space report grade 2 winton

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  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


    Kijanis Space news!

    Super Ringo

    saves the day


    I felt very very excited to see Mr. Ringo. He was wearing a space suite with a hard hard helmet . The helmet has a drinking hole and a breathing hole.

    When Mr. Ringo came in he was doing the moon walk. Now that Mr. Ringo is in everyone started blurting out questions. I was lucky that he heard my question. My question was is the biggest star the brightest star and my answer was ,yes but it is so far that we cant see its brightness. So people on earth think it is not. There is another question that I liked it was did you dis- cover a planet in the sires solar system with your tele-

    scope? NO! sires or the great dog is to far from ore solar system so you can not see sires close. We took a pitcher before Mr. Ringo left then the music blasted on out walks Mr. Ringo I was sad that he left but at least the day went well.

  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


    The Space DailyAn superastronaut

    scientist visits toMr. Wintonsclassroom!!!

    O ur class was waiting patiently for the super astronaut, and few seconds later,The door slid open while the lights were off and a step and up came the super

    astronaut while 1 space song was playing. Everybody was really amazed the su-per astronaut name is Mr. Ringo.I felt like Mr. Ringo was a real expert and intelligent astronaut but Mr. Ringowasnt a real astronaut he is a scientist. Mr.Ringo introduced by saying: I amnot a real astronaut but I am a scientist, I teach here in high school ISM and inthe states, we talk about physics,he said.Then he was trying to answer all our questions: My question was: What plan-ets are beyond Pluto? The super astronaut (Mr. Ringo) gave a lot of informa-tion, he said: there are no little planets discovered yet. And then I heard anotherinteresting question by my classmate: Jorm, his question was: What is the sunlike?Mr.Ringo (super astronaut) again gave a lot of information he said: Thesun is 5x hotter than your pan. I didnt know that. After all our questions wereall answered, Mr.Winton said, Lets take a picture so we will all remember Mr.Ringo, so he did.Then the music started playing again and he stepped out of the classroom. I willnever forget that story.

  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


    Asha AstronautA super cool

    Astronautvisits Mr.


    The class was silent but just Then BOOM the doorslammed open and in came..Dadada an Astronaut!His name was Mr.Ringo when he came in I felt excited,happy, surprised and a little bit scared. It looked like he wasdoing a really funny space Dance. He was wearing a whitespace suit, a helmet, a NASA Badge and the Usa flag.Mr. Ringo started answering questions.My question was what is Pluto made out of and the answerWas methane gas and rock. At the end we took a photowith Mr.Ringo like we were huddling up.The music blasted on and Mr.Ringo started walking out of the room.It was the best day ever!!!!

  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


    Space ScientistThe superspace

    friends . The door opened and on went the music.I feltexcited. Mr. Ringo was his name. The spacesuit. Mr. R

    Ringo was wearing cool. Mr. Ringo was doing the moon walk and we wear listening to spacemusic. I was lucky because Mr. Ringo pickedmy question the answer was space has somuch space and not much suns my question

    was why is space so dark? Another question that I found was why cant we travel thespeed of light? The answer was if we travel thespeed of light we would get to heavy we couldexplode. And then Mr. Ringo went out of theroom and the music went bake on. I felthappy because I learned something.

  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


    Johannas headline

    An expertScientist comes

    To Mr.Wintonsclass

    The room was dark and the door slid open and an astronaut Came in and everyone was amazed! I felt so excited and a little bit nervous. I wassoexcitedbecause I was going to see a scientist for the first time and I was nervous be-cause I have never ever shared a question to a scientist. It was funny how hisspacesuit felt like it was pajamas. I heard an amazing fact from the expert scien-tist was that there were no signs of life on other planets and in the 1900s a man(scientist) looked through the hubble telescope and he thought he saw canalsaround planets and aliens.He told stories that were very catchy.One of the questions really caught my mind was; Why cant we travel at the speedof light? If we would travel at the speed of light we would get way to heavy wecould explode!One of the questions that was really interesting was What is an astronaut suit made out of? And the expert scientist answered An astronaut suit is made out of plastic and it hasAir con so then it wont get hot. It is hot because if astronauts traveled to a planet

    full of gas it would be very hot. If you went pass the Sun and if brought a Ther-mometer and place it next to the sun the thermometer will explode!When everyone got to hear the expert scientists answers he started to walk out of the door and the music blasted and the way he walked out was awesome, be-cause it Looked like he was bouncing on the moon.

  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


    Space newsMr.ringo thesuper coolAstronaut

    visits ourclassroom!

