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25 June 2007

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1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 PANEL FINDINGS – Key Recommendations 1 3.0 CRITERIA DETERMINED BY COUNCIL (Terms of Reference) 1

3.1 Statement of Principles 2 4.0 IMPLEMENTATION STEPS 3 5.0 DETAILED FINDINGS 4 6.0 CONCLUSIONS 6 7.0 BACKGROUND 6 8.0 THE PANEL 8 9.0 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS 8 10.0 CONFIDENTIALITY 8 11.0 METHODOLOGY 9 12.0 SUMMARY OF DOCUMENTATION ISSUED TO PANEL 10 13.0 PROPOSALS 11 13.1 Proposal Selection Criteria 11 13.2 Submission Presentations 13 13.3 Analysis of Presentations 14 13.4 Assessment Against Principles 15 13.5 Assessment Against Council’s 4 Pillars 15 14.0 COMMUNITY HUB SURVEY 16 15.0 PANEL MEMBER SIGNATURES 17

APPENDIX 1: TERMS OF REFERENCE 18 APPENDIX 2: South Melbourne Structure Plan Power Point Presentation 30/04/07 20 APPENDIX 3: Summary of Proposals 22

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City of Port Phillip SMTH/ Emerald Hill Precinct and Community Hub Page 1 Site Assessment Panel Report


This report has been compiled by the Site Assessment Panel in its consideration of the future uses of the South Melbourne Town Hall and 222-228 Bank Street. This panel was established by Council to make recommendations on the range of options available for use of the two council buildings and the precinct to achieve improved outcomes for the community. The intention of this report is to provide Council with recommended next steps in moving forward to arrive at the best outcome for the community for the use of the two buildings and the precinct.

2.0 PANEL FINDINGS – KEY RECOMMENDATIONS The Panel recognises the South Melbourne Town Hall (SMTH) as one of Port Phillip’s finest historic civic buildings. Its unique historical and heritage value means that Council’s Cultural and Social pillars should be the key determinants of the future use of this Town Hall. The Panel has also had regard to the Environmental and Economic pillars in arriving at its findings and recommendations. The Panel therefore finds that the SMTH must be secured as the predominant site for a Community Hub and for other community, civic and ceremonial functions for the South Melbourne, St. Kilda Road, Albert Park and Middle Park neighbourhoods. These uses are fundamental from the cultural and social aspects and are recognisably in tune with community values. The outcome is also equitable with the decision to restore the St Kilda and Port Melbourne Town Halls for similar cultural and social reasons in those neighbourhoods. The Panel recommends that the City of Port Phillip acknowledge that ANAM’s occupancy of the eastern side of the Town Hall should not extend beyond its current lease and that the original plan for the Community Hub in the west wing of the Town Hall should be implemented. It strongly recommends that Council immediately begins to explore the re-visioning, re-imagining and redevelopment of the whole of the South Melbourne Town Hall building in preparation for the end of the ANAM lease in 2016. This will provide the basis upon which to explore a broader vision for the Hub, other services and activities and the surrounding precinct when the whole of the Town Hall is available. This re-visioning must be in accord with the principles articulated in Section 3.1 of this report and the policies of the City as documented in the South Melbourne Central Structure Plan. Some uses and activities for the Town Hall to be considered should include (but not be limited to) the Community Hub, other community access facilities, the library and Urban History Centre, arts facilities and a visible and tangible way of recognising the site’s cultural significance for the Indigenous community and our civic governance history.

3.0 CRITERIA DETERMINED BY COUNCIL Council requested that the Panel assess proposals according to their social and cultural impact on the community, in the context of council’s four-pillar sustainability framework to enhance the use and profile of SMTH within this

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significant cultural and community precinct. Proposals were to be rated according to the extent to which they met the following criteria: That they should

Contribute significantly to achievement of council’s policy and strategic objectives, particularly the Community Hubs Policy, Long Term Accommodation Strategy, Urban History Centre, and South Melbourne Central Structure Plan;

Ensure that the Key principles and functions of the council’s community hub requirements are met;

Complement and /or enhance the cultural and heritage value of the precinct

Demonstrate that it contributes to community engagement and active citizenship

Only be for use by not for profit incorporated tenants/ users as the predominant purpose;

Include retaining the two large community meeting and breakout spaces in the western side at the front of SMTH as per the current hub concept plans

Demonstrate that maximum community benefit (4 pillar sustainability framework) is derived for the South Melbourne and St Kilda Road neighbourhoods and the whole City of Port Phillip community

The full Terms of Reference are included in Appendix 1.

3.1 Statement of Principles

The Panel was of the view that a visionary framework of guiding principles would be an essential component and filtering mechanism that would enable a proper assessment of any proposals in relation to the future of the South Melbourne Town Hall and the Emerald Hill Precinct. The Panel spent some time early in the process developing these key principles against which various ideas could be assessed and through which further ideas might be developed. Thus the Panel is strongly of the view that any vision, operational plan, and any specific short or long term proposals for the future of the Town Hall should be in accord with these principles. The Site Assessment Panel therefore recommends to the City of Port Phillip that a medium to longer term strategy, with supporting operational plans, be prepared to ensure that South Melbourne Town Hall becomes a vibrant, accessible and sustainable focal point for the surrounding precinct and that this be done in accordance with the following principles: That it be

1. Readily accessible at all reasonable times to residents, ratepayers and

those who work in, or visit, the City of Port Phillip;

2. Equitably accessible to the South Melbourne and broader communities as the other Town Halls across the municipality are to their local communities

3. The focal point for activities which drive significant numbers of people to

visit and use the facilities;

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4. Flexible, sustainable and consistent with social justice strategies; 5. Respectful of the indigenous cultural significance of the site; 6. Respectful of the governance and civic historical significance of the site; 7. Representative of the full gamut of community, cultural, commemorative

and civic activities which create the fabric of the City’s life; 8. Fostering of commercial and tourist development of the surrounding

precinct as well as increased visitation; 9. Capable of contributing to the goals and frameworks established by the

South Melbourne Central strategy; 10. ‘Future proofed’ to maintain the hub services to meet the community’s

needs now and into the future

11. Re-developed in a financially responsible way. These principles are also consistent with the criteria Council developed for use in the immediate process to hand.


In the period leading up to ANAM’s departure from the Town Hall, scheduled for 2016 based on their Lease, the following steps should be taken: 1. The community hub, as per the original 2005 concept, to be developed

in the west wing of SMTH. 2. ANAM be invited to bid for the space at 222-228 Bank Street in

accordance with all required Local Government tendering processes. If successful, any lease with ANAM should have the same expiry date as their current lease of the eastern side of the Town Hall.

3. In the period to 2016 ANAM should give clear, enforceable commitments for improved access to the Town Hall.

4. Irrespective of ANAM’s success in bidding for space in 222-228 Bank Street, that ANAM be requested to enter into a new and more commercial lease up until 2016 for their occupancy of the space on the east side of SMTH

5. Consideration be given to locating other activities – such as an interim Urban History Centre, or the Port Phillip Art Collection - in the area of the west wing no longer required for the Arts & Festivals staff.

6. No long term external tenancy arrangement or lease be considered for the first floor west wing of SMTH which might constrain the ability to deliver a re-imagined use of the SMTH at the earliest possible date.

7. In the design of the community hub, consideration be given to the special needs of the clients of the Port Phillip Community Group.

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5.0 DETAILED FINDINGS The Panel finds the following: • The recommendations above are consistent with Council’s South

Melbourne Central Structure Plan and proposed planning scheme amendment;

• A strategy and operational plan should recognise the: - Great significance of the site as a meeting and ceremonial site

for the Boonwurung and other Indigenous groups within the Kulin Nation;

- Ongoing civic and community significance of the South Melbourne Town Hall.

• There are significant opportunities for diverse and sustainable civic, community and commercial uses in the precinct around the Town Hall including the proposed Urban History Centre, the library, and similar activities and links with other institutions such as the Koori Heritage Trust and local history activities in other Council sites.

• There is an immediate need, recognised by Council, to restore the South Melbourne Town Hall in a manner consistent with its heritage significance and its capacity to be a functioning civic and community centre. The Panel believes this does not preclude a major re-development of the Town Hall which could act as a model for re-visioning of heritage buildings for multiple community uses. In particular the re-developed building should be a showcase for the City of Port Phillip’s leadership in sustainable development. This involves a major architectural re-visioning of the space as a whole, possibly by means of an architectural competition.

• Achievement of the long-term vision for the Town Hall as a viable, accessible and sustainable focal point should not be constrained by short-term consideration of uses and, instead, short to medium term uses should only be evaluated on the basis of their ability to contribute to this vision or provide immediate benefit which does not compromise moving towards the longer term vision. In particular the Panel does not believe that any further alienation of Town Hall space for the sole use of ANAM would be consistent with this finding.

• While ANAM said it wanted to improve community access and interconnectivity with its programs, its proposed use of the building was not consistent with wider aspirations and policies for the building. In particular:

• There were significant obstacles to achieving increased community usage of the main hall

• The proposals for new community-related programs were

not wide-ranging or extensively thought out. The role of an anchor tenant for the building, while possibly financially attractive, is not necessarily best carried out by an educational institution, which has its own mission to fulfil, which in turn has considerable implications for the use and timetabling of the building.

• The proposed renovations to the west wing of SMTH (should

ANAM be granted a lease for it) would further reduce publicly accessible space in the building

• On the 7 May 2007 ANAM were notified that they had not been

successful in the Federal Budget in obtaining the additional funding

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request. ANAMs written submission was reaffirmed in the presentation on 2 May 2007 by its CEO, Bob Clarke who expressly stated that “should sufficient additional funding not be received, the Academy will not be in a position to continue with this application.” On this basis the Panel deemed that ANAM had withdrawn its proposal.

• Subsequently, after being contacted by Council staff, on May 28 ANAM

submitted a revised proposal to occupy exclusively the second floor of the west side of the Town Hall (as well as the eastern side); to occupy exclusively the whole of the upstairs of 222-228 Bank Street; to be granted exclusive access to the main entrance of the Town Hall; and to discuss access to car parking.

• The Panel noted that in this revised proposal ANAM indicated that they

did have sufficient funds to finance increased occupancy costs and acceptance of their offer would result in an agreement covering the whole of their tenancy and that this would involve payment of a negotiated commercial rent.

• In relation to ANAM’s revised proposal, it is noted that:

- The Panel had serious concerns about the validity of a late

proposal, and that other or new submitters might consider themselves disenfranchised by not being given an equal opportunity to amend their proposals;

- Not all submitters had the advantage afforded to ANAM in knowing that the Council had decided to re-locate staff (Arts & Festivals) thus freeing up the second floor of the West Wing;

The panel recommends that: - No decision on ANAM’s revised proposal should be made without

full transparency and appropriate consultation with the community; - If ANAM was to occupy further space it should all be contained in

222-228 Bank Street to avoid further fragmented short-term development within the Town Hall;

- ANAM should not be granted exclusive access to the main entrance of South Melbourne Town Hall as this would further alienate the community from a sense of civic and social access to SMTH;

- Any further space should be subject to commercial tender procedures and re-negotiation of the existing space;

- At the time of relocation of Council staff to the St. Kilda Town Hall, there be a review of the current street spaces used as exclusive Council staff car parking. Any excess to Council requirements must be returned to standard parking spaces for the benefit of the precinct and not offered to any tenants including ANAM.

• The Panel reaffirms its finding that the leasing of any additional space in

222-228 Bank Street should not lead to any extension of ANAM’s lease beyond 2016.

• The Panel finds that both ANAM’s original and revised proposals failed the

Panel’s assessments against the Principles identified.

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6.0 CONCLUSIONS The Site Assessment Panel appointed by Council to assess the future uses of the South Melbourne Town Hall and Emerald Hill Precinct, particularly in relation to Council’s proposed Community Hub, is strongly of the view that Council needs to plan for the long term return of the Town Hall to being a vibrant, accessible and sustainable focal point for civic and cultural activities for the residents and workers of the City. It must start by acknowledging that ANAM’s occupancy of the eastern side of the Town Hall must not extend beyond its current lease and that the original plans for the Community Hub in the west wing of the Town Hall should proceed forthwith.


