i"41 Smite too the ground, and the

Go to the Menlo




Spartan Spasms it) Nturdock and Bishop

Seen anti heard at Kt-endures the .111-Atin-rican meeting oh,

ilklii.i:ISALInrketoll"11: VOL. 21 licatiline stars).

A sailter challenging the eosin crowd lit it ctsmhat. The Ne�. both Annapolis and West Com ; sythataid and his didn’t seem to hate this Iwo spirit during the football season.

break in Ow’ four games Miring C.1IoLoln krt

the Christmas .acalion b. lemon,. ad+, s.stom, "I , S. C. le:ool. lho ing Marin and Sacramento J. C. s in tin. tut

..nol olrooppile-2. Is." close """ h’ Pole %milt and discus the Closers’ I. oregoon and be gi,,111"111.11.1�0W...

l’aul Kurth. Notre Dame Al. American. Isecoming griped ont something. gently slamming gee

protein’s start at G:31i. during the intermission. himself getting a handful d Mesh’. team ss�ill start an ex and Chita, stood out ssath knitskts,, in ths fast.. Esidenly

1,11,1), 1933 ,‘Ith ""I’ sicd.ries oser log time M.A.. an example of Smith fiend team. of Me ion,lo�si games Fusin., 1,, ament. t��0,� 1, ,�

11�, Me lopsided ‘,111.1.� 111. 1.1 111 lalrarrt.111.tti.rnt i_riaffries

V1VW 1111110 one Ink rtt.tell Art Aeker’s Chico gfinv.

the ""I " \"" "s". II"’ ....miler F.ast enuldn’t roan, la."g"t% it"". uula.’"1" °Few’ tis’� .28 ’" trate.

Ir"""1 ih"’ ’ Willi nee locals on 111.. 1 since 110.11 110.

111.0.� 1:n1.1110.114,1 Watson\ ill,

��,111 Volttltarttl".’ 1110,11 S, III prOball1S

Cell,. flash. and Jack Fitlanque. forme,. \lento light-w�eight slar, in tio, roi.,:ied lilt -

Jam. 21-Monteres lit San Jose.

Jan. 27 -Montezuma at San Jose.

Jan. 2B-Morgan Hill Ili at San Jose.

Feb. 4-Santa Clara at San Jose.

Feb. 11-liedwood Hi at San Jose.

1:v1).17-Morgan Hill at Slot games. gan

Floe davits.. e positions ..ill

indol down CaPla111 Eddie Wing. also a former Watsonville High luminary, mod a product of San Jose

turned in great floor games in Ilic Iasi t 0 contests and are votislant threats from outside the foul vir-e!,

.23. NI, .111:1 ASO :Hilted S11111(111.11\

,�.11I1 1111�11. 1/1.11 at Item,. 23 I., 17, and Chico defeated the S: I’.

on the face a things. these scores make the Spartans Intik like a dis isinn team. but the ’oval "tongue ssaggtflers" ac -comet roe ..ictoey ovi.e oe,t,tott to thi. Boa

\�’el,feet regular for...aril mid renter. .. ere in bed Ihe flu. Nevada’s outstanding defeat nf leas�is-13-ktits primarily due to, the fact ilmi lhe sontherti too.. bad Iwo, om the Iran) 10 clays and plas,,I es ers night. ’Dial Item, altitude must nave knocked ss limes cr light Die. load left otit of them.

On Mc Miter luttul the

"Rabe" Hoollingberry ha spasms o heti little "Hank" Stal. ditch scored his second and nig touchdov.ns oof the day.

La Torre Dance

Bids On Sale

Owl 31ant

ftttr Trillrgr attrg San Jose. Cal.

Subs. Rate. 81.00 Per Quarter

S.\ N .10SE. T[LS1).11’..1ANCAllY 10, 19:3:3

Prominent Speaker Lectures on Price

of Social Progress hood Lecturer \Vitt Delis et

Second Topic in Little Theater Today a 1 3

This morning al eleven o’eno�k.

W. Kirby Page,

hrturer. traveler, and editor., sac lo an appreciative

It Morris Dailey auditorituiti ooti Se ’abject of "The Price oif Soo

WI Progress." W. Page has traveled :11.111,l

OCelitiS eighteen times. It.,�tiir� to audiences in Coq-mans.

and, China. !Russia. .1 apa 11. oil other important ta.1111i!’le,

the world. Ile has Collie int.. nal contact with such of prominence as Mahatma hi, President Vim

General Sun ’Vat Sen nf Dick Fenel, of Nortlfwegn . Lloyd George, Bernard

completely overshadowing lirges, anti practically every for -team-male Ina Sir minister in Europe.

l’inshie. Paul Moss. This famous lecturer is editor

Charlie Molinari, from IICN. tell’, Ttatiorross" and

in the hest game of any Maki the West line.

oe.tert following the

tottivet:ii Potentate or somel

;ill toyer the stadium, about Iwo, paces to reotr.

the street in Santa Clara. tura" he %always on internationiai, .g. ions.

or more or his %\ 1,1 ks 11.1su translated into Frei. 1,, o� �

Dutch. Swedish. Danish. Bulgarian, climes, and

sr. Ile has spoken all.11 in some of the largest

es and organizations Ilic I. and beta reet�Istal with

ion boisterous enthusiasm. lea some tot Ihe students were

. . . Hill Ilubhard expects to

his .arsoy baseball practice

week with the 1932 varsity

!nearly intact. Looks like amain �init. These twt, boys b,,,,. a II .1 ...Pa I. k I i f ig t HMI Illit 1,V CI. I II t. victorious season for the hone "14’ t° hear Nir� Page in the

hilted MIdelic Clod, a s. v.. to. hid )�, dui, , Petal asseadds, Ile xs ill speak litt, in the Loth. itit,iitt� t \II,. Dorothy Burroughs. a

1N o’clock this afternoon. Ilt. stale student. has been awarded in this interestnig tall, first prize its a history. examina-

Freshman Lead In Intra-mural Contest

The conclusion of the ’,petalled’ and singles tennis tournaments lint! the Frosts class leading in points with lel more events yet to be run off before the end of Ihe spring quarter. This point sy.stem mit only. gist, ertalit for games won, but also for the number of men participating. According In this rating the Freshmen have acetimulated a grand total oof 1134.81 points as against 11113.24 for the Sooty, 5M2.69 for Me Sen-iors. and :,711.26 for the Juniors. The Froish collerted li44.4115 points in the specolball tourney anol 490.495 in the singles tourna-ment, where Lindsay emerged vic-torious by defeating Charles Pink -ham of the 6-1. III -8. The tournaments remaining In be run oft’ before the final championship is 114.41111.11 illeltideS foul shooting, basketball, gy�timasties, swimming, horseshoes, golf, track, doubles tennis, volleyball, and baseball. This program will occupy the en-tire winter and spring quarters.

Freshman gals at Oregnn State must wear green riblams on Vs’ettnesdays. while their brother frosh MOM Wear their green lids every day.

No. -17

"Green Cockatoo" Tryouts Scheduled for 4 P. M. Thursday and Friday

I for -Elie Co eel, Cool, Moo.- been select...1 loy Laurence \loodeilliall. memlfer of the Speech Arts ,I, partment. as one of the three oil. act 1.1.0% \Silk!’ are 10 be pre-sented Ille 113111 1111.1 1111. 1711. ill I...A.111:W%. Will lie 11011 11.1...

TIllirs.1.1� afternoon al .11311, :Ilia 1’1’1.1.0 afternoon al .11

1.11111. Theatre. All1olle ill ill. college is eligible I., Ir. mit.

TM. one act play., are ttryst�titutl ;t Num’ ttittivt. the iltruction

111 Sir. Slendetileill, and illis sear NIr. Slendenhall is endt�asoring f,,

plays I,s foreign milloors "I he old Laol. Shoo, Der NIt�.1 As," 11 att Itas alruatly Itetql

Itreett slot, of the lerenclt revolution. was lot..-

. od la ) Sri tit in tt ritual Nrthur Schhitzler. anti Sir. NIen dented! saw Fva I proditetion of it ift her lieperltirs Hie:tire in Ness. York. ’Die east needed for the play must be a large title. 111111 anytme win) is at all interested irt play tertitittetitm � urged t,- appearunt t at try outs.

