solution extension sap purchase-to-pay

-1- © SEEBURGER AG 2016 Boost Your SAP Solution Extension SAP ® Purchase-to-Pay

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TITEL- 1 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Solution Extension SAP® Purchase-to-Pay
- 2 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
SEEBURGER Purchase-to-Pay®
- 3 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
SEEBURGER at a Glance
International – 11 offices worldwide
Comprehensive – Concepts, products & implementation
Independent – profitable since 1986
Focused on industries & standards
Member of BVL, W3C, OASIS, ebXML, AIAG, ODETTE, VDA/ITA, VDMA, EAN, EDIFICE, GS1, EDNA, EPCglobal, RosettaNet, ERCIM etc.
International SEEBURGER Customers
- 4 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
2,500+ SAP customers using SEEBURGER solutions for B2B world-wide
Actually SEEBURGER has more than 50 products certified by SAP
OEM partnership for SEEBURGER BIS to connect custom authorities by SAP GTS (since 2004)
Joint solution for NetWeaver based B2B solution for sector SAP Utilities
SEEBURGER BIS highly integrated in SAP Business ByDesign
Specific SAP Add-Ons: SEEBURGER Monitor, Purchase-to-Pay, Order-to-Cash, Managed-File-Transfer (MFT)
More than 600 customers using SAP XI/PI SEEBURGER solutions
Premium Qualified by SAP
SEEBURGER Relationships to SAP AG
- 5 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
»SEEBURGER Business Integration Suite« The Central Data Hub for all Business Processes
SEEBURGER Business Integration Suite
Event Management Sensores, Barcode, …
SEEBURGER Business Integration Suite
Document Automation Paper, Fax, Mail, TIF, PDF…
G at
ew ay
Integration Server (BIS)
- 6 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
»SEEBURGER Business Integration Suite« The Central Data Hub for all Business Processes
SEEBURGER Business Integration Suite
Event Management Sensores, Barcode, …
SEEBURGER Business Integration Suite
Document Automation Paper, Fax, Mail, TIF, PDF…
G at
ew ay
Integration Server (BIS)
- 7 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
SEEBURGER Purchase-to-Pay®
- 8 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Average costs per type
72,6 % Manual (mail, fax, phone)
Transmitted electronically (e-mail, online form, web interface)
Electronic data exchange (EDI)
0 100 %
100 % 10 %
- 9 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
ur ch
as e-
to -P
SEEBURGER‘s Purchase-to-Pay® for automated, fast and transparent invoice processing
Benefits All invoice channels and formats e.g. paper, PDF and EDI Immediate reporting on invoice level Excellent controlling of invoice workload among teams and persons Useful standard and ad-hoc reports Efficient use of cash discounts Automated escalation management PDF images for EDI invoices Process compliance End-to-end protocols of the invoice processes
- 10 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Optimization of invoice post processing - SAP post processing
Correction of data capture and EDI errors
Invoice post processing fully integrated in SAP
- 11 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Optimization of invoice post processing - SAP post processing
Correction of data capture and EDI errors
Full split screen capability of the SAP-based post- processing centre
Invoice post processing fully integrated in SAP
- 12 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Optimization of invoice post processing - SAP post processing
Correction of data capture and EDI errors
Full split screen capability of the SAP-based post- processing centre
Links navigate directly into SAP standard transactions
Invoice post processing fully integrated in SAP
- 13 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Optimization of invoice post processing - SAP post processing
Correction of data capture and EDI errors
Full split screen capability of the SAP-based post- processing centre
Links navigate directly into SAP standard transactions
Simplify training with standard SAP look and feel
Invoice post processing fully integrated in SAP
- 14 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Optimization of invoice clarification & approval - rules
Define rules for clarification and approval of invoices
Handle invoice exceptions e.g. Price variance Quantity variance Inconsistent or missing vendor master data
Define invoice approval process e.g. Number of approval steps Invoice approval based on position or invoice level Rules for the approval hierarchy − References written on the invoice − Company code − Amount − Cost center, etc.
