south aiken presbyterian church the worship of god fifth · jared...

2 South Aiken Presbyterian Church The Worship of God Fifth Sunday after Epiphany February 8, 2015 8:45 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Gathering Prelude Prelude No. 20 Chopin, Arr: Brubaker King’s Strings, Directed by David Culp Chiming of the Hour (11:00) Welcome & Announcements Reverend Judy Bowling Signing of the Friendship Register Choral Introit Here in This Place Marty Haugen Preparation for the Word *Call to Worship (Responsive) One: Have you not known? Have you not heard? All: Jesus heals the sick and helps the poor. One: Have you not known? Have you not heard? All: The one we have searched for is here. One: Let us worship God. *Prayer of the Day (Unison) Holy One, source of all healing and hope, see how everyone is searching for you. Come, take us by the hand and lift us up so that we may serve you in freedom and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen. *Hymn #187 Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us *Prayer of Confession (Responsive) God our Creator, we confess that we are broken, sinful creatures. We trust in our own power when you promise to be our strength. We exploit the poor and weak when you promise them salvation. Forgive us, God of grace. Teach us to rely on you alone and to give ourselves freely to others for the sake of your good news; through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Time for Silent Confession) One: Relying on the grace of God, the people said, All: “Amen.” *Assurance of Pardon *The Gloria Patri Hymnal Page 581 Passing of the Peace (11:00) (Responsive) One: Since Christ has extended to us the peace of God, let us, as his disciples, spread his peace to others. The peace of Christ be with you. All: And also with you. One: Let us exchange signs of Christ’s peace with one another. Children’s Moment (11:00) Myra Toomajian

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Page 1: South Aiken Presbyterian Church The Worship of God Fifth · Jared Cameron - Bill Ice’s son-in-Law Nisie Frye - Dr. John Frye’s wife Joe Summers,


South Aiken Presbyterian Church

The Worship of God

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany February 8, 2015 8:45 A.M. & 11:00 A.M.


Prelude Prelude No. 20 Chopin, Arr: Brubaker

King’s Strings, Directed by David Culp

Chiming of the Hour (11:00)

Welcome & Announcements Reverend Judy Bowling

Signing of the Friendship Register

Choral Introit Here in This Place Marty Haugen

Preparation for the Word

*Call to Worship (Responsive)

One: Have you not known? Have you not heard?

All: Jesus heals the sick and helps the poor.

One: Have you not known? Have you not heard?

All: The one we have searched for is here.

One: Let us worship God.

*Prayer of the Day (Unison)

Holy One, source of all healing and hope, see how everyone is searching for you. Come, take us by the hand and

lift us up so that we may serve you in freedom and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

*Hymn #187 Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us

*Prayer of Confession (Responsive)

God our Creator, we confess that we are broken, sinful creatures. We trust in our own power when you promise

to be our strength. We exploit the poor and weak when you promise them salvation. Forgive us, God of grace.

Teach us to rely on you alone and to give ourselves freely to others for the sake of your good news; through Jesus

Christ our Lord.

(Time for Silent Confession)

One: Relying on the grace of God, the people said,

All: “Amen.”

*Assurance of Pardon

*The Gloria Patri Hymnal Page 581

Passing of the Peace (11:00) (Responsive)

One: Since Christ has extended to us the peace of God, let us, as his disciples, spread his peace to others.

The peace of Christ be with you.

All: And also with you.

One: Let us exchange signs of Christ’s peace with one another.

Children’s Moment (11:00) Myra Toomajian

Page 2: South Aiken Presbyterian Church The Worship of God Fifth · Jared Cameron - Bill Ice’s son-in-Law Nisie Frye - Dr. John Frye’s wife Joe Summers,


Scout Litany and Prayer for Scouts (11:00) Pages 4 & 5

Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal Page 35

...forgive us our debts

as we forgive our debtors...

