spanish advanced 4 module guide

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  • 8/14/2019 Spanish Advanced 4 Module Guide


    Spanish Advanced 4

    Anglia Ruskin University Language CentreFaculty: Arts, Law and Social Sciences

    Module Code: AD115110SAD215110SAD315110S

    Academic Year: 2009/10Semester 2


  • 8/14/2019 Spanish Advanced 4 Module Guide



    1. Key Information

    2. Introduction to the Module

    3. Intended Learning Outcomes

    4. Outline Delivery (including attendance requirements)

    5. Assessment

    6. Anglia Ruskin Generic Assessment Criteria and Marking Standards

    7. Assessment Offences

    8. Learning Resources

    8.1 Recommended Texts8.2 Recommended Internet resources8.3 Other Resources

    9. Module Definition Form

    10. Report on last delivery of Module


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    1. Key Information

    Module: Advanced Spanish 4

    Module Leader: Dr Alicia Pea Calvo

    Cambridge, Helmore 354Extension: [email protected]

    2. Introduction to the Module

    This is the second part of the second in a series of advanced language modules inSpanish designed for non-Spanish speakers and it contributes to the attainment ofthe level B2 (independent user) of the Common European Framework. It is open toall students with the appropriate linguistic level in Spanish. Its aim is to improve

    communicative competence in Spanish in the context of Hispanic cultures. Thismodule focuses on advanced productive and receptive use of Spanish through avariety of language materials and diverse activities and tasks. This is a challengingmodule which aims to extend proficiency in Spanish, making use of a wide andappropriate linguistic repertoire, contextualized in contemporary issues in theHispanic world. The module, taught over three hours per week will consist of avariety of activities including group debates, and discussions, presentations, listeningand comprehension exercises from authentic audio-visual material. Students will alsobe guided in independent learning, via the Language Centre and Library and theLanguage Laboratories through a wide range of media resources includingnewspapers and journals, television, films, videos, DVD and internet. Assessmentmethods consist of course work, which may take the form of essays, researchprojects, in-class test, reports or an oral presentation, and examination. Analytical,problem solving and communication skills practised in the module are of directbenefit to future employment.

    3. Intended Learning OutcomesOn successful completion of this module you will be able to:

    1. Show a sophisticated control of Spanish language functions and registers

    2. Work with a high level of autonomy on their own language acquisition and error correction

    3. Write different types of texts (e.g. summaries, reviews, reports, academic essays), followingappropriate structures and conventions, selecting and making critical use of written and spokensources.

    4. Use a variety of sources in Spanish to determine the reliability of information and to present andjustify opinions and arguments.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    4. Outline Delivery

    Unidad Comunicacin Gramtica & Vocabulario

    Unidad 7

    Otro mundoposible

    OpinarExpresar certeza


    Introducir una opinin negativa

    Aadir una informacin negativa

    Concluir el relato

    El subjuntivo con estructuras paraopinar, expresar certeza y valorar

    Tiempos de subjuntivo conexpresiones que indican valoracin

    Funciones de una organizacin

    Economa y sociedad

    Las siglas

    Lenguaje SMS

    Problemas urbanos

    El medio ambiente

    Unidad 8

    La publicidad

    Referirse al inicio y a la continuidadde una accin

    Referirse a una accin realizada enun momento anterior al actual

    Referirse a la interrupcin de unaaccin

    Referirse a la duracin de unaaccin hasta el momento en el quese habla

    Expresar obligacin

    Expresar posibilidad

    Contrastar ideas

    Oraciones condicionales:si+imperfecto de subjuntivo,condicional simple;si+pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo,condicional simple/compuesto

    Pretrito pluscuamperfecto desubjuntivo

    Oraciones concesivas: aunque, apesar de (que)

    Oraciones adversativas:pero, sin



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    Unidad 9

    Medios decomunicacin

    Preguntar y responder por elconocimiento de algo

    Expresar indiferencia

    Expresar sorpresa y extraeza

    Expresar desconfianzaExpresar inters

    Citar palabras de otro


    Pedir que se guarde silencio

    Ceder la palabra

    Indicar que se puede reanudar eldiscurso

    El gerundio

    Las oraciones temporales:conectores y modo

    El futuro perfecto

    Secciones de un peridicoTipos de revistas

    La prensa del corazn

    Tipos de programas de televisin

    Conectores del discurso: aadirinformacin para reforzar laargumentacin, matizar unaargumentacin y contrastar lasinformaciones


