sogea satom - photo credits: trilogic / thierry duvivier credits: trilogic / thierry...


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Page 1: SOGEA SATOM - Photo credits: Trilogic / Thierry Duvivier ......Photo credits: Trilogic / Thierry Duvivier, Francis Vigouroux, Image library of VINCI and subsidiaries. 2, rue Louis-Blériot


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2, rue Louis-Blériot92851 Rueil-Malmaison - FranceTél. : +33 ,1 47 16 40 00Fax : +33 1 47 51 91





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Page 2: SOGEA SATOM - Photo credits: Trilogic / Thierry Duvivier ......Photo credits: Trilogic / Thierry Duvivier, Francis Vigouroux, Image library of VINCI and subsidiaries. 2, rue Louis-Blériot


















































West Africa and Madagascar

North Africa

Equatorial Africa

Central, East and Southern Africa


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Page 3: SOGEA SATOM - Photo credits: Trilogic / Thierry Duvivier ......Photo credits: Trilogic / Thierry Duvivier, Francis Vigouroux, Image library of VINCI and subsidiaries. 2, rue Louis-Blériot

Sogea-SatomA local partnerAs a company with historical roots in the continent and a corporate culture

with a clear emphasis on quality and team spirit, Sogea-Satom and its network

of subsidiaries operating in around 20 countries are an integral part of Africa’s

economic and social fabric.

Sogea-Satom fi rst ventured into Africa in Morocco in the 1930s, opening its factory in Sidi Boukna-del and providing the fi rst

water supply pipes for Rabat. Sogea extended its reach into the heart of the continent in 1948 by opening offi ces in Gabon, followed by the fi rst road-building contracts for Satom in Niger and Chad in 1951.

80 years on the road togetherThe long-standing and well-established links between Sogea-Satom and Africa, their complementary skills and areas of expertise, a willingness to pass on know-how and the cultural diversity that enables both sides to share ideas to their mutual benefi t make Sogea-Satom a long-term, responsible partner for the countries of Africa.

3Building in Africa

Sogea-Satom operates in around

20 countries in Africa.

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Page 4: SOGEA SATOM - Photo credits: Trilogic / Thierry Duvivier ......Photo credits: Trilogic / Thierry Duvivier, Francis Vigouroux, Image library of VINCI and subsidiaries. 2, rue Louis-Blériot

4 Building in Africa

The power of a groupSogea-Satom is one of the main international companies in VINCI

Construction, a strategic division within the VINCI group. Being part

of the world’s largest concessions and construction group, with almost

180,000 employees in around 100 countries, is a major advantage.

Sogea-Satom benefits directly from VINCI’s wide-ranging know-how to take advantage of the synergies it off ers

in terms of expertise and resources. Other group subsidiaries operating in Africa can

complement Sogea-Satom teams and draw on a range of highly specialised skills that have been developed by VINCI.

RN12, Burundi.

The synergies developed within the group mean tailored solutions can be off ered.

Brochure SogeaSatom Afrique ENG.indd 2BrocBrochurehure SogSogeaSaeaSatomtom AfriAfriqueque ENGENG inddindd 22NNNNBrochure SogeaSatom Afrique ENG.indd 2 /12 10:22/12/12 110:220:22/10//1/10/0/05/05/05/05/10/12 100000/0/555000 22222210:11222111111 25/15/10/120/12 110:220:2205/10/12 10:22

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Our vision, our valuesFollowing in the footsteps of a long line of great builders, the men

and women of Sogea-Satom contribute to the development of Africa

based on a clear set of uncompromising values.

LoyaltyThe risks inherent in individual autonomy and the specifi c nature of our markets demand total loyalty and transparency.

ProfessionalismThe rigour and competence of our teams are a guarantee of quality for our customers and success for the company.

SolidarityWe are modest about our successes and build our future plans on the basis of respect for other people.

AmbitionAs a driver of our shared development, ambition is encouraged internally and fed by an ongoing sense of curiosity.

ResponsibilityShared success demands that each of us assumes the responsibilities inherent in our role and that we act eff ectively and on our own initiative.

SafetyProtecting the health and physical safety of our employees is a top priority, which is inseparable from the success of our projects.

PerseveranceGiven the international aspects of our activities, operating the diff erent areas of the business requires conviction and tenacity if we are to be able to make the diff erence.