State Student Wins Frst Prize in Exam

isx�t, points. stamps them as nf bet-ter than l’acitie I:oast l:onft’rence canner, as the U. .N. trounced California IS :to in turn ihr

Spartans ss ere nosed out in a bard -fought I,. Elkins, :17 000

32. which � the slIdelans Iffy a team to lit, floured in Ilse run-

ronducted in California high

sehools last Slay.

Competing with more than 5fitt

students. Nits. Burroughs partici-

Youthful Songsters Offer Conccrt

The Internationally Famous Boy’s Choir That Will l’erform This Evening in the Morris Dailey Auditorium.

Spartan Gridders To , Play Cardinal Varsity

In First Game of ’33 Game Marks First Big ’rime La T

San Jose State will play Stan-

orre Will Sponsor Contest for San Jose Football Tea iit Annual Sport Dance

on January 20 ford in football next fall! This

startling announcement was made

by Coach Duo’ Delirool yesterday

morning. The game, which wid

lw the opening contest of the sea-

son for both lemns, will be held in the Stanford stadium on Sat owility. September 23. This dote was originally scheduled for the West Coast Army, but %viten the Jarhealls decided to abandon foot-ball for 1933 the game was offered In San Jose Slate. Negotiations were promptly begun and have

nougli ni secure. - - -a-----

paled in the examination while a been under way for several imi.....

whop lost to California by a 311 to

is:e�,ht 11,:.1,11 1,1,ouudgy iToayclae,rmai

e 0 e . ...... 1 . ,..... �.... ....... The. ...I, .....,....k........ leam buleNke

mg Picures Ar T B " ’ .1 ’ � � .. ’ . Dud Detir000t by telephone early

shot.," tit the Aritt�ot High weeks, the final word came to

tu lit" "a’ II". (:"Ilvge "r l’Ild111.� 1.,:r. in Mesh’s track team to bit 111’’’n-��� .

lin. roiliest marks the don’t or

...sterility’ morning.

&mom Receives Mention on All-Coast Team

ger and better. he.igh.ts. Mort per

!the United SlaleS.

17 margin. - - # - S.111 .11,W ’,Lit,. 111111 1111� �.11114

tt E:11M111n1;ritini

1).,, to "St" Smoot’, star latish,

nii Coaeh Dud I), ’,tool’s unship football team and politi, an par-escillenee in Ins spa, e

time anti win, was selected on the official All -Far Western Cnider-cure team hist month, received an additional honor when he was given lllll rabic mention on no less than "Pop" Warner’s All -(*mast team announced several weeks fig.. Silit011i was the mils. San Jose Slate I111111 be So 11011 -owed. Other Far Western Confer -

Cr lo yoU, DOW

1111, 11:1,,

We’ll venture to predict that

Friosh track leant will extend be Living treati.el.."

1 varsity cinder moth artists to ..- . , vont fail too bear Slr. Page in,

respective limits during thee* of the most interesting and

ing season. There is certainly ail lectures that we of Son

outlay oof stars in the Babe li State have ever been (orlon-. � �

Shown Wednesday By Farquhar

Schnabel, former San Jose 7 student. accoompan

bri:a:i."::,�"1..,stitil.:.1:1 kn de I au t fel° m2r: :b ,oi,7tSir’niymeitn:Yr;g1:1,1

ble action.

Local hoy no. a 1:e si :duo oiciL jorn:yr44ku5ush(in!tr,iiiri: Jiro:No

� . .

r:ii�n.gstiornirPt:nnimaiP"ht Thiiirellt

the talk bY

Mr. F".

11 and a short lectini :4tS111

Junior Class Meets

prize for California. I ommy Johnson, won second (nun ;fish. f�siiisr lowly posi..

tli) of consideration by a team

Iin the Pacific Coast Conference.

and is a tribute to the ability a

hoti It, one where they are wor-

I loaned in bringing Ilse Spartans

srt:::114-itsal 01143atieno,,itiitss.ftEfr. ithe

Ir’iliisrl,vistriv,:firls,. to hoer leet � will be on the value and

The aniat

ulo Bulletin.

Dose of the Sierrtt Club. The sp.en(t-ree spiltaxy:keirnsg,

Wilson, and Strobridge of ’ formed notably for the (It’d:iar. were Rotten from Los An.

ano. �owner Fresno ;:f "ill "r thiist c�


tan foomiii (mind, ii1P0 PT is the editor of the Sierra

s4. j fi !viol . recall hikers. The showing of

nbeigi%oitt.::::Iiitiiirkiittii.,(...inilitiviii,:rfethes tufa atte.r

Bud Hubbard. erstwhile SW heaker it from San Francisco,

� � � iin his ts,., and promise lo be of inter-

eur movie reels to be


Is Will take up one hour of which the short talk

J. C. team. Ile playa gua

California, Willi if% 5.1100,Mill

11111111111ii1111, IlaS lin 1111111y univer-sity. students as England has with its 35,0011,1100 tinpulatinn.

\\ids’. and staalsored bb’ th, League of Nat ions Association ,,f

\list; Burroughs’ classmate.

To Plan for Dance Low Russell, newly eleeled pres-

ident of Me Junior class called

his first meeting to order last

Thin stlas, the 5th of January, in

root’, 1 of the Home-Slaking

ImildIng. There was a large at-

tendance for the first meeting of

the class.

After a short business meeting,

in which Joel Carter and Pearl

Bohm-0 were made the heads of

the committees to run the Junior

Depression Formal, the business

meeting was closed.

The latter part of the hour was

given over to dancing. From the

looks on most of the Junior’s

faces. ethe dancing was enjoyed

by all present.

Although the Spartans will in all probability go down to defeat at the bands or the Indians, the advantages they will derive from the game will more than offset

!his aspect. In the first place, the

game will be the opening contest

fur Stanford under their new

mentor, "Tiny" Thornhill. Quite naturally, there will be great in-

terest manifested up and down

Ilse coast as to the strength of

the Cards. This will insure a

larger than average crowd. Con-sequently’ the Sartan’s cut on the

gate will be proportionately lar-

ger. This financial reimbursement

will be of great aid to the local

institution. In the second place,

the widespread interest in the

Stanford team will help put the

name of San Jose State before the

public eye. This publicity cannot

La Torre, annual year book of the college, will open the sale of its lints m a sport dance to ge given Fridas evening, January 20, in the Mcit’s Comilasittin, under the cti-t�liairmanship ,,r cart Pat-mer�and Dario Sinioni.

Since it has become necessary, through the new depression cuts in budgets, to abandon the previ-ous custom or appropriating a sinall sum from each student body fee for the La Torre fund, this essential surplus money must be obtained in another manner. l’his

Boy’s Choir to Perform Here This Evening

Boy Conte Direct From V; dean at Bottle

To Sill.; In Sufi Jose

One inolicataon of the high level

of musical training received by

the Vienna Stiengerknaben, who

will make their first appearance

at San Jose State Teachers Col-

lege on January at 8:15 p.

in., is the fact that Schubert,

Haydn and Slozart studied during

their boyhood with this venerable


This institution has continued

generation after generation,

growing from eight !Heys to eighty

many of them chosen from poor

families for their exceptional tal-

ent. The boys have always occu-

pied the ancient imperial palace,

where they pursued academic and

musical studies and veere MUM-

lained by the state.

During July and August of each

year the entire body of boy sing-

ers migrate to a mountain resort

in the Tyrol with their spiritual

guide and director, where a mag-

nificent Alpine home, the Saenger-

knaben Hotel, has been erected

for them. Here they enjoy sports

and fresh air, preparing their

bodies for the rigors of what

often is a strenuous winter.