    Proyecto 1: En antena Repaso 6-9

    Unidad 10

    A debate


    Aadir un argumento

    Introducir una opinin


    Pedir a alguien que se guardesilencio

    Disculparse por interrumpir

    Reanudar una intervencin

    Pedir una aclaracin

    Enfatizar una opinin

    Introducir un nuevo tema

    Transmitir preguntas, peticiones,rdenes y consejos

    El estilo indirecto: cambios en lostiempos verbales y otros cambios(posesivos, demostrativos, etc)

    La vivienda

    Verbos para trasmitir palabras deotros

    Expresiones para compararRecursos para moderar un debate


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    Unidad 11

    Cursos deformacin

    Dar instrucciones

    Hablar de qu se va a hacer anteuna situacin

    La pasiva refleja

    El modo de las oraciones derelativo

    Por si (acaso)+indicativo/subjuntivo

    No vaya a ser que+ subjuntivo

    Oraciones condicionales: con tal(de) que, siempre que, siempre ycuando, salvo que/si

    Los ordenadores e Internet

    El mbito educativo

    Ropa y accesorios de viaje

    Conectores del discurso: reconducirla conversacin y cerrar el discurso

    Unidad 12

    Recuerdos delcurso

    Proponer y sugerir una actividad

    Aceptar una propuesta

    Rechazar una propuesta

    Expresar deseos referidos alpasado

    El subjuntivo con verbos depercepcin

    Verbos de cambio

    Estilos artsticos

    Estilos musicales




    Recursos para valorar una obra de


    Proyecto Proyecto 2: La pgina del espaolRepaso: 6-12


    week 6 & week 12

    in-class writing/grammar in context task

    Extensive Reading (Easter Break)

    in-class listening & speaking task

    Attendance Requirements:

    International students who are non-EEA nationals and in possession of entryclearance/leave to remain as a student (student visa) are required to bein regular attendance at Anglia Ruskin. Failure to do so is considered tobe a breach of the immigration regulations. From the academic year 2008/09onwards, Anglia Ruskin is required to inform the Border and ImmigrationAgency (Home Office) of significant unauthorised absences by any studentvisa holders.


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    5. Assessment

    Assessment Method % contribution to

    module mark orP/F



    Coursework (may include more than one task e.g.oral/aural/written) 1,000 words equivalent

    100% 1-4

    Week 6 (01/03/10): Grammar-vocabulary/ reading comprehension/ writingtasks

    *Easter break: Extensive Reading to prepare during the Easter Break asstimulus for writing and speaking

    Week 12 (03/05/10): Listening / speaking / grammar-vocabulary in contexttasks in class assessment.

    6. Assessment Criteria and Marking Standards


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    Regulation 2.26-2.41.2)

    Assessment criteria by levelMarking standards (by mark band)

    70%+ 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% 30-39% 1-29%

    Characteristics of student achievement permark band

    Achieves moduleoutcome/s relatedto this GLO at thisLevel of Study

    Achievesmoduleoutcome/srelated to thisGLO at thisLevel of Study

    Achieves moduleoutcome/s relatedto this GLO at thisLevel of Study

    Achieves amarginal pass inthe moduleoutcome/srelated to thisGLO at thisLevel of Study

    Fails marginallyto achievemoduleoutcome/srelated to thisGLO. MDF maypermitcompensation

    Fails to achievemoduleoutcome/srelated to thisGLO and is noteligible forcompensation




    Level 1 (Certificate) introduces students to HE.Students are expected to demonstrate relevantskills and competencies; to be articulate inexpressing ideas orally; and to be coherent andstructured in terms of written or other media.Forms of expression at this level may bedescriptive or imitative, but students areexpected to demonstrate an increasingunderstanding of the theoretical background oftheir study and the analytic competence toexplore it, as well as its relationship, whereappropriate, to particular skills. Students areexpected to develop an awareness of strengthsand weaknesses in their skill sets

    Excellentinformation base,exploring andanalysing thediscipline, itstheory and ethicalissues withconsiderableoriginality. Verygood academic/intellectual skills

    Goodinformationbase; exploresand analysesthe discipline, itstheory andethical issueswith someoriginality. Goodacademic/intellectual skills

    Satisfactoryinformation basethat begins toexplore andanalyse thediscipline and itsethical issues butis still mainlyimitative.Acceptableacademic/intellectual skills

    Basic informationbase; omissionsin understandingof major / ethicalissues. Largelyimitative. Somedifficulties withacademic/intellectual skills

    Limitedinformationbase; limitedunderstanding ofdiscipline and itsethicaldimension.Weak academic/intellectual skills

    Inadequateinformation base;lack ofunderstanding ofdiscipline and itsethicaldimension.Wholly imitative.Very weakacademic/intellectual skills



    Level 1 (Certificate) introduces students to HE.Students are expected to demonstrate relevantskills and competencies; to be articulate inexpressing ideas orally; and to be coherent andstructured in terms of written or other media.Forms of expression at this level may bedescriptive or imitative, but students areexpected to demonstrate an increasingunderstanding of the theoretical background oftheir study and the analytic competence to

    explore it, as well as its relationship, whereappropriate, to particular skills. Students areexpected to develop an awareness of strengthsand weaknesses in their skill sets

    Excellentmanagement oflearningresources,complemented byself-direction/exploration.Structured/accurateexpression. Very

    good team/practical/professional skills

    Goodmanagement oflearningresources withsome self-direction.Structured andmainly accurateexpression.Good team/


    Satisfactory use oflearning resourcesand input to teamwork. Some lackofstructure/accuracyin expression.Satisfactorypractical/professional skills

    Basic use oflearningresources withno self-direction.Some input toteam work.Some difficultywith structureand accuracy inexpression.


    Limited use oflearningresources, Noself-direction,little input toteam work anddifficulty withstructure/accuracy inexpression.

    Practical/professionalskills are not yetsecure

    Inadequate useof learningresources.Failure tocontribute toteam work. Majorproblems withstructure/accuracy inexpression. Very

    weak practical/professionalskills

    A mark of 0% may be awarded for non-submission, poor or dangerous practice, incoherent and insufficient work, and in situations where the student fails to address the assignment brief and related learningoutcomes


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    Regulation 2.26-2.41.2)

    Assessment criteria by levelMarking standards (by mark band)

    70%+ 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% 30-39% 1-29%

    Characteristics of studentachievement per mark band

    Achieves moduleoutcome/s relatedto this GLO at thisLevel of Study

    Achievesmoduleoutcome/srelated to thisGLO at thisLevel of Study

    Achieves moduleoutcome/s relatedto this GLO at thisLevel of Study

    Achieves amarginal pass inthe moduleoutcome/srelated to thisGLO at thisLevel of Study

    Fails marginallyto achievemoduleoutcome/srelated to thisGLO. MDF maypermitcompensation

    Fails to achievemoduleoutcome/srelated to thisGLO and is noteligible forcompensation




    Level 2 (Diploma) reflects continuingdevelopment from Level 1. At this level studentsare not fully autonomous but are able to takeresponsibility for their own learning with somedirection. Students are expected to locate anincreasingly detailed theoretical knowledge of thediscipline within a more general intellectualcontext, and to demonstrate this through forms ofexpression which go beyond the merelydescriptive or imitative. Students are expected todemonstrate analytical competence in terms bothof problem identification and resolution, and todevelop their skill sets as required.

    Excellentknowledge base,exploring andanalysing thediscipline, itstheory and ethicalissues withconsiderableoriginality andautonomy. Verygood academic/intellectual skills

    Good knowledgebase; exploresand analysesthe discipline, itstheory andethical issueswith someoriginality, detailand autonomy.Good academic/intellectual skills

    Satisfactoryknowledge basethat begins toexplore andanalyse the theoryand ethical issuesof the discipline.Acceptable levelof academic/intellectual skills,going beyonddescription attimes

    Basic knowledgebase with someomissions and/orlack of theory ofdiscipline and itsethicaldimension.Some difficultieswith academic/intellectual skills.Largely imitativeand descriptive.

