software requirements specification 4

Software Requirements Software Requirements Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification Specification Specification Online Automobile Advertising Management System Shamal Ratnappuli Advanced Java Developer – Batch 16 Institute of Java and Technological Studies

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Page 1: Software Requirements Specification 4

Software RequirementsSoftware RequirementsSoftware RequirementsSoftware Requirements SpecificationSpecificationSpecificationSpecification

Online Automobile Advertising Management System Shamal Ratnappuli Advanced Java Developer – Batch 16 Institute of Java and Technological Studies

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This Document is Fully Compliant with the

IEEE / ANSI 830-1998 Standard for Requirements Documents

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Table of Contents 1.0 Preface .................................................................................... 4 2.0 Introduction ........................................................................... 5 2.1 Purpose of the document ........................................................................................ 5 2.2 Project Scope and Perspective ............................................................................... 5 2.2.1 General Constraints ......................................................................................... 6

2.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations used in this document ...................... 6 3.0 User Requirements ................................................................ 9 3.1 user classes and characteristics .............................................................................. 9 3.2 Dealer Requirements............................................................................................. 10 3.2.1 Register as a Dealer / Individual ...................................................................... 10 3.2.2 Publish information about vehicles .................................................................. 10 3.2.3 Update / Delete profile information ................................................................. 10 3.2.4 Update / Delete advertisements ........................................................................ 10 3.2.5 View advertisements ........................................................................................ 10 3.2.6 Search a vehicle ................................................................................................ 10

3.3 Customer Requirements ....................................................................................... 11 3.3.1 View advertisements ........................................................................................ 11 3.3.2 Search a vehicle ................................................................................................ 11

3.4 Administrator Requirements ............................................................................... 11 4.0 System Requirements ............................................................ 12 4.1 Functional Requirements ..................................................................................... 12 4.2 Non-functional Requirements .............................................................................. 13 4.2.1 Performance Requirements ........................................................................... 13 4.2.2 Security Requirements ................................................................................... 14

4.3 Domain Requirements .......................................................................................... 14 5.0 System Evolution .................................................................... 15 5.0.1 Future Modifications ......................................................................................... 15 6.0 Appendices .............................................................................. 16 6.1 Appendix A: Software / Hardware Requirements ............................................. 16 6.2 Appendix B: Database Requirements ................................................................. 17 6.3 Appendix C: Disclaimer........................................................................................ 18 7.0 Index ........................................................................................ 19

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1.0 Preface

1.1 Document Title : Software Requirements Specification for Online Automobile Advertising Management System 1.2 System Type : Web based – Integrated 1.3 Current Version : 1.0 (Approved) 1.4 Target Clientele : Local automobile dealers (small/medium/large

scale) and individuals seeking for web space to market their vehicles

1.5 Readership : Local automobile dealers Individual vehicle owners Potential buyers Site administrators System developers System testers Project Instructors / Mentors 1.6 Developed For : Partial completion of the Advanced Java Developer training program 1.7 Official Launch Date : 06/09/2009

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2.0 Introduction 2.1 Purpose of the document - To specify the requirements and read them to check that they meet their needs.

- To plan a bid for the system and to plan the system development process.

- To understand the scope of the system. - To develop validation tests for the system. - To understand the system and the relationships between its parts for maintenance.

2.2 Project Scope and Perspective The automobile industry in Sri Lanka has evolved greatly over the past decade but unfortunately, it is evident that the technology has not been fully utilized in terms of promoting the industry. Many dealers in the country have not considered internet technologies as a way of reaching potential customers and therefore, they are missing out on a great opportunity to promote their business. Not only the medium-scale automobile dealers, but individuals also face a similar problem when advertising their products. For instance, it someone wants to advertise his vehicles, he will have to put up an advertisement on paper which costs a considerable amount of money and if he wants to re-advertise his vehicle, he will have to pay again for the advertisement. Another disadvantage of paper advertisements is that it does not allow you to reveal a great deal of information, which also causes dissatisfaction to the customers. Moreover, if you are advertising your vehicle, you have to pay a reasonable fee for publishing photographs of your vehicle. As explained in the previous section, paper advertisements can not be considered as an efficient way of marketing when it comes to automobile industry. Therefore we are in the process of developing a dynamic online advertising management system for local automobile dealers and individuals who are seeking ways to promote their business. The goal of this project is to create a website which allows people to publish their vehicle-related advertisements and bridge the gap between customers and vendors.

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2.2.1 General Constraints

§ The service is available to local automobile dealers and individuals only.

§ The project should be completed before a given deadline (to be confirmed).

§ Project outsourcing is not an available option for component development.

§ The scripting language must be JSP § The DBMS must be MySQL

2.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations used in this document Definitions

Availability The readiness of the system to deliver services

when requested. eg:- an availability of 0.999 means that the system can deliver services for 999 out of 1000 time units.

Client-Server Architecture A model for distributed systems where the system functionality is offered as a set of services provided by a server. These are accessed by client computers that make use of the services. Component A deployable independent unit of software that is completely defined and accessed through a set of interfaces. Configuration Management The process of managing the changes to an evolving software product. It involves configuration planning , version management, system building and change management. Dependability An aggregate property that takes in to account the system’s safety, reliability, availability, security and other attributes. This reflects the extent to which the system can be trusted by its users. Distributed System A software system where the sub systems or components execute on different processors.

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Domain A specific problem or business area where software systems are used. Faulty Tolerance Availability of a system to continue in execution even after faults have occurred. Interface A specification of attributes and operations associated with a software component. Used as the means of accessing the component’s functionality. Maintenance The process of making changes to a system after it has been put into operation. Reliability Availability of a system to deliver the specified services. Requirement, functional A statement of some function or feature that should be implemented in a system. Requirement, non-functional A statement of a constraint or expected behavior that applies to a system. Risk An undesirable outcome that poses a threat to the achievement of some objective. Safety The ability of the system to operate without catastrophic failures. Security The ability of a system to protect itself against accidental or deliberate intrusion. Server A program that provides some services to other client programs. Validation The process of checking that a system meets the needs and expectations of the customer. Web Service An independent software component that can be accessed through the Internet using standard protocols.

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Acronyms and Abbreviations ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line DBMS Database Management System IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ISP Internet Service Provider

JSP JavaServer Page kbps kilo bits per second MB Mega Byte OAAMS Online Automobile Advertising Management System RAM Random Access Memory SRS Software Requirements Specification

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3.0 User Requirements 3.1 user classes and characteristics The users of the system are categorized into following types. The “User Level” defines the priority level of the user. eg:- a user level of 1 would indicate a higher priority level than a user level of 2. The “User Type” defines a general category for users. The “Competency Level” defines the extent of computer literacy that the user must possess in order to use the system. Dealers User Type Primary users User Level 2 Competency Level Medium Customers User Type Secondary users User Level 3 Competency Level Medium Administrators User Type Tertiary users User Level 1 Competency Level High

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3.2 Dealer Requirements 3.2.1 Register as a Dealer / Individual Provide information about the dealer and any other relevant information which would be useful to the customers.

3.2.2 Publish information about vehicles Should be able to publish information about available vehicles and the expected price for them. Optionally, should be able to upload pictures of the relevant vehicle. 3.2.3 Update / Delete profile information Should be able to update/delete profile information such as contact address, contact number, Email etc. Should not be allowed to update/delete profile information of other dealers/individuals. 3.2.4 Update / Delete advertisements Should be able to update/delete advertisements and modify them as necessary. Should not be allowed to update/delete advertisements of other dealers/individuals. 3.2.5 View advertisements Should be able to view advertisements of other dealers. 3.2.6 Search a vehicle Should be able to search a vehicle based on several criteria.

