software estimation software...2 art vs. science of...

1 1 Software Estimation Concepts Presented for BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina By The Rushing Center Furman University Seagull Systems Analysis Series TM Module 1: Overview of Estimating 2 SA : Software Estimation Concepts

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Page 1: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve



Software Estimation Concepts

Presented for

BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina


The Rushing Center

Furman University

Seagull Systems Analysis Series TM

Module 1: Overview of Estimating


SA : Software Estimation Concepts

Page 2: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Art vs. Science of Software Estimation

The typical software organization is not struggling to

improve its estimates from ±10% to ±5% accuracy.

The typical software organization is struggling to avoid

estimates that are incorrect by 100% or more.

Complex formulas aren't necessarily better.

Software projects are influenced by numerous factors

that undermine many of the assumptions contained in

complex formulas.

This seminar emphasizes rules of thumb, procedures,

and simple formulas that are highly effective and

understandable to practicing software professionals. 3

Our natural tendency is to believe that complex formulas like this:

Will always produce more accurate results than simple formulas like this:

Effort = NumberOfRequirements * AverageEffortPerRequirement

What is an Estimate

When executives ask for an estimate they often are

asking for a commitment or for a plan to meet a target.


“It is very difficult to make a vigorous, plausible, and job-risking defense of an

estimate that is derived by no quantitative method, supported by little data, and

certified chiefly by the hunches of managers”

- Fred Brooks

Dictionary: 1. A tentative evaluation or rough calculation 2. A

preliminary calculation of the project cost. 3. A judgment based

upon one’s impressions, opinion.

PMBOK: “An estimate is an assessment of the likely quantitative

result. Usually applied to project costs and durations and should

always include some indication of accuracy (+ - ‘X’ %).”

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Estimates, Targets and Commitments

A target is a statement of a desirable business


“These functions need to be completed by July 1 so

that we’ll be in compliance with government


A commitment is a promise to deliver

functionality at a specific level of quality by a

certain date.


When you are asked to provide an estimate determine whether you’re

supposed to be estimating or figuring out how to hit a target.

Estimates, Targets and Commitments

Estimates should be treated as an unbiased ,

analytical process

Planning should be treated as a biased, goal

seeking process.

Estimates form the foundation of plans.

It is hazardous to want the estimate to come out

to a particular answer.

The goal is accuracy

If the estimates are dramatically different from the

targets, the project plan will need to recognize

that gap and account for a high level of risk


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Estimates as Probability Statements

Software estimates a routinely presented as single point numbers.

“This project will take 14 weeks”

Single point estimates are meaningless because they don’t include

any indication of probability.

Usually a target masquerading as an estimate.

Sources of uncertainty mean that project outcomes follow a

probability distribution – some outcomes more likely, some less



Single-point estimates assume 100% probability of the actual outcome equaling the

planned outcome. This isn't realistic.

All single-point estimates are associated with a

probability, explicitly or implicitly.


This figure presents the idea of probabilistic project outcomes in another way. As

you can see from the figure, a naked estimate like "18 weeks" leaves out the

interesting information that 18 weeks is only 10% likely. An estimate like "18 to 24

weeks" is more informative and conveys useful information about the likely range

of project outcomes.

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Definition of a “Good” Estimate

Casper Jones has stated that accuracy within

plus or minus 10% is possible, but only on very

well controlled projects.

The most common evaluation standard used to

evaluate estimation accuracy is to provide

estimates within 25% of the actual results 75%

of the time.

Accurate estimation results cannot be

accomplished through estimation practices alone.

They must be supported by effective project



Definition of a “Good” Estimate

Criteria of a good estimate cannot be based on

predictive capability , which is impossible to

access, but on the estimate’s ability to support

project success.

A good estimate is an estimate that provides

a clear enough view of the project reality to

allow the project leadership to make good

decisions about how to control the project

to hit its targets.

This definition is the foundation of the discussion

throughout this seminar. 10

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Benefits of Accurate Estimates

Improved status visibility

If the planned progress is realistic (that is, based on

accurate estimates), it's possible to track progress

according to plan.

Higher quality

Helps avoid schedule-stress-related quality problems.

About 40% of all software errors have been found to

be caused by stress

When schedule pressure is extreme, about four times

as many defects are reported in the released software.


Better to Over or Under Estimate on a Project?

Arguments Against Overestimation

Parkinson’s Law

Cost will rise to meet budget

Work expands to fill the resources available

“Gold plating”



“More software projects have gone awry for lack of

calendar time than all other causes combined”

-Fred Brooks

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Better to Over or Under Estimate on a Project?

Arguments Against Underestimation

Reduced effectiveness of project plans.

When planning assumptions are wrong by a large

magnitude, the project plan is based on assumptions that

are so far off that the plans are useless.

Statistically reduced chance of on-time completion.

Developers typically underestimate by 20-30% of their

actual effort.

Poor technical foundation leads to worse than nominal


A low estimate can lead to too little time spent on up stream

activities such as requirements and design. This makes the

project take longer than it would have taken with an

accurate estimate


Better to Over or Under Estimate on a Project?

Arguments Against Underestimation (continued)

Destructive late project dynamics make the project worse

than nominal.

More status meetings to discuss how to get the project back

on track.

Frequent reestimations late in the project to determine just

when the project will be completed.

Loosing face with key customers for missing delivery dates.

Preparing interim releases to support customer requirements.

If the software were ready on time interim releases would not

be necessary.

More discussions about which requirements absolutely must

be added -. i.e. the necessity to descope.

Fixing problems from quick and dirty workarounds

implemented in response to schedule pressure. 14

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It’s Better to Overestimate

The penalty for overestimation is linear and

bounded – work will expand to fill available time,

but it will not expand further.

The penalty for underestimation is nonlinear

and unbounded – planning errors, shortchanging

upstream activities and the creation of more

defects cause more damage than

overestimating, with little ability too predict the

damage ahead of time.


Don’t intentionally underestimate. The penalty is more severe than the

penalty for overestimation. Address concerns about overestimation

through planning and control, not by biasing your estimates

Industry Track Record for Delivering Projects

18% of projects failed outright

54% of projects delivered late

100-200% cost overruns not uncommon

Average project exceeds cost by 90%; schedule

by 120%

Only 28% of projects are successful (on time

within budget, all functionality originally


Projects routinely throw out functionality to

achieve schedule and budget goals.

* 1998, 1999, 2000 Standish report, Chaos Report16

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Your Track Record for Delivering Projects

How many of you have worked on software

projects delivered over budget and late?

How many of you have worked on a software

project that was on time and within budgeted


How many of you have worked on a software

project that was delivered early and under



Module 2: Sources of Estimation Error


SA : Software Estimation Concepts

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Complexity and Size Affect Project Success


As size becomes larger complexity increases.

As size becomes larger a greater number of

tasks need to be completed.

As size becomes larger there is a greater

number of staff members and they become more

difficult to manage.

Since fixed costs for software projects is

minimal. There are little if any economies of

scale for software projects.

Complexity and Size Affect Project Success


Size in Function Points

(and Approximate

Lines of Code) Early On Time Late Failed (Canceled)

10 FP (1,000 LOC) 11% 81% 6% 2%

100 FP (10,000 LOC) 6% 75% 12% 7%

1,000 FP (100,000 LOC) 1% 61% 18% 20%

10,000 FP (1,000,000


<1% 28% 24% 48%

100,000 FP (10,000,000


0% 14% 21% 65%

Source: Estimating Software Costs (Jones 1998)

Project Outcomes by Project Size

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Four Generic Sources of Estimation Error

Inaccurate information about the project being


Inaccurate information about the capabilities of

the organization that will perform the project

Too much chaos in the project to support

accurate estimation (that is, trying to estimate a

moving target)

Inaccuracies arising from the estimation process



There's no point in being exact about something if you don't even know what

you're talking about. —John von Neumann

Sources of Estimation Uncertainty

Potential differences in how a single feature is

specified, designed, and implemented can

introduce cumulative differences of a

hundredfold or more in implementation time for

any given feature.

When you combine these uncertainties across

hundreds or thousands of features in a large

feature set, you end up with significant

uncertainty in the project itself.

Read Case Study in Appendix


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The Cone of Uncertainty

The Cone of Uncertainty based on common project milestones.


The cone shows how estimates become more accurate as a project

progresses. (The following discussion initially describes a sequential

development approach for ease of explanation.

Estimates created

very early in the

project are subject

to a high degree of

error. Estimates

created at Initial

Concept time can

be inaccurate by a

factor of 4x on the

high side or 0.25x

on the low side,

The total range

from high estimate

to low estimate is


The Cone of Uncertainty Based on Calendar Time


Milestones listed tend to be front-loaded in the project's schedule. When

the Cone is redrawn on a calendar-time basis, it looks like the figure

below. Estimation accuracy improves rapidly for the first 30% of the

project, improving from ±4x to ±1.25x.

Consider the effect of the Cone of Uncertainty on the accuracy of your

estimate. Your estimate cannot have more accuracy than is possible at

your project's current position within the Cone.

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The Cone of Uncertainty continued

Don't assume that the Cone of Uncertainty will

narrow itself.

You must force the Cone to narrow by removing

sources of variability from your project.

Defining requirements—again, including what you are

not going to do—eliminates variability further.

Designing the user interface helps to reduce the risk of

variability arising from misunderstood requirements.

If the product isn't really defined, or if the product

definition gets redefined later, the Cone will widen,

and estimation accuracy will be poorer.


Accounting for the Cone of Uncertainty in

Software Estimates

Studies have found that estimators who start

with single-point estimates and create ranges

based on their original single-point numbers use

ranges that are too narrow.

This can be addressed two ways.

1. Start with a "most likely" estimate and then compute

the ranges using predefined multipliers, as shown in

the table on the next slide.


