spanish 1-4

Spanish 1-4 Parents- Enclosed in this packet you will find 8 days (March 25 th -April 3 rd ) worth of Spanish materials. Each assignment is numbered by day. It is suggested that your child only complete one assignment per day. Assignments will also be available to designated google classroom or our school website. Please turn in assignments as previously discussed with your child’s teacher (via google classroom, email, or drop-off). I will be available for questions regarding Spanish assignments from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00pm Monday through Friday via google classroom, email, text, or phone call. Mrs. Eloisa Martinez Teacher Contact Information: Phone: (830)299-0722 Email: [email protected]

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Page 1: Spanish 1-4

Spanish 1-4


Enclosed in this packet you will find 8 days (March 25th-April 3rd) worth of Spanish

materials. Each assignment is numbered by day. It is suggested that your child only

complete one assignment per day.

Assignments will also be available to designated google classroom or our school


Please turn in assignments as previously discussed with your child’s teacher (via

google classroom, email, or drop-off).

I will be available for questions regarding Spanish assignments from 10:00 a.m. -

3:00pm Monday through Friday via google classroom, email, text, or phone call.

Mrs. Eloisa Martinez

Teacher Contact Information:

Phone: (830)299-0722

Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Spanish 1-4

Wednesday March 25

Capítulo 7 Vocabulary V7.1

una reservación reservation un cuarto, una room, hotel room habitación

un cuarto sencillo single room un cuarto doble double room reservar to reserve el hotel hotel el albergue juvenil, youth hostel, small el hostal (inexpensive) hotel

la recepción front desk (hotel) el/la recepcionista hotel clerk el/la cliente(a), customer, guest

el/la huésped(a) la llave (magnética) key (magnetic) el mozo bellhop el ascensor elevator hospedarse to stay in a hotel abandonar el cuarto to check out (hotel) el desayuno Continental

continental breakfast el panecillo roll el pan dulce pastry la mermelada jam, marmalade la mantequilla butter el café coffee el desayuno americano American breakfast

los huevos revueltos scrambled eggs el pan tostado toast el tocino, el bacón, bacon el lacón

el jugo de naranja orange juice la cama bed la sábana sheet la manta, la frazada blanket la almohada pillow el armario closet la percha, el colgador hanger el aire acondicionado air conditioning el cuarto de baño bathroom la bañera bathtub la ducha shower el inodoro, el váter toilet el lavabo washbasin, sink el jabón soap una toalla towel sucio(a) dirty limpio(a) clean la camarera housekeeper limpiar to clean hacer la cama to make the bed cambiar to change

Page 3: Spanish 1-4

Write a word or expression that has the same meaning.

1. el cuarto _______________________

2. el elevador _____________________

3. un cuarto para dos personas _______________________

4. un cuarto para una persona ______________________

5. el cliente de un hotel _____________________

6. las maletas _______________________

Indicate whether the information makes sense or not. (si o no)

7. Quiero ver una pelicula. Voy a poner el televisor.

8. Necesito mas toallas. Voy a llamar al botones (mozo).

9. Voy a ducharme. Necesito otro inodoro.

10. Hace demasiado calor en el cuarto. Voy a poner el aire acondicionado.

11. Mi hermana viene conmigo a Nueva York. Necesito una reservacion en un


12. Necesito otra almohada. Siempre duermo con dos en casa.

13. Los huespedes trabajan en el hotel.

14. El cliente va a abandonar su cuarto ahora. El sale hoy.

DIARIO Watch Spanish tv for 20 minutes.

Pay attention to word. Do you understand or recognize

specific things? Notice how tone of voice changes with

certain phrases/questions.

Page 4: Spanish 1-4

Thursday March 26

DIARIO Watch Spanish tv for 20 minutes.

Pay attention to word. Do you understand or recognize specific

things? Notice how tone of voice changes with certain



The present perfect

1. The present perfect tense is called a compound tense because it consists of

two parts- the present tense of the verb haber and the past participle.

Haber + past participle

he, has, ha, hamos, han

2. The past participle is formed by adding –ado to the stem of – ar verbs and

ido to the stem of –er and –ir verbs.

Haber + past participles

Ar – ado / ir, er – ido

3. The present perfect tense is used when speaking of a past event without

reference to any particular time. It brings the action right up to the present.