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3.3 Customer Requirements 3.3.1 View advertisements Should be able to view any vehicle related advertisement. Should not be allowed to update/delete any advertisements. Should not be allowed to update/delete profile information of other dealers/individuals. 3.3.2 Search a vehicle Should be able to search a vehicle based on several criteria. 3.4 Administrator Requirements 3.4.1 Access the site as an administrator from any location of the world 3.4.2 View / Update / Delete any user profile without a prior notification 3.4.3 View / Update / Delete any advertisement

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4.0 System Requirements 4.1 Functional Requirements 4.1.1 Registration for dealers refer section 3.2.1 4.1.2 Publish information about vehicles refer section 3.2.2 4.1.3 Update / Delete profiles of a dealer refer section 3.2.3 4.1.4 Update / Delete advertisements refer section 3.2.4 4.1.5 View advertisements refer section 3.2.5 refer section 3.3.1 4.1.6 Search for a vehicle refer section 3.2.6 refer section 3.3.2 4.1.7 Site administration refer section 3.4

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4.2 Non-functional Requirements 4.2.1 Performance Requirements Speed User/Event response time Average time to load a full page (without animations) – 1 second Average screen refresh time - 2 seconds Ease of use Training time for an average user – 2 days Number of help frames – 10 Reliability Probability of unavailability – 0.001 Rate of failure occurrence – 0.001/time unit Availability – 0.999 Robustness Time to restart after failure – 180 seconds Percentage of events causing failures – 1% Probability of data corruption on failure- 0.5

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4.2.2 Security Requirements Customers, Dealers and Administrators must be properly authenticated before allowing access to their accounts. Authentication for users of the system would be based on a username, password and a user level. Usernames and passwords must be encrypted in a suitable format. 4.3 Domain Requirements Not Specified

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5.0 System Evolution The functionality of OAAMS is comparatively simple and therefore, no apparent assumptions have been made about the system users and their skill level. 5.0.1 Future Modifications The system can be modified in a number of ways to make sure that it stands apart from its competitors. The following modifications can be applied in future versions.

§ The system can be made available to international clients and dealers depending on the demand and the popularity of the site.

§ Opportunities for vehicle loans and insurance plans can be arranged through the system.

§ A special discount for purchases made through the site, can be given to buyers.

§ The dealers can be notified via emails when someone watches their advertisements.

§ Customers can be allowed to post comments about interested vehicles.

§ A review system for vehicles can be implemented.

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6.0 Appendices 6.1 Appendix A: Software / Hardware Requirements 6.1.1 Recommended specifications for the server

§ Intel Core 2 Duo Extreme – 2 GHz § 8GB RAM § Windows Server § A commercial web application server

6.1.2 Minimal specifications for the server § Intel Core 2 Duo – 1.8 GHz § 2GB RAM § Windows XP § Apache Tomcat server

6.1.3 Recommended specifications for a client PC § Intel Pentium IV – 2.4GHz or higher § 512MB RAM § Windows XP § Mozilla Firefox with JavaScript enabled § ADSL Internet connection with 512kbps bandwidth

6.1.4 Minimal specifications for the client PC § Intel Pentium III or equivalent – 1.6GHz § 256MB RAM § Windows XP § Mozilla Firefox with JavaScript enabled § 56k Dial-up Internet connection

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6.2 Appendix B: Database Requirements The database should facilitate a minimum number of 100 concurrent users at a given time. The database should hold data of following capacity. 6.2.1 Details related to 10000 dealers 15 attributes per entity – at most 6.2.2. Details related to 1000000 vehicle advertisements 8 attributes per tuple – at most 6.2.3 The database should support text, image and video files 6.2.4 The database should provide auto-increment features for primary keys. A relational open source database management system is recommended for the project.

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6.3 Appendix C: Disclaimer 6.3.1 Power Failures The main server and database server may not be equipped with a secondary power supply media and therefore, a complete or partial data loss or corruption can be expected. 6.3.2 Network Intrusions The system is designed such that it can withstand a hacker attack but however, no guarantee is issued of preventing such malicious activities. 6.3.3 ISP Failures The clients may experience ISP failures and the delays caused by such events may lead to unexpected complications. 6.3.4 Unethical Use of Information The information appearing on the site can be used for illegal or any other forms of usage prohibited by the law of Sri Lanka. The above issues are beyond the scope of this project and therefore, the site administrators or any other authorized party for the site will not take any liability for the consequences arising from such situations.

