softway solutions newsletter 1q15


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The first quarter of 2015 has brought on some wonderful new challenges and opportunities for us to grow and learn. Read more about our community involvement and awards along with an outlook from our CEO and some face-time with a few employees.


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Softway SolutionsQuarterly Company NewsletterMay 2015 No. 2

Words From Our President 4

Softway Speaks at SXSW 6

Softway Receives AAF Citation of Excellence 8

Softway Acquisitions 10

Softway Hosts Creative Internship 12

Employee Spotlight 13

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May 2015 No.2


Closing the first quarter is always exciting!

It sets the stage for the remainder of

the year, and it reveals upcoming

challenges and opportunities. More so,

it provides a baseline for this year’s goals

and projections.

In Houston and beyond, we are acutely

aware of the economic impact of the oil

and gas market. The downward trend

affects many additional industries servicing

this market. Companies of all kinds are

looking for ways to tighten their belts

and expand into additional markets for

new streams of revenue. As a business

leader, I understand these pressures

and made internal adjustments to adapt

in this changing market. But we want

to help others uncover new ways to

be profitable.

Softway is focused on helping our clients.

In the current economic climate, we deliver

new technology solutions and marketing

approaches to streamline and automate

processes, attract and convert clients at

lower costs, and create more profitable

outcomes. Updating processes, finding

new vendors or going after new markets

often requires a little push. So let this year

push us to find opportunities for streamlin-

ing technologies and cost-effective

marketing strategies.

As we close out the first quarter, we share

some of the exciting things happening

Words From Our President


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inside Softway. In this newsletter, you will find

information about our attendance at SXSW,

how our recent acquisitions are improving our

company’s deliverables, spotlights on some of

our incredible employees, a recent award, and

a high-school internship program in which

Softway participated.

Thank you for being a client or friend of Softway,

and for taking some time to learn more about

us. My hope is to deepen our relationship

through sharing, openness and delivering

even greater resources to you in the future.

Good luck in the remainder of 2015!

Mohammad Anwar President & CEO

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May 2015 No.2


AUSTIN, Texas – On stage sits a South by

Southwest panel of four. The lineup: Darren

Lachtman of Niche, recently acquired by

Twitter; Michael Platco of Snapchat self-

entrepreneurship; Annie Park of Mashable;

and Frank Danna of Softway.

The topic: “When the Glimpse is Worth More

Than the Glare.” More specifically, how micro-

content is on the rise for brands as the window

for audience attention continues to get

shorter and shorter.

“The average attention span has decreased in

the last decade,” Park said, “In 2013, it was

actually down to eight seconds.”

This trend has led many major brands to seek

out audiences on social media platforms;

platforms such as Twitter, Vine and Snapchat.

“[Social media] is where the eyeballs are

moving,” Lachtman explains, “Brands don’t

want to just have passive display ads. Fifty-six

percent of all digital ads are not even visible

on display media […] so if you want to go on

the platform when people are actively

engaging and not passively viewing, this is

where you want to be.”

Twitter touts that the amount of active

engagement is over 256 percent, with Twitter

and Vine combined versus Twitter alone.

The ability to tell a story on these social

platforms – within 140 characters or within 6.5

seconds – plays to a user who comprehends,

revisits and shares content more readily.

Softway Speaks at SXSW

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Where Snapchat falls into the discussion is

the platform’s strategy of time boxing,

timeliness, and how the platform demands

the attention of the user.

“Unlike any other platform [Snapchat users]

physically need to hold their thumb down.

There’s nothing else they could be doing.

Because that message is going to

disappear. If they don’t see it, they are

never going to be able to see it,”

Platco argues, “It’s the most direct line

of guaranteed communication.”

One of the largest criticisms of micro-

content and social media is how brands

measure or find success on these platforms.

The panel agrees unanimously. If a brand

is looking to get active on social media,

partnering with influential content creators

whom have amassed a popular following is

the best way to start. The other half of the

coin is focusing on the engagement and

analytics of the content.

Lachtman said, “[At Niche] we really

measure in engagements more than

impressions. We’re much more concerned

with how many times [the content’s] been

shared, being ‘Liked’, if people are

commenting on it. Obviously, we do

measure the mass reach as well.”

It is important for companies and brands

interested in micro-content to realize:

To concept for micro-content is to identify

a brand’s core values or storytelling

objective, then convey it with clarity

and conciseness.

Danna said, “Micro-content plays a similar

role to what print advertising did in the

‘70s/’80s. If you can generate content that

shines with simplicity, stills, and within

seconds, then it certainly can be stretched

to long-form media or a full-blown

advertising campaign. Micro-content is

applicable to more than just social media.”

Nevertheless, add in the social media

factor, the potential to play on audience’s

perceptions and sociability turns micro-

content into multi-dimensional strategy

that goes well beyond a concept’s

message or production.

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May 2015 No.2


The client’s aim for the logo design was to

convey the specific industry and the primary

functionality of the platform. The logo went

through multiple rounds before a final design

was eventually decided.

Client, Eugene Huang said, “Working with

Softway designers was a very hands-on

experience. They listened to our goals and

delivered more than exceptional work. Selecting

just one logo design was the hardest part.”

A Citation of Excellence was awarded

to Softway at the 2015 American

Advertising Awards. The award was

given by the American Advertising

Federation in recognition of the

“Refer That Tooth” logo.

Refer That Tooth is an industry-specific

online referral system, intended to enable

general dentists a quick, reliable way to

refer patients to other industry specialists.

Softway ReceivesAAF Citation of Excellence

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Softway received the award from the American Advertising Federation in recognition of the Refer That Tooth logo.

The logo was created in 2014 by Softway’s

UX Director and seasoned graphic

designer, Manual “JJ” Jose.

