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  • 7/22/2019 SOP Pharmaceutical Industries EMPRI 2005 12


    Standard Operating Proceduresfor Pharmaceutical Industries

    inal ReportDecember 2 5

    nvironmental Managementand

    Pol Research Institute


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    1 INTRODUCTION ----- 11.1 Background ----- 1

    1.2 Gist Of Environmental Acts, Rules And Notifications ----- 1

    2 LEGAL AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK ----- 22.1 Fundamental Rights And Duties Of A Citizen ----- 2

    2.2 State Policy ----- 2

    2.3 Legislative Authority ----- 2

    2.4 Relevant Legislations ----- 3

    2.4.1 Environment Protection Act 1986. ----- 3

    2.4.2 The Water (Prevention And Control Of Pollution) Act, 1974

    And Rules----- 3

    2.4.3 The Water (Prevention And Control Of Pollution) Cess Act,

    1977 And Rules

    ----- 4

    2.4.4 The Air (Prevention And Control Of Pollution) Act, 1981 And

    Rules----- 4

    2.4.5 The Environment Impact Assessment Notification 1994 &

    1997----- 4

    2.4.6 The Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules, 2000 ----- 4

    2.4.7 The Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling Rules), 2000 ----- 4

    2.4.8 The Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical

    Rules, 1989----- 5

    2.4.9 Rules for the Manufacture, Use, Import, Export and Storage

    of Hazardous Micro organism/ Genetically engineered

    Organisms or Cells, 1989

    ----- 5

    2.4.10 The Chemical accidents (Emergency planning, Preparedness

    and Response) Rules,1996----- 5

    2.4.11 Forest Conservation Act 1980. ----- 6

    2.4.12 The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules, 1945 ----- 6

    2.4.13 The Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable

    Advertisements) Act, 1954----- 6

    2.4.14 The Drugs Prices (Control) Order, 1995 ----- 6

    2.5 Relevant Policies ----- 6

    2.5.1 The National Forest Policy ----- 7

    2.5.2 The National Environmental Policy ----- 8

    2.5.3 The National Industrial Policy-----


    2.5.4 Draft National Rehabilitation & Resettlement Policy ----- 10

    2.5.5 The Pharma Policy 2002: The Positives and Negatives ----- 10

    2.6 Regulatory Concerns on Nutraceuticals ----- 11

    2.6.1 Mashelkar Committee Recommendations ----- 11

    2.7 Relevant Institutions ----- 12

    2.7.1 Ministry Of Environment And Forest, Government Of India ----- 12

    2.7.2 Department Of Ecology And Environment, Government Of

    Karnataka----- 12

    2.7.3 Karnataka State Pollution Control Board ----- 12

    2.8 Guidelines for setting up of Pharmaceutical Industries from

    Karnataka State Pollution Control Board



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    3.1 Approvals ----- 15

    3.2 Responsibilities ----- 15


    ----- 16

    4.1 Consent Procedure ----- 165 WATER (PREVENTION & CONTROL OF POLLUTION) CESS

    ACT----- 17



    7.1 Contents Of Environmental Statement ----- 20

    8 ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITING ----- 218.1 Features Of A Good Environmental Audit ----- 21

    8.2 Audit Procedure ----- 22



    ----- 24

    10.1 Introduction ----- 24

    10.2 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Process ---- 24

    10.3 Composition Of Pharmaceutical Products ----- 26

    10.4 Composition Of Pharmaceutical Process Wastes ----- 27

    10.5 Treatment Control Technologies ----- 28

    10.5.1 Physical Treatment Process ----- 29

    10.5.2 Chemical Treatment Process ----- 29

    10.5.3 Biological Process ----- 29

    10.5.4 Thermal Destruction Process ----- 30

    10.5.5 Fixation And Stabilization Process ----- 3010.6 Pollution Prevention: Best Demonstrated Practices ----- 30

    10.6.1 Source Reduction ----- 30

    10.6.2 Material Substitution ----- 31

    10.6.3 Process Modulation ----- 31

    10.6.4 Good Operating Practices ----- 31

    10.6.5 Recovery and Recycle ----- 33

    10.6.6 Solvent Waste Recycling ----- 33

    10.6.7 Waste Exchanges ----- 33

    10.7 Summary ----- 34



    12 EROS PHARMA A CASE STUDY ----- 36

    12.1 Objectives of the project work ----- 36

    12.2 Identification Of Various Wastestreams And Their

    Characterization----- 36

    12.3 Evaluation Of ETP ----- 37

    12.4 Recommendations ----- 38

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    The Pharmaceutical (Bulk & Formulation) industry in Karnataka is

    one of the major sectors of the state. The processes in the pharmaindustries vary from company to company making the unit specific

    industry disastrous to the environment if proper care is not taken. Some of

    the environmental hazards include:

    The diverse manufacturing process, reactions and hazardous materials

    produces a wide range of chemical and biological waste.

    The waste from purifying and packaging drug products.

    Though the pharmaceutical owners, regulators and auditors have been addressing the

    issues of environmental safeguards, it has been noticed that most to times they have to grope

    through various acts, rules, documents to understand the various details of environmental

    compliances. Thus, it was felt necessary to bring out a booklet that gives all the relevantinformation for the Pharma sector.

    Presently, as per Rule 14 of the Environment Protection Rules, 1986, it is mandatory for

    persons carrying out an industry or operation or process which require consent under Water Act,

    1974 or Air Act, 1981 or authorization under the Hazardous Waste Rules, 1989, to submit every

    year an Environmental Statement to the concerned State Pollution Control Board. However, the

    existing mechanism does not provide for rigorous analysis of Environmental Statement by the

    industries. Hence, it was felt that an effective institutional arrangement for implementing the

    Environmental Audit is necessary.


    Pharmaceutical Industry is regulated by various legislations related to manufacturing andenvironment.

    Environmental Legislations:

    1. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Rules

    2. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 and


    3. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and Rules

    4. Relevant provisions under Environmental Protection Act and Rules, 1986

    The Environment Impact Assessment Notification 1994 & 1997

    The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000

    The Municipal Solid Waste (Management & Handling Rules), 2000 Hazardous waste (management and Handling) Rules 1989

    The manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules, 1989

    The Rules for the Manufacture, use, Import, Export and storage of Hazardous Micro-

    organisms/Genetically Engineered Organisms or cells, 1989.

    The Chemical accidents (Emergency planning, preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996

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    Standard Operating Procedure for Pharmaceutical Industry



    To put the whole regulatory framework of India in perspective, a gist of constitutional

    provisions that relate to the environment is given below.


    1. Under the Indian Constitution, Part III [Fundamental Rights]

    Article 21 states the fundamental right of protection of life and

    personal liberty of an individual, No person shall be deprived of

    his life or personal liberty except according to procedure

    established by law. It should be noted that though this Article

    does not explicitly mention the term environment, it is a

    fundamental norm recognized by the court that every person

    enjoys the right to a wholesome environment, which is a facet of right

    to life under the above-mentioned Article.

    2. Part IV A [Fundamental Duties] Article 51 A (g) states that It shall

    be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the naturalenvironment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife and to have

    compassion for living creatures. This Article was inserted by the Constitutional (42nd

    Amendment) Act, 1976.


    The States responsibility has been laid down in the Part IV Directive Principle of

    State Policy of the Constitution. The Article 48 A concerns the Environmental responsibility

    of the State and was inserted by the Constitutional (42ndAmendment) Act, 1976. The Article

    states that The State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to safe guard

    the forests and wild life of the country.