5Building in Africa

Management team

Bruno Bianco Studies Department Director

Technical Director

Christophe Martin, Senior Executive Vice-President and Regional Director, Central, East and

Southern Africa

Paul ScippaAdministration and

Finance Director

Hervé RonotVice-President and Regional Director,

West Africa and Madagascar

Thierry LahuppeDirector, Equipment,

Purchasing and Logistics

Philippe ChaventChief Executive Offi cer

Xavier DebreuxHuman Resources Director,

Sogea-Satom Division and VINCI Construction for French Overseas

Departments and Territories

Jean-Michel GuélaudSenior Executive Vice-President

and Regional Director, Equator

Cheikh Daff Human Resources


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6 Building in Africa

Flexible organisationFrom road-building to hydraulic engineering and civil engineering

to building works, Sogea-Satom constantly adapts its physical and human

resources to meet its customers’ expectations as closely as possible.

By pooling the know-how and expertise of its teams in Africa, Sogea-Satom has created a fl exible and responsive

organisational structure, with a clear priority on short decision-making processes. All of these factors help to diff erentiate it from the competition and anticipate changes in the market.

Responsibility and commitmentMobility and organisational agility go hand in hand with an acceptance of personal responsibility and a business culture based on trust and commitment.

Redevelopment of Zanzibar airport

Our mobile, multidisciplinary teams are able to meet

the needs of any project, whatever its geographical location.

Brochure SogeaSatom Afrique ENG.indd 4BrocBrochurehure SogSogeaSaeaSatomtom AfriAfriqueque ENGENG inddindd 44NNNNBrochure SogeaSattom qqq eeeqqquuuuuuiiirrrfffAAA qAfriAfriquequeAfAfrique GGG nnnnnniiiNG.NNNNNNNNNNEENENNN dddddddddddddddddddd 4444 7775757572:52:52:52222 122 11222/1/1/10/0/0/000/1/1/13/3/3/0303030000000 000333 222111222111///111/// 03/13/1003/10/12 12 555::5:5:57777777

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Long-term responsibility

Sogea-Satom is fi rmly committed to acting

on its social and environmental responsibility.

Its sustainable development policy is expressed

through a wide-ranging series of tangible

actions carried out as close to the ground

as possible.

Environmental protectionSystematic waste recovery, recycling of used oil as fuel, the development of water treatment systems, retention ponds for effl uents and energy-efficient driving courses are just some of the measures taken by Sogea-Satom to limit the impact of its activities on the environment. Innovative ideas from its teams are an important aspect of the policy.

Safety fi rstProtecting its employees and ensuring their safety is a key objective, which drives

management at every level of implementing safety policies, from wearing personal protective equipment to vigilance over employee transport, checks on equipment and so on.

Combating diseaseSogea-Satom also implements an active, structured policy of promoting hygiene and preventing and combating disease on the ground, particularly HIV. It also supports regular medical care for its employees by helping them to access treatment.

ISSA: a commitment to solidarity initiativesThe ISSA campaign – Initiatives Sogea-Satom pour l’Afrique –

has supported social solidarity initiatives organised by

employees in areas such as local entrepreneurship and creation

of sustainable employment. Founded in 2007, the ISSA also

supports projects in the areas of education, social development,

health, nutrition, agricultural development, sanitation, etc. The

main focus is on tangible, long-term initiatives such as

purchasing machinery and tools, building schools, providing

plants to farmers, etc.

7Building in Africa

Brochure SogeaSatom Afrique ENG.indd 5BrocBrochurehure SogSogeaSaeaSatomtom AfriAfriqueque ENGENG inddindd 55Brochure SogeaSattom qqq GGG ddddddeee 555qqquuu ddddddnnnnnniiiNG.NNNNNNNNEEEuuuiiirrrfffAAA ddddddqqq 5AfriAfri ee ENGENG inddindd 55AfAfrique ENG.indd 5 7775757572:52:52:52222 122 11222/1/1/10/0/0/000/1/1/13/3/3/03030303/1000333000 222111///111/// 0000030303/10/12 5552:221112:5:512:57777

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PeopleFor Sogea-Satom, people are at the heart of the issues it faces and its

organisational structures. Its diverse mix of cultures and occupations has been

a source of pride for the business from the outset, which is why it is committed

to supporting its employees and developing their skills throughout their careers.

R ecruiting locally and providing regular staff training not only helps to develop the men and women in the business but also

gœ s hand in hand with the increasing technical complexity of the markets in which we operate and improves productivity.

Encouraging talented people across the boardOver recent years we have made signifi cant efforts to improve training for our workers, particularly operators of heavy machinery and

lorry drivers. Similarly, training programmes for executive staff have enabled a signifi cant number of them to take on management or supervisory roles (for example in administration, fi nance and project management) at a local level.

The stated objectives of the policy are to manage skills and pass on know-how as eff ectively as possible.