Sometime expressions frequently used with the present perfect are:

Ya – already, yet

Todavia no – not yet

Hasta ahora – until now, so far

Jamas – ever, never

Nunca – never

Page 5: Spanish 1-4

Give the past participles of the following verbs.

1. Jugar _________________________

2. Tirar _________________________

3. driblar _______________________

4. perder _______________________

5. querer _______________________

6. poder ________________________

7. salir __________________________

8. recibir _________________________

9. vivir ___________________________

C Complete with the correct form of the present perfect of the indicated verb.

10. El juego _____________ ________________ . (empezar)

11. El balon _____________ _________________ en la porteria. (entrar)

12. El portero no lo______________ ________________ . (bloquear)

13. Su equipo no ________________ _________________ el partido. (ganar)

14. Pero ellos no lo ______________ ____________________ tampoco.


Page 6: Spanish 1-4

Friday March 27

DIARIO Watch Spanish tv for 20 minutes.

Pay attention to word. Do you understand or recognize specific

things? Notice how tone of voice changes with certain



Irregular participles

The following verbs have irregular past participles

Decir – dicho volver – vuelto

Hacer – hecho devolver – devuelto

Ver – visto morir – muerto

Escribir – escrito abrir – abierto

Poner – puesto cubrir – cubierto (covered)

Romper – roto (broken) freir – frito

Complete with the correct participle.

1. Ellos han _____________________ a casa a pie. 2. Mama ha _____________________ la puerta. 3. Yo he ______________________ la punta de mi lapiz. 4. He ______________________ mi composicion en la computadora. 5. El me ha _____________________que ha _________________el cuadro. 6. ¿Lo has ___________________ en el museo? 7. Y ustedes, ¿que han _____________________ esta tarde?

Page 7: Spanish 1-4

Rewrite in the present perfect.

Ex: Llegaron al hotel. Han llegando al hotel

(I got han because subject is ellos “aron” and llegando ando because its an ar verb. )

15. Solo Catalina vio la habitacion.

16. Yo hable con la recepcionista.

17. Ella me dio la llave.

18. El mozo me ayudo con las maletas.

19. El puso las maletas en un carrito.

20. Nosotros subimos al cuarto en el ascensor.

Page 8: Spanish 1-4

Monday March 30


DIARIO Watch Spanish tv for 20 minutes.

Pay attention to word. Do you understand or recognize specific

things? Notice how tone of voice changes with certain


Preterite tense verbs

Page 9: Spanish 1-4

1. El tren _____________________________ a las tres de la mañana. (llegar)

1. Los pasajeros ______________ ____________________ del tren. (bajarse)

2. Nosotros ______________________ en Houston, Tx. (trasbordar)

3. El conductor _________________ los billetes de los pasajeros. (revisar)

4. Mis amigos y yo ________________________ a caballo ayer. (andar)

5. Yo ______________________ mi tarjeta de crédito en el distribuidor automático.


6. Tú _____________________ el billete de primera clase. (seleccionar)

7. Mi salida ___________________ a las diez de la noche. (ser)

8. Ellos ________________________ un carro para ir a la estación de ferrocarril. (rentar)

9. Yo _________ ______________ a tren a las once de la mañana. (subirse)

Conjugate each verb in the preterite tense.

10. Hablar (yo) ________________________

11. Trabajar (Tú y Miguel) _______________________

12. Comer (Ana) _______________________________

13. Subirse (nosotros) _______________________________

14. Caminar (mis amigos) ______________________________

15. Alquilar (los pasajeros) _____________________________

16. Cambiar (yo y mis amigos) _____________________________

17. Insertar (Ella) _____________________________________

18. Ser (él) _____________________________________

19. Ir (nosotros) ___________________________________

Page 10: Spanish 1-4

Tuesday March 31

DIARIO Watch Spanish tv for 20 minutes.

Pay attention to word. Do you understand or recognize specific

things? Notice how tone of voice changes with certain



Page 11: Spanish 1-4

Write the correct verb forms in Spanish:

Nadar bailar esquiar jugar

(to swim) (to dance) (to ski) (to play)

salir querer preferir leer

(to go out) (to want) (to prefer) (to read)

1. They used to swim ________________________________________________________

2. I used to dance ___________________________________________________________

3. We were skiing ___________________________________________________________

4. He was playing ___________________________________________________________

5. She used to read __________________________________________________________

6. We used to go out ________________________________________________________

7. You (sg) used to want ______________________________________________________

8. I used to prefer ___________________________________________________________

9. You (pl) were skiing _______________________________________________________

10. They were playing ________________________________________________________

11. We used to dance ________________________________________________________

12. You (sg) were reading _____________________________________________________

13. She was going out ________________________________________________________

14. You (pl) were swimming ___________________________________________________

15. I was playing ____________________________________________________________

16. He used to want __________________________________________________________

Page 12: Spanish 1-4

Wednesday April 1

DIARIO Watch Spanish tv for 20 minutes.