    Limitedknowledge base;limitedunderstanding ofdiscipline and itsethicaldimension.Weak academic/intellectual skills.Still mainlyimitative anddescriptive.

    Inadequateknowledge base;lack ofunderstanding ofdiscipline and itsethicaldimension. Veryweak academic/intellectual skills.Wholly imitativeand descriptive.




    Level 2 (Diploma) reflects continuingdevelopment from Level 1. At this level studentsare not fully autonomous but are able to takeresponsibility for their own learning with somedirection. Students are expected to locate anincreasingly detailed theoretical knowledge of thediscipline within a more general intellectualcontext, and to demonstrate this through forms ofexpression which go beyond the merelydescriptive or imitative. Students are expected todemonstrate analytical competence in terms both

    of problem identification and resolution, and todevelop their skill sets as required.

    Excellentmanagement oflearning, with adegree ofautonomy/exploration thatmay exceed thebrief. Structured/accurateexpression. Verygood team/

    practical/professional skills

    Goodmanagement oflearning withconsistent self-direction.Structured andmainly accurateexpression.Good team/practical/professional


    Satisfactory use oflearningresources.Acceptablestructure/accuracyin expression.Satisfactory team/practical/professional skills.Inconsistent self-direction

    Basic use oflearningresources withlittle self-direction. Someinput to teamwork. Somedifficulty withstructure andaccuracy inexpression, but


    Limited use oflearningresources,working towardsself-direction.General difficultywith structureand accuracy inexpression.Team/ practical/professional

    skills that are notyet secure

    Inadequate useof learningresources. Majorproblems withstructure/accuracy inexpression. Veryweak team/practical/professionalskills. No ability

    to direct ownlearning

    A mark of 0% may be awarded for non-submission, poor or dangerous practice, incoherent and insufficient work, and in situations where the student fails to address the assignment brief and related learningoutcomes


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    Regulation 2.26-2.41.2)

    Assessment criteria by levelMarking standards (by mark band)

    70%+ 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% 30-39% 1-29%

    Characteristics of studentachievement per mark band

    Achieves moduleoutcome/srelated to thisGLO at this Levelof Study

    Achievesmoduleoutcome/srelated to thisGLO at thisLevel of Study

    Achieves moduleoutcome/s relatedto this GLO at thisLevel of Study

    Achieves amarginal pass inthe moduleoutcome/srelated to thisGLO at thisLevel of Study

    Fails marginallyto achievemoduleoutcome/srelated to thisGLO. MDF maypermitcompensation

    Fails to achievemodule outcome/srelated to this GLOand is noteligiblefor compensation





    Level 3 (Degree) is characterised by anexpectation of students increasing autonomy in

    relation to their study and developing skill sets.Students are expected to demonstrate problemsolving skills, both theoretical and practical. Thisis supported by an understanding of appropriatetheory; creativity of expression and thoughtbased in individual judgement; and the ability toseek out, invoke, analyse and evaluatecompeting theories or methods of working in acritically constructive and open manner. Outputincludes is articulate, coherent and skilled in theappropriate medium, with some studentsproducing original or innovative work in theirspecialism.

    Excellentknowledge base

    that supportsanalysis,evaluation andproblem-solvingin theory/practice/ethics ofdiscipline withconsiderableoriginality. Verygood academic/intellectual skills

    Goodknowledge base

    that supportsanalysis,evaluation andproblem-solvingin theory/practice/ ethicsof discipline withsome originality.Good academic/intellectual skills

    Satisfactoryknowledge base

    that supportssome analysis,evaluation andproblem-solving intheory/practice/ethics ofdiscipline.Acceptable levelof academic/intellectual skillsgoing beyonddescription attimes

    Basic knowledgebase with some

    omissions at thelevel oftheoretical/ethical issues. Somedifficulties withacademic/intellectual skills.Restricted abilityto discuss theoryand/or or solveproblems indiscipline


    base; limitedunderstanding ofdiscipline/ethicalissues. Weakacademic/intellectual skills.Still mainlydescriptive.Difficulty withtheory andproblem solvingin discipline

    Inadequateknowledge base;

    lack ofunderstanding ofdiscipline/ethicalissues. Very weakacademic/intellectual skills.Unable to discusstheory or solveproblems indiscipline.