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Accounting for the Cone of Uncertainty in Software

Estimates – First Approach


Scoping Error


Possible Error

on Low Side

Possible Error on

High Side

Range of High to

Low Estimates

Initial Concept 0.25x (–75%) 4.0x (+300%) 16x

Approved Product


0.50x (–50%) 2.0x (+100%) 4x



0.67x (–33%) 1.5x (+50%) 2.25x

User Interface

Design Complete

0.80x (–20%) 1.25x (+25%) 1.6x

Detailed Design

Complete (for

sequential projects)

0.90x (–10%) 1.10x (+10%) 1.2x

Source: Adapted from Software Estimation with Cocomo II (Boehm et al. 2000).

Account for the Cone of Uncertainty by using predefined uncertainty

ranges in your estimates.

Engineering Rules for Estimation Uncertainty


Defaults by Phase:

Feasibility + 100%, - 50%

Requirements + 50%, - 25%

Design + 20%, - 10%

Coding +10%, - 5%

Testing +5%, - 2.5%


Your current estimate is 30 staff months, and you

are in the design phase

You’d say that the expected range is between 36

and 27 staff months

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Accounting for the Cone of Uncertainty in Software

Estimates – Second Approach


Have one person estimate the best-case and

worst-case ends of the range.

Have a second person estimate the likelihood

that the actual result will fall within that range. .(Jørgensen 2002).

Chaotic Development Processes

The Cone of Uncertainty represents uncertainty

that is inherent even in well-run projects.

Additional variability can arise from poorly run


You can't accurately estimate an out-of-control


As a first step, fixing the chaos is more important than

improving the estimates.


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Chaotic Development Processes continued

Common examples of project chaos include the


Requirements that weren't investigated well in the first


Lack of end-user involvement in gathering and validating


Poor designs that lead to numerous errors in the code

Poor coding practices that give rise to extensive bug fixing

Inexperienced personnel

Incomplete or unskilled project planning

Abandoning planning under pressure

Developer gold-plating

Lack of automated source code control31

Estimating Requirements Growth

Consider simply incorporating an allowance for

requirements growth, requirements changes, or

both into your estimates.

This approach has been used by leading


NASA's Software Engineering Laboratory plans on a

40% increase in requirements (NASA SEL 1990).

A similar concept is incorporated into the

Cocomo II estimation model, which includes the

notion of requirements "breakage"


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Estimation Error From Omitted Activities

One of the most common sources of estimation error is

forgetting to include necessary tasks in the project.

One study found that developers tended to estimate

fairly accurately the work they remembered to estimate

They tended to overlook 20% to 30% of the necessary

tasks, which led to a 20 to 30% estimation error

Omitted work falls into three general categories:

Missing requirements,

Missing software-development activities,

Missing non-software-development activities.


Include time in your estimates for stated requirements, implied

requirements, and nonfunctional requirements—that is, all requirements.

Nothing can be built for free - your estimates shouldn't imply that it can.

Requirements Often Missing from Estimates.


Functional Requirements Areas



Setup/installation program Accuracy

Data conversion utility Modifiability

Code needed to use third-party or open-source



Help system Portability

Deployment modes Reliability

Interfaces with external systems Responsiveness






Functional and Nonfunctional Requirements Commonly Missing from Estimates

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Requirements Often Missing from Estimates.


Ramp-up time for new team members

Mentoring of new team members

Management coordination/manager meetings


Data conversion



Requirements clarifications

Maintaining the revision control system

Supporting the build

Maintaining the scripts required to run the daily


Creation of test data

Management of beta test program

Participation in technical reviews

Integration work

Processing change requests

Attendance at change-control/triage meetings

Coordinating with subcontractors

Technical support of existing systems during

the project

Maintenance work on previous systems during

the project

Defect-correction work

Performance tuning

Learning new development tools

Administrative work related to defect tracking

Coordination with test (for developers)

Coordination with developers (for test)

Answering questions from quality assurance

Input to user documentation and review of user


Review of technical documentation

Demonstrating software to customers or users

Demonstrating the software or prototypes to

upper management, clients, and end users

Interacting with clients or end users;

Reviewing plans, estimates, architecture,

detailed designs, stage plans, code, test cases,

and so on

Software-Development Activities Commonly Missing from Estimates

Non-Software-Development Activities Often

Missing from Estimates


Vacations Company meetings

Holidays Department meetings

Sick days Setting up new workstations

Training Installing new versions of tools on workstations

Weekends Troubleshooting hardware and software


On projects that last longer than a few weeks,

include allowances for overhead activities .

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Other Sources of Estimation Error

Unfounded Optimism

Don't reduce developer estimates—they're probably too

optimistic already.

Subjectivity and Bias

The belief that the more places there are to tweak the

estimate to match our specific project—the more

accurate the estimate will be.

The reality is the opposite - more chances for subjectivity

to creep in


Other Sources of Estimation Error continued

Off-the-Cuff Estimates

Intuition and guessing in project estimates were both

correlated with cost and schedule overruns.

Even a 15-minute estimate will be more accurate.

Unwarranted Precision

Difference between accuracy and precision.

A measurement can be precise without being accurate,

and it can be accurate without being precise

Airline schedules are precise to the minute, but they are

not very accurate

Measuring people's heights in whole meters might be

accurate, but it would not be precise.

Project stakeholders make assumptions about project

accuracy based on the precision with which an

estimate is presented. 38

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More Sources of Estimation Error!

Unfamiliar business area

Unfamiliar technology area

Incorrect conversion from estimated time to project


For example, assuming the project team will focus on the

project eight hours per day, five days per week

Misunderstanding of statistical concepts

Especially adding together a set of "best case" estimates or

a set of "worst case" estimates

Budgeting processes that undermine effective


Especially those that require final budget approval in the

wide part of the Cone of Uncertainty39

Module 3: Influences on Estimates


SA : Software Estimation Concepts

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More Sources of Estimation Error! continued

Having an accurate size estimate, but

introducing errors when converting the size

estimate to an effort estimate

Having accurate size and effort estimates, but

introducing errors when converting those to a

schedule estimate

Overstated savings from new development tools

or methods.

Simplification of the estimate as it's reported up

layers of management, fed into the budgeting

process, and so on.


Influences on Estimates

Project Size

The largest driver in an estimate is the size of the

software being built.

There is more variation in the size than in any other


Organizations routinely violate this fundamental fact in

two ways:

Costs, effort, and schedule are estimated without

knowing how big the software will be.

Costs, effort, and schedule are not adjusted when the

size of the software is consciously increased (that is, in

response to change requests).


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Influences on Estimates –Project Size continued


A system consisting of 1,000,000 LOC requires dramatically more

effort than a system consisting of only 100,000 LOC.

Invest an appropriate amount of effort assessing the size of the software

that will be built. The size of the software is the single most significant

contributor to project effort and schedule.

Influences on Estimates - Diseconomies of Scale

Effort for a 1,000,000-LOC system is more than 10 times

as large as the effort for a 100,000-LOC system.

Larger projects require coordination among larger

groups of people, which requires more communication.

The larger the system becomes, the greater the cost of each unit


The number of

communication paths

on a project increases

proportionally to the

square of the number of

people on the team

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Influences on Estimates - Diseconomies of Scale

Project Size

(in Lines of

Code) Lines of Code per Staff Year

10K 2,000–25,000

100K 1,000–20,000

1M 700–10,000

10M 300–5,000

Relationship Between Project Size and Productivity


There isn't a simple technique in the “art” of estimation that

will account for a significant difference in the size of two


When estimating a project of a significantly different size

than your organization has done before:

Use estimation software that applies the “science” of

estimation to compute the estimate for the new

project based on the results of past projects.

Sometimes You Can Safely Ignore

Diseconomies of Scale

The majority of projects in an organization are

often similar in size.

If the new project you're estimating will be similar in

size to your past projects, it is usually safe to use a

simple effort ratio:

lines of code per staff month, to estimate a new project.


If you've completed previous projects that are about the same size as the

project you're estimating—defined as being within a factor of 3 from largest to

smallest—you can safely use a ratio-based estimating approach to estimate

your new project.

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Influences on Estimates- Kind of Software Developed

Type of software you're developing is the next biggest influence.

Life-critical software requires far more effort than a similarly sized

business-systems project.


Type of Software 10,000-LOC Project 100,000-LOC Project 250,000-LOC Project

Business Systems 800–18,000






Internet Systems (public) 600–10,000






Intranet Systems (internal) 1,500–18,000






Real-Time 100–1,500






Scientific Systems/Engineering








Shrink wrap/Packaged Software 400–5,000






Systems Software/Drivers 200–5,000






Telecommunications 200–3,000






LOC/Staff Month Low-High (Nominal)





y R


s f









Influences on Estimates- Kind of Software Developed


Use the results from the table as a starting point.

Notice the ranges are large—typically a factor of 10

difference between the high and the low ends of the


Use historical data from your own organization

Will automatically incorporate the development factors

specific to the industry you work in.

By far the best approach. (we'll discuss the use of

historical data in more detail)


Factor the kind of software you develop into your estimate. The kind of

software you're developing is the second-most significant contributor to

project effort and schedule.

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Influences on Estimates- Personnel

On a 100,000-LOC project the combined effect

of personnel factors can swing a project

estimate by as much as a factor of 22


Depending on the strength or weakness in each factor, the project results can vary by

the amount indicated—that is, a project with the worst requirements analysts would

require 42% more effort than nominal, whereas a project with the best analysts would

require 29% less effort than nominal.

You can't accurately

estimate a project if

you don't have some

idea of who will be

doing the work—

because individual

performance varies

by a factor of 10 or


Influences on Estimates- Other Project

Influences continued

The table on the next slide lists the Cocomo II ratings

factors for Cocomo's 17 Effort Multipliers (EMs).

The Very Low column represents the amount you would

adjust an effort estimate for the best (or worst) influence

of that factor.

For example, if a team had very low "Applications

(Business Area) Experience," you would multiply your

nominal Cocomo II effort estimate by 1.22. If the team

had very high experience, you would multiply the

estimate by 0.81 instead.

We will discuss COCOMO II in more depth later.


