sources for your research paper

Sources for your research paper What do you use? How do you access them?

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Sources for your research paperWhat do you use? How do you access them?

Youve got to write a 3-5 page research paper using 4-6 credible sourcesWhats credible?Do I need to go to the library for my research?

Would you believe that Wikipedia is just as credible as many of the print reference books on the library shelves? You shouldnt use a source like Wikipedia, but for reasons beyond credibility.

Put credibility aside for a moment Is your source APPROPRIATE for the task?

Not all sources of information are appropriate for academic writing. For example, most encyclopedias are generally considered inappropriate for academic research NOT because they are not credible.

Encyclopedias usually skim the surface of a topic rather than go in depth. As a result, your instructors would prefer you use other sources.

We still expect you to use credible sources!But it may be easier to think about your sources in these three ways

Put credibility aside for a moment Is your source ACCESSIBLE afterwards?

Print sources (books, journals) will be kept in a library long after theyre published. This is not always the case for online (Internet) sources.

Keep in mind the types of information included in your bibliography or works cited page. If your web page source lacks vital information such as author or date, think twice about using it! We still expect you to use credible sources!But it may be easier to think about your sources in these three ways

Put credibility aside for a moment We still expect you to use credible sources!But it may be easier to think about your sources in these three waysIs your source AUTHORITATIVE?

The purpose of the bibliography is so that readers of your paper, if they are so inclined, can look at the sources you used so that they can learn more about the subject. That is, you the expert on the topic are recommending those sources in your bibliography!

Remember, your choice of sources is also a reflection of your authority as an expert!

Make sure your sources are APPROPRIATEACCESSIBLE, andAUTHORITATIVEWhy use the Librarys resources?

The Library has already filtered most of the information on its shelves and databases so that it meets these qualifications.

This doesnt mean you cant use Google for your research. BUT, if you do, remember those expectations.

as well as credible!