8 Building in Africa

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Partnerships with local engineering colleges Sogea-Satom has entered into a partnership with the 2iE,

a college in Burkina-Faso, which has developed a number

of teaching modules in line with the company’s long-term

recruitment needs. The course is not reserved exclusively

for Sogea-Satom, however: although the company had

made a commitment to recruiting a minimum number of

students to ensure the course was fi nancially viable, it was

quickly joined by the Areva, Bolloré and Delmas groups.

Sogea-Satom has also developed partnerships with Istac,

a college in Cameroon, which trains engineers on sandwich

courses in central Africa, and with the École supérieure

polytechnique in Dakar.

Sogea-Satom employs over 10,000 people in Africa,

including 500 expatriates of 23 diff erent nationalities.

Brochure SogeaSatom Afrique ENG.indd 7BrocBrochurehure SogSogeaSaeaSatomtom AfriAfriqueque ENGENG inddindd 77Brochure SogeaSattom AfAfrique GGG nnnnnniiiNG.NNNNNNNNEENGENG dddddddddddddddddddd 7777 7775757572:52:52:52222 122 11222/1/1/10/0/0/000/1/1/13/3/3/03030303/1000333000 222111222111///111/// 0000030303/10/12 12 555::5:5:57777

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Brochure SogeaSatom Afrique ENG.indd 8BrocBrochurehure SogSogeaSaeaSatomtom AfriAfriqueque ENGENG inddindd 88BrocBrochurehure SogSogeaSaeaSatomtom AfriAfriqueque ENGENG inddinddBrochure SogeaSattom qqqqq GGGGGeeeeeqqqqquuuuu NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEuuuuuiiiiirrrrrfffffAAAAA qqqqqAfriAfri ee ENNAfAfrique ENG ddddddddddddddddddddnnnnnnnnnniiiii.indddddddddddii.indd 8888888888888 77777575757772:52:52:52:52:5222222 122 1122 1122222/1/1/1/1/10/0/0///000/1/1/1/1/13/3/3///030303330333330000000000030303 00000 555552:2222111112222211111/////11111///// 00000 :5:5/10/12 12:577777777

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EquipmentFrom high-performance equipment to logistics support

from head offi ce, Sogea-Satom has an extensive and diverse

machinery fl eet, which it maintains with the utmost care.

Sogea-Satom has its own fl eet of over 9,000 modern, high-performance machines across the whole of Africa

– including lorries, digging equipment, grading machines, concrete plants, coating units, crushing units etc. – used in industrial production or on-site crushing units, etc.. In its road-building activities, Sogea-Satom has chosen to fi t its equipment with high-performance technologies such as satellite navigation systems.These new tools are backed by signifi cant levels of investment in training and

familiarising the teams with the new on-board technologies.As a result, the business maintains its own equipment, ensuring a high level of availability and effi ciency, and has provided itself with the necessary internal skills and resources to do so.Logistics and purchasing are pooled within the Sogea-Satom network enabling it to use its fl eet of equipment effi ciently and optimise its allocation.

11Building in Africa

Sogea-Satom has high-tech equipment and a large fl eet of road transport vehicles.

Brochure SogeaSatom Afrique ENG.indd 9BrocBrochurehure SogSogeaSaeaSatomtom AfriAfriqueque ENGENG inddindd 99BrocBrochurehure SogSogeaSaeaSatomtom AfriAfriqueque ENGENG inddindd 99Brochure SogeaSatom Afrique ENG.indd 9Brochure SogeaSatom Afrique ENG.i 333333:13:13:1:1:1333332 122 1122 112222/1/1/1/1/10/0/0///000/1/1/1/1/14/4/4///04040404/10/12 13:133333333330000000000 1111113:11112222211111/////11111/////44444 000000000004/104/10/120/12 113:133:1304/10/12 13:13

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Sogea-Satom has repaired 5,000 km of damaged roadways and built over 10,000 km of bitumen-surfaced roads.

Koumra-Sarh road, Chad.


Brochure SogeaSatom Afrique ENG.indd 10BrocBrochurehure SogSogeaSaeaSatomtom AfriAfriqueque ENGENG inddindd 1100BrocBrochurehure SogSogeaSaeaSatomtom AfriAfriqueque ENGENG inddindd 11Brochure SogeaSattom qqqqq GGGGGeeeeeqqqqquuuuu NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEuuuuuiiiiirrrrrfffffAAAAA qqqqqAfriAfri ee ENNAfAfrique ENG ddddddddddddddddddddnnnnnnnnnniiiii.indddddddddddii.indd 00000111110000010 77777575757772:52:52:52:52:5222222 122 1122 1122222/1/1/1/1/10/0/0///000/1/1/1/1/13/3/3///030303330333330000000000030303 00000 555552:2222111112222211111/////11111///// 00000 :5:5/10/12 12:577777777

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Millions of vehicles use roads built by Sogea-Satom teams

every day on the plains, in the mountains, across the desert

and in equatorial forests.

