space: the final frontier objectives 1 to practise matching written expressions with colloquial...

Space: The Final Frontier

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Post on 04-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

Space: The Final Frontier

Page 2: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3
Page 3: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

Objectives1 To practise matching written express

ions with colloquial expressions2 To learn some idiomatic expressions3 To practise using linking words to ex

press reason and purpose.4 To write an article for a local magazi

ne.5 To listen to and understand

Page 4: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

Warming Up

Have you ever thought about travelling to space ? How much do you know about it ?

Page 5: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

The earth

Page 6: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3
Page 7: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

the Hubble Telescope

Page 8: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3
Page 9: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3


Page 10: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

Yang Liwei showed the flags of China and the United Nations.

Page 11: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

Astronauts Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng

Page 12: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

The spaceship was lifting off

Page 13: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3


Page 14: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

Read the article. Match these headings with the Read the article. Match these headings with the paragraphs (A—F)paragraphs (A—F)

Recent InterestRecent Interest

Early Space ExplorationEarly Space Exploration



Into Deep SpaceInto Deep Space

China’s ContributionsChina’s Contributions







before you start

Page 15: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

Find sentences in the text that mean the same as these colloquial sentences. Paragraph letters are in brackets.

1 The space age kicked off when they sent up Sputnik. (B)

2 The final part of early space exploration was the moon landing. (B)

3 Space exploration is in again because of that new telescope. (C)

4 It’s so good that it’s found loads of new planets. (C)

5 They’re going to launch robot ships to find places like Earth. (D)

Task 1

Page 16: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3


1 The age of space exploration began in 1957, when Sputnik 1 was launched by the Soviet Union.

2 Which ended with the us putting a man on the moon in 1969.

3 Recently, there has been another burst of interest in space as a result of the Hubble Telescope.

4 Because of its precision, over fifty new planets have been located beyond our solar system..

5 Further space probes, such as Deep Space, will be sent out in order that they might detect small Earth-like planets where there might be life.

Page 17: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

Task 2 Match these words with the idiomatic expression from th

e text (1-5) in italics.

A .all over the world B. a stage on the way

C. the possibilities are endless D. decreased

E. shown we’ve been there

1 We have left our mark everywhere.

2 All four corners of the globe.

3 The number of manned flights dropped off.

4 It’s a stepping stone.

5 The sky’s no longer the limit.





Page 18: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1 Take an umbrella because it might rain.

Take an umbrella in case _________.

2 Bring your costume to swim in the river.

Bring your costume so that _________.

3 It’s foggy so you can’t drive fast.

You can’t drive fast due to _______

Task 3

it rains

you can swim in the river

the fog

Page 19: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

4 If you leave your telephone number, we will contact you.

Leave your telephone number in order that ________.

5 My aunt’s coming so don’t come round.

Don’t come round because of _________.

6 Check if he’s in by giving him a ring.

Ring him up first in order to _________.

7 Wear warm clothes as the nights can be very cold.

Wear warm clothes in case _________.

we can contact you

my aunt

check he’s in

the nights are very cold.

Page 20: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3
Page 21: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

Explore vt.1. 探测 ; 探勘 ; 在 ... 探险They _________________________in 1923.他们于一九二三年在这荒漠地区探险。2. 探究 , 探索The conference _________________closer trade links.大会探讨了在贸易上进一步加强联系的可能性。

explored the possibility of

explored this desert region

Page 22: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

Mark n.1. 痕迹 ; 污点 ;The scandal___________________________.那件丑事玷污了他的名声。2. 记号 ; 标记You can see in him ____________ of an educated man.从他身上你可以看到受过教育的人的特点。

left a mark on his reputation

the marks

Page 23: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

so as to 以便The test questions are kept secret, ____________. 以防作弊

in case 1. 假使In case she comes back, let me know immediately.假使她回来了 , 立刻告诉我。2. 免得Take the raincoat in case it rains.带着雨衣 , 以防下雨。

so as to prevent cheating

Page 24: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

celebrate vt.1. 庆祝We held a party to celebrate our success.我们举行宴会庆祝我们的成功。

2. 颂扬 , 赞美The event was celebrated by poets and historians.这一事件为诗人和历史学家所赞颂。

Page 25: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

Drop me off at my school, sir

Page 26: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

Conduct vt.1. 引导 , 带领He conducted the audience to their seats.他引观众到他们的座位上。2. 处理 , 管理They hired agents to______________________.他们雇请代理人来处理他们的事务。4. 指挥 ( 军队 , 乐队等 )General Green will conduct the army.格林将军将指挥这军队。5. 传导 ( 热 , 电等 )Most metals conduct electricity.大多数金属能导电。

conduct their affairs

Page 27: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3

due to 因为 , 由于Her absence was due to the storm.由于风雨交加她没来。

in conclusion 最后 ; 总之In conclusion, I'd like to thank you for all you've done for me.最后 , 我要感谢你们为我所做的一切。

Page 28: Space: The Final Frontier Objectives 1 To practise matching written expressions with colloquial expressions 2 To learn some idiomatic expressions 3