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The Influence

column on the far

right of the table

shows the degree

of influence that

each factor, in

isolation, has on

the overall effort

estimate. The


(Business Area)

Experience factor

has an influence

of 1.51, which

means that a

project performed

by a team with

very low skills in

that area will

require 1.51 times

as much total

effort as a project

performed by a

team with very

high skills

Influences on Estimates- Other Project

Influences continued

This graph presents

another view of the

impact of the Cocomo II


The factors represented

in terms of their potential

to increase total effort

(the gray bars) versus

decrease effort (the pink


More observations are

presented on the next



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Other Project Influences continued


Cocomo II Factor Observation

Applications (Business Area)


Teams that aren't familiar with the project's business area need significantly more time. This

shouldn't be a surprise.

Architecture and Risk


The more actively the project attacks risks, the lower the effort and cost will be. This is one of

the few Cocomo II factors that is controllable by the project manager.

Database Size Large, complex databases require more effort project-wide. Total influence is moderate.

Developed for Reuse Software that is developed with the goal of later reuse can increase costs as much as 31%.

This doesn't say whether the initiative actually succeeds. Industry experience has been that

forward-looking reuse programs often fail.

Personnel Continuity


Project turnover is expensive—in the top one-third of influential factors.

Process Maturity Projects that use more sophisticated development processes take less effort than projects that

use unsophisticated processes. Cocomo II uses an adaptation of the CMM process maturity

model to apply this criterion to a specific project.

Product Complexity Product complexity (software complexity) is the single most significant adjustment factor in the

Cocomo II model. Product complexity is largely determined by the type of software you're


Requirements Analyst


The single largest personnel factor—good requirements capability—makes a factor of 2

difference in the effort for the entire project. Competency in this area has the potential to

reduce a project's overall effort from nominal more than any other factor.

Requirements Flexibility Projects that allow the development team latitude in how they interpret requirements take less

effort than projects that insist on rigid, literal interpretations of all requirements.

Time Constraint Minimizing response time increases effort across the board. This is one reason that systems

projects and real-time projects tend to consume more effort than other projects of similar sizes.

Use of Software Tools Advanced tool sets can reduce effort significantly.

SA : Software Estimation Concepts

Module 4: Estimation Techniques


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Choosing Estimation Techniques

What's Being Estimated

Estimate driven by features to be delivered or

Driven by budget and time

Project Size

Small projects

Best estimation techniques are "bottom-up" techniques

Based on estimates created by the individuals who will actually do

the work.

Large projects (team of 25 people or more, 6-12 months or more)

In the early stages, the best approaches are "top-down" techniques

based on algorithms and statistics.

In middle stages, a combination of top-down and bottom-up

techniques based on the project's own historical data.

In the later stages, bottom-up techniques will provide the most

accurate estimates.

Medium projects (5 to 25 people, 3 to 12 months.)

Use all the estimation techniques of large projects and several of the small-

project techniques.55

Choosing Estimation Techniques

Sequential or iterative

Both usually start with top-down or statistically based

estimation techniques

Both eventually migrate toward bottom-up techniques.

Iterative projects transition to refining their estimates

more quickly using project-specific data.


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Choosing Estimation Techniques Development Stage

This seminar defines development stages as follows:


On sequential projects - the period from the beginning of the

project concept until requirements have been mostly defined.

On iterative projects - the initial planning period.


The time between initial planning and early construction.

Sequential project:

Time will extend from requirements and architecture time until

enough construction has been completed to generate project

productivity data that can be used for estimation.

Iterative projects:

The first two to four iterations—the iterations that occur before

the project can confidently base its estimates on its own

productivity data.


The time from mid-construction through release.57

Choosing Estimation Techniques Many of the following slides will begin with a table that

describes the applicability of techniques discussed.


Group Reviews

Calibration with Project-

Specific Data

What's Estimated Size, Effort, Schedule, Features Size, Effort, Schedule,


Size of project - M L S M L

Development Stage Early–Middle Middle—Late

Iterative or


Both Both

Accuracy Possible Medium–High High


When choosing estimation techniques, consider what you want to estimate, the

size of the project, the development stage, the project's development style, and

what accuracy you need.

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Count First


Suppose you're at a reception for the world's best software estimators. The room is

packed, and you're seated in the middle of the room at a table with three other

estimators. All you can see as you scan the room are wall-to-wall estimators.

Suddenly, the emcee steps up to the microphone and says, "We need to know exactly

how many people are in this room so that we can order dessert. Who can give me the

most accurate estimate for the number of people in the room?"

The estimators at your table immediately break out into a vigorous discussion about

the best way to estimate the answer. Bill, the estimator to your right, says, "I make a

hobby of estimating crowds. Based on my experience, it looks to me like we've got

about 335 people in the room."

The estimator sitting across the table from you, Karl, says, "This room has 11 tables

across and 7 tables deep. One of my friends is a banquet planner, and she told me

that they plan for 5 people per table. It looks to me like most of the tables do actually

have about 5 people at them. If we multiple 11 times 7 times 5, we get 385 people. I

think we should use that as our estimate."

The estimator to your left, Lucy, says, "I noticed on the way into the room that there

was an occupancy limit sign that says this room can hold 485 people. This room is

pretty full. I'd say 70 to 80 percent full. If we multiply those percentages by the room

limit, we get 340 to 388 people. How about if we use the average of 364 people, or

maybe just simplify it to 365?"

Bill says, "We have estimates of 335, 365, and 385. It seems like the right answer

must be in there somewhere. I'm comfortable with 365."

"Me too," Karl says.

Count First


Everyone looks at you. You say, "I need to check something. Would you excuse me

for a minute?" Lucy, Karl, and Bill give you curious looks and say, "OK."

You return a few minutes later. "Remember how we had to have our tickets scanned

before we entered the room? I noticed on my way into the room that the handheld

ticket scanner had a counter. So I went back and talked to the ticket taker at the front

door. She said that, according to her scanner, she has scanned 407 tickets. She also

said no one has left the room so far. I think we should use 407 as our estimate. What

do you say?

Obviously your answer is correct. But which

method would be best without the use of the

scanner – Lucy’s, Karl’s or Bill’s?

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Count First

Karl had the historical data of knowing that the banquet

was planned to have 5 people per table.

He counted the number of tables and then computed

the answer from that.

Lucy based her estimate on the documented fact of the

room's occupancy limit.

She used her judgment to estimate the room was 70

to 80 percent full.

The least accurate estimate came from, Bill

He used only judgment to create the answer.


Count if at all possible. Compute when you can't count. Use judgment

alone only as a last resort.

What to Count

Count something that's highly correlated with

the size of the software you're estimating .

Something that will be a strong indicator of the

software's size.

Number of marketing requirements

Number of engineering requirements

Function Points (more about these later)

Number of Web pages.

Test cases

Look for something you can count that is a

meaningful measure of the scope of work in your



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What to Count

Count what's available sooner rather than later

in the development cycle.

Create a rough estimate based on a count of

marketing requirements.

Then tighten up the estimate later based on a

Function Point count.


What to Count

Count something that will produce a statistically

meaningful average.

A sample of at least 20 items for the average to be


Understand what you're counting

Be sure the same assumptions apply to the count that

your historical data is based on and to the count that

you're using for your estimate.

Find something you can count with minimal


Ticket scanner vs. manually counting everyone at

each table


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Use Computation to Convert Counts to Estimates


Quantity to Count Historical Data Needed to Convert the Count to an Estimate



•Average effort hours per requirement for development

•Average effort hours per requirement for independent testing

•Average effort hours per requirement for documentation

•Average effort hours per requirement to create requirements from marketing


Features •Average effort hours per feature for development and/or testing

Use cases •Average total effort hours per use case

•Average number of use cases that can be delivered in a particular amount of

calendar time

Software requirements •Average number of requirements that can be formally inspected per hour

•Average effort hours per requirement for development/test/documentation

Function Points •Average development/test/documentation effort per Function Point

•Average lines of code in the target language per Function Point

Change requests •Average development/test/documentation effort per change request (depending

on variability of the change requests, the data might be decomposed into average

effort per small, medium, and large change request)

Web pages •Average effort per Web page for user interface work

•Average whole-project effort per Web page (less reliable, but can be an interesting

data point)

Reports •Average effort per report for report work

Dialog boxes •Average effort per dialog for user interface work

Use Computation to Convert Counts to Estimates


Quantity to Count Historical Data Needed to Convert the Count to an Estimate

Database tables •Average effort per table for database work

•Average whole-project effort per table (less reliable, but can be an

interesting data point)

Defects found •Average effort hours per defect to fix

•Average effort hours per defect to regression test

•Average number of defects that can be corrected in a particular

amount of calendar time

Lines of code

already written

•Average number of defects per line of code

•Average lines of code that can be formally inspected per hour

•Average new lines of code from one release to the next

Test cases already


•Average amount of release-stage effort per test case

So far your project has taken an average of 40 hours to design, code, and test

each Web page with dynamic content

You have 12 Web pages left:

12 x 40 equals approximately 480 hours of work left on the remaining

Web pages.

Don't discount the power of simple, coarse estimation models such as average effort

per defect, average effort per Web page, and average effort per use case.

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Count, Compute, Judge

Use Judgment Only as a Last Resort

Avoid using expert judgment to tweak an

estimate that has been derived through


This "expert judgment" usually degrades the

estimate's accuracy.


Estimating Exercise 1

How many tennis balls will it take to fill this


How would you go about making the estimate?

What do you need to know?

What assumptions would you make?


Estimating Exercise 2

How long would it take to sort an unsorted pile of

cards by suite?

What assumptions would you make?

What if I told you it has to be done by a 5 year-old


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Using Calibration and Historical Data


Calibration with



Calibration with



Calibration with



What's estimated Size, Effort,



Size, Effort,



Size, Effort,



Size of project S M L S M L S M L



Early–Middle Early–Middle Middle–Late

Iterative or


Both Both Both



Low–Medium Medium–High High

Calibration and Historical Data Calibration is used to:

convert counts to estimates

lines of code to effort

requirements to number of test cases etc.

Calibration can use three kinds of data:

Industry data - data from other organizations that develop

the same basic kind of software as the software that's

being estimated

Historical data - data from the organization that will conduct

the project being estimated

Project data - data generated earlier in the same project

that's being estimated.