    The Part XI of Constitution states the relationship between the Union and the States for

    sharing the legislative and administrative powers. Under this Part, the Article 245 of the

    Constitution gives the extent of the laws made by the Parliament and the State Legislatures. The

    Parliament has the power to legislate for the whole country while the State legislatures are

    empowered to make laws for their respective states. The Article 246 of the Part XI of

    Constitution divides the areas of legislation (subject wise) between the Union [List 1 or Union

    List in 7thSchedule, 97 subjects], State Legislatures [List II or State List in 7thSchedule, 66

    subjects] and both Parliament and State Legislatures [List III or Concurrent List in 7thSchedule,

    52 subjects]. The subjects related to environment in the 7


    Schedule under the three lists aresummarized below:






    I Union 52 Industries

    List 53 Regulation and development of oil fields and mineral oil


    54 Regulation of mines and mineral development

    55 Regulation and development of Inter-State rivers and river


    56 Fishing and fisheries beyond territorial waters

    II State 6 Public health and sanitationList 14 Agriculture, protection against pest and prevention of plant


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    Standard Operating Procedure for Pharmaceutical Industry







    18 Land, colonization, etc.

    21 Fisheries

    23 Regulation of mines and mineral development subject to the

    provision of List I

    24 Industries subject to the provision of List IIII Concurren


    17 A Forests

    List 17 B Protection of wild animals and birds

    20 Economic and social planning

    20 A Population control and family planning

    The Parliament has powers to legislate on subjects not covered by the three Lists [Article


    The Parliament is also empowered to legislate in the national interest on matters

    enumerated in the State List [Article 249].

    In event of a conflict between the Central law and State law on a concurrent subject the

    former prevails [Article 254 (1)].

    In case of a State law passed subsequent to the Central law, the State law shall prevail in

    that State only if it has received Presidential Assent under Article 254 (2) of Part XI of


    From an environmental standpoint, the allocation of legislative authority is an important

    one as some environmental problems such as sanitation and waste disposal are best tackled at

    local level, while others like water pollution and wildlife protection are better regulated by

    uniform national laws.


    As stated earlier, the working environment within the pharma are regulated by the

    Pharmaceutical legislations while the environment (air & water emissions, noise, waste) outside

    the pharma are governed by environmental legislations.

    2.4.1 Environment Protection Act 1986

    An Act to provide for the protection and improvement of

    environment and for the matter connected therewith. It is an

    Umbrella Act covering all the activities leading to any environmental

    impact including water, air and land. It confers powers to take all

    such measures as it deems necessary or expedient for the purpose ofprotecting and improving the quality of the environment and

    preventing, controlling and abating environmental pollution.

    2.4.2 The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Rules

    The water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, is an Act to provide for

    prevention and control of water pollution and maintaining or restoring of wholesomeness of

    water. The discharge of any trade effluent or sewage shall be regulated as per the consent of the

    state Board. Such discharge has to meet the standards prescribed by the State Board.

    Section 23:Empowers the Board Officials to inspect the industry, effluent treatment

    plant and sewage treatment plant etc. Also empowers to seize documents, register, record or

    other material object for the purpose of establishing evidence of the commission of an offence

    punishable under this Act.

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    Standard Operating Procedure for Pharmaceutical Industry


    Section 24:Prohibits the pollution of stream or well or sewer or on

    land by disposal of pollution matter etc., or no person shall knowing cause or

    permit any poisonous, noxious or polluting matter into any stream or well or

    sewer or on land.

    2.4.3 The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 and Rules

    The purpose of Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Cess Act is levy and collectcess on water consumed by 16 categories of industries specified in the act and also by local

    bodies with a view to augment the resources of the Central and State Pollution Control Boards.

    Water cess is levied based on the water consumed for domestic and specified industry.

    2.4.4 The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and Rules

    The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, has (14 of

    1981), is a specialized legislative measures, meant to tackle one facet of

    environmental pollution. Its main objectives are the following:-

    a) to provide for the prevention, control and abatement of air pollution;

    b) to provide for the establishment of Central and State Boards, with a

    view to implement the aforesaid purpose;

    c) to provide for conferring on such Boards, the powers and assigning to

    such Boards and functions relating thereto; and

    d) for matters connected therewith.

    2.4.5 The Environment Impact Assessment Notification 1994 & 1997

    The Bulk Drugs and Pharmaceutical Industry require environmental clearance from the

    Central Government. The Central and/or the State Government, with the following objectives

    for environment clearance of polluting or degrading development activities:

    - Optimal utilization of finite natural resources through use of better technologies and

    management packages.- Incorporating suitable remedial measures at the project formulation stage.

    2.4.6 The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000

    The State Government shall categorize the area into industrial,

    commercial, residential or silence area/zones for the purpose of

    implementation of noise, standards for different area. The ambient air quality

    standards in respect of noise for different areas/zones shall be such as specified in

    the Schedule annexed to these rules.

    The noise levels in any area/zone shall not exceed the ambient air quality standards in

    respect of noise as specified in the Schedule.The authority shall be responsible for the enforcement of noise pollution control

    measures and the due compliance of the ambient air quality standards in respect of noise.

    2.4.7 Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 1989

    These rules are applicable for hazardous wastes specified in Schedule and do not apply

    to wastewater and air emissions covered under Air and Water Acts, and also radio-active wastes

    and wastes arising out of ship operations beyond 5 Kms distance in Sea. Some of the

    responsibilities of the industry include:

    a) The Occupier and the Operator of a facility shall be responsible for proper collection,

    reception, treatment, storage & disposal of hazardous waste listed in Schedule-1, 2 & 3.

    b) It shall be the responsibility of the Occupier and the Operator of a facility to take allsteps to ensure that the wastes listed in Schedule-I, 2 & 3 are properly handled and

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    Standard Operating Procedure for Pharmaceutical Industry


    disposed off without any adverse effect to the environment.

    c) The Operator of a facility to take adequate steps while handling hazardous waste to:

    i contain contaminants & prevent accident and limit their consequences on human and

    the environment, and

    ii provide persons working on the site with information, training and equipment

    necessary to ensure their safety.2.4.8 The Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules, 1989

    (1) These rules shall apply to,-

    a) an industrial activity in which a hazardous chemical is or may be involved (part I of

    Schedule I) and

    b) isolated storage of a hazardous chemical in a quantity equal to more than the threshold

    quantity (Schedule 2, in column 3)

    (2) An occupier who has control of an industrial activity in terms of sub-rule (1) shall provide

    evidence to show that he has,-

    a) identified the major accident hazards; and

    b) taken adequate steps to-

    i. prevent such major accidents and to limit their consequences to persons and theenvironment;

    ii. provide to the persons working on the site with the information, training and

    equipment including antidotes necessary to ensure their safety.

    2.4.9 The Rules for the Manufacture, Use, Import, Export and Storage of Hazardous Micro-

    organisms / Genetically Engineered Organisms or Cells, 1989.

    These rules are applicable to the manufacture, import and storage of

    micro-organisms and gene-technological products. These rules shall apply to

    genetically engineered organisms/micro-organisms and cells and

    correspondingly to any substances and products and food and stuff, etc., of

    which such cells, organisms or tissues thereof form part.These rules shall also apply to new gene-technologies apart from those referred to in

    clauses (ii) and (iv) of rule 3 and these rules shall apply to organisms/micro-organisms and cells

    generated by the utilization of such other gene technologies and to substances and products of

    which such organisms and cells form part.

    2.4.10 The Chemical accidents (Emergency planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules,


    1. The Central Crisis Group shall be the apex body to deal with major chemical accidents

    and to provide expert guidance for handling major chemical accidents.

    2. Without prejudice to the functions specified under sub-rule (1), the central Crisis Groupshall,-

    a) continuously monitor the post-accident situation arising out of a major chemical

    accident and suggest measures for prevention and to check recurrence of such


    b) conduct post-accident analysis of such major chemical accidents and evaluate


    c) publish a statewise list of experts and officials who are concerned with the handling

    of chemical accidents;

    d) render, in the event of a chemical accident in a state, all financial and infrastructural

    help as may be necessary.

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    Standard Operating Procedure for Pharmaceutical Industry


    2.4.11 The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980

    This act was enacted to provide for the conservation of forests and for ancillary matters

    connected with it. The act sets restriction on the dereservation of forests or use of forest land for

    non-forest purpose for the State Government or other authority except with the

    prior approval of the Central Government, for

    i. To de-reserve any reserved forest;

    ii. Use forest land for any non-forest purpose;

    iii. Any forest land cleared of trees which have grown naturally in that land or portion, for

    the purpose of using it for reafforestation.