Their concertizing tours take

them to most of the European

capitals, where they are 111WilYS

hailed by the musically elite. Es-

pecially festive occasios for the

boys are Sundays and high

church holidays. when they sing

with the entire.’ ensemble of the

Vienna Slate Opera and the Phil-

harmonic orchestra. The reper-

dance will be the first of several

toire of the Saegerknaben includes

to he given for the purpose of songs.

many church and national choral

raising the necessary money.

works. as well as arias and

Dick Sanders. Carl Palmer, and Dario Sitmini, two former and one present Student Affairs chair-men, are handling the arrange-ments for the dance which charge an admission price of 25 veins a person. An orchestra has not been selected as yet, but there is assurance that an excellent one -will be procured. The gym will be decorated in a novel manner, and further plans are being form-

tiliSittel:Itt. students who attend the dance vYill lie unanimous in their agreement that the chairmen suc-ceeded in setting a new standard for originality and tmiqueness presentat ion.

help but be of great aid to the locals in future campaigns.

II is also undershoot that nego-tiations were opened for a game with U. C. L. A. These were shelved, however, due to the ina-bility of officials to agree upon a date. That this game may be scheduled for 1934 remains as a possibility.

(Continued on Page Three)

Eligibility to membership in

lContInued on Pato Three)

George Sloe Donates Two Paintings To State

College library Two more pictures have been

placed in the library of San Jose State. This wits made possible through the courtesy of Mr. George E. Sloe of Carmel, Califor-nia, who is the owner of both pictures.

A well-known California artist, Sir. Henry J. Breurer, was the painter.

The picture depicting sunset has been hung in the Collateral Reading Room. The other picture, a view of Nit. Shasta. is in the main library.

The artist, who died lost year. won gold medal for his work at the exposition in 1915. Recent-ly there was memorial exhibit of his paintings at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor in San Francisco.




� �

Svecial Welters l’r

Faculty Ad,iser Dr. Carl ilollidar

PubHalted every echoed day, except Mow ’ day, by the Aseociated Students of den Jose State College.

Entered as � *mond clue matter at tbe

San Joe* Postal/toe.

Preen of Wright-Slay Co. 19 N. Second St.. Sen Joe.. California


if it interests You

peggy Kile

is back again With

bill Silveria

after dropping Him

last garter to Try

her luck as a lone Star

with man after Man

and the vagts-keesling Combina-


is all off Again

according to the Lady

and since vacation Alice

mcdowell has been Going

steady with a sacrament° Man

but the poor girl is Afraid

to two-time here at State

because letta green is Here

anti miss green is Watching

every misstep because She

WHS the loser in the Sacramento


and we weren’t going to Com-


on all these ’Marriages

over the Vacation

gut we got a letter TodaY from a friend of irving Mina-


(feminine friend) who Is all up in the Air because niinahan ran Off without even letting her Know which makes us think frying

Had more than we thought of What it takes to hold the Women and we like the set -Up commit %silent has to Support his new wife bessie Dalessi that is she was Delassi-he sells silk Stockings and theron ((Wes new Roadster did some good after All he’s got a fourteen year Old blond off -campus who Rides with him anal Everything while jittituie fitzgerald WW1


we couldn’t tell You of how he darn Near morried grace (Ismer from walsonville and Although that’s cooled MT a lot He phoned 61.91) worth to Watson-

ville xmas and then spent the Hest of the vacation trying to Date s ))))) r of the girls in the Sante old boarding House and aim kidd illl� 6111111.

with joe anion and his Hat and proved so Interesting that dee shelitanian Took his article down ’for Him and chet hess came Back lo state because of margarel

Triganza and now he’s Living at her house-might as Well Nlarry Her Chet.

ti th ftir Tollrgr wines I Ebitortal agr o � Clarence Nue- I Editor

!or. ’lick tiandern

*au Atm

6tatr Toltrar Is This Democracy or Autocracy?

Se% eenhineStinnS Ve been 0,1\ ell late

Olfic� SRA Jose Stale College the Illilliiiig/11141(411111csii.11ilirtS

Ballard 3n2e1 111S11;1111111�11 rpg,islration day. the. pros-

pe el of paying a fifty dollar registration fee iltr quarter is rather horrifying to most of us. This sad turn of affairs is doe to fran-tic efforts on the part of the pri�sont legis-

lattire halance llo. Stale Bodge! Nat-

urally, Hip first thing they turn to. is the Education system. It is sat tmsy to pick In

piece’s. This raise in tees is due lo ra�com-

inendalitins contained in the Stizzalo Ito

port presented to Governor II,,lph last summer for consideration.

The Suzzalo lieport is a sort of Educa-tional Ileformation and presents a lot of admirable changes. hut at the same time seriously illterferes with our already mis-begotten ideas of democracy. This report advocates a removal of the Junior College from the present State College t() the home district where they will be supported 1)y the county personal property tax. This tax is already too high for comfort and to make it higher will be utterly distressing. The State College upper division is to remain fundamentally the sanle. and is to he (m-iller supported by higher registration fees. The government has long realized that free education is the greatest leveler for all classes, and now that they have reached a medium amount of success, certain factions are again attempting to make higher edu-cation a thing to be enjoyed only by the

The Text Book Racket

Is the text book situation a professional racket or merely negligence on their part? The former would class our instruc-tors with gangsters, and that is a little hard to beliece. It is equal-ly difficult to realize that they could be inconsiderate enough to make frequent changes of ex-pensive text books in their courses. ft is inexcusable--depres-sion or no depression. The book that educated last yezir’s student ought to be good enough for this. The changing of texts, which was done in several courses even this quarter, is hard on the studeat who took the subject before. tle is left with an obsolete book on his hands. The position of the person taking the course for the first tiine is also deplorable. In-stead of being able to purchase a second hand copy, he has to buy a new four or five dollar book. Money, :nay we remind our dear leachers, does not grow on trees in the winter (if ’33.

A solution of the text book problem has been made by the-psychology department in severtl of their lower division courses. No regular text is Imiight by the students. but each is assessed 01.00 a quarter (mush lower thim they could buy a book for) and about fifteen copies of sexecal different references are placed m their disposal in the library. ’this system is much easier ain the stii dent purse. in addition to )0,11114 1111.111111.1.1,1 to more than (me I. The psychology department is 111-

(11’141 10 IA. praised for their hu-mane method.

Students are criticized by the faculty if they (10 not purchase lest books and use copies in the library. We have only admiration

moneyed class. A raise in registration

%%wild undoubtedly eliminate se�era I hun-dred students Prom roll call. I know se%

eral at present who cannot even afford the

present small ’sum combined with the high price of text books.

In either angle, of th() Junior or Stale College, the burden of taxation is being shifted from the large corporations lo the individual. and certain items in this report strongly suggest nothing wore than pot),r-ful lobbying on the part of the public

cone. ills to shift taws from them-

se�Ix es. who should he obliged lo pay them.

1,, thi. sniall man, w�lin tinder ewe present

system of govorieincnt need financial strain.

cannot afford to pay 111,�tia.

It is urgent that we a tlempt I() (kr.’ ibis will be presented at the coming

session of the legislaturt� as a result of the Suzzalo Report. Needless to say. it is im-perative to act quickly. ()tir only recoil’ SI’

10 111/1/1111 in the legislators who repre�sent

otie home districts. through ourselves. our parents. 111111 atm friends. ’Write to these

men and demand the defeat of this bill. If it goes through. taxation will be hea tuition fees higher. and life more compli-cated. Such conditions will then itemise a

great deal of complaint when it is too lote (I() allything about it. and we will have only ourselves to blame. The govermin�nt is willing that we should (I() anything we want provided that we don’t enjoy life. (). U.

To The Frosh

Q. "Freshman, how do you likt San Jose State?"

A. "Aw, it’s OK 1 guess." Q. "What (I() you think of our

faculty?" A. "Well -a, maybe I better not

say." Q. "WHAT’S THAT?" A. "Yeh, uh-uh, it’s a -alright I

guess, erm I don’t know." Q. "11 , well, Freshman,

have you any suggestions that might be beneficial to the student -body as a whole?"