Over an extended period beginning in 2003, Council has been considering future uses for two council owned buildings located in the civic and culturally significant South Melbourne Town Hall / Emerald Hill Precinct. The two buildings are:

South Melbourne Town Hall at 208-220 Bank Street; and Community services building at 222-228 Bank Street

Future uses were being considered in the context of finding a suitable location/s for community, council and cultural hub services and activities, whilst achieving maximum community and financial benefits. Relocation of staff (planned) for late 2007 from South Melbourne Town Hall (SMTH) to the redeveloped St Kilda Town Hall (STKHT), as part of Council’s long term accommodation strategy and the South Melbourne Structure Plan, provided the opportunity to rethink the focus and uses of the SMTH / Emerald Hill precinct. This work resulted in the emergence of a strong identity for the precinct as a community, cultural, service and civic hub. Council subsequently developed a concept proposal for the development of the community hub services in the western side of the South Melbourne Town Hall with the assistance of a community reference panel. This panel was appointed in 2004 to develop principles to guide the development of a key community hub and develop criteria for the allocation of community group office space in the hub. This concept proposal took into account:

The western side of the building becoming vacant after staff relocated to St Kilda Town Hall;

Frontline community services and reception staff delivering services to the broader South Melbourne communities remaining at South Melbourne and operating from the new community hub;

Need for a key community hub for the South Melbourne and St Kilda road neighbourhoods;

Effective use of this civic and culturally significant building; and

Potential of the precinct, highlighted by the South Melbourne Structure Plan

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The Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM) has occupied the eastern side of the town hall since 1995. ANAM does not pay any rent. The lease is due to expire in 2016. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was negotiated in 1995 between the Commonwealth and State government to establish, fund and accommodate ANAM in the South Melbourne Town Hall. An Occupancy Agreement was consequently signed by the council, ANAM, University of Melbourne and the Victorian Government, which determines the current arrangement. This occurred prior to City of Port Phillip councillors being elected and reinstated in 1996. Council has stated that the current lease arrangement with ANAM is not acceptable, but acknowledged the legality of the current agreement which is current to 2016. At some time during 2006, ANAM indicated to Council that it wanted to extend its operations to the whole Town Hall under a commercial lease, subject to them receiving increased commonwealth government funding. Council therefore, decided that it needed to find out more about ANAM’s future plans and investigate what community and financial benefits may be possible if the current lease arrangements were to be renegotiated. If there were to be any new arrangement with ANAM, Council indicated that the following issues would need to be addressed:

Guaranteed access to main hall for an agreed number of days per annum;

Operation of the Community Hub function with the large community meeting rooms and gallery space to be retained in the front of the town hall, as proposed in the current concept plan;

Demonstrated further local benefit; Fair market rent for all occupied parts of the building

including existing footprint; and Capital improvements for the main hall floor replacement.

Council was of the view that there may be a range of other options for how the two Council buildings could be used to achieve improved outcomes for the community, and that these options needed to be explored with the community. A process to consider the options was endorsed by Council at its Ordinary Meeting of 29/1/07. Council, with the assistance of a Site Assessment Panel and reference to other sources of information, has therefore taken this opportunity to assess whether it can achieve improved outcomes for the South Melbourne Town Hall / Emerald Hill precinct, than those previously planned.

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The Site Assessment Panel consisted of the following persons: Community Representatives Dr Jillian Grogan James McCaughey Frank O’Connor Andrew Scawen Noel Turnbull

Council Representatives Cr Janet Bolitho Cr Peter Logan Cr Judith Klepner Sue Wilkinson (Council Officer)

Industry Representative Andrea Corso (Burns Bridge Australia Pty Ltd)


At the first meeting of the panel the following panel members declared their interests: • Dr Jillian Grogan noted an interest with proposal no.10 • Frank O’Connor noted an interest with proposal no. 2 • James McCaughey noted that he attended a couple of meetings of the

Campaign (also linked to proposal no2) but withdrew from this group when he decided to nominate for the panel.

• Noel Turnbull noted that he had a connection with the VCA and Chamber Australia Music, his involvement with the Conservatorium proposal and that he provided information to community groups regarding the orphanage site.

It was noted that declaration of these interests did not prohibit panel members from participating in discussion of the particular proposals. All panel members bring particular influences or views into this process and they can be used to provide insights rather than limit the discussion.


At the first meeting the Panel agreed that its considerations remain confidential until such time as it reported to Council and Council released the report. Unfortunately the Panel was unable to achieve total confidentiality and certain articles did appear in the local media and information may have been disclosed to parties outside the Panel. However, the Panel while deploring this, does not believe it prevented fair and full consideration of the issues before it.

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11.0 METHODOLOGY The Assessment Panel met on several occasions commencing in late March 2007 as noted below and in general followed the process steps as follows:

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Assessment of proposals against criteria

28/3– Review background information 4/4 & 18/4– Tour buildings in precinct 18/4– Shortlist proposals and identify strengths and weaknesses 18/4– Identify proposals requiring further information 19/4– Invite submitters to present to panel addressing gaps and weaknesses Step 1 completed

Finalise principles and model for use 30/4– Finalise principles for future uses of both buildings *(Note minimum conditions for future use of SMTH) 2/5– Receive submitter presentations Test short listed proposals after presentations against:

• Principles • Floor plan and opportunities to improve

hub layout (given that council Arts & Festivals staff no longer need to be accommodated);

• Constraints on use of spaces on ANAM side of SMTH

• Long term affordability of proposal • Capacity to address gaps and

weaknesses 30/4 and 2/5– Identify features of preferred model/s of use (including location of hub services) and rationale for model Set additional meeting time/s Step 2 completed

Recommendations Confirm principles for future uses Confirm model consistent with principles - Sign off on panel report to 2 July 2007 meeting of Strategy & Policy Review Committee of Council 23 July 2007– Committee recommendations to Ordinary Council meeting Step 3 completed. (Panel task completed)


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During the process of the Site Assessment Panel task the following documentation was issued for information and relevance to the members of the panel. The documentation issued is as follows: Copy of all submitted proposals Summary of all comments attached to campaign form letters (Appendix

2) Summary notes of meetings Held with Mayor and Community

Reference Panel held Wed 06/12/06 Agenda – Ordinary Meeting of Council- 29 January 2007 Minutes – Ordinary Meeting of Council- 29 January 2007 Minutes – Ordinary Meeting of Council- 27 November 2007 Strategy and Policy Review Committee- 8 November 2006 Community Hub- Cost Benefit Comparator 222-228 Bank Street, South

Melbourne and South Melbourne Town Hall South Melbourne Town Hall And Precinct Demographic Analysis South Melbourne Town Hall Community, Service and Cultural Hub

Project- Functional Brief Principles- December 2005 Conduct of Meetings March 2007 Terms of Reference for Assessment of Proposals Letter from Michael Sabada dated 26 March 2007 Letter from Earnest Tucker dated 29 March 2007 Email from Dr Harry Ward dated 5 December 2006 SMTH Community Hub Concept Plans Option 5 South Melbourne Structure Plan Power Point Presentation 30/04/07

(Appendix 1) South Melbourne Town Hall, Emerald Hill Precinct and Community Hub

Survey- Summary Comments, prepared by Metropolis Research Letter from Patricia Lendrum to Julie Johnson (undated) and SMTH

advertising brochure (circa 1991) tabled together 2 May 2007 Email from Port Phillip Community Group, Sandy Joffe dated 03/05/07 Cr Bolitho Questions to Panel dated 30/04/07 Email from ANAM 28/5/07 City of Port Phillip Community Space Comparisons, June 2007 (1st draft

distributed 7/6/07 panel meeting; revised draft distributed 22/6/07)

Information tabled at meeting dated 18/04/07 for review by panel but not distributed to panel members Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Occupancy Agreement Legal Advice by Maddocks on the Validity of the Occupancy Agreement

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13.0 PROPOSALS A total of 134 proposals where received from community groups, organisations or members. Of these 134, 9 proposals were received on the council proforma, 117 on a campaign proforma, 3 as comments or ideas and 4 as a detailed letter (Refer to Summary of types of proposals Appendix 2). The proposals were then all reviewed as assessed against the selection criteria as determined by Council (refer 13.1 below). However, in summary it was clear that only two significant alternatives emerged from the process, namely either ANAM is allowed to expand into the western side of the Town hall or Council proceeds with its original Hub plans but with a longer term vision to fully utilise the Town hall for a range of civic, cultural and community activities. A number of submitters indicated that they had significant difficulty following Council’s advertised approach to making a submission in that it was too complex for residents or others to be able to make simple but perhaps significant suggestions. The Panel felt that Council’s processes may have limited the number and range of ideas that could have been presented regarding the future use of the Town Hall and surrounding precinct. Moreover, the earlier emphasis on the Panel simply assessing submissions made, despite the limiting impacts of the submission process, was seen as inhibiting the Panel’s capacity to provide the best possible advice to Council. As a result the Panel proceeded to develop the principles articulated earlier in this Report to ensure that the widest range of options was considered.

13.1 Proposal Selection Criteria

Proposals were requested to enhance the use and profile of SMTH within this significant cultural and community precinct. Proposals were to be rated by the Site Assessment Panel according to the extent to which they met the criteria set by Council. Proposals were required to: 1. Contribute significantly to achievement of council’s policy and

strategic objectives, particularly the Community Hubs Policy, Long Term Accommodation Strategy, Urban History Centre Strategy and South Melbourne Central Structure Plan;

2. Ensure the key principles and functions of the councils’ community

hub requirements are met; 3. Complement and/or enhance the cultural and heritage value of the


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4. Demonstrate that the proposal contributes to community engagement and active citizenship;

5. Enhance the range of cultural experiences and opportunities

available to the community; 6. Only be for uses by not for profit incorporated tenants/users as the

predominant purpose; 7. Include retaining the two large community meeting and ‘breakout’

spaces in the western side at the front of SMTH, as per current hub concept plans;

8. Demonstrate that maximum *community benefit (*4 pillar

sustainability framework) is derived for the South Melbourne and St Kilda Road neighbourhoods and the whole City of Port Phillip community

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13.2 Submission Presentations

The Panel decided that it was both impractical and unnecessary to receive verbal submissions from all submitters, partly because some submissions were form letters and advocating the same position. As a result the Panel developed a set of criteria which it used to assess whether people and organisations making proposals would be invited to make verbal submissions. As a result four submissions, which where deemed as particularly significant against the selection criteria, were interviewed and asked to address the questions as noted in 10.2. These proposals were: 1. Port Phillip Citizens for Reconciliation (PPCFR), who sought meeting space in a

community hub in a reconfigured West Wing of the Town Hall, and also sought to have a permanent display in the main body of the Town Hall which commemorated and interpreted the indigenous heritage value of the site. PPCFR considers the relationship between the Indigenous community and newcomers very important for the future of the municipality. An increased Indigenous recognition and public presence at the hub would allow cross-fertilisation with other hub activities, visitors, service users and residents. PPCFR looks forward to building a strong link to the new local high school and other schools in the area. Best uses for SMTH – meeting place for community groups in line with the concept of a community, cultural, service and civic hub

2. Citizens Concerned for the Future use of the South Melbourne Town Hall, who

proposed that the community hub should be located in the west wing of the Town Hall and sought, in the longer term, to have the Urban History Centre and Library located in the main body of the Town Hall and that the Town Hall in general should be returned to community access and use. This group envisaged retention and expanded access to the SMTH would provide a range of opportunities; including that to display significant parts of the City of Port Phillip art collection; in the longer term to have the Urban History Centre and library located in the main body of the building; and allowing for commercial return and community benefit with the opportunity to let the Hall, the Ballantyne Room, the Chamber, the Town Clerk’s office and the Mayor’s dining room as attractive venues for a range of significant community events and social functions.

3. Port Phillip Community Group, whose priority was to make services for their clients as

accessible as possible, by reducing barriers whether real or perceived. Ideally, the space they use should be less formal and provide welcoming and non-bureaucratic opportunities to mingle with others in the community. They feel that 222-228 Bank Street currently provides an excellent level of comfort and informality, which would be a challenge to achieve in SMTH. Entrance and reception arrangements at whichever location would be critical in replicating a welcoming environment. PPCG recommended that the Town Hall be the location for cultural activities “providing space for all residents (particularly those with low incomes) for all arts and creative engagement”.

4. Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM), who sought additional space to

provide predominantly for solo and duet soundproofed practice rooms and an additional small recital space for the predicted expansion of their program and who indicated a

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willingness to renegotiate the existing lease on sections of the Town Hall currently occupied. While ANAM indicated a preference for use of the entire SMTH, they were willing (subject to feasibility) to consider that space being in the west wing of the SMTH or in 222-228 Bank St. They also indicated a commitment to a renewed and expanded engagement with the local community, including new programmatic initiatives and a free membership to local (postcode 3205) residents, which would enable access to ANAM programs. Increased access to the Hall itself could not be accommodated within their current programming schedule without rebuilding and expanding the stage, due to set up and dismantling time and costs. Expansion of the program makes it unlikely that there can be increased community access to the hall.

13.3 Analysis of Presentations

In reflecting on the submissions, the panel came to the following conclusions.

1. The desire by ANAM for an improved and extended relationship with the community was

genuine, but that actual opportunities for this are extremely limited.

2. That a continuation (or expansion) of ANAM’s lease on sections of the Town Hall would not lead to expanded access to the main hall for community groups and their planned expansion of programmes would most likely make access even more difficult.

3. That the indigenous heritage, as well as the local government heritage of the Town Hall, needed to be fully recognised and preserved.

4. That any plans to locate widely used community facilities and expanded community access to the buildings required detailed architectural, planning and financial study in order to determine their feasibility.

5. That the concerns raised by Port Phillip Community Group were of considerable importance and that any access for their clients to the new facility must treat them with dignity as well as separating them from the more clearly bureaucratic aspects of the City’s services. A further email was received from them, please refer to Appendix 3

6. ANAM did not receive additional funding in the Federal Budget. ANAM had indicated that they would not proceed with their proposal if this occurred. However, on May 28, after discussions with Council staff, they made a further application which was different to their original application. This revised submission, the Panel concluded, would result in further fragmented use of Council properties which would inhibit future re-development in line with a new vision for the Town Hall and may result in sub-optimal commercial outcomes as far as the 222-228 Bank Street property was concerned.

13.4 Assessment against Principles

In relation to the Principles identified by the Panel (listed above), the following assessment is made of the two key proponents:


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Whilst ANAM’s proposals were largely extensions to the existing arrangements, they did not rate well in relation to any of the enunciated Principles other than the financial component. However, the Panel was advised at its first meeting that its brief was to focus on social and cultural aspects so any financial assessment was somewhat constrained. Reliance was placed on the cost benefit study done for Council by Burns Bridge which showed an excellent financial outcome for the Panel’s proposed recommendation.

13.5 Assessment against Council’s 4 Pillars

Cultural Pillar The envisioned re-birth of the South Melbourne Town Hall as per the Community submission will see the built heritage preserved and protected as well as creating a living and breathing space to be shared by all comers for all sorts of activities, both civic and cultural. ANAM’s proposal locks up the Town Hall for the exclusive use of the Academy’s staff and students, with the exception of public access to their concert performances.

Social Pillar The Community submission’s longer-term proposal would provide even greater strengthening of the social bonds because of the wider range of uses, and therefore users of the Town Hall. This is contrasted with ANAM’s exclusivity.

Economic Pillar The Panel noted the report prepared by Burns Bridge for Council earlier this year in relation to the costs and benefits of what are now clearly the two alternate proposals, i.e. the expansion of ANAM or the location of the Community Hub in the west wing of the Town Hall. Although the internal rate of return on the ANAM option was higher than the Hub option, the Panel noted that the Hub option still gave an IRR of almost 12%, which is an extremely satisfying economic result from any project or proposal.

Environmental Pillar The Principles put forward by the Panel aim at significantly increasing the use of the Town Hall by the local community. This would reduce the need to travel elsewhere for activities of

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services and therefore lead to positive health and environmental outcomes for the local community and the city. Moreover, the proposal for imaginative re-development of the building for multiple community uses provides a further opportunity to create a benchmark for sustainable development of heritage buildings.


The Panel was provided with a brief summary of the results from the survey undertaken for Council in relation to the Hub, the Emerald Hill precinct and the South Melbourne Town Hall. From this summary of key findings, there was little to give cause to rethink the direction being taken and overall the Panel is of the view that the Survey didn’t add any particular value. This view was reinforced in late May when the Panel was provided with a further more comprehensive report from this Survey. There were no findings in this fuller report to change the Panel’s view on this matter.

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Site Assessment Panel Membership: Comprises 3 Councillors, 3 community members (selected against criteria from public nominations), 1 industry expert appointed by the CEO, and 1 senior staff member. NB. Membership revised to 5 community members March 2007 Timing: Panel convened during March 2007 to assess all the proposals for “best use” of two buildings in the South Melbourne Town Hall (SMTH) precinct including the location of council community hub services and activities. Panel will be dismissed on presentation of a final report to council, with recommendations for a site/s assessed against social and cultural criteria, within the specified time requirement Types of Proposals: can be submitted by individuals of organisations, but must propose uses by not for profit incorporated tenants and users as the predominant purpose. Proposals can also: Include concepts that consider the potential if either building (or parts of) to provide opportunities for commercial income generation, conditional on all hub functions being accommodated. Range from a concept only or a set of principles to a formal submission. Full consideration of all eligible proposals will be given, regardless of level of presentation and detail, but conditional on further information being provided if required. Eligibility criteria and assessment: The panel will assess proposals according to their social and cultural impact on the community, in the context of council’s four-pillar sustainability framework. The proposals must enhance the use and profile of SMTH with in this significant cultural and community precinct. Proposals will be rated according to the extent to which the criteria are met, ie proposals must:

Contribute significantly to achievement of councils policy and strategic objectives, particularly the Community Hubs Policy, Long Term Accommodation Strategy, Urban History Centre, and South Melbourne Central Structure Plan;

Ensure that the Key principles and functions of the council’s community hub requirements are met;

Complement and /or enhance the cultural and heritage value of the precinct Demonstrate that it contributes to community engagement and active citizenship Only be for use by not for profit incorporated tenants/ users as the predominant

purpose; Include retaining the two large community meeting and breakout spaces in the

western side at the front of SMTH as per the current hub concept plans Demonstrate that maximum community benefit (4 pillar sustainability

framework) is derived for the South Melbourne and St Kilda Road neighbourhoods and the whole City of Port Phillip community

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The panel is to also advise council on implications for any other council building in the precinct other than 222-228 Bank Street and SMTH, as a result of any proposals that suggests changes to current or proposed use of that building The panel will be fully briefed on all supplementary information, including economic and environmental information to assist their considerations. Council will consider the recommendations of the Site Assessment Panel, regarding the social and cultural implications, in the May 2007 meeting cycle. Report date deferred to July 2007.

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Name of Submitter/s Summary of Proposal / Ideas / Comments Port Phillip Citizen’s for Reconciliation – Clare Bradford (1)

who sought meeting space in a community hub in a reconfigured West Wing of the Town Hall, and also sought to have a permanent display in the main body of the Town Hall which commemorated and interpreted the indigenous heritage value of the site. PPCFR considers the relationship between the Indigenous community and newcomers very important for the future of the municipality. An increased Indigenous recognition and public presence at the hub would allow cross-fertilisation with other hub activities, visitors, service users and residents. PPCFR looks forward to building a strong link to the new local high school and other schools in the area. Best uses for SMTH – meeting place for community groups in line with the concept of a community, cultural, service and civic hub

Citizens Concerned about the Future of South Melbourne Town Hall – Adair Bunnett (2)

The community hub should be located in the west wing of the Town Hall. The Town Hall in general should be returned to community access and use. This group envisaged retention and expanded access to the SMTH would provide a range of opportunities; including that to display significant parts of the City of Port Phillip art collection; in the longer term to have the Urban History Centre and library located in the main body of the building; and allowing for commercial return and community benefit with the opportunity to let the Hall, the Ballantyne Room, the Chamber, the Town Clerk’s office and the Mayor’s dining room as attractive venues for a range of significant community events and social functions.

Port Phillip Community Group – Sandy Joffe (7)

Priority is to make services for their clients as accessible as possible, by reducing barriers whether real or perceived. Ideally, the space they use should be less formal and provide welcoming and non-bureaucratic opportunities to mingle with others in the community. They feel that 222-228 Bank Street currently provides an excellent level of comfort and informality, which would be a challenge to achieve in SMTH. Entrance and reception arrangements at whichever location would be critical in replicating a welcoming environment. PPCG recommended that the Town Hall be the location for cultural activities “providing space for all residents (particularly those with low incomes) for all arts and creative engagement”.

Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM) (3)

ANAM is seeking additional space to provide predominantly for solo and duet soundproofed practice rooms and an additional small recital space for the predicted expansion of their program. They indicated a willingness to renegotiate the existing lease on sections of the Town Hall currently occupied. While ANAM indicated a preference for use of the entire SMTH, they were willing (subject to feasibility) to consider that space being in the west wing of the SMTH or in 222-228 Bank St. They also indicated a commitment to a renewed and expanded engagement with the local community, including new programmatic initiatives and a free membership to local (postcode 3205) residents, which would enable access to ANAM programs. Increased access to the Hall itself could not be accommodated within their current programming schedule without rebuilding and expanding the stage, due to set up and dismantling time and costs. Expansion of the program makes it unlikely that there can be increased community access to the hall.

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Eva Colin (4) Terminate ANAMs occupancy and return the whole Town Hall to community use. Move all services into the Town Hall, including the library, proposed UHC, U3A, community groups, Arts & Festivals staff, etc. Use for lectures, practice rooms for music, drama, weddings, functions, concerts. Close off access road at the front of the Town Hall to develop a piazza type area. Rent out 222-228 Bank Street. Rent out the former post office and annex. Panel should consider cost to council of breaking the occupancy agreement. The financial bottom-line should not carry the most weight.

Elizabeth Grieb (5) South Melbourne Central Structure Plan provides the direction for SMTH to be the centre for community, cultural and civic activities. Encourage outdoor community activities within the precinct. The work of the Community Reference Panel to develop the hub plan for the west wing of SMTH should be followed.

Carolyn Hutchens (6) The extension of space in the Town hall by ANAM would not extend the range of cultural experiences and opportunities to the community. Community use of the auditorium has been denied on many occasions. Vision for SMTH and precinct includes Council reclaiming the use of the spaces on the eastern side of the building by moving ANAM to the western side of SMTH. Extra space could be rented by ANAM at 222 Bank Street. Possibly locate the UHC upstairs with other council services on the ground floor, eg ASSIST etc. Develop a plaza outside to encourage activity. This idea means that ANAM could achieve the space they need and the community could regain access to the important historical and beautiful aspects of SMTH.

Les RosenBlatt (8) Firmly supports the retention of ANAM at its current site as an irreplaceable community asset accessible to all. Community hub services could be located at 222 Bank Street. SMTH is not appropriate for the intensity and types of activities and meetings envisaged in the community hub concept. The interior does not invite the type of public space participation which more modern buildings would support.

Michael Sabada (9) Supports the continuation of council services and community hub as best use of west wing of SMTH in accordance with original council policies of 2003-2006 and the recommendations of the SMTH Community Reference Panel for the community hub. Proposal for the longer term, after the ANAM lease expires, would see SMTH usefully occupied by CoPP staff, UHC and expanded library and more community organisation office and meeting spaces to deal with increased population, which may be understated. There is no cultural, historical or civic reason 222-228 Bank Street building should be used by CoPP as opposed to SMTH. Commercial rental of this building is a sound approach. Does not support the concept of a plaza at the front of SMTH.

Emerald Hill Art Group - Jo Monie (14)

Is interested in gallery space being made available in a refurbished SMTH and precinct. Appreciates the use of SMTH for community space and as a building which should belong to the whole community.

Henry Ward (15) Certain basic facilities should be provided at South Melbourne for payments and enquiries. The internet is not accessible to everyone and public transport to St. Kilda is difficult. Arrangements should be made to the Town Hall or appropriate parts of it, for cultural groups, including concerts. Decisions should not adversely impact on community activities and the proposed community hub.

Robert Grogan (10) The process is short-sighted and reactive for what may be a long term problem. Important for Council not to enter into any long term leases that

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may be as equally constricting as the current arrangement. There is a need for a local focus (“hub”) for South Melbourne as there is for St. Kilda and Port Melbourne. Society is becoming more fragmented and the loss of the Town Hall has not helped. Suggests that the process be re-evaluated; reassess legality of the contract with ANAM and if valid then redevelop the west wing as the community hub, but if open to re-interpretation then emphasis should be on developing the Town Hall / Post Office precinct with the main auditorium available for community use, spaces made available for historical displays, spaces for local groups and organisations with meeting rooms and hot desks and Port Phillip services.

Barbara Spalding (11) No extension of space in the Town Hall should be made available to ANAM. Ensure that the maintenance and service charges are adjusted so that council is not subsidising their use any more than necessary. Negotiate with ANAM to ensure access to appropriate sections of the building for civic, community and cultural purposes. Retain the western portion of the town hall for council services such as Assist and planning and other human services such as maternal & child health, welfare, home and community care etc. whether provided by Council or other organisations. 222-228 Bank Street is suitable for commercial purposes. Local organisations need space in the town hall for classes, meetings, performances, and interview rooms and office space. The precinct should be the focus of more extensive input, but the western side of the town hall must be developed as a centre for a hub as initially proposed.

Name withheld (12) It was the founding fathers intention when the land was purchased to build SMTH to secure it in perpetuity for the people of South Melbourne. It should be opened up for functions, library, maternal & child health, social welfare, council information and bill paying services, etc. not locked up to serve elitism, ANAM an alien outfit with little connection to the community.

South Port Parks Inter-Church Council (13)

The continuation of council services and the provision of a community hub as the best use of the west wing of SMTH, in accordance with original council policy and the recommendation of SMTH Community Reference Panel is supported. No more space in SMTH should be given away. The Inter Church council constantly sees social disconnection and believes that SMTH is important for service delivery of and for community use.

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Campaign Form Letters presented to council for assessment

EXTRACT FROM FORM LETTER PRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED BY SMTH CAMPAIGN Sunday 3 March 2007 We support the continuation of council services and the provision of a community hub (community services and meeting spaces), as the best use of the west wing of the South Melbourne Town Hall, in accordance with the original Council policy and the recommendation of the South Melbourne Town Hall Community Reference Panel. The council should maintain the policy as stated in 2004: “The City of Port Phillip is proceeding with plans to re-develop the interior of the western wing of the South Melbourne Town Hall as a key community, civic and cultural hub within the Emerald Hill precinct ....”

* Please note that there may be minor errors of interpretation due to hand written comments*


NAME SURNAME Summary Comment

19 Peter & Sheryl

Allaway In particular we are opposed the wholesale abandonment of the precinct to the ANAM

20 Diana Allen As Principal of Jazz Australia I have approached ANAM in the past to see if I could present the occasional jazz concert at the town hall and have been told it is unavailable. It is a great shame for the community. I hope it will change in the future.

22 Evan Apiti-Civoic Who does the maintenance, because it sucks, big time. Especially the floor 16 David Barmby The South Melbourne Town Hall is a first rate acoustic area for performances by the Australian National

Academy of Music. ANAM serves the community by currently providing over 100 concerts and events per annum. The community must see this national cultural treasure as something we all can be proud of housed in the midst of South Melbourne, and able to provide the council with income for its occupancy.

23 Ardyn Batiste I demand that the South Melbourne town hall (in total) be given back to the residents of the city of South Melbourne

24 Maureen Bennion Who does the maintenance, because its bad. Especially the floor 27 Jo Bond A community hub is essential to maintain the areas urban and community spirit, which makes South

Melbourne such a special place to live and/or work.

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28 Lionel Boxer I also support the use of the Melbourne Town Hall by community groups other than someone who leases the space - this provision needs to be written into lease contracts. It is a public space. I especially support use of the Melbourne Town Hall the Royal Australian Signals Association on ANZAC Day for their annual lunch following the ANZAC Day march. About 25 years ago 108 Signals Squadron was awarded Freedom of Entry of the City of South Melbourne - we people who have the freedom to live our lives as we choose have an obligation to ensure that the Royal Australian Signals Association retain the right to use the hall. It is a disgrace that they had one year been denied use of the space.

29 Jan Boyd I grew up in South Melbourne and moved when I married, I am 64yo. I returned a year ago and was appalled to see the library where the post office used to be. The town hall is magnificent, please don’t abandon it. Some things should be left alone.

30 Barbara Boyd Anderson

It's outrageous that a civic building of such architectural significance should be traded in and rented out to any other body(ies) i.e. Melbourne Uni. Rather than being a community hub for local needs. We should protect our heritage, not junk it for a few pieces of silver. We need to keep South Melbourne alive. It is far too early to be deleting our history. We need to continue to help it grow. Protect this valuable building. It can never be replaced.

32 Susie Callighan I think it would be extremely beneficial to the future of this project is that we have more input from the local retailers with vigorous commercial ideas.

33 Elizabeth Carvosso A functioning hub is important but so is ANAM. The visiting lecturers are world famous and the presence of the academy does contribute to our area. Whenever I read the hub documents my eyes glaze over, "Town Hall Speak" has proliferated. It is not the ANAMs fault they were given such a lease. It should be possible for us to live together but I would like some concrete proposals for the hub.

34 Barbara E

Clinton It is essential in engendering a sense of community within localities that there is sufficient areas for community gathering places to provide a space and a voice for the various people and groups that make up our community.

37 S. M. Coppen This service must be maintained. Why should I have to trace to St Kilda. Common sense should prevail.

38 Colin & Geraldine

Crawford We strongly endorse the recommendation and the Community Hubs policy. We expect our councillors and council to represent the interests of their rate payers. This is not an anti ANAM stance. The heritage of the physical centre of CoPP i.e. Our Town Hall, must be retained and not sold off.

39 W. H. Crellin I can not possibly understand how Council agreed to the Peppercorn rental arrangement in the first place, but am very definitely against its continuation indefinitely into the future extended to cover the entire building.

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40 Patsy Crotty There are many local initiative which must be allowed to continue, for their immediate local impact as well as their broader relevance. I refer specifically to those who need allocated space as part of the services to be housed in the western wing/new hub

42 Mitch Dowd A small but important point is would the clock tower still 'Toll' on the hour if the town hall was completely lost to the Academy? I got to this meeting cause the tolling bell reminded me

43 Marie Dowling My objection to ANAM being granted wets wing, with or without rent, is not tied to the "Hub Plan." Should wait out the 10 years of existing contract and council proceed to develop plans for the staged restoration of South Melbourne Town Hall and municipal use of the town hall, library, information, hire of the auditorium and other areas on council controlled basis. U3A, senior citizens and youth programs etc.

44 Charles Duncan I say we should to all that is possible to retain the community use of the whole town hall and its facilities. If this takes 10 years then lets be patient. If it takes money let us raise it.

49 Paul Evans Also look at closing off street at Clarendon Street and make a real hub-public square without traffic. South Melbourne needs a central hub.

56 Michele Green I believe that the ANAMs proposal is disrespectful of South Melbourne/Port Melbourne/Albert Park citizens. The CoPP should be acting on our behalf.

60 L & S Harrison It seems to me that the only attention the citizens of South Melbourne/Albert Park/Middle Park get is for their perceived deep pockets and as a cash cow for St Kilda. Enough is enough, give us back our town hall. Port Melbourne still have their town hall and so does St Kilda. Time to treat all citizens equally regardless of where they live. All we want is access to our own town hall. I am appalled at the state of the floor in the main hall. It seems that our council has been a responsible landlord and possibly the ANAM is in breach of the lease by not looking after the building.

66 Julie Johnson I have lodged a joint proposal already, but neglected to mention an important aspect of any future arrangements with the town hall site. I support the use of the whole west side of the South Melbourne town hall as the proposed community hub for community services, etc. not just downstairs, in accordance with the current policies in place and South Melbourne Town Hall Community Reference Panel findings. 228 Bank St. is totally inappropriate. I have serious concerns about the following economic and legal matters. There are two separate legal documents in place currently. A Memorandum of Understanding & a lease agreement. In the current MOU (2 signatories - the Vic Govt. & the Federal Govt.) the guarantor for accommodation is the Vic. Govt. with the Federal Govt. being responsible for Academy's running costs.