Historical data and project data are highly useful

Support creation of highly accurate estimates


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Calibration and Historical Data

Historical data accounts for a number of

organizational influences that affect project


Small projects - individual capabilities dictate the

project outcome.

Medium and large projects -organizational

characteristics matter as much as or more than

individual capabilities.


Calibration and Historical Data-Organizational

Influences Affecting the Project Outcome

How complex is the software, what is the execution time

constraint, what reliability is required, how much

documentation is required

Can the organization commit to stable requirements, or

must the project team deal with volatile requirements

throughout the project?

Is the project manager free to remove a problem team

member from the project?

Is the team free to concentrate on the current project, or

are team members frequently interrupted with calls to

support production releases of previous projects?


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Calibration and Historical Data-Organizational

Influences Affecting the Project Outcome

Can the organization add team members to the new project

as planned, or does it refuse to pull people off other projects

before those projects have been completed?

Does the organization support the use of effective design,

construction, quality assurance, and testing practices?

Does the organization operate in a regulated environment

(for example, under FAA or FDA regulations) in which

certain practices are dictated?

Can the project manager depend on team members staying

until the project is complete, or does the organization have

high turnover?


Use historical data as the basis for your productivity assumptions. Your

organization's past performance is your best indicator of future performance.

Calibration and Historical Data Historical data to collect:


Lines of code

Function Points, use cases, Web pages, database tables etc.

Most organizations settle on capturing size-related historical

data in terms of lines of code.

Do you count data declarations?

How do you count lines that make up one logical line of code but

that are broken across multiple lines for the sake of readability?

No Industry standard – but be consistent across projects.

Effort (staff months)

Time (calendar months)

Defects (classified by severity)


As a project is underway, collect historical data on a periodic basis so that you

can build a data-based profile of how your projects run.

Collect historical data as soon as possible after the end of the project.

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How to Calibrate Convert the data to a model

Developers average X lines of code per staff month.

Our team is averaging X staff hours per use case to create the

use case, and Y hours per use case to construct and deliver

the use case.

Our testers create test cases at a rate of X hours per test case.

In our environment, we average X lines of code per function

point in Java.

On this project so far, defect correction work has averaged X

hours per defect.

Models are all linear.

The math is the same whether you're building a 10,000-LOC

system or a 1,000,000-LOC system.

Because of diseconomies of scale, some models will need to be

adjusted for different size ranges75

Using Project Data to Refine Your Estimates

How to Calibrate

If you don't have historical data from past projects:

Collect data from your current project and use that as a

basis for estimating the remainder of your project.

The goal should be to switch from using organizational

data or industry-average data to project data as soon as

you can.

The more iterative your project is, the sooner you'll be able

to do this.

Collecting and using data from your own project will

be discussed in more detail in Module 8 "Estimate



Page 39: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Calibration with Industry Average Data

Use project data or historical data rather than

industry-average data to calibrate your

estimates whenever possible.

Productivity rates for different organizations

within the same industries vary by a factor of 10.

Your organization might be at the top end of the

productivity range or at the bottom.

Historical data is more accurate

Will reduce variability in your estimate arising from

uncertainty in productivity assumptions.


Individual Expert Judgment


Use of



Use of



Estimating Task

Effort in Ranges

Comparing Task

Estimates to




Effort, Schedule,


Effort, Schedule,


Size, Effort,



Size, Effort,



Size of project S M L S M L S M L S M L



Early–Late Early–Late Early–Late Middle–Late

Iterative or


Both Both Both Both



High High High N/A

Individual expert judgment is the most common

approach used in practice.

83% of estimators used "informal analogy" as their primary

estimation technique.

Being expert in the technology or software development

does not make someone an expert in estimation.

Page 40: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Who Creates the Estimates?

Estimation of specific tasks:

Time needed to code and debug a particular feature or

to create a specific set of test case

People who will actually do the work create the

most accurate estimates.

Estimates prepared by people who aren't doing the

work are less accurate.

More likely to underestimate than estimator-developers




Separate large tasks into smaller tasks.

When creating estimates, developers, testers,

and managers concentrate on the tasks that

they understand and deemphasize tasks that

are unfamiliar to them.

The result is that a one line entry on the schedule,

such as "data conversion," which was supposed to

take 2 weeks, instead takes 2 months because no one

investigated what was actually involved.


Page 41: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Granularity – Estimating at the Task level

Decompose estimates into tasks that will require no more

than about 2 days of effort.

Tasks larger than that will contain too many places that

unexpected work can hide.

Ending up with estimates that are at the 1/2 day, or full day

of granularity is appropriate.

Create both Best Case and Worst Case estimates to stimulate

thinking about the full range of possible outcomes.


Estimated Days to Complete

Feature Best Case Worst Case

Feature 1 1.25 2.0

Feature 2 1.5 2.5

Feature 3 2.0 3.0

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

Compute an Expected Case that might not be

exactly in the middle of the range from best case

to worst case.

Add an additional Most Likely Case.

Estimate the Most Likely Case using expert judgment.

Calculate the Expected Case using this formula:

Equation #1

Some estimation experts suggest altering the

basic PERT formula to account for a optimistic

bias in the estimates.

Equation #2


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Checklist for Individual Estimates1. Is what's being estimated clearly defined?

2. Does the estimate include all the kinds of work needed to complete the


3. Does the estimate include all the functionality areas needed to complete

the task?

4. Is the estimate broken down into enough detail to expose hidden work?

5. Did you look at documented facts (written notes) from past work rather

than estimating purely from memory?

6. Is the estimate approved by the person who will actually do the work?

7. Is the productivity assumed in the estimate similar to what has been

achieved on similar assignments?

8. Does the estimate include a Best Case, Worst Case, and Most Likely


9. Is the Worst Case really the worst case? Does it need to be made even


10. Is the Expected Case computed appropriately from the other cases?

11. Have the assumptions in the estimate been documented?

12. Has the situation changed since the estimate was prepared? 83

Compare Estimates to Actuals

Keep a list of your estimates

Fill in your actual results

Compute the Magnitude of Relative Error (MRE)

Equation # 3


Example of Spreadsheet for Tracking Accuracy of Individual Estimates

Estimated Days to Complete









Outcome MRE

In Range from Best

Case to Worst Case?

Feature 1 1.25 2 1.54 2 23% Yes

Feature 2 1.5 2.5 1.83 2.5 27% Yes

Feature 3 2 3 2.33 1.25 87% No

Feature 4 0.75 2 1.13 1.5 25% Yes

Feature 5 0.5 1.25 0.79 1 21% Yes

Feature 6 0.25 0.5 0.46 0.5 8% Yes

TOTAL 10.50 18.25 13.625 16.25 80% Yes

Average 29%

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Decomposition and Recomposition

Decomposition by

Feature or Task

Decomposition by

Work Breakdown

Structure (WBS)

Computing Best and

Worst Cases from

Standard Deviation

What's estimated Size, Effort, Features Effort Effort, Schedule

Size of project S M L - M L S M L

Development stage Early–Late (small

projects); Middle–Late

(medium and large


Early–Middle Early–Late (small

projects); Middle–Late

(medium and large


Iterative or sequential Both Both Both

Accuracy possible Medium–High Medium Medium


Decomposition is the practice of separating an estimate into multiple

pieces, estimating each piece individually and then recombining the

individual estimates into an aggregate estimate

Also know as “bottom up”, “micro estimation”, “module build up”,

“engineering by procedure” and many other names.

It is the cornerstone estimation practice, as long as certain pitfalls are


Decomposition and Recomposition Decompose large estimates into small pieces so

that you can take advantage of the “Law of

Large Numbers”:

The errors on the high side and the errors on the low

side cancel each other out to some .

The further into the project the finer-grained your

decomposed estimates.

Early in the project base a bottom-up

estimate on feature areas.

Still later, you might use detailed requirements.

In the project's endgame, you might use

developer and tester task-based estimates.


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Decomposition via an Activity-Based Work

Breakdown Structure

Decomposing a project via an activity-based work

breakdown structure (WBS) helps avoid forgetting


The table on the next slide shows a generic, activity-

based WBS for a small-to-medium-sized software


The left column lists the category of activities such as

Planning, Requirements, Coding, and so on.

The other columns list the kinds of work within each

categories, such as Creating, Planning, Reviewing, and

so on.


Generic Work Breakdown Structure for a Small-to-Medium-

Sized Software Project


Combine the column descriptions

with the categories—for example,

Create/Do Planning, Manage

Planning, Review Planning,

Create/Do Requirements Work,

Manage Requirements Work,

Review Requirements Work,

Create/Do Coding, Manage

Coding, Review Coding, and so

on. The dots in the table

represent the most common


You will probably need to extend

the list to include at least a few

additional entries related to

specifics of your organization's

software-development approach.

You might also decide to exclude

some of this WBS's categories.

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Hazards of Adding Up Best Case and Worst Case Estimates

When developers are asked to provide single-point estimates, they often

unconsciously present Best Case estimates.

Assume that each of the individual Best Case estimates is 25% likely,

meaning that you have only a 25% chance of doing as well or better than

the estimate.

The odds of delivering any individual task according to a Best Case

estimate are not great: only 1 in 4 (25%).

The odds of delivering all the tasks are incredibly small.

To deliver both the first task and the second task on time, you have to

beat 1 in 4 odds for the first task and 1 in 4 odds for the second task.

Statistically, those odds are multiplied together, so the odds of

completing both tasks on time is only 1 in 16.

To complete 10 tasks on time you have to multiply the 1/4s 10 times,

which gives you odds of only about 1 in 1,000,000, or 0.000095%.

The odds of 1 in 4 might not seem so bad at the individual task

level, but the combined odds kill software schedules.


Creating Meaningful Overall Best Case and

Worst Case Estimates

If you can't use the sum of the best cases and

worst cases to produce overall Best Case and

Worst Case estimates, what do you do?

A common approximation in statistics is to

assume that 1/6 of the range between a

minimum and a maximum approximately equals

one standard deviation.

This is based on the assumption that the minimum is

only 0.135% likely and the assumption that the

maximum includes 99.86% of all possible values.