Prayer Response Open My Eyes, That I May See Clara H. Scott

The Word of God

Prayer for Illumination

Gospel Reading Mark 1:29-39 Pew Bible Page 35

One: The Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

Anthem Beautiful Savior Arr: Tom Fettke

Hebrew Scriptures Isaiah 40:21-31 Pew Bible Page 668

One: The Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

Sermon “A Reply to Doubt”

The Reverend Doctor Christopher Crotwell

Our Response to God’s Word

*Hymn #177 I Will Come to You

*Affirmation of Faith, “The Apostles’ Creed” (Traditional) Hymnal Page 35

Offering of Tithes and Gifts

Offertory Ein’ Feste Berg M. Luther, Arr: Culp

*Doxology Hymnal Page 606

*Prayer of Dedication


*Hymn #300 We Are One in the Spirit


*Congregational Response May the Love of the Lord (Hymnal Page 549) Swee Hong Lim

May the love of the Lord rest upon your soul. May God’s love dwell in you,

through-out every day. May God’s countenance shine upon you and be

gracious to you. May God’s Spirit be upon you as you leave this place.

*Postlude Little Fugue Handel, Arr: Siennicki

*Those who are able may stand

Large Print Hymnals and Sound Amplification Devices are available in the Narthex.

If needed, please ask an Usher for assistance.

Page 3: South Aiken Presbyterian Church The Worship of God Fifth · Jared Cameron - Bill Ice’s son-in-Law Nisie Frye - Dr. John Frye’s wife Joe Summers,


The Scout Law says that a "Scout is Reverent." Scouts of all ages promise to do their "Duty to God". These values

strengthen youth character in their family, community and faith. The Scout Law is a guiding light to millions of boys

and young adults throughout the world today, but the principles of the law have been brought to us from ancient days.

You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. (Exodus 20:16)


A Scout is trustworthy.

Leader: Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will

also be dishonest with much. (Luke 16:10)

Scouts: A Scout is loyal.

Leader: Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself.

(Leviticus 19:18)

There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow

Israelites who are poor and needy in your land. (Deuteronomy 15:11)

Scouts: A Scout is helpful.

Leader: Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. (Romans 12:10)

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! (Psalm 133)

Scouts: A Scout is friendly.

Leader: Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according

to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (Ephesians 4:29)

Scouts: A Scout is courteous.


The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel. (Proverbs 12:10)

The Scout Law


Page 4: South Aiken Presbyterian Church The Worship of God Fifth · Jared Cameron - Bill Ice’s son-in-Law Nisie Frye - Dr. John Frye’s wife Joe Summers,

Scouts: A Scout is kind.

Leader: Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first

commandment with a promise— so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.

(Ephesians 6:1-3)

Scouts: A Scout is obedient.

Leader: A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit. The discerning heart seeks knowledge,

but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly. All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a

continual feast (Proverbs 15:13-15)

Scouts: A Scout is cheerful.

Leader: Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores

its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. (Proverbs 6:6-8)

Scouts: A Scout is thrifty.

Leader: Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you;

he will never leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Scouts: A Scout is brave.

Leader: Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands

and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god. (Psalm 24:3-4)


A Scout is clean.

Leader: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.

(Mark 12:30)

Scouts: A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties and respects the convictions of others in matters

of custom and religion.


Page 5: South Aiken Presbyterian Church The Worship of God Fifth · Jared Cameron - Bill Ice’s son-in-Law Nisie Frye - Dr. John Frye’s wife Joe Summers,

Current Prayer Concerns

(After one month names will be rotated to “Continuing Prayer Concerns” list that will be in our AIMS Newsletter.)

Those serving in the military:

Dustin Baker - grandson of Jim & Shirley Shaw

Daniel Bartlett - grandson of Ron & Sandy Bartlett

Kris Cloud - son of Ed & Robin Coward

Ian Fields - husband of Tracy Kelly-Fields

Charles Hogan, II - son of Judi Hogan

Heather M. Kostov - niece of Caroline & Greg Teese

Kyle Luksovsky - nephew of Caroline & Greg Teese

Ben McCullough - son of Lisa McCullough

Katie Taylor McCullough - wife of Ben McCullough

& daughter-in-law of Lisa McCullough

Will McGarry - grandson of Felder & Dot McLaurin

Brett Noffsinger - son of Dave Noffsinger

Andrew Radford - son of Chuck & Pat Radford &

brother of Chris Radford

Chris Radford - son of Chuck & Pat Radford &

brother of Andrew Radford

Spencer Riffenburgh -

grandson of Tom & Lois Woodman

Louis Wilson - son-in-law of Brenda Martin Morgan

Do You Want To Be A Prayer Partner?