Connecting people and placesThe company covers the whole of the road-building process, from defining the line it will fitake to signage, geotechnical surveys, quarryoperation, earthworks, drainage, structural work, the pavement layers and top surface.The teams from Sogea-Satom have mastered all the techniques required for African road-building as a result of their extensive experience , including pavement layers made of natural materials or treated with hydraulic binders, crushed aggregate or bituminousaggregate, and surface courses with a topcoating or layer of bituminous concrete, etc.

Applying road-building experienceto other sectorsAlongside its road-building projects, Sogea-Satom also works on various general earth-moving projects in Africa along with deforestation and mining operations.

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13Building in Africa

Brochure SogeaSatom Afrique ENG.indd 11BrocBrochurehure SogSogeaSaeaSatomtom AfriAfriqueque ENGENG inddindd 1111BrocBrochurehure SogSogeaSaeaSatomtom AfriAfriqueque ENGENG inddindd 1111Brochure SogeaS qqqqq eeeeeoooooaaaaa qqqqquuuuuaaaaattttt uuuuuiiiiirrrrrfffffAAAAAmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmoooooaaa qqqqqAfriAfri eeattom AfAfrique GGGGG nnnnnnnnnniiiiiNG.NNNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEENGNG dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 111111111111 77777575757772:52:52:52:52:5222222 122 1122 1122222/1/1/1/1/10/0/0///000/1/1/1/1/13/3/3///03030303030 0000033333 22222111112222211111/////11111///// 00000333/10/12 12 55555::5:5:577777777

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Off shore catchment facility, Lake Victoria, Uganda.

HYDRAULIC ENGINEERINGSogea-Satom builds, develops and guarantees the quality of its facilities.

Brochure SogeaSatom Afrique ENG.indd 12BrocBrochurehure SogSogeaSaeaSatomtom AfriAfriqueque ENGENG inddindd 1122Brochure Sogea qqqSSS eeeooo qqquuuaaattt uuuiiirrrfffAAAmmmmmmmmmatoooaaa qAfriAfriquequeSattom AfAfrique GGG dddddd 222111ddddddnnnnnniiiNG.NNNNNNNNEEE dddddd 2NGNG inddindd 1122ENG.indd 12 7775757572:52:52:522203/10/12 103/103/10/120/12 1103/10/12 5552:221112:52:512:57777

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S ogea-Satom’s skills in hydraulic engineering are used in a wide variety of different areas: from developing water-ffff

supply points in lakes or dams, to building and refurbishing networks for drinking water, waste water, rain water, industrial effl uents, fflhydrocarbons, gas or irrigation, buildingand refurbishing drinking and waste watertreatment plants, supplying equipment formaintaining pumping, treatment and sewage works, building pumping and booster stations,developing sea-water desalination plants, etc.Sogea-Satom also off ers integrated turnkeyffffprogrammes combining a range of differentffff

techniques, which tend to be the preferred choice of international investors.

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15Building in Africa

Water and energy are vital issues. Sogea-Satom’s expertise

in these areas is therefore a valuable asset.

Multiple disciplinesThe LSE teams – over 100 employees – specialise

in the following areas: street lighting, setting up

electricity networks for offi ces or industrial facilities,

providing lighting for road works, etc.

In South Africa, SPC – Southern Pipelines Contrac-

tor – a subsidiary of Sogea-Satom, produces

concrete pipes and other prefabricated compo-

nents (such as noise-abatement walls, concrete

tunnel segments, etc.).

Brochure SogeaSatom Afrique ENG.indd 13BrocBrochurehure SogSogeaSaeaSatomtom AfriAfriqueque ENGENG inddindd 1133Brochure SogeaS qqq eeeoooaaa qqquuuaaattt uuuiiirrrfffAAAmmmmmmmmmoooaaa qAfriAfriquequeattom AfAfrique GGG nnnnnniiiNG.NNNNNNNNEENGENG dddddddddddddddddddd 3331113313 7775757572:52:52:52222 122 11222/1/1/10/0/0/000/1/1/13/3/3/0303030 000333 222111222111///111/// 03/13/1003/10/12 12 555::5:5:57777

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CIVIL ENGINEERINGSogea-Satom teams working in the area of infrastructure and civil

engineering provide technical solutions in line with the specifi c

characteristics of each development project and its geographical location.