A. "I ain’t sure whatchit mean

for such individuals who are de-termined to get an education in the face of financial opposition. Ine�identally, therei s proof from such students’ grades, that many of the text books are not at all necessary. Lecture notes ordi-narily form the basis for the en-tire subjt..t matter of the. course. Some instructors have the sense to realize this and make no other requirement, but the majority go 011 issuing texts that will prob-ably not be opened more than two or three times during the quar-ter.

The average book bill is around ten dollars for a quarter. which is utterly bey mid the means of

NS01’111N 111111t�IliS. Ceti/11111V

110. 1:11.11111 i.;01 final an answer 14,

why,. to and considering it from ilic ..siblent’s point of view If a text Is Illd :111,011111.1

sary, 110 1101 11111Vl. 011c. If it is dispensable. use, if possilde, th.�

sy�stein with is small fea� love quarter. If none of the.o� .s, s� !practical, for goodness sake., don’s arbitrarily change the text whet,

Ithe prevoius one will do just well. P. It. .\

Tid-Bits The world sings a song as it


’the song of its soul;

The song of the falling rain;

The song of the wind and waves.

� � �

Personal redietion-that the theme of the popular songs of the coming year will be either, "Wine, Women and Song," or "Pretzels and Beer."

by beneficial, but I don’t think so anyhow."

Q. -11t) you know anything?" A. "Well -a, I’m not sure." A year elapses. Q. "Hello, Freshman, and now

how (I() you like San Jose Slate?" A. "To be thoroughly candid

and absolutely free from preju-dice, will venture to quote that this institution has its attractive features as well as some that are not exactly commendable."

Q. "Have you imy suggestions that might prove beneficial to the student -body its a whole?"

A. "There are situations here that nisi). only be overcome by a complete renovation of said situ-ations, but firstly we must gain an unbisised perspective of condi-tions and encounter the facts openly and without reserve. Fur-thermore I sincerely believe some extemporaneous syllogism or rol-1,. i ix, mental mils ity� on the 11/1111


o. "I think I iiiideistanal, but whet M. sou think of the fite� ado?"

X. "I would rather not say, as pi ison has itai appeal for 1111.."


"1011 111’111’11 1111’ ill(’ lirsi

relhlW. See:1111!"

Just Among Ourselves

t .1, v111’011111(111


a...o.1 mane tini . mot.: people. mem, of litchi ex. a nein s I ti - dents, had I, gix e up college’ just because Biel shila’s small aniount necessary to, them through. Difficol� � if,linitIgitiou.1 I .t .� Our loan fund stood �

e in Isixtury.

dollars or less. Th:d gee hetioped8,0,., ,

Through. Simply goes to show that �

stale slaps on a tuition fei it wall keep a much larder ber out of college.

May Iliad it necessary tor our forces before the sea over. Students, faculty, a and friends, we’re quite a is certainly no sebtip. Cor anti highways are spreadine other of their thick screens. Attacking school port just to keep attention from themselves. No questin clansman property is comae unjust share of the burden. the public service people crawling out from under. .11 of you would read Dr. hat�h’s article in the next the Sierras Educational Sews. fine. Probsibly the very bed se Motion of the state tax lion. Doesn’t do any learn the facts. If there’s a ment in that article thari true, hope you’ll go ofter author. Just heard the oli in his den in the Commerce ing. lie’s a good battler ad enjoy the fight.

I understand some hoe

in San Francisco are patinae

bill to force our student gm

the campus. I doubt if ant

Jose people tire connected

the scheme, or are ubjeeen

any way. It would certain!.

an insufferable bother if

were to SIIIITC11, and we nuf

to organize to combat the

Sonie young lawyer, sans c

who lives near the campus(

State College in San to

decided that his drab ex

needed some publicity, sotto

the "student store nuisance

cause. Got a lot of other

sattith,n1: gals) s i iitohn , hbi lyn-Inanwt�is n

inug�M ni.g."17frithil;.Yof":’1’1;111;

these distressed times.

ly litt"titausts1:11lieigrhelii.nd �thiet�hdtti: r rt.gistration. That’s o

building, anti Wril adapted I.

big day’s work. Smoothest

tridion we have had for a

time. Heard only one

Young man has been areu.1

to a great deal of persosi,


have a valet for him next na

If you’re feeling blue, a

(mirages’, if your shoe lee

gs, I::: fails., t�itf::, tyl,�,(oitu7irk, reit; sru jmuswnotnst’ir

lotion lamlinocracy. (Vim

1.), said it.)

Miss Lydia Inns Will Address the Freslunen Lunchers

speaker 1)1.1 \ I I It

Own Ileminis,. Address ’Ala to re,’ I

Drawing upon person.,1 1.

nescenses as well as a know lcd

of the background of SIM .11,

Stoic College, 1.y.dia limes.

pointment secretary, will

�’o. freshman girls at the 14..1 Luncheon Club meeting t

�sinter quarter.

Ilia. meetings, which for 111, ,,ng quarter will he held evi-ex

’iicaday noon in Room 1 of 111.� le-Making building, are under diairmanship Mory

.arants are arranged that :ire of interest to all freshmen

who are invited to bring lunches and attend these

idy meetings which were M-erited for the purpose. of pro�

rig friendships and insuring a der understanding of college

’limas anal traditions.

On Other Campii

granted recently after Nlarjorie Reagan. representative of the rus-sel.peddlers, told the student emelt that it looked like a long. lard winter ahead." It was mig-rated that apple cores would be Ore convenient than pop bottles I football games.


Chicago Educator Claims It IN b f Seven S. J. State Graduates

Receive Teaching


Our Modern Civilization Regular Students Nurses the Unfit

Ili 111,� u111.11 111111 11.11,111% 1�0111111. Shillellk F1,1111 the

1d1.1 0111111;4h ii/ 1). and .a tlicir tilt -spring still mitalu-

. m.1 was exploded recently by a 111,1;40 Valle:del’.

111 1,111,1111HW’. IleereSMIel


ne Ugh knelergArtele. eoaxed. grammar st�Iteml; ste.ereil

through high school; guided through college; dragged through’ graduate work and turned out a. Ph. IL, but edict) still entirely un-educated.

What. them is etlucatiten? it has been said that education is

To Reach 2220 Hundred Limited Students.

l’ractice l’eachers Enroll This \�’eek --

The registration of 2220 regular students is expected this quarter. of this total 21117 have already registered. This Ilgure does not

one hundred prat�tit�e, or a similar nunilit.r of limited student.. bMeli were the latest reports issued gy the Reg-istrar.

The totals, though larger than expected Irian earlier reports,

xx hal enables men to get along in were Ill’wheee ’war as great as without intoligi.��. the number entering last year. Ilneence has been defined as falling a that all-time

tlim withal ejjahh, j� gej(ter quarter record-breaker by

Education might bettt.r be jjj,.. Koziol:14.1y 2380 regular students nearly one hundred and fifty. Ap-along without tslucation.

were registered at that time. lined as the kind aif inental and spiritual equipment which em-powers a human being to adjust himself most usefully’ to the af-fairs of this world.

State Students Married

Over Christmas Holidays -

. ger than usual. year the decline was slightly lar- (Continued front Page One)


Apo, wig he sold hy the ,� Amid the snow and wintcrir - I the Saengerknaben is subject to

men of Arizona State Teachers winds of the Yuletide season P..


strict standards. Applicants must

er of romance bloomed f,. Frank Hamilton Operated

College to keep off the depres- 11"w not only show marked vocal and

On for Appendicitis fest high ualities of character. At ,,on awn.. The e0�,,,i,,,, was several members of the San Jose

musical abilities, but must mani-

a recent election, when only three .

The many friends of Frank places in the choir were vacant, Hamilton, the Freshman editor of more than six hundred boys the Times last quarter. and II1C111- clamored for admittance. When ber of the Spartan Senate, honor- the time comes, as it always does ary debate socit.ty of the college, for a boy’s voice to change, he is will be glad to hear that lie is re- transferred from the choir to

Teacher appointment, leave been exceedingly slack this last year, according to niss Lydia In-nes, appointment secretary. To date, seven graduates have se-cured positions in various parts of the state.