- 15 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Define escalation management Number of escalation levels Frequency and number of reminders sent on one escalation level Next level for escalation (hierarchy)
Final step where to return invoices to when no escalation lead to post an invoice
Delegates Planned absence (business trip, vacation)
Unplanned absences (illness, etc.)
Optimization of invoice clarification & approval - escalations and delegates Define escalation management and delegates
- 16 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Familiar, user-friendly interface
Clear description of blocking information
Only occurs during price and quantity variances
Optimization of invoice clarification & approval - Purchase Order mismatches Automated user finding and records of actions in workflow protocol
- 17 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Fully integrated mail client (MS outlook)
Some employees and cost center owners might not use SAP regularly or may not be a licensed SAP user. These individuals can receive workflow notice via e-mail.
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If automatic user finding is not configured, you can assign the tasks manually by selecting workflow participants
Direct communication with supplier from SAP via e-mail
Workflow can be rerouted to any licensed user in the SAP system if necessary
Complete document and processing history
Optimization of invoice clarification & approval - SAP Non-Purchase Order invoice approval Automated user finding and records of actions in workflow protocol
- 19 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Optimization of invoice clarification & approval - collective approval of non-Purchase Order invoices Approving or rejecting multiple invoices at the same time
Display scanned invoice image
Direct access to single invoice approval is possible
- 20 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Optimization of the invoice posting and payment
Invoices get posted in Background automatically if Vendor master data matches vendor on the invoice,
Invoice matches Purchase Order perfectly or in tolerance
All required invoice approvals have been completed
(non-Purchase Order invoices only)
Invoices get released for payment automatically if Initial reasons for holding an invoice do not exist any longer, e.g. the missing GR has been posted in the meantime.
Background posting of PO invoices and automated release for payment
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Optimization of the invoice posting and payment - background posting of PO invoices in SAP Automated posting of PO invoices in background: No manual activity required!
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Invoice Entry Ledger - view all channels and types
4invoice process Complete overview regarding processing history of the document
External systems/ manual posting
Starting ad hoc workflow for approval processes within 4invoice components
Full transparency over all incoming invoice channels with the ability to start an ad-hoc workflow
Invoices within approval process
Posted invoices
Full transparency over all incoming invoices and channels
- 23 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Reporting and monitoring - SAP Reporting Cockpit for management information
Visibility of incoming volume
Visibility of work-in-progress times
Show ways of optimization
Expandable through customer programmed reports
Variety of management reports including drill down capability
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Detailed Workflow Protocol
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SAP based invoice approvals via SEEBURGER Mobile
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SAP based invoice approvals via SEEBURGER Mobile
Clever architecture of SAP approvals from mobile devices
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Optimization of invoice clarification & approval – approval of non-PO invoices via mobile devices Approval of SAP invoice workflows via mobile devices
Independent from mobile device (IOS, Android, Blackberry, etc.)
Native apps for invoice approval installed on mobiles
Offline approvals to reduce roaming costs
Data security by encryption
Flexibility and scalability to integrate other business processes
- 28 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
SEEBURGER Purchase-to-Pay®
- 29 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Installation & configuration process
SEEBURGER Project Manager
Process Analyses
Process Installation
Productive Pre-system
Productive Start-Up
Productive Support
- 30 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Process analysis incl. checklist
Process Analyses
Process Installation
Productive Pre-system
Productive Start-up
Productive Support
- 31 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
SEEBURGER Purchase-to-Pay®
- 32 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Fast and transparent invoice processing with »Purchase-to-Pay«
Shortest processing and cycle times in invoice processing
No-touch-postings, prompt payments and maximized cash discounts
Highest transparency, complete monitoring, full traceability
Improved supplier relationship management
Best process integration in SAP including SAP workflows etc.