Prayer is a powerful force for those in need of healing, comfort, strength, and encouragement. It can also be a

blessing for the ones offering the prayer. The good thing about being an email Prayer Partner is that you can pray

for those in need at anytime and from any place you may be when you receive the request. This prayer ministry is a

part of our church’s Congregational Care Committee who are responsible for caring for the needs of our Church

Family and/or others as requested. At the present time there are 200 email and phone Prayer Partners involved. If

you want to become a Prayer Partner, or for more information, please call Mary Ann Laurey (648.9574 ext 100) or

email [email protected] or Emily Lockard (649.0473) or email [email protected].

Please contact the church office - 648.9574 ext 100 - if you wish to add a prayer concern or remove a name from

the list. Thank you.


Members and Those with Family Concerns

& Friends in Need of Prayer

Tim Meehan - Cheryl & Archie MacCrum’s son

Timothy Tyler -

Cheryl & Archie MacCrum’s grandson

Nancy Mayer - Judi Royalty’s cousin

Jared Cameron - Bill Ice’s son-in-Law

Nisie Frye - Dr. John Frye’s wife

Joe Summers, January 28, 2015

Ted Nichols’ Grandfather

Marianne Harden, February 1, 2015

Ron Hajec, February 2, 2015

Sherry Hajec’s Brother-in-Law

“I Am The Resurrection and The Life”

Page 6: South Aiken Presbyterian Church The Worship of God Fifth · Jared Cameron - Bill Ice’s son-in-Law Nisie Frye - Dr. John Frye’s wife Joe Summers,

Sunday, February 8 8:45a - Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:45a - Sunday School (Campus) 11:00a - Worship Service (Sanctuary) 12:00p - Annual Congregational Meeting (Sanctuary) 12:00p - Scout Spaghetti Luncheon (Gym) 5:00p - Children’s Ministry (FH) 5:00p - Confirmation Class (F209) 6:00p - Youth Ministry (Gym/HS Room) Monday, February 9 12:00p - Bible Friends (Gym/Playground) 5:00p - Basketball Practice (Gym) 6:00p - Women’s Bible Study (Library/Nursery) 8:00p - Aiken Storm Baseball (HS Room) Tuesday, February 10 10:00a - Staff Meeting (PCR) 10:00a - Kindergarten Music Class (FH) 12:00p - Bible Friends (Gym/Playground) 2:00p - YAH Senior’s Planning Committee (Library) 5:00p - Basketball Practice (Gym) 5:30p - MOPS (FH/Nursery) 6:00p - Girl Scouts (F207/F209/F212) 6:00p - Witness & Service Committee (HS Room) 7:00p - Boy Scouts (F205) 7:00p - M’Aiken Music Rehearsal (Choir Room) Wednesday, February 11 12:00p - Bible Friends (Gym/Playground) 5:30p - Worship Committee (PCR) 7:00p - Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room) 8:00p - Aiken Storm Baseball (Gym) Thursday, February 12 8:50a - Kindergarten Chapel (Sanctuary) 9:30a - PW Knitters (Library) 12:00p - Bible Friends (Gym/Playground) 1:30p - Karate (FH) 4:45p - Basketball Practice (KW) (Gym) 6:00p - Basketball Practice (Gym) 6:15p - Sunday Morning Committee (Library) 6:30p - Cub Scouts (F203/F205/F207/F209/F212)


Friday, February 13 12:00p - Bible Friends (Gym/Playground) 4:45p - YAH Seniors (Bus) 6:00p - First Friday (Gym/Nursery) Saturday, February 14 9:30a - Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting (First Presbyterian - Laurens) Sunday, February 15 8:45a - Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:45a - Sunday School (Campus) 11:00a - Worship Service (Sanctuary) 11:15a - Worship Preparation Class (Library)

The Church Office will be closed

Monday, February 16, 2015

in observance of

President’s Day!

