spark kernel talk - apache spark meetup san francisco (july 2015)

Spark Kernel IBM Emerging Internet Technologies

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Spark Kernel IBM Emerging Internet Technologies
  2. 2. Outline Scenario Problem How do you enable interactive applications against Apache Spark? Solution Spark Kernel Architecture Memory issue Comm API Livesheets (line of business tool) RESTful Server (query interface) Extending the Spark Kernel Summary & Questions
  3. 3. Scenario Livesheets prototype Needs to be able to build computations on the fly Needs to be able to perform computations on static (historical) data as well as dynamic (streaming) data Needs to be responsive (order of seconds instead of minutes)
  4. 4. Problem How do you enable interactive applications? Spark Submit for job submission to Apache Spark JDBC and other offerings available for Spark SQL RESTful interfaces available to submit jars Spark Shell offers code snippet support to execute against a Spark cluster
  5. 5. Problem How do you enable interactive applications? Used Spark Submit Bundled up Spark-based computations into a jar Started an external process to run the Spark Submit script against the jar
  6. 6. Problem How do you enable interactive applications? What was wrong? Rebundle the jar every time a computation changed Not easy to attach to an existing Spark job Getting results involved writing to a data store and then reading back out Very slow turnaround
  7. 7. Solution: Spark Kernel Scala application that can do the following: Define and execute raw Scala source code Define and run Spark tasks via code snippets or jars Collect results directly from a Spark cluster Benefits Avoid friction of shipping jars and reading results from peripheral systems Well-defined API (IPython/Jupyter) Acts as a proxy for Spark applications such that they can run remotely away from Spark Provides a client library for application development Spark Cluster Master Worker Worker Worker Worker Kernel IPython App 1 Kernel Client library App2 Kernel Client library ZeroMQ with IPython message protocol
  8. 8. Kernel Architecture Spark Cluster Master Worker Worker Worker Worker Kernel MQ Akka Message Parsing and Validation Routing Message Handling Scala Interpreter Class Server Spark Context Heartbeat Shell Control StdIn IOPub
  9. 9. Kernel Architecture Spark Cluster Master Worker Worker Worker Worker Kernel MQ Akka Message Parsing and Validation Routing Message Handling Scala Interpreter Class Server Spark Context Heartbea t She ll Control StdI n IOPu b Why ZeroMQ? Used by IPython Responsiveness Building blocks have behavior Publisher sends messages to all subscribers
  10. 10. Kernel Architecture Spark Cluster Master Worker Worker Worker Worker Kernel MQ Akka Message Parsing and Validation Routing Message Handling Scala Interpreter Class Server Spark Context Heartbea t She ll Control StdI n IOPu b Why Akka? Concurrency Code isolation Fault tolerance Scalability
  11. 11. IPython Protocol Specifies incoming and outgoing messages handled by the kernel Defines the purposes of the five channels of communication Channels of Communication Kernel MQ Heartbeat Shell Control StdIn IOPub ZeroMQ API Uses ZeroMQ for socket communication via the five defined ports Uses ZMTP as the wire protocol
  12. 12. Heartbeat Used to indicate that the kernel is still alive Echoes received messages back to client Primarily used by IPython Channels of Communication Kernel MQ Heartbeat Shell Control StdIn IOPub Shell Used to communicate requests from a client to the kernel Main purposes are code execution and Comm messages from a client
  13. 13. Control Serves as a higher priority shell channel Typically used to receive shutdown signals Channels of Communication Kernel MQ Heartbeat Shell Control StdIn IOPub StdIn Used to communicate requests from the kernel to the client(s) Primarily used by IPython as a form of communication for users through the UI
  14. 14. IOPub Broadcasts messages to all listening clients Used to communicate side effects (standard out/error) as well as Comm messages Channels of Communication Kernel MQ Heartbeat Shell Control StdIn IOPub
  15. 15. Processing Messages Kernel Akka Message Parsing and Validation Routing Message Handling Message Parsing and Validation Uses Akka actors wrapping JeroMQ as an abstraction to parse messages Calculates an HMAC (keyed-hash message authentication code) using SHA-256 and a secret key to validate against a signature in a message
  16. 16. Processing Messages Kernel Akka Message Parsing and Validation Routing Message Handling Routing Incoming messages are routed by message type to associated message handler actors Outgoing messages are routed by message type to associated channels
  17. 17. Processing Messages Kernel Akka Message Parsing and Validation Routing Message Handling Message Handling Each message type has an associated Akka actor to handle the request Some handlers use child actors to perform tasks, protecting the state of the handler by following Erlangs Error Kernel Pattern as well as reducing strain on the handler
  18. 18. Scala Interpreter Kernel Scala Interpreter Class Server Spark Context Scala Interpreter Uses the Spark REPL API to execute Scala code Contains zero modifications to Sparks REPL Contains injected variables to provide Spark APIs and kernel APIs including magics and Comm communication
  19. 19. Scala Interpreter Kernel Scala Interpreter Class Server Spark Context Class Server Exposes generated REPL classes to the Spark cluster In Sparks Scala 2.10 implementation of the REPL, this is created for us Spark Context Standard Scala-based Spark Context Exposed as a variable named sc for user submitted code
  20. 20. Kernel Kernel Client Architecture Heartbea t ShellControlStdInIO/Pub Kernel Client MQ Akka Message Parsing and Validation Routing Message Handling API Application Expose public methods accessible from Scala and Java Client sockets mirror and communicate with kernel sockets Actor system for client shares codebase with kernel
  21. 21. Kernel Client Example
  22. 22. Memory Issue Scala REPL (therefore Spark Shell) Generates new classes with each code snippet compiled (leads to PermGen space issues on JVM) Instantiates a new Request class instance per execution to hold state (leads to OutOfMemory exception)
  23. 23. Memory Issue Comm API to the rescue!
  24. 24. Comm API Frontend (Client) Backend (Kernel) Flexibility Bidirectional communication Ability to programmatically define messages and their interactions Performance Avoid recompiling code Does not keep execution state Simplicity Start (open) communication Send data (msg) Stop (close) communication open msg close
  25. 25. Comm API Frontend (Client) Backend (Kernel) Comm Open Request Establishes a new link between the frontend and backend Can contain data needed for initialization { "comm_id" : "u-u-i-d", "target_name" : "my_comm", "data" : {} } open msg close
  26. 26. Comm API Frontend (Client) Backend (Kernel) Comm Msg Request Primary form of communication Contains data relevant to the request open msg close { "comm_id" : "u-u-i-d", "data" : {} }
  27. 27. Comm API Frontend (Client) Backend (Kernel) Comm Close Request Removes the link between the front and back end components Can contain data needed for teardown open msg close { "comm_id" : "u-u-i-d", "data" : {} }
  28. 28. Livesheets
  29. 29. RESTful Server
  30. 30. Extending the Spark Kernel PySpark support Zeppelin integration
  31. 31. Summary Goal was to provide an API to enable interactive Spark applications Kernel provides a responsive API to use Apache Spark Submit code snippets in same fashion as Spark Shell Use Comm API for programmatically-defined messages Kernel implements IPython message protocol Able to use with IPython notebooks out of the box Repository:
  32. 32. Questions? Contact info: [email protected], [email protected]