Of the December graduates, Marie [trimly and Mrs. Geraldine Murney have been placed in thy Sun Jose Public Library. Eliza-beth Alden. also a December grautuate, is now teaching al the Ravenswood School in Palo Alto.

Among other 1932 graduates, Marjorie Crosby has secured a po-sition at Colfax, California, as a second grade leacher and musk. instructor. Also, Nora Thorkel-son is teaching it grade at Patter-son, as well as Helen Jackson, who has the grades one to four at ti � C t nvill C � � S .h I and Alice Smith who INIS been placed m the Pope Valley School.

Boy’s Choir Sing In

Auditorium Tonight

State student body. Leap yt�sir ended with a rush sis Dan (:upial knocked down and dragged four State couples to the well�known altar.

Men of Sigma Gamma Omega were praimirent among those who took the plunge, the newly-weals being Mr. and Mrs. Harry tied-

lettly a collection of modern

r Ince bus: ’, Engelekel and Whitman College received re- ge

Nita with strange names land de- lit:I.elil’e’tiC.’llrrslit’jack liensil "we

mins from twelve F:uropean

Also lifelong the recently mar-aPs. The college. museum now lasts a complete set (if modern

countries, besides a wide collee-

ried are Ethelrose Avila of Patter -

Greece, and Italy,

I1011 of ancient coins from China.’ snn and Irving

Nlinehan. and

mime dating Joyce Duncan and Tont Rogers.

tur. depression - cornt.ring the

Honor Societies To Hold lack to 300 B. C. Another clause

point Meeting January 17 (0111S.

FOR SALE Underwood Typewriter, $10 nquire 339 N. Seventh Street

Leave note in (5)-(11) for A. vErrE it LE

HEATED ROOM Two meals a day

423.00 a month Nome privileges. Good piano. Bollard 2267M. 567 S. gili St.


A joint ineeting of all Know societies sponsored by Kamm

Dellta l’i, presenting Dr. Nlae-Quarrie ss speaker, will be held

In Room 1 of the Art building. promptly at 7:30 p. en.. on Janu-ary 17, 1933.

WANTED two economical young men to share an apartment with John-nie. Stratton al 32 S. Fifth SI. Come early and avoid the rush.

TYPEWRITERS I’vderivovd I.. C. Smith 1?oyal

Late models, first grade machines furnished Students at Spe-cial Rental Rates. Instruction Rooks anal Blank

Keyboards Furnished, NII Charge. Nt�ve. and Slightly l’seel Pm�table. Ty’pewriteres and Relmilt

Large Typewriters of nil hlakes� Sold on Convenient Terms 81.1 Low as $1.50 per week

Goal Allowanee Made fair Old Typewriters Expert Repair Service. and Supplies for All Makes

Tt.hphime Ballard 8920

Office Store Equipment Co. EI)WIN E. HUNTER

San Jose, California 71’73 East San Fernando Street

t�overing from an appendicitis op-eration that W:lti performed last Saturday morning.

During his quarter’s work at college, Frank has participated in two college debates, and has been associate editor of the Times. He was also in charge of bids for the Frosh ball.

As yet he is unable to see vis-itors, but within a ft.w (lays will im OA to see any of his friends.

Art Department Institutes

These reports indicates that last quarter’s record of 2600 regular students, a total never before equalled here, is destined to stand until next autumn, for there is al-ways a decline throughout thel course of the school year. lhas

other musical netivities. but his maintenance is secure for three years thereafter.

Favorable criticisms, sincere praise and profuse compliments for this choir pour in from every-where. Washington, I). C., and New York City were among the fortunate first to hear this won-derful organization and every music critic in those cities lost no


Freshmen Portions Held Last Thursday

During Orientation Vice l’ITSi111.111 NO1111111.1�S

CII1S11 1.111’ 1101101’S

III Next Meeting

1/1111 Feeley, vice president of

the Freshmen for the fall quarter

was elected over several oppon-

ents to occupy the office of pres-

ident of the class for the winter

quarter, at an election held at

orientation Thursday.

Charles Hoch, Hubert Staffel-

bach, Hobert Butts, anti Carl Bid-

dle were 110111inlited to run for

vice president, and will be voted

upon at the next class meeting, as

will the (Alice or secretary.

At the beginning of the meet-ing, the ()Myers for the past quar-

ter voiced their appreciation for

the class co-operation. Dean God-dard, faculty sponsor for the Freshman class, then extended a welcome to the new freshman. He

also mentioned various minor dis-

crepancies in etiquette that he

had observed on the part of num-erous students during the past

quarter, and asked the boys par-

ticularly to be more discriminat-

ing by limiting their smoking to

the places reserved for such it purpose.

Students on probation were warned of their precarious stand-ing, and were requested to make

an altentpt to keep up to the

standard of work necessary to

maintain a college average. He concluded his talk with a humor-ous bit of verse which brought laughter and applause from the stuttl:una7.

announcements of one

kind or another were inter-spersed throughout the meeting,

which was presided over for the

last time by Charles Gugser, fall

quarter president.

time in setting down unstinted State Football Squad praises for this musieal wonder of the season. On Stanford Schedule

The boys have their headquar-

Novel System of Fees tees in the Imperial Palace in Vi-enna, which has been the tradi-tional home of the Saengerknaben

A novel sYsteell of liclicl-chcck- since its inception in 1848, when in8 introduced in the Art &Tart- it was founded by imperial de-ment during the summer session is now being enforced. This Mt !hod eliminates the former necessity of carrying mont.y around in your pockets while at-tending elaStine.

The idea is this: Buy a ticket for perhaps $2.110 at the begin-ning of the quarter. Then dur-ing tht� quarter all you have I() do to make purehnse is to have your ticket punched for whatever amount you need.

Students in ollit.r departim�nts do not need a ticket unless over 02.00 is spent.


Delicious Sandwiches - with -

Expert Fountain Service

Public Market Sandwich Shop

tO. A. Hale Illtlg.. S. 2nit Street, bet. San Fernando and

San Antonio) A. RUSSELL. Prop.

cree of Emperor Maximilian. Just before coming to America

they sang in the Vatican at Rome. San Jose may indeed be proud to have as its guests this wonderful chorale group.

Single student tickets for this concert may he purchnsed for 75 cents. Those fortunate enough to have purchased season tickets have nothing to worry about-except bt�ing there on time!


Student Identification Card,’ are now ready for those stu-dents w ho had their photo-graphs taken on Registration day. Please call for your card at the Controller’s office any afternoon between one and Ilse o’clock.

All student. should fill out a Dean’s Card if they haven’t done 110 since laid April. Wo-men students owe Misr+ Dim -mirk and men students nee Mr. Goddard.

(Continued front Paige One/

The booking of the Stanford game practically completes the San Jose State schedule for 1933, a schedule which finds the Spar-tans playing all the tt.ams in the Far Western Conference. The only thing left to ba. settled is as to

whether the VX’ebt.r game, to be held in Ogden, shall be played on the 21st or 28th of October. When this is decided, there will ge room for one more game on the schedule.

1933 San Jose State football schedule follows:

September 23--Stanford at Palo

September Mk-Sacramento J. C. at Stier:intent°.

October 8-San Francisco State ut San Jose.

October 14-College of Pacific at Son Jose.

October 21 or 28--Weber Col-lege at Ogden, Utah.

November 4-Nevatla at Reo. Novendwr I I -California Ag-

git.s at San Jose. Novt.mber 18-Fresno State Col-

It�ge at San Jose. November 39-Chict) Stale Col-

lege at Chico (Thanksgiving Day.)


SPortee Editor

Steve Murdock


Spartan Sports SAA .10SE, GU II’ . TUESD.%Y. JANI 10, 19113

Jan. 13

VI hens Chile

Spartans Nose Out Menlo 3 1 -29 Last Half Attack Frosh Cagers Show Class in Downing Phy. Eds. Plan Wins Tough Contest Mt. View High School Team by 22 to 27; Intra-Mural Hoop

for Varsity Cagers Blesh Has Tough Schedule for Babes Tourney This Year Deo, its and Tuclier Star for

Locals; .laysee’s Show Classy Attack

Although waling al half time by one point, the San Jose Fetal,. College basketball quintet silage.] it smashing rally early in the see� mid half lo eke out a narrow margin of vielory over a threat-ening Menlo Jr. College live last Saturday night on the Spartan floor by a score of 31 to 29.