Page 7: South Aiken Presbyterian Church The Worship of God Fifth · Jared Cameron - Bill Ice’s son-in-Law Nisie Frye - Dr. John Frye’s wife Joe Summers,

Worship Preparation Class for 2nd Graders On Sundays in January, February, and March, 2nd graders will be participating in a worship preparation class which will transition them from children’s church into the full worshiping community. Through this class, children and parents at times will explore Jesus’ Baptism as well as their own, participating in the Lord’s Supper, preparing the elements, parts of the sanctuary, order of the worship service, seasons of the church year, and learning pieces of the worship service. This will include learning the Gloria Patri, Lord’s Prayer, parts of the Apostles Creed, and Doxology. This class is happening on Sundays during the 11:00 worship service and is taught by Allison Kelly and other leaders in the church.


Dear Church Family, It is with regret that we have received the resignation of Charbea Tetzel, Director of South Aiken Presbyterian Kindergarten effective at the end of this school year. Surely, we are sad to see her depart. And yet, it is also the case that we see this unexpected opportunity for her family to move back home to Ohio as a great and holy blessing. It is hard for us to not be excited for the Tetzels. In her brief time with us, Charbea’s talented leadership has been obvious and her insights a gift. She has continued the longstanding excellent ministry of our Kindergarten and has even guided us into taking some new and wonderful steps too. The benefit of those steps will be ours long after she has moved away. With deep sincerity, we thank her for her work and appreciate all that she has done. Going forward, the Kindergarten Committee will be working closely with Charbea to make the upcoming transition a smooth one for our school and most especially our students. An obvious piece of this transition will be the search for a new Kindergarten Director. Applicants are encouraged to submit resumes to the South Aiken Presbyterian Church Office, care of the Kindergarten Committee. The deadline for receiving resumes is February 17. Finally, and as always, we ask that you join us in keeping our school, our students and families, and our wonderful teachers in the forefront your thoughts and prayers. Yours in Christ, The Kindergarten Committee South Aiken Presbyterian Church

FROM PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN: SAVE THE DATE: On March 8, 2015, we will celebrate the Gifts of Women during our morning worship

services and with our annual luncheon to follow the 11:00 service. This year we invite

the men to join us at the luncheon as well. So Men and Women mark your calendars

and watch for additional information to be given soon.

Page 8: South Aiken Presbyterian Church The Worship of God Fifth · Jared Cameron - Bill Ice’s son-in-Law Nisie Frye - Dr. John Frye’s wife Joe Summers,


From A Hallmark Card I’ve been thinking about your situation and wondering why we sometimes have to go through times like these. I’m reminded of how grapevines have to be pruned back . . . Sometimes the pruning is so severe that you wonder how the vines will ever recover. But the prunings give the roots the strength they need to grow deep and strong. When the vines recover, they bear even more fruit and have the added strength to withstand storms and drought. Maybe we go through pruning times, too, and although it may seem that the pruning is too harsh and lasts too long, in time we emerge more productive, stronger, and wiser . . .

Have you been pruned severely? Do you wonder if you will ever recover? A Stephen Minister is waiting to help you during this difficult time. Contact Stephen Leader Lisa Lader (642-6840 or cell 439-2004), Dr. Christopher Crotwell, Associate Pastor Rev. Erin Gaston or Parish Associate Rev. Judy Bowling (648-9574).

Monthly Items Needed

February - Oatmeal/Grits

March - Soup

You may drop the items in the ACTS basket by the front door in the Narthex or in the basket by the church office. Monetary donations may be made by placing a check to SAPC in the offering plate and noting' for ACTS' on the check. Thanks for sharing with others!

SAPC Congregation Is Invited to an Appreciation Banquet for Reverend Clinton “TC” Edwards, Jr. Our congregation is invited to join Friendship Baptist Church for an evening of fellowship to demonstrate love and appreciation for the ten years of service rendered by Reverend TC Edwards, Jr. at Friendship Baptist. This event will take place on Saturday, March 14, 2015 at 5:00 PM at River of Life Church, 1411 Columbia Highway (York Street), Aiken, SC 29801 and the attire for the evening will be “black and white”. Reservation forms may be picked up in our church office and mailed along with your check or money order to TC Edwards Appreciation, C/O Betty Ashley, PO Box 754, Aiken, SC 29802. Cost: $25.00 per person. Deadline is February 21.

