something that no one but automata read

Download Something That No one but Automata Read

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Post on 16-Jan-2016




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33 Common Preaching Mistakes A . Mistakes in Communications1. Preaching without trying to understand people's needs and interests2. Not being sensitive3. Not determining if people are understanding or accepting what you are saying4. Not paying attention when people talk, interrupting them when they talk, or not letting them talk5. Speaking in a dogmatic way rather than making a logical and scientific presentation6. Introducing or speaking elaborately on a very elevated subject that they will not be able to understand7. Introducing or getting stuck on controversial topics8. Compromising the truth to speak palatably9. Not compromising, but not speaking palatably enough to get people to accept10. Speaking about subjects that you don't properly understand11. Preaching to faithless people a. You are wasting valuable time and could be dealing with someone interested b. You may cause such persons to commit offenses12. Intimidating people13. Using vocabulary that doesn't correspond to a person's social and educational level14 Speaking harshly or loosing your temper15. Using unfamiliar terms pertaining to Vaishnava culture and philosophy without explaining their meaning16. Preaching when a superior devotee should be speaking17. Unnecessarily criticizing other religions or publically exposing so-called spiritualists18. Being overly aggressive19. Focusing more than necessary on defeating people rather than on a positive presentation20. Being untruthful and misrepresenting ourselves to get money21. Not knowing when to stop speaking B. Mistakes in Conduct1. Acting fanatically2 Transgressing the standard etiquette of your country (provided such etiquette does not contradict vaishnava principles)3. Not dressing neatly and cleanly4. Not being warm and friendly5. Being inflexible6. Doing anything illegal or immoral7. Continuing a conflict when there is more to loose than gain8. Fighting with the opposition before trying to make a peaceful settlement9. Being insensitive to the needs of your audience10. Being impolite11. Arousing public mistrust by any other kind of behavior 78