A rejuvenated Spartan team en-tered the game for Coach Donald with lieu, Downs, Tueller, Liebrandt, and Francis in starting positions. This quintet played great ball but were on the tle-fensive the greater part of the first pet�iod due to the sharp-shooting of Arnie Anderson. Men-llo’s ace forward.

Rea dumped in a nice follow-up shot to put the locals out in front with the opening whistle. Ander-son dropped in Iwo beautiful long shots while Tueller scored a free throw for the Spartans. Ander-Soil again, and Lindsay, Menlo running guard, added field goals to run the score up fo 8-3 in favor of the up-peninsula team. Here San J0St! took lime out to talk things en’er.

Marshall substituted for Lie -grand! at guard and scored a neat field goal while ’huller repealed with 11 one-hand shot from the side. Anderson scored a free throw and a long shot and Menlo led 11 to 7. Clumack. a center, went in for the visitors, and sank one front underneath. 7-13. lien ’added a bucket and the diminutive Downs sank two in a row to tie the score at 13 up. Lindsay made good on ea free throw as the half ended. 13-14.

San Jose Rally 1 he second half found "Shin"

itkethiesen, lanky Spartan. in at center, replacing Rea. With the game no more than a minute old, the score was knotted at 14-14, when the Spartans were awarded a technical foul for failure I() re-port on the part of a Menlo sub-stitution. The lead then see-sawed back and forth for fully 10 minutes of the second period.

With Mathiesen adding seven points from under tht. basket, and Countryman adding a long one, the Spartans were away out in front. 25-14. before the Menloans scored again. Marshall scored for State. and Captain CountrY-man annexed two gift shots. Score, 29-19.

Anderson Stars Here the Jaysees took time out

and started a determined rally with Anderson. Clumack and Landsay featuring the atten�k and tht� !wore read San Jose 30, Menlo 28, with two minutes left to play. Coiner. visiting forward. waa Medea, and with the standa in an uproar, made il good for 30-28. A


Ity Ititihop

img, a belated attack, dot 11 edtto_t t.iwarel the latter part ,,, 11., t eta. st. the Spartan Bala, , sersed eoutit on the

Vit,\ Ilt!-th Eagles in the 1.1 mat, .2anic Salti;31a cv mum. !

t. atom "Cook- S \ pliers an, galuot 2 7ti, ’21. The lora! 1 I could not seem hi gct clirko!.

Ihre�� ttwtl% the It�11! While the defrost. kept the Eagle thrrals bottled tip during tio,1 of the fracas. the Spartan often,: missrd shoTafter shod. and as a result the �,core was knotted up tight as a \\Testler’s biceps until the last three minutes of the game. Then a series of free throws 1,, Collie, and a field goal lo, eatat Biddle and Wing, shoved the Italics far enough in the lead to allow a comfortable coasting into the finish.

Nlartinez of the Eagles. led lhe scoring for the evening with 11 digits. four buckets from the floor and one from the free throt� marker. Biddle and Cacilli of the 1:rosh, followed with 8 score, apiece. Captain Eddie ’Wing ma. really the outstanding man on Os, floor, completely smothering the Emelt. threats.

The box score:

S. J. State Frosh 1.inelner. F Isemberger, Cacitli. F Glover,

t\i’liindgiviCel Arnerieh. G W’oods, G

Mt. View Hi F

Swall, Nlartinez, Dullose, C lihae, C (*.clavicle. I: Haulman, (1 Randall. (I

1 11 :.2 1 2 4 1 0 2 - - --9 9 17 Fa. Ft. Pts. 2 1 5 11 11 11 4 1 9 11 0 0 11 0 0 0 1 2 2 - -



laud IleGroot admitted to the reporter a a down town paper that he had been approached by Stanford athletic 111fiCials and offered the position of Freshman foothill! coach. He stated that he had the matter -under consideration," but that it oats more than likely that he would remain at San Jose State. It vi hinted that the relative nine of the contracts inyeil,ed oould have much to do with the situation.

Nevada University Defeats Coast Teams To Retain

Conference Honors While the Nun Jose Stati. Col

lege Sport:ills kl ere ihising 0111

\leillii Jr. College ill a speetaellhir \ 31 to 23 score. otliei

I’m’ Western l’imfcreitcc Icants wiiii and liisl to figlire ill 11111:11 11111111 �111�1�IN 1111 probable Fat aVeste�rii onfere nee. 1i:1.kt:11i:ill standings.

111, 1.10 ersity of NeVailii still Fg. Ft. Pla. ii�. ,.1�� �r 111:11 111:1\ lo� ll.:1111 ih

I I �J �,,�,� Si, c. Illi� 11111ailiitilli is tell.

1 N \tar mut thr iiimilwr of teams from eaell

II II Chili. .1 lie Willf Pack lost out let ttl.’" .1cleciltl 011 Hie’ 1.0.11 of own who sign lip. Tins w ill

Place 011 1Ct11111. Walker asks that each

etas,. flirnisli their team Willi cid-jersess thcir o\sri 1111111.T.

1 III� 1011111 (.11111 11’11111 IIIIS 11111

)1,11., .11111 11 111,, I’d 11111 11111) )(11.)’

.1111,1.11)1�, 11111 JIN.1 301,11 Me 0111.

1.1.11) distobatislong the phiaters. 1 ht. jerse,. itia, be used in ail

1 intra-mural sports in the futen�c 6 ;Is well as basketball.

-211 Games oil! lee pla,eal on Tut�s� day and lltiersday ewenings, and the schedule. will start on Thurs. day, Januar, 1901. The games

e�onsist of eight minute guar -lei’s, With 0114. 11111111k between, and ten minutes between halves. All games will be playaal cross-court.

Selection of officials frenti the ranks of the. Phy. Nlajors is 10 he 1110411141 by Blab ElliOlt 111111 "Linty" Mengel.

Everybody turn otst, get behind the Phy. Eels. mut Coach Walker anti let’s put this year’s intra-mural sports over with a bang! Don’t forget that 1:ritlay, the 13111, is the last day for theist. who care to sign up, and an unlucky one for those who put it otT.

\ ’,pointed To

lloproscol basil Class NIce.lina

11 0

field goal would now win for either side and it was anybody’s st . With Menlo peppering the net from all sides. Gibson. Sall .10Se guard. wag awarded a free. throw and made it good in true "Merriwell" style. to put the game on ice as the gun ended the game. San Jose State Fg. Ft. Pts. Tueller, I, 1 2 4 Countryman, I’ 1 3 5 Down. l’ ’2 1 5 Hague. I’ ii 0 11 Ilea, I: ’, 0 4 Meithiesen, C. 7 3 1 7 taelsrandt. IS n 0 0 Marshall. CI 2 1 5 Jaekson, Ce 0 0 0, 1i 0 0 Gibson, 1; 0 1 1

- - - II 9 31

Menlo J. C. Fg. Ft. NIL Anderson, F 6 1 13 Laiirnseorn. Pc .

0 0 0 . 0 1 1

Clumeli. (.: . 4 0 8 Lindsay. G 3 2 8 Clark, 6 0 0

- - 13 4



California liy! a count of 21i hi 23 in the final minutes after Ie.:abuzz all tlw way through a nip and

I tuck alfair. Newitela lost two games to the. strong l . C. I- A. Bruins and dropped ;mother the United .allile.tie. Club.

Chico State’s NVileIctits managed to nose out Sacrament,. Jr. College in both ends of a dou-ble header by scores of 35 to 31 and 33 to 31. In both gain" Ille teams \sten. tied 20 10 21I al the

sol of the half. Chico has been defeated mita. once this year and that Ist the high-powerest Cali-fornia Varsit 51-32. Chico pre-vious]) defeated Oregon. How. -ever. the Sail Jiisealls 111111 e0111. paratil el, easy defeating the Paolissa, lo Isi point margin, while Cho,. hardy nosed mit Ilw Sacramento:op, in close games.