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Computing Aggregate Best and Worst Cases

for Small Numbers of Tasks

For a small number of tasks (about 10 or fewer),

base the best and worst cases on a simple

standard deviation calculation.

1. Add the best cases together and add the worst

cases together.

2. Compute the standard deviation using this

formula for simple standard deviation:


Computing Aggregate Best and Worst Cases

for Small Numbers of Tasks


Weeks to Complete

















Feature 1 1.6 2.0 3.0 2.10

Feature 2 1.8 2.5 4.0 2.63

Feature 3 2.0 3.0 4.2 3.03

Feature 4 0.8 1.2 1.6 1.20

Feature 5 3.8 4.5 5.2 4.50

Feature 6 3.8 5.0 6.0 4.97

Feature 7 2.2 2.4 3.4 2.53

Feature 8 0.8 1.2 2.2 1.30

Feature 9 1.6 2.5 3.0 2.43



1.6 4.0 6.0 3.93

TOTAL 20.0 28.3 38.6 28.62

If you take 1/6 of the range

between 20.0 and 38.6 in this

table that will be 1 standard

deviation of the distribution of

project outcomes for that


One-sixth of that difference is


You can then use a table of

standard deviations (next

slide) to compute a

percentage likelihood.

In a business context, this is

often referred to as

percentage confident.

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Percentage Confident Based on Use of Standard Deviation


Confident Calculation

2% Expected case – (2 x StandardDeviation)

10% Expected case – (1.28 x StandardDeviation)

16% Expected case – (1 x StandardDeviation)

20% Expected case – (0.84 x StandardDeviation)

25% Expected case – (0.67 x StandardDeviation)

30% Expected case – (0.52 x StandardDeviation)

40% Expected case – (0.25 x StandardDeviation)

50% Expected case

60% Expected case + (0.25 x StandardDeviation)

70% Expected case + (0.52 x StandardDeviation)

75% Expected case + (0.67 x StandardDeviation)

80% Expected case + (0.84 x StandardDeviation)

84% Expected case + (1 x StandardDeviation)

90% Expected case + (1.28 x StandardDeviation)

98% Expected case + (2 x StandardDeviation) 93

Using this approach, a

statistically valid 75%-likely

estimate would be the

Expected case (29 weeks) +

0.67 x StandardDeviation,

which is :

29 + (0.67 x 3.1) = 31 weeks.

This table lists the number you should divide by based on the percentage of your

actual outcomes that are falling within your estimated ranges..


If this percentage of your actual

outcomes fall within your

estimation range...

...use this number as the divisor

in the standard deviation

calculation for individual


10% 0.25

20% 0.51

30% 0.77

40% 1.0

50% 1.4

60% 1.7

70% 2.1

80% 2.6

90% 3.3

99.7% 6.0

Divisor to Use for the Complex Standard Deviation Calculation Plug the

appropriate number

from this table into

the complex

standard deviation

formula above.

Computing Aggregate Best and Worst Cases for Large Numbers

of Tasks

Using this approach,

a statistically valid

70%-likely estimate

would be the

Expected case (29

weeks) + 0.52 x


which is :

29 + (0.52 x 8.9) = 34


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Creating the Aggregate Best and Worst Case


Don't divide the range from best case to worst case by 6

to obtain standard deviations for individual task


Choose a divisor based on the accuracy of your estimation


Focus on making your Expected Case estimates


If the individual estimates are accurate, aggregation will not

create problems.

If the individual estimates are not accurate, aggregation will be

problematic until you find a way to make them accurate.


Estimation by Analogy

Estimation by Analogy

What's estimated Size, Effort, Schedule, Features

Size of project S M L

Development stage Early–Late

Iterative or sequential Both

Accuracy possible Medium


Estimation by analogy is the simple idea that you

can create accurate estimates for a new project by

comparing the new project to a similar past project.

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Estimation by Analogy – Triad Case Study


Gigacorp (a fictional corporation) was about to begin work on Triad 1.0, a companion

product to its successful AccSellerator 1.0 sales-presentation software. Mike had been

appointed project manager of Triad 1.0, and he needed a ballpark estimate for an

upcoming sales planning meeting. He called his staff meeting to order.

"As you know, we're embarking on development of Triad 1.0," he said. "The technical

work is very similar to AccSellerator 1.0. I see this project as being a little bigger

overall than AccSellerator 1.0, but not much bigger."

"The database is going to be quite a bit bigger," Jennifer volunteered. "But the user

interface should be about the same size."

"It will have a lot more graphs and reports than AccSellerator 1.0 had, too, but the

foundation classes should be very similar; I think we'll end up with the same number of

classes." Joe said.

"That all sounds right to me," Mike said. "I think this gives me enough to do a back-of-

the-envelope calculation of project effort. My notes indicate that the total effort for the

last system was 30 staff months.

What do you think is a reasonable ballpark estimate for the effort of the new


Estimation by Analogy Process

1. Get detailed size, effort, and cost results for a similar previous project.

1. If possible, get the information decomposed by feature area, by work breakdown

structure (WBS) category, or by some other decomposition scheme.

2. Compare the size of the new project piece-by-piece to the old project.

3. Build up the estimate for the new project's size as a percentage of the

old project's size.

4. Create an effort estimate based on the size of the new project compared

to the size of the previous project.

5. Check for consistent assumptions across the old and new projects.


Estimate new projects by comparing them to similar past projects,

preferably decomposing the estimate into at least five pieces.

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Step 1: Get Detailed Size, Effort, and Cost

Results for a Similar Previous Project


Let's continue using the Triad case study to examine these steps.

After the first meeting, Mike asked the Triad staff to gather more specific information

about the sizes of the old system and the relative amount of functionality in the old

and new systems. When their work was completed, Mike asked how they had done.

"Did you get the data on the project I outlined last week?" he asked.

"Sure, Mike," Jennifer replied. "AccSellerator 1.0 had 5 subsystems. They stacked up

like this:

Database 5,000 lines of code (LOC)

User interface 14,000 LOC

Graphs and reports 9,000 LOC

Foundation classes 4,500 LOC

Business rules 11,000 LOC

TOTAL 43,500 LOC

Step 1: Get Detailed Size, Effort, and Cost Results for a

Similar Previous Project


"We also got some general information about the number of elements in each

subsystem. Here's what we found:

Database 10 tables

User interface 14 Web pages

Graphs and reports 10 graphs + 8 reports

Foundation classes 15 classes

Business rules ???

"We've done a fair amount of

work to scope out the new

system. It looks like this:

Database 14 tables

User interface 19 Web pages

Graphs and reports 14 graphs + 16 reports

Foundation classes 15 classes

Business rules ???

"The comparison to most of the old system is

pretty straightforward, but the business rules

part is a little tough," Jennifer said. "We think it's

going to be more complicated than the old

system, but we're not sure how to put a number

on it. We've talked it over, and our feeling is that

it's at least 50% more complicated than the old


"That's great work," Mike said. "This gives me

what I need to compute an estimate for my sales

meeting. I'll crunch some numbers this afternoon

and run them by you before the meeting."

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Step 2: Compare the Size of the New Project to a Similar Past Project


The Triad details give us what we need to create a meaningful estimate by analogy. The Triad

team has already performed Step 1, "Get detailed size, effort, cost results for a similar previous

project." We can perform Step 2, The table below shows that detailed comparison.


Actual Size of

AccSellerator 1.0

Estimated Size of

Triad 1.0



Database 10 tables 14 tables 1.4

User interface 14 Web pages 19 Web pages 1.4

Graphs and reports 10 graphs + 8 reports 14 graphs + 16



Foundation classes 15 classes 15 classes 1.0

Business rules ??? ??? 1.5

Detailed Size Comparison Between AccSellerator 1.0 and Triad 1.0

The factors of 1.4 for database, 1.4 for user interface, and 1.0 for foundation classes seem straightforward.

The factor of 1.7 for graphs and reports is a little tricky. Should graphs be weighted the same as reports? Maybe.

Graphs might require more work than reports, or vice versa. If we had access to the code base for AccSellerator

1.0, we could check whether graphs and reports should be weighted equally or whether one should be weighted

more heavily than the other. In this case, we'll just assume they're weighted equally. We should document this

assumption so that we can retrace our steps later, if we need to.

The business rules entry is also problematic. The team in the case study didn't find anything they could count.

For sake of the example, we'll just accept their claim that the business rules for Triad will be about 50% more

complicated than the business rules were in AccSellerator.

Step 3: Build Up the Estimate for the New Project's Size as a

Percentage of the Old Project's Size


In Step 3, we convert the size measures from the different areas to a common unit of measure, in

this case, lines of code. This will allow us to perform a whole-system size comparison between

AccSellerator and Triad. The table below shows how this works.

Computing Size of Triad 1.0 Based on Comparison to AccSellerator 1.0


Code Size of

AccSellerator 1.0



Estimated Code

Size of Triad 1.0

Database 5,000 1.4 7,000

User interface 14,000 1.4 19,600

Graphs and


9,000 1.7 15,300



4,500 1.0 4,500

Business rules 11,000 1.5 16,500

TOTAL 43,500 - 62,900

The code sizes for

AccSellerator are carried

down from the information

that was generated in

Step 1. The multiplication

factors are carried down

from the work we did in

Step 2. The estimated

code size for Triad is

simply AccSellerator's

code size multiplied by the

multiplication factors. The

total size in lines of code

becomes the basis for our

effort estimate, which will

in turn become the basis

for schedule and cost


Page 52: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Step 4: Create an Effort Estimate Based on the Size of the

New Project Compared to the Previous Project


We now have enough background to compute an effort estimate, which is shown in

the table below.

Term Value

Size of Triad 1.0 62,900 LOC

Size of AccSellerator 1.0 ÷43,500 LOC

Size ratio = 1.45

Effort for AccSellerator 1.0 x 30 staff months

Estimated effort for Triad 1.0 = 44 staff months

Final Computation of Effort for Triad 1.0

Dividing the size of Triad by the size of AccSellerator gives us a ratio of the sizes

of the two systems.

We can multiply that by AccSellerator's actual effort, and that gives us the

estimate for Triad of 44 staff months.

