
Sparks Reading a short story

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Post on 22-Feb-2016




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Sparks. Reading a short story. Nicknames. What is the difference between a nickname and a pet name? What is “sweetheart”? What is “giraffe”? What is “my flower”? What is “shrimp”? What is “pumpkin”? What kind of character would you expect someone with the nickname “Sparks” to have?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


SparksReading a short story

What is the difference between a nickname and a pet name?

What is “sweetheart”? What is “giraffe”? What is “my flower”? What is “shrimp”? What is “pumpkin”? What kind of character would you expect someone

with the nickname “Sparks” to have?


How many of these words or phrases do you know the meaning of?

influence bound to allergic break out it frosty icicle blizzard

New Vocabulary

blades of Boudicea´s chariot hailstone bandage spat magnifying glass naked sprint revealing body stocking melt

New Vocabulary

A rebel is someone who rebels. We rebel when we go against the norms of society. We rebel when we don´t listen to authority. Think of all the ways we rebel. What do you do if your mother says she doesn´t like your clothes? What do you do if your mother tells you she doesn´t like the

music you listen to? What do you do if your teachers tell you to be quiet? What do you do if your father says he doesn´t like your friend? Are you a rebel? Do you know any rebels? Why do we become


Definition of a rebel

David Bowie sang a famous song called Rebel Rebel in 1974.Why would some people think he was a rebel?

What class did the writer meet Claire Parks in? What kind of character did Claire Parks display? What excuses did Claire Parks make for not wearing a

tie? How did Mrs Bates feel about Claire´s excuses for not

wearing a tie? What kind of relationship did Mrs Bates and Claire have

in school? How did Claire Parks shock everyone during sports day? Where did the writer see Claire most recently and what

was she doing?

Comprehension Questions.

Which of the following statements do you believe?

A rule is a rule.


Rules are made to be broken.

School Rules

Make your own fun rules for your own school. Make an interesting name for your school also. Use the following grammatical structures to make your


School Rules

Example: Teachers have to give chocolates to students every

Friday. If they do not they will have detention. Students must listen to music all day. If they do not

they will have to wear ear plugs for a whole week. Students must not do their homework. If they do they

will have to come to school on Saturday.

have to, must or must not

Students cannot do homework on weekends. If they do they will have to stay at home for a whole week.

Teachers cannot tell students what to do. If they do they will have to stay at school until 8pm or be sent to prison for a night.

Students can eat during class time. If they do they will not be hungry when they

go home.

can or cannot

Students should wear jeans and t-shirts to school. If they do not they will feel uncomfortable.

Students should not listen to the teacher during class time. If they do they will get bored.

should or should not