sotiriou-schools of the future

15 Schools of the Future Designing the Science Classroom of the Future Dr. Sofoklis A. Sotiriou Head of Research and Development Department Ellinogermaniki Agogi School

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Sofoklis Sotiriou: Schools of the Future. Designing the Science Classroom for the FutureScientix European Conference, Brussels, 6-8 May 2011


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Schools of the FutureDesigning the Science Classroom of the Future

Dr. Sofoklis A. SotiriouHead of Research and Development Department

Ellinogermaniki Agogi School

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As students become absorbed with technology-based games, educators grapple with how best to use technology. Immersive simulations represent one way in which new media can enhance traditional learning experiences.

Redefining Science EducationThere is a major mismatch between opportunity and action in most education systems today. It revolves around what is meant by "science education," a term that is incorrectly defined in current usage. Rather than learning how to think scientifically, students are generally being told about science and asked to remember facts. This disturbing situation must be corrected if science education is to have any hope of taking its proper place as an essential part of the education of students everywhere.

Bruce Alberts, Science, January 2009

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Re-imagine science educationThe message is clear.

There are shortcomings in curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, but the deeper problem is one of fundamental purpose. School science education has never provided a satisfactory education for the majority. Now the evidence is that it is failing in its original purpose, to provide a route into science for future scientists.

The challenge therefore, is to re-imagine science education: to consider how it can be made fit for the modern world and how it can meet the needs of all students; those who will go on to work in scientific and technical subjects, and those who will not.

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The vision

We should point to a

hybrid classroom that

builds on the strengths of

formal and informal

teaching and learning

strategies in ways that can

support learning of all


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three complementary interfaces will shape thetechnological infrastructure of the science classroom of the future

The familiar “world to the desk top” interface, providing access to distant experts and archives, enabling collaborations, mentoring relationships, and virtual communities-of practice.

Interfaces for “ubiquitous computing”, in which portable wireless devices infuse virtual resources as we move through the real world.

Immersive and multi-user virtual environments interfaces, in which users and participants’ avatars interact with computer based agents and digital artifacts in virtual contexts. The initial stages of studies on shared virtual environments are characterized by advances in Internet games and work in virtual and augmented reality.

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The“world to the desk top” interface

Access to unique scientific resources

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Kick life into the classroom

Interfaces for “ubiquitous computing”,

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Height Z vs Time t

Y =34,63+608,78 X-497,32 X2

Height z(t) % Parabola Fitting


ht Z



Time t(s)

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Immersive and multi-user virtual environments interfaces

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Images of plausible futures

These case studies are images ofplausible futures that depict howapplying these interfaces mightreshape teaching, learning, and theorganization of educationalinstitutions. The objective ofthese case studies is not to detailblueprints of an unalterablefuture but instead to show the rangeof possibilities enabled by emerginginteractive media and theconsequences – desirable andundesirable – that may follow fromtheir application in primary andsecondary education settings.

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Impact Indicators (Ellinogermaniki Agogi School)

Teachers PD Programme (250) 54 PhD Theses (2000-2010) 123 Master Theses (1998-2010)

Students (2200) 36% of the High School Students Select

“Astronomy” 59% of the students follow studies in

Science, Mathematics and Technology 14 of them are currently working at CERN

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Τhe future of education is outside of education. Itis in the everyday life. In business, in the world. Inlife long learning. But the principles can beapplied inside of formal education as well. Theyrequire a change in thinking, to move towardproblem-centered, meaningful activities in theclassroom. To exploit people's interests andsubvert them to lead to natural, inspired learningactivities.