spanish, portuguese & latin american film group

16 2013 FEB TO JUL PROGRAM Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American film group

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2013 feb to jul program

Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American film group

Page 2: Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American film group

Another Award!

We’ve been recognised in Mexico as one of the top eight Mexican Culinary Embassies in the world, by the influential food magazine

“Buena Mesa”(Definitively our highest distinction yet)

34 Johnston Street, Fitzroy Bookings: 9417 0441

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Melbourne Filmoteca was created in 1999 by a small group of cinephiles deeply interested in Latin American cinema, whose aim was to showcase films from the region.

Today we are still a film group run only by volunteers, who concentrate on screening films from Spain, Portugal and Latin America. Cross-cultural interchange also flows the other way, as independent and emergent cinema from the region relies on a solid media platform such as Melbourne Filmoteca to be exhibited to new audiences and potentially local film festivals and distributors.

This all happens each month at one of the most iconic venues in town, the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI).

In this program, as in all screenings, Melbourne Filmoteca strives to curate films that truly represent the diversity and richness of the multiculturalist experience that is the Spanish and Portuguese speaking world. We hope you enjoy this Program.

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2013 program schedule

FEBRUARY Tue 12th February 2013 7.00 PM Becloud + Fiesta Night

MARCH Tue 5th March 2013 7.00 PM Chaotic Ana

APRIL Tue 2nd April 2013 7.00 PM Captain Pantoja and the Special Services

MAY Tue 7th May 2013 7.00 PM Café Tacvba: Seguir Siendo

JUNE Tue 4th June 2013 7.00 PM Cachimba

JULY Tue 2nd July 2013 7.00 PM Seven Billiard Tables

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Melbourne Filmoteca - The Latin American and Spanish film group celebrates Latin American and Spanish Cinema by launching their 2013 half-year program. The night will start with the screening of the acclaimed award winner Mexican film ‘Becloud’ or ‘Vaho’ in Spanish.

Becloud tells the story of the lives and destinies of three people - José, the son of an ice factory operator, Felipe, who spends his days harassing a girl on the internet, and Andrés, who lives with his alcoholic father - are linked to an incident years before when a truck driver and his partner discovered a crying baby in his dead mother’s arms.

Following the film experience, head down to Optic for glamorous appetizers and drinks, while listening to the soft and natural voice of Santiago Vela. Along with folkloric music, including a legendary Tango performance from Melbourne Practica Group, plus extra surprises!

fIesta NIght–2013 program lauNch!

Film: When: Time:


Duration: Year:


Becloud + Fiesta Tue 12th Feb 7.00pm Alejandro Gerber Bicecci 117 mins 2009 México

2009 Rotterdam International Film Festival Jury Prize, Marrakech International Film Festival Cine Latino Americano, Festival de Cine de Malaga


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march – chaotIc aNa

Chaotic Ana is an unclassifiable concoction, at once deeply personal and untenably ambitious, alternating between creating a strong statement and indulging in fanciful whimsy.

The bohemian artist, Ana, lives an idyllic existence in a cave overlooking the coast throughout her youth until Justine, a patron of the arts from Paris, invites her to stay at an artist workshop where she can work in complete creative freedom. This leads to a spiritual journey of self discovery with surprising consequences.

Special thanks to the Spanish Consulate in Melbourne.


Film: When: Time:

Director: Duration:

Year: Country:

Chaotic Ana Tue 5th Mar 7.00pm Julio Medem 118 mins 2007 Spain

5th Marzo: Caótica Ana- Spain 2007 Toronto International Film Festival 2007 London Film Festival


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The Peruvian army captain Pantaleon Pantoja, a very serious and efficient officer, is chosen by his superiors to set up a special service of ‘workers’ to satisfy the sexual needs of the soldiers posted on remote jungle outposts.

At first unhappy about this assignment, he nonetheless puts his remarkable organisational skills in action and in a short time has his ‘unit’ running smoothly.

In the home front things get complicated though; his wife dislikes his long hours and the secrecy surrounding his work, and he, despite being a dedicated husband, feels tempted by one of his ‘subordinates’.