In this computation, you ended up with a single-point estimate. When you present

the estimate, you should present it as a range.

Step 5: Check for Consistent Assumptions

Across the Old and New Projects

Look for the following major sources of inconsistency:

Significantly different sizes between the old and new projects—that is,

more than the factor of 3.

In this case, the sizes are different, but only by a factor of 1.45, which is not

enough of a difference to cause any worry about diseconomies of scale.

Different technologies (for example, one project in C# and the other in


Significantly different team members (for small teams) or team

capabilities (for large teams).

Small differences are OK and often unavoidable.

Significantly different kinds of software.

For example, an old system that was an internal intranet system and a new

system that's a life-critical embedded system would not be comparable.


Page 53: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Uncertainty in the Triad Estimate

The information to create the business rules estimate was fuzzy.

Should we fudge the business rules number upward to be conservative in

our estimate? For estimation purposes, the answer is no.

The focus of the estimate should be on accuracy, not conservatism.

Once you move the estimate's focus away from accuracy, bias can creep

in from many different sources - the value of the estimate will be reduced.

The best estimation response to uncertainty is not to bias the estimate but

to be sure that the estimate accurately expresses any underlying


A better way to address the uncertainty arising from the business rules

would be to carry a range for the business rules factor through your

computations rather than using a single number.

You might estimate the factor with a 50% variation (in other words, a range

of 0.75 to 2.25) instead of using a single point factor of 1.5.

That would produce an effort range of 38 to 49 staff months rather than

the single-point estimate of 44 staff months.


Proxy-Based Estimates





Components Story Points







Size, Effort Size, Effort,



Effort, Cost,



Size of


- M L S M L S M L - M L



Early Early–Middle Early–Middle Early

Iterative or


Sequential Both Both Sequential



Medium Medium Medium–



Page 54: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Proxy-based Estimates

Most estimators can't look at a feature

description and accurately estimate.

"That feature will require exactly 253 lines of code.“

Difficult to directly estimate how many test cases your

project will need

How many defects to expect

How many classes you'll end up with etc.


Proxy-based Estimates

Proxy-based techniques help to overcome these


First identify a proxy that is correlated with what you

really want to estimate and that is easier to estimate

or count (or available earlier in the project) than the

quantity you're ultimately interested in.

If you want to estimate a number of test cases, you might

find that the count of the number of requirements is

correlated with the number of test cases.

If you want to estimate size in lines of code (LOC), a

feature count—stratified by size category—may be

correlated with size in lines of code.


Page 55: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Proxy Count Once you find your proxy:

Estimate or count the number of proxy items and then use a

calculation based on historical data to convert from the proxy

count to the estimate that you really want.

We will discusses some of the most useful proxy-based


The theme of these techniques is that the whole has a greater

validity than the individual parts.

Proxy techniques are useful for creating whole-project or

whole-iteration estimates and for providing whole-project or

whole-iteration insights.

They are not good for creating detailed task-by-task or

feature-by-feature estimates.


Fuzzy Logic - Using Fuzzy Logic to Estimate a Program's Size

Used to estimate a project's size in lines of code.

Estimators are usually capable of classifying features as Very Small,

Small, Medium, Large, and Very Large.

Then use historical data about how many lines of code the average

Very Small feature requires, how many lines of code the average Small

feature requires, etc to compute the total lines of code.

The table below shows an example of how such an estimate might be



Feature Size

Average Lines of

Code per Feature

Number of


Estimated Lines

of Code

Very Small 127 22 2,794

Small 253 15 3,795

Medium 500 10 5,000

Large 1,014 30 30,420

Very Large 1,998 27 53,946

TOTAL - 104 95,955

Average Lines

of Code per


should be

based on your


historical data

and are fixed

before the



Should be


as “96,000

lines of

code" or



lines of


Page 56: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Fuzzy Logic - How to Get the Average Size Numbers

Fuzzy logic works best when the sizes are calibrated from historical data.

As a rule of thumb, the differences in size between adjacent categories

should be at least a factor of 2.

Some experts recommend a factor of 4 difference.

Create the initial size averages by classifying completed work from one or

more completed systems.

Look at past systems and classify each feature as Very Small, Small,

Medium, Large, or Very Large.

Then count the total number of lines of code for the features in each


Divide that by the number of features to arrive at the average lines of

code for each feature classification.


Size Number of Features Count of Total LOC Average LOC

Very Small 117 14,859 127

Small 71 17,963 253

Medium 56 28,000 500

Large 169 171,366 1,014

Very Large 119 237,762 1,998

How Not to Use Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy logic works because it can be safely assumed that if 71 small

features required an average of 253 lines of code in the past, 15 small

features will each probably require approximately 253 lines of code in

the future.

However, the fact that the average is 253 lines of code does not mean

that any specific feature will actually consist of 253 lines of code.

The sizes of individual Small features could range from 50 lines of

code to 1,000 lines of code.

Although the rolled-up estimate produced by fuzzy logic can be very

accurate, don’t overextend the technique to make estimates of sizes

of specific features.

Fuzzy logic works well when you have about 20 features or more.

If you don't have at least 20 total features to estimate, the statistics of

this approach won't work properly.

Look for another method.


Page 57: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Extensions of Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy logic can also be used to estimate effort if you

have the underlying data to support it


Example of Using Fuzzy Logic to Estimate Effort


Average Staff Days

per Feature Number of Features

Estimated Effort (Staff


Very Small 4.2 22 92.4

Small 8.4 15 126

Medium 17 10 170

Large 34 30 1,020

Very Large 67 27 1,809

TOTAL - 104 3,217

The final estimate of 3,217 staff days is too precise. You could simplify it to 3,200

staff days, 3,000 staff days, or 13 staff years (assuming 250 staff days per year)

Proxy-Based Estimates - Standard Components Use the standard components approach to estimate size if

you develop many programs that are architecturally similar

to each other.

Find relevant elements to count in your previous systems.

Dynamic Web pages

Static Web pages

Files, database tables

Business rules

Screens, dialogs, reports, etc.

Compute the average lines of code per component for your

past systems to arrive at historical data.

Estimate the number of standard components you'll have in

the new program.

Compute the size of the new program based on past sizes.114

Page 58: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Proxy-Based Estimates - Example of Using

Standard Components to Create a Size Estimate




LOC per
















Web pages

487 11 25 50 26.8 13,052

Static Web


58 20 35 40 33.3 1,931



2,437 12 15 20 15.3 37,286

Reports 288 8 12 20 12.7 3,658



8,327 - 1 - 1 8,327

TOTAL - - - - - 64,254


number of

components you

can possibly

imagine the

project having

Computed using the Program Evaluation

and Review Technique (PERT) formula

Estimated number of dynamic Web pages is

[11 + (4 x 25) + 50] / 6 = 26.8

T-Shirt Sizing

Nontechnical stakeholders often want and need

to make decisions about project scope during

the wide part of the Cone of Uncertainty.

A good estimator will refuse to provide highly

precise estimates while the project is still in the

wide part of the Cone.

Customers will say, "How can I know whether I want

that feature if I don't know how much it costs?“

A good estimator will say, "I can't tell you what it will

cost until we've done more detailed requirements



Page 59: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


T-Shirt Sizing continued

This impasse can be broken by realizing that the goal of software

estimation is:

Not pinpoint accuracy.

Rather estimates that are accurate enough to support effective

project control.

Nontechnical stakeholders typically not asking for an estimate in

staff hours.

They are asking general size of a specific feature.

T-shirt sizing approach:

Developers classify each feature's size relative to other features

as Small, Medium, Large, or Extra Large.

In parallel, the customer or other nontechnical stakeholders

classify each feature's business value on the same scale.

These two sets of entries are then combined, as shown in the

table on the next slide


Using T-Shirt Sizing to Classify Features by Business

Value and Development Cost


Feature Business Value Development Cost

Feature A Large Small

Feature B Small Large

Feature C Large Large

Feature D Medium Medium

Feature E Medium Large

Feature F Large Medium

Feature ZZ Small Small

T-shirt sizing allows for early-in-the-project

decisions to rule out features so that you won’t

carry those features further into the Cone of


Page 60: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Net Business Value Based on Ratio of Development Cost to

Business Value

The feature list can be sorted into a rough cost/benefit order.

Typically done by assigning a net business value number based on the

combination of development cost and business value


Development Cost

Business Value Extra Large Large Medium Small

Extra Large 0 4 6 7

Large –4 0 2 3

Medium –6 –2 0 1

Small –7 –3 –1 0

Feature Business Value Development Cost Approximate Net Business Value

Feature A L S 3

Feature F L M 2

Feature C L L 0

Feature D M M 0

Feature G S S 0



S S 0


Feature B S L –3

Sorting T-

Shirt Sizing

Estimates by


Net Business


Use t-shirt sizing to help


stakeholders rule

features in or out while

the project is in the wide

part of the Cone of


Expert Judgment in Groups


Group Reviews Wideband Delphi

What's estimated Size, Effort, Schedule,


Size, Effort, Schedule,


Size of project - M L - M L

Development stage Early–Middle Early

Iterative or sequential Both Sequential

Accuracy possible Medium Medium

Group expert judgment techniques are useful

when estimating early in a project or for

estimating large unknowns

Page 61: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Group Reviews

Each team member estimate pieces of the project individually

Then meet to compare team estimates.

Discuss differences in the estimates enough to understand

the sources of the differences.

Work until reaching consensus on high and low ends of

estimation ranges.

Don't just average estimates and accept that.

Compute the average, but it’s important to discuss the

differences among individual results.

Don’t just take the calculated average automatically.

Arrive at a consensus estimate that the whole group accepts.

If there is an impasse, you can't vote.

Must discuss differences and obtain buy-in from all group


Group Reviews

How many experts are enough?

Studies have found that the use of 3 to 5 experts with

different backgrounds seems to be sufficient

Useful to find experts with different backgrounds,

different roles, or who use different techniques


Page 62: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Wideband Delphi Original Delphi technique developed by the Rand

Corporation in the late 1940s for use in predicting

trends in technology.