    2.4.12 The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules, 1945

    Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 is enacted to regulate the import, manufacture,

    distribution and sale of drugs and cosmetics with the main object being the ensurance of

    availability of standard quality drugs and cosmetics to the consumer and to prevent substandard

    of medical treatment. In order to achieve the objects of the Act, drug is defined

    comprehensively to include substances which are not only medicines but also substancesintended to be used for or in the treatment of diseases of human beings or animals. Also, the

    legislative designedly extended the definition of drug so as to take in substances which are

    necessary aids for treating surgical or other cases. The section 18 prohibits the manufacture for

    sale, sale and distribution of adulterated, substandard and spurious drugs and cosmetics and the

    manufacture for sale, sale and distribution of drugs or cosmetics except and in accordance with

    conditions of licenses. Similar prohibitions are provided in respect of import of drugs and

    Ayurvedic drugs. The amendments to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 was made by the

    Central Government and now called the Drugs and Cosmetics (1stAmendment) Rules, 1998.

    2.4.13 The Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954

    The main object and purpose of the Act is to prevent people from self-medication with

    regard to various diseases as self medication in respect of diseases of serious nature has a

    deleterious effect on the health of the Community and is likely to affect well being of the

    people. The Act, has thus, been enacted with a view to control the advertisement of drugs in

    respect of certain cases and to prohibit the advertisement for certain purposes of remedies

    alleged to possess magic qualities.

    2.4.14 The Drugs Prices (Control) Order, 1995

    Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995 has been issued by the Central Government in

    exercise of the powers under Section 3 of the Essential Commodities Act, 1955. The object of

    the order is ensure availability of drugs at reasonable price, to prevent monopoly situation and togive effect to the New Drug Policy 1994.


    The following list of the policies related to environment and pharma have been formed

    since 1894:

    1. Industrial Policy Resolution, 1948

    2. National Forest Policy, 1894, 1952, 19883. Industrial Policy, 1956

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    Standard Operating Procedure for Pharmaceutical Industry


    4. Industrial Policy Resolution, 1948

    5. The Industrial Policy, 1991

    6. The Policy Statement for Abatement of Pollution, 1992

    7. The Export-Import Policy, 1997

    8. National Health Policy, 2002

    9. Pharma Policy, 2002

    It is evident that the Policies being pursued presently have been evolved with experience

    and with the considerations of various national and international developments and the country's

    requirements for development. The Policies outline the guiding principles for the various

    developmental and industrial activities. In addition to the National Policies some of the

    pharmaceutical companies have formulated their own policies.

    2.5.1 The National Forest Policy

    The concern for the conservation and management of the forest wealth in the country is

    almost 150 years old and the first effort on this account was made in the year 1855 with the

    issuance of the 'Charter of Indian Forestry' and then the first Forest Policy in 1894. The firstForest Policy of the independent country was formulated as the National Forest Policy, 1952.

    The National Forest Policy, 1988 was formulated and issued on 7 thDecember, 1988. This

    Policy laid stress on the following.

    1. Maintenance of environmental stability through preservation and, if necessary,

    restoration of ecological balance that had been adversely affected by serious depletion of

    the forests in the country.

    2. Conserving the natural heritage of the country by preserving the remaining natural

    forests having a vast variety of flora and fauna, which represent the remarkable

    biological diversity and genetic resources of the country.

    3. Checking soil erosion and denudation in the catchment areas of rivers, lakes,reservoirs, etc. in the interest of soil and water conservation, for mitigating floods and

    draughts, and for the retardation of siltation of the reservoirs.

    4. Checking the extension of sand dunes in the desert areas of Rajasthan and along

    coastal tracts.

    5. Increasing substantially the forest/tree cover in the country through massive

    afforestation and social forestry programs, especially on all denuded, degraded and

    unproductive land areas.

    6. Meeting the requirements of fuel wood, fodder, minor forest produce and small

    timber of the rural and tribal population.

    7. Increasing the productivity of the forests to meet the essential national needs.

    8. Encouraging efficient utilization of forest produce and maximizing substitution of


    9. Creating a massive people's movement with the involvement of women for achieving

    the above objectives and to minimize pressure on the existing forests.

    It is noted from the outlines of the National Forest Policy 1988 that there is now a greater

    emphasis on the expansion, conservation and preservation of the forests and ecology.

    2.5.2 The National Environmental Policy

    Although since long there was a concern for the environmental management in the

    country as evident from the various Policies and Legislation the lead was given in the Sixth Plan

    when a Chapter on 'Environment and Development' was included in the Plan document. The

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    Standard Operating Procedure for Pharmaceutical Industry


    Chapter laying emphasis on the problems of environmental degradation provided guidelines to

    the administrators for formulating and implementing the development programs incorporating

    environmental concerns and laying down the institutional arrangements for environmental

    management, administration and protection. The Eighth Plan on the basis of the overview of the

    environmental and forest scenario identified the eight major tasks to meet the challenge of

    environmental degradation.To complement the Constitutional sanctions, outlines earlier, MoEF in 1992 brought out

    a Policy Statement for Abatement of Pollution and the National Conservation Strategy and

    Policy Statement on Environment and Development which provides instruments in the form of

    legislation and regulation, fiscal incentives, voluntary agreements, educational programs and

    information campaigns for preventing, controlling and reducing environmental pollution. The

    overall objective of the Policy was to integrate environmental considerations into decision

    making at all levels and to achieve this, the following specific steps were identified.

    1. Prevent pollution at source.

    2. Encourage, develop and apply the best available practical solutions.

    3. Ensure that polluter pays for the pollution control arrangements.4. Focus protection on heavily polluted areas and river stretches.

    5. Involve public in decision making.

    6. Increase the safety of industrial operations.

    The MoEF issued the Environmental Action Programme in 1993 with the objective of

    integrating the environmental concerns into the process of development. The various issues

    addressed were reducing pollution at source, assistance for adaptation of the best available and

    practicable technologies, mass based standards, fiscal measures, environmental audit,

    environmental statistics, and public participation.

    The National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement on Environment and

    Development, 1992 formulated with a view to reinforcing traditional ethos and to building up aconservation society living in harmony with nature and making efficient use of the resources

    guided by the best available scientific and technical knowledge aimed at the following.

    1. Ensuring sustainable and equitable use of the resources for meeting the basic needs of

    the present and future generations without causing damage to the environment.

    2. Preventing and controlling the future deterioration of the life support systems.

    3. Taking steps for restoration of ecologically degraded areas and for environmental

    improvement in the rural and urban settlements.

    4. Ensuring that the developmental projects are correctly cited with least adverse

    environmental consequences.

    5. Conserving and protecting the coastal areas and marine eco-systems.

    6. Protecting the scenic landscapes, areas of geomorphological significance, unique and

    representative bio-mass and eco-systems and wild life habitats, heritage sites/structures and

    areas of cultural heritage/importance.

    For achieving the above the following actions were envisaged in the Policy.

    1. Environmental impact assessment of all the developmental projects right from the

    planning stage and integrating it with their cost-benefit considerations.

    2. Compulsory prior environmental clearance of all projects above a certain size and for

    those proposed to be constructed in ecologically sensitive and fragile areas.

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    Standard Operating Procedure for Pharmaceutical Industry


    3. Incorporation of environmental safeguards and protection measures in policies, planning,

    site selection, choice of technology and implementation of the developmental projects,

    i.e., industries, mining and mineral processing, forestry and human settlements.

    4. Encouraging research and developmental activities, adaptation of environmentally

    compatible technologies, and to promote application of the modern tools of science and

    technology for conservation, bridging of large gaps in supply and demand as well ascontrolling and monitoring of the natural resources.