Special thanks to the Spanish Consulate in Melbourne.


aprIl – captaIN paNtoja & the specIal servIces


When: Time:


Duration: Year:


Captain Pantoja & the Special Services Tue 2nd Apr 7.00pm Francisco José Lombarid 144 mins 2001 Perú

2001 Gramado Film Festival, Best Film, Director and Audience Awards 2001 Goya Awards, Nominated Best Foreign Film 2001 Viña del Mar International Film Festival: Audience Award


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may – cafe tacvba: seguIr sIeNdo

Any conversation about Latin American rock, or even music, starts with Cafe Tacvba.

In their 22 years as a band, no group has left a more lasting impact on Latin America than the quartet from Mexico.

In ‘Seguir Siendo’ we get an extended look at the band; their rise in popularity throughout the world and a glimpse into the creative process of a rare kind of genius, four-headed music monster.



When: Time:


Duration: Year:


Café Tacvba: Seguir Siendo Tue 7th May 7.00pm Ernesto Contreras, JM Cravioto 85 mins 2010 México

7th Mayo: Café Tacvba: Seguir Siendo- Mexico 2010 Guadalajara International Film Festival 2010 San Francisco Latin American Film Festival


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juNe – cachImba

Marcos Ruiz is a bureaucrat. When he stumbles across the life’s work of a previously unknown Chilean artist, Marcos vows to reclaim the artist for Chile and the world.

First, however, he must deal with the cantankerous caretaker Don Felipe and the conniving snobs at the local historical society.

Quirky comedy about art, love and bureaucracy based on a novel by Jose Donoso.

Special thanks to the Spanish Consulate in Melbourne.


Film: When: Time:

Director: Duration:

Year: Country:

Cachimba Tue 4th Jun 7.00pm Silvio Caiozzi 127 mins 2004 Chile

2005 Biarritz International Festival: Best actor Award 2005 Cartagena International Film Festival: Nominated Best Film 2004 Huelva Latina American Film Fetsival: Best Film and Actress Award


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july – seveN bIllIard tables

Upon receiving news that her father is ill, Angela, and her son Guille, travel to the capital. She arrives too late, and learns that the family billiard business is far from good.

Over the years, it has lost style, clients, and money. Angela decides to take over the business and try to turn it around. Seven Billiard Tables displays a superb narrative that leads us to a simple and perfect ending. This film is a showcase of magnificent performances by Maribel Verdú (Pan’s Labyrinth) and Blanca Portillo (Volver).

Special thanks to the Spanish Consulate in Melbourne.


Film: When: Time:

Director: Duration:

Year: Country:

Seven Billiard Tables Tue 2nd Jul 7.00pm Gracia Querejeta 116 mins 2007 Spain

2008 Chicago Latino Film Festival 2007 San Sebatian Film Festival 2007 Goya Awards


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screeNINg INformatIoN

Melbourne Filmoteca sessions start at 7.00pm and screen monthly on the FIRST TUESDAY of the month.

Screenings may be subject to change and all films feature English subtitles and are under CTC classification except where otherwise noted.

VENUE ACMI Cinemas Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Federation Square, Melbourne

PRICES ACMI Members pay concession prices. General Sessions – Full $15, Concession, ACMI Members and Latin Lover Members $11 Fiesta Night – Full $20, ACMI Members $16, Concession and Latin Lover Members $17

TICkETING Online Phone 03 8663 2583 AMEX, VISA and MasterCard accepted In Person at the ACMI Tickets and Information desk

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Cultural Supporters

Principal Sponsor

Major Sponsor


Media Supporters

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melbourNe fIlmoteca voluNteers

We are a volunteer-based organisation and would like to welcome more members to the team with new ideas.

If you are interested, please send us an email at [email protected]


Gina Rubiano Director and Curator [email protected]

Tristan Vasquez Treasurer [email protected]

Juliana Cepeda Marketing and Communications Coordinator [email protected]

karoll Pinzon (Fanatika Design) Graphic Designer and Webmaster [email protected]

Ernesto Zelaya Editor [email protected]

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melbourNe fIlmoteca recommeNds

ACMI Cinemas Federation Square 03 8663 2583

Spain Consulate 03 9347 1966

Los Amates 03 9417 0441

El Cielo 03 9646 1457

El Farolito 03 9820 2299

Señor BBQ 1300 274 227

Fanatika Design 042 577 4357

Latin Lover

Spanish Australia

Spain Culture 03 9347 1966

Melbourne Practica Group

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thaNk you

Melbourne Filmoteca is a not for profit organization. We would like to express our gratitude to all our volunteers, partners and sponsors for their great support throughout all these years.

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