Working with local partners where necessary, Sogea-Satom’s civil-engineering teams are involved in

designing, managing and producing water-supply infrastructure such as water towers,

reservoirs, mains channels (open air and in tunnels), sewage and treatment plants – and airport infrastructure such as runways,control towers and terminal buildings.

Sogea-Satom also has experience in industrial civil engineering, and has in-depth knowledgeof the specifi c techniques needed for buildingfistructures such as deep-water ports, bridgesand viaducts, water-supply infrastructure for regulation and/or producing electricity and thermal power stations such as Kotu C in Gambia or Tombo 3 in Guinea.

Port of Cotonou, Benin.

16 Building in Africa

Port and maritime activitiesDumez Maroc has developed advanced expertise

in the area of industrial and commercial ports.

Some of the Sogea-Satom subsidiary’s key projects

include the ports of Cotonou in Benin and Dakhla in


Sogea-Satom is involved in designing, constructing

and maintaining highly technical structures.

The new Moulay Al Hassan bridge, Morocco.

Renault-Nissan factory, Tangiers, Morocco.

Brochure SogeaSatom Afrique ENG.indd 14BrocBrochurehure SogSogeaSaeaSatomtom AfriAfriqueque ENGENG inddindd 1144NNNNBrochure SogeaS qqq eeeoooaaa qqquuuaaattt uuuiiirrrfffAAAmmmmmmmmmoooaaa qAfriAfriquequeattom AfAfrique GGG nnnnnniiiNG.NNNNNNNNNNEENENNN dddddddddddddddddddd 4441114414 7775757572:52:52:52222 122 11222/1/1/10/0/0/000/1/1/13/3/3/0303030 000333 222111222111///111/// 03/13/1003/10/12 12 555::5:5:57777

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Sogea-Satom’s responsive, fl exible teams are building

the Africa of the future based on their long-standing experience

in working alongside local businesses and tradesmen.

Africa is continuing to develop its urban infrastructure. Hospitals, universities and secondary schools are being built

alongside housing, offices, markets and arts fficentres. Sogea-Satom’s multidisciplinary teamsare well versed in resolving coordination andlogistics problems, ensuring they are able to respond as quickly as possible by working with local tradesmen to build all kinds of structures, either as a general contractor or as part of a turnkey programme.

Projects range from simple buildings, designed and built to be operated and last with a minimum level of maintenance, particularly in areas away from the major cities, to sophisticated structures using cutting-edge materials and construction techniques.


University of Toukra,Chad.

Renault-Nissan factory, Tangiers, Morocco.

Sonidep building,Niamey, Niger.

17Building in Africa

Brochure SogeaSatom Afrique ENG.indd 15BrocBrochurehure SogSogeaSaeaSatomtom AfriAfriqueque ENGENG inddindd 1155Brochure SogeaS qqq eeeoooaaa qqquuuaaattt uuuiiirrrfffAAAmmmmmmmmmoooaaa qAfriAfriquequeattom AfAfrique GGG nnnnnniiiNG.NNNNNNNNEENGENG dddddddddddddddddddd 5551115515 7775757572:52:52:52222 122 11222/1/1/10/0/0/000/1/1/13/3/3/0303030 000333 222111222111///111/// 03/13/1003/10/12 12 555::5:5:57777

Page 18: SOGEA SATOM - Photo credits: Trilogic / Thierry Duvivier ......Photo credits: Trilogic / Thierry Duvivier, Francis Vigouroux, Image library of VINCI and subsidiaries. 2, rue Louis-Blériot

Brochure SogeaSatom Afrique ENG.indd 16BrocBrochurehure SogSogeaSaeaSatomtom AfriAfriqueque ENGENG inddindd 1166Brochure SogeaSatom Afrique ENG.indd 16 /12 10:2/12/12 110:220:22/10//1/10/0/05/05/05/05/10/12 100000/0/555000 22222210:11222111111 25/15/10/120/12 110:220:2205/10/12 10:22

Page 19: SOGEA SATOM - Photo credits: Trilogic / Thierry Duvivier ......Photo credits: Trilogic / Thierry Duvivier, Francis Vigouroux, Image library of VINCI and subsidiaries. 2, rue Louis-Blériot


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2, rue Louis-Blériot92851 Rueil-Malmaison - FranceTél. : +33 ,1 47 16 40 00Fax : +33 1 47 51 91





couv SogeaSatom Afrique ENGnew.indd 4-1 05/10/12 13:52