    W e were waiting very quietly the door slid open and then we startedohhing and ahhing

    The music started and he started doing the moon walk! when hegot to the front of the class the music stopped and he took off his hel-met.Then we started asking questions it seemed to be like the wholeClass was buzzing with excitement! There were lots of questionsLike: what is Pluto made of?: rock ice and gasses.And: what is the sun like?:the sun is made of hot gasses and isstronger then the strongest bomb on earth!If we traveled at the speed of light we would get to heavy and ex-plode!Then we took a picture after it was time for Ringo to leave so we putthe music on and he started doing the moon walk And he was gone!

  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


    X| h|xxAn amazing


    Mr. Wintonsclass room!!!!

    U X|

    My class was silent, space music was booming in my ears. Suddenly, aamazing astronaut entered my class room.His name was Mr. Ringo.He didn't really go to the moon,But he is a expert scientist. When Mr. Ringo walked in he did the moonwalk. I Thought he was wearing pajamas for a space suit. The put oncool leather gloves and shoes + Real SPACE HELMET!After all that excitement, we started to ask questions. Left to right hewas answering all the questions. Finally it was my turn to ask a ques-tion. My question was, Why cant we travel with the speed of light?The answer was If we traveled with the speed of light, we would get toheavy and explode.The next question I liked was written by someone else. The question

    was, what is the sun? The Answer was: The sun is a star made out of very but I mean VERY hot gases, so hot that no one could land on it.This was my favorite question: Are there any signs of life on otherplanets? The Answer was : No, but we are trying to. When Mr. RingoWent, he waved good bye, I calmed down and I was happy I learned


  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


    The space daily

    An expert scientistcomes to

    Mr.winton`s class.

    The music started, I saw the door open, I saw one foot stepthrough the door, than another foot than his whole body!Mr.ringo was dressed in a an awesome astronaut suit.He was answering our questions in no time flat. when he camein he looked like he was walking on the moon. Than the musicgot louder& louder! My heart was pounding with excitement.My favorite question was what is a astronaut suit made outof? and his answer was plastic and air conditioner because if it didnt have air conditioner you would be hot.

    There was another question and it was how did Jupiter's stormbegin? and he answered scientists are looking at it withcrashing rovers . They cant land any space shuttles becauseJupiter has no flat surfaces.We took a picture with mr.ringo than the music started and heleft.

  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton



    An amazingMr. Ringovisits Mr.

    Wintonsclass !!!!!!!!

    I was waiting quietly but then, the door opened. Music blasted off allover the place! An amazing, cool space expert came out of the door!His name is amazing Mr.Ringo, a cool space expert! Everyone wassurprised to see an amazing Mr.Ringo came to Mr.Wintons class andchatting about the huge, expanding space! Everyone had fun learn-ing. He was also wearing a fake, white space suit! We also asked 19interesting questions about the huge, gigantic, universe . After min-utes of asking questions , we took some good photos too! Here aresome of the questions:Q:Did you discover a planet in the Sirius star system?

    A: No Sirius is to much far from our solar system .Q:Are there life on other planets?A: There is no signs of life on any other planet .Q: What is Pluto made off?A: Pluto is mostly made rock,ice and frozen methane.Theres more questions! When Mr.Ringo was beginning to get out of the class room, he started walking around just like hes on the moon!

  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


    The daily universe

    HyperastronautRingo comesin to class

    I waited I heard the door open the music crankbusted in to the room I was exited. In no time swering everybodys questions he was wearinHe walked in like he was bouncing on the morocking facts he gave me was that he teaches ascience,nebulas,telescopes,galaxies,gravity,sta

    fabulous planets.

    If you want to become an astronaut you have school, then university then get astronaut trainwalked out the door as quick as a fox I was a b

  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


    Cool NEWS! An AstronautFriend CameTo Our class!By Lila

    An astronaut called Mr. Ringo came in our classroom. I felt like it is cool. He walked like he was in

    space .There was music which sounded likeOUTER SPACE. When he got to go we took a photograph. But when he came he wore his space suitand Oxygen helmet. Then he answered our ques-tion. So we know more. We all wrote our questionon a piece of paper. My question was how big is

    Uranus rings? The question that I ask was hard hecould not answer it. They are finding it. Out now.They are just guessing. Our class is the only onewho saw an ASTRONAUT! At last it was time to go.The space music was on again. He walked cool andwent out. Like a BLAST!

  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


    Out of this world

    Astronaut visitsus

    And classroomblasts into space.