Studies on the use of Delphi for software estimation

found that basic Delphi was no more accurate than a

less structured group meeting.

Barry Boehm and his colleagues concluded that the

generic Delphi meetings were subject to political

pressure and were likely to be dominated by the more

assertive estimators in the group.

Boehm and his colleagues extended Delphi technique

into what has become known as Wideband Delphi.


Wideband Delphi Technique

1. The Delphi coordinator presents each estimator with

the specification and an estimation form.

2. Estimators prepare initial estimates individually.

(Optionally, this step can be performed after step 3.)

3. The coordinator calls a group meeting in which the

estimators discuss estimation issues related to the

project at hand.

If the group agrees on a single estimate without much

discussion, the coordinator assigns someone to

play devil's advocate.

4. Estimators give their individual estimates to the

coordinator anonymously.


Page 63: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Wideband Delphi Technique continued

5. The coordinator prepares a summary of the estimates on

an iteration form (shown in Figure 13-2) and presents the

iteration form to the estimators so that they can see how

their estimates compare with other estimators' estimates.

6. The coordinator has estimators meet to discuss variations

in their estimates.

7. Estimators vote anonymously on whether they want to

accept the average estimate.

If any of the estimators votes "no," they return to step 3.

8. The final estimate is the single-point estimate stemming

from the Delphi exercise.

Or, the final estimate is the range created through the

Delphi discussion and the single-point Delphi

estimate is the expected case.


Wideband Delphi Technique continued

Steps 3 through 7 can be performed either in person, in a

group-meeting setting, or electronically via e-mail or chat


Performing the steps electronically can help preserve anonymity.

Iterations of steps 3 through 7 can be performed immediately or in

batch mode, depending on the time-criticality of the estimate and

the availability of the estimators.


A Wideband Delphi estimating form.

Page 64: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Wideband Delphi Technique continued

It is useful to show all the rounds of estimates on

the same scale so that the estimators can

observe how their estimates are converging.


A Wideband Delphi estimating form after three rounds of estimates.

After Round 3,

the group might

decide to settle

on a range of 12

to 14 staff

months with an

expected value

of 13 staff


Effectiveness of Wideband Delphi

Estimation techniques that rely on averaging individual

estimates rely on the idea that the correct answer lies

somewhere in the range between the lowest estimate and

the highest.

In studies, however, 20% of the groups' initial estimation

ranges do not include the correct answer.

This means that averaging their initial estimates cannot

possibly produce an accurate result.

Using Wideband Delphi, one-third of the groups whose

initial range does not include the correct answer ultimately

settle on an estimate that is outside their initial range and

closer to the correct answer.

In other words, the Wideband Delphi estimate turns out to

be better than the best individual estimate.128

Page 65: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


When to Use Wideband Delphi

Because Wideband Delphi requires a meeting, it is time consuming,

making it an expensive way to estimate.

It is not appropriate for detailed task estimates.

It is useful if you're estimating work in a new business area, work in

a new technology, or work for a brand-new kind of software.

It's also useful if a project will draw heavily from diverse specialties:

a combined need for uncommon usability

algorithmic complexity

exceptional performance

intricate business rules etc.

It tends to sharpen the definition of the scope of work

it's useful for flushing out estimation assumptions.


Use Wideband Delphi for early-in-the-project estimates, for unfamiliar

systems, and when several diverse disciplines will be involved in the project.

SA : Software Estimation Concepts

Module 5: Special Issues in Estimating Size


Page 66: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Challenges with Estimating Size

Numerous measures of size exist, including the following:



Use cases

Function points

Web pages

GUI components (windows, dialog boxes, reports, and so on)

Database tables

Interface definitions



Lines of code

The lines of code (LOC) measure is the most common size measure

used for estimation.


Role of Lines of Code in Size Estimation

Using lines of code for software estimation is similar to

Winston's Churchill's conclusion about democracy:

The LOC measure is a terrible way to measure software size,

except that all the other ways to measure size are worse.

For most organizations, despite its problems, the LOC measure

is the workhorse technique for measuring size of past projects

and for creating early-in-the-project estimates of new projects.

The LOC measure is the norm of software estimation.

It is normally a good place to start, as long as you keep its limitations

in mind.


Page 67: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Role of Lines of Code in Size Estimation

Disadvantages of using lines of code:

Simple models such as "lines of code per staff month" are error-

prone because of software's diseconomy of scale and because of

vastly different coding rates for different kinds of software.

LOC can't be used as a basis for estimating an individual's task

assignments because of the vast differences in productivity

between programmers.

A project that requires more code complexity than the projects

used to calibrate the productivity assumptions can undermine an

estimate's accuracy.

Using the LOC measure as the basis for estimating requirements

work, design work, and other activities that precede the creation

of the code seems counterintuitive.

Lines of code are difficult to estimate directly, and must be

estimated by proxy.

What exactly constitutes a line of code must be defined carefully

to avoid problems. 133

Function-Point Estimation

One alternative to the LOC measure is function points.

A function point is a synthetic measure of program size

that can be used to estimate size in a project's early


Function points are easier to calculate from a

requirements specification than lines of code.

They provide a basis for computing size in lines of code.

Many different methods for counting function points


The standard for function-point counting is maintained by

the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG)

and can be found on their Web site at


Page 68: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Function Point Estimation

The number of function points in a program is based on

the number and complexity of each of the following


External Inputs - Screens, forms, dialog boxes, or control

signals through which an end user or other program adds,

deletes, or changes a program's data.

They include any input that has a unique format or unique

processing logic.

External Outputs - Screens, reports, graphs, or control signals

that the program generates for use by an end user or other


They include any output that has a different format or requires

a different processing logic than other output types.


Function Point Estimation continued

External Queries - Input/output combinations in which an input results in

an immediate, simple output.

The term originated in the database world

refers to a direct search for specific data, usually using a single key.

In modern GUI and Web applications, the line between queries and outputs is


queries retrieve data directly from a database and provide only rudimentary


whereas outputs can process, combine, or summarize complex data and can be

highly formatted.

Internal Logical Files - Major logical groups of end-user data or control

information that are completely controlled by the program.

A logical file might consist of a single flat file or a single table in a relational


External Interface Files - Files controlled by other programs with which

the program being counted interacts.

This includes each major logical group of data or control information that

enters or leaves the program.136

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SA : Software Estimation Concepts

Module 6: Special Issues in Estimating Effort


Special Issues in Estimating Effort




to Past






Average Effort

Graphs ISBSG Method

What's estimated Effort Effort Effort Effort

Size of project S M - S M L S M - S M -

Development stage Early–Middle Early–Middle Early Early

Iterative or


Both Both Sequential Sequential

Accuracy possible Medium High Low–Medium Low–Medium

Most projects eventually estimate effort directly

from a detailed task list.

But early in a project, effort estimates are most

accurate when computed from size estimates.

Page 70: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Influences on Effort

The largest influence on a project's effort is the

size of the software being built.

The second largest influence is an organization's


Even within the same organization, productivity

can still vary because of diseconomies of scale

and other factors.

The Microsoft Windows NT project produced code at a

much slower rate than other Microsoft projects

because it was a systems software project rather than an

applications software project and because it was much



Influences on Effort

If you don't have historical data on your

organization's productivity

Approximate productivity by using industry-average

figures for different kinds of software: internal business

systems, life-critical systems, etc.

Use historical data on your organization’s

productivity if possible.


Page 71: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Computing Effort Estimates by Using Informal

Comparison to Past Projects

Project Size (LOC)




Effort (Staff




Month) Comments

Project A 33,842 8.2 21 1,612

Project B 97,614 12.5 99 986

Project C 7,444 4.7 2 3,722 Not used—

too small for


Project D 54,322 11.3 40 1,358

Project E 340,343 24.0 533 639 Not used—

too large for


If your historical data is for projects within a narrow size range

(a factor of 3 difference from smallest to largest).

use a linear model to compute the effort estimate for a

new project based on the effort results from similar past

projects (as shown below).

Computing Effort Estimates by Using Informal

Comparison to Past Projects


Assume you're estimating the effort for a new business system

Estimated size of the new software to be 65,000 to 100,000 lines of

Java code

with a most likely size of 80,000 lines of code.

Project C is too small to use for comparison purposes because it is

less than one-third the size of the low end of your range.

Project E is too large to use for comparison purposes because it is

more than 3 times the top end of your range.

Your relevant historical productivity range is 986 LOC per staff month

(Project B) to 1,612 LOC per staff month (Project A).

Dividing the lowest end of your size range by the highest productivity

rate gives a low estimate of 40 staff months. (65,000/1,612).

Dividing the highest end of your size range by the lowest productivity

gives a high estimate of 101 staff months. (100,000/986)

Your estimated effort is 40 to 101 staff months.

Page 72: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


What Kinds of Effort Are Included in This Estimate?

It includes whatever effort is included in the historical data.

If the historical data included effort only for development and testing,

and only for the part of the project from end of requirements through

system testing, that's what the estimate includes.

If the historical data also included effort for requirements, project

management, and user documentation, that's what the estimate


In principle, estimates that are based on industry-average data usually

include all technical work, and all development work

Not management work

Not requirements, and all development work except requirements.

In practice, the data that goes into computing industry-average data

doesn't always follow these assumptions

part of why industry-average data varies as much as it does.


SA : Software Estimation Concepts

Module 7: Special Issues in Estimating Schedule


Page 73: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Special Issues in Estimating Schedule


The Basic





to Past











Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule

Size of


- M L S M L - M L - M L



Early Early Early Early

Iterative or


Sequential Both Sequential Both



Medium Medium Low High

Estimating Schedule

Once you move to approaches based on

historical data the schedule estimate becomes a

simple computation that flows from the size and

effort estimates.

The Basic Schedule Equation

A rule of thumb is that you can estimate schedule

early in a project using this equation:

Sometimes the 3.0 is a 2.0, 2.5, 3.5, 4.0

but the basic idea that schedule is a cube-root function of

effort is almost universally accepted by estimation experts.


The 1/3 exponent in the

equation works the same

as taking the cube root of


Page 74: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Basic Schedule Equation

Use the Basic Schedule Equation to estimate

schedule early in medium-to-large projects.