1974 and 1991 Hymnals

Copies of the 1974 (Red) and 1991 (Blue) hymnals are available for church members and their families.

If you would like one or more copies of one, or both, hymnals, please stop by the choir room at your


Page 9: South Aiken Presbyterian Church The Worship of God Fifth · Jared Cameron - Bill Ice’s son-in-Law Nisie Frye - Dr. John Frye’s wife Joe Summers,

Please Sign Up for the following activity on the bulletin board just past the water fountain in the hall. February 13 - 4:45 PM - On this Friday we will go for supper and a concert by an Elvis Presley impersonator at the American Legion Hall in North Augusta. Cost is $20 pp or $35 a couple. For menu and more info see article on bulletin board near the sign-up sheet. March 3 - 10:30 AM - On this Tuesday we will attend a unique concert at St. Paul's Church, Augusta presented by the Crystal Trio whose instruments are drinking glasses of various sizes and shapes. A light lunch will follow the concert. Cost is $10 for the lunch and $1.00 to ride the bus. Tickets are limited so sign-up early. For more info see the write up posted on our bulletin board in the back hall. Deadline is February 15. March 20 - 5:30 PM - Leave for the Ft. Gordon Dinner Theatre for a buffet dinner and to see their production of Rumors by Neil Simon. It is billed as light, frothy and fun with side splitting laughter. Cost is $40 per person plus $3 to ride the bus. See description posted next to the sign-up sheet. Deadline is March 8.



Mark your calendars for the church-wide talent show

March 1, 2015! Singing, Dancing, Acting, Instrumental

music, Visual Art Displays, Paintings, Quilts and much more.

Start preparing your talent now. Get a group together, or

hone your individual skills! (Questions? Ask Valorie Vance-

Kraus @ [email protected])

The family of Bob Kierspe would like to thank our church family for all the love and support during the

loss of our father/husband. All the prayers, texts, calls, cards, food and reception were so appreciated and

helped us get through this difficult time. It really helps to know that others cared and shared in our loss.

As we learned at last spring's Food for Thought, “Blessed are those that mourn for they shall be

comforted” Matthew 5:4. Through you, God has surrounded us with comfort and love. Bob’s love,

laughter, wisdom and cherished memories will be in our hearts forever! Thank you!


Lynn, Alice, Greg, Klaehn, Breanna and Kylie

TODAY - Scout Sunday Spaghetti Feed!

Bring a big appetite (and a little money) and enjoy a spaghetti luncheon today after the 11:00 AM service today. The luncheon will be hosted by Boy Scout Troop 146 in honor of Scout Sunday. For $5 you can partake of spaghetti, salad, bread, and dessert. To go boxes available if you need to hurry home. Please come to enjoy fellowship and food and support our scout troop!

Page 10: South Aiken Presbyterian Church The Worship of God Fifth · Jared Cameron - Bill Ice’s son-in-Law Nisie Frye - Dr. John Frye’s wife Joe Summers,


8th Grade Confirmation Class: Faith Discussions with Christopher Jan. 25 - March 1, 2015 5:00 - 6:00 PM in Confirmation Room (F209) Youth Conferences: *Middle Schoolers (6-8th grades): Trinity Presbytery Retreat Friday, Feb. 20 - Sunday, February 22 at Montreat *Montreat Youth Conference What: a big, fun, crazy time with high school youth from all over the country (includes worship, keynote, recreation & small groups) Who: rising 9th through 12th grade graduates When: July 12-18, 2015 (Week 3...with First Pres!) Where: Montreat, NC Cost: $260 registration fee (+ housing) if you register by Feb. 19 Youth Events: 6:00 - 7:30 PM in the Gym

Feb. 8 Cleaning Day/Bulletin Boards – service to church

Feb. 15 No Sunday Night Youth (President’s Day)

Feb. 22 Pantry Ministry Meals

Wednesday, Feb 25 - Youth Food for Thought Class - 5:30 - 7:00 PM (Dinner included)

Sunday, Feb 8 - Creating Valentines Day Gifts and Walking Tacos for dinner. 5:00 - 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall.