    5. Encouraging public participation in environmental improvement programs and integrating

    the environmental concerns in planning and implementation of the developmental


    6. Creating environmental consciousness through education and mass awareness programs.

    7. Aiming at the modernization of the process of demand unleashed by the development

    process itself by taking measures to recycle waste materials and natural resources,

    conserving energy and the use of the natural resources in the industrial products by

    measures like wood substitution and generally trying to reach moderation in life style

    consistent with the sustainable development and the human dignity.8. Developing appropriate organizational structure and a pool of professional manpower to

    serve as the cadre for environmental management services.

    9. Efficiently implementing the various environmental laws and regulations for

    environmental protection through creation or strengthening of requisite enforcement


    It is evident that the Policy directives mean effective protection and management of

    environment in all the developmental and industrial activities while keeping the goal of

    sustainable development in view.

    2.5.3 The National Industrial Policy

    The New Industrial Policy, 1991 was formulated to provide an impetus to the pace of

    industrialization in the country. This resulted in abolition of all industrial licensing for all the

    industries except some specified industrial sectors. The Policy addresses the environmental

    concerns along with objectives of sustainable development and states:

    The major objectives of the new industrial policy package will be to build on the gains

    already made, correct the distortions or weaknesses that my have crept in, maintain sustained

    growth in productivity and gainful employment and attain international competitiveness. The

    pursuit of these objectives will be tempered by the need to preserve the environment and ensure

    the efficient use of available resources.

    The New Industrial Policy lays stress on the following for the sustained development and

    growth of the industry in the country.

    1. Substantial reduction in the scope of industrial licensing.

    2. Simplification of procedures, rules and regulations.

    3. Reforms in the Monopoly and Restrictive Trade Practices Act.

    4. Reduction of the areas reserved exclusively for the public sector.

    5. Disinvestment of selected public sector enterprises.

    6. Enhancing limits of foreign equity participation in domestic industrial undertakings.

    7. Liberalization of trade and exchange rate policies.

    8. Rationalization and reduction of customs and excise duties.9. Extension of the scope of modified value added tax (MODVAT).

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    2.5.4 National Health Policy - 2002

    A National Health Policy was last formulated in 1983, with the following noteworthy


    i. A phased, time-bound programme for setting up a well-dispersed network of

    comprehensive primary health care services, designed in the context that

    elementary health problems can be resolved by the people themselves;

    ii. Intermediation through Health volunteers having appropriate knowledge, simple

    skills and requisite technologies;

    iii. An integrated net-work of evenly spread speciality and super-speciality services;

    encouragement of such facilities through private investments for patients who can

    pay, so that the draw on the Governments facilities is limited to those entitled to

    free use.

    NHP-1983, in a spirit of optimistic empathy for the health needs of the people,

    particularly the poor and under-privileged, had hoped to provide Health for All by the year

    2000 AD, though in retrospect, it was observed that the financial resources and public health

    administrative capacity which it was possible to marshal, was far short of that necessary to

    achieve such an ambitious and holistic goal. Against this backdrop, the recommendations of

    NHP-2002 make an attempt to maximize the broad-based availability of health services to the

    citizenry of the country on the basis of realistic considerations of capacity.

    The main objective of this policy is to achieve an acceptable standard of good health

    amongst the general population of the country. The approach would be to increase access to the

    decentralized public health system by establishing new infrastructure in deficient areas, and by

    upgrading the infrastructure in the existing institutions.

    2.5.5 The Pharma Policy 2002:

    Any analysis of the recently announced Pharmaceutical Policy need to take into accountits role in ensuring the welfare of all the stakeholders that the stated Policy will affect in future

    years. That includes the patients, who should be the ultimate beneficiaries, the Country and its

    economic well being and the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry.

    It is significant that the National Health Policy-2001 was announced a few months

    earlier to the Pharmaceutical Policy-2002. One would have expected that the National Health

    Policy would have devoted a section on the role of the Pharmaceutical Industry in providing

    healthcare to the millions of Indians who have to have drugs as a basic need. In fact, the drugs

    component of healthcare is higher in developing countries than in the developed World, since

    due to the very slow improvements in public health measures witnessed in these countries, use

    of drugs constitutes the most cost-effective approach to health care. And yet, there are hardlyany serious references in the National Health Policy on the role of drugs in reducing morbidity

    and mortality, resulting from preventable diseases. Ideally, the two policies should have been

    dovetailed, since their objectives have a high degree of commonality. For example, while

    discussing and quantifying the goals and targets to be achieved in health, nutrition and disease

    areas during the coming decade and a half, there is no analysis in the Health Policy of the

    strategies to be adopted by the Pharmaceutical Industry to achieve those targets.

    A plethora of new challenges face the Indian Pharmaceutical industry in the wake of

    Indias commitment under the GATT and WTO, of which TRIPS is the most relevant part

    affecting the industry. And it is in this context the present policy document is evaluated.

    According to the Policy, on the licensing front, all shackles are being removed for all sectors of

    the industry, reservations for the Public and Small Scale sectors have been abolished, and nominimum or maximum production levels have been prescribed, automatic approvals for import

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    of technology for bulk drugs allowed and foreign investments even up to 100% equity



    The class of products christened 'Nutraceuticals' had a relatively late entry into the

    Indian Healthcare scene, even though diverse preparations originating from Indian Systems of

    Medicine (ISM), notably Ayurveda have been marketed by several Companies, mostly as healthrejuvenators for decades. The approval for marketing these products are granted by State

    Governments' Regulatory Agencies under the advise of experts in ISM.

    The general principle adopted is that the constituents of the preparation should have been

    mentioned as therapeutically useful in one or more of classical texts of ISM or in published

    Pharmacopoeias. In such cases no additional clinical validation of their safety or efficacy is

    required to be provided. The products are marketed as ISM drugs under the OTC category. To

    encourage the revival and promotion of such products, the Government of India has provided

    incentives in the form of tax benefits, and relief from administered prices, in addition to much

    less stringent licensing or regulatory controls and standards.

    The confusion not only among the regulatory agencies but also among the consumersincluding the medical profession as well as the patients arise out of the lack of clarity in defining

    the precise nature, function and utility of these products as well as ambiguities with regard to

    their safety and efficacy.

    2.6.1 Mashelkar Committee Recommendations

    India has specific Food Laws, of which only the Prevention of Food Adulteration (PFA)

    comes under the purview of the Drugs & Cosmetics Act. Certain types of Nutraceuticals, which

    fall under "Patent & Proprietary Medicines", which may or may not claim therapeutic properties

    and Cosmetics, which have no therapeutic utility, are included under the Drugs & Cosmetics

    Act. Even though there have been earlier recommendations by Committees constituted by the

    Director General of Health Services (DGHS) and the Department of ISM & H of the Ministry ofHealth in 2000 and 2002 respectively, no decisions have been taken so far on their

    implementation by the Government.

    The processes of manufacture include extraction and fractionation, fermentation using

    product-specific micro organisms and chemical synthesis. Even the same dietary supplement

    manufactured by different manufacturers do not often meet the same standards and

    specifications Thus it is obvious that evolving a uniform standard for the Dietary Supplement of

    identical composition whether classified under the Food or Drug category is not easy.

    Considering all these issues and taking into account the various earlier recommendations

    during the last five years by different agencies on the subject, it was considered prudent to

    recommend a regulatory system to streamline the activities of the Nutraceuticals Industrythrough appropriate legislations under the Drugs & Cosmetics Act or under the Food Act,

    prevailing in the Country. The following recommendations when implemented will ensure that

    the Industry will provide quality products manufactured under Good Manufacturing practices

    and supported by adequate and sound evidence for their safety and efficacy.

    1) All Nutraceuticals in the market or to be marketed to be classified as either Dietary (Food)

    Supplements or as Drugs as defined under the Food Acts or the Drugs & Cosmetics Act.

    2) Food Supplements, which do not have on their labels and /or are not promoted as having

    therapeutic properties should be regulated under Food Laws, which need to be amended if

    necessary to include them.

    3) Products which claim to have utility as prophylactics, diagnostics or therapeutic agentsshould be considered as Drugs and would come under the purview of the Rules & regulations

    under the Drugs & Cosmetics Act.

