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  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    1. Holy Holy

    1. Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God almighty!

    Early in the morning our song shall raise to thee;Holy, Holy, Holy! Merciul and mighty!

    God in three ersons "lessed trinity!

    #. Holy, Holy, Holy! $ll the saints adore thee.

    %asting do&n their Golden cro&ns around the glassy


    %heru"im and Serahim alling do&n "eore 'hee,

    (ho &as an art and e)ermore shall "e.

    *. Holy, Holy, Holy! 'hough the darkness hide thee;

    'hough the eye o sinul one 'hy glory cannot see;

    +nly thou art holy! 'here is none "eside thee,

    erect in o&er, in lo)e and urity.

    -. Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God almighty!

    $ll they &orks shall raise thy name,n earth and sky and sea;

    Holy, Holy, Holy! Merciul and mighty

    God in three ersons, "lessed 'rinity

    2. Im so glad

    1. /m so glad Jesus lited me 0*

    Singing Glory Hallelujah

    Jesus lifted me.

    #. Satan had me "ound, "ut Jesus set me ree

    *. +nce &as a sinner "ut Jesus set me ree


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    -. /m on my &ay to hea)en, shouting )ictory.

    3. How great thou art

    1. +h Lord my God, &hen in a&esome &onder;

    %onsider all the &orks 'hy hand hath made;

    see the stars hear the mighty thunder,

    'hy o&er throughout the uni)erse dislayed.

    Then sing my soul my Savior God to Thee;

    How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

    Then sing my soul my Savior God to Thee.

    How great Thou art how great Thou art!

    #. (hen through the &oods, and orest glades


    hear the "irds sing s&eetly in the trees;

    (hen look do&n rom loty mountain grandeur;

    $nd hear the "rook and eel gentle "ree2e.

    *. But &hen think that God His son not saring,Sent Him to die scarce can take it in;

    'hat on the cross my "urden gladly "earing,

    He "led and died to take a&ay my sin.

    -. (hen %hrist shall come &ith shouts o acclamation,

    $nd take me home &hat 3oy shall ill my heart;

    'hen shall "o& in hum"le adoration,

    $nd there roclaim, 4My God, Ho& great 'hou


    4. Change my heart O God

    %hange my heart + God, make it e)er true

    %hange my heart + God, may "e like 6ou.

    6ou are the otter, am the clay


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    Mold me and make me, this is &hat ray

    %hange my heart + God7

    5. To god be the glory

    1. 'o God "e the glory great things He had done!

    So lo)ed He the &orld that He ga)e us His Son!

    (ho yielded His lie atonement or sin,

    $nd oen the lie gate that all may go in.

    Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord!

    Let the earth hear His voie,Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,

    Let the eole rejoie!

    " ome to the #ather through Jesus the Son,

    $nd give Him the glory great things He had done!

    #. + erect redemtion, the urchase o "lood,

    'o e)ery "elie)er the romise o God;

    'he )ilest oender &ho truly "elie)es,'hat moment rom Jesus a ardon recei)es.

    *. Great thing He had taught us great thing He had done,

    $nd great our re3oicing through Jesus the Son;

    But urer and higher and greater &ill "e,

    +ur &onder, our transort &hen Jesus &e see.

    6. Come now !s the t!me

    %ome , no& is the time to &orshi

    %ome, no& is the time to gi)e your heart

    %ome, 3ust as you are to &orshi

    %ome, 3ust as you are "eore your God,

    +ne day e)ery tongue &ill coness 86ou are God/

    +ne day e)ery knee &ill "o&


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    Still the greatest treasure remains

    9or those &ho gladly choose you no&.

    ". #esus shall re!gn wherere the sun

    1. Jesus Shall :eign (here/re the Sun

    oth His successi)e 3ourney run;

    His kingdom sread rom shore to shore,

    'ill Moon shall &a< and &ane no more.

    #. 'o Him shall endless rayer "e made,

    $nd endless raises cro&n His head;His name, like s&eet erume, shall rise

    (ith e)ery morning sacriice

    *. eole and realms o e)ery tongue

    &ell in His lo)e &ith s&eetest song,

    $nd inant )oices shall roclaim

    'heir early "lessings on His name.

    -. Let all creatures rise, and "ring

    'heir grateul honors to our king;

    $ngels descend &ith songs again

    $nd earth reeat the loud $men!

    $. %ather we lo&e you

    1. 9ather &e lo)e you

    (e &orshi and adore you

    Gloriy your name in all the earth

    Gloriy your name 0*

    n all the earth.

    #. Jesus, &e lo)e you7..


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    *. Sirit &e lo)e you7..

    '. It !s good to g!&e than(s

    %t is good to give than&s to the Lord

    To raise our God most high

    To tell a'out His love in the morning

    $nd His faithfulness at night.

    1. God has healed the "roken=hearted

    'ears ha)e turned to raiseHis &ord &ill turn strong our sirits

    (e shine like the light o day.

    *. (hen the shado&s all uon us

    (e don/t ha)e to ear

    Like a child &ho/s held "y his ather

    (e are sae 8cause God is here!

