sol not coal

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  • 7/30/2019 Sol Not Coal


    Public Discourse Statement: New Mexico - Sol not Coal

    Do the Right Thing the Angel on the shoulder, message clear and loud

    That inner-voice always asking - are your making your parents proud?

    As the rat race gets louder and louder the Angels voice harder to hear

    No shortage of justifications for cutting corners often self-serving, and/or based on fear

    This seems the case with PNM

    the corporation that owns coal-burning power plants fueling New Mexicos energy needsDo the RightThing is what they call theirEthical Code of Conduct program

    ocus limited to legal compliance & ethics within the workplace - things like saying thanks and please

    My reaction to PNMs lengthy standards of excellence, of which employees should be proud and commended

    Apply the ethical codes of conduct community-wide

    the part about Responsibilities to the Public needs to be extended

    The Current Codes of Conduct, the section on integrity with the community

    Limited to delivering a quality product at a reasonable price

    No mention of public health or minimizing emissions - angel on one shoulder, shareholders on the other

    ts not the angel from who PNM is taking its advice

    Doing the Right Thing for New Mexicans this means, at the very least, bring coal-burning power plants up to spe

    nstead PNM & the Governor fight an E.P.A. ruling for installing cutting-edge catalytic-converters?

    conomics drive corporations and handcuff politicians - the people once again being called upon to take the lea

    The pace of industry & government led change is concerning, as are the unambitious parameters of the debate

    Another E.P.A. ruling, another lawsuit, another extension granted, another fine paid

    Clinging to an unsustainable economic model - profits in the pocket, coal in the lungs; sealing New Mexicos fat

    ts 2012 and PNM not meeting goal of producing 10% of its power with renewable energy

    One possible factor: New Mexico the nations 4th-largest coal reserve & 2nd-largest producer of Natural Gas

    ight power plants fuel New Mexico and parts of the Southwest

    A Big Player in an economy already fighting off Collapse

    atest Agreementwith government, PNM to reduce emissions 25% below 1990 levels by 2020

    Considering the sheer volume of harmful emissions released into the air

    (including mercury, arsenic, chromium, nickel and other acid gases)

    Pollution Monitor for New Mexicans still indicating plenty

    n 2011 New Mexican plants released

    17,822 tons of sulfur dioxide / 61,992 tons of nitrous oxide / and 33,878,322 tons of CO-2

    Angels voice coming through loud and clear

    Prioritizing solar, wind, and public health - is the Right Thing to Do

    C MCM-PDS 2012