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66 cont. If the current lease agreement is cancelled (10 yrs remaining, between Vic Govt.-ANAM-Melb. Uni & CoPP), the guarantor for accommodation would cease to be the Vic Govt. (because of expected new funding to the Academy from the Federal Govt.), I believe this could well make the current MOU non applicable. I have fears for the future protection of this beautiful historic building. This MOU has a vital clause in it which provides for the reinstatement of our town hall at the end of the 21 yr occupancy by the Academy (in 10 yrs.) to be shared equally by the Federal & State Govt. at the time of handover. This clause was fought for by the residents for a year and was finally put into this document by the Federal Minister for the Arts, after much haggling and debate (a new lease would allow the Vic. Govt to walk away from this agreement). A similar clause in the agreement was removed by council commissioners - in camera - the night the lease agreement was put through council. I believe such reinstatement of the town hall, as guaranteed in the MOU currently would be worth millions of $ to this city, particularly because of all the large rooms cut up into practice rooms which would have to be restored at time of handback. I believe this has serious financial implications and fiduciary responsibility to anyone making a decision on this matter and should be treated with the greatest of care. There appears to be some confusion about the 2 documents - and lack of understanding the legal and economic ramifications of what loss of one could be to the other. I sincerely request that the Assessment Panel protect the owners of our town hall (The Community) and keep our building for our residents to be used as it was intended - the civic and community centre of South Melbourne, the fastest growing area within Port Phillip.

67 Kevin Johnson If the academy wish to have more space let them put in a proposal for 222 Bank Street, paying market rental, under no circumstances should they be allowed any more space in our town hall.

70 Phillip Kemp I give my strongest support to the Community Hubs policy and I would be deeply disappointed if the council turned its back on the people of South Melbourne

71 Kathy Lacey I do not support ANAM taking occupancy of the west wing of the town hall. I believe that every effort should be made to obtain true rental or evict. If not possible legally then do not renew the lease at its conclusion.

72 V G Larter As a 93yo we must keep our heritage for the use of all and be proud of such a beautiful building and manage it in our own council, not in St Kilda

73 Janet & Ken

Latchford The council is constantly referring to the need to build communities. The retention of the South Melbourne Town Hall is an important part of our community and it is critical that it is for our use. Also it allows access to Council. Should we not have this facility Council will become even more remote from the communities of South Melbourne, Albert Park and Middle Park.

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75 Patricia Lendrum I sincerely believe that the whole of the town hall should be returned to the community, with ANAM being able to hire the hall itself for special events just like other community organisations or others who offer an event that is of social and/or cultural benefit to the community and that the hall should be professionally promoted to achieve this.

76 Joseph Lo Bianco Strongly agree with the civic basis of this argument. 82 Marlene McKay Seems to me if ANAM isn't paying rent even though they have a lease they are subject to the same rules as

every one else. Take them to VCAT for non payment and evict them. Council is allowing themselves to be blackmailed and should be ashamed of themselves.

84 Phyl McMullen Keep up the good work, thank you for the moral boost, we are part of a great whole. 87 P Morgan I strongly support the musicians and request the CoPP to do whatever is reasonable and not against the

citizens interests to support musicians. Have had enough of ANAM and demand that CoPP separate from them at the end of their lease and to have the town hall returned to its original condition for us all.

89 Robyn Neill It is not right that the music people should have our town hall. Its for the people of South Melbourne. We want it for our community and our citizens to come to.

90 Judith Nicholl The service should remain at the town hall. The town hall represents the community and should at least go on providing the current services. It would be a lose of identity for the South Melbourne people.

95 Joan Otton If Emerald Hill is the heart and soul of South Melbourne community why then are we being robbed of cultural identity and of the services (rates, pet registration etc) whilst still being the cultural/community hub. Why is St Kilda benefiting from what South Melbourne built up within the area. What happens to the elderly, infirmed or just ordinary people who don't want to travel to St Kilda??

97 J M Pitt Stick to your policies and don’t arbitrarily start new processes when convenient and not in your constituents interests.

103 Anne Richards Keep the promise made in the Hubs policy 108 George Seggie Take ANAM to VCAT for non payment of rent and make them pay back rent. 110 Georgina Simmonds I was amazed that the ANAM only has 45 students. They might be very valuable to Australia and the world

and even locally but they are very greedy and no way will they let anyone use the space, even the council.

112 Veronica Sive When one chooses an area to live in – it is not simply because one finds the right place – but the environment and services. It seems such that the “special” heart of South Melbourne is the community – don’t take it away. We live in a world where the community always comes second, let make South Melbourne a leader in creating an world where the community and residents come first.

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113 Yvonne Smith There needs to be a guarantee that the local organisations which currently use the town hall can continue to do so. An example is the South Melbourne Symphony Orchestra which has been using the town hall since 1946 involving many later famous musicians. Keeping community music alive. This is a significant connection and should be supported and retained as one of the community orchestras in Melbourne.

115 Paul St John I support the retention of the available area of the hall as a municipal resource. Detail of the community hub can be worked out, but that would be irrelevant if any proposal to lease it to ANAM was accepted. No further part of the hall should be leased. The part already leased should be returned to the community on expiry.

117 Janet Still It seems that the link between the council and the students and management of the academy needs to be addressed by honest discussion to solve this situation with students of South Melbourne who would welcome involvement with the achievements of the academy in the hope that it becomes a vital addition to our community

118 Glenys Stradijot It is disappointing to see Port Phillip, without good cause, disregard the community consultation it established.

120 J Summers No. Do not want it. 122 Theophil

& Rosaline

Surbeck We are writing to say that we are in full agreement with the Council's original policy to use the West Wing of the South Melbourne Town Hall for a much needed Community Hub and for the continuation of the of Council's Community Services and having meeting rooms there. We agree with the South Melbourne Town Hall Community Reference Panel that OUR Town Hall should be used for the local residents. Enough space has already been made available for ( a set time to) the Music Academy and if they wish for more space then let them alter rooms to suit their needs over at 222 Bank Street and pay ratepayers market rental for the use of that property. On no account should the Academy be permitted to use the West Wing and further damage the Town Hall with alterations. We need our Town Hall. Please don't give it away!

127 Kerry Tinsley I support retaining western hub for community use 129 Kon Vlahos We have enjoyed the services the town hall has offered for 40 years. We want the South Melbourne town hall

to stay with thee community. 130 N Westgarth Councillors are not gods, an administrator is the answer.