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    4) Whether they should be under Schedule H, Schedule K or under a new category of OTC

    drugs is to be determined by their safety profiles and track record of use.

    5) In both cases, adequate evidence consistent with the claims made should be provided to

    establish their safety and efficacy in humans.

    6) If retrospective data is not adequate, prospective studies should be carried out.

    7) All products regardless of the categorization should meet minimum current GoodManufacturing Standards (cGMPs).

    8) The labels should have list of contents, their composition, warnings on safety and possible

    adverse reactions and shelf life where relevant.


    Five departments are directly involved in the protection of environment due to Pharma

    Industries and quarrying activity in the state, including the Ministry of Environment and Forest,

    Govt. of India; The Department of Forests, Ecology and Environment, Govt. of Karnataka; and

    Karnataka State Pollution Control Board

    2.7.1 Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India

    Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) is the nodal agency at national level, in the

    administrative structure for environmental protection and forest conservation. MoEF is assisted

    by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), a statutory authority at the central level in

    executing responsibilities of prevention and control of pollution. Implementation of relevant

    Acts and Rules and policy issues at the State level is overseen by the State Pollution Control

    Boards (SPCB) and the State Department of Environment and Forest (DOEF). The governing

    Acts and Rules are: Environment Protection Act-1986, Forest Conservation Act-1980 and rules

    there under.

    2.7.2 Department of Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka

    Department of Ecology and Environment (DEE) is the state nodal regulating agency

    responsible for environmental management of the state and can exercise promotional and

    regulatory functions in pharma sector under the Air, Water and Environment Protection and

    Forest Conservation Acts. The department also houses the State Environmental Clearance

    Committee (SECC) which gives clearances to mining projects (major minerals) with lease area

    less than 5 ha and mining projects (minor minerals) above 0.5 ha. The applications seeking

    environmental clearances as per the EIA notifications are routed through DEE.

    2.7.3 Karnataka State Pollution Control Board

    KSPCB has regulatory and enforcement responsibilities with respect to air, water

    pollution control and hazardous waste management in pharmaceutical under the Water(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act,

    1981 and rules there under, the Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 1994 & 1997 and

    Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1989 & amendments rules 2000. KSPCB

    is responsible for conducting public hearing under Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)



    1. The factory shall segregate the waste streams as biodegradable, non-biodegradable,

    and inorganic streams etc., based on their characteristics and adopt appropriate methods of their

    treatment and disposal.

    2. A state of the art effluent treatment system shall be installed to treat the effluents tothe standards stipulated. The treatment of effluents shall ensure that the effluents are free from

    toxic and hazardous effects.

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    3. Transportation .of toxic effluent from one stage to another, only for the sake of

    disposal by dilution is prohibited.

    4. The discharge of effluents into streams, rivers or surface water bodies is strictly


    5. The treated effluent conforming to stipulated standards shall be used on land for

    agriculture. The factory shall own/acquire sufficient area of land for this purpose. Theapplication of effluent shall be controlled in such a manner as not to cause either flooding of

    land or underground water pollution. Before allowing the use of treated effluent for irrigation,

    the State Pollution Control Board shall ensure that the factory submits a report on geophysical

    characteristics and assimilation capacity of land and suitability of effluents for agriculture

    through recognized institutions. Adequate number of observation bores/test wells shall be

    proved by the factory in and around the effluent irrigated area to monitor ground water quality.

    The factory shall get the soil, leachate and ground water in the area analyzed at regular intervals

    for parameters based on raw materials used and characteristics of effluent discharged to verify

    the fate and effect of any persistent chemical.

    6. Boilers, Diesel generating sets etc., shall be provided with chimneys of prescribed

    height.7. The general exhaust from different sections shall be collected, and scrubbed to

    control emissions. The reactor emissions shall be scrubbed to control emission of different


    8. All solvent tanks located above ground level shall be blanketed with Nitrogen, there

    by preventing any solvent evaporation and consequently minimizing odorous emissions.

    9. State of art incinerator shall be provided wherever feasible to incinerate all

    combustible effluents, solids, gases, toxic substances etc. The incinerator shall be fitted with a

    chimney of prescribed height and scrubbers to clean the flue gases.

    10. The factory shall ensure that the noise levels are within the stipulated limits and the

    factory shall conduct periodic monitoring of noise levels at designated location at specified

    intervals.11. Solid waste and sludge generated in the factory shall be collected, treated and

    disposed of in a scientific manner so as not to cause environmeta1 pollution.

    12. The factory shall install water maters to measure the water consumed for different

    purposes as per the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977, as amended,

    and pay water cess.

    13. The factory shall submit an Environmental statement Report for the financial year

    ending the 31" March in the prescribed form to the State Pollution Control Board on or before

    the 15th day of September every year.

    14. The factory shall comply with the provisions of the:

    i Hazardous wastes (Management and Handling), Rules, 1989.ii Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, .1989.

    iii Public liability insurance Act and Rules, 1991

    as amended from time to time, if applicable

    15. All tanks used for the collection and treatment of effluents shall be made impervious

    by providing adequate cement concrete/stone masonry/stone slab lining with leak-proof joints at

    the bottom and sides. 1 observation bores with pipes shall be provided around such tanks and

    monitored for leakage.

    16. The factory shall upgrade the pollution control systems as and when new

    technologies become available.

    17. The factory shall ensure continuous and effective operation and maintenance of

    pollution control systems by employing qualified Environmental Engineers/Scientists.18. The factory shall ensure continuous and uninterrupted power supply to see that the

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    Approval for setting up Pharmaceutical Industries includes:

    1 Should obtain the Environmental Clearance Certificate as per

    Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 1994 and its

    amendments from the Ministry of Environment and Forests, GoI. The

    application seeking environmental clearance (Schedule II of EIA

    Notification) should be routed through Department of Forest, Ecology and

    Environment for consideration after mandatory public hearing.

    2 All the entrepreneurs before establishing an industry have to obtain consent for


    3 Any person who is likely to establish or take any steps to establish any Industrial Plant or

    process or any treatment and disposal system or any extension or addition which is likely to

    discharge sewage or trade effluent into any stream or well or sewer or on land has to obtain

    consent of the Board.

    4 Similarly any person who is likely to establish or operate any industrial plant in any air

    pollution control area (Entire Karnataka has been declared as air pollution control area) is

    not permitted to discharge or cause or discharges the emission of any air pollutant in excess

    of the standards laid down by the State Board. These emissions shall be with prior consent

    of the State Board.


    Should comply with the consent conditions laid down by State Pollution Control Board

    Should maintain relevant log books for daily water consumption, raw material used and

    products manufactured, energy use and consumption, hazardous and solid wastegenerated, waste water generated, air emissions, etc.

    Should submit yearly Environmental Statement to the concerned State Pollution

    Control Board

    Should submit yearly Water Cess Returns to the concerned State Pollution Control


    Should provide for wastewater treatment facility, air pollution control devices.

    Should provide for safe drinking water and proper sanitation amenities for the workers

    and also take into considerations the health and safety of the workers.

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    The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act is an act to provide for prevention of

    control of water pollution and maintaining or restoring of wholesomeness of water while, the

    Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act provides for the prevention, control and abatement

    of air pollution. Under these two acts any new industry prior to commissioning should obtain

    consent of the concerned State Pollution Control Board to establish and to operate.


    All new establishments like industries, water and wastewater treatment

    systems, sewage treatment systems are required to obtain Consent for

    Establishment and subsequently obtain Consent for Operation under the Air

    and Water Acts. All the consent applications received will be subject to technical

    evaluation and conditions imposed to protect the environment. Application Form I

    and Form XIII, under the Air and Water Act, respectively, to be filled by the

    applicant along with the consent fee and relevant documents. Pass Book system has

    been introduced for renewal of consents.Depending upon the industries varying in pollution potential (red, orange, and green) and

    capital investment (small scale, medium scale, and large scale) the consent fees varies.

    The industries under large scale and medium scale RED category are required to obtain

    consent every year.

    Medium scale ORANGE and GREEN category industries are required to obtain consent

    every year with an option for once in two years by paying two years fee.

    Small scale RED, ORANGE and GREEN category have to obtain consent every year

    with an option of once in three years by paying three year fee.

    Tiny industries have to renew consent once in ten years by paying one year consent fee.

    See Annexure II for Consent fee, frequency of consent application and the periodicity ofmonitoring based on the classification of industries.

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    The purpose of Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Cess Act is levy and collect

    cess on water consumed by 16 categories of industries specified in the schedule I of the act and

    also by local bodies with a view to augment the resources of the Central and State PollutionControl Boards. Water cess is levied based on the water consumed for domestic and specified

    industry. Cess is calculated on rate specified in Schedule II of the Act for different water users.

    As per section 4 of the act the concerned industries are required to install standard water meters

    at such places as may be required by the concerned authority for measuring and recording the

    quantity of water consumed by the industry. The industry consuming water shall furnish the

    cess returns in the prescribed form on or before 5thof every month to the Member Secretary of

    the State Pollution Control Board. The authority assesses the returns filed after due verification

    and amount payable is intimated to the user, which should be paid by demand draft by the user.

    If the industry complies with the regulation by providing effluent treatment plant which

    meets the standards prescribed in terms of quantity and quality, it is entitled to a rebate of 25%.

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    Under the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification of 27/1/1994 and subsequent

    amendments made on 04/05/1994, 10/04/1997, 27/1/2000, 13/12/2000, 01/08/2001 and

    21/11/2001, powers are conferred on the Central Government by sub-section (1) and clause (v)

    of sub-section (2) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) read with

    clause (d) of sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986. Any expansion

    or modernization of any activity (if pollution load is to exceed the existing one), or new project

    listed in Schedule I to this notification, should be accorded environmental clearance by the

    Central Government in accordance with the procedure specified in this notification.

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    Obtaining Environmental Clearance

    nd is










    Environmental Clearance issuedby Min. of Env. &. Forests

    along with Stipulations


    by EAC

    Public hearingarranged

    Is the project

    acceptableCan Issues be


    Investors advised

    to look for

    alternate site

    Apply to Union

    Min. of Env. &Forests in



    Apply to stateDOEn for



    Does the Project

    fall under schedule-

    I of EIA


    Apply also

    to CCF in

    case of

    forest la

    involved.SPCB issues


    RejectCan Issues be resolved

    Submits Project questionnaire to

    concerned SPCB


    Is the project

    site acceptable

    Is the informationprovided adequate

    Review by

    Environmental Appraisal

    Committee of the Min.

    of Env. &. Forests

    Initial scrutiny by staff of

    Min. of Env.&.Forests

    Submission of the project to the Min. of Env. &. Forestsalong with all documents listed at Part I of the handbook

    Scoping by investor




    Prepare comprehensive

    EIA or any specific

    study suggested by the


    Is site


    EAC Members

    undertake site


    Is there a

    public outcry

    against the


    Is the Environmental

    Management Plan satisfactory

    Review by SPCB

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    Environmental Management in industries hitherto based on and off pipe waste treatment,

    is now based on the emerging philosophy of waste prevention and reduction. In order

    to prevent or reduce waste generation, one needs to examine the production processes,to identify the origins of wastes, the operational problems associated with the

    process and the areas requiring improvement. As per the notification issued by the

    Ministry of Environment & Forest, Government of India on 13thMarch, 1992

    (amended vide notification no. GSR 386 (E) dtd. 22.04.1993) under the

    Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, all those carrying on an industry, operation or process

    requiring consent to operate under section 25 of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution)

    Act, 1974 and / or under section 21 of the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981

    and/ or authorization issued under the Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1989

    and the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 are required to submit the environmental statement

    for every financial year ending 31stMarch in the prescribed form [Form V] to the concerned

    State Pollution Control Boards on or before 30thday of September every year beginning 1993.Non-compliance with this mandatory requirement amounts to violation of the Environment

    (Protection) Act, 1986.


    A statement prepared by the industry shall include the following;

    a. A description of the companys activities at site considered

    b. An assessment of all the significant environmental issues relevant to there


    c. A summary of the figures on energy consumption, water consumption, raw

    materials consumption, pollutant emissions, waste generation and othersignificant environmental aspects.

    d. The industrys environmental policy objectives and targets

    e. Details of the programme to be followed and the environmental management


    Environmental Statement helps industry to take a comprehensive role at their industrial

    operations and facilities, understandings of material flows and focus on areas where waste

    reduction and consequently saving input costs, if possible. Environmental Statement is to be

    prepared by every industry by filling up one Environmental Statement Form V (enclosed vide

    Annexure ) supplied by Pollution Control Board.

    For the preparation of Environmental Statement, log book need to be maintained by the pharmaauthorities in their premises which would make the statement summarising easier. The log book

    list is provide below

    a. Water log book

    b. Raw Material log book

    c. Energy log book

    d. Pollutant log book

    e. Hazardous log book

    The day to day summary from the log book can be summarised on monthly basis. A sample log

    book is provided in Annexures.

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    Environmental Audit has become a step to comply with the requirement to furnish the

    Environmental Statement, though the importance of environmental audit lies in achieving

    increased productivity and reduced waste generation. Auditing in general is a methodical

    examination involving analysis, tests and confirmation of local procedures and practices whose

    goal is verify whether they comply with legal requirements, internal polices and accepted

    practices. Auditing differs from assessment in that it requires collection and documentation of

    competent and sufficient evidence rather than an opinion based primarily on professional


    Environmental Audit is a technique being introduced for integrating

    the interest of the industry and the environment so that there could be

    mutually supportive. This technique is basically a part of industrys

    internal procedures to meet their responsibilities towards better

    environment. Environment Auditing is a management tool comprising a

    systematic documented periodic and objective evaluation of how well the

    management systems are performing with the aim of: Waste preventive and reduction

    Assessing compliance with regulatory requirements

    Facilitating control of environmental practices by a companys management, and

    Placing environmental information in the public domain.

    Environmental Audit in India is different from that in developed countries and the

    definition of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is accepted. ICC defines

    Environmental Audit is It is a management tool comprising a systematic, documented, periodic

    and objective evaluation of how well environmental organization, management and equipment

    are performing with the aim of helping to safe guard the environment by:

    Facilitating management control of environmental practices.

    Assessing compliance with company policies, which would include meeting,

    regulatory requirement.

    Environmental Statement which is a part of the Environmental Audit.

    Environment Policy means a statement of a companys overall aims and principles of

    action with respect to the environment.


    A good Environmental Auditdefines sources, quantities & types of waste generation

    Collates information on unit operations, raw materials, products, water usage and

    wastes and increases knowledge of the process.

    Highlights process and poor management

    Helps to set targets for waste reduction

    Permits the development of effective waste management strategies.

    Rises awareness in the workforce regarding the benefits of waste reduction

    Helps to improve process efficiency

    Enables legislative compliance & avoids litigation.

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    A step-by-step methodology for Environmental Audit as recommended by the United

    Nations Environment Programme and the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation

    (UNIDO) is illustrated in figure 1.

    Phase 1: Pre-AssessmentAUDIT PREPARATION

    Step 1 Prepare and organise audit team and resources.

    Step 2 Divide Process into unit operation

    Step 3 Construct process flow diagram linking unit



    Step 7 quantify products / by-products

    Step 8 Account for waste water

    Step 9 Account for gaseous emissions

    Step 10 Account for offsite wastes


    Step 4 Determine inputs

    Step 5 Record water usage

    Step 6 Measure current levels of

    waste reuse/recycling


    Step 11 Assemble input and output Information

    Step 12 Derive a preliminary material balance

    Step 13 and 14 evaluate and refine material balance


    Step 15 Identify obvious waste reduction measures

    Step 16 target and characterize problem wastes

    Step 17 Investigate the possibility of waste segregation

    Step 18 Identify the long term waste reduction measures


    Step 19 Undertake environmental and economic

    evaluation of waste reduction options, list viable


    Step 20 Design and implement a waste reduction

    action plan to achieve improved process efficiency

    Phase 3: Synthesis

    Phase 2: Material Balance

    Quick Reference Audit Guide

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    The Pharma authority is required to seek Environmental Clearance from the Ministry of

    Environment and Forest, GoI, for a new or proposed expansion / modernisation and submitEnvironmental Impact Assessment report while applying for Environmental Clearance. The

    authorities are also required to submit yearly Water Cess Returns and Environmental

    Statement to the concerned State Pollution Control Boards. As of now, though the

    Environmental Impact Assessment report is submitted through the State Pollution Control

    Board, there is no provision to link the EIA report with the Environmental Statement which is

    submitted yearly. However, this is an important step which would not only give the yearly

    compliance but also the status of the environment over a period of time.

    In this chapter we are suggesting the following activities which would provide a rigorous

    analysis of environmental statement submitted by the Pharma authorities and develop an

    effective institutional arrangement for implementing Environmental Audit in the state.

    Verification of Environmental Audit by the Regulatory Authorities

    Verification of Environmental Audit by the Third Party

    For the verification process the following steps are suggested:

    Step 1: Verification of maintenance of Log Books

    Step 2: Verification of maintenance of Yearly Resource Auditing Books

    Step 3: Verification of compliance Consent Aspects

    Step 4: Verification of Environmental Aspects

    Step 5: Verification of Environmental Statement in line with the data provided with the data

    submitted with Environmental Impact Assessment report.

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    This chapter dea1s with the current environmenta1 issues in the manufacturing processes

    of the pharmaceutica1 (bulk and formulations) industries. The processes in the pharmaindustries vary from company to company and therefore, for burgeoning environmental

    professionals it is necessary to have an accurate knowledge of general manufacturing process,

    waste streams, available technology, and regulatory issues affecting the pharma industries. This

    chapter helps in

    Understanding the diverse nature of pharmaceutical processes, and their varied

    operations for manufacturing, purifying, and packaging drug products.

    Learn about the typical ingredients used to manufacture pharmaceutical products.

    Discover how the diverse manufacturing processes, reactions, and hazardous materials

    produce a wide range of chemical and biological wastes.

    Become familiar with the treatment technologies the industry is using to manage wastesafter they are generated.

    Identify the pollution prevention efforts that companies can use for cost containment in

    the pharmaceutical industry.

    It is impractical to list the exact interpretations for individua1 manufacturing situations;

    therefore, when in doubt about the impact of a particular process, it is essential that you consult

    with appropriate agencies, and legal in house experts.


    The pharmaceutica1 manufacturing industry encompasses the manufacture, extraction,

    process, purification, and packaging of chemica1 materia1s to be used as medication or have a

    therapeutic va1ue for humans or anima1s. A broad range of products that include natura1

    substances from plants or anima1s, metals, organics, and wholly inorganic materia1s

    characterizes the industry. The industry is a1so characterized by diversity of processes and

    plant sizes, as well as waste quantity and qua1ity.

    Pharmaceutical production operations may be batch, semi-continuous, or continuous.

    However, batch methods are the most common. Many of the processes encompassed are

    proprietary, but the general processes are identified and describing the broad range of

    manufacturing processes used in the pharmaceutica1 industries is Figure 1.

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    Figure 1: General manufacturing processes used in the pharmaceutica1 industries

    Chemical substances Micro organic cultures

    External cleaning

    (Washing, dust removal)


    Direct use(antibiotics in powder





    Vegetable or animal tissues

    ExtractionPharmacologically active


    Freeze drying








    SuppositoriesFreeze -dried


    Mixing with solid



    Dilution in liquids



    Manufacturing in the industry can be characterized by four processes namely fermentation,extraction, chemical synthesis, and formulation and packaging.

    Fermentation is usually a large-scale batch process and involves fermentation, or

    controlled growth of specific micro organisms, in a reactor vessel to produce a desired

    product. The desired product is then recovered from the fermentation broth using

    solvent extraction, adsorption, precipitation and filtration, or ion exchange. Wastewater

    streams generated from fermentation processes include discharges from reactor cleanings

    and sterilizations, off-gas scrubber effluents, and occasional off-specification batches.

    Solvents used in extracting the product from the broth in the recovery process may be

    discharged into the sewers in the wastewater streams as well.

    Extraction refers to the extraction and recovery of a small volume of desired productfrom naturally occurring sources such as plant roots and leaves, animal glands, and

    parasitic fungi. Extraction operations are usually either batch or semi-continuous.

    Wastewater discharges from extraction processes include spent raw materials, solvents

    used in extractions, and spills and equipment wash waters.

    Chemical synthesis, either through batch or continuous processes (usually batch), is the

    most common method of preparing pharmaceuticals. Synthesis of pharmaceuticals

    involves reaction of the appropriate raw materials and recovery of the desired product.

    Effluents from synthesis operations are highly variable as are the processes by which

    they are generated. Process solutions, vessel wash waters, filtrates, concentrates, spent

    solvents, and scrubber effluents are all sources of wastewater. Pump seal water, spills,and cleaning wash waters are additional sources. Any of these sources may contain

    significant concentrations of volatile organics.

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    Mixing, compounding, and formulating operations involve preparation of the active

    ingredients into a dosage form for consumer use. The primary sources of wastewater

    from these processes are from equipment washings, scrubber effluents, and spills.

    Although wastewater streams from all four processes have the potential to contain high organic

    loadings, fermentation and synthesis operations usually generate larger volumes of wastewater,

    and the wastewaters generated usually contain higher organic loadings. Thus, thepharmaceutical manufacturing industry discharges significant quantities of organic compounds

    intheir raw wastewaters as the industry primarily uses organic compounds as raw materials or



    To understand the treatment of wastewaters it is very important to know the composition of

    wastewaters, which in turn depends on the products that are manufactured either in the bulk or

    in the formulations industries. This section outlines the various dosage forms and their rough

    compositions, which later express themselves as pollutants in wastewaters. Table 1 outlines

    dosage forms of pharmaceutical products and composition.

    Table 10.1:Dosage forms of pharmaceutical products and compositionDOSAGE FORM CONSTITUENTS & PROPERTIES

    Liquid solutions

    Aromatic waters Volatile solids and oils, water

    Liquors or solutions Water, chemicals

    Syrups Sweetener, solvent, medicinal agent

    Elixirs Sweetened hydro alcoholic solution, may be medicated

    Spirits, essences Alcohol, water, volatile substances

    Tinctures Natural drugs, extracted with appropriate solvents

    Colloidions Pyroxylin in ether, medicinal agent, castor oil, camphor

    Liniments Oily or alcoholic solutions, suspensions

    Mucilages Colloidal polymer solutions

    Parenteral solution Sterile, pyrogen-free, isotonic, pH close to that ofblood; oily or aqueous suspension

    Ophthalmic Sterile, isotonic, pH close to that of tears; viscosity


    Nasal Aqueous, isotonic, pH close to that of nasal fluid;

    sprays or drops

    Otic Glycerol based

    Mouthwash, gargles Aqueous, antiseptic

    Inhalations Administered with mechanical devices

    Enemas, douches Aqueous solution or suspension, may include

    medicinal agent

    Liquid dispersionsSuspensions Powder suspended in water, alcohol, glycol, or an oil;

    viscosity builder, wetting agents, preservatives

    Emulsions, lotions Oil-in-water or water-in-oil

    Gels, jellies, magma Viscous, colloidal dispersions

    Semisolid and Plastic


    Ointments Hydrocarbon (oil), absorptive water-washable or water-

    soluble bases; emulsifying agents; glycol, medicating


    Pastes and cerates Ointments with high-dispersed solids or waxes,


    Suppositories Theobroma oil, glycerinated gelatin, or polyethyleneglycol base plus medicinal agent


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    Standard Operating Procedure for Pharmaceutical Industry


    Bulk powder Comminuted or blended, dissolved, or mixed with


    Effervescent powder Comminuted or blended, dissolved in or mixed with


    Dusting powder Contains adsorbents

    Insufflation Insufflator propels medicated powder into body cavity

    Lyophilized powders Reconstitution by pharmacist of unstable productCapsules Small-dose bulk powder enclosed in gelatin shell;

    active ingredient plus diluent

    Masses or molded solid


    Adhesive or binding agents facilitate compounding;

    prepared by massing and piping

    Trouches, lozenges,


    Prepared by piping and cutting or disk candy

    technology; compounded with glycero-gelatin

    Tablet triturates Small molded tablets intended for quick complete

    dissolution (e.g., nitroglycerin)

    Granules Particle size larger than powder

    Compressed tablets Dissolved or mixed with water; great variety of shapes

    and formulations

    Pellets For prolonged actionCoated tablets Coating protective; slow release


    For a broad understanding of the treatment of wastewaters a typical pharmaceutical

    process wastes is summarised below in Table 2.