Pay attention to word. Do you understand or recognize specific

things? Notice how tone of voice changes with certain



Imperfect vs preterite

Page 13: Spanish 1-4

Preterite vs. Imperfect

Conjugate the correct verb in the correct tense.

1. Cada día yo ______________________ correos electrónicos. (recibir)

2. El año pasado mi computadora _______________________ todos mis trabajos. (borrar)

3. Hace dos días mi mama me _______________________ una computadora nueva. (comprar)

4. Anoche tu ____________________ muchas llamadas perdidas. (tener)

5. Mis amigos y yo siempre ________________________ por videochat. (llamarse)

6. Los estudiantes a veces _______________________ sus proyectos en la impresora. (imprimir)

7. Yo siempre ____________________ canciones (songs) a mi móvil. (bajar)

8. Ana y Sara ________________________ un mensaje de texto cada mañana. (enviar)

9. La semana pasada yo ________________________ en la red por cinco horas. (navegar)

10. Ayer nosotros _________________________ por el centro comercial. (andar)

11. Anoche José y Luis ___________________________ apagar la impresora. (poder)

12. El móvil de los estudiantes siempre ________________________ en la clase de español. (sonar)

13. Ayer Henry ________________________ que le llamaran. (pedir)

14. Ayer Yo ______________________ imprimir mis correos electrónicos para tener una copia dura.


15. Anoche Yo ___________________ clic en una página web. (hacer)

Page 14: Spanish 1-4

Thursday April 2

DIARIO Watch Spanish tv for 20 minutes.

Pay attention to word. Do you understand or recognize specific

things? Notice how tone of voice changes with certain


Imperfect vs preterite

Conjugate each verb for each sentence according to subject pronoun given.

1. Elena una vez ______________________ la pantalla de su computadora. (quebrar)

2. Yo nunca ______________________ encontrar la barra de herramientas. (poder)

3. Nosotros siempre ______________________ a la escuela en el auto bus escolar. (ir)

4. Ayer Juan y Alma _________________________ que navegar en la red. (tener)

5. La computadora a veces se _____________________ sola. (apagar)

6. Anoche la profesora ________________________ cinco correos electrónicos. (recibir)

7. Tú ______________________ tus mensajes de texto en la mañana. (leer)

8. Yo ________________________ tarde de vez en cuando. (acostarse)

9. Mi amiga me _________________________ cada noche. (hablar)

10. Las profesoras siempre _____________________ copias duras. (hacer)

11. Anteayer Noel _________________________ copias duras su mama. (hacer)

12. La semana pasada el sitio web ______________________ muy interesante. (ser)

13. Ayer los destinatarios del email _________________________ los padres de Luis. (ir)

14. Yo, Manuel y Carlos ___________________________ la red con frecuencia. (navegar)

15. De repente nosotros __________________________ la lista de contactos de mi hermano.


Page 15: Spanish 1-4

Friday April 3

DIARIO Watch Spanish tv for 20 minutes.

Pay attention to word. Do you understand or recognize specific

things? Notice how tone of voice changes with certain


Imperfect Vs. perterite

tell if sentence is imperfect or preterite and write guideline it follows

Imperfect Preterite

• To state in general when an action took place

• To describe background information • To express weather • To tell time • To tell age • To describe physical and mental states

and conditions, including feelings • To express habitual actions • To express what used to/would happen

(in the past) • To express what was/were…ing

• When an action was completed • When an action was completed at a

specific time • When an action was completed a

specific number of times • When an action began or ended • When an action interrupts another


Hacía mal tiempo. = It was bad weather.


Yo tenía miedo de la película. = I was afraid of the movie.


Mi abuelo tenía 93 años. = My grandfather was 93 years old.


Mi padre era un chico malo. = My father was a bad boy.

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Miguel estudió anoche. = Miguel studied last night.


Miguel estudiaba todas las noches. = Miguel used to study every night.


Miguel estudiaba cuando se durmió. = Miguel was studying when he fell asleep.