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South East Wilton Finalisation April 2018 2018

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Page 1: South East Wilton - Department of Planning and Environment … · South East Wilton, providing more choice when it comes to owning a home. South East Wilton could accommodate around

South East Wilton Finalisation

April 2018


Page 2: South East Wilton - Department of Planning and Environment … · South East Wilton, providing more choice when it comes to owning a home. South East Wilton could accommodate around

A thriving new community in South East WiltonFollowing extensive consultation with the community and key stakeholders, South East Wilton will be the first new precinct to be developed in the Wilton Growth Area since Bingara Gorge.

The South East Wilton precinct will cater for a new village centre and four new sport fields adjacent to the potential new school. A new bus route and walking and cycling paths will be created to better connect community areas to open spaces while respecting the natural heritage of the area.

Why are we rezoning South East Wilton?

The rezoning of South East Wilton provides certainty in providing new jobs and housing for the Wilton Growth Area and South West Sydney. The rezoning will build a new community around the proposed village centre, allowing for the creation of new homes and local jobs in the adjoining town centre and the proposed employment area along Picton Road.

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Page 3: South East Wilton - Department of Planning and Environment … · South East Wilton, providing more choice when it comes to owning a home. South East Wilton could accommodate around


Planning &Environment

Changes to the exhibited structure planUpdated structure plan

1. Sports grounds

Two double sports grounds will be provided adjacent to the proposed school site, creating an active open space hub.

2. Parks A network of local parks will be provided throughout the precinct.

3. Conservation corridor A corridor for the management and

conservation of the local koala population and native vegetation has been established on the eastern side of the precinct.

4. Urban area A small change to the urban area in south

east corner of the precinct is proposed to balance the area used in the creation of the koala corridor.

5. Perimeter road An additional perimeter road is located

along the north-western edge of the precinct.

6. Water basin An additional water detention basin and several rain gardens are included.

7. School site An adjustment made to the potential

school site size to two hectares, co-located with sportsgrounds.

Page 4: South East Wilton - Department of Planning and Environment … · South East Wilton, providing more choice when it comes to owning a home. South East Wilton could accommodate around

Community Benefits What does the rezoning mean for landowners?New community facilities

A village centre will include local shops, services and community facilities. A proposed school site adjacent to the village centre is co-located with a double sports ground.

164 hectares of the South East Wilton precinct will be zoned for environmental conservation, including land for a koala corridor. The precinct will contain 23.1 hectares of open space (8.7 hectares of active open space and 14.4 hectares of passive open space). Other local parks and sportsgrounds will be located throughout the Wilton Growth Area.

Provide local and regional Infrastructure The Interim Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan (ILUIIP) identifies new and upgraded regional and State infrastructure, such as major roads and land for education and health, to support development of the Wilton Growth Area.

Funding for State and regional infrastructure in South East Wilton has been assured through a legal planning agreement between the Minister for Planning and the proponent. The proponent has also agreed to meet any additional costs identified in the Special Infrastructure Contribution (SIC).

Wollondilly Shire Council is preparing a Contributions Plan for developer contributions for local infrastructure (roads, drainage, open space and community facilities) required to service development in the Wilton Growth Area.

Greater choice of homesA range of housing options are planned for South East Wilton, providing more choice when it comes to owning a home. South East Wilton could accommodate around 3,600 new homes. Planning for this precinct has balanced this number of new homes with the infrastructure and services required, ensuring that the needs of future residents are met.

Protecting the environment and koala habitatThe precinct plan considers the local landscape including views, creeks and flora and fauna. A significant area of the precinct has been set aside for environmental conservation.

A number of protective measures are proposed by the proponent to minimise impacts on koalas, a critically endangered species listed under both State and Commonwealth environmental legislation. The environmental conservation area adjacent to the western side of the Allens Creek corridor is being widened to provide a protected area for koala movements.

How did we consult?The draft plans for Wilton South East were exhibited from 5 August to 20 September 2017. We would like to thank everyone for their feedback on the draft plans and for attending our drop-in sessions. A total of 24 submissions were received, including 15 from the public and 9 from government agencies which are available at

The key issues brought up in the public submissions included concerns about building density and height, the need for an upgraded railway network and the road network, in particular the interchange of major connecting roads. Other key issues mentioned were the provision of schools as well as the protection of the natural environment of Wilton.

The major part of South East Wilton precinct (owned by the proponent) has now been rezoned. This means that new planning controls will enable a range of uses for the land such as housing, employment and recreation which is consistent with the precinct plan. Existing rural use will continue until the land is developed.

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Next stepsThe proponent will prepare more detailed plans

which will be submitted to Council for development

approval. Construction of new dwellings in the

South East Wilton precinct will occur

from 2020 onwards.

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