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7.0 Index


Abbreviations · 7, 11 accounts · 18 Acronyms · 7, 11 administrator · 15 Administrator Requirements · 15 administrators · 4, 22 Administrators · 12, 18 ADSL · 11, 20 advertise · 5 advertisements · 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21 advertising · 5, 6 Apache Tomcat server · 20 Appendices · 20 Appendix C · 22 assumptions · 19 attributes · 8, 9, 21 Authentication · 18 auto-increment · 21 automobile industry · 5, 6 availability · 7, 8 Availability · 7, 9, 17


bandwidth · 20 bid · 5 business · 5, 6, 9 buyers · 4, 19


changes · 7, 9 Clientele · 4 Client-Server Architecture · 7 commercial web application server · 20 Competency Level · 12 competitors · 19 component · 7, 9, 10 Component · 7 components · 8 Configuration Management · 7 configuration planning · 7 Customer Requirements · 15 customers · 5, 6, 13 Customers · 12, 18, 19


database · 21, 22 DBMS · 7 deadline · 7 Dealer Requirements · 13 Dealers · 12, 18 Definitions · 7 Delete · 13, 15, 16 demand · 19 Dependability · 8 Disclaimer · 22 discount · 19 Distributed System · 8 Document Title · 4 Domain · 9, 18 dynamic · 6


Ease of use · 17 encrypted · 18


faults · 9 Faulty Tolerance · 9 Functional Requirements · 16 functionality · 7, 9, 19 Future Modifications · 19


General Constraints · 7 goal · 6


hacker attack · 22


IEEE · 2, 11 individuals · 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 15 information · 5, 13, 15, 16, 22 insurance plans · 19 Integrated · 4

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Interface · 9 interfaces · 7 international clients · 19 Internet · 10, 11, 20 internet technologies · 5 Introduction · 5 intrusion. · 9 ISP · 11, 22


JavaScript · 20 JSP · 7, 11


kbps · 11


Launch Date · 4 loans · 19


main server · 22 maintenance · 5 Maintenance · 9 malicious activities · 22 MB · 11 Mentors · 4 Mozilla Firefox · 20 MySQL · 7


Network Intrusions · 22 Non-functional Requirements · 17 notification · 15 Number of help frames · 17


OAAMS · 11, 19 open source · 21 operation · 9 outsourcing · 7


password · 18 Performance Requirements · 17

Perspective · 5 photographs · 5 popularity · 19 Power Failures · 22 Preface · 4 priority level · 12 Probability of data corruption · 17 Probability of unavailability · 17 processors · 8 products · 5 profile · 13, 15 Project Instructors · 4 protocols · 10 publishing · 5 Purpose of the document · 5


RAM · 11, 20 Rate of failure occurrence · 17 Registration for dealers · 16 relationships · 5 reliability · 8 Reliability · 9, 17 Requirement, functional · 9 Requirement, non-functional · 9 requirements · 5 Requirements · 1, 2, 4, 11, 18, 20, 21 restart · 17 review system · 19 Risk · 9 Robustness · 17


safety · 8 Safety · 9 scope · 5, 22 screen refresh time · 17 scripting language · 7 Search · 14, 15, 16 secondary power supply · 22 security · 8 Security · 9, 18 Server · 7, 10, 20 service · 7 Site administration · 16 Speed · 17 Sri Lanka · 5, 22 SRS · 11 system building · 7 System developers · 4 System Evolution · 19 System Requirements · 16 System testers · 4 System Type · 4

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Training time · 17


Unethical Use of Information · 22 Update · 13, 15, 16 upload · 13 user classes and characteristics · 12 User Level · 12 User Requirements · 12 User Type · 12 User/Event response time · 17 userlevel · 18 username · 18

users · 8, 12, 18, 19, 21


Validation · 10 validation tests · 5 vehicle · 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21 vehicles · 4, 5, 13, 16, 19 vendors · 6 Version · 4 version management · 7


Web Service · 10