    Table 10.2: Typical pharmaceutical process wastes.


    Process liquors Organic synthesis Contaminated solvents

    Spent fermentation broth Fermentation processes Contaminated waters

    Spent natural product, rawmaterials Natural product, extractionprocesses Leaves, tissues

    Spent aqueous solutions Solvent extraction processes Contaminated water

    Leftover raw material,


    Unloading of materials into

    process equipment

    Bags, drums (fiber, plastic, metal),

    plastic bottles

    Scrubber water from pollution

    control equipment

    Dust or hazardous vapor

    generating processes

    Contaminated water

    Volatile organic compounds Chemical storage tanks, drums Solvents

    Off-spec or out-dated products Manufacturing operations Miscellaneous chemicals

    Spills Manufacturing and lab


    Miscellaneous chemicals, mercury,

    other metals

    Wastewater Equipment cleaning, extractionresidues

    Contaminated water, pheno-based

    Spent solvents Solvent extraction or wash


    Contaminated solvents

    Used production materials Manufacturing operations Filters, tubing, diatomaceous earth

    Used chemical reagents R & D operations Miscellaneous chemicals, solvents,

    acid/alkaline wastes, radioisotopes,

    formaldehyde, photographic

    chemicals, silver

    Spent ethylene oxide Sterilization operations Ethylene oxide

    Miscellaneous wastes Maintenance operations Waste lube oils, vacuum pump oils,

    cleaning solvents, paint strippingwastes, leftover paints and

    accessories, spent fluorescent lamps,

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    Standard Operating Procedure for Pharmaceutical Industry



    Used packaging material Packaging operations Plastic, wood, cardboard, foam


    Infectious/medical wastes R & D, manufacturing

    operations, off-spec products

    Vials, biomass, blood products,

    human animal specimens

    Incinerator exhaust On-site incinerators Metals, oxides

    Natural gas combustion products Steam boilers Carbon compounds, oxides ofnitrogen and sulfur, boiler

    blowdown, cooling tower sludges,

    and sediments


    From the earlier discussion of pharmaceutical (bulk and formulations) manufacturing processes,

    it is apparent that pharmaceutical manufacturing is costly and complex. As already mentioned,

    there may be ten to fourteen stages in the manufacture of a single new chemical entity, each

    involving many chemicals and generating several waste products. Moreover, the pharma

    industry is heavily impacted by QA/QC regulations. Though there are many cleaner production

    and waste minimisation options possible for recycling and reuse of some of material, concernsabout quality of the products may drive the industry to use end-of-the-pipe treatment

    technologies rather than in-process systems. Table 3 lists treatment control technologies that

    can be /have been employed by the pharmaceutical industry to treat process wastewaters.

    Table 10.3:Summary of probable end-of-pipe treatment processes for pharmaceutical

    wastewatersSR. NO TECHNOLOGY

    1 Equalization

    2 Neutralization

    3 Primary treatment

    Coarse settleable solids removal

    Primary sedimentation

    Primary chemical flocculation/ clarificationDissolved air flotation

    4 Biological treatment

    Activated sludge

    Pure oxygen

    Powdered activated carbon

    Trickling filter

    Aerated lagoon

    Waste stabilization pond

    Rotating biological contactor

    Other biological treatment

    5 Physical/chemical treatment

    Thermal oxidationEvaporation

    6 Additional treatment

    Polishing ponds



    Activated carbon


    Other polishing

    Secondary chemical flocculation/

    clarification Secondary neutralization


    The pharma industries create many different types of waste streams; therefore, it is

    impossible to list all the control technologies they use. The pharma industries use a wide variety

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    Standard Operating Procedure for Pharmaceutical Industry


    of treatment processes: physical, chemical, biological, thermal, and stabilization. A brief

    summary of the treatment processes available to the pharma industries is outlined here.

    10.5.1 Physical Treatment Processes

    Physical treatment processes are those using physical characteristics to effect a

    separation or concentration in a waste stream. The processes are organized into four groupings:

    gravity separation, phase change, dissolution, and size/adsorptive/ionic characteristics. Table 4presents the treatment technologies under each of these groupings.

    Table 10.4:Physical treatment processes and technologies.






    Sedimentation Soil washing/ flushing Evaporation Filtration

    Centrifugation Chelation Air stripping Carbon adsorption

    Flocculation Liquid/liquid


    Steam stripping Ion exchange

    Oil/waterseparation Supercritical solventextraction Distillation Electrodialysis

    Dissolved air


    Heavy media


    10.5.2 Chemical Treatment Processes

    The chemical treatment processes are the most commonly used waste treatment practices. These


    pH adjustment for neutralization orprecipitation

    Hydrolysis and photolysis

    Oxidation and reduction


    Hydrogen peroxide oxidation

    Alkaline chlorination

    Hypochlorite chlorination

    Electrolyte oxidation

    Chemical dechlorination

    10.5.3 Biological Processes

    Biological degradation is fast becoming a viable approach to waste management.

    Originally, environmental engineers used biological degradation of hazardous organic

    substances in the treatment of municipal wastewater, especially processes based on aerobic

    bacteria or anaerobic bacteria. Aerobic biological treatment is a treatment technology

    applicable to wastewaters containing biodegradable organic constituents and some nonmetallic

    inorganic constituents including sulfides and cyanides. Anaerobic digestion is best suited to

    wastes with moderate to high pH non-halogenated hydrocarbons, moderate to low organic

    loadings, and low to zero biological oxygen demands. Some of the biological processes include:

    Aerobic biological treatment

    Activated sludge

    Rotating biological contactors


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    Standard Operating Procedure for Pharmaceutical Industry


    Anaerobic digestion White-rot fungus

    10.5.4 Thermal Destruction Processes

    Thermal destruction processes include several energy recovery processes, traditional

    incineration processes, and several innovative thermal processes. These processes include:

    Liquid injection incineration

    Rotary kiln incineration

    Fluidized bed incineration


    Wet air oxidation

    Industrial boilers

    Industrial kilns (cement kiln,

    aggregate, clay)

    Blast furnaces (iron and steel)

    Infrared incineration

    Circulating bed combustor

    Supercritical water oxidation

    Advanced electric reactor

    Molten Salt destruction

    Molten glass

    Plasma torch

    You can incinerate any waste at some cost. Technical limits exist for specific

    incineration technologies, but there are no technical limits on incineration for any waste type.

    10.5.5 Fixation and Stabilization Processes

    Fixation and stabilization involves immobilization of the toxic and hazardous

    constituents in the waste. You can immobilize constituents by either changing the constituents

    into insoluble forms, binding them in an immobile, insoluble matrix, and/ or binding them in a

    matrix that minimizes the material surface exposed to solvent exposure. Often the immobilized

    product has structural strength sufficient to help protect it from future fracturing and leaching.

    Most of these processes are proprietary. They include:

    Lime-based pozzolan processes

    Portland cement pozzolan process



    Asphalt-based (thermoplastic) micro encapsulation



    Companies are moving away from compliance-driven activities, to

    Pollution Prevention (PP)