Sunday, Feb 15 - No evening children's ministries on President's Day Weekend

Sunday, Feb 22 - Prep for Public Safety Night and Talent Show 5:00 - 6:30 PM in the Gym.

Sunday, March 1 - Talent Show - Potluck Dinner in the Gym

Page 11: South Aiken Presbyterian Church The Worship of God Fifth · Jared Cameron - Bill Ice’s son-in-Law Nisie Frye - Dr. John Frye’s wife Joe Summers,


Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”

WELCOME Come, dear friends, let us join together with sincere hearts and receptive minds to worship our loving Creator. As we open ourselves to the sunshine of God’s presence, we will receive blessings only God can give.

ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING The Session of South Aiken Presbyterian Church has called for an Annual Congregational Meeting for today after the 11:00 service. The purposes of the meeting will be 1) hear annual statistical and financial report 2) present the 2015 budget as information 3) request Trinity Presbytery to change terms of Pastor's Call 4) elect two Elders and one Deacon to 2015 Church Officer Nominating Committee 5) conduct any other business that falls under G-7.0302 of the previous Book of Order.

NURSERY AND CHILDREN’S CHURCH Infants are welcome in the Nursery during our 8:45 AM and 11:00 AM worship services and during our 10:00 AM Sunday School hour. During the 8:45 AM worship service children are invited to go to the Nursery or stay in the worship service. During the 11:00 AM worship service, 3 years-1st grade children are welcome to join our Children's Church Worship program following the Children's Moment. Chaperones will escort the children to the Fellowship Hall and you may pick your child up there after the worship service.

STEWARDSHIP REPORT YTD operating contributions & collections as of 12/31/2014 $627,744.24 YTD operating expenses as of 12/31/2014 631,375.08 Approved budgeted expenses for 2014 as of 12/31/2014 675,047.00


Worship Service (8:45) - 82 (11:00) - 147

VOLUNTEERS FOR TODAY Flowers In appreciation to South Aiken Presbyterian Church for support of Troop and Pack 146 Pulpit Assistant Reverend Judy bowling Sound System (8:45) Larry Hinson (11:00) Darrell Pluff Ushers (8:45) Brenda Morgan, Jim Brownlow, Boy Scouts (11:00) Lynn Burkes, Greg Burkes, Boy Scouts

VOLUNTEERS FOR NEXT WEEK Flowers In memory of my granddaughter, Ashley Lauren Weeks, given by Jean Weeks Pulpit Assistant (8:45) Dr. Barbara Johnson (11:00) Valorie Vance-Kraus Sound System (8:45) Dale Stephens (11:00) John Kelly Ushers (8:45) Judy Hirst, Pete Kimball, Carl Hirst, Carol Kimball (11:00) Bob Freymeyer, Nancy Hufford, Joyce Leo, Jeff Schawe

Dr. Christopher Crotwell, Pastor and Head of Staff: Office 648.9574 Ext. 104

Rev. Erin J. Gaston, Associate Pastor for Youth and Outreach: Office 648.9574 Ext. 106 Rev. Judy Bowling, Parish Associate: Office 648.9574 Ext. 102 Cell 803.354.2447 Allison Kelly, Director of Young Children and Family Ministries: Office 648.9574 Ext. 105 Cell 803.336.9540 Phillip Hare, Director of Music: 648.9574 Scott Chappell, Organist: 648.9574 Tracie Bryant, Financial Manager: 648.9574 Ext. 103 Mary Ann Laurey, Office Manager: 648.9574 Ext. 100 Charbea Tetzel, Kindergarten Director: 648.9895 Ext. 107 Cissy Kelley, Assistant Kindergarten Director / Childcare Coordinator: 648.9895 Ext. 110 Cell 270.5808

Church Fax: 803.648.7972 Web Site: