solar power stirling engine


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A SEMINAR REPORT ONSOLAR POWERED STIRLING ENGINESubmitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of the degree ofBACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGYINELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERINGBYPradeep kumar DeyUnder the precious guidance of Mr. Sashikant Nayak , M.Tech Associate professor ,EEE



CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that the seminar entitled solar powered stirling enigine is a genuine work of

Pradeep kumar Dey

Submitted, in Partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from SITAMS, Chittoor.

GUIDE SEMINAR INCHARGE HODMr. Sashikant nayak, M.Tech Mr.RAMESH.HALAKURKI, Associate professor, M.TechDept of EEE Professor, Dept of EEE

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the people who have helped me to share this seminar.Predominantly my thanks goes to Mr.D.K AUDIKESVULU ,Founder and chairman, SITAMS for the extensive college. I am very much grateful to Vice Chairman Dr.A.KUPPARAJULU for his encouragement and strong support.I would like to express my profound gratitude to principal Dr.T.SAIRAMA and Prof. Ramesh Halakurki , HOD, Dept of EEE for offering a chance to serve in reputed institution and providing all possible facilities throughout of my seminar report.I express my sincere thanks to Mr.sashikant Nayk, Associate professor benevolent advice and guidance at each step of my seminar.My sincere thanks to all the teaching and non teaching staff members Of EEE Dept. for their cooperation and guidance.

ABSTRACT:The performance of Stirling engines meets the demands of the efficient use of energy and environmental security and therefore they are the subject of much current interest. Hence, the development and investigation of Stirling engine have come to the attention of many scientific institutes and commercial companies. The Stirling engine is both practically and theoretically a significant device, its practical virtue is simple, reliable and safe which was recognized for a full century following its invention by Robert Stirling in 1816. The engine operates on a closed thermodynamic cycle, which is reversible. The objective of this report is to provide fundamental information and present a detailed review of the Stirling cycle engine. Stirling engine concept is attached to the solar and the implementations are reported .Different types of stirling engines, their working, advantages and disadvantages are presented.

CONTENTS: Chapter page no1.Abstract 12.Contents23.Introduction 33.1 History of stirling engine34.Basic stirling engine 44.1 Operation of stirling engine54.2 Stirling engine stages65.Types of stirling engine75.1 Alpha type75.2 Beta type85.3 Gamma type86.Application of stirling engine97.Stirling engine with solar107.1 Concentrating solar plants127.2 Carnot and stirling cycle138.Efficiency148.1 Advantages and disadvantages159.Conclusion1710.References183.INTRODUCTION: A Stirling cycle machine is a device, which operates on a closed regenerative thermodynamic cycle, with cyclic compression and expansion of the working fluid at different temperature levels. The flow is controlled by volume changes so that there is a net conversion of heat to work or vice versa. The Stirling engines are frequently called by other names, including hot-air or hot-gas engines. Stirling engine is a heat engine operating by cyclic compression and expansion of air or other gas, the working fluid, at different temperature levels such that there is a net conversion of heat energy to mechanical work. The stirling engine is associated with solar power to generate electrical energy since solar power is abundant source of energy. 3.1 HISTORY OF STIRLING ENGINE:On September 27, 1816, Robert Stirling applied for a patent for his Economizer at the Chancery in Edinburgh, Scotland. By trade, Robert Stirling was actually a minister in the Church of Scotland and he continued to give services until he was eighty-six years old. But, in his spare time, he built heat engines in his home workshop. Lord Kelvin, who is best known for his work in the field of electricity, especially submarine telegraphy, used one of the working models during some of his university classes.In 1850, Professor McQuorne Rankine first explained the simple and elegant dynamics of the engine. Approximately one hundred years later, Rolf Meijer coined the term Stirling engine in order to describe all types of closed cycle regenerative gas engines.

4. BASIC STIRLING ENGINE:The engine is designed so that the working gas is generally compressed in the colder portion of the engine and expanded in the hotter portion resulting in a net conversion of heat into work. An internal Regenerative heat exchanger increases the Stirling engine's thermal efficiency compared to simpler hot air engines lacking this feature. Key components:

Cut-away diagram of beta configuration 1. Pink Hot cylinder wall2. Dark grey Cold cylinder wall3. Yellow Coolant inlet and outlet pipes4. Dark green Thermal insulation separating the two cylinder ends5. Light green Displacer piston6. Dark blue Power piston7. Light blueLinkage crank and flywheel

As a consequence of closed cycle operation, the heat driving a Stirling engine must be transmitted from a heat source to the working fluid by heat exchangers and finally to a heat sink. A Stirling engine system has at least one heat source, one heat sink and up to five heat exchangers. 4. 1 OPERATION OF STIRLING ENGINE:Since the Stirling engine is a closed cycle, it contains a fixed mass of gas called the "working fluid", most commonly air, hydrogen or helium. In normal operation, the engine is sealed and no gas enters or leaves the engine. The Stirling engine, like most heat engines, cycles through four main processes: cooling, compression, heating and expansion. This is accomplished by moving the gas back and forth between hot and cold heat exchangers, often with a regenerator between the heater and cooler. The hot heat exchanger is in thermal contact with an external heat source, such as a fuel burner, and the cold heat exchanger being in thermal contact with an external heat sink, such as air fins. A change in gas temperature will cause a corresponding change in gas pressure, while the motion of the piston causes the gas to be alternately expanded and compressed.The gas follows the behaviour described by the gas laws which describe how a gas' pressure, temperature and volume are related. When the gas is heated, because it is in a sealed chamber, the pressure rises and this then acts on the power piston to produce a power stroke. When the gas is cooled the pressure drops and this means that less work needs to be done by the piston to compress the gas on the return stroke, thus yielding a net power output.To summarize, the Stirling engine uses the temperature difference between its hot end and cold end to establish a cycle of a fixed mass of gas, heated and expanded, and cooled and compressed, thus converting thermal energy into mechanical energy. The greater the temperature difference greater the thermal efficiency.


Fig: The Sirling Cycle Stages.

5.TYPES OF STIRLING ENGINES:There are two major types of Stirling engines that are distinguished by the way they move the air between the hot and cold sides of the cylinder:1. The two piston alpha type design has pistons in independent cylinders, and gas is driven between the hot and cold spaces.2. The displacement type Stirling engines, known as beta and gamma types, use an insulated mechanical displacer to push the working gas between the hot and cold sides of the cylinder. The displacer is large enough to insulate the hot and cold sides of the cylinder thermally and to displace a large quantity of gas. It must have enough of a gap between the displacer and the cylinder wall to allow gas to flow around the displacer easily.5.1 Alpha Stirling:An alpha Stirling contains two power pistons in separate cylinders, hot and cold. The hot cylinder is situated inside the high temperature heat exchanger and the cold cylinder is situated inside the low temperature heat exchanger. This type of engine has a high power-to-volume ratio but has technical problems due to the usually high temperature of the hot piston and the durability of its seals. In practice, this piston usually carries a large insulating head to move the seals away from the hot zone at the expense of some additional dead space.5.2 Beta Stirling:A beta Stirling has a single power piston arranged within the same cylinder on the same shaft as a displacer piston. The displacer piston is a loose fit and does not extract any power from the expanding gas but only serves to shuttle the working gas between the hot and cold heat exchangers. When the working gas is pushed to the hot end of the cylinder it expands and pushes the power piston. When it is pushed to the cold end of the cylinder it contracts and the momentum of the machine, usually enhanced by a flywheel, pushes the power piston the other way to compress the gas. Unlike the alpha type, the beta type avoids the technical problems of hot moving seals. 5.3 Gamma Stirling:A gamma Stirling is simply a beta Stirling in which the power piston is mounted in a separate cylinder alongside the displacer piston cylinder, but is still connected to the same flywheel. The gas in the two cylinders can flow freely between them and remains a single body. This configuration produces a lower compression ratio but is mechanically simpler and often used in multi-cylinder Stirling engines. Gamma type engines have a displacer and power piston, similar to Beta machines, but in different cylinders. This allows a convenient complete separation between the heat exchangers associated with the displacer cylinder and the compression and expansion work space associated with the piston.

Fig: mechanical models of three types of stirling engine.

6. APPLICATIONS:Applications of the Stirling engine range from heating and cooling to underwater power systems. A Stirling engine can function in reverse as a heat pump for heating or cooling. Other uses include: combined heat and power, solar power generation, Stirling cryocoolers, heat pump, marine engines, and low temperature difference engines.The Stirling engine is noted for its high efficiency compared to steam engines, quiet operation, and the ease with which it can use almost any heat source. This compatibility with alternative and renewable energy sources has become increasingly significant.

7. STIRLING ENGINE WITH SOLAR:Solar energy is one of the more attractive renewable energy sources that can be used as an input energy source for heat engines. In fact, any heat energy source can be used with the Stirling engine. The solar radiation can be focused onto the displacer hot-end of the Stirling engine, thereby creating a solar-powered prime mover. The direct conversion of solar power into mechanical power reduces both the cost and complexity of the prime mover. In theory, the principal advantages of Stirling engines are their use of an external heat source and their high efficiency. Stirling engines are able to use solar energy that is a cheap source of energy.A solar powered stirling engine was patented by Roelf J. Meijer in 1987. His invention relates a heat engine, such as a Stirling cycle engine, with a solar dish collector in order to produce electricity .This apparatus consists of a large dish aimed at the sun to reflect the rays into the focus point, which is located at the center of the dish. Solar energy is now collected in the form of heat to fuel a Stirling cycle engine . which operates by letting heat flow from a hot source to a cold sink in order to do work. The work output of the stirling cycle is then used to drive a generator and create electric power.Placed at the focus of a parabolic mirror a Stirling engine can convert solar Energy to electricity with efficiency better than non-concentrated photovoltaic cells. In 2005 It is created a 1 kW Stirling generator with a solar concentrator, this was a herald of the coming of a revolutionary solar, nowadays It generates electricity much more efficiently and economically than Photovoltaic (PV) systems with technology called concentrated solar power (CPS). Nowadays the company Infina Applications has development a 3 kW Solar Stirling Product. By a mirror to focus the suns rays on the receiver end of a Stirling engine. The internal side of the receiver then heats hydrogen gas, which expands. The pressure created by the expanding gas drives a piston, crank shaft, and drive shaft assembly much like those found in internal combustion engines but without igniting the gas. The drive shaft is connected to a small electricity generator. Generally concentration solar power (CSP) and is significant potential grid for water pumping or electrification.

Fig: Dish Stirling from SES (Stirling Energy Systems)A second type of solar powered stirling engine was patented by NASA on August 3, 1976 which employed the use of solar energy in order to freely pump water from a river, lake, or stream. The purpose of this apparatus is to provide a low-cost, low-technology pump having particular utility in irrigation systems employed in underdeveloped arid regions of the earth, using the basic principles of the Stirling heat engine. Working fuels: Compressible fluids, such as air, hydrogen, helium, nitrogen or even vapors, are used as working fluids

7.1 CONCENTRATING SOLAR PLANTS:Concentrating solar power plants uses parabolic trough collectors or central tower concentration arrangement. In parabolic trough system a parabolic shaped concentrator of aluminium is used. In the centre the receiver is placed. The temperatures at the centre point are of 232degree celcius. In the central tower system many number of heliostates are arranged in pattern such that the entire reflection of each heliostat towards a central tower. The central tower acts as a receiver. Generally molten salt is used as a working fuel to exchange the heat.Sun catcher technology is also same as parabolic trough but with some modifications.In the solar stirling scheme instead of using external gas turbines direct stirling engine is used besides heat exchange media.

7.2 CARNOT CYCLE and STIRLING CYCLE :The Carnot cycle has a low mean effective pressure because of its very low work output. Hence, one of the modified forms of the cycle to produce higher mean effective pressure whilst theoretically achieving full Carnot cycle efficiency is the Stirling cycle.. Similar to carnot cycle stirling engine cycle also uses the liquid or gaseous heat exchange medium. The Ideal Gas Law describes the relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature of gas in a closed system. It is written: PV = nRT where n is the number of moles of gas and R is a constant associated with the particular gas or mix of gasses in the engine. R and n will both be constants for a given engine, and so their product, nR, will be a constant.

Fig: pressure vs volume characteristics of stirling engine

8.EFFICIENCY:The efficiency is defined to be:

Where is the work done by the system (energy exiting the system as work), is the heat put into the system (heat energy entering the system), is the absolute temperature of the cold reservoir, and is the absolute temperature of the hot reservoir.An operating temperature of 142c permits a maximum thermodynamic (carnot) Efficiency of 31.6%, assuming the sink temperature is 27 c. We might reasonably expect The stirling engine and generator to achieve a thermal-electric efficiency of about 20.8%, Roughly 66% of the carnot efficiency, while the collector operates at a thermal efficiency of About 52.3%. Thus, the estimated overall efficiency of the system would be about 9.6%.Figure:comparison of different cycle efficiency with different operating temperatures.

Solar energy is focused on the Solar Receiver that is converted to 25kW of electricity for a peak conversion efficiency of approximately 31.25 percent. SES(stirling energy systems) holds the world record of 31.25% efficiency for solar insolation to grid commercial power.

fig: efficiency comparison of different technologies


There are several reasons to use a Stirling Engine: Inside the pistons can be used air, helium, nitrogen or hydrogen and we dont have to refill it because it uses always the same body of gas. To produce heat we can use whatever we want: fuel, oil, gas, nuclear power and of course renewable energies like solar, biomass or geothermal heat. The external combustion process can be designed as a continuous process, so the most types of emissions can be reduced. If heat comes from a renewable energy source they produce no emissions They run very silent and they dont need any air supply. Thats why they are used a lot in submarines. E.g. in the Royal Swedish Navy. They can run for a very long time because the bearings and seals can be placed at the cool side of the engine they need less lubricant and they dont have to be checked very often ( longer period between the overhauls ).At the same time solar stirling engine suffers from discontinuous operation. Thus most of the plants designed as hybrid system, that uses other source to continue power generation during non availability of solar power.

9. CONCLUSION:Today, Stirling engines are used in some very specialized applications, like in submarines or auxiliary power generators, where quiet operation is important. Stirling engines are unique heat engines because their theoretical efficiency is nearly equal to their theoretical maximum efficiency, known as the Carnot Cycle efficiency.The best (and presumably most expensive) of current practical photovoltaic systems convert about 22% of the available solar energy into electricity. This mechanical system claims 24%, and all using ordinary low-environmental-impact materials and manufacturing techniques. Unlike fancy semiconductor solar panels.


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