    1). *way !n manger

    1. $&ay in manger, no cri" or a "ad,

    'he little Lord Jesus laid do&n His s&eet head;

    'he "right stars in the skies looked do&n &here He


    'he little Lord Jesus aslee on His hay.

    #. 'he cattle are lo&ing, the "a"y a&akes,

    But little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes.

    lo)e 'hee Lord Jesus, look do&n rom the sky,

    $nd stay "y my cradle till morning is nigh.

    *. Be near me Lord Jesus, ask 'hee to stay,


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    %lose "y me ore)er, and lo)e me ray.

    Bless all the dear children in 'hy tender care,

    $nd take us to hea)en, to li)e &ith 'hee there.

    11. #oy to the world

    1. Joy to the &orld the Lord has come?

    Let earth recei)e her king;

    Let e)ery heart reares Him room,

    $nd hea)en and nature sing 0#

    $nd hea)en, and hea)en and nature sing.

    #. Joy to the &orld 'he Sa)ior reign?

    Let tongues their songs emloy;

    (hile ields and loods, rocks, hills and lains,

    :eeat the sounding 3oy 0#

    :eeat, reeat the sounding 3oy.

    *. @o more let sins and sorro&s gro&,

    @or thorns inest the ground;He comes to make His "lessing lo&

    9ar as the curse is ound 0#

    9ar as, ar as the curse is ound.

    -. He rules the &orld &ith truth and grace,

    $nd makes the nations ro)e

    'he glories o His righteousness,

    $nd &onders o His lo)e 0#

    $nd &onders, and &onders o His lo)e.

    12. Create !n me

    %reate in me a clean heart , + God

    $nd rene& a right sirit &ithin me 0#

    %aste me not a&ay rom thy resence + Lord


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    $nd take not 'hy Holy Sirit rom me

    :estore unto me the 3oy o 'hy sal)ation

    $nd rene& a right Sirit &ithin me.

    13. Its a good th!ng

    1. t/s a good thing to raise the Lord 0*

    (alking in the light o the Lord

    (al&, wal&, wal&, wal& in the light )*+

    (al&ing in the light of the Lord

    #. t/s good thing to lo)e the Lord 0*

    (alking in the light o the Lord*. t/s a good thing to ser)e the Lord 0*

    (alking in the light o the Lord.

    14. Glor!a !n e+,els!s deo

    1. $ngels &e ha)e heard on high

    S&eetly singing o/er the lains

    $nd the mountains in rely

    Echo "ack their 3oyous strains.

    Gloria in eelsis deo )-+

    #. Sheherds, &hy this 3u"ilee

    (hy your 3oyous strains rolong

    Say &hat may the tidings "e

    (hich insire your hea)enly Son

    *. %ome to Bethlehem and see

    Him &hose "irth the angels sing

    %ome, adore on "ended knee

    %hrist the Lord, the ne&="orn king.

    -. See &ithin a manger laid


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    Jesus Lord o hea)/n and earth

    Mary, Joseh lend your aid

    (ith us sing our Sa)ior/s "irth.

    15. -!ght o the world

    1. Light o the (orld,

    6ou steed out into darkness,

    +en my eyes, let me see,

    Beauty that made this heart adore you

    Hoe o a lie sent &ith you.

    Here %m to worshi here %m to 'ow down

    Here %m to say that youre my God.

    /oure altogether lovely, altogether worthy

    $ltogether wonderful to me.

    #. Ding o all days, oh so highly e

  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    %ele"ration &e lo)e to recall.

    Mary had a "a"y "oy in Bethlehem,

    Greatest cele"rations o them all.

    1". Ha00y Ha00y

    Hay, hay, hay in the Lord

    Praise God %m 'orn again trusting in the Lord

    $ll % wanted to say, Gods love is true

    That why %m hay, hay in the Lord.

    1. /ll tell my ather, /ll tell my ather +, my ather come &ith me

    tell my mother, tell my mother

    +, my mother come &ith me

    #. /ll tell my "rother, /ll tell my "rother

    +, my "rother come &ith me

    tell my sister, tell my sister

    +, my sister come &ith me!

    1$. !nd us together

    1ind us together Lord, 1ind us together

    (ith 0hords that annot 'e 'ro&en

    1ind us together Lord 1ind us together with love

    1. 'here is only one God; there is only one king

    'here is only one "ody; that is &hy &e sing

    #. Made or the glory o God. urchase "y His o&n


    Born &ith the right to "e clean, Jesus has &on



  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    *. (e/re the amily o God, &e/re the romise di)ine.





    &e/re the




    1'. On a h!ll ar away

    1. +n a hill ar a&ay stood an old rugged cross,

    'he em"lem o su/ring and shame?

    $nd lo)e that old cross &here the dearest and "est

    9or a &orld o lost sinners &as slain.

    So %ll herish the old rugged ross,Till my trohies at last % lay down;

    % will ling to the old rugged ross,

    $nd ehange it someday for a rown.

    #. + that old cross, so desised "y the &orld,

    Has a &ondrous attraction or me!

    9or the dear Lam" o God let His glory a"o)e,

    'o "ear it to dark %al)ary.

    *. n the old rugged cross, stained &ith "lood so


    $ &ondrous "eauty there see;

    9or 8t&as on the old cross Jesus suered and died,

    'o ardon and sanctiy me.


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    -. 'o the old rugged cross &ill e)er "e true,

    ts shame and reroach gladly "ear;

    'hen He/ll call me someday to my home ar a&ay

    (here His glory ore)er /ll share.

    2). #esus we enthroned you

    Jesus &e enthroned you,

    (e roclaimed that you are king!

    Standing here in the midst o us

    (e lited you u in our raise,$nd as &e &orshi, "uild your throne 0*

    %ome Lord Jesus and take your lace.

    21. There !s a ounta!n !lled w!th blood

    1. 'here is a ountain illed &ith "lood

    ra&n rom mmanuel/s )eins

    $nd sinners lunged "eneath that lood

    Lose all their guilty stains.

    #. 'he dying thie re3oiced to see

    'hat ountain in his day;

    $nd there may though )ile as he,

    (ash all my sins a&ay.

    *. E/er since "y aith sa& the stream

    'hy lo&ing &ound suly,

    :edeeming grace has "een my theme,

    $nd shall "e till die.

    -. 'hen in a no"ler, s&eeter song,

    /ll sing 'hy o&er to sa)e,

    (hen this oor lising, stammering tongue

    Lies silent in the gra)e.


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    22. orsh!0 the -ord

    (orshi the Lord, in His resence &e stand

    He cares or you, and He understands,

    %ome Holy Sirit li)e in our hearts

    Grace, 3oy and eace lo)e a"ound.

    )/ou are+ Holy, )yes /ou are+ Holy, Holy is the Lord

    )/ou are+ (orthy, (orthy, (orthy, (orthy is the Lord

    )/ou are+ 2ighty, 2ighty, 2ighty is the Lord

    )/ou are+ #aithful, #aithful, #aithful is the Lord.

    23. ower !n the blood

    1. (ould you "e ree rom your "urden o sin

    'here/s o&/r in the "lood, o&/r in the "lood

    (ould you o/er e)il a )ictory &in

    'here/s &onderul o&/r in the "lood.

    There is owr, owr, wonder wor&ing owr

    %n the 'lood of the Lam';

    There is owr, owr, wonder wor&ing owr

    %n the reious 'lood of the Lam'.

    #. (ould you "e ree rom your assion and ride

    'here/s o&/r in the "lood, o&/r in the "lood.

    %ome or a cleansing to %al)ary/s tide,

    'here/s &onderul o&/r in the "lood.

    *. (ould you "e &hiter, much &hiter than sno&.

    'here/s o&/r in the "lood, o&/r in the "lood

    Sin stains are lost in its lie gi)ing lo&,

    'here/s &onderul o&/r in the "lood.


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    -. (ould you do ser)ice or Jesus your king

    'here/s o&/r in the "lood, o&/r in the "lood.

    (ould you li)e daily His raises to sing

    'here/s &onderul o&/r in the "lood.

    24. Come let us worsh!0

    %ome let us &orshi and "o& do&n

    Let us kneel "eore the Lord our God, our maker 0#

    9or He is our God

    $nd &e are the eole o His asture$nd the shee o His hand,

    Just the shee o His hand.

    25. O0en the eyes o my heart

    +en the eyes o my heart, Lord

    +en the eyes o my heart

    &ant to see you, 0#

    'o see you and lited u

    Shinning in the light o the 6our gloryour out your o&er and lo)e

    $s &e sing, holy, holy, holy.

    Holy, holy, holy 0*

    &ant to see you.

    26. e,ause he l!&es

    1. God sent His son, they call Him Jesus;

    He came to lo)e, heal and orgi)e;

    He li)ed and died to "uy my ardon,

    $n emty gra)e is there to ro)e my sa)ior li)es.

    1eause He lives % an fae tomorrow

    1eause He lives all fear is gone

    1eause % &now He holds the future,


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    $nd life is wroth the living just 'eause He lives.

    #. Ho& s&eet to hold a ne& "orn "a"y,

    $nd eel the ride, and 3oy he gi)es;

    But greater still the calm assurance,

    'his child can ace uncertain days "ecause He li)es.

    *. $nd then one day /ll cross the ri)er;

    /ll ight lie/s inal &ar &ith ain;

    $nd then as death gi)es &ay to )ict/ry,

    /ll see the ;light o glory and /ll kno& He li)es

    2". Our god re!gns

    1. Ho& lo)ely on the mountains are the eet o one

    (ho "rings good ne&s, good ne&s

    $nnouncing eace, roclaiming ne&s o hainess

    "ur God reigns, )3+

    #. He had no stately orm He had no ma3esty

    'hat &e should "e dra&n to Him

    He &as desised and &e took no account o Him

    6et no& He reigns &ith the most high.

    *. t &as our sin that "ruised and &ounded Him,

    t &as our sin that "rought Him do&n

    (hen &e like shee had gone astray our sheherd


    $nd on His shoulders "ore our shame.

    -. $nd rom the tom" he came &ith grace and ma3esty

    He is ali)e, He is ali)e


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    God lo)es us so, see here His hands, His eet, His side,

    6es, &e kno&, He is ali)e.

    2$. God lo&es you

    God loves you and % love you

    $nd thats the way it should 'e )-+

    1. 6ou could "e )ery sad

    could "e )ery sad

    'hat/s not the &ay it should "e 0#=or

    #. 6ou should "e hay and

    should hay and that/s

    'he &ay it should "e 0#=or

    2'. Than( you o my ather

    1. 'here is a redeemer,

    Jesus, God/s o&n Son

    recious Lam" o God,

    Messiah, Holy +ne.

    Than& you o my #ather

    #or giving us your Son

    Leaving your Sirit till

    The wor& on earth is done.

    #. Jesus, my redeemer,

    @ame a"o)e all names

    recious Lam" o God;

    Messiah, + or sinners slain.

    *. (hen stand in glory,

    &ill see His ace

    'here /ll ser)e my king ore)er,


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    n that Holy lace.

    3). hen He ,alls me1. (hen He calls me &ill ans&er 0*

    /ll "e some&here &orking or my Lord.

    %ll 'e somewhere wor&ing )*+

    (or&ing for my Lord. )reeat+

    #. n the )illage in the city 0*

    /ll "e some&here &orking or my Lord.

    *. n the )alley in the mountain 0*.

    /ll "e some&here &orking or my Lord.

    31. onderul mer,!ul sa&!or

    1. (onderul merciul sa)ior,

    recious redeemer and riend,

    (ho &ould ha)e thought that a Lam" could

    :escue the souls o man+, you rescue the souls o man.

    /oure the one that we raise

    /ou are the on that we adore

    /ou give the healing and grae,

    "ur hearts always hunger for

    ", our hearts always hunger for.

    #. %ounselor comorter, keeer

    Sirit &e long to em"race,

    6ou oFer hoe &hen our hearts ha)e

    Hoelessly lost the &ay

    +, &e/)e hoelessly lost the &ay.


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    *. $lmighty ininite ather

    9aithully lo)ing your o&n

    Hear, in our &eakness you ind us

    9alling "eore your throne

    +, &e/re alling "eore your throne.

    32. Hosanna

    1. Hosanna 0* in the highest 0#

    Lord we lift u your name,

    (ith our hearts full of raise

    1e ealted " Lord our GodHosanna in the highest

    #. Glory 0* to the king o kings 0#

    *. Jesus 0* is the rince o eace 0#

    33. It rema!ns !n my heart

    1. (hen /m thinking the lo)e o %hrist,

    (ho has suered and died or me;

    'he "eauty o His lo)e story,

    t remains in my heart.

    ", reeat ands tell me again,

    How my savior died for me,

    The sweetness of saving story,

    %t remains forever in my heart.

    #. (hy He chose the manger and %ross,

    (hy He let His glory oe me;

    +, reeat and tell me again,

    His &onderul sacriice or me.

    *. 4+. my 9ather, 6ou orgi)e them5,

    rayed my Sa)ior in agony,

    'he s&eetest rayer o my sa)ior;


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    t remains ore)er in my heart.

    34. Th!s !s my des!re'his is my desire to honour you,

    Lord &ith all my heart, &orshi 6ou,

    $ll ha)e &ithin me, gi)e you raise,

    $ll that adore is in you.

    Lord, % give you my heart,

    % give you my soul,

    % live for you alone,4very 'reath that % ta&e,

    4very moment %m wa&e

    35. I surrender all

    1. $ll to Jesus surrender,

    $ll to him reely gi)e;

    &ill e)er lo)e and trust Him,

    n his resence daily li)e.

    % surrender all )-+

    $ll to Thee my 'lessed savior,

    % surrender all.

    #. $ll to Jesus surrender,

    Hum"ly at His eet "o&;

    (orldly leasures all orsaken,

    'ake me Jesus take me no&.

    *. $ll to Jesus surrender,

    My sa)ior &holly 'hine;

    Let me eel the Holy Sirit,

    'ruly kno& that 'hou art mine.


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    -. $ll to Jesus surrender,

    Lord, gi)e mysel to 'hee;

    9ill me &ith 'hy lo)e and o&er,

    Let 'hy "lessing all on me.

    36. G!&e ear to my words

    Gi)e ear to my &ords, + Lord

    %onsider my meditation,

    Hearken unto the )oice o my cry,

    My )oice shall thou hear in the morning;+ Lord in the morning &ill direct my rayer,

    Into him &ill look u 0#

    3". *s the deer 0anted or the water

    1. $s the deer anted or the &aters,

    So my soul longeth ater 'hee;

    6ou are my heart/s desire,

    $nd long to &orshi 'hee.

    /ou alone are my strength, my shield

    To you alone my sirit yield

    /ou alone are my hearts desire

    $nd % long to worshi Thee.

    #. lo)e 6ou more than gold or sil)er,

    +nly you can satisy;

    6ou alone are the real 3oy=gi)er,

    $nd the ale o my eye.

    *. 6ou/re my riend and 6ou are my "rother,

    E)en though 6ou are a king;

    lo)e 6ou more than any other,


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    So much more than anything.

    3$. G!&e than(s

    Gi)e thank &ith a grateul heart,

    Gi)e thanks to the Holy +ne

    Gi)e thanks "ecause He/s gi)en

    Jesus %hrist His son, Gi)e thanks7

    $nd now let the wea& say %m strong,

    Let the oor say %m rih1eause of what the Lord has done for us

    Give than&s, give than&s, give than&s.

    3'. -ead me to Cal&ary

    1. Ding o my lie cro&n 'hee no&,

    'hine shall the glory "e;

    Lest orget 'hy thorn cro&ned "ro&,

    Lead me to %al)ary.

    Lest % forget Gethsemane,

    Lest % forget Thine agony,

    Lest % forget Thy love for me,

    Lead me to 0alvary.

    #. Sho& me the tom" &here 'hou &as laid,

    'enderly morn and &et;

    $ngels in ro"es o &hite arrayed,

    Guarded 'hee &hilst 'hou slet

    *. Let me like Mary, through the gloom.

    %ome &ith a git to 'hee;

    Sho& me no& the emty tom",


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    Lead me to %al)ary

    -. May "e &illing Lord to "ear,

    aily my %ross or 'hee;

    E)en 'hy cu o grie to share,

    'hou hast "orne or me.

    4). eauty o #esus

    Let the "eauty o Jesus "e seen in me

    $ll his &onderul assion and urity

    + thou Sirit di)ine, all my nature reine'ill the "eauty o Jesus "e seen in me.

    41. #esus my redeemer

    1. Jesus, my redeemer,

    recious Sa)ior, and my riend

    %ounselor, He/s my healer

    + the &ounded heart &ho comorts me.

    He is my ro& and the ro& of ages

    Stand 'y me in the hours of my need

    Lord you &now that % want to serve you

    Ta&e me just as % am, % as& of Thee.

    #. Jesus, my deli)erer

    Gracious 9ather, and my strength

    Sheherd, Holy Sirit come and ill my heart

    $nd set me ree.

    *. 6ou are my Messiah

    My Sal)ation, rom my &orld o sin

    :einer, o my sirit, ill your cu Lord


  • 8/12/2019 Songs Collection


    JES Song Book

    (ith your ure lo)e.

    42. lessed be the name

    1. Blessed "e the name o the Lord 0#

    Blessed "e the name o the Lord most high!

    'he name o the Lord is a strong to&er

    'he righteous run into and they are sa)ed.

    #. Holy is the name o the Lord 0#

    Holy is the name o the Lord most high! 'he name o the Lord is a strong to&er

    'he righteous run into and they are sa)ed.

    43. otters hand

    1. Beautiul Lord, (onderul sa)ior

    kno& or sure all o my days are

    Held in your hand

    %rated into your erect lan,

    #. 6ou gently call me into your resence

    Guiding me "y 6our Holy Sirit

    'each me dear Lord

    'o li)e all my lie thru/ 6our eyes

    *. /m catured "y 6our Holy calling

    Set me aart

    kno& 6ou/re dra&ing me to 6oursel

    Lead me Lord ray

    -. 'ake me, mould me

    Ise me, ill me

    gi)e my lie to the otter/s hand


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    %all me, guide me

    Lead me &alk "eside me

    gi)e my lie to the otter/s hand.

    44. On,e aga!n

    Jesus %hrist think uon your sacriice

    6ou "ecame nothing, oured to death

    Many times /)e &ondered at your git o lie

    /m in that lace once again

    "ne again % loo& uon the ross where you died%m hum'led 'y your mery and %m 'ro&en in side

    "ne again % than& you,

    "ne again % our out my life.

    45. here ,ould ! go

    1. Li)ing "elo& in this old sinul &orld,

    Hardly a comort can aord;

    Stri)ing along to ace temtation sour,

    (here could go "ut to the Lord

    (here ould % go, "h where ould % go5

    See&ing a refuge for my soul,

    6eeding a friend to hel me in the end

    (here ould % go 'ut to the Lord5

    #. Lie here is grand &ith riends lo)e so dear,

    (e get along in s&eet accord,

    But &hen ace the chilling &inds o death,

    (here could go "ut to the Lord

    *. @eigh"ours are kinds lo)e them e)eryone,

    %omort get rom God/s on &ard;

    But &hen my soul needs manna rom a"o)e,


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    (here could go "ut to the Lord

    46. al&at!on belongs to our God1. Sal)ation "elongs to our God,

    (ho sits uon the throne,

    $nd unto the Lam"?

    (isdom and thanks,

    Honor and o&er and strength=

    1e to our God, forever and ever )*+ $men.

    #. $nd &e the redeemed shall "e one,

    n urose and unity,eclaring aloud?

    (isdom and thanks,

    Honor and o&er and strength

    4". I must tell #esus

    1. must tell Jesus all o my trials,

    cannot "ear these "urdens alone;

    n my distress He kindly &ill hel me,

    He e)er lo)es and cares or His &on.

    % must tell Jesus )-+

    % annot 'ear these 'urdens alone,

    % must tell Jesus )-+

    Jesus an hel me, Jesus alone.

    #. must tell Jesus all o my trou"les,

    He is a kind, comassionate riend,

    "ut ask Him, He &ill deli)er/

    Make o my trou"les uickly an end.

    *. 'emted and tried, need a great sa)ior/

    +ne &ho can hel my "urdens to "ear;

    must tell Jesus, must tell Jesus,


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    He all my cares and sorro&s &ill share.

    -. + ho& the &orld to e)il allures me!

    + ho& my heart is temted to sin!

    must tell Jesus and He &ill hel me

    +)er the &orld the Kict/ry to &in.

    4$. how me our ways

    Sho& me 6our &ays, that may &alk &ith you

    Sho& me 6our &ays, ut my hoe in 6ou

    'he cry o my heart is to lo)e 6ou more'o li)e &ith the touch o 6our hand

    Stronger each day, sho& me 6our &ays.

    4'. hat a r!end we ha&e !n #esus

    1. (hat a riend &e ha)e in Jesus,

    $ll our sins and grie to "ear;

    (hat a ri)ilege to carry

    E)erything to God in rayer!+, &hat eace &e oten oreit,

    +, &hat needless ain &e "ear,

    $ll "ecause &e do not carry

    E)erything to God in rayer.

    #. Ha)e &e trials and temtations

    s there trou"le any&here

    (e should ne)er "e discouraged;

    E)erything to God in rayer.

    %an &e riend a riend so aithul,

    (ho &ill all our sorro& share

    Jesus kno&s our e)ery &eakness;

    'ake it to the Lord in rayer.


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    *. $re &e &eak and hea)y laden

    %um"ered &ith a lot o care

    recious Sa)ior, still our reuge;

    'ake it the Lord in rayer;

    o thy riends desise orsake thee

    'ake it to the Lord in rayer;

    n His arms He/ll take and shield thee,

    'hou &ilt ind a solace there.

    5). He !s my e&eryth!ng

    He is my e)erything He is my allHe is my e)erything, "oth great and small

    He ga)e His lie to me, made e)erything ne&

    He is my e)erything, no& &hat a "out you

    51. Carry your ,andle

    1. 'here is a candle, in e)ery soul,

    Some "rightly "urning, some dark and cold;

    'here is a sirit, &ho "rings a ire,

    gnites a candle and makes it &hole.

    0arry your andle, run through the dar&ness,

    See& out the helless, onfused and torn;

    Hold out your andle for all to see it,

    Ta&e your andle go light your world. )-+

    #. 9rustated "rother, see ho& he tries to

    Light his o&n candle some other &ays;

    See no& your sister, she/s "een ro""ed and lied to,

    Still holds her candle &ithout a lame.

    0arry your andle, run through the dar&ness,

    See& out the homeless, deeived and torn;

    Hold out your andle for all to see it,


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    Ta&e your andle go light your world. )-+

    *. $s &e/re a amily, &hose hearts are "la2ing,

    Let/s raise our candles and light u the skies;

    ray to out 9ather, in the name o Jesus?

    4Make us a "eacon in darkest nights.5

    0arry your andle, run through the dar&ness,

    See& out the weary, the tired and worn,

    Hold out your andle for all to see it,

    Ta&e your andle go light your world. )-+

    52. 7y heart w!ll trust !n you

    1. /ll &alk closer no& on the higher &ay

    'hrough the darkest night &ill 6ou hold my hand

    Jesus guide my &ay.

    + you mourn &ith me and 6ou dance &ith me9or my heart o hearts is "ound to 6ou.

    Though % wal& thru the valleys low

    %ll fear no evils, 1y the water still my soul

    2y heart will trust in /ou )-+

    #. + 6ou counsel me and 6ou comort me

    (hen cannot see 6ou light my ath.

    53. Instruments o 0ea,e

    Lord ma&e us instruments of /our eae,

    (here there is hatred let /our love inrease,

    Lord ma&e us instruments of /our eae,

    (alls of ride and rejudie shall ease,


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    (hen we are /our instruments of eae.

    1. (here there is hatred &e &ill sho& His lo)e,

    (here there is in3ury, &e &ill ne)er 3udge

    (here there is stri)ing &e &ill seak His eace

    'o the eole crying or release

    (e &ill "e His instruments o eace.

    #. (here there is "lindness &e &ill ray or sight

    (here there is darkness &e &ill shine His light

    (here there is sadness &e &ill "ear their grie'o the million crying or release

    (e &ill "e His instruments o eace.

    54. -ean!ng

    1. (hat a ello&shi, &hat a 3oy di)ine,

    Leaning on the e)erlasting arms;

    (hat a "lessedness, &hat a eace is mine,

    Leaning on the e)erlasting arms.

    Leaning, leaning

    Safe and seure from all alarms

    Leaning, leaning

    Leaning on the everlasting arms.

    #. + ho& s&eet to &alk in this ilgrim/s &ay!

    Leaning n the e)erlasting arms;

    + ho& "right the ath lo&s rom day to day,

    Leaning on the e)erlasting arms.

    *. (hat ha)e to dread, &hat ha)e to ear,

    Leaning on the e)erlasting arms;

    ha)e "lessed eace &ith my Lord so real,


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    Leaning on the e)erlasting arms.

    55. e wanna see(e &anna see 0#

    (e &anna see Jesus lited high,

    $ "anner that lies across this land

    'hat all men may see the truth and kno&

    He is the &ay to hea)en,

    (e &anna see 0# &e &anna see Jesus lited high

    Ste "y ste &e/re remo)ing or&ard

    Little "y little &e/re gaining groundE)ery rayer a o&erul &eaon

    Stronghold comes tum"ling do&n

    $nd do&n and do&n and do&n.

    56. -!ttle !s mu,h8

    1. n the har)est, ields are no& riened,

    'here/s a &ork or all to do,

    Hark! 'he master8s )oice is calling,

    'o the har)est calling you

    Little is muh, when God is in it,

    La'our not for wealth or fame,

    Theres a rown and you an win it,

    %f you go in Jesus names

    #. $nd does the lace, you/re called to la"our;

    Seems so small and little kno&n

    But it is great &hen God is in it,

    $nd He &on/t orsake His o&n.

    *. (hen the conlict here has ended,

    $nd our &ork on earth is done,

    He &ill say, i you are aithul,


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    4(elcome home, my child &ell done5!

    5". One more t!me/ll gi)e thanks to the Lord,

    (ith my heart and my soul;

    &ill tell o his &onders, /ll "e glad.

    &ill sing 8raise the Lord/, &ith my )oice till die;

    $nd re3oice in His name ore)er.

    "ne more time %m gonna sing again,

    "ne more time, raise /ou Lord again;

    Here % go )here % go + whih side to turn )side to turn+(hih way to go,

    1ut gonna sing for my Lord.

    5$. Than( god Im ree8

    Than& god % am free, free, free

    #rom this world of sin

    (ashed in the 'lood of Jesus 'een 'orn again

    Halleluiah %m saved,saved, saved 'y His

    wonderful grae

    %m so glad that % found out

    He would 'ring me out and show me the way.

    1. 9or a longtime /)e tra)eled got a long lonely road

    My heart &as so hea)y in sink sank lo&,

    'hen heart a"out Jesus that &onderul hour

    /m so glad and ound out,

    He &ould "ring me out through His sa)ing o&er.

    #. Like a "ird out o rison that/s taken it/s light,

    Like a "lind man that God ga)e "ack his sight,

    Like a oor

    &retched "eggar


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    that ound

    ortunate and


    /m so glad that ound out

    He &ould "ring me out through His Holy name.

    5'. -ord I l!t our name on h!gh

    Lord, lit 6our name on high

    Lord ,lo)e to sing your raises

    /m so glad 6ou/re in my lie

    /m so glad to came to sa)e us/ou ame from heaven to earth

    To show the way

    #rom the earth to the ross

    2y de't to ay

    #rom the ross to grave

    #rom the grave to s&y

    Lord, % lift your name on high.

    6). #esus lamb o godJesus, Lam' of God, worthy is /our name! )-+

    1. 6ou are my strength &hen am &eak

    6ou are the treasure that seek

    6ou are my all in all.

    Seeking 6ou as a recious 3e&el

    Lord gi)e u /d "e a ool

    6ou are my all in all.

    #. 'aking my sin, my guilt, my same

    :ising again raise 6our name

    6ou are my all in all.

    (hen am do&n 6ou ick me u

    (hen am dry 6ou ill my cu

    6ou are my all in all.


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    61. e ,ome !nto our 0resen,e

    (e come into 6our resence

    'o sing a song to 6ou,

    $ song o raise and honour

    9or all the things 6ou hel us thru/,

    6ou ga)e a lie &orth li)ing,

    $ lie in lo)e &ith 6ou,

    $nd no& 3ust lo)e gi)ing

    $ll my raises "ack to 6ou.

    /oure the #ather of reationThe risen Lam' of God

    /oure the "ne who wal&ed away

    #rom the emty tom' that that

    $nd you set /our eole free

    (ith love and li'erty,

    $nd % wal&ed with /ou

    E)ery night and e)ery day 0reeat

    62. Hero81. 'he &orld is looking or a Hero

    (e kno& the g-reatest one o all

    'he mighty ruler o the nations

    Ding o kings and Lord o Lords

    (ho took the nature o a ser)ant

    $nd ga)e His lie to sa)e us all.

    (e will raise a shout,

    (e will shout it out

    Hes the hamion of the world..)-+

    #. 'he Lord $lmighty is our hero

    He "reaks the strangle hold o sin

    'hrough Jesus/ lo)e &e ear no e)il


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    o&ers o darkness lee rom Him

    His light &ill shine in e)ery nation

    $ s&ord o 3ustice He &ill "ring.

    63. Thy lo&!ng (!ndness

    1. 'hy lo)ing kindness is "etter than lie 0#

    My lis shall raise 'hee, thus &ill "less 'hee

    'hy lo)ing kindness is "etter than lie

    #. lit my hands u unto 'hy name 0#

    My lis shall raise 'hee, thus &ill "less 'hee 'hy lo)ing kindness is "etter than lie

    *. /ll li)e or Jesus day ater day 0#

    'hy Holy Sirit, &ill o"ey

    /ll li)e or Jesus, day ater day

    64. -ord I ,ome to you1. Lord come to you, let my heart "e changed, rene&ed

    9lo&ing rom the grace that /)e ound in you

    $nd Lord /)e come to kno&, the &eaknesses see in me

    (ill "e stried a&ay, "y the o&er o your lo)e.

    Hold me lose, let your love surround me

    1ring me near; draw me to your side

    $nd as % wait, %ll rise u li&e the eagle

    $nd %ll soar with you

    /our Sirit leads me on

    %n the ower of love.

    #. Lord un)eil my eyes, let my see you ace to ace

    'he kno&ledge o your lo)e as you li)e in me


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    $nd Lord rene& my mind, as your &ill unolds in my lie

    n li)ing e)eryday, "y the o&er o your lo)e.

    65. ee( ye !rst

    1. Seek ye irst the kingdom o God

    $nd his righteousness

    $nd all these things "e added unto you

    Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu3ah!

    #. $sk and it shall "e gi)en unto you

    Seek and you &ill ind; Dnock and it shall "e oened unto you

    Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu3ah!

    *. Man shall not li)e "y "rad alone,

    But "y e)ery &ords;

    'hat roceeds rom the mouth o God

    Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu3ah!

    66. -et the wea( say1. Let the &eak say /m strong,

    Let the oor say /m rich,

    Let the "lind say can see,

    t/s &hat the Lord has done in me.

    Hosanna )-+,

    To the lam' that was slain

    Hosanna )-+,

    Jesus died and rose again!

    #. 'o the ri)er &ill &ade,

    'here my sins are &ashed a&ay,

    9rom the hea)en/s mercy stream,

    + the Sa)ior/s lo)e or me.


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    *. &ill rise rom &aters dee,

    'o the sa)ing arms o God,

    &ill sing sal)ation songs

    Jesus %hrist has set me ree.

    6". He !s e+alted

    He is e

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    6'. I 9ust ,ame to 0ra!se

    1. 3ust came to raise the Lord 0#

    3ust came to raise His Holy name

    3ust came to raise the Lord.

    He ame into my heart one very seial day

    He ame into my heart to show me a 'etter way

    He said He would never deart

    $nd this is why % sing

    % just ame to raise the Lord.

    #. 3ust came to lo)e the lord 0#

    3ust came to raise the lord.

    *. 3ust came to thank the Lord 0#

    3ust came to raise the lord

    "). 7y #esus my sa&!ourMy Jesus, my sa)iour,

    Lord there is none like you

    $ll o my days &ant to raise

    'he &onders o your mighty lo)e

    My comort, my shelter

    'o&er o reuge and strength

    Let e)ery "reath, all that am

    @e)er cease to &orshi 6ou

    Shout to the Lord

    $ll the earth let us sing

    Power and majesty raise to the &ing

    2ountains 'ow down, and the seas will roar

    $t the sound of your name


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    %ll sing for joy at the wor&s of your hands

    #orever %ll love you, forever %ll stand

    6othing omares to the romise % have in you.

    "1. He !s -ord

    1. He is Lord He is Lord,

    He is risen rom the dead, and He is Lord,

    E)/ry knee shall "o&, E)/ry tongue coness,

    'hat Jesus %hrist is Lord.

    #. 6ou are Lord, 6ou are Lord,6ou are risen rom the dead, and 6ou are Lord,

    E)/ry Dnee shall "o&, e)/ry tongue coness

    'hat Jesus %hrist is Lord.

    "2. I ha&e de,!ded1. ha)e decided to ollo& Jesus 0*

    6o turning 'a&, 6o turning 'a&

    #. 'he cross "eore me, the &orld "ehind me 0*

    6o turning 'a&, no turning 'a&.

    *. 'hough all may lea)e me, still &ill ollo& 0*

    6o turning 'a&, no turning 'a&.

    -. 6ou take the &hole &orld, "ut gi)e me Jesus 0*

    6o turning 'a&, no turning 'a&.

    "3. orthy

    1. (orthy, 6ou are &orthy

    7ings of 7ings Lord of Lords /ou are worthy

    (orthy, /ou are worthy

    7ings of &ings, Lord of Lords % worshi /ou.


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    #. Holy, 6ou are holy7

    *. Jesus, 6ou are Jesus7


    "4. ;o+ology

    raise God rom &hom all "lessings lo&

    raise Him all creatures here "elo&

    raise Him a"o)e ye hea)enly host

    raise 9ather, Son and Holy Ghost, $ME@


    Lord "eore going to "ed

    (e are "o&ing do&n

    Be &ith us throughout the night

    (ake us u again, $ME@.

    "6. The -ords rayer+ur 9arther (ho arts in hea)en

    Hallo&ed "e 'hy name

    'hy kingdom come

    'hy &ill "e done on earth

    $s it is in hea)en

    Gi)e us our daily "read

    $nd orgi)e us our tresasses

    $s &e orgi)e those &ho tresass against us

    $nd lead us not into temtation

    But deli)er us rom e)il

    9or 'hine is the kingdom

    'he o&er and the glory

    9ore)er and e)er, $ME@.


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    "". ,hool !s O&er

    School is o)er or today

    one our &ork and done our lay

    $s its close &e come to say

    'hank you Hea)enly 9ather. $ME@.


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