spacewalk implementation at fuqua school of business

Download Spacewalk implementation at Fuqua School of Business

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Presentation about using spacewalk [ ] at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University. Slides from presentation at Duke's Tech Expo, January 2014 [ ]


  • 1. Weneeded more visibility into, and standardization of, our Linux environment Campussite license for RHEL / RHN was not on the horizon two years ago Ourplant was (and still is) almost entirely CentOS (as opposed to licensed RHEL)

2. Inventoryof Linux servers and their patch levels Abilityto automate the patching of arbitrary groupings of Linux servers Abilityto easily identify status of servers vis a vis security errata 3. Inventoryof Linux servers and their patch levels Abilityto automate the patching of arbitrary groupings of Linux servers Abilityto easily identify status of servers vis a vis security errata 4. Inventoryof Linux servers and their patch levels Abilityto automate the patching of arbitrary groupings of Linux servers Abilityto easily identify status of servers vis a vis security errata 5. Abilityto easily identify when servers need rebooting (due to relevant errata) Abilityto schedule "events" (RPM installs, updates, reboots) to individual or groups of servers Abilityto easily track the status of all events (pending, failed, completed) 6. Abilityto easily identify when servers need rebooting (due to relevant errata) Abilityto schedule "events" (RPM installs, updates, reboots) to individual or groups of servers Abilityto easily track the status of all events (pending, failed, completed) 7. Abilityto easily identify when servers need rebooting (due to relevant errata) Abilityto schedule "events" (RPM installs, updates, reboots) to individual or groups of servers Abilityto easily track the status of all events (pending, failed, completed) 8. Abilityto monitor changes to key files deployed across the plant, along with versioning support Abilityto run arbitrary commands / scripts against arbitrary groups of servers (either scheduled or "immediately") 9. Abilityto monitor changes to key files deployed across the plant, along with versioning support Abilityto run arbitrary commands / scripts against arbitrary groups of servers (either scheduled or "immediately") 10. Customchannels for management and deployment of locally packaged RPMs Abilityto monitor various "server health" metrics Abilityto easily provision new servers with proper channel subscriptions and base configuration profiles 11. Customchannels for management and deployment of locally packaged RPMs Abilityto monitor various "server health" metrics Abilityto easily provision new servers with proper channel subscriptions and base configuration profiles 12. Customchannels for management and deployment of locally packaged RPMs Abilityto monitor various "server health" metrics Abilityto easily provision new servers with proper channel subscriptions and base configuration profiles 13. Usermanagement can use PAM integration with, for instance, Active Directory OpenSCAPcompatible audit scans arebuilt in Overallsatellitecomparison: spacewalk vs. 14. Usermanagement can use PAM integration with, for instance, Active Directory OpenSCAPcompatible audit scans arebuilt in Overallsatellitecomparison: spacewalk vs. 15. Usermanagement can use PAM integration with, for instance, Active Directory OpenSCAPcompatible audit scans arebuilt in Overallsatellitecomparison: spacewalk vs. 16.