    Level 3 (Degree) is characterised by anexpectation of students increasing autonomy inrelation to their study and developing skill sets.Students are expected to demonstrate problemsolving skills, both theoretical and practical. Thisis supported by an understanding of appropriatetheory; creativity of expression and thoughtbased in individual judgement; and the ability to

    seek out, invoke, analyse and evaluatecompeting theories or methods of working in acritically constructive and open manner. Outputis articulate, coherent and skilled in theappropriate medium, with some studentsproducing original or innovative work in theirspecialism.

    Excellentmanagement oflearning, withdegree ofautonomy/research that mayexceed theassessment brief.

    Structured andcreativeexpression. Verygood practical/team/professional/ problem-solvingskills

    Goodmanagement oflearning, withconsistent self-directedresearch.Structured andaccurate

    expression.Good team/practical/professional/problem solvingskills

    Satisfactorymanagement oflearning. Someautonomy inresearch butinconsistent.Structured andmainly accurate

    expression.Satisfactory team/practical/professional/ problem-solving skills

    Basic use oflearningresources withlittle autonomy.Some difficultywith structure/accuracy inexpression, but

    evidence ofdevelopingteam/ practical/professional/problem-solvingskills

    Limited use oflearningresources.Unable to workautonomously.Little input toteams. Generaldifficulty with

    structure/accuracy inexpression.Practical/professional/problem-solvingskills that are notyet secure

    Inadequate use oflearning resources.Failure to contributeto team work. Majorproblems withstructure/ accuracyin expression. Veryweak practical

    /professional skills.No ability to directown learning

    A mark of 0% may be awarded


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    7. Assessment Offences

    You are reminded that any work that you submit must be your own. All suspectedassessment offences will be investigated and can result in severe penalties. Pleasenote that it is your responsibility to consult the relevant sections of the Academic

    Regulations (section 10) and the Student Handbook.

    8. Learning Resources

    8.1 Recommended Texts

    Course material (Key texts):

    Espaol Lengua Viva 3, Cuaderno de ejercicios , Editorial Santillana.

    Gramtica y Recursos Comunicativos 3, Santillana

    Books for sale in John Smiths Books, ARU


    Butterfield J. 2004.Collins Spanish Dictionary 8th edition Glasgow: Collins

    Or Garman, B. 2001. The Oxford Spanish Dictionary 3rd edition Oxford: O.U.P

    Universidad de Salamanca 1996. Diccionario Salamanca de la lengua espaolaSalamanca: Santillana

    Corripio, F. 1997. Diccionario de Ideas Afines Barcelona: Herder

    Reference Grammars (available in the Library and / or Language Centre):

    Butt, J. & Benjamin, C.A New Reference Grammar of Spanish 4th edition LondonArnoldCoronado Gonzlez, M.L. et al 1998 . Materia Prima. Gramtica y Ejercicios NivelMedio y Superior 2ndedition Madrid SGEL

    8.2. Recommended Internet Resources

    Access to networked computers and multimedia language laboratories.

    Language Centre audio and audio-visual materials

    Spanish/Latin American Web-sites, e.g. Virtual Resource Centre:

    Internet resources:

    http:/ http://www.elmundo

    8.3. Other Resources

    The computer rooms in the Helmore Building (330, 353 and 355) and the Language

    Centre all provide access to internet resources.

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    9. Module Definition Form

    Module Definition Form (MDF)

    1. Module Title:maximum 100 characters

    Spanish Advanced 4

    2a. Module Leader: 2b. Department: 2c. Faculty:

    Dr Alicia Pea Calvo ECFM ALSS

    3a. Level:see guidance notes 3b. Module Type:see guidance notes

    2 Standard

    4a. Credits: see guidance notes 4b. Study Hours: see guidance notes

    15 150

    5. Restrictions

    Pre-requisites: Spanish Advanced 3 or equivalent (European Framework B1+)



    Pathways to which this

    module is restricted:


    6a. Module Description:200 300 words

    This is the second part of a series of advanced language modules in Spanish designed for non-Spanish speakers and it

    contributes to the attainment of the level B2 (independent user) of the Common European Framework. It is open to all

    students with the appropriate linguistic level in Spanish. Its aim is to improve communicative competence in Spanish in

    the context of Hispanic cultures. This module focuses on advanced productive and receptive use of Spanish through a

    variety of language materials and diverse activities and tasks. This is a challenging module which aims to extend

    proficiency in Spanish, making use of a wide and appropriate linguistic repertoire, contextualized in contemporary

    issues in the Hispanic world. The module, taught over two hours per week will consist of a variety of activities including

    group debates, and discussions, presentations, listening and comprehension exercises from authentic audio-visual

    material. Students will also be guided in independent learning, via the Language Centre and Library and the Language

    Laboratories through a wide range of media resources including newspapers and journals, television, films, videos, DVDand internet. Assessment methods consist of course work, which may take the form of essays, research projects, in-class

    test, reports or an oral presentation. Analytical, problem solving and communication skills practised in the module are of

    direct benefit to future employment.

    6b. Outline Content:

    Information retrieval, organization and presentation

    Text creation: coherence and cohesion

    Vocabulary in context: general and specialised lexis

    6c. Key Texts/Literature:

    Key text as indicated by module leader.

    Module guide of relevant materials compiled by Module Leader and made available to students.

    Course book/grammar books as indicated by Module Leader

    Additional texts:Dictionaries:

    Module Code: AD215110S Version: 1 Date amended: 14.11.05


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    Butterfield, J (2004) Collins Spanish Dictionary 8th edition Glasgow: CollinsOr Garman, B (2003) Oxford Spanish Dictionary 3rd edition Oxford: O.U.P.

    Universidad de Salamanca (1996)Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Espaola Salamanca: SantillanaCorripio, F. (1997)Diccionario de Ideas Afines Barcelona: Herder

    Reference Grammars:

    Butt, J. & Benjamin, C. (2004) A New Reference Grammar of Spanish 4 th edition London: Arnold

    Coronado Gonzlez, M et al (1998) Materia Prima. Gramtica y Ejercicios. Nivel Medio y Superior 2nd

    edition Madrid:SGEL

    6d. Specialist Learning Resources:

    Access to networked computers and multimedia language laboratories

    Language Centre audio and audiovisual materials

    Spanish/Latin American websites, e.g. Virtual Resource Centre:

    Internet resources:


    Audio and audio-visual materials related to the course book as available in the Language Centre (HEL 245/6), Language

    laboratories (HEL 330, HEL 352, HEL 354) and Library.

    7. Learning Outcomes (threshold standards):

    On successful completion of this module the student will be expected to be able to:

    Knowledge and


    1. Show a sophisticated control of Spanish language functions and registers

    2. Work with a high level of autonomy on their own language acquisition and error


    Intellectual, practical,affective and

    transferable skills

    3. Write different types of texts (e.g. summaries, reviews, reports, academic essays),following appropriate structures and conventions, selecting and making critical use of

    written and spoken sources.

    4. Use a variety of sources in Spanish to determine the reliability of information and to

    present and justify opinions and arguments.

    8. Learning Activities

    Learning Activities HoursLearning


    Details of duration, frequency and

    other comments

    Lectures: 0


    2 hours per week.

    Active participation in class group-work activities,

    discussions, debates simulations.Other teacher managed learning: 24

    Student managed learning: 126 1-4 Students need to do at least 10 hours self study per week

    TOTAL 150

    9. Module Assessment



    % Weighting &

    Fine Grade (FG)

    or pass/fail (PF)

    Qualifying Marksee guidance notes

    Length/duration and other comments

    Coursework 1-4 FG 100% 30% 3,000 words equivalent

    may include more than one task e.g.


    In order to pass this module, students are required to achieve an overall mark of 40%.

    In addition, students are required to:

    (a) achieve the qualifying mark for each element of fine graded assessment as specified above

    (b) pass any pass/fail elements

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  • 8/14/2019 Spanish Advanced 4 Module Guide


    Marks and comments are fair

    External Examiners Comments State whether the external agreed the marks and/or commented on the moduleLast Updated: September 2006