    We were all quiet all of a sudden the lights went out when theycame back on there was an astronaut in our class his name wasMr. Ringo. I could hear the roar of rockets. What happens next?Find out in this issue of out of this world news .

    He came in walking like he was on the moon. He was in hisspace suit his space suit had a NASA badge. All of a sudden Isaw some sparks out the window and when I looked out thewindow I saw hundreds of engineers and scientists outside!

    Soon we blasted into space soon he was answering all our ques-tions. My one was how do you assemble a space shuttle? Hesaid that you need hundreds of people to work on it. Anotherquestion was why cant we travel at the speed of light? He an-swered we would get to heavy and explode. Once we landedMr.Ringo moon jumped out of the class. I learned lots.

  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


    Nikas DailyMr. Ringo visits Mr.Wintons kung fuwarriors!!

    When the astronaut came I started to feel excited and a little bnervous because I dont really like saying my question out loudget a little bit shy. Mr.Ringo the astronaut was wearing his whspace suit when he walked in the door very slowly. Mysterious spmusic was on while he was walking through the door. I have learso much from Mr. Ringo the astronaut and he answered everyonquestion. But my question was how long have you been a scientHe answered my question and the answer was 11 years becausestarted after university. Another question was what is a space sumade? A space suit is made of plastic. There are these little linwhere you can breathe, with a tiny hole where you can drink. Ahe was done answering every ones question he walked out of door and blasted out into space!!! 5,4,3,2,1,0 BLAST OFF!!!

  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


    Pauls Galaxy Express

    A cool amazingastronaut visitsMr.Wintons youngastronauts,5,4,3,21,0

    blast off!

    One day an astronaut came, all of a sudden themusic blasted on! The astronaut took his first stepin the class room I felt like I was in a space ship,blasting of I got excited by the second ! TheAstronaut was doing the moon walk I couldn't waitTo ask my question and hear all the answers but hedidn't have a answer. My question was Why doBigger planets have more gravity?I really wantedto hear the answer. I like the answer to Why cantwe go to other planets in light speed? and What isA space suit made of? We gathered around theastronaut to take a class photo, after a lot of question answering the astronaut had to leave and Ilearned ALOT of space facts!!!!

  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


    The daily space news.

    Astronaut Mr.Ringo visits Mr.Winton's class

    and gives tips!

    When I was seated I was waiting and I saw one step thanother then I heard some music then the music blasted evelouder then . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We all saw astronaut Mr.

    R i n g o ! ! !I felt really excited . He was wearing an astronaut suit alwhen he was walking he walked funnily and wackily and itreally funny Ha! Ha! Ha! When Mr. Ringo almost answered ebody's questions I raised my left hand . Mr. Ringo picked mand I asked what are galaxies made of? , Mr. Ringo said Thare made out of billions of stars. Our galaxy is the Milky Way ait is made out of stars.

    Then when Mr. Ringo answered all our questions we took a pictuall together then..

    The music blasted on again and he walked like a penguin thlimps. He went out of the door in a funny wacky way!

  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


    The universe daily

    Mr. Ringo the astronaut suddenly came in and the musicBLASTED! He came in with a helmet and his suit had a placewhere he could breath he also had a place where he could drink water. When he came in he did the moon walk. His walk suitedthe music. He thought us awesome answers and one of my fa-vorite ones was how did Jupiter's storm begin? He replied bysaying scientists are looking at it with crashing rovers. Theycant land any space shuttle because there are no flat surfaces onJupiter. The other question was what kind of astronomy do you

    teach? He teaches about science, nebular, telescopes, galaxies,gravity, stars, storms, and planets. I really like his answers thatswhy when I am a grown up I am going to be a astronaut .


  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


    The Universe daily

    Awesome!Amazing! Cool!Astronaut visits

    Mr. Winton's classroom .

    One day a astronaut walked in the door his name was Mr.Ringo. When the awesome astronaut moon walked in the spaceclassroom he was wearing an amazing astronaut suit. It had aUnited states of America flag on it and a cool Nasa flag on it to. In minutes hewasAnswering questions left and right. He had an awesome hel-met on him to. One of the questions he answered was what is aastronaut suit made out of? He riptide it is made out of plastics .

    It also has a AirconAttached to the back of the astronaut suit because if you did nothave aAircon you would barn and explode! When Mr.Ringo wasleaving I was sooooooo tired I had sooooooo muchfun.5,4,3,2,1 BLAST OF!!!

  • 8/7/2019 Space Report Grade 2 Winton


    The adventures of the




    CLASS .