Fresno Slate College Unger./

made a vet’, inauspicious debut int() 1933 competition when they took a 43 to 211 tlrubbing from Whittier C.ollege in the Freiman’s first start of the season. Barmen Fresno guard, was high point mait with 13 markers.

College of Pacific, after losing to (:alifornia by a large. score, dropped close one to the San Francisco Y. M. (:. A. team, 26-21. Breeze (Male was the Tiger’s big gun.

All in all, the Spartans have been a fast improving team and are showing more aggressiveness

Al the Ics1 tot:cling of the l’h \

N’..ajors, plans \seri. made lot

the cloning Intim- \loyal Basketball

tournament. commiltee v�

.ippointed to handle det:dis a the

t.aienanient h. the

Liha. ,hieh,.

from each class. \tallii-

esoll and Kelly art. to represe�ia

the Stainer class; l’orelette. clime

wall a the �anntnittee. and (Amu,. the Junior,: I,-1,,.aatt and Lyda the sniats, .ifid

and thetonan the. Freesia.

I Ile ele.tiellitie for entering the teams is set for Friday, Jaittlary 13th. .%11 nom etre ’distant’. ex -

those who have’ beell 011 Illc Varsit Frosli squads since January Isl.

ahai�el participating sliiiiild sign w 1111 their reslieet-

Hass manager a athiehe,, NN 1111 IN b�� 1111111111111111 11N 11111

1�1.1,� 111.1,1111�111. 11 IN 11111 11111) 14

Ilie manager 10 Wake lip the tuallis Irian his list of applicants and 11.11111 Ilium iii 10 Walker.

The M01000111 manlier of men

than was expected in pre-season predictions, and have the poten-tiality of bumping over any Con-ference rivals v..bei fail to hike the up and coming Gold and White eager’ seriously.

Spartan Spasms By Murdock and Bishop

Noticed During the Menlo Gote Wei. Klemm being serenadti

with a nice trumpet solo ag more than three inches freaks ear am the hand rendered stew tuner. al half -tame.

Frank Watson. former tains, t,f California basketlal

star. otlie�iating the frosh lilt. -Skinny’s" resounding "woor

111 Lindhay Of the %lent, team. Juat Mew badly the Mutt lad Was frightened has not he, determined as yet.

-Sweat," Righter, who itii� the cage ilestillieS of the

1’.1cific Tigers, gelling ti -Vlacts" 1933 outfit furl:IL

reference. . . .

Our undercover agent nu -her 7-11-X mimes up with !: interesting bit of informatio.. ’ seems that last year a lad awn:, Rert WiltsOn was doing 1,, things in an athletit way f

Pennsyheinia prep school. fart word of his termites% dna.. mirth into New York State ic into the valley of the l’hentee. o here .andy Kerr and his t!! gate Red Raidera hold fare Impressed by these tales, a Kerr attempted 10 contact Watson in order to convince I, of the multitudinous advantau, of attending Colgate. For reason or either Bert puller]: stake. in the midst of the mt tiotions. 1.olhe lo lose suci.

promising athlete, the redoubt,

hle \Ir. Kerr traced Watson»

found that he had gone to ea fornia. Consequently, wheal

trecked west with his E41,1117

All.F1111rS he took Rica), to la

the lad. His Nearch relax

that the former Prep star et,

attending Sten Jose State. that t,

had captained the frmeh foam

team. and that he. was throw

isle tee he the big star of 1

frosh track team as well

pitcher on the baseball tee

Under the circumstances, ve!

all that Mr. Kerr could do ,..

congratulate his former s,

ford captain, Dud Ile Groot

kite acquisition. � � �

Rumor has it that "Si" Sir

who won all.Conference htu

this year as a tackle on b.,

Groot football machine. wilt:.

weiudes tau, %ye are told t’

DWI is planning to shift

Spartan star to backfield

where his exceptional :Ohl �

diagnose plays can 1,,

full advantage.. ’the ,;

heckling of the. Santa Triu

was in no amall way respon,

for the success of the *art’

in the season just past. In,te,

he diet play out of the V

whenever Joe Dieu was in t)

game le) replace hint at ladled

the defense. It was his we

from this position that mad

hini outstanding in the Palk

Fresno, Chico. and Seme

games. With this defensive ts.

perience, "Si" has but to pri

up the offensive rudiment, tote

come a first class fullback.

haps a !eviler fullback On

Iii.i.oekileer.has the Wera. th4

er, and coordination to boal

um excellent line plunger And

wriliately after his first lee� 1:ollege Y. NI. I:.

lain a gel -together lianetti,.1 Home-Nlaking building. at

!! lime he ga,e an informal .thich Was grealls

all gathered. credit for suellialig sklell

rful speaker taws to Joel ... Harry. Kry i/e.r. and 1.1101.1

who induced NIr. Page. tit tereollegiate 1’. al. C. .� trace held .asiltailtet. over ,.tristeals lialielays, 1.1 1.11111l.

.-11111111,1 111 .1111.11(1)

.loving Picture on Care of the Teeth To Be

Shown Here

La Torre Dance

Bids (In Sale

VOL. 21

,4.Dati 3latir

ftttr Tottry Ointr,6 SAN JOSE. CALIF., \�’EDNESDA), J.\ NI..\111. 11, NM

Editor Speaks At Assembly On Inequality

�rlilTravrIvr 14;iws from sh,rehouse .\.!�,.littlivs


,;.ale in this country in

�aoment believed ill 11111141r -

the SC11111111111/111/.111 ill bridle-

ed, and in....tent

Aide ine veleta

ale other." Such ,,,iS the

arid iSsUell 10 \Ir. WOrki (11111011s lechirer. Irti�

San Jose. Cal. Saba. Rate. SLOO

l’er quarter

No. 18

Try-Outs for One-Act Play State College Corporation LaTorre Plans Gym

Football Stadium Called ()n January 20

Scheduled for Little Theater at 4 Today Organized. Bids For Ai ew Danee In

’Tryouts for ’glee 1...e.en (:(wit�

alt..," a tale. of the l’renele Revo-

lution, mill let. held Reis after-

noon in the. !Atilt. Theatre al 4:30


.\11 students art. eligible le) try

out, and as a large east is needed

for PlaY, there. should lie 1111

�llill.1111I111\ fig’ those interested

pla, produeliem lo leave tit

least a part ill the play.

1..itiorre.,,t afternoon, Ale Mt.11-

dad eltillir, Who spoke to . � :11,11 Mindllet tryouts

duelitmea. in Morris Dade, ha. the same lit�gitming at 4 terium Tuesday ft wene11,11.

.teneept of evoneime.� itaapial "kit ()Id Lady ShoWs Iler

anti inoraW\ Iss. con- ’ . m’,..Hh.n. ruining us p

" by Barrie Iris already 1st-it

. . . � � bunting diligent’) for an -interesting lectures on the

, other I torotwan play. a He, yesterday, the. seetaid 111��

111.11111n 1111.1�1... 111111 )) 1.11111111 h the I.ittle ’Theater at 3...10

out tht� program for the uNelliii.4 a three one. act plieys.

All-College Chapel To Meet at Noon Today

eta, from 12tun to 12:15 Oa tbe

Little Theater. !loom

\Ville this meeting the Clittpel

goes into it,. sei�01111 nil I

colitilille hi offer to the. largel

nemil.m. a students attending al

(1�1�) 1111)1 series of short talks and!


Important Meetmg ? of Pre-Eied.,1 ’kid; mins .\ Disrus,wd

Willi Architect

In the emirs, a two ineelinas hide’ last week in lir. Mait�Quar-rec.% ollice, Ilie San Jose State I:011,14e C.1111111’;1111111 Was forilleil allot lads \very disellsSed (Or the

shot:0111 lViliell Makes a 1101V1 ail assured thing nom for San Jose Slate.

the first niet.titig held on January :trel, details or tite new state (:atege (:neinmanin wee, ’,mudded; ,diteers ant! direetnes were ein,en :mil a constitution ,,tis dra,, re tip.

1 he directors are. II. I.’. Minssen. I.". limes, .N. Theene.s. T.

W. NIticQuarrie, and Chas. It. (bal-d:ital. 1:roni these. 111,, following talicers were eleeteelt President. II. n; Vece-Presttlent 1.,eliti F.. tones,: Secret:Ira:area, twee, N, t hennas.

The 1,, �la,ss and et.rtific�Ide membership. ,v1iielt takes the olace a stock, is a non

se,oltom were discussi.d.

\ ’though the eimstritction the stailitmi is the first lag job a the corporation, the new board is

eleartertatl gretup ;mei will leave

charge of any student construc-ting -1 in the future. Nlembership holders Ill’C of tile ail-

Med Club To Be Held ln Room 117 Tonight

An impenitent meeting of the Pre-Meel Club will be held Wed-nesela,� a 5 te. tn. it] rooni 117. Officers will be e�lecteal and a pro-gram for the quarter will be dis-cussed o�ille Doctor Fluter.

A Iwief survey of this club’s ur-ti, ales Miring last quarter shows a series of successful meetings with prominent Meal doctors.

The Pre-Nled Club holds its

meetings every two weeks. All students interested in medicine, nursing, dentistry and allied courses, are urged I() attend.

Watch for notice on bulletin

1Student Affairs Chairnicti Conibint. to Make Dance

Flaws( hver Held

For the benefit of the La Torre,

annual Stale year book, the La

Torre staff. with the cooperation

of the Stutlent Affair committee,

and Dario Sinioni, student affairs

chairman, will give a sports dance

in the Men’s Gymnasium Friday

night, January 20.

Carl Paillier and Dick Sunders,

both former student affairs chair-

men, are deeming upon their past experience anti ingenuita� to pro-vide decorations and novelty feat-

ures for the dance which will completely eclipse the many

unique decorative effects of previ-ous La Torre dances.

board and in the ’limes. The dance will mark the open-

ing of the sale of bids for the I.a

’Torre, and prtweeds taken at Ow

’ � door will go to the Year hook Hikmg Club Presents Free Motion Picture Tonight thieselay, January IL at 7:30,

Little Theater, the Hiking Chili is sponsoring moving pic-

tures a the Sierra Chub in action.

’I lec pictures were taken by I.ewis

Clark. a prenninent mendier of the

club, mad they show the. scenery

where the club had its last out-

ing, and also show the (dub mean -

fund, which is in need of replen� :ishinent in order that a year book may be published lit all for 1933. The admission price has been set at 25 cents a peraom whirl’, of course makes it quite possible for the understanding girl to pay her own way-if she so chooses.

Paul Cox’s orchestra, popular campus dance orchestra, which

has been steadily gaining an in-creasing off-eatemus popularity. will furnish the music for the dance.

II. for a minil,/q� iiiiiiistration of the college, heads hers in action in mounting climb-

First Musical Half-Hour of \ ears a popular San Jose a all departments. and °dicers of i fig.

speaker and Voting Peoples Work- associated students for their term Mr. Francis Farquhar. an :Mott- p �ill giv, nreallioute ad. a ohee. .11,e. corporation is em-

fronthilied on Page Three) Hey from San Franciseo. and a

!.I’ the allspices id the Sailla dress. and Entity SillWaril. Valley 11istrist liental ret,telar Chapel Mattis!. will again

’At. Or. I.. It. l’ackweioil id present the intrviral stating.

’’� will slituw loot Mg factures Sleteleaits art. urged to :1,�’.1 .diver a talk on "Develop oirois..1,es a this opportunity a

"Hl Ctirv or the d’,�eth- attendiw: ,sinett ha, .d w afternoon at 3 o’elock tre lamed suet, stie...ess Pr,"

1)ailey awlitorium. l’ackwood’s talk, ,,liech leas

Mayor of Reno, Former Grad, Sends Subscription

To College Times �Ii. I.. L. Roberts. mayor of the

Sierra Club member, will, speak

after the pictures art. shown on Iht. possibility of establishig Sten Jost. chapter of the club.

College Magician Embarks On Long Theatrical Tour

111. well as a pop,

program now under »a; Dr. Holliday Elected To

eity Ilie. world," Ormond McGill, State magician, paeal, is part of the ealeieht

’he local society mesh,. t.. tit Stale Dental .\ State Radio Committee

A.m.. s. in.,. spar.. liti, left college to 1111 theatre Im-

mo on gIII:lenitt�o(a:daliere:�12tilai:

stml"ts "11’1 HR’iiit"’" t’t seems that San Jost. Stale it is re...ealeal a letter este�el in the tit�11,ilies a his alio,.

Ile is to ystic and

Pirelli Teachers \ areSelll al the leehire. 11lickWoliirs 11.0.�

.1 very hallo 01.0 Is ’ at Fresno stale Col

who have heard him no It,. rim times.


The president or authorized represellhiliVe eaCh club and oreanization desiring represen-tateein in the 1933 La Torre. is reepieded to set, Kay LindsaY � bus’nest+ manager, in the La Torre office between 12:30 and 3’0 h. m., either WednesdaY. January Ilth, or Thuraday, January I2th.

111,1 valet stay Met of the 11111.

110. time it is lir. liolle-

da, a the English department,

has scored a double trittetmli.

Ile �,... eletweei aa a meeillier

the state. Ihseatiti,e. Committee of

tie wait" Connell of C.111folt103.

1 his council \\ Ill ItrulIar4’ 811’1 :oper�ise: all educational pro-

:, ,to. for the 1..1,11,, to the ’,We.

,4chsior il,issi�11 of Ow S4anforel

I riglish department. is also 011e

1111. 1111�1111,1�1’s Otis emencil.

this month’s issue of

-Calla’, \Voila" of New York

.11 �. I 1011 Ili, �iii ,11 title I 1 I )1..

.1.1% 1) ii i� I i I I

l’opidar Songs of .atiterica,"

,, leech tells a Oleo origin, au-

thors, and causes a their popu-


addressed to laienee Naas, pres-

ent editor of the I mies.

"I graduated front the Shile

Normal School, as S. J. Slate was

Olen m rites the mayor of

Renee, Nevada, "as president of the

June Class a 1891. and have 81-

w:1,s had a tender feeling in my

heart for the old whool. I eine

tensions he mei in touch with the

mentleers of the. June Class of 1891

and if veal can tell me how t.. do

s.. I shall lee %eat, grateful."

1 he mayor also enclosed a

cheek for one dollar for a quar-

ter’s subscription to the College

Times. Anyone knowing SWIM, In-

formation about the members of

the June Class of 1891 kindly

please inform the editor se) he.

could help the mayor.

ps,chee mentalist, Nlandu, of the Fos and Warner Brothers circuit. They will present one of the most unusual performances in the t’ountry at the present time.

Mandel and McGill plan, if pos. %dile. to put on performance of an entire 11),Iling of mystery here ad Stale. Steele arrangements are ’ at pri�sent only tentative, how� ever.


A Bedouin foreman of a mine, working for the Egyptians in the half-e.entury Iwtsvetat 1850-1900 B. C.. first used the characters which have developed int() the modern alphabet, says Prof. Nlartin Specnaling of Chicago

Altus pickin’ on the poor heuthrn.

resents Program by Marvin Hockabout

Friday noon at 12:311 the Spar-tan Glee Club, under the direc-tion a Gerry Erwin, will present the Musical Half Hour in the Lit-tle Theater. This will Lie the first of weekly presentations of cam-pus talent for the musical half hours. The program is as fol-lows:

When In a Forrest Night Newell Still. Still With Thee. Speaks Evening Bells Abt

Lamp In the West . Pat’ker The laird Is NI). Light . AlBison

Clarence ’Robinson will be etc-annpanist, and Marvin bout, tenor soloist.


There will be an Ex. Board

meeting Thursday afternoon at

1:30 in the Tame. Office. All members are urged to please be present. Immediately fol-lowing the Ex. Board meeting a meeting of the Publication. Board will be held for the pur� plow of electing the business manager of the "Times" for the Winter quarter.