“We put forward many concepts and

directions for the client,” Jose said, “Still

we were confident a forced connection

approach was a strong avenue to generate

concepts. That’s what you see in the final

logo. The connectivity of people with the

forced implication of the tooth –

or dentistry.”

The logo was only the beginning of the

relationship between Softway and Refer

That Tooth. Softway also developed and

designed the online referral system.

In addition, Softway produced a two-

minute animation for the product’s home

page, explaining the system’s concept.

Huang said, “Working exclusively with

Softway for each service we needed to get

this project up-and-running has resulted

in a stronger overall product and brand.

From development, to marketing collateral,

to brand identity – we are very happy with

how they all cohesively fit together.”

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May 2015 No.2

In 2014, Softway grew through the acquisition

of a company and intellectual property.

Softway acquired Parabox Creative, a micro-

content advertising agency, and two white

-label mobile applications from Onseeker

Technologies: a sports team app and

a radio app.

Since acquisition, Softway improved both

apps with updated content management

systems, analytics tracking, user interfaces

and marketing efforts. The apps are licensed

on a subscription basis.

Senior Client Services Associate, Roy Gonzalez

said, “I am blown away with what we’ve

accomplished with the apps over the last

year. The market potential for these apps

has grown exponentially.”

Today, the radio app is licensed to over 40

clients and upwards of two million users. Each

client sells advertising space and markets their


Softway Acquisitions

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customizable app individually through the

App Store and Android Marketplace.

Parabox Creative strengthened Softway’s

advertising and marketing portfolio. Since

its acquisition, on April 29, 2014, Softway

provided creative services to brands such

as Hewlett-Packard, InStyle, ESPN, UNICEF,

Samsung, Nintendo and Target – to name

a few.

“We are no longer viewed as a development-

first company,” President and CEO,

Mohammad Anwar said. “This acquisition

lifted us into a creative marketing power-

house. Couple that with our development

capabilities, we get to explore digital

and creative options most other

agencies cannot.”



Initially bought as a division of Softway,

the Parabox Creative name has since been

dissolved; however, its staff, clientele and

advertising approach are now deeply

rooted within Softway’s creative services

and culture.

“We had our own niche of limited production

styles and capabilities – stop motion,

Claymation and paper art,” Parabox Creative

co-founder, Frank Danna said. “Softway’s

creative staff embraced our micro-content

mindset, and now provides concept ideas

as well as more production options.

Not to mention the newfound digital

options of mobile apps, web apps and

internet marketing.”

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May 2015 No.2



In the last week of March, ninth grade students from the Awty International School, Louise Véron and Lena Dion, worked closely with animators on our creative team.

On assignment from their high school, as part of the internship they’re required to spend a week on-site in their desired field of work, and write a report about their experience.

The internship exposed them to our business and creative process.

They participated in internal meetings to prepare a pitch for a prospective client, shadowed our multimedia artists, learned the details of illustration, storyboards and animation, and observed the process of taking a project from ideation, to conception, to client-ready presentation.

Alongside learning about the creative process, we challenged them to learn about our business. Softway pointed out our competitors and showed them our competitive analysis. We walked them through Softway’s organization chart to give them an idea of the different roles and responsibilities of our employees.

The experience was rewarding for all parties involved. Seeing the spark of knowledge and curiosity in young students recharged us and promoted retrospection about how we got to where we are today. For the students, we provided insight into where the future of animation is going, and how various skills are applied to marketing and technology.

“I was very happy with the end result, and the students were too,” said Nathan Smith, Creative Services Director.

Softway HostsCreative Internship

May 2015 No.2

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For any company, growth comes in many

forms. But it is always sourced from

the same spring – the employees. Their

capabilities. Their talents. Their camaraderie.

And, their initiative.

At Softway we provide more than a

corporate ladder, we provide a matrix.

A corporate structure that allows anyone

to advance laterally and horizontally within

the company to pursue their passion.

Expose a value, convey a passion, and

the job is yours.

We are proud to spotlight just a few of

Softway’s outstanding, multitalented

employees. Those who have gone beyond

the call of duty, displayed an eagerness to

follow their passion, and exposed a value not

yet fully-harnessed by Softway at the time.

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May 2015 No.2


Brady Ware Business Development to Video Production & Sound Engineer

Brady started in Business Development. Now he provides

video and sound services for our biggest clients. Brady has

a classically trained ear, and has performed music in front

of thousands. He also majored in Marketing.

Jeremy Cash Graphic Designer to 3D Generalist

Jeremy is a hybrid visual artist, and a very talented one at that.

He initially started at Softway as a graphic designer, but now

moves in-between 3-D production, logo design and

graphic design. Any role you put him in he’s Cash money.

Prabakar Thiruchitambalam Developer to US Technical Architect

Originally hired as a PHP developer, Prabakar now programs

in PHP, FLEX, Objective-C, Javascript, Ruby on Rails, and .NET.

He also architects technical solutions. Today, he opens

doors for Softway with his unbelievable work-ethic and hard-

earned skillset.

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Amit Kumar Developer to Team Lead to US Developer

In four years Amit completed a workload that would take

mere mortals no less than ten. Amit’s willingness to roll-up

his sleeves and lend a helping hand have earned him the

unanimous loyalty of his team members and Softway as

a whole.

Hakim Bohra Developer to Team Lead to US Developer

Hakim is one of the most charismatic and gifted iOS specialists

at Softway. He is accredited with developing one of Softway’s

most impactful white label products, a highly-customizable

sports team app.

Bonnie Madeley Business Development to Internet Marketing Associate

After exhibiting her sales talents for the first two years,

Bonnie was given the option to flex her B.B.A. in Finance from

Southern Methodist University. These days, Bonnie analyzes

and manages all pay-per-click ad campaigns for our digital

analytics and intelligence team.