sonic hedgehog pathway and small molecule therapies

From the mountains of Idaho to the bedside: A story basic science, drug discovery, and clinical research Cemile “Blue” Guldal, Ph.D. 02/14/2012

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Ten-minute presentation about the history of the discovery of the Sonic hedgehog pathway, its role in development, and current efforts to develop small molecule inhibitors for various cancers.


Page 1: Sonic hedgehog pathway and small molecule therapies

From the mountains of Idaho to the bedside: A story basic science, drug discovery, and clinical research

Cemile “Blue” Guldal, Ph.D.


Page 2: Sonic hedgehog pathway and small molecule therapies

From the mountains of Idaho to human clinical trials…

Corn lily

1950s: In Idaho newborn lambs with severe craniofacial defects, including cyclopia

1968: Cyclopamine isolated. (Odysseus escapes the cyclops with the help of a sheep!)

1993: Mammalian Shh gene cloned

1980s and ‘90s: Three hedgehog homologs:

Sonic Indian Desert

1998: cyclopamine inhibits hh signaling2002: mechanism of hh inhibition by cyclopamine

1996: Gorlin’s syndrome linked to mutations in the hh pathway

1970s: Classic Heidelberg mutant screens in fruit flies, published in 1978; 1995 Nobel prize for Nüsslein-Volhard and Weischaus

Page 3: Sonic hedgehog pathway and small molecule therapies

Gorlin’s Syndrome (1 in 57,000 people)Basal cell carcinoma (most common skin cancer)skeletal abnormalitiesmedulloblastoma (5%)

Medulloblastoma1,000 new cases each year18% of pediatric brain tumorsthe most common malignant pediatric brain tumor

RabdomyosarcomaPancreatic cancer (ductal adenocarcinoma) Breast cancerOvarian cancerColorectal cancerSmall cell lung cancerChronic Myelogenous Leukemia…

Human disease and Hedgehog pathway

IPI-926, LDE225, GDC-0449

LDE225, PF-04449913

LDE225, XL 139, GDC-0449, LEQ506TAK-441

LDE225, LEQ506, GDC-0449, PF-04449913


GDC-0449, XL 139


cyclopamine - poor solubility, low potency, rapid clearance, nonspecific toxicity, and chemical instability

IPI-926 – Infinity, 6 trialsLDE225 – Novartis, 12 trialsXL 139– Exelixis+BMS, 7 trialsGDC-0449 – Curis+Genentech, 30 trialsTAK-441 – Millenium, 1 trialPF-04449913 – Pfizer, 2 trialsLEQ506 – Novartis, 1 trial

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Hedgehog signalingcyclopamineIPI-926LDE225LEQ506XL 139PF-04449913GDC-0449TAK-441Itraconazole

Arsenic trioxide

upregulation of independent pathways

January 30, 2012:VismodegibErivedge™

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cyclin D2


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p38 MAPK is active in mouse medulloblastoma

p-p38-low p-p38-high (four representative tumor samples)



p38 MAPK is active in pediatric medulloblastoma

Pharmacological inhibition of p38 activity inhibits HH pathway

Page 7: Sonic hedgehog pathway and small molecule therapies

Future directions

p38 inhibition in mouse models of medulloblastoma and BCC

Combination therapies with p38 and hedgehog inhibitors

Page 8: Sonic hedgehog pathway and small molecule therapies

Dr. Anna KenneyDr. Alex Joyner

Members of the Kenney and Joyner Labs

Dr. Alexia-Ileana ZaromytidouDr. Praveen Raju

Thanks to…