It is not intended for estimation of small projects

or late phases of larger projects.

Switch to some other technique when you know the

names of the specific people working on the project.


Computing Schedule by Using Informal Comparisons to Past



Project Size (LOC)




Effort (Staff




Month) Comments

Project A 33,842 8.2 21 1,612

Project B 97,614 12.5 99 986

Project C 7,444 4.7 2 3,722 Not used—

too small for


Project D 54,322 11.3 40 1,358

Project E 340,343 24.0 533 639 Not used—

too large for


Example of Past Project Efforts and Schedules for Estimating Future Schedules

Estimating schedule in months by using the Informal Comparison to

Past Projects formula:

The exponent of 1/3 is used for medium-to-large projects (more than about

50 staff months). For smaller projects, use an exponent of 1/2.

Page 75: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Comparison to Past Projects Formula


Historical Data Estimates






Past Effort




Estimate (65




Estimate (80





(100 Staff


Project A 8.2 21 12.0 12.8 13.8

Project B 12.5 99 10.8 11.6 12.5

Project D 11.3 40 13.2 14.2 15.3

Compute the Expected Case by simply averaging the three nominal

estimates from the table.

Schedule Compression and the Shortest Possible Schedule

All researchers have concluded that shortening the nominal schedule will

increase total development effort.

If the nominal schedule is 12 months with a team of 7 developers, you

can't just use 12 developers to reduce the schedule to 7 months.

Shorter schedules require more effort for several reasons:

Larger teams require more coordination and management overhead.

Larger teams introduce more communication paths, which introduce

more chances to miscommunicate, which introduce more errors, which

then have to be corrected.

Shorter schedules require more work to be done in parallel. The more

work that overlaps, the higher the chance both that one piece of work

will be based on another incomplete or defective piece of work and that

later changes will increase the amount of rework that must be


Do not shorten a schedule estimate without increasing the effort



Page 76: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


The Impossible Zone

If 8 people can write a program in 10 months, can 80 people write the

same program in one month?

All researchers have concluded that there is an Impossible Zone,

a point beyond which a nominal schedule cannot be compressed.

The consensus of researchers is that schedule compression of more

than 25% from nominal is not possible.

There's a point beyond which the development schedule simply can't be


Not by working harder. Not by working smarter. And not by finding

creative solutions or by making the team larger. It simply can't be


Do not shorten a nominal schedule more than 25%.

Reduce costs by lengthening the schedule and conducting the project with

a smaller team.




Page 77: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Sources of Estimation Error - A Case Study


A University of Washington Computer Science Department project was in serious

estimation trouble. The project was months late and $20.5 million over budget. The

causes ranged from design problems and miscommunications to last-minute

changes and numerous errors. The university argued that the plans for the project

weren't adequate. But this wasn't an ordinary software project. In fact, it wasn't a

software project at all; it was the creation of the university's new Computer

Science and Engineering Building (Sanchez 1998).

Software estimation presents challenges because estimation itself presents

challenges. The Seattle Mariners' new baseball stadium was estimated in 1995 to

cost $250 million. It was finally completed in 1999 at a cost of $517 million—an

estimation error of more than 100% (Withers 1999). The most massive cost overrun

in recent times was probably Boston's Big Dig highway construction project.

Originally estimated to cost $2.6 billion, costs eventually totaled about $15

billion—an estimation error of more than 400% (Associated Press 2003).

Of course, the software world has its own dramatic estimation problems. The Irish

Personnel, Payroll and Related Systems (PPARS) system was cancelled after it

overran its €8.8 million system by €140 million (The Irish Times 2005). The FBI's

Virtual Case File (VCF) project was shelved in March 2005 after costing $170

million and delivering only one-tenth of its planned capability (Arnone 2005). The

software contractor for VCF complained that the FBI went through 5 different CIOs

and 10 different project managers, not to mention 36 contract changes (Knorr

2005). Background chaos like that is not unusual in projects that have experienced

estimation problems.

Triad Case Study


Gigacorp (a fictional corporation) was about to begin work on Triad 1.0, a

companion product to its successful AccSellerator 1.0 sales-presentation

software. Mike had been appointed project manager of Triad 1.0, and he

needed a ballpark estimate for an upcoming sales planning meeting. He called

his staff meeting to order.

"As you know, we're embarking on development of Triad 1.0," he said. "The

technical work is very similar to AccSellerator 1.0. I see this project as being a

little bigger overall than AccSellerator 1.0, but not much bigger."

"The database is going to be quite a bit bigger," Jennifer volunteered. "But the

user interface should be about the same size."

"It will have a lot more graphs and reports than AccSellerator 1.0 had, too, but

the foundation classes should be very similar; I think we'll end up with the same

number of classes." Joe said.

"That all sounds right to me," Mike said. "I think this gives me enough to do a

back-of-the-envelope calculation of project effort. My notes indicate that the

total effort for the last system was 30 staff months.

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Triad Case Study Continued


After the first meeting, Mike asked the Triad staff to gather more specific information

about the sizes of the old system and the relative amount of functionality in the old

and new systems. When their work was completed, Mike asked how they had done.

"Did you get the data on the project I outlined last week?" he asked.

"Sure, Mike," Jennifer replied. "AccSellerator 1.0 had 5 subsystems. They stacked up

like this:

Database 5,000 lines of code (LOC)

User interface 14,000 LOC

Graphs and reports 9,000 LOC

Foundation classes 4,500 LOC

Business rules 11,000 LOC

TOTAL 43,500 LOC

Triad Case Study continued


"We also got some general information about the number of elements in each

subsystem. Here's what we found:Database 10 tables

User interface 14 Web pages

Graphs and reports 10 graphs + 8 reports

Foundation classes 15 classes

Business rules ???

Database 14 tables

User interface 19 Web pages

Graphs and reports 14 graphs + 16 reports

Foundation classes 15 classes

Business rules ???

"We've done a fair amount of

work to scope out the new

system. It looks like this:

"The comparison to most of the old system is

pretty straightforward, but the business rules

part is a little tough," Jennifer said. "We think it's

going to be more complicated than the old

system, but we're not sure how to put a number

on it. We've talked it over, and our feeling is that

it's at least 50% more complicated than the old


"That's great work," Mike said. "This gives me

what I need to compute an estimate for my sales

meeting. I'll crunch some numbers this afternoon

and run them by you before the meeting."

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Triad Case Study continued


The Triad details give us what we need to create a meaningful estimate by analogy. The Triad

team has already performed Step 1, "Get detailed size, effort, cost results for a similar previous

project." We can perform Step 2 "Compare the size of the new project piece-by-piece to the old

project.", The table below shows that detailed comparison.

Detailed Size Comparison Between AccSellerator 1.0 and Triad 1.0


Actual Size of

AccSellerator 1.0

Estimated Size of

Triad 1.0



Database 10 tables 14 tables 1.4

User interface 14 Web pages 19 Web pages 1.4

Graphs and reports 10 graphs + 8 reports 14 graphs + 16



Foundation classes 15 classes 15 classes 1.0

Business rules ??? ??? 1.5

The factors of 1.4 for database, 1.4 for user interface, and 1.0 for foundation classes seem straightforward.

The factor of 1.7 for graphs and reports is a little tricky. Should graphs be weighted the same as reports? Maybe.

Graphs might require more work than reports, or vice versa. If we had access to the code base for AccSellerator

1.0, we could check whether graphs and reports should be weighted equally or whether one should be weighted

more heavily than the other. In this case, we'll just assume they're weighted equally. We should document this

assumption so that we can retrace our steps later, if we need to.

The business rules entry is also problematic. The team in the case study didn't find anything they could count.

For sake of the example, we'll just accept their claim that the business rules for Triad will be about 50% more

complicated than the business rules were in AccSellerator.

Triad Case Study continued


In Step 3, we convert the size measures from the different areas to a common unit of

measure, in this case, lines of code. This will allow us to perform a whole-system size

comparison between AccSellerator and Triad. The table below shows how this works.

Computing Size of Triad 1.0 Based on Comparison to AccSellerator 1.0


Code Size of

AccSellerator 1.0




Code Size of

Triad 1.0

Database 5,000 1.4 7,000

User interface 14,000 1.4 19,600

Graphs and


9,000 1.7 15,300



4,500 1.0 4,500

Business rules 11,000 1.5 16,500

TOTAL 43,500 - 62,900

The code sizes for

AccSellerator are

carried down from the

information that was

generated in Step 1.

The multiplication

factors are carried

down from the work

we did in Step 2. The

estimated code size

for Triad is simply

AccSellerator's code

size multiplied by the

multiplication factors.

The total size in lines

of code becomes the

basis for our effort

estimate, which will in

turn become the basis

for schedule and cost


Page 80: Software Estimation Software...2 Art vs. Science of Software Estimation The typical software organization is not struggling to improve


Triad Case Study continued


We now have enough background to compute an effort estimate, which is shown in

the table below.

Term Value

Size of Triad 1.0 62,900 LOC

Size of AccSellerator 1.0 ÷43,500 LOC

Size ratio = 1.45

Effort for AccSellerator 1.0 x 30 staff months

Estimated effort for Triad 1.0 = 44 staff months

Final Computation of Effort for Triad 1.0

Dividing the size of Triad by the size of AccSellerator gives us a ratio of the sizes

of the two systems.

We can multiply that by AccSellerator's actual effort, and that gives us the

estimate for Triad of 44 staff months.

In this computation, you ended up with a single-point estimate. When you present

the estimate, you should present it as a range

Triad Case Study continued

Look for the following major sources of inconsistency:

Significantly different sizes between the old and new projects—that is,

more than the factor of 3.

In this case, the sizes are different, but only by a factor of 1.45, which is not

enough of a difference to cause any worry about diseconomies of scale.

Different technologies (for example, one project in C# and the other in


Significantly different team members (for small teams) or team

capabilities (for large teams).

Small differences are OK and often unavoidable.

Significantly different kinds of software.

For example, an old system that was an internal intranet system and a new

system that's a life-critical embedded system would not be comparable.