Easy to maintain the configuration of SEEBURGER SAP Purchase-to-Pay
Fast ROI with pay per use prices and low upfront invest
- 33 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Purchase-to-Pay in SAP®
Cover all different invoice channels with a SAP- certified tool „SEBURGER Purchase-to-Pay“
SEEBURGER is a reliable Partner with more than 30 years of B2B experience and more than 9,400 satisfied clients
More than 900 satisfied clients in the area of Managed Services
- 34 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Next Steps
Workshop (analysis of organisation, processes and technical aspects)
»Proof of Concept«
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SEEBURGER Purchase-to-Pay®
- 36 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
Gerrit Onken | Presales & Project Management SEEBURGER AG
Gasstrasse 18, House 1 22761 Hamburg Germany
Phone: +49 40 23882435 Mobile: +49 172 6620775
mailto: [email protected]
- 37 - © SEEBURGER AG 2016 B o o s t Y o u r S A P
© Copyright 2016 SEEBURGER AG. All rights reserved. The information in this document is proprietary to SEEBURGER. Neither any part of this document, nor the whole of it may be reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any form or purpose without the express prior written permission of SEEBURGER AG. Please note that this document is subject to change and may be changed by SEEBURGER at any time without notice. SEEBURGER‘s Software product, the ones of its business partners may contain software components from third parties. SAP®, SAP® R/3®, SAP NetWeaver®, SAP Archive Link®, SAP Hana®, SAP® GLOBAL TRADE Service® (SAP GTS), ABAP™ are registered trade marks of the SAP AG or the SAP AG Deutschland (Germany). Microsoft, Windows, Windows Phone, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Silverlight, and Visual Studio are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Linux is a registered trade mark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries. UNIX, X/Open, OSF/1, and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Group. Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, Flash, PostScript, and Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and / or other countries. HTML, ML, XHTML, and W3C are trademarks, registered trademarks, or claimed as generic terms by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), or Keio University. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and its affiliates. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies.
4avis®, 4classification®, 4invoice®, 4invoice WEBflow®, BIS:explore®, BIS:open®, BIS:open UX®, BIS:pdx®, BIS:plm®, EPX:compact, iMartOne®, Paper2ERP®, Paper-to-ERP®, SEEBURGER®, SEEBURGER Business-Integration Server®, SEEBURGER DocumentSuite®, SEEBURGER Logistic Solution Professional®, SEEBURGER Web Supplier Hub®, SEEBURGER Workflow®, SEEBURGER-CASEngine®, SEEBURGER-invoiceCONSOLE®, SEEBURGER-WEBflow®, WinELKE®
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This document is a preliminary version and not subject to your license agreement or any other agreement with SEEBURGER. This document contains only intended strategies, developments, and functionalities of the SEEBURGER product and is not intended to be binding upon SEEBURGER to any particular course of business, product strategy, and/or development. Please note that this document is subject to change and may be changed by SEEBURGER at any time without notice.
SEEBURGER assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document. SEEBURGER does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links, or other items contained within this material. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.
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Solution ExtensionSAP® Purchase-to-Pay
SEEBURGER Relationships to SAP AG
»SEEBURGER Business Integration Suite«The Central Data Hub for all Business Processes
»SEEBURGER Business Integration Suite«The Central Data Hub for all Business Processes
SEEBURGER‘s Purchase-to-Pay® for automated, fast and transparent invoice processing
Optimization of invoice post processing - SAP post processing
Optimization of invoice post processing - SAP post processing
Optimization of invoice post processing - SAP post processing
Optimization of invoice post processing - SAP post processing
Optimization of invoice clarification & approval - rules
Foliennummer 15
Fully integrated mail client (MS outlook)
Foliennummer 18
Optimization of the invoice posting and payment
Optimization of the invoice posting and payment - background posting of PO invoices in SAP
Invoice Entry Ledger - view all channels and types
Reporting and monitoring - SAP Reporting Cockpit for management information
Detailed Workflow Protocol
Optimization of invoice clarification & approval – approval of non-PO invoices via mobile devices