solving multistage stochastic linear programs on the computational grid jerry shen june 8, 2004

Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

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Page 1: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid

Jerry Shen

June 8, 2004

Page 2: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Stochastic Programming (SP)

Random Uncertainty Problems with limited information Can it really help me to win money in stock

market? I remember I have taken IE 495 last year …

really, what is it? Who cares? I don’t!

Page 3: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

My Answer

It is hard but important. Since it is going to be a topic in my thesis!

Page 4: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

First Answer in Google …

SP is a framework for modeling optimization problems that involve uncertainty.

Page 5: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Two-Stage SP with Recourse

0,..)('min xbAxTSxQxcx

)(xQWhere : Expected recourse cost of choosing x in first stage

0,..'min)( iiiiiiy


i yxThWyTSyqxQi


iii xQp



Page 6: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

L-Shaped Method

Solve first-stage (root) node Get a proposal solution x, and pass it to


Solve second-stage (children) nodes Evaluate recourse cost Q(x) Generate (feasibility & optimality) cuts and add

to root node


Page 7: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Where : Expected recourse cost of choosing x0 in first stage

Multi-Stage SP with Recourse

0,..)('min 0000


0 xbAxTSxQxcx

)( 00 xQ

0,..)('min)( )(1




iti xxThWxTSxQxqxQ




)( )()(ipsamewithi


t xQpxQ

TttNi ...1),(

1...0 Tt

Page 8: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Nested Decomposition Method

A recursive version of the L-Shaped Method

Node n generates a proposal solution xn, and pass it to his children S(n) … and children’s to grandchildren

Cuts generated and passed back to parent and evaluate for Qt(xp(n))

Page 9: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Multi-Stage = Multi Two-Stage??

Not That Easy!! In Two-Stage, a node is either a parent or a

child. In Multi-Stage, a node is a parent, a child or

both. (RYG Method) Scenario tree blow-up problem

Imaging there are 10 independent variables with 1000 scenarios per variable … in 5 stages, the number of total scenarios at last stage will be 1016

Page 10: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Having a super efficient algorithm, being a super smart guy.

Having a very fast computer with huge memory.

Having lots of machines working together with by using smart methods.

How to deal with the computation?

Mom said: “You are not and will never be God”

I am not a millionaire

Grid Computing!!

Page 11: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

The Computational Grid

It is like the national power grid Users can seamlessly draw computational power

whenever they need it Possible?

A lots of computational resources are wasted in the internet, they can be brought together to solve very large problems

Difficulties Security Interfaces Heterogeneity Dynamic Communication

Page 12: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Tools for Grid Computing

Condor Manages collections of “distributively owned”

workstations. It is a pool. It is good at

Solving lots of independent tasks like Monte Carlo Methods

It is not good at Parallel Applications with non-trivial control struct

ures like optimization algorithms

Page 13: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Tools for Grid Computing

MW Master-Worker Paradigm.

Master assigns tasks to the workers Workers perform tasks and report results to mast

er Workers do not communicate with each other

MW - SMART A nested-decomposition code for multistage stoc

hastic linear programming

Page 14: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004


SmartMaster Sending out works (LPs), if no more works, job is done!

SmartTask Keep record, pack and unpack tasks (works or results)

SmartWorker Accept works, solving it and report results.

Controller Create scenario tree, record the node state, telling Sm

artMaster what tasks to send next. CutManager

Keep records of all cuts, store them by stages.

Page 15: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004


Task type: Work – One or more nodes in same period with

proposals from parents. Result – Proposals for children or cuts for parents.

Direction: Forward – Given the proposals from parents, find out

the proposals for the children, or a feasibility cuts for parents. (not for last stage)

Backward – Given the proposals and model values from parents, find out the optimality cuts for parents, if there is any.

•Forward Result will be stored in the task nodes itself

•Backward Result will be stored in the parent node

Page 16: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004
Page 17: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Node State

Color & Direction: Red (R) – Node n is blocked. (Nothing useful can be

gained by evaluating this node) Yellow Forward (YF) – Node n is ready to be evaluated

in a forward work Yellow Backward (YB) – Node n is ready to be

evaluated in a backward work Green Forward (GF) – Node n is being evaluated in a

forward work and is waiting for the forward result Green Backward (GB) – Node n is being evaluated in a

backward work or is waiting for the backward result

Page 18: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Node State

Latest Task ID ID of the latest task that evaluating the node n

Number of Children Reported How many children has finished the work and

report in backward results Number of Cuts Reported

How many new cuts has been reported in backward results during the time parent is waiting

Page 19: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004


Root node is ready for a forward work.

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Root node is evaluated a forward work.


Page 21: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004


T0 done!

Root node solved the forward work and get x0

1. Now, it is waiting to hear from his children

Children are ready for forward works.





Page 22: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004


Nodes in stage 1 are evaluated in forward works.








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T1 done

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Going on …

What happen if T2 infeasible?








Page 25: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004




“I don’t like the proposal, give me another!”






Page 26: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004




T4 Done!

No mater what the result is, it can not change the node states any more





Page 27: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004













T5 & T13

Start a new iteration


T6 & T14






What happen if …

T5 Done?

T12 never returns?

T14 infeasible?




Page 28: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Controller RYG Method 1 RegisterTaskCompletion(Task t)

1: if t.way == Forward then2: for all nodes n in t.givenX do3: if n.ContainInfeasiblityCut then4: Store the cut in CutManager, store the cut index in nodeinfo[t-1,n]5: if n.color == GB && n.latestID ≤ t.ID then6: n.color ← YB (YF if t.stage == 2 //n is root)7: end if8: for all nodes m in Descendants(n) do9: m.color ← R 10: end for11: else12: for all nodes m in t with the same parent do13: if m.color == GF && m.latestID ≤ t.ID then14: Store proposals15: m.color ← GB16: S(m).color ← YF (YB if t.stage == T-1 //S(m) is at last stage)17: end if18: end for19: end if20: update n.numCutReported21: end for

Page 29: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Controller RYG Method 1 (Cont.) RegisterTaskCompletion(Task t)

22: else if t.way == Backward then

23: for all nodes n in t.givenX do

24: if n.ContainInfeasiblityCut then

25: Store the cut in CutManager, store the cut index in nodeinfo[t-1,n]

26: if n.color == GB && n.latestID ≤ t.ID then

27: n.color ← YB (YF if t.stage == 2 //n is root)

28: end if

29: for all nodes m in Descendants(n) do

30: m.color ← R

31: end for

32: else

33: for all nodes m in t with the same parent do

34: if m.color == GB && m.latestID ≤ t.ID then

35: m.color ← R

36: P(m).numChildReported ++

37: end if

38: end for

39: end if

40: update n.numCutReported

Page 30: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Controller RYG Method 1 (Cont.) RegisterTaskCompletion(Task t)

41: if n.color == GB && n.latestID ≤ t.ID then

42: if (n.numChildReported / n.numChildren ≥ 1

&& n.numCutReported / n.numPossibleCut ≥ 2)

|| (n.numChildReported / n.numChildren == 1 && n.numCutReported ≥ 1) then

43: n.color ← YB (YF if t.stage == 2 //n is root)

44: else if n.numChildReported / n.numChildren == 1 && n.numCutReported == 0 then

45: n.color ← YB (R if t.stage == 2 //n is root)

46: end if

47: end if

48: end for

49: end if

Page 31: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Controller RYG Method 2 AnalyzeTreeStatus(Period t, LatestId ID)

1: if t == 0 then2: if all nodes n in tree . color == R then Algorithm Terminate3: else if root.color == YF then 4: Create root task with cuts stored in root node, root.color ← GF 5: Update root node.LatestID6: end if7: else 8: for all nodes n in t do9: if n.color == YF then push n into ReadyForForwardTaskList10: end if11: end for12: if ReadyForForwardTaskList.num > 3 then 13: Create forward tasks, nodes.color ← GF 14: Update latestID for nodes in tasks15: end if16: for all clusters i in t do17: if all node n in cluster i . color == YB then push i into ReadyForBackwardTaskList18: end if19: if ReadyForBackwardTaskList.num > 4 then 20: Create backward tasks, nodes.color ← GB 21: Update latestID for nodes22: end if23: end if

Page 32: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Is the code working?

Solves small Multi-Stage SP testing problem in a single processor.

Working fine while going from single to multiprocessor.

The parallel efficiency is terrible.

Page 33: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Testing in Beowulf (Parallel) 21:11:58 Number of (different) workers: 64 21:11:58 Wall clock time for this job: 291.6457 21:11:58 Total time workers were alive (up): 11564.4345 21:11:58 Total wall clock time of workers: 49.9986 21:11:58 Total cpu time used by all workers: 47.8942 21:11:58 Total time workers were suspended: 0.0000 21:11:58 Averaged benchmark factor : 0.0000 21:11:58 Equivalent benchmark factor : 0.0000 21:11:58 Minimum benchmark factor : 0.0000 21:11:58 Maximum benchmark factor : 0.0000 21:11:58 Average Number Present Workers : 39.6523 21:11:58 Average Number NonSuspended Workers : 39.6523 21:11:58 Average Number Active Workers : 0.1642 21:11:58 Equivalent Pool Performance : 0.0000 21:11:58 Equivalent Run Time : 0.0000 21:11:58 Overall Parallel Performance : 0.0043 21:11:58 Total Number of benchmark tasks : 0

Page 34: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

What is the problem?

Tasks are not big enough, most times workers are wasting time in communicating with master rather then actually doing the computational job.

Master is too busy and not assigning the tasks smart enough.

Page 35: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Current working or ideas

Aggregation of nodes

At some stage, the nodes start to swallow his descendants and become big “families” – large deterministic equivalents

Making the size of tasks reasonable Reducing the number of cuts necessary

Page 36: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Current working or ideas

Node/Task Sequencing

Speed up the algorithm

Solve problem in two phases First, we randomly pick up some path (or sub-

trees) through scenario tree to get some useful cuts

Then, do a Fast Forward Fast Backward

Page 37: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Current working or ideas

Intelligent tasking strategy

Decide a reasonable number of nodes (in a forward task) or clusters (in a backward task)

Should be a dynamic strategy Things might be considered in the strategy:

different stages, number of workers at the time being, number of available nodes at the time being

Page 38: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Current working or ideas

Intelligent clustering strategy

Decide a reasonable number of nodes in one cluster

Currently we think this being a static strategy Things might be considered in the strategy:

different stages, number of children of the node

Page 39: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Current working or ideas


Implement a trust region method

Probably only on the master problem for the first stage

Page 40: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Current working or ideas

Purging cuts

As the iterations going on, lots of cuts are accumulated at each node while a lot of them are unnecessary, this is a lot of memory!

Purging all the cuts at one node will break the convergence of the algorithm unless the sub-problem under this node is solved to optimal

May be we can this once a while after several iterations or when the number of cuts reaches a certain amount

Page 41: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004

Current working or ideas

Making workers “experienced”

A big part in a work is cuts that generated before. It takes time to pack and unpack these information and also it depends on the communication.

We are trying to find out the possibility to store the existing cuts locally at the workers.

In a new work, only updated cut information is included.

Page 42: Solving Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs on the Computational Grid Jerry Shen June 8, 2004