south carolina long ago

Created by Melissa Sutton Third Grade 2010-2011 SOUTH CAROLINA LONG AGO

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Social Studies Unit Two


Page 1: South carolina long ago

Created by Melissa SuttonThird Grade2010-2011


Page 2: South carolina long ago

Chapter Three


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Lesson 1:The Cherokee• Cherokee Way of Life:• The Cherokee settled in mountain areas.• They built towns along rivers that had 30 to 60 homes.• The rivers were important for fishing and allowed the people

to travel.• Besides fishing, the men hunted bear, deer, and turkey for

food. Deerskins were also used to make clothing.• Women gathered nuts and also farmed the land; they planted

maize, or corn, beans, squash, and melons.• They traded clothing, food, and art with other groups who

lived along the rivers.• They used fire in many ways: to bake bread, roast meat, make

clay pottery, clear fields for farming, and to soften wood so they could hollow it out to build canoes.

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Lesson 1:The Cherokee• Cherokee Government:• GOVERNMENT is a system of making laws and decisions for a

group of people.• COUNCIL is a group of people chosen to make laws and other

decisions for a community.• The Council House was the center of government for each

village. The Cherokee had chiefs but the village council was more powerful. Each person was able to share his/her ideas about important decisions and the council would discuss and come to an agreement about what to do.• Women attended council meetings and helped to decide

whether to go to war or remain at peace.

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Lesson 2:The Catawba• The Catawba were the largest group to settle in the eastern part of South Carolina. This group lived in the Piedmont.• The Catawba met their needs by fishing in nearby rivers; they were also hunters. The men would set fires in small areas to capture and kill animals.• Each year the Catawba held a harvest festival. They would farm corn, beans, and squash.• They made pottery, bowls, baskets, and mats then traded them with other people. • The Catawba built a council house for meetings.• Each village had a chief who led the council.

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Intermediate Directions• An intermediate direction is a direction that is in

between two cardinal directions.• CARDINAL DIRECTIONS:• North, South, East, and West

• INTERMEDIATE DIRECTIONS:• Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest


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Lesson 3:People of the Coast• Coastal Native Americans:• The Yemassee, Sewee, Edisto, and Waccamaw were some of the

groups who lived in the Low County. MIDDEN MOUNDS, or ancient trash heaps have been found in the Low Country.• These groups ate shellfish that they caught in coastal waters. • In the warm weather, they lived in homes near the beach. During cold

weather, they moved inland once the crops were harvested.

• Yemassee Way of Life:• The Yemassee traveled north and settled in the Low Country from the

coastal areas of Florida and Georgia after the Spanish tried force some of them to become laborers, or workers, in the West Indies.• They built their towns near waterways because rivers provided food as

well as water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. These waterways were like our highways today.• The Yemassee culture consisted of hunting, fishing, farming, and

gathering food to meet their needs.

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Chapter Four


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Lesson 1:European Explorers• An EXPLORER is a traveler who searches for new

places.• Spanish, French, and English explorers gained land and riches “for king and country”.• Most explorers came to South Carolina from islands in the Caribbean Sea.• Christopher Columbus: Spain, tried to find an easier way to Asia• Giovanni de Verrazano: France, Grand Strand• Hernando de Soto: Spain, Marched across Florida and Georgia in search of gold •William Hilton: Barbados to Port Royal

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Lesson 2:Early Settlements• Failing of San Miguel de

Gualdape and Port Royal• King of England gave land to

men called Lords Proprietors. A PROPRIETOR is a person who owns land. They could build towns and ports.• A COLONY is a settlement of

people in a new land who remain loyal to their home country.

• Proprietors offered land, religious freedom, and voting rights to people to settle in their colonies.• Charles Town was the first

successful settlement in South Carolina; it was moved in 1680.• The Yemassee War and the

Cherokee War• Native American groups taught

the new colonists many things:• How to hunt and fish

• What crops grew well in the soil

• Served as guides

• Traded deerskins were main export

• INDIGO is a plant grown, harvested, and processed to make a deep blue dye.

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Use a Time Line• A TIME LINE shows when events took place.• DECADE – a period of ten years• CENTURY – a period of one hundred years

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Lesson 3:Slavery in South Carolina• SLAVERY is the practice of owning people as property and forcing them to work; it came from the West Indies.• PLANTATION, or large farm, owners used slaves to farm their CASH CROPS, or crops grown to be sold.• Slave Work Day – 14 to 15 hours a day, 6 days a week• Slave ships were crowded and unhealthy; many slaves died.• During the first slave REBELLION, or revolt, a group of recently enslaved Africans planned to destroy a plantation and escape to Florida, but they were stopped.• Slaves came from many different parts of Africa so they developed their own language called Gullah; they also sang songs that contained messages for each other.• Gullah tales: