solutions for email marketing subscriber management

Solutions for Email Subscriber Management

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Post on 16-Jan-2017




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Solutions for Email Subscriber Management

Welcome, everybody. Id like to say thank you for joining Net Atlantic today for

Solutions for Email Subscriber Management. We will cover several ways to maximize email deliverability by using good list management techniques, including using permission options, suppression files, and re-engagement campaigns.

Im Gregg Hanson, Manager of Support Services for Net Atlantic, an Email Marketing Service Provider founded in 1995. This presentation covers the topics discussed in our white paper of the same name, written by Sean Snyderman, our Compliance Specialist.

I will also send you the white paper as soon as this webinar is over.

What we hope to cover today in about 30 minutes, leaving 15 minutes at the end for questions, are the primary concepts in Email Subscriber Management and how it can improve your email campaigns. I will take questions over the GotoWebinar interface throughout the presentation.


List Management?What is

What is Email Subscriber Management? It is a set of methods to help you maximize engagement, and we will show you how to:

Manage permission options to improve your opt-in rates

Use suppression files to avoid sending spam

Engage new subscribers immediately to keep the user experience frequent and consistent

Re-engage past subscribers who have lapsed, and

Avoid list fatigue by keeping your campaigns frequent enough to meet the expectations of your subscribers.

In short, when you use these techniques to manage your subscriber list, you raise engagement, which is measured in open rates, clickthroughs, and ultimately sales.

Are you ready for Email Subscription Management? Lets begin.


Managing permissionsUsing suppression filesEngaging customers immediatelyRe-engaging past subscribers

Avoiding list fatigueList Management?What is

What is Email Subscriber Management? It is a set of methods to help you maximize engagement, and we will show you how to:

Manage permission options to improve your opt-in rates

Use suppression files to avoid sending spam

Engage new subscribers immediately to keep the user experience frequent and consistent

Re-engage past subscribers who have lapsed, and

Avoid list fatigue by keeping your campaigns frequent enough to meet the expectations of your subscribers.

In short, when you use these techniques to manage your subscriber list, you raise engagement, which is measured in open rates, clickthroughs, and ultimately sales.

Are you ready for Email Subscription Management? Lets begin.


Stand OutHow do youTo Your Customers?

First, does your company stand out to your customers?

You want your customers to think of your company as the 'go-to' for your product range or service. That is why maintaining strong relationships is, without question, the most important factor in your success.


InterestRelevanceGet Relevant!Email relevance = reader interest

With detailed knowledge about your clients' needs and interests, your marketing campaigns can greatly improve by raising relevance and timeliness. This increases interest in your campaigns.



SegmentationCustomizable FieldsAutomated triggers and sequencesEngagement Tracking ToolsSurvey ToolsManagementUse ListTools

Without knowledge of your clients, their relationship to the organization, and historical background, your email marketing campaigns will suffer greatly from irrelevance and loss of interest from potentially long term clients.



Customizable fields let you fill in the blanks in your message.


Whats your favorite color?

It groups your subscribers by the criteria you set, like region, market, product line, age, favorite color, or whatever is appropriate for your business.



ActionActionTriggerSegmentActionRevenue >$10M/yrRevenue $10M